The anaianStatesman, B-ýomanville, Dec. 1, 1971 co ceFlentc BOWMIANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, COMMVENCEMENT Friday, November 26, 1971 8:00, p.m. Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education ChariflO'5ofthe Board Vi ,ce.Chairman ----- -------- Mr. A. 1. Rowan Mr. A. 1, Werry Mr. S. T. Worden Mr. J. T. McCîeery Mr. W. H. Carma,, Mr. W. L. Greenwood Mr. W. C. Down *- Mr. A. A. H. Stî,ke -------Mr. H. N. Sheppard Mr. 1. C. McKague Mr, C. V. Iohnson Mr. G. T. Whitfield Mr. S. E. Eakins Mr. G. K. Sherwin Mr. E. M. Creightoss Mr, 1. M. Roiph 1971-72 BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES 0F TUE FOUR-YEAR HIGH SCHOOL PROCRA-M SEC'ONDARY SUHOOL G (RADUATION DIFLOMAS ARTS anud SCIENCE 'Warmen S. Akie JyeE. Allen Roy A. Anger uinde J. Bedfjomd Patmica L. Bell Alilen W. Bragg Leond .Lewster, Judîth A. Brtitto Douglas R.Boc M. Susan Brwam W. NeilBMown shrL.Carloni Peggy L. lark Maumeen A. Colmer Debra A. City W. DanÇowlei Cyntha L. Cmaî John P. Duta jonie M. Eusott Sihla M.Gcdmuph Radahi!W. CGough Brenda L.ams Heidi M. Higgon; Dine D, Hopkina Rosemary P. Koroy enehA. Allia Nomme L.Avemy .~Comnela Bons GereB. Britton JaTc.. Brooks Sandra J. Coney Ste-venl B. Forsey Gregory E. Gray Corneia H ofstede E. Todd Hovey Kari Ket Dnna M King Guide ýA. 'Kmummenacher Aî~nonced L oMrs N. olfe Dennis FE. Kowel J, Býrandlon Lader Rýodneyv C. Langleis Luan)ne E. Lavergne Douglas A. Lewis Richard P. Lloyd Suzannre A. Lucas Dougla G. Luxton Deuiglas A. Ma vin S. Annre Morris .Nelly Octiers David H. Ormîston Gregory K. Palmer Mary J. Parker David. B. Passant Ian D. Peter Catherine M. Poste Daniel J, Robinson Richard J. Sheckelton Sahly J. Staples Margaret L. Stephens Charles R. Stevens Linda D.' Stevens Sharon M. Sturck Steven K. Sumemsford Donald G. Sylvester Nancy M. Symons Linda P. Tennant Mary M. Tigbe Barbera E. Vanstone Debra A. Walker David H. Watson Susen L. Whitehead Carol L. Wight John D. Wolfe Kathleen M. Wolnik Wendy C. MacKintosh- Caiîn C. McCulhoch Lawmence T. McDoneld Rickey E. Morrisen Katbryn L. Moses Margaret L. Phuillips,, Josephine F. Preece-. David J. Robenits Debra L. Slaghýt William P. Vîandier Lindea Gerardl L. Van Hoof Patricia A. Welsh Barbare J. WiiPamls Cheryl A. Williemrs Michael E. 'Wood Anne Maie Yeoý Presented by -Mr. E.Wof LADIESF' AUXILIARY TH ROYAý1L CNDINLEGION 0F BRANCU 178 Thlis rîze 1 ewe id,(o lie student who obtaîned h'igbest s(aîginradet71PXl i Engish and wbe regîsteredilaGrade XIII etBi maviheHigh Scbool. Wfinnem: Diree Hopjkins Pesented bv Mms. N. Colmer MUSIC AWARDS Awerded t e (lies idntsl Grades IX, X, XI and XII obtaining bighiest standing in Music. WNnirer GadLX ------- . - Linda Whitebead floor:Lioetts lub Presented by Mms. M. Richards Winnfer Gad X...=, .Cynthia Forsey Donor:Annmu Presented by Mr. E. Tremeer Wipnelr1c Grade- XI-- ---- -----Shelley Hobbs ]Jonr: nonyousPresented b1y Mr E. Tremeer WIuesGraýde XI ý ... Susan Whîiiebea, Michael Wood Dbne~ AonyousPresented by Mmý. E. Tremeer T.~ e awrds re mde ( (bestudnts iGades IX, X, XI and obaiînlhebmhststnin l n\irorimentai Science, W~nae Grae IX--... .----- .Derek Lobb Donor: anstoneFlour a d edMili W~bnms radeX . -. - ..Lamr BrntKaren Ccx Dnor: W. H Bow Iplmet Presented iby M%' W,. rw Donor. Durha' Feroi'Ccun±1y Co-opemative, Px'Ieented b: , S. T 'jurner Dono1r: Te adis'Legue cf St.JoehsCuc Wînnmems: Pea-ce cox, Mark Elliott, Carole Vandemeent Presenteci ]by frs.,I. Payne HOLLINGSHEAD AWARD Awerded to the student with highest standing in Grade, XII Cbemistry. Donor: R. M. Hollingshead of Canada Ltdi. Winner: Nancy Symoas Pesented by Mr. W. 0. Luke HOME ECONOMICS Awarded to the students inGaesIX X and XII obtaînîng Wrnner d X-- ------Jeanifer Relider WînnrGradeX--- Cynthia Adams Wînner Graýde Xi ..~. ------- - Debra Graham WinnerGrdXI.- ...... .... Joyce Allen Donior: Laie' ux viryte The Royal Cenadian Legion Pmesented Iby Mrs, . N.Colr Awa ,ePtoth stde t witbhighest stan1ding ia Wînnrs: îrst- Bî±ar Cmaper Second: Annetta Bosgra Prsneiby 'Mr.S Dunn, President MEN'S CANADT,î0IAN' CLUB PRIZES Awamded te the students with higbest standing in Grade X Hîstory. Wînnems: Girl - Marilyn King Bo earce Wlcox Pmesented by Mr. W. Dowa. Pres-ýident BONNYCASTLE DRAMA AWARDP waddta the studentswo bave shown moý-st promnise in Dramnatics. floinor Ms Maitland Gcuhd, daîugliter of Dr. G. C. Boanycastie, who for many y-ears served on the Bowmanvihle Higli Scbool Board. Winner: Michael Gilboohy Presented by Mms. M. Gould HONEYWELL PRIZE Awamded te the student ith highest standing la radeXTIIMatbiematics. Donor; oewh Controls Ltd. Wrnr:Diane Hopkins, Nancy Symnons Pmesented by Mr. D. Gîlhooly SENIOR LAW PRIZE Awamded boofa ileMribr Ithe Northumberland and Durir-m Law Associaion ïto the Sno Student who ebaiedte higbest marks ianiqc1jr Law. 'Winntems: Gail Bothwell, David Weitson Presented by Mr. D. Barber INDUSTRIAL ARTS PRIZES Awamded te students in Grades IX, X, XI and XII obteîning the bîghest standing in Industriel Arts. Wînnem Grade IX ----- ------ - ------ ---Stephen Goodmurpby Donor: Industriel Arts Depatment W inner Grade X --. ----H---rdware-> ----------------- ----David Tabb Wijnner Grlade XI -----.---- . ---ý --------._James Stephens Donor: McGregor Hardware W înn11em Grade XýýiI ------.---------------- ---- __David Roberts Dono1r: aade Tire Corp. Associate Store Pre-sented by Mn. L. Johnston QNO',TeHUfIVmBERLAND AND DU-RIAM COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION PRIZES Wîner rad -I - - ---- - ... Derek Lobb Wînnier Grade X--.-.---Pearce Wilcox Presentedi by Mm. A, Werry, ,Winner &mAmie .Ž Wînner Grade ýXII Peeedby Mu. S. wQrden Annetta Bosgrai Nancy Symons Teaching Staff Mn, L. Lucas, BA. ---------- Principal, Mathematics Mr. E. W. Wolff, ..B.A -- -----Vice-Principal, Business Paioce S Mr. V. F. Auger, B.A. --- ------- Geography Y, rt M . D. 'R. Austin, .SA.- - --- - ----------- -.-.--------Science Mi. S. E. Bail, BA _. ---------- .-- - ---- --- -- -- - Geoginphy S Mr. D. B. Bergman, B.Sc. .----------.. Science Mn. W. D. Brunt, B.A., B.P.H.E.----- Physicai, Education, Mathematics, Mr. C. V. Carke, B.A., D.R.P.I, --------------- --- . Commercial Mr, B. Colvilte, B.A. ----- Environmentai Science, Matheinatice Miss Jane S. Davies,B.A., S.Ed ---------,- ---- -----Commercial Mr, . il cobs.BBA.---------- ---Mathematics, Geogiaphy, Socioingy Mr. L. G. Johnston ----------------- Industrial Acte, Mathematice Mr, M. 1. Kelly, MA-- ------ -----Enqtezh Mr. C. W. Kennedy. B.A., MES -- . Guidance Counseetîn 'e Mie. A. Kiakenberg, B.A............ --------- French Mr, A. P, F. LeGresley, BS.A. .. Science, Spirce and Mon 1i J . Lernieux, B.A..... ~ . .... Mathematics Miss E. M. MeKague, BSA. .- .------. .. ---..History Mis. H, E. MeMaster. M.A, . .. ... Art .~M. G. M. Milovick, B.A. ----------.- History Mis. M. C. Montpetit, B.A. .... Physical Eduication, Geogiaphy Mi. H. Netten. S.A.Sc - - ------- . - . S--- - ciec Miss E. M. Rusk, B.A. .. - -..7. Englis's Mise N. L. Sedgwick------ Home Economics, Histoiy Mis. M. M. Stsea, S.A., MES., B.ScM. . ----------- ----- English Mr. R. W. Sheridan, MA.. Ph.M ..-- ------ Latin, Gieelc, Enqtish MisA, C. Smith,.B.A., M.L.S -.-----Librocion, J{stoiy Miss M. D, Stroma, S.A., S.Ed., A.R.C.T. .. ... French, German Mi. J. A. Thompson, S.A. -.-.--. - - ---.- -------Mathematics Mie. S. L. Thompson, S.A.............-- Physical Education Mr. W. E. Tremeer .------..----- Music Mi. JF. R. Varga..............Technicol Diiector for new sîhool Mi. G. S. Walker B.A, -------Engîisli Mie. N. E. Watfs. S. Jý . ome Ecanomies Mi,- A. T. Woodioc.k, SAB.... - Physical Education, Economicg KINSMEN CLUB AWARDS The, Kînsmen Club Awards are made to the two students with the bighest 'average in Grade XII examinations in June of thie present year. Each student is to have qualifled for the Secondary Schoeî Graduation Diploma. Winnems: Nancy Symons Diane Hopkins Presented by Mm. L. MeRobbie, President BRUCE COLWELL TROPHY Donatedt by Mr, Bruce Coiwell to the -student whe won the Annual Two-Mile Cross Country race. Winner. Douglas Bîckell Presented by Mr. Bruce Colweil MARR AWARD flonateri by Mr. J. Marr to the player centrîbutîng most te Senior Football. Wmnner: Bruce Simpson Presenteçi by Mr. M. Mackenzie B.A.A. AWARD Prese1eteo the best Lîneman of (the year in Senior Football, Wînniem: Kenneth Rowe Presented by John Lathangue HOOPER AWARD Donated by Mr. A. Hooper (o the player contibutîng most to Junior Football, Wîn.n m: Steven R.owe Presented by Mr, A. Woodlock B.A.A. AWARD Presented to the best Linemen of the yeer in Junior Football, Wînnem. Thomas Conahan Presented by Rîck Conahan BIG B AWARDS Winners: Boys: Brien Stainton, Daniel Cowle, Douglas Crough, Alan' Murdoch, Douglas Mevin, Bruce Simpson, Joseph Caruana, Donald Sylvester, Bradley Adams, Announced by Mrs. S. Thompson Pmesented by Mr. W. Brurt Girls: Susan Brown, Barbare Crapper, Luanne Lavergne, Kathmyn Moses, Mary Tighe. Announced by Mr, W. Brunt Presented by Mms. S. Thompson SCREECH OWL CUP- COVER DESIGN Winnems: Brenda Harris, Heidi Higgon, Nancy Symons Presented by Mr. C. Clarke SOREECU OWL PLAQUE Winners: George Britton, Sheila Goodmumphy Presented by M.r. C. Clarke DRIVER EDUCATION TROPHY Winers. Faîl Class - Nelly Oot3ers Wintem Class - De-nais Sa Donated by: Co-opierators Insurence Associationscft Gujelpb Presented by Mr. S. Black SECONDARY SCHOOL HONOUR GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Wendy L. Bridges R. Sandy Brown Susan M. Clark Lawrence M. Devitt William G. Eeuwes Sally P. Firth William F. Hcckett Faye Ja tckson Elaine P. Lipski Temry Wý. Lloyd SusanD, Mann Announced by Mrs. A, Krakenberg Daniel E. Nowiaa M. Christine Pattmick Peul R. Raycmaft William Rypstma Joanne E, Therteli David E. Turney Murray F. Twist Simca G. Vaadenbemg G. G. (Gary) Vandemgeest Ronna R. Wilson Peter G.* Zwier Presented by Mm.'L. Lucas HOSKIN AWARD The Hoskin Awemd is awerded te the student wîtihhest standing in GradeXIlI Enghish. Winner- Murray Twist Presented by Mr. M. Kelly JOLLIFFE PRIZE The Jolhifle Prise in memory cf (the late Lieutenantii Ronald. Joljîff e le awarded to tbe student wîtb hîgbest standing in Grade XIII Hîstory. 3Vne:Murray Twist -Presented by Ma~s E'. MeKegue Ex erciîse s Valedictorian, Gary Vandergaast, and Princip'al Len Lucas, converse during Commencement cerem-on- ies held at Bowmanville High School last Friday evening. HAROLD LONGWORTH MJEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP This Scholai ship is awai ded to pupils of Grade XIII for ge neral proficiency. The candidate must include Latin and French;- Donors:' Mrs. and the lat e Mr. H. E. Longworth, in memnory, of their son, the late Harold F. Longworth, who served ais Modemns teacher and rugby coach at Bowmanville High School. Winners: First- Faye Jackson Second- David Tujrney Presented by Mr. R. Sheridan ROTARY CLUB PRIZE The Rotary Club Prize is awarded to the 'student with highe3,ýt standing in Grade XIII subi ects including first class staniding int at least five of those subi ects. Winner: G. G. (Gary) Vandergaast ?resented by Dr. A. B. Sylvester, President LIONS CLUB PRIZE The Lions Club Prize is awarded to the student wjth hîghest standing in Grade XIII Mathematics. Winner: William Eeuwes Presented by Mr. J. Munday, President SENIOR PHYSICS AWARI> This award is made to a student for proficiency in Grade XIII Pbysics. Winner: Joanne Therteli Presented by Mr. 1) Austiis SQUAIR PRIZE The Squair Prîze is awarded to the student wîth highest standing in Grade XIII French. Winner, Wendy Bridges Presented Iby Mrs, A. Krakenberg MeGREGOR PRIZE The McGregor Prize is awarded to the student wjith hghest standing in Grade XIII Latin and English. Donors: Miss Helen and Mr. A. McGregor Wîier: Joanne Therteli Presented by Mr, A.,crg BROKDAE-KNGSA R'IZE This- prîze iii awavrded to the student with highest standing ilk Grade XIII Bîology, Winner: G. G. (Gary) Vandergaast Presented by Mr, Knoxý Henry ROYAL CANADIAN LEGI ON SCHOLAR'SIÎIP This Scholarshîp is awarded to the student with hihi5tanldig in Grade XIII, Winner, G. G. (Gary) Vandergaast Presented by Mr. S. Dunîii GO ODYEAR TIRE AND RUBGBER COMPANY SCI1OLARSIP This Scholarship is, awarded to pupîls'in Grade XIII, for gene1ral proficîency. These candidates must include Mathemnatics and Science. Winnems. Fîmst - William Eeuwes Second -William lHockeýtt Presented by Mr.,G. Schissler THE LOUIS W, DIPPELL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSIP This Scholarship is awarded ln memory of the late L. W, Dieli who was principal at Bowmanville Hîgh School f rom 1929 t_1 1961, Awarded to the student with highest standing in Grade4 XIII Chemistry and either Bîology or Physics, Winner: G. G. (Gary) Vanldergaast Presented by Mrs. L. W. Dippeli ONTARIO SOHO0LARZS Joanne Therteil, Murray Twist, G,G. Gary) Vandergaast VALEDICTORY ADEeS Valedictorian - G _. G. (Gary)Vaerat BTIRSARIES Women's Auxîliary, Meniorial Hos;pital- Nelly Ootdjers and Barbara Williams Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company- Joanne, Therteli United Auto Womkers - Michael Wood ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Bowmanville High School would like to thank ahl donors- and others who have contributed to the success of the 1971 Commencement Exerci-ses.- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor with bi-.pajrents 'Mi. ;l'd Mms. were Sunclay dinner guests ofý Horace B3es(i over thie week.. Mr. and Mms. Gordon Kirk end. aftem attending the Pontypool Mr. and Mnr Orville Chat- Unitedi Church Annîversary terton, Carol and David were service. weekend guests of Mr. and Mr. - nd Mirs Cleveland Mmi. Ross Broome, Toronto, Caverley oif Boulter spent and visited other relatives. Thursday to Satumday witb Mms. A. E. Prescott is a ber sister, Mrs, Marshall patient in the Memorial Hos.. Chatterton. pîtal, Bowmanville. Mr, Len. Fleury, Mr. and Unit 6,of the Orono United Mrs. Rodolph Fleury of dt-1 Church Women held! their taýwa spent a long weekend annual Christmas Dininer at wîth Mr'. and Mn. Roy Winter the home of Mrs. Wm. Brandt and sýon Robbin.1 of Leskard at noon, on Wed- ,Mr. and Mns. Jim Mîddle-' nesday, Dec. lst. ton -were iii Uxbmîdge on Mûn- A number of Omono friends day of hast week to pay tht'irý paid their respects and at- respects to their cousini, thýe tended the funeral inLisa late Mrs. Hannah Ashenhiurst! on Tuesday afternoon olf the Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. P. Imwini late Mr. Mel. Bowins of Beth-,