10 Th andanSat~na~Bowmnanville, Feb. 2j .1972 The soclety must dcide whel ther further permanentd- Planning Time Is Shorttaken at the presenit site or I U I ~ ~ u i g We know what we don't aiit Oh -ae plans for expansion of al whether another 1 o c a t i o ni D urham Agric - News (from The Cobourg Snin].Star) ycbe me l.sor e fuit.idi The United Counties council1 discus- In il of the recently developed MsJonRikrdi F ces M ulor P roh e B ob~/'atsioný of a proposed planning area for regional goverînments in Otro the as secretary-treasurer of the, By Bbthf. e entire two counties is a very inter- first pr,:iority hais been planning, thieni society. Mrs. Hïorace Best if, 9riday evening racing at George Cro n ly t  'IIesting one, and we wish il coitld not came action on services and rýoads. If, of Orono has accepted thei the Durham Central Agricul- chison.Tecmitehc Assistant Mgrlcultural Representative lhavecon a few years earlier. within this area, we can get somne active psto. -OooT Mtual coain undths ronout me twihaontmengf There is no reason, however, why planning and conrtrol oflan d U s(ýe ýee f5 twîllkl e h ailio n h ccea ea Ci4i op n roepet Speaker by 198;0 there will be four properties; condîiin(of de other proposais for joint planning areas before regional governmnent, the area'sEN JL This was reported at the an- ment oeArclurlose Mrl. Mnnfciýo 1Kiassen, from more million Canadians than velopmnent, orchard develop- nulmetngo teDuhm ht h ftrehldfr h th!e uOntarjo Food Council, at the present time. Besides ment, clearing, Ievýeîîing or cannot be worked in with the counties' f irst big hlurdle will be overcomie. ulmeigo teDra ht was a Rgutest speaker at this this increased population, the tiling; productiîty of prop- overali interests. For instance, Cobourg, We cain sa--ve ourselves from the Mr. and Mrs L. R. Ashton, Central Agricultural Society Orono raetak yea's Aninual Soil' and Crop number of individjial bouse- erty; a detailed sk-etch of Port Hope, Hope and Hamilton, as the relatively un mcontrolled urban sprawl Messrs. Ronald and Ray Ash- meeting on Jan. 22nd held in Althoug ohn i fiii fimprovemrent Meeting. He hoids is, also, going to in- property showing power lunes, cr ftecutehv arayid- htlblsup od i ibo e O rîston, Mr. nd MrssM.JlniUnirtindby te Osaxv discuissed with the group a crease. One other factor that télephone lunes, bulshes, roads, cr ftecute aearaymi ht~obe od nrbo ee op- ' UnMrîanted Church igh r market potential of the Pacific lie felt would affect the permanent buildings; location cated their common înterests in joint ment and produces future crises in Stainton, Enniskillen; Mr. andi A report was presented Jan. group Ir eou hs er Ring, especîally Japani and amount of products te be sold, of nearby, property thiat miay planning. To the east, Haldimand, Ain- demands f'or stretched out services. We' Mrs. Everton White, Bethescla, 22nd by- E. R. Lovekin on be- Mr, Loknsadiddap *also Canada. Hce -indicated is that the average disposable affect present valuation. wick, Percy and Cramahe have also can protect this area's valuable tax base were Friday evening dinner half of a comrittee including pear thattetedwst t1hat the demnand for food in income( will aiso increase. b) BUILDINGS and M7%,A.mae ovstwok .. guests of the J. W. Bowmans. larger, betreup1dtak Canaa isgoin tocontnue ne therimpotan tred CHNER - sructre, ma e stowo together in plan- so that within reason we can pay for Mr. and Mrs, Howard Grass, ~TT' adta h ml rc' *to irc, It is estimated that that he indicated would be the terial, year conistructed or puir-' ning. our development without sky-high tax Willowdale, were also recent LONG SA ULT . would be lsdot esi ----- fart Ithat more and More cîties chased, anymao repair's or While the core of some future reg- burdens. visitors.. iast year h n rc a OBITUARY will be increasingl- In Size, changes and codtin onal government is lilcely to be around If you want to see what we don't Mr. and Mis. J. W. Bow- Mrs. John West will be to have isaldahbri OBT A Y andth percentage o people man and Erie were Sundany hostess to Club 50 ladies adta etrlgtn a ff BIRDI BEATRICE living in urban ar-eas wiîî in- cbeofASIC HERD-ig farNm- Cobourg and Port Hope, there have need, drive around some of, the once dinner guests with Mr. and when they hold their Valen-e now a rqieet hslt creueLARD 1980.31o b als, productivity cif the anir-' been some hopeful signs recentiy that relatively quiet roads you knew 10 or Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, Maple tine Auction. ter ipoeetcudcs AtvunibedetMs Cocri ale (R.O.P. or D.H ulA. Re-l the far west side of Durham, including 15 or 20 yeans ago in what were then Grive.eor M.Siny pt j;ý isthe Japanese Mr. aid Mrs. MRalph Coch- Glad1o: r portrineyut30o nine wt Birie earic Pila d eimarket, lhe iîndirated that this cnis eihs fanmisadaomuvlen DrintnOmsthethaubwanain; o oonoMTmrean auMsaa orih h i pten uthsimrveet igurn Ja,2.1972, at area, with its nme hundned smlnsl aus allowed to develop an orientation to the and time ergai, you will recognize an and Mrs. Russell Cochrane Mmra îptlfloigtecudb ie htncn We'ila, j.26, mrillfion people, whirh is made You may stili wonder what LeslieChae .a gaîl ader enî tin lasi wouldte ilctooniu ber residence,1 up of 23 househoids, is be- the purpose of having this in- east or be a development by itself, attractive home bulit along a reason-weevstrwihM.adTrdyeengiscmgatheOnotck BonlaDnlnto ow-roîg quite- Westennized. formation would be. ît is rather than be swallowed up by the ably quiet rond of those days. (They Mr. and Mrs. Syd Lancast- along fine. shîiip, Dec, 7, J1876, she was teteh tt'sp sn iretimli haa Ihv mn uba paw fneryOsaa Tewrete lk heIawodnadi o-eNetnile istdMr rtadMshJe. ok wyet fa tenguain ehave a surplus cf wheat but tindbeoe a htm f: United Counties proposal has necogniz- day). The bouse may stili be there, but ac Mrs. Fred Samis. and Miss G. Smith were Sat-wihcudasonldeb- daug-liter cof the e Mr. audarinedifptin M. a sale, or at the time if gifi Mr and Mrs. Fred Tabb urday dinner guests if Mr. trp Mrs. ailPolr Kiassen feels that Canada, Ing, Or a death, Capital Gains_, ed this, and has suggested that Bow- so are the cernent plants and the oil were evening visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Ted Kîdd andi Mns. trprig fchte n A resident if theI Oshawa which is Japan's third largest have te be calculated. It is, manville. might be an urban centre refineries and the commercial enter- and Mrs. Fred Griffin. Johnston Kidd, Goodwood. others. arepa al-ler 11e, she was a supplier, must supply pro- thus3, very importanit that a someday of up to 50,000 population., It prises. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pas- A speedy recovery back te The eqctv fteFi memben ond igilyzew Unte requtheJaane s luporm- good bais o dtrinigtewould be a shame to see Bowmanville The counties plan is welcome gnist i n n ofe o-health for Mrs. Are Abbitt. or st onie hte Chrh n oiinly cm he eqiead tisipot aleta o u n niw, 2 man attended a birthday din- Oshawa, is thewshiai or neot te ilhiirr ber o! -Meteaife MAethedist aut that we meet the actual be useci. -lu some instances, go the way if Whîtby and become a for the mill. The more people talk nen for Mrs. Hugli Beaton at yur fneu s heom-al]outheFrdyugtith Chuirhe re she sanl the necds if the people, or we a letter if ipinion fnorn a mene satellite in the lre Oshawa about finmpln for this aren, the the home if the Rev. and îîd yf air. Cosdrio cfts choirlo t have their market. real estate agent, and in awill langa eee t e h r bte plansH. . Mlo sh. mmunityi Iu hený early years shie was Valuation oU Assets few cases an officiai apprais- hift d' f l T f Mark Simpson was host te the Boardmybrm al , schDoelteacher at the Base What, should farmers do ai may be used to help de-1 ribe fe destned for it in some of te Te time is shon.___ a toboggauiug party for his TTl~ if au aciethpnddu Lie cioo, t Wlb.cnenu valuing their prop- termine whiat the 'V-Day' Grade 13 rlassmates. LUI f h lgtu frlteswi She then graduated as a negis- erties? The main 'V-Day' for value should be. A*u * There was a geici attend- i utmette euid tered nurse at Tononto Gen- farmers is December 3ist, ~~anre at the social evening Svptyc hpcm, tidards. eral Hospitaîi.aud,w,ýas anihn- 171 fnauignei sati cuI' l.E EItD 'lIlE D Vand cmmd party in the churrh ity gees to Mrs. Earl Duval orary mnemben cil the aliunae buildings, established basic ~~W ~ ~ ~U M basemeut. Winners were Jim and family on the sudden In regad iteFia o!th Tnnt Hsp-herds, machiuemyan otherF el Smith, Mrs. Russell Wight, passîug ifMEalDvingh raugtwspote ta.laitr ers h d, ssets. Increases in value if *j -,, ~,J Mn. Stuart MarKay, Mrs. Rus- Juay2s.Tefealmtthateia ih ae these assets affer December - E IfD ~ j jseliWright, Mrs. George Lav- sriewshlifî h ninta e enalte pr1vate nuirsinig. d, y31, 1971, at the time if sale, - -ciMME inDga ncîI I S e ender, Morris Morton, Kelly Lengicwhaeld romo.t by hanetrgitn Bad i The deceased iis survived yone toe fg ftin aleor&timngSîmpso anin Luanne Catton onueniece, Mrs. Walten Buss ifrat wilo iftbe cosied imsnad unc at (Heen)o!Oshwa;vu onefasa ap ial bGa nin.Oeha The Durham Central Agri- the day with mîst beîng ou of $20010 owiug on the south Teei ebeacmuiy Mm. and Mrs. Ken Bail were ether day aehvebc i cultural Society 'helci thein the affirmative side. Mn John' pnoperty purchase. It was pot-lurk supper in Febmuary. supper guetSuay ve-ote.hwsasotteit phew, Glen Pillard if Stoney if this Capital Gain will be aunual meeting Satumday af- Rîckard, in preseutiug the stated that the Board did have A resideut woke up about ing with Mr. and Mrs. Ai th e MeetnyM oei Cmreek. A b)rother, Ewn G. taxable. Rem~F tmin Jn 2u uth ianilCus saa that oventeps w PoIllard, died before lber, RA farm shoulcrni record 2napieshe fiancif report, stated that -a surplus if,$4,165.69 to work 2 a.m. rerentiy and distumbedCi s, saw.the'dateswr wre h A ar holcl-rc rlapr basemeut o the Orono Untieci the society was in a good fin- with. If was feit that flic a man ,whî seemeci intemesteci Mm. andi Mns. Hartwell Oshawagruauiitoth Miss ollad reted a-theeutfaimmanke-vale ifnealChunch with a gooci number ancial position haviug a truie society was neyer in sucli a in hi1albo.I h1oem n m.Jmes faim boad. etbrugba Armnstrong Funiemai H-o m e, estate,' buildings, eitu bas- in attendance. Oalaiice o! $2165.69, even afier goîd financial position. mnomrng they founci the box Lowery attendeci the Horti- been givn8 ain iy o Oshaa. he srvie wa he ir erd ir acbnemyas f Th filowig mtor eh- Reports were the orier if makl:jing aîowanre fin a Sum Even thîugh atteudance waswihmsifheS'e n-ufua po lck dne jÏ1ida, ýJn. 28th, l t h a- that valuation day If thie irle accidents anci occurrences . ~ ~moveci. Tusa vnuJn Oh1972.,Tms pe lo .mi. Ee% Itme fwafrm S isaîmted cîmrpauy, 1ail were ivetigtei btfe New- F1 11down a. the 171faimr ie Mm. and Mms. Haroldi Jensen in Orono, la owmnvile Cemietery. assets shouild be giveni a faim castie Detachmnt of the Oul- ar e s '1 , soriety di show a surplus ou and family have moveci into Re, ams ay o i Kng- anetvau, s hi vlu tri PovncalPoie b-IIi e S the openafious. Total expendi- their ioveiy new home erect- There were eight tables if JH ~ vie Uitd Curlioffliia- will determine fhe value of tween Jaur16th to Janu- e ;s tures for the year amounteci ec on the site if the olci cuchre at Kirby Centennial eci.common shanes. Every, valuia-,amy 22nd, 19,2, Founteen Mot- 5;ta $37.783.09 witi receipts Bradiey's srhooi bouse. Schiol on Saturday evening. tu c tes poprtessouid or vebirle anccidents wer n 51i 55 5~'r'amounfing to $39,544.02. Pnize A youug man frîm fhe city The lucky winners for fhe WHY PAYbe support ed wifhprinnbesiaei including an arni- L censinta Truc s in 7 . moniey paici fo exhibîtors at found ouf hie couldn't follow evenîng weme: higi lady, Mrs. W YPYinformation. This part if the de(nt involving two sn-owio- gfie- 1971i fair amountedl to a snowmobile fmack with bis Cecil Joues; higi gent, Everett information rmay conisist elf, in ibiles, As a resuit five peýs-- Truck, licences, iucludîng[6,000 pouncis gmoss weigbf or $0,000.80. sports cr. He bogged dîwn Couvier; low lady, Mrs. Aug- MORE ? fliecrase of: a) LAND - yean mns were injureci and four those eligibie fin a reduceci mire opemateci by fammens for Ail reports by committee ou a mubarb bed amid cur- us Louîcks; low gent, Wesley of purchase and purchase pen:sons were chargeci wifh farmmate, will geou sale personal 'transportation anci heacis were favorable. If was rant bushes andi it fook a lot Wright. The daim prize was pnice, pamticulariy if rerentiy driving offenres. flirouglieuf the province on the transportation of their feit however that entertain- if diggiug andi pusbing fe get won by Mms. James Lowemy. Geera Inua e S A V ýpurchaedd; an agricultiirai The Newcastle office7s along Marri 1, Charles MacNaugh- own produef s andi equipment. ment shoulci be upgraciec as hlm bark ont o fie nice saf e Mnny thanks te fiose who FIEndATMBE fou, filsl a aprset wtasterpfieeditiseak-toareate o Tafsoraheoe ire.e o tdonafeciwa te ea praizehes:e dnMms.ries Wm.Wm On Premium ua1ity market value; sales if similar vestigaf cc 38 general ocrur- tien aund Commuuications an- fees are: 6,000 pouncis gmoss faim. This isftelie consicierci r Claury Lavender is in Forresf, Orono Co-op, Bill ISJAC eures i f whici fiemre werc nouneci fîday. weighf reduceci from $44 te :at' a lafer meeing.OiwiptlrclvrigBactac David Stapies, Contaci: Enjoy Riding fwî reports of break,, enter Tic expiry date for truck $37; 8,000 pouncis fmom $61 f0 E. R. Lovekiu stateci an ap -_____ ______ ad eal woatened-alo aund fheft, 6 reports ofcfrm- and fmailer registration lu $41; 28,000 pouncis from $295 praisal should. be made offie BfndtfoMrs. Nwei anci Mcrs. A623.EMA D X INDOORS mompn ts, 3wif dmaOrntaioismach1.te$10, and -42,000 pounudspriperfy. A loik shoulci be Somie businessmen .b)U ", parte. W oef ae3 IGSE STABLES plaints, 1 cimstracecomni Thale rfo eféesewligiblefreduct$470 te$1i400.Sirmllar -'-re into the futoure, the nextichieck-wi:itinm devices,itherýs1anofienmne in Mari OooBO MNLE CUELONIALlei1report of errafic r idcangs.for a grant under fie, Fanm F e ces fee ,0sciedule. ,OOIT TB E osdiigaui2rr-Tex Reduction Programme Fnvhre f500pud plaint s of improper operation Suri farmers ocrupy pro grcss weigit anci under, fie S TOVE 0IL RoR ,Bwmni f sowoils-Tpesnsrty assesseci as a famm andfermin f$0 are nhang(-eci wiiiliquon f_ if- :cres or more, in size. A pîn tapina ic fin trun PROMPT CURTEQSTelý,63736 fc-eces anci i person ragc farm or iess than il arssidlfreswi ee ER VITCOE L FrAponmnt w impaireci driviuig. mray qualify if iflm, undan Tic Village o! Newcas~~~tjcinrome if $2,000 i ore i urcMfniua elmfo fili.C1 AT.1, în vpr.cent ifying they arc eligible i Insruciongivn as lagecireeuty wth x-prcedig yae ie edu ceci rate. Declarâaf i 66--33 1 ensive ciamage îo streef Tic new fees ciieduleii forms wiii be available at ail Andhresbaed ligif s. Four mcmvrmyvapour apyf rcseîtrc licence burcaus in tic pnov- street ligits were 'siot ouf înce. wit h a pelet u near Elm- O IAFnnm vehirles openating _ý hurst iotei. Toligifs wcre udn Public Commercial also destnoyeci on Beaver St Vehicie licence, anci vehicies- NO- 'North and,. fwo rie wcrc A speedy ecnovemy is wish- useci for fnnnspomting nom- 1 c damageci on Chumnli Sf. South. cd for Mr. Penny Westlakc in modifies otiien than fanm sup- Four juvenles from Newcastle Bowmanvilie Hospit ai andi plies anci poducts may lot lbe wio -wcrc responsible for t he Mn. Allen Cryderman wio 1 eistecunntbisceu. dïamage-, arc presenfiy rmcciv- in Oshawa Hospiftai. rPsters will e ispîncci in( ýing thein punisieuf. Tic Mr. aud Mrs. Davici Craîg ail issuing offices mcmnindingL IE CONCESSION ST.__ youfs have fie painfui t ask anci famiiy, Tyrone; Mn. andi farmers o! t he uew egula o? making restitution in fhiMrs. Albert His, Bowman- fions andi eviseci schedules l ïR anount i prxmfl ville, werc Sunciay- dinner listing tic new fees finril J 1ýý,l$150,00, aise fie pelle, t guns uesfs of Mm. anci Mrs. Weswigswiilcaiabea wcr cestoyci.Fo ay pan- Hills andi family. ail mofon vehîcle licence, et interesteci anci concernec, Mmn and Mms, John Knox LagERYcCOs. ;tif i uniawfui for any personi anci Miss Nancy Knox were1 Unden fie new regulations,C OR own or lie in possession o! alwecidiug af Brougham on Sat- negisten a, vehîrle for tince, ___KING ST. fireanm, inclucliug a pellet on jurday. six anci aine month peniocis as,7 k F n I I _ B.B. gun. A special permit1 Miss Car'il Knox, London weîî as fhe yearîy linsis. Y -mw00LlDerty St. North, Bowmanvllle, OnTt4.A& mnaylie obtaineci for a me- "University, spent fie wcekend er fees wiil aiso apply f ~ TR sponsible youti befwcen ages 3at home witi Mn,.aand Mrs. quarterîy registration. 14 and 16 fi possess ai pellet Gco. Knox. Fresaeecuae , S A oJanua-y 19, 19,2, aresi- maid, FayeuandaTm 3erd tienIMATE INTOWNHOUthe LIVING dneon Hi.i aithfe Sunciay suppen guests ofifMm. minute îiucups, E LIA EI TW H UELVN west iits ofNecsl was anci Mms. Joe Sniwvden. _________ ýmnswthvle t$00.Mn, ani Mms. Keiti Rowe, KEY TAG SERVICE iA stolen car from Toronto Bowmanvilie, wenc Suntiay Dean__4S "Approeh Ralway rossings ,enjoying crncs. Tic resuits ufepsienw xrii with Cautioni" were. Higi lady, Miss Katimyn mdai aaabv en MO FEL SUIT OPE DAILY ( ASW. FROM 4 P.M. -9PM k@ ) ~ ~ ~ 'j'~ ~ Asian; cosolatin winnr oursoy, aci Ihpefa TFic Canacian Railway Ss- Knox; bigi gent, Mn. William ver ooeaiei ein COMIPLETE 1GAS diinl oflvlcoiý icdnsc-wr Collette Taylor and you wîill, finci fie encloseci cLiidurrÏ wonts UoardHilîs. Anothen partv mateniai o! inferesfte your kewhenronds a2re slipperry andi wýI1 lie icic soin so cime olît readers. visibilify pool-, anid 60 ,.,o! andi bave a goîci lime. I in saybn uf-O H N 6 2 3-7 6 5 1 cro'ssing acciden!ts h1ajppen dur- Miss Pearn Leach was Sun- cm you wisi to know about 1nalib ous loeda upe ust of Mm. ancthlicKay Tag Service 1I will uicr win)dow,ýs in f1ie winfem 1Mms. Raipi Campbiell, Baw- lie picaseci fi icar fnom ANTE QAIYPRJC BY monf111-s frcqulenfiy sbuf ouf m,ýauvilie, yîu. NTE QULYPRJCB: OQTiCIAHS.-OYER 3',QQO,000 ZA71SF1ED the OROi onci of ani appnoarhing Mr. sud Mms. Brune Tini Wif h fianks andi lest wish-i train, anid if fie windows arejbave nefumneci home fmom aes I HUSsteameci or frostcd utp, ficPy1 very cujîoyablei tfiFioida. A. J. Pan:sons, PETCO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED IN CO-OPERATION WT 23 BOND ST. ueWdTus9.5 aso hock tfie cw f 1fie rail- 1Mms. Joc Snowcien sud Generai Manage AST ~ ~ ~ riday 9 9 ~~wa-y tricks. Eve(n thoughi tise !Brune, Grcg Bray andi MissBOMNIL PU ICULTESOMSIN Fridav 9-9 are a, few mearýîsons for tnnossing Pearn Leach cujoyeci fie Ice OMNIL PU IC TLTESOMSIN Sat 9-12 Nomi accidlents, ic emain aueisFoulies in Toronto on Wcci- GET CASn TODAY OSHAA 1IMONDAIY COSD ve onidnc sdlark o! nesday nigit. OSHAWA28-261 attntin. n aciMrs. BnBune Tini THRO UG PhoB",erf o n e crossiug aiiyvisiteci with hemr motier. Mms î~ an Prn~~a1Cues ! onde -Funed194ran, lie2sureý(11, n'Vu,7.,.OritoBrooklîu, on S T A T E M A N Jus.Sna. LSIlD