Mrs. Bruce TiIIson, Editor Newcast#ele Cub Pa*,ck E,.njoys Outling at Kendal Ski His N evwc astle - A ppe:'o;ý(Imt 10 Cub, ifru!mn lh(-Fi rît 1New 1,he'ii j leaders . ý and assit, an -3t'S an)cIi othe1rnï hlers, ejoyedAaý full day outdor (on Sund 11ia y afternoon11 Meting at th ile Comiinma, it al t lsey bede ontl '" f VIsa skisopas a Kan dal and hfully cnjoyýCd a. tobog- gani paerty ,Otur,-ning toNwctlte wr eelt' 1ýed iat t isaePari sh H-all of St. Georgeý's Antgicýan ChurlcLi with pîping Iotch- oilate, hot dgsand cois Led l ioa aruigsing sngby District Commissioner Bo nb Nichols, thýebysappcaired to halef t wîtb onsiý'derale cenr- ling ailIftarnoon land (lwas capabv assisted by bis wifa, Betty, Junor Leader Donald Tilison aod asistantsbard evarng badges and o- MsCatbyDwyc and Me. gether withi their leaders, tbay and Mes. Ahony Tn. Thcy ae now la ypaati for iwere assstd by parens dci-Euaden-Powell Weck, Leaders, ting cars to and MiomeIl$lAt".,aruite busy, and are assîstcd atthe Nil orback inplanning Vo asucsdtue WoeV the kitchen by NMe.-and MsSbhop o hachld la nport Hope. Tom impoMr. La Vene Sonse of1tem u arctaig ad-, M[arytun M.Eldea Hirshfcld, vanag of tis A S.John firct Mr1js, Jerry IDwýyerl, Mr, Jery idv cour,,se whicb b1 Ias been' Veibecek, Meis. Norma tnr iee o tIse leaders of the es. S.EnkIsMre Denidistict iHalscy, D. C. Nicholîs an-d TIsera sla aili a shortage o0f Scout Fred NiçIsolks.Sinere eadersa eaolfor bonp amog tbnp a aa eded( t hosCe henca laont. otrChae- helping and speci thain1 Vo land -workîng shift wovrk îsnW Re.Bob 1Hayne for tu be is alto attend every nmeeingl of the pa4rish Hal. ad witb- 35 boys, You needj A special gucst, Mar-k Mc- moicre than oae or two volunteerý DMchi, attded Sundayl s out-isants. Those of you icaad ing, as a ge-cdutd u n hs, are askod Vo gîve Con- itb the other CuIbs. MarTsk bsUealehougbt Vo ýýnue-youthl. reacbed theaeaMo Cubbing Tey noed you. Teephone and will now bha attending a Sc.outier Cba1rland e t9892. a Cbum until bc iprpraS Meinsare bcld eVeryMon for investiture. mýv fronsý 6:30 pm untîl 8:001 Cubshava -been wrigpm tionjs o Me. and Mrs. E-'dmnuadi Mapjer, cwbo cclcred tieio l wcdini g annivesaey on Fr1-; day,ý, Je1nuery 2t.Wt tisai slet dugftrCeolineha LAMIES - 175 and Over în maritiat Saea dy Is G. Dwyver 3M4 J. Stere 284, hurryend -rin 2i0,L. Farrow 260, men aeasigl brugb aN. WViliams '253, 'M. Fostec 245, ýilec vcts ettstti;E. Meos241, S. Robinsoni dacy weaasnspeciel ay for 226., M.Wada 22, T. LanZg-k the to. ndMes. Mjer wal taf'16, B.Mao21,. berhuban bd for Ellis 191', J.,ow M0, G. certain ellowell196. B.,ebil 189, gotta. acban't isowcerae J. utn16,I rw 83, ani urngtia lacewbîcb A.Langstaff 1 1, . Lun 180, follo-wcd tlise wcdding cf C arn-M.Goe17KMaia75 lina, and CIsela Tompkiais, E MEl on - 17,and Over,ý 15 mud rscte is wife vwitb r, Sutlîffe 339ý. M.enryi orveetey Wltz, itb hîr . Nîxn 2i, B aro 25 Another ouple 1obth il1'TW Flato'f215, Foc thar wddîg nnîvrsey Iis estr 23,(. Rivers 210, 1B. Me.PtrDe Jn;cnrt- '11HUiDAYMIXED latiop Vo tscm.t75 easd Ovar T.Cordo-n 277, H. Farrowr McaS. Mable obldcka-2,59, F. Lawis 256, M. Lewis coîn)-paied Eeve n e s, A l;-2 47, MU. MeGragor 232, W. Alfred Gray on avsta ogt227, T. Geebel 122_, B. holidyl aioni. Gnvla220, I. Zueuf213 Me.Arcbia Bernard bas re- F. Stýp11an1s 1206. E. Scbmnid tuened o tise village f ollowv,- 1 .Fro 9,M oc ing a hoilidaýy with relatives ia13 JWnbrde 9,J N ýova Soi.Mtcel11 ln ise Mjer-Tmkia al]2"I, jaak Hommesc- weddîng n Fr'da eveniu27P. B oogkar, 66 P ee fo ns Port !,Il e, WbîVby1 1 Budel ? 7, C. Zwier l 28, JS. 1o1no 11worisBywti owedLl 3, i. 1u3.î1\1e oaa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~2: copeAea Ms o 3.R Buelcy 231, Jea Weat fians ofVis brda Hlma 22, J Jnkins 228, R. anoha bothr ia ii Rac 0.J. Slne203, FE. Babnsa wc upbleVo tted Delig 02, b. Sandcercock butý r1tc aeeada con1- 197, M, Briffat 194, T Enib- gratlatonil-Y, M .,j Alliai 191, N. Ma- P. K1i.9,d',d71à1188, P Sik- Hocey otht saraakd oe 18U, H. M. Moaro 182, M. Vo iicie IltarcaedeMo-Rocs181, H. Cal179. A. djay, Feb is.Tisir meet(Liing Vogels 178, J. McCracken 178. wîll bac beld I tIs1e home of Mesý T.ynn Raidt, nstBlvd. TWNNEWCASTLe Agond attendanca is raquir- TWNLEACUE HOCKEY 4%e Lions Club Dance was held Saturday evening, math v large atendance. Several spot dances were heldthrough- oni thle evenlintg with couples Wînn 1ovely prizes. Te 41i)oir prizes wer\'On byRay Abernlethv of Uwavleand TFerty Walton oi' New;castle, ch irng a fmradSsion for lhe Febeuarydance, Mes. Barb Coneli of Bow-manvîlle vwonthe MotoSki jacket wich was raffed at te dne ui plavedby MnDannv Hrri flanic, to bhe-ý1ld onSaudy Fseruarv 25àtH wil e under te sMorthaytlame of Val- entines.Muscicowll besupplid, by the Royal Anbasadors M, aitnd Mes, Garr[it DeJonrg oA Orono ld an engagement party forer son Ralph, and, bl fianme A iss Angela Chard daugter f M)-. and Mesr George Chard, Sraof Newaste, eldon Saturcay. meiae amllsof Haiphad An~gela and a few cls friands enjoyed a iovpe aven- ing of gamas, aonas and danc- te vig t he cou-ple a- iiouncad that thei r wdding wouldtakeaceonduripg the 7umri ofithîs yeAr.Ade- Iiîous buffetlunch wste "eaved to nd a vry" delhght- Fui p"aety.ý cARvsET AKlrE R <quipment suPpmled) age, exphrece (f any), J, aayexetd o (mSfoS. RUTN APL"E GROVfE Cuba ppeur adoes dive aq atrdyFeb. 1tFuer- VIsr ntie nxtweek. $lnr and Mie Fred WrigbV, Ba-'se L na;Me dMe.By- Poil Vanstone, iMcI.d 7MeTs. Clarj'ence( Br adley, UowPma n- -f Mcr. and Mrs. Lcland Bail, Kar'ea and MuIrray, Shaw's. Meand Mers. Walt Pascoe, Bowanilcwera Suanday "vcniag calies on Mr. and Me.Leslie Claut Miss Mary An n Doyla, GepsUniversity, spent tIse weeknd wt lier par-ents, Mer. aad Mes. Steve D)oyl and broters. Me. and Mes, Wal.- tee Doyi;sutoton. weeaSut- urday viaitors with bIis broth- er and wife Mey and Mes, Steve DoF-;yle. NMe-S, Steven qJeffery, Bomaavil was a Sunday dinnar guest. MeI. and Ms.Ar-t!isulrtMr- la, MIarti Rod: Ms. John Wý%oodesonMe. ad Mes Fred rIvgbt AMis Beerl Wriht, Me.r Br'jian Wîgbt BasaL'ine, wore Tuasday lait week dis ne =4ust wlth Mes Rex Mc, and Mes. Jans To pig, toýrs witb tfhelegadpens M.and Mes Fred R.L Stev- esr M.and Mes. Lloyd flans- bllerry, Oroiio, ware Monday visit'ors wit Me. nd MeIs, FredR. YStevens Me. GrdonAIin. ulI Uaivarsity; is Glad-,ys Allia, tatrCal\vin Allia, N cw - caste, ereSaturday .supper curets with thele grandpar- enta. Me, and LinWa a Soiaev visitr On Mondv. Ms lRoy Van Canmp Base Lne. sadas br dînne guai Meand Ms and c. e Dwr beezr Bowmauvri;jlille,* Me. ýand Mes. Neil Uownel Base ine, were Fîdav vaning suppr mothar, Mes E. W. Fley, î3owma,ýnville. On Sundlay Clark, Bowasanville,'w elre. ,D Ali elirmer gnests wih Me, sand January 23ed Mes. Ted Foley, Mes. Pearl (Received too laVe for Hckn Base Lina. lait Nwack) M.and Mes. Cranston by Dave Shearer Scott, son Dean, Bowmaa- First Geino villa, were Sunday suppar la tise Openiing gamne orf gucts witb theiir auint aad the avening Reid's Hardwareeuncee, Me and MeIýs. Clifford got a goal late lan tise tiirdýSwýallow. perîod o cara a à5-al tic wiÎth M. r MsC P wallow Partaer's, Tisa tic lcft Heid's aýtaed jtIse funaerai of Mr, ona, point biack of Partnee's 1Doiag ay Port Hope, on in fouIrtisplace. isaturday. ScoinI g: Rid's - Mka ac- Me. j-and Mes.1oiley Flint- < Gregor, Il goals, i assiat; Muika off, BowmnaaviIllc;Me. aad1 Whibtc, 1 goal, 2 aýssista;WyeMe.Ge Femn sons Truil, 1 goal, 2 asst;Gary ]JDavid and Rlobert, St. Cth- MCulOUgis, 3 as'ista: Beet armiies, wcvre Sna calies 'Sie, 1 igoal; Albert Greeni, 1onM Cd e . . Free- assist. mn PaîtcîsBIî Mcullugb Con2ratulatio ow MU, and 3 goals, 1i assiat Rick Steph- MeTs. Artisur MVaitiri. Matin enson, '2 assista:' Hon Farrow Rond , c'ilonSaturdiay c-e- I1 ol.Hg Lttie i goal, bntdthai',r S35eciWa(ddîng Norm Tilîsni assiat. nvPsey hervisitors 2Id Gnathtdyincludad lMe. and In lalte secoýnd gam lm Mes MalSbisls, Nawmaiirket; isurst dowaecd Queeni's by za MeTs. eitb ichel, apanea; score of 9 Vo) 1 aýs thcy MeVl. and Me1,s. Fred righ-t, strcngtheaed thi old n s-on rinaj, duhtrDeverly second place. Tins gamne swedBrea e George Bor- four players pick up tivo goa-ls cbutkI Base Lin, Vo w!i'sb tism apieca. Scoring: Elbvs-ma oe yers togethar. Wayne Pperce, l, 2 as-:M. ad e.Do-uglas sîsts: Gary Van Damn, '2 gas rPe'trborough1: Miss 2 acsss; Buc Aldrcd, 2 Ca3ol'Leaî'd, Woodstock, wce goals, 1 aýsjsIat lon Slaýck, 2 S-aturday vcaving s n -0P pe e goals, i essist; Pave Gay, 1 flas ii the foirm er's goal, '2 assista; Tim WaVLltoar, duhtrand fhusband, Me. Tarry Wltn anRoges, an 0Ms. MrtnVeels and asýsa crI. wo sos, Isa occasin heî)rng Bria Roe sore tie oslyVo alerat MaterScott Iii the finial ganse af thile ptIrength was eut te ail and:O N thiey were forced o plcy ther catira geme witb tlie a platyers who startadé. T1c playcd wcll, holding the score NW in the third tbiey began o Mca.Bety lobian oi3,f Dor- sho-w a iittle fatigue and came chester, ()ontar't, Pres.,idant of ont on tise shiort eand of an tIse RbksAssaa-bly 0of Onl il Vo i score as Cnwaaville tarin, visited several dCays lest wealt V ork.n I ýTlIsewin kept: weck with -i thi ebRýabe Çoenîl o na poinit cd oge(fIbris isritasd1 of lmrliis, la i 'ratplce il xhr aasa gucat esiof] Scoiag Cwanill-Pte e. ndMes. EHd Milîson, Mes, McCulnutgh. 3 Pgoals, I aýýisit;lîsnbigts euyPa Cisarlia Grean, 2 goa, ,3 - aidant 'of Oshnawa DistrictI sits; Caýrry Garaett, 1 guoal, East. 3assisa;Fred Aldrcd Iol, e ndMs'ar ax 2 ssista; LaRvarne Brown71, 1: )i I7,Cr nx goal. 1 assiat; P-Ual McCUl- Me. and Mes. John Shiplcy of muIs 1gol.1assi5t; Bob Oranýgeville s p) e n t Suaday Darah, 1goa, i ssit; Hn wth Ms. Ulmoat M. [Tisoaso, nidg, 1 assit; Bullck HRon Gond, "2assista'; Johin Me., end ýMes. C. Wiifrad- Wihrd a ' asisit. Iawearea110oliidayiag ila Cci- by Gary CooperIona nass1 Mr. Sine S.Lochkisac o fi i fonsJsmWriht. ~ p~ ~{pa ason SUi,rnday _'een a_ a dinnier 6uest 01 bisi copa_1in,Mes. ea.Morton. Me. and Mes. Jeseph ,Walker were Strdyevenîng cd- ner gwobt of Mr. and es Cordon Hlorniby aýnd son oi QshaWa. M1. and Mes. Grdon Powne wceoin Qsbawa last bFeidayý to attend th-e Ifuea of bis courinr haae M ssBeatelce (Bldie Polad, a-gre 95. la'-1 tarment waj in Bownsanville ceery. Mes. Alvin Yen l ain in th-e Mensoiaï optl Bowmvranville, Heyc niother Mes, Spenice Gýordon is atyi 4vîth Seott ,Yeo while bis mio- ther isill-1. Me, and Mes, Sim iPenfound111 of Couirtice viie ts aunt, Mes. M. UH. Staples, lst Tus qday evenlhng. Mes, Xun Bail attaied Za briaI shrowee for hem cusin Miss Pal, Brown of Oshawa, ;;j thse homne of Mca.. Peter Bel-ý sey, aw, on Wednasday, evening, Januiary l9th. Me. 0. W. (Bud) RoiphMe. Jîim Harnepss and Me, Wm.ý Dawisin are patients in thc- vie, and là. James Tennant, .3on etf Mr. and Meas. Roy Ten- nant, îs la the Oshawa Gen- era] 'Fospital. Mir. aad Mes,. Jack Willîamsý snd daugbters iitdMe. and Me, Lawrence, Harris andt sons on Saturcla. I Mc. and Mes. Bob Coe of A5gi11conrt were Sunayi vistors of t-heir parenits, Mcr. Carl Tannant, Me. and Mevis,r F. O. Cooper. Congratulations Vo Ms.AI-I haert Harris of Bwavlc fürerly (if Ocono district, whe celebratad bar 8, Othý birthday on TusaJanu- ary 27th, at the homne of Mr. and Mers. Cliff Cowan, Bow- manvile.Among the guests were Mce. Ted IIMs, Me. and Mes. Lawrernce 'Harris and son Charlas. Me, ad Mes. Gran Mof and sons of Oakville vlsItcdý Me. Wmn. S. Mý,offat on Sua day. Mes. Ja e Paers )f Coe HiL ,woattended the 25th Waddiag Anniversary of Me. and es. ere unnon Sn day atroni h ,F HaLý llOmo, bas ,ban tI hnaB-anu i f eccosis M.and Ma C0.lff CooperA Men Jf. Luca f Miitec-t har enstyîn at the Oeon CooerHome.trd'y Me. andlcoison of Carkeù Uniosrict bas beekn s gutai, owmpranderpFr c.nrt, cdandds, . M.J. a- gn ofndMarkbam vîslte ýjdbr paIrnts, 4M5. ad es Fi O Coper, evIon Saturda ScaroeoWh ere eekenW geuasmtaof M an Me. on onr Suonay vsd M. n iMes Lwrna artVo/ lasi' ndCanc.i.ghe Mace and Me. MlDw vstWIh rlaties n Cati- reVaireomen fo Man aer o th Ooo ydo WESLEY VILLE The qateyboard nseet- ing of tIse Hope Township Ch arge of that United Churcel wras bald on Mna evenîn'g in Canton Hall. The opaniag- devotions waere coaductad byý liav. J. ri-rt and the bus- ass for VIse ai-ýiing westcon- ducted by,-Rev. J. Buýra of Port Hope. Annual reports wera givea by Treasurar Aie. b. Milis; bly Clark of Session, MesB Wbaer; ,by fthc Mis- sion aÈnd Service Tree'surar, Mca.- M Gardiner and tisa Treasurer ofbthaBenievolent FunId, Mr. . Scott. bey lRa- wara eappoinltad, Masses3. Mac Wlker qrîd Lloyd elog wîtis lterntairs Carmai[n Beýll and Arnold Thocadyka. Miss iJoan Mvoora ws îsoite Mission and Service Treasur- e and al otisar office boid- ara ware ee-elected, Me. and Mrs. HJaeold r- rOWCI,)logb wae la Paeter- boroujglis Ibis waak whaire Ha,?rold wes ýfittad wiVb gass as Voc (oacluda b is teectmantý folwncye surgery -duwii1g Me. Lloyd Klo o!WcÏ1- coma took a car bcýd Io Bw mavrl est Tuasday U'i iafec- vill, V attnd he funerral nthqe laVe Rav. A. W.Haýrd- On TItCsdeýy tnornîgMs dams acold i Austin, Gog Tuiffard e nd E. Barrowloughi atteaded e group meeLtigng e 11th home nof Mes. ArniobaiAu- tin, Port Hiope, te preaea for tise reguler imeetiing oý-f tIe U...In Fabeuey. Mes, Hlector Parka cns plaefd a quilît e t brhm dueing Ise pý-ast weak, assi-- ed .by Ïiss Cer"Pakaa Mes,. Ethel Payaatirofr Pot twbo woa a cash prizte Irons tIshe Fine Ftidgeouriat Býureaum for bis esSay on the iistory ofI Cîceke whichb wîil' hac used lit thair ookit, Me'. and Mrs. lion Planeir and femiiy, ý.andi Me. and Mvrý. Leslie Ford are moving into the bouse recaatlyv veeetadd by Me. and Mes.i Arnold Auistin. Colda eandiflu are aViî'li tek- întg theIr Volf, paet YELVE Miss Adele Page wreboth inl apd out patients in hospîtal, thisý- week. Speed y reco-varýy 1to MeI. WilliamM aeviie bhis dauighterMe.AhuH- la-nd in iMt. 5mai Hoýï,-spitali n1 Toronto wceseucewn .speger-ytiswe.Aped well. Mr. Randy Longfîeld wasn viitr is weekend itbMe. li.nda Me. Pu hte a e tourndhm frm dw stHïe'bi contnuebisstuie at nday Collgiat _C7Sieeal jfCiom lt\hIl Comn [,on attndtfr ndus tmri mplemeant ISow at t1evePra cal I. E. Wr1deldo Gnra_-tde i tdns noc tour to Toro o nvars Vo visit ointsiif ofteMe1t.i Carroe bicity, egd , anrsuený,1 etýcaranged hy their ng tcherl ton Ani PMu Hreh.Mis Vii , MCareiL RK " obtyis1n Me Q eto iobinson is 19 howna)vr ct Annual emsetE rfCNIB Com mit tee' Tisennuelmetir n ftheisapr f hn oitnyos C. tok place on Jan. iat 0f membera as ýýfoîlowa: 25h 17 a ee Lon e te 'h, i a, Do lla ace preeat thrne M. W. WalItoI, 1Mes. The nuas ee oe aI . rhrMs.H ueet Me. Hîborn trease fiseA Mf i n he aa n Avote ofthanka ~Ve,ýslnd- \wiVIs commnentary by e u hre bMe.Mac-g Hawtisnrnc bora. T)oc- arcibeiutiful p il Ise organiz1ations wodo.,7 prcentaeQra pav- Isaped Via CN.IB ur- hepiherds. ' A blirid pcson dig the pat yaar. My ueiaet tIe scboolWbcre1 îlr.Hilborn replace! Pan tie dogs are trained foroa Sdllin in tihe chair for the ce1 mo tr VogeV usedVo ec V. Wor. Uo ifc -ak ssWdAbypast Maste of Or. ono v LodgeI Vod wor abut goingto th 1Somec parents are stili o hesi- tant~Pisi weadnt1s roposes, on thir i-ien. Thcy thîn othser e ilm wnas eatl by Mr. Allia and a social houe fAllwed with a iwie and domR ALL PIÇm SION NTHlIS AD U ATE CANADA CGRADE l"A".,VSEAE 410 5-LB AVE ZE-iN UAL5Y CEPI-TRE CuT SLICCS ONLY SUPER PmHSWu PG WWRY Z Pu RuA M PIC UPYOR FEEoRIINLoE' (IIRCED LWTtANA R G) WFTPEM FINAN A YEAR AOC> lb75< nuess sessn. Afler a brief de R T O N voioalbyr. Hofstettcr[Immet 7 Of sided at the electeic organl. ville carewas p;re e ý,(tdonpatentto alec as se The young ppe are to, be bhî of Mes, NeTWtn Arm- ptl commened onthe capable strong who was absenit d tog UK waum eerl a h rPi(,in tetook, ilînes. Th-e M. & S. finlancial icildeen Swbo areci m neiwchtheysrme report wvas given by Treastu- Th Oronc,MaocLoetodnsty ccpa Me. Jim Walker of R.R. e-, Mrs. Robot. ViviaiS anO ci - IN325I installation analgessa he r Lindsay and HEbvey Mllulm cpted. Audiorc appointedmons auayl3h A tmnd co-operate wtt attend e icOntarlo Soýil & 'werec ess lenSueand Lodge cHall 0on Cent er Street. ýist. Someneeda iî1t Crop Improvement meeting at H'ora'ýce Heaslip, MNr. Bobti' fier ntaldwPeý reImaiene na tlîj1C he Skln otl edale, ian was re-appointd Record ait atMatr o.toalnaata t arprsnaieofthe r<ce-ing Secrctary. Ms A rm-Uo. Ai, ead; Wrshpfu apciecounities-, Victoria and stonDig Pan1(1Mus. Vivian weCrâM 1ýster, Wor U 'eFoydNih Intearyd, Durham, this wcek. re-appolnted to continuq ii nIoon;Senio arcUe.wa hugtofpr On Sunday evening a good!their peesent caracitie A John F'onk; Junior 1,d1 oo ankilr turniout Feontcl ronwa ,otin to requ-catta r eKaa conae;Sc esac vrtey pe 11ntatthe alnnulal Off-îcial HIoftetter be permittd t eteRt.Wor.Uo Hr hwnta teml Bordmetigof Janetvjilesevet'h is charlge aftceris Dval'T reasur i-ce, V Wor. t eptecidn pastoral charge beld in the ordinationt wa naiosiy Wvell The state o basmen ofJanetville >Uited !endradby thoe Present.won. Pro. Charls Im; Dir- and the elimnai Chuirch. Rev. Dosche of Cam- UMe. Hofîtetter la sce&ddtoqct o ofCermonies, Wr, hieth hildwa brdge St. Unitec Cuerch be rde at te oo e.RyWnc;Senior ,Deahsmd nle Ii nne r Gad r.Ger u a Ascain Tom endr o, Vand Jnio n war,.ir.le eyop PLUMEING & HEATING UI Tyrone. Outarin PHONE 263-2650 RURNS P~RANlD STORE PACKED lb 6-ezvapc 3 SUPCR SGHT BRAO, SUCE i-bvaplq At A&P's MEAT COUNTER. THIS WEEK'S RECIPE, "!QUICK T1RKEY DIVAN"~. Coo MitsM~nafteeGolden MLUk ue CHOOLA ESWillards 7-oz boxe-s ANN PAGEBE S28f rls mAP VL, SANDARD OUALITY GRPOIND TO CRIER (3-LB Ar9. 9 DR nALI.ARDS BEEF STrW OR MEAT R-AU.Sl DIOG F O loin JANEJ PAKER. SfCEf(Uy ' 4 - A 35qe $0 cii 5~~ A LPM u >YOUR CHOICE COHOEtSALMON I..~s Thatvruç h a gen- mits a a hoa~ 'n that .roduced nied by tension se dent- le more - more air emo-~ .ars. the gas ly as ~ Eowever, ara bas ~as uacd drowsy ffcct as ~uphor~a. 0f fear awsk~ popular ~n and an Dan.a jý lei 10