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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1972, p. 3

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Re d Cros-s Rouan'Ulp Dee jns i-971 A, Most Success fui Yeur TheBomanile nd Dis- Services for Seniors. The trict Fyrch of the R£ed Cross exercise singsong event fýor octyheld thi r annual guests at Beauville, has been neetingý, on 1an1iaiv 13, 1972, very successful. A workshop mla Ilhe baqat roomn on was held for friendly visiting D)ivisionreetlCL. ifor Senior Citizens at St. Thie meting came ta- ord- John's Church. The Youth er wýith President Mrsý. G.- Ploject for the summer months Forsey in the, chair. The chair- ta heip Sr. Citizens was ap- maný of the- vario0us commt- preciated. tees presented their annual Water Safety Report was repor ts. presented by Bill Bagiell. Trecasmrer Mr. W. J. E. Orm- Five programs were held dur- i7ton stte hat cotributions îng the past summer in Bow- for, 1971 had edd the manville, Blackstock, Orono, U,100 mnark. Mut,-ichio the Newcastle, Hampton. mnoey wsudfor, disastcr Mrs. Betty Spry presented reiefsuc as hielping area a report on Women's Work. fire victimis ;and for main- 1971 was a very, successful taininig thervice povicled year, she said, with 123 work- by tlhe local rac and W,)- ers taking part, sending ta men's Work Committet Divisional Headquarters 1323 pucaematrial for dlisaster articles of clothing, 45,874 dlothing on a, national. andl in- wipes, 245 slings. Besides this, ternational1 scale as well. 34 articles were given ta dis- Blood dronor report by Mrs. aster relief and 36 ta LEA. Hele Rudli: Four blood locaily. Ten pairs of socks relînics heldI in 1971 in Febru- and mitts and six quilts were ar, M1a, August, November, donated. wfth a total of 887 units of Homemakers' r ep or t by bloodcoletd Four chies Pres. Mrs. George Forsey - are lane )t be held in Seven homemakers filled, two 19ýJ72. mothers with baby-sitters, 21 Emeg~ny ervcereport aduits and 19 children taken was resetedby Mrs. *G. care of with clothing follow- Forsy. Asistnce as givý- log tires in the area. Prograni en ini foo, clothing and bed-foth patients at Marnwood area. Asoiomemake irs elp-14cRest Home for birthday. Sal- -e ouFt whnn e redd in casesvation Army junior choir .f Ilness or of mother bering sang. hospitlized.Location of nexv headciuar- First aid rpr a pre- ters is on Division Street, ,entpd by M,ýr ' Harold Lu,,.xton. open five days a week, meet Duriiing 19, ýjtrclasse on fîrst Thursday in the month firstaid v wecre heldand seýV- at 8 pm Ladies hold quilt-ý erýal Iltu]res eeyTuesday afternoon. Mis M.Croe peseteda The eýlection of officers for i'eprt nl om nursing rel- 1972 followed: Pres., Mrs. G. lerrig't te yaraauc Forsey; Vice-Pres., Mr. Don1 cesaful ane and anonrcîng Harvey; Treasurer, Mr. WV. J. thatawrdswîl b] pesete E. Ormîston; Sec'y, Mrs. He- in MTarch. lene Wallis-, Publie Relations, LoanCupbard uppir- Mr. Bih ýWallis, Mrs. Jean poirt by Mr1\1s. Paýt Griffnin:Duir- Parker; Women's Work, Mrs. jýng_ 1971 there wvere 133 Betty Spry, Mrs. G. Evers; artcle lane, heseinclud-Blood Donor, Mrs. Helen Ru- Fd eci, weelhaiscrutich- deli. Mr. Harry Davey; Loan ~s, tc.Cupcboâlrd, Mrs. Fred Griffin; Mrs. PaitLuncas rep,ýorted on Fîi'rst Aid, MIr. Harold Luxton, A le tieatch, dissaiisfied wlth being 'n a pocket, envied B-ig Boa', the great tower elock. I wish 1 could be up there, said thie littie watch. 111 could thon serve the multitude." And >,ddriily the littie wateh had its wish. It was drawn up to the tower. But from, below it was Invisible. its elevation had becoan rnihilation, Pon Ifîut l oe o l te eremoval of spots and stisfrmyour garmients. Expert qualified attention is need- ef- Rr gnd themtoyour dry cleaner, EOWANVLLEDRAMA WORKSHOI' presents Baý;refoot In the Park" - Feb. 17-18-19 BO0_WMANVU"LLE, C"LEAlNERS LTD' a.0u41 M84 KNG STW. 623-5520 ICLE A ER "We Speesialize In Shiîrt Laundering" Announcing the good news? set ides dwayo 0L0050 Our fa>Otfgu Bouquet Wedding LUne '~e&~i4n 7 nw pLoic _scipist LUCTA SCRIP'T EMBASSY SCRIPT qTUYVE5ANT SCRIPT ~r.andJf5. J',c ar G Gogeri N!UPTIAL SCRIPT M~. an Mas. g00 -0Aled R01tfi0e ANýTIQUE ROMAN SEL VEDERE Mare nmarce brîcies are findng they con have the luxury Iokthey love oacii stîli keep an the sunny sîde of their boo ugtwth equisite Rinbaw statianery. ýt featuros Thermo.Eogra'vîng .- an omazîngly rîch, rised etterng Wîth ail the goci osthd dîstmctîan of the fînest crats- manhi - etCasi 50 Ittie, c'o see aur excîtîrîg selectian ricntemrparry oac.Imd (jtradiaatype faces . . ore, perfect te kW* weeLs Jellveî'y! alewdesigrts for '72 110W Available ai Water5saf ety, M.W.-anel Home Nursýing, Masr. Don Harvey;HoeakrMs G. Forsey; 'Senior Citizen, Mas. Pst Luc; :Phane Cou,)- venor, Mas. J. Scott: Fruit and Flawers, Mars. J. Living; 'Re- freshmeuts, Mas. J. Brown- lee; Campaign, Ma. Don Har- vey. Increase Cost Lodge Addition 1Thle uew ad,(dition ta the Gýold.en PloughI Lodge lu C- bourg ill cost -$36,000 more than the amoicunt approved lui March, 1971. The niew total. is $2,4 sud includes S$553ý,97!1 for coný- struction, S26,000 for fuiruish- ingà, $5,001) for demolition, 3878for arcbîtect's t ees sud $5O0miscel1aneous. The Department of -Saial sud Famîly Services hlave a.c- cepted theilr portion nf ithe increiised cazs. Meeting lui their asat session of council,I the counities have accepted thela shaire tao. TYRONE Do't torgetteAna iCongrega-,tional meeting Feb.ý 7tb, wvIth s get-together a :30 for cýoffee sud meeting at 8:5 pm Note1cangofdat fo Tyrone Uitedr Churchi Wo- men's mee-ictin-g Pcb, l6tb at the homne )Éas.Waltea rPark,ý -w1,g a Paebytey tSm- cee' St. Ujnited Cbhuach Pb 9, Mas. P Ev5 M/DC,,oY ilavisiting Ma. sudXMas. Lloyd NMcCoy, Mississauga. Ma. sud,Nifs. A. J.Hioair attended the retirement pari.y aof Ma. sud Mas. A. Jacksjon, Satuaday evening. Miss Louise Hoa spent the weekend with Miss, Margaret Hamilton at the University, Kingston. Soray ta report Mas. Don Stainton býad the misfoatunie of taactuaing ber wrist and is wearing a cast. Ma. sud Mrs. J. C. Cook visited ber aunt, Mas. John- son Kidd of Goodwaod. Ma. sud Mas. T. W. Newton, Toronto,, ewa eSturday even- ipgdinner guests of Mransd ars. Neil Newton and cbihd- ren. Mr. cd hi Gibbs Lodge Way Phasaý uirdsy Mas. Mar, sud Ai erbar: were snd Grecsý Sym Lloyd passini Stanie while pathy C. Co Ing Ma. Si 1Win ty Fi Nelie chard, 50, chair, Setting waste avainAryCiae Ma. and Mas. Lloyd Deunis Simcock, shwn ite aboya photoý, weae niaa- aied on Satuaday eveuing, Decembea 11, 197! 1Ia,630in a candlelight ervice at the Salvation Aamy Citadel, Bowniaasville-, withCat L. Frost ofcai~ h bride is the former Miss Marga Van Hiigrduhe of Ma. andMaC J. Van 1-eiingen.of BowmnanvillLe, and the gunromisiï, the sýon of Mas. M. Simcock of Whitby-. _ Photoby, Astoir Studio BLACKSTOCK a nd Mrs. R. Gibb-j vl,Àt- Sinee sypahy f he ening were: Ladies' high, Lr-ý .îs mother, Mrs, Clare communityLa xtndd a Ir.n Rihards, :ecaM Ella Vn and Mrs. aeced n ig eXs hgEee Isat the Golden Plough t.amily on tht)ragcpsigWtoscn ec a e, Cobourg. yne, Kathy and BI renda Of their 19 yer idon aFnd Camip; doar pie lzbt ey, Castieton, spe-nt Sat- brothereorMLd, as Skzeldingý,. NxtWi.arpay ywith thecir grnndmotbera. resuit of i rfca ccdet ta be VWediesda;y,Fe.t Ednila Philp and ,au'nt early Saturýday ming ut anme o oa Jean PbîIlp. On Sunda1ýyMran Mr.nwmbetnstendad the' wekn ihM.adMs ee w aiMcoblvatyo r adMs ough, to Duda wheeth wan troo t h ïrrm at Bth- an Vrs ialter Rah[m visited M' ýr. and Ms. Jack any" Sunday visitors, of Mr. Swain and-t amily wh'ile Ne il Mn fte]u1frir M.. George Rabm, and EleanIIor guats (of atne teanalMci iba'k. Dr. and Mra. Jack Marlow ery' Show liTrntiurn npathy ta IVr.- and Mrs, and f amily'\. last week. dHarmer on, the sudden Congratl)utions ta M-r l M adMs.Hrr a îg o bi fater.Mr. Ruth W ion the arrivaI of leY Haýmer flArigona, hberfbrotherrjdr.,landaMrs. 01n bis vacat-ion. Sym- Mrs. McQao e con lson Heas1lipo Jntll yalso ta Mr. and Mrs, J. great7grandm - it's, a girl - ,ok-on ithe LIdden pasa55- Valerie Lyn, Wisonwec The Ann i- 1ual Cngegtin 1af the 1ircbrotber-ln-law daughter cof Mr. and M Ars.metig f heUited Churcb0 Stanley Harmier. Lloyd WÀilson. a hl o ededa vn- inersý at the FEucbre parj,- MNr. and Mrs. Billegso n aagth ayotherý FridaY nig'ht were Mrs. adby eeweedgu"sts . Rgular re iLunnýr, Mr. Llonel Byam, of Jean'a mother, Mrs, Harrars given by thesereare R, GhbsMiss Laurie McKee at Norwich, Thel-y assrfth aiusgopao h dn, Mrs. Marjorie Blan- were guests of ber brother,icurbinldicated a tvual ri. Mr. Fred Partner; 50- Mr. snd Mr.-. Hugh Meeyea r.1ev. V.Parson)js an- Lýaurie Hoskin;, lucky and tamiîy. rnunced that Our congrga rMrs. J. C. Cook. At the, mixed Bonspielat, tion, like many otherwl _____________ Port Perry on Soatuird)y, bave a Cburcb Direcor ti Blackstock was weîî re r.F.ailly pictujres wîl1 l be ENINISKILLEN . sented -Mrl and Mrs Ro ke>n thb;pilif Cordon won ithe 'Spiel by deirMr, -BobBrasndtiy he aunnual Prea-byteril teating anothea Blackstc asNnyssitrMsse- V.~~~ metn ibe beld toursome, Mr. and Mrs,. Bia bc rowin.OnSuinday te mTrcOe St. Unlted Cbuacb, Hamilton and Mr. and Mas. took b1-er hm aden)fjoda wa,~ ~ 9t o b.tbtrmNeil Bailey hy one paoint. Thi;sit witIh Mr , ad as W ,o .30p m Gestspek-Turner-Corden teamwn first Brown at orîe r n The Maertr r jAlce, silver trya ad mrl Ms r a i 1eiiywr will ho beld Wednes;dayprize l ei lte buhsMriono orie Ling at 8 o'clock àt te, and mantel ok.O Turaynhtagd ikillen Ujnited Church,ý Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mdn-cowlnoe te ONO 9tb. m117Y, Christine-, Stephen, and SkatingPryfrtemm aud as. . Denam-Paul, Oshawa;, wres'nday bers, thirhuansadtm erlandc, Iwere SuLnday vs vnn inrgusao rfle.Seea anssdaatr- with Ma.r and Ma. J. and Mrs. Grl el u n eeejyd h vn 2. ~~~~~~~girls. ,n ocue ihalnho and Mas Ra VaMe r ev.CaeneFguo fot og an coee Te tamily ot Bowmaville Don Milîs calle o issitr NO ir aer0in11ta ýSunc[aya Mr anld Mra. Mas. O) Hill durtinIg the wek-theFebýruary etig h McGil'. E.dheen ch.anged tathis 7,wpek at and rs.E. . Wrry Winnlcrs at the regular Wl. hlme f D yLe Friday eeingdinner card party nWdcdyev TeJnayPetn, o as of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney aster, Newtonville. r> nd Mas, Thbomas Dick- Bewdley, were with Ma. frs. R. Howe on Sundav,! rand Mrs. Fred Draper ;d their daughter Mr. anid .Gregg Toinf, Chu r, ndy.A iyà, 1FOmsnUille, anr Mr. Je ekbr 1 readra, Mrad Iand Jampes were SundayR "- R iÏng dinnea gLLests oIMr Mas. Clarence Egeo family, Bailieboroi. [anY With, Mr, and Mas.S hb were visitors witbMa Mas. EdWeks, DonIMîhî, R *UMM Saturday nîghtS PE A I lln;d Tous. C. AveyRpS A 1 aur ynlght vsti ug for the Suntny Soubijý. llucky!1 Ir, and IMrs ,EltWYn Dîckey -s- SVel ma ofBo avie lSuuday su-lpperguet f aud Mrs., M. staintonn r. 'and Mrs. GeoLrge - BOWANVILE Iluad Stevenr, 'Mr Randy W rhail, larton, N.S, Mssi_ ZIINE 6 3 6 _ ý,MarzJbal. Bwavle [a. and Mr-MrayIi a.&dn'a ani a'a thel Thrdy Gil and A.C.W.were cmbinedtp tsk tlic fnto of ms po-te luck su l, pe1 atth arishHall. The de liclous p rot I lck,;,dinner ,Wal cc(luded with , là a biatdr McLauhlinpaesied sd wn charg( e of the Deývotion on tb Let, the chýildae-n caer ta mîe for the r gd of. bea- Taig part inthe Srpu tatieus wreEda esynes, M. Argue, E. Bafle, B. Stai laud, B. McLaugbiu suý ad. L .McArthur. Ihanded copies of the inlancial report whicb wa adro p ted T7hauk you notes wý,eae resa Pa.ssggse psmxtiuIg JOb astabled. Plans ,for the SplgSuppea u Make Be- lieve Tes are ftaWbe c ompleted hiy the girli of the ,Tbursdsay Gujild. It w:asý decide-d ta ac- iept the _kind Inivitation to býoa. sgardr-n paaty at; the homre cf Ma. Asud Mas. Don1 gowns is C. Cordoen, as, Lao max sudL. McLLughliti.Nex' mneeting cof Ptie A.C.W. la te be a qulltîng. Benedicýtinu was rVýounced by vMas. Mce Ou Friday eeîgafine Me~ilVanCamp wav;s lu the chai;ir for -the mieitn. Th c výarlous reports shw tai quite aa uccesasful tala wa. >aelat ear lu spite o)f the poar weath-er. Variaus suýgges. tieus wre vacedfor, im provemeuts for tlathi yeaa . It1wasîsugeSteClîliai be wceaed - just givethen e1ither verbaly ,or hlu waîting taJ e lt'liae idu or sec- Ma Drelloalfraher o f Sa barougb eîgtdthe ud enewith bs slde sd hi] of their peneucle, h bis wif e udyougsoli toua- ed Euroip hat ysa.Hispic turcs were)of the painanc Mediter-auesreglon) Merrill VanCamp e111,s) re. tuauned for aP sýecond trm ,o: offiîce sudm"s, MrlWat- ter remaTIaýas LadyDîrectoi Wîtb Mrs. Doug S e eac as Assistant .A Pair -oakrd meI_ýeting will be orn Pc. 9t11 at the RecreatonCet. HAYDONI aMd Mas. 3. Potts and family and Mrs. Martin. Mr Donald Thompscu, Bw Tharapsan on Suuday, Ma. aud Mas. Jon TJoncs and Sandy vstdMa.îaudI M1rs. A. Boumte. sbo n' ISatuaday eveu-inig, ,Mr. sud IMas. J., Potts, Mary sud BïilIe, and Ma. artî'n, Ma. anIdMs.A tb r Tewin, William su P aul Pf.!wre Satua- day eveing pviaitrs of Mn- aud MIrs. 1- Christeas,,en sud Mary Ellen. -Mra. Aý. Thomrîp-eoniwas Sunl- dlay supper guest o f M. u Mas. E. R. Thompsýon, Bow- maanvilie.1i Mir. anld MaXs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald suid Ray weae supper guest cf r, RAndMas, W, BomaEniakîlleni, ou Fr1- homelastMondy fro>m a twa weeks 'holicday lu the Sunny Sotb Clear Path for 2nd 1Orono WeII Clake TwsbpCouncîl beld sa ,pcialmeeting Jan. 19t11when they passed a reso- lution aettLiring foth rates ta be chaaged ta retire the cost of aq second Orona well ovea sucs Commission bad ask- cd thiat a corccted, (copy nf the resolution be passed'lu this feature so that the Corn misýsion could present the proposaî ta the Ontario Muni- cipal <Board. The Police Tru.5tce had passed a resolution which was endorsedI by Council but witbh wbicb the OWRC waa not satisfied. The new resolutian la expected ta clea the wayl for tbe construction of the second well this year, Council also gave thela ap- proval for the preparation of s bY-law 'ta allow Sunday raclng,2 ý-at ospoat track dur- ing 'tbe ,umrmer ot 1972. LONG SÂULT Ma. RaYmound Cameron was borne for the weeker'd with bis parenits, Miansd Mas. Rabt, Cameron and sister Ruthanu. Ma. sud Mas. I. Southwvell, Oshawa, were Sunday attea- noan and supper guests ot fMa. sud Mas. D. Soutbweil and f amily. Mas, G. Bernard sud baby Jean visited wlth Ma, and Mas, Rye Gibson Pon Sunday. dMas. L. Brown, Oshawa, was s gUest 01 Ma. sud Mas. Dos r Davis on Thursday and Fri. day. Mas. E. Keboe, Oshawa, s mother af Mas. Davis was a , g u e s t of her daughter sud rson-iLn-law t ram Thursday ,~uti Tuesdaiy wbile recuperat- iîugn tram a nstattack af pSbingle-s, Ma, sud Mas. Hi foas on Mnday ;atthe D. Davi Ma. ;%Stoîk7,ecutyvisîted with the Rye Gîbsanas. Ma, sud Mas, Ryc Gîbson weeMauday evenîug guests of the D. Davis family and .enjoyed a moat delightful candleligbt dinner. Ma, Hilliard Gallagberansd Ma. sud Mas. Eric Gallaghea iSudy v tors of their swser, a. su d Mas, G. BSernard sud dfamxily. b Mrýansd Mas Rye ,Gîbsan ewîth Ma. sud Mas. D !:on Davis eatteuded the showingof "Tok- ,afterwaads called on Ma. sud -Mas, E. Kehoe, Oshawa. Ma. sud Mas. E. Kehoe, Osb- sIýwa, were weekend guests af ýtheir daugbter, Ma: and Mas. Don Davis, also vistîug Ma, , and Mas, Davis on Saturday iand Sunday were Ma. sud Mas. :t Thomas Goreaki and Randy of oOsbawa. ëYOUNC, CLARKEOR.ATORS John Corruah sund 'E'd Clark o tdet f the Orano ubi k sch-(,ool, paced itîansd sc I aesýpectively ili the Clarke ýt Towuslhip Pulic Spakiu f r t I i Mýiss Florence Weaay:, Bo,,w ton, Ennishillen, were Sns visîtors at Mr. sud Mas. Lýloyd Aahton's. Ma, sudMas5, B~ansd bjoys, OshaWav, setSunday witb 1Ma. sud Mas.niTom Patta. Ma sd as RssilAu- desa pad BîiPort, Hope, visied a. ud asl.. Arthur Trwi sd boy. ou Sunday. Ma. sud îjmas. C W. Dowuey' Mar. sud a, .BnutMas wcreSatrdaycvcingvisi- i Sunday, auppe-r 9uestUa01f Ma. The Canalan Statesman, Bowmanville, Feb. 2, 1972 Sepaate choo oar ppisComte Membeî s of cammr-ittces for 1972 werc apprved by trus tees of tlhe Four CunySep- arate Schaol Board recently. These aie: Advisory Plan- ning, Fergus Young, R.R. 1, Ennîsmore, chairman; 11ev. F. M. Grant, Fraudas Leahy, Ger- ald O'Taole, Board-Teachea Liaison, James Redmond, -Co- bourg, chairman; Aubaey Al-. heu, Clare Condan, Douro , Gerald O'Taale, 11ev. J, Walsh, Downeyville. Ïusurance, Mas. Mary Amy- otte,caimn Aubrey Allen, Stewart Cbhalm, Bowm nau- ville, Clare Condan. Pollcy, Fraudas Le ah y.chairmnu; Fraank Couuchly, Edward Hea- lihey, Dowueyvîlle, Emmett MeGarrity., Prapeaty snd Use et Schooli gus Yýourig. Bard renresenta- tive tPTADiean oucl Hlow'&S Your Cicago, 11,A ree offr cô s:pecial interest to those -whký hear but do iiot understand words bas been announeed by- Beltone. A non-operatîng modelr-' of the smallest Beltone aid ruver made will be given abso-n<tel,, frea t a anyone anawering thia advertisem ent. chairman; Aubrey A l O ýIî1 the rrvacy of or w Stewart Clilsiolai, Frank CIPhm atotca rolgto nelly, E dw ar d Herlihey,,of any kînd. It'-i yoýurs ta kep Woodrow. Demoe, Port'Hopeý free. It -weighs lea than a thIIrrd Pubilic Relations, 11ev, F. m. of an ounce, ançlîtds ail at e-ar Grant. chaîrmian: Mrs,. Mary level in one unit No,)wsres lead Amyotte,Cyr i i O'Domtell, from body to h,-,adc. GeraldC O'Tooe!(, Fergus Young. Tiiese models are free, so we7 Salary, Gerald O'Toole, chair-isuggest you write f oryor man; Aubrey Allen, Cyrilinow, Again, wereet there O'Donnell, James Redmond. 15- no cost, and ret unyn o Ibligation. Wite t'n a. 28 Members or joint comrniittee Beltone Electronïcs, -3f-3Ï7 Met- with Peterborough Coýunty ropolitan Blvd.,,L.E,,Montreal Board of Eduocation: 1ev. b.38, P.Q. Grant, CrlODoolFr- ~{ peis Go' gyewel/ery eVtcid -presenta Inter-nationial SLÀver*'s Hons patterqîn ýr e vival Som-le pattllern favourites ý;of lthe past 50 years offered once mor e. F111 in. Add-on and "update" your service in the pattern favou rite chosen so proudly years ago. TH-fE INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY 0F CANADA LIMITED m *It's Fl $200001UN PRIZE FOUR.' $50.00 GAMES" -($10,00 MINIMUM PIE EVERY MONDAY AT 6:30 P.M.,ý STARTING JANUARY 31st OIN CABLE TV CARDS ON SALE AT ABl E Tfv (OFrF1IE 26 KING2ST. WEST - OWMDAN VILLE

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