ibe Cnadin ~taesni n ovgnvillc, Dec. 1, 1971 rc-cipreatIon timje wst J1, nue, Wîllowdale, Toronto.nddfrltwek Pntol as elrare L arger G ran t to b e SO LIg Iln 1949 he was appointed as Congratlat-ý,ions ýto Miss EaC~l eeM.adM.MarI- Mr ad rs.BiSefld (Ino Mrs, Percy hieggs and Mrýs snted a h aealb temporary priest-in-charge ol parr wlIo lierte er t atel, CIaig ndJaeteNeuovilerarbara Hamilton were in quet hel iteRokHvn St.Jonhn'us h Bac Jck brtdauo Mndy it nofOrno Toronto ognts Ms.LethByrs0fth P tToooo n ueda. her etrbrogh o Studs ___ rv inflthe Parish of Cartwright.brhdyparty aPt the h iome 0fr were Ms.Adïams' siSter, Mrs. Ferry urin Hme spent c"ousin, Allan Paigrain (son of evening. otpo a îe -- I IDI$P4I'ISe served in this parish, un-I r.V aBaley. Guestsa Mgrt, F1intof f of Oshawal thie eekend ail, trm it h el the former EmlilyHamilton) a prizefohaigte os ' C Aun d IL J Lr u5!5 tii 1956 thenoon inner are Mrsý. and c. dM rs. ( TmcRoydonhuabýianci Mr. Leith Byer.s. passed away suddeniy on playersan fnsiated Ch-I n 1957 he was appointed NeilB ieHwr nUar-Rcado n lenn ofMs- ]\. n rs. EBob ryn Sunday, Nov. l4th. ance (4vr5 aalw ~ Cntrl LkeOntarlo Con-lin principle some time ago. derive equal benefit from thelincumbent of St. John's Ly,,nn, Mrhs. Roy Corden ni ssaua ahuled on Mr. and Mrs.PJohn A goo rwdatnded the Lou's Dson unn i~ owmnvileCouncil Clhami-ville have complained about The meeting 'had been cl-servecilîcre faithfully until Congrat.ulitins, M issPrc rs. Ralh1Sw i ee Joaned i1nto the1-ir new h Iomle in omreHllohrd, wt aae, onVn iper hst Wednsday night to their share of the cost of theedb omnil t ics 93whern he was forced w nesa h ekycr~Hro)wowr are aCutc.Nv.18th. Among the Win- ingen, bogthm oto ~ dicusstheConservation Act marsh acquisition '- $49,275 what member municipalities ssg adrtiefom teparty wece: LaIdies' hgMi-teBlacksýtock Uited Chuc n audy ' ndMi er eeBe'aVneEaete7eg's.pis Teta n th Auhrtsprpsiad$90rseivy. feelings Were about the Con- minîstry because of increas- dred Thiompsýon, scn a nFia vnn Ter-Bob-)Bryans and famr-ilyat- Van Wieringen, Normne Proýpp, received he rohe n ic fo purchase Cranberry Marsh Ohw el ht teservation Act. Though the ing bad health. S1iorti-id2e; mnenis hig, Rus- eunatcadw eda eddthle %weddingof Nan- iannePreston, A. Fahhis, K. in addiinec pae a cbtween Oshawa and Whitby. O n ee of th herepresentatives bad no power ,For the next six ye.ars Mr. suLresecond Earl Pes te ck Hyni eebr y itr isWnyBrown eals nd Mrs. John Allan. Ipresente ithtoidvd marsh, ono ih argest re- to act, it was hoped they an"iNî le ot. Fouirteen t 1ables wre atP g.t r len Kesa uGir local hockey team lùnstlaw a r ds ogatltos [-lDu i e meeting, whic maiiiiog nig gond nwould stuuy' possible rPrehou bailichlsn seasona next yoarl Kilci ' a 1~ needtw hur, herepre- the lakefront between Trenton îentations to the Minuster of and se 10in Vanilla, Ontario, Ibissprt Dc.ad ri Wl Dga.1r01tin ashid at thoe,51 i aentaive ecided that the and Toronto, is of more gen- Enecgy aod Natural Resources. whnd1in1969 moved to England Ms enn oriloWvr, ard rs. Iarl i;ugan,1ai1'rie' hlome.Mrs.George VanDam nSr.I Mc. Jm Bgsctr' NoAtliority -should apply hi the eral than specifle benefit to Bowmanville town councili hteeetbihO ulp nv rsiysethat) idewc idwe nSunday Mc. and ci. v- isited fcom Mondcay til home o udyfo t i roinil ndfeealgoec-the munîcipalities. Thus, tefl hthe heesn ufcethome inithe village of Elkes- weedwt e prns uîsof M. nd UMci Wlok e nesayflast wcek with John, NwBusik n rrnsfran75 er entsu- it raOn, he rvncfe1opotuoty or bai os uderthiey nfineg fSerodM.an1cDatnDrerbr rce.-Bo rason aiyother in Brantford. route h adsonFwody Heathe llandjanis.>Mc_ andMr. .Jim er di on01 the cost of purchasing should assume a larger share],Act t oceoiiosad oet. BAyansf 10 Mo CIeal ~~~~~~~t vs M Jon aomrinistonatudaaaferoo anCourtice t0 visit reltive Mc fi85 acre marsh lands. in purchasing it. object to projects which the His was a lufe ot struggle nvestpnthiweksuergssofM.adM.ad. n.Grge Brothe1rsýon NaeIGo was sung. Offer- M.adMi ai uc~ [ioertheprsen arane-Bowmanviile argues ta:uiiaiymyb poedaantavriy h i-end wîth i s parenýts, M.adNi aifladfamily wer-cje apd Bill, Mc. and àMn. Jim' ing wa1ýs taken and dedicated. arrd famyaenwrsdn ~vide 50 per cent oif the fundi ta issue levies for the project Representatives from Osb- ranki aiongside that of many and Pal. aneanidDavid fOsbaa. were ail at Beavecton.ý They cf the Bible a continued 'On the2nli. eedepdc. on the basis of equalized as- awa, Wbitby, East Whitby,1 af the more publicized figures OnNvme-3hoe 0 AtteUie hrho lo called o fn M.and Mc. ithAurey Wigt lading Soea lclcupe a- tesnie asone whieh mem- November lSth questioned if,iship, Clarke andl Bowmaiùville of God who was a "doer'", a led, by bus to the re Higb. ment ofrBapiliiws iidi-n- c ndMns. Scott Essecy an-d Hroiu, Mry anf Mactba. night in b ein al îi ber's of CLOCA had approved by the same token, it would jattended. man who couid have wcitten ScolfrAhermnt Dayiitrd aJui A -Bers. girls, ah 0of Courtice. F -rec, La rmer gv,,e rokMscws upidb abook on bis exploits but fc1hirpojo "a r ae", infanit daughtec af Mc. ad The November -meeting 0 ortonteieloa Mein1ay-da1 shunned the limelight. His One ai aur girls ceceived Pro,ý-:Mi JmByen. Attenîdîng, thethe- Aftornoo Unit of -the ho Ken-dal. Minutes of the iast We ha ntrfiebou inorscegh ndidoi vincial Honours. Linda Mc- ba!ptismal party at the hlome U.C.W. was helfi at the home meeting wece read. Lulu Gra- village o audyngt Y M e 9a abl sirt emoedal o- Laughiin, while Denise Ed- o;f Mc. and Mî'q. Jim Byers of Giadys Thompson witb ,13 ham thanked the ladies for a This ba en h hidfr 0 n n e rstadles' ho the way ta accom- gerton and Woody Lee eauch wce Mc. and Mrs. 'Murray members and one visitor aI- card received, and the ladies to have hoee eetya u e t o n ir ro u es tale sieo it sson ed : eceived County Hon ouris. By\ecs, Mc. and Mci. Clifford tending. Audrey Wright ho sîgned a card foc Mci, Earl this patcuaple ouI to achievo. Ris appcoach provincial Honours if foc 12-' Sedgewick and Linda of Nor- the absence, af the Leader Fowler, also a sympathy card iy th6le rac) ta cece\iing any personal ccc-completed projýcti w lie w ,,ood, Mc. and Mci. David Erma Stroog opened the foc Mci. David Edwacds. Mci. Pontypo3 iieswsdtwi Dntfui o'lCut oor r eevdTenm o eebruh etn ihape A aCm ootdsed eoeyV lhr &- - [or- six completed proîocts.1 'lois party was sacSeora- uaiuy of crie ivino.' The O i onth ocewacosîîîp meeting ,Jwiie, the affabl eirCUIb Congratulations, girls. Evocy-ling Joffrey's third birthdaa.,, worship was takon by Eli'za- heid in Orono. The Decemberltbis paper. uje enjoyed theý profitable cii. Elizabeth Sklin asbthi Skelding wbo gavea meeting bas been cancelled' Don'I forget, aur Thaânk- ziaýy. Early in the New Year rTurned homo aftec sen ing ading on Fciendship. Scrîp- due ta the Deçemnbon Part'- Oiffriîîg service this Sunday. ilho next projeci "Sleepweac'-sanie time with ber sistr urc reading wst-aken from! Audrey closed the meetingý Visitors with Mr. aid Mciý iiibegin. . M. Brhghty of Steet- 2d Cor. C.hap)ter 4, foliowedwith prayer. A lovelyunnCifFaiso ndv were Saucaygeis fMc îd vll.She wava& aucaybya eain prtaining n oillime endied teM.anqc.Jck Elliatt of n.Carl] daiDavid and ocrigtgustaibr on rm. hehmo Forthi in Thy1 meeting.-Dunsford. THIS G of apuble ielY ontol teir ' rodu- iated monvitlia liveiy senseC The esuti i apublc vly ontol teirproue-mailed ouIta b is coostîtuents,lai humour and infinite pa_- in plinin ucvey undertaken thon too. (53%). si o a hased wiillthetice Tas piveed a L11tiéýsiirmm by Nocîbu,,mber- He is prepared ta pay, as bg epnet i usin know hlm could not fail ta ~ ian-Duram M.. RusehiC. a taxpayer and consumer, fo1 an.Epet(a adhl and5 Friney wece reieased oin Oct. essential measures ta contrai that a five per cent returo b1 ave andsmetbing woth'- s l8tb.pollution. (71%). 1would hve en xme1îy1whiIe fcom titat association. Thl- e rsots are the tabulat- fHo would 'like ta sc thelhîgli and that a thcee péri Ho wîlho so weli renier-- II e replies fcom 3,50G PeOl.e death penalty restce wencent one was "a good figure". lzered by many at St. John's who nsweced a questionnaire uciomnes rip for review ho "I1 believe îour 15.2 per Ani-gliCpo Chunch, Port Wh t Mc. FHoney sent týa aIl 23,000 Parliament in 1972. (66%). ,cen.t return on 23,000 question- by, and St. John's, Blackstoeký constîtuents in the iding lait And heoabjects taulihe in- naîces was remnankable," ho Ma. creased indenînitios meýmbers wi'ote. "Apparently 'il ije t Statishca ),,heanswecs laf Parliament received i0 theiriennenl"ho added O JU R recflect whlat the avecýage Unit-Ilait pay roise. (53%). i And most people, cxcept rid Counities resîdentj thinki hMr. Axciage bas mixed ,,eihaps Mr. Trudeau, would ENLO IIIM 11aou 16 major 1regional and feeliýngsabo,ýutwhietbeî'Cania- iE.NESOcWLLAM snatiý onal issues. Te ho siîuIao ptafimia.Faîowing an ilînesi ai hýilm a n idviu concero- Itional paiiàcy r ai na W ýi-thcee years, the death aio E ed ,about bath economc ondllsiamsrespetîveii oocial i obut as n lds-feeling epoaeU roinoNhn Wliaagd 6 výidult-dwho i more pnepared aio ndstroi.8%ears, occucced at the Pn ta accept change ho thý,e eco- agaînisti . ft*rrP y Communiîy Nursing, I«0f1,ýpepthon n th lH it, unsore l -' lîehe " D t. iqth lomeo scial 000, .Caniada's omt -21, 1971. ' Se howcloel youn cme NATO onU NORAD ,)shouLld bho Son ai the late Aaron and1ý -Vir. ,vergr-'s1-plitc-S 44 The il1' Museunî Fea,,ple'" are Ainie Williams he ivas baro ta M, Aecags rplie (fg..reducd 30% or,~I% n hgb ear these days with h ec onhp.n o ure hobcackets iepesenetheagonTownshipClnkand Mueun ï-, pecntoge vwho shacrd the Ho, is iplitun00 ihetbor ho aïeClrk Twnsip ciMedbsuduatouimPr sanie point ,)[ view): is stîîe ibC B 'ci o- and'Archives due ta op n etib. duaininPr Tue(sdavý- Decem-,ber 14th j Pennr. hohs On, April 12,1 Fini, M, Aerae' pprvesgnamin (3% fr, -,1925 nho married the for-mer o' f thi e ncw old oge pnsonaaiis),od Owhebenhol('1wîog îumbering, May Jackman wimosurvives. pirograiniof payig $0t aor ia ains tafand'gricuturedisplays are!A evcoeage 65-anavlen, 36 l or, 4%aaîi) ami ompeted. Woýrk isi Alif etume: couident af Port ihanadditîool alloac ie ise, ois not u r osui an the "Looni Ferry, ho retired tbcee yeacs o'h a "ifed" ashs up ta $1351 wbethIer Caniada shloul inii- Bo" archives and '-Old ago ofler 21 years service asp a mo(ntb1. (78c;). crea,,se ils aid ta underýi-de(- CcoiySbop". an emplioyee ai Genecal Mao- Nei, ho eels, thatil imevlpdnations. (400/o say- Tie-group af wockers i lorsDuring Wanid War Il ho faiy allowance pamet ing yts, 44% sayjing no). i all, but wanders bac c was empioyed ai Pediar Peo- sbndbe dicectly related L ta owever, li.mone was one been acecomplîshed. Morae belpipie ai Canada, Oshawva, hoi t the income aio the famnily, with paint Mýr. Ax,\erage seemi cer- h needed by anyone ho Clarke the manufacture of ommuni-i_ l-i1e- lowest income familles ho- tainî about. 'Ho is satisfied Twivnuibip wim a cn wock Wcd- lions. Eacliec bie was a mi ing pahd a momçImrlllnm amount witim Mr. Honey as a meniber nesdayý eveningi or Satunday driver on Scugog Island -'ocr and i gh i ncomne fmhe a o Parliament. (7î3%). Only aiternoons, or donate aode igimt years and befoce thiat ipw R amount on n o ni ive percoen said outrigbt lend articles ta enhance time was a market gardenen. (641,1). Ilbey were diîsatisfied wiîh dispiays. Surviving, bouide bis wiie, Ho beieve tat wgeand lime Port H-ope lawyer's per- ' May, are lwo sans and five I prIîce ýcorilsshiild ho fonmance ýand that was thedagerBb i omn .~jntiutd f ecssrytago- owost ceply rieceived ta any OBJTU RY ile B ob- Prtferry, Mci,1 el' sri ou s i laion. (8ý0 %o ). ques ion o nt the f arim. A n- Ra oh oo e ( uth , oro o f odoeso't wish 4o hae Iie 2prcn iaed RE. GORG NIHOLON'llsn h nle Rublk(Ja) 1 ,s rganding ihe *Sale and tey wee uncetain., OMs, imawa c.DnldHde use of rmarijuana irelaxed M.Hny' os tog. 1ev. George' Nicholson, a HlN),R.R.4Sndeiad <82%. ne doe howisbta fced ecy badl înded.Anglican Friest, a mon smail Ms oatMties(hcl ïe b oacion iawi relax- Near-ly blahlim cspodnt funher(,50%,ý). or 45 per cent said th ,e eei ttr u ag oienOshawa, and M iss iaice Wîi- 1-1Ho supportsIlime use aof dissatisfied w Mh Vr. Trudeau passed away suddenly in bisilianis ai Port rI'. Alsoý s iegec reasýures legisia- as Prim-e -Miniister,. Thirty-loto sixties in is native Erg- l sunvhving are 17 gancuhi-u1 tin akeo la cape wihtnmlie seven per c-ent approved, ond land on Novemben 41b. Ho isicen. VFL. 86).the remiaînder ,saad thïey sunvîved by bis wife FlQronce.1 The funerai evc a '(11pimeribbylegisiation, yet. fai îîe's uoîung becoos, PnaaerCapl Pr Fr i t coletivlyprico thoir pr- 1,% Hane, hoi a letton con- ho bis, own quiet way leit airny, on Saturda' Oc0tober 2c ~~~~~;1 Luîs(5%) oU aollee:t- taînînig Ilimeesutswbîcb ho eep impression on ail wboi r- ____________________________________________________and ic'as condufct-d hy1- ev. knew him. ,TInbis nihd-tecos, Wm. Biack.Lilernment wvas î10 7 ho ýLjoinod tho Lincolnsh'ire~ ieGoeCmtcPic Regimient as a Bandsman l Albert. Thinki'ng , of (A C olor 1W1.cld Warfriihed the Firleî iiennrc Wlim' 196onU tho fnihn lie init Flbgnr co er Bitisb Army of occupationî Ken lVlore-, àJames Road, Bill -S i orlhGoismManysfroM 1919 until Stone andciEani rymt by limefloral tnibutes, evidenice ai teachngi i leSoldiers, lime esteem n hobic he d- THE AL.L NEW Sailanrs and Aiions Chnis-ý ceased was bheld. were thase lion Association And speot ai fcom Genecai Matons, I.GA, 1972 PHILIPS largeort ai bis leisuce limel?,'nd tie Freshytenian Cbu.rc*. asý a Readen, ministerng ta As w cimny donations wore ilime Spiritual Lufeaiflime Ab-!I mode ho is mnemony t' the 9fl uflD-9 V lied -Forces. CrippledCimIidren ho Oshawa, t L 'TW' V Afler disciargelho enterced ane Scetand lime Roi- lime Missionary Training Col- ifaIfoc Sick Ciildnen, Toc- NOW ON DISPLAY ony, Stratim, London, Eng- cota.- 'in,ýwih raiain trained potontial Missionaries la o "Jckoial" mdes Sce nd compare our sets and pricos pacicuanl spciaîzîg u bof ore thbu. ie building, rangiog iconi D .HWADGB TELEVISI N SE VICE (O. architecture, cacpentry t0o O JU R electricai wo k, in addition ta el n w ctz n f ib medical "~know-how". ýBwmanviîîe and Newcastleý TELEV SION ERVIC (u* He was coýmmissionÉ o goi0aneas, D. V. Howard Gibson, ta the Arctic and froni 1930 aged 69,years, passed oway on unlil 1943 spent bis limel Fridoy, November 12. 1 971, at PHILIPS SALES & SERVICE imngthlie Ëskimoes, doing eoilRsptlomn 185 Church St.- Bowmanville sc iig a uligSt.I ville, following an'illness of Luke's RosýAital, Cumberland bnief donation. ~.'Phono 623-38I Souind, Biffin Island; buildiîîg9 Born ho Clarke Townshmip, ______________________Scimool aod Ahi Saints Calme-' David J.ad Mary Gibsan] ____________________________________ ra l a t A klavik, in additio, 1 mnU received bis education at fa being Missionany aI Cani-ý Lockiarls Pu 1blic Scimool No.e bride By. ime kihed namd Newcastle Righ SciorL ci".0 ntaled o istalingpoîverI On November 20, 1929, ne plan, eectical equpnin accied lime former Lucy M. T landcapny Oliver wvio survives, lUî o Ulse n 1ib an htm im Mr. Gibson hpU reshded in IN ' M EST NE 'WEskýiniaes Uoin le nanuali Bowmanville for 21 yearî, laouoidrbi icin. moving bore froua Clarke A i ~AtAkvhhomtbsvi- Township. A fanmer and fruit tobFouc, h vsM ignower ho oanîy yearsu.lho was * non ai ime RosidntialSc or anlie paît 20 years Manr % Aiten Orinatiion asian1 Anql i-of Durhami Gnowers Co-op, cao Friest at Gra(ce buc ColU Storage at Newcastle. 1, 1940, hoe and bis wife wocc Jorhn's Anglican Chuci, Bow- 5Posted ta Fort Chimo, Ungava1 manvilie, and wa- a paît wan-ý 2 . Bay, Nontheco Quebcr. The1 don ai St. George's Anglican second WoclU War was in pro-I Ciurch, Newcastle, anU ouao on yar ermgresand lime United States ai St. John's Anglican Churcb. on yer trmAir Farce needcd lime ]and aI The deceased was a Paît Pro-1 Guaraniteed Investment Certif icates. Fl. Chîmno on wbicb lime sident ai Bowmanville Lionsl ohurcm buildings staod. Mr, Club, a Paît Master af Duc- Asýk abOut aur "CASHABLE AT ANY TIME oIIIIII nd Mcs. Nicholson dismanl- boni Masonie Lodge No. 661 liedlime buildings, loaded lim and o paît member of Pales- 1Guaranteed Savings Certif icates. on rails, and re-asombled line Chapler. F(.-,r frdier inorthe aton l im o te' olier side af a Survhving, bouides bis -wi c Fflr o uhr in formalatvio ritliver on anotimer site. Dunring dow, Lucy, are lwo daugimtensý, contct our inacialadvser r w teIbis lime Mr. Nicholson wock- Ruth (Mci. J. Wren) andl ed aIl]lime avoulable hiouri Of Joan (MVîs. Lloyd Caverly). STIANDARD TRUST, dayhîght - 16 te, 18 boucs per Seven grandohildren also sur- 1HHA GIPSC Orr, Ail this, and rnuch much more on, Cable TV OnI i6ca ay THE ENTERTAINMENT AGI Onlyýj 6 a dy'0F A LIFETIME SPEND THE WINTER 0F A LIFEIME WITH THE, GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING 26 KING ST. W. BOWMANVI LLE6320 CABLECAST 8 HIGHLIGHTS SANTA CLAUS PROGRAM MONDAY -WEDNESDAY -FRIDAY at 5:30 p.rn. KIDS .. send your letters to Santa c/o CABLE TV - 26 King St. W. Bowmanville I