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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1972, p. 4

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EDIT&ORIAL COMME NT Golden Age of Planners We are livinig in the golden age or pansthe sining era of planning boads te gldd poch, of thie AI- mihyPlan. Society lha,,becomne Ob- sesse wit. fidin 'irection to carry iti1 onwrdibth future. And, im bue.d wîtthe AmeYirnfts for order anid prgrss.i srugls 0open the edoors for a Mmoh omotbe -transition mb te prsperus yarsahead. Tayis forgot. To'erorrow is the quary. hathapensnowis ignored., What, wilihppn90 yeaýrs hence is the oujc f profou.nd circumspection. Thie Plan, the Officiai Plan, bas' become the altqar upon -ýwhch the poor îindijvidi.i must address hbis desires. "Pray put uýjp wth mý-y whtm," the. Plan answes, "ad1.?will guide you into a The pi ilannersUtough first to admit thei falibiltyare employing thieir tlnsin thie dulous, exercise of fore- catîng got and development. Like ecoomiîsther cntrbutonsto soc- iety pie rather,ý specicus predicetions predictiN whiich a;re merely reflec- ion'rs oftheplanitself and ci3 f how the p,ýiannr-,wll irecitithe changing soc- iety Fufilîentwill ýcorne as neither hin tedoi, pas lnigboards and ,overring every scratch cof country from hiere lakindomcorne (an aybe even a cnr c f that place too!), Tae owani0efor exaniple. We havean ficPiaiianoutiining pro- posed develo)pmnt in the town. It is the wok f the lca lanning Board.. Las,,t year it o)perated ona udgê of $2,032, In adtinwe are gli somne nmeasure, by the CentralOnaj Joint Planning Board, a reinlPlan- ning groupicldn shawa, Whitby, East Witby, Darlington and ]3ownmn- Mille. Last yea,,r its budgetl was abo)ut $138,000. COne of thfthngsit, isresn. ly doing i tbishn ing anOfficiai Plani of its own. Then is hle Nrhn berland and Durham lanning group which -was ont, formulated lstweek by Counties Council to consider a Ms ter Plan for the counties. The draft has cost $7,000, and another $8,000 will bc needed tb complete Jit. 1Budt tha isnt ail. Over everything is the Toronto-Centred Regional'Report- a Design r for' Developmenit. It h as't been elevaited to an Officiain Plan sta-,tu5 yet, but as, a concept iît wields eomu influence over anything planned in Toronto's legthening shadow. And besides this, lthere is, the Ohw Area planning and Developiment Studly which for two andi a haf wyears wrestld with a plan f:or regional development. in the aea Lstyar Boman ipid more than $I 9,000 for its, share of thbe now euct he qatr ilo dollr suy Plan probinig lb thi,s dgrcee ha5 naw made us planbnund. That may bM keeping planners and lawvyers and politicianbusy; but it is aý okeeping the axayr. busy paying for aIl the costs involved. Planning, So esntaLo effective progress han tured boaRcomplex, unlintellig,,ble web ... leading uswee We areiebeing planned b10 death. And what kind of future is that?. WeWonder If the Changes WiII Help .)ver bbe weekcnd, Prime Minister Trude-au announced severai changes in bscabinet, obviotusly le prepame the growund for bbce electio)n anticipated for June cýf Ibis year., or Obc fali if it is. d(eemdi mrepoitcalyadvantageeus. Benso, Basford atiNdIMackasey, bbe enwhese .,(ipolicies Ihave ,disturbed bbe b usinessoi muiîyh have been shiftcd tenwposte ini the hope that this will remve om iritatsand improve popcsfoir cleî needed funds forapigig Somiehoiýw we deubt that Lbbe n îuoswili, be taken in by sc ob ieu eves, [but we could Here Ih Coseratiesqre off te aRod tr îuinibe p oesf gcaring forv bbe major ffort that lies before !(ei, bt ta date thenIe ïisvery little orgnizlio th . sffred suých a def eat ini thie pri-oj-cI eieçýtton The NDEP also don't -l'mObbe aybeenear the ful s;r-idle 0)e y were in, tIbis fan ahcac f the We welcomc the announicement thal yongDvid Gmray cf Hope Tewnship basý docided laontstthe nomination for bbc, PCs ý,in Nortýjhumbcrland, and Du0trham.He_11Culd ake an energetie canidate fl Pnminatcd but there is rne waý,y o cfbeliing how),,vsuccessful be would b-e ag ite incuýmbenb Libemai Rus- sdei H!oneiiy w.hboJ,;extremely populan, thjrougýhout thL-e constibucncy. Also, if The Law o f D.i if omenewa Iprced from a grc 1,distancecff and Iviewed the $61,00 udgeentOronmo mink food farm~ Ricard oins bats been award- Ccd and the esutatwranqIgIlover Who sheld aya sairdeie sert cf grin woulîd pnobably f iII bis face. Hene is one govcrmnent body say- ing,1-, "Righti, you ould be paid." And fibere _isanhr sayinýg, '-Right,,but net The deci,,s e being appeai- cd wich is ýbounlelt cost a great deai cf mNey7,No mater which way bbe deion gee, ihe taxpayer Who is gcng t ave la pay the court bis. of cftigeven doer, te iohome. Ther- Celebrates HÎC IThis , eck, former [Pr-ime Ministen LusS, Lurn clerte is 901h bilrtbida--y and we te rpdlighted te extend conraultinsand isb him centinued Mayfn-om Ibis amca ýjwil ecalbis evalvisits le Dunbam Ccunîty be- wen1949 and 1957 and wihl agree that the 's poltica fortunes seem to be on the upilswing, Gray maiy face con- siderable opposition from other would- be canýdidates. Only limre wi]lbeIl Once Ithe forthcoinig sssenc parliarimnt oenilwill be cdifficit for MVr. Henoiey, wýho- is Depuly Speaker of the lieuse cf Cemmyons, fte spend .the time needed bo rebuiild bis Liberai onganizatien. His duities l, ie imr- much more clesely te iblie use cf Commnons than most privýate meùmbers %mwho are able te slip away frequtentLIy te, do need- cd ~ ~ i fec-edn Ihome.Fnnkywe had boped the Primie AMinister would have eIevaledI him tef a cabinetpo, but he didn't. A Ise whre i s some eidnc hat the gev*emnment cf Mr. Trudeau has lest some cf ils earlien xpplarityq as fic uniderstan-dable, se the Lbrascouid electinthe11ir rpeenaieif Opposi- tion leader Rob)ent $StanfieicWa show- ing- anly gre-at increa,,se in bhis populanity, which is net tee apparent i;bbc mrom- ent, There is an old aain Iat 'ýcecLors den't vote gevernmenýtsmb o ffi ceIlbIey vote them eut, if Ibey are dissatisfied byV casting their baqllets for other parties. At the mement, thec experts are predict- ing bbe Liberais will have uitle trouble being returnedi, prebhabl 'y with a reduc- cd majorily, but, a lot, can happen between now anid electien daiy ta change the situation, Il bjas befrr newl riinishing Returns tewn c owmnileis apaiga court decisieni which found thie Con- sumers' Gas Company not guilt 'y cf an alleged violation of a town by-iaw (rnmben 1723). lt is pmobably ani important ýmalter et prinçiple - but the facl is even if the cempany is feund guilty cf violat- ing Ine tby-iaw by the Appeal Court, the Itm,iaxmuinpenalty Mis enly $10, plus cosîs,. The costs cf litigatiion ýoLd run as high as $500j for the bowný. The bewn is gambling il will win; hnee er, if il loses il Wilha2ve 1b pay tIhOeeCOSîS iand possibly, Consumnens' Gasls as -wel. And who ic oing le gvehe îoewn the meniey te py tesebuis? And what wil l ail s9Oth Birt+iday he wasen of he most rces esn alities.[ote ver fi]the Prime Minist er' s post, and his wife was tie perfect part- ner. "Uncle Louis" wîll lonIg be mýemie- bered as a great Canadian by Ihense wý,ho knew bim and by those who admired his capabilities. Happy birthdiay,! DuriharâCouznty's ,Great Famfly iJournacle UICtJ.Jf.~LVU £0 %ftLJ U<4 '0 flue Bowmnviile Ncwn The Newcastie Indiependentll The Oreno News JOYN M. IAMES EriaaOl-PUBLIzSHER Scocýnd classm m cyiiiralion numiber 1561 Produtced everyWenesayby T14F lAMES PIALIS1NG \ý1COMP !ANY IT C32-66 King St. W., Bwovle nai GEO. P. MRRS PATRICK GOUD I BUSINESS MGR. SALES MANAGER Phone 623-3303 DONALD BISHOP PLANT MGR. ' and/or property rtqht, ,ubsist ïla tIr fmqe Cappeariaç an this proot. Pmcint mardueu whol or in part and in iy fôrft whaover, paxticlrly by phoatographie or ofiet -rril a publaion, must be cbtained rom the publisher and the. printer. Aay unauthorized reprodulctio ill b. subject ta recours. in latw," $7.00 a cyear - 6 nonths $4.00 $à.00 a Yecr in the United States stictly ir, advance Aljt4vvouqh e.y peCautjO il IIâb.takeataIa aod error Th* . Canadian Statesman naccepte advertis. Inuula ie colmneon tiv. undoir;tandinq tht t 1wiIl fot., -Sabe, for any error in ony cdvertieement pbiedhereundel unles a pý root et euch cýdvetismnt s rvuetd i ritinq by îtii. advertieer cad ireturaed ta Tii ain Stateeman business office duly sge by the acdveriFer and wth such error or correctlion, prlainly notdta inwritinq therean. and ita that ca, iif cny errol so nated ,nt corr tdb Tiiý. caian stotùemarn ttc iabIlitty shC a flt eCo-in,ed aprian cf t- i. etir ost c'f .1,* dvrtï%emer, cauflte epace occuptd by the, noted erraýr boars t to ihobleepaco Occcupied e y MacDuff Report T..he Inevitable Strike-s OTTAWA-In recent yas Canadians bave bad tebe tomne accustomed to facing sýtrikeS in Ibe public secter oervcesthat o01Dnce er tlhou(ghl vital. And sucli strikes aelikely le cotinueïiF bbe common, ait least un- tl Ibere are major changes in the laws covening unions in the public sector, and ln the attitudes of people te- wards labor - management relations in tbe public sec- ber. At prescit, the attitudfes of both workere in bbc pub- lic secter nd the govera- ment wbich mvusl negotiate with Ibeni, make str-ikes dif- ficuit te avoý id, A zsimpleý change l hei ginlint oullawsnie would net sole Iis problem. Ev enr where strkes are anned, wildcat work sopgsor tuySessions van be and bvbenusEcd as de facto str-ikes. As far as Ille workenrs arýe copcernnd, there, is oflen liltle reason fer tbhem flot le go on strike . iPeople ma talk about bow the weigblt of public opinion sheuld keep tbem aI tbeir jobs. Butd favourable public opinîin docsn't pay bills. Il doesn'l boosl a standard of living. And il doesn't prevent in- flation from croding the valueof a selîlement achiev- cd ln earlier negolialions. A. and- --w-ýpýDistant Past Fromn the Statesman Files 25 YEARS AGO 49 YEARS AGO (I"ebruary 6, 1947) ocýcasinied following the snew an-d sîcet sterm last Tbursday when bbc noof of a gr h use uit aI Brook- dale - Kingsýway Nu rsenies, King St. East, cras;hed ta the greu.nd. M lrs, A.: M. Tlhompson and son David 1bave eur ed fromn visiting bier moiýtier in Ottawa, The Misses iAUlle,Bec Ave.,à had as their guests for dnner lasb Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs, Laurie O'Hara of England. Mn. OlHara was a pnisoner of wan in Germany for four years, afterwards serving in the U.N.R.A. for a lime, Dur- îng thbc var bis wife did, war work ii- England. Tbey' hope te sebîle in Caniada. Mn. O'Ha!àra's father :and mother were born in Bow- manville, bbhelatte-r nec Alicia Sirrpsoný, was yeoung- est dapugbter cf the laIe Senato,.r Si mpsen. Thec fYHaaslef l,.t Bowmanville for Toronto laie la the last cenury btN. O'Hlara'a ifthe r, tbbclaIe W M. J. O'Hîara asw l kown. lethose cf The Lde'Guîld of St. John's Ang]icanr Churcli sponsored another 0of Ibeir popular EulcbrPs on Fniday evening. Prze inrls were m. 4Leon DLluas, Mrs, Thomas Gould, iss iRuthMutoWaller Ca ch- rane'and Leon D-umas. Mrs. Harry G. Morden wais win- ner, of bhe lucky ch:air prize, Mr. A. R. Jehnstoný, THar- heur Grace, Npwfounidland, vvhe bad be-en on a business. trip in bbc, United States, wa ous f bis sister, Mrs. D.S. FerguLson. iNesýtieton:; Miss Evelyn Manlow bias gene te Kings- Ion le work un the alumun- umi faclery. Orono: The new township grader, with snow plaugb, rivdin Orono on Satur- day Pand was sean in usé bc- cýause of the big onowlall. (February 8, 192?3) A very pleasanit surprise took place-aI the Goodyear Tire and, Rubber Company on Tuesday, Januiar,'y 30, wben Mn. B. C. Fennell's Deparbment presenled Mr. David Merisen Sr., %vith a nice pair of winten gloves and a neck scarf on bbc oc- casion cf bis 741h birlbday. Mn. Merisen is one of bbc. oldest in bus department and is much estcemcie by Mrs. Waller, Branîtford, wbo bas been visiling ber sister, Mrs. W. Wallace, Lib- erty Place, bas returned" berne accompanied by ber piece, miss Leone -Wallace. Mirea. G. Rcadand ber sister bave relurned fromn a pleasant visil wilbi relatives aI Sîralford, Podt Coltrarne' and ather pae in Western Ontario. Mn. H. E. Reynolds, Soutl R.oxton, Que., spent bbc- wîeek:end with bis parents, Mn and Mrs. EdwinRe- old, QecaStreel-. Mn. ad Mrs. C.H.Pp tieau (ld on Cals at tLhe home o f AMn. H. Ltb- nope, Liberty Stýreel. Mrs. H. M. Lunney spent bbce weekend in Hamjllon, gucat of Professer and Ms L. Wr. Gilý of the TIchica-i Mnlj. and Mlrs. Fred (lJ. SpryI and dlaugblcr Jean havqý'e moved frem Meafo rd ta makie thieir home belire. Misses Lydia and Peb Moore, Toronto, spetbbth weckend w t Ieir siser, Mrs. Frank Jackman. Mrs. J. Fleming bas been spenrdinlg a couplecý fwek Moore, Brooklin. M'isses Vera and Rhebda Beaceck, Toronto, spent bbce weekend aI home. MisGraýce Trewin i.s visiting ber siste, Mrs. T. iendaiti in Toronto. Werkcers in the Public ser,,vice generally feel that thein wages and bnft lag behind those enjeyed by persens doing comparable wokin bbc p ivate sector, Thyatribuite Ibis te theç facýt Ihat stnîke s Weien't allewed in tb" public serv- icýe unitil necen)t vears. And tbe-y are ready tn use strikes te catch up wilh the benep- fils they are convinced are enjoyed by thei-r couinter- partsý in the private sector (-f Ihe economy. Tbey are ecoraedt press their demands bhy the commen feeling among4 Cani- adians Ihat' the- fedierai treasury is a botlemless, pit. Everybody else is lrying le gel as much as lhey cani from the goverament, wh1y sbouldn't public service workers gel as much pay as- posible, they argue. On ils side, the govern- ment, ne malter who is In il, Èeneral1y believes it muet look ,tough in ils negeliatiens with ils cm- plo-yees. Il knows il mt ne perte be giVing tbe tapyr'moncy witbout a fight, 1At one limne governmnents feared strikes Ihat woufld shul dewn a service, sc a., air lraffîc or the Can- aidian Broadcasting Corpor- ation, or the Poest Office,. But il lî&s seen thal C(73T- adians can gel along wth eut these services. Futrlb- er, il was seen Ibat while they may be complaints about the absence of the service, there appears le be 11111e adverse political effect on a government wbicb bas -fought a trike in the public sector. In fact, governmenls have learned that seltling a sîrikP by quickly giving a high wage increase can burt in he long run. In 1966, 'ýihe Pederal Governiment ag-7eree te give seaway werkers an incereasec, f 30 per enit over toyeans. This agreement set lbc level for demnands of othier unionis, and is .gen- erally, considered to bave centnýibuted te the inflation- ary psycbolegy Mwbicb g1rew in Canada in 'tice latter part of bbe last decade. Now il is almost manlda- toryv fer agevernmenl le ensure Ihat i oks 1teugh empîcyls. vetuil 5i ayagree te a bigh settie'- mn.Buit first il lias te covneCanad1ians tfhat il is figbliing te keep setîle- m-ents 10w. If il bas te fore a sîike te give this impression, tben generally a govern- ment will accept a sîrike. Aimost anything la better than bhaving peopIe elev Ihat tbe govcrnment is soft. As long1- ïas these altitudes lasI, il will be difficuit for: serieus disputes in bbcpub lie~ sector te be sellled -wiitb- cul strikes. But s orme strikes, could be avoided, and oîbers sbortened], if Ibere-vwere Canadian legis;- lation siil1ar te thatl in bbc Uniled States, covýering vit- al services. There, the govemcent can force strik- ers back te work for 90 days, giving a breatbing space iin wbicb negolialors caný lry te selîle a stnike wmilboul d epni 'vine bbc j2ublic of a Viil service. Suicl a breahinilg space niight prove valuable in Canada, Sugar Spice By Bihi Smiley HOW TOfDEAL WITII Whtwith tis be riep Year, an-d ýH ailad ithe Women'-ris ILib growing eVer anfd ever more shrill, it could be a bad year1 for the gentleý sex: men. Noftithat I. ever did hold muich wîth that Leap Year business. Thiere might have been seme merit in the idea that once every -f6ur years, a lass could pick ber lad, in bygone times.' But it is my convictioni, based on careful 'observaitioni, 1that the custom is out o)f date. In these imes, if a girl sets beýr eye on a likely cniae h whips hercI.tenýtai cs ariouii ,nim, ha )n on til hestp stru" -gglinýg, and canes imï hiomel, to be devuewihut r se- garid of wehror nioL thie",Ca[, cainbe dvddby; four. No flhiWc e'sLib nem t 0santh r ig. Ther-',s scar-cely a man in th utry vwho dames make a craick about wonen any more. Hie knlows that Ihe lighestcrack will rýesui1t in his hed ibher being blown o ffby agrpq of'f by Ihe -jullotiiîe edge(, of irny.ý figtundem Ihir 1-own lmles. Thle onily\- peoPple who can i Stand up) to fftem ar.e otenwmeni, who know a 'good deai. wen tey h\ lave one, anid don't beïieýve in Womîen's Lib. Thauds oee of the things thiatmgh maeil a treuigh year !fIf tlwo fac-, lns oat i amen and lnssomne daiy, what1's a Man' bo do's going te, be rcaugh ith Ie cosfine malter ff he supports Women's- Lib bouhaltruistic motives ý(like- maybe b'is wif e is a believer), lhe is lhable bo find that shie will turn on himi in scorn and deneunce him as a b)oot-iickem who is tryving b get in on1 the grouind floor cf thie revolution. If hec attackýs the movemnent frein pofouind conviction (like mraybe his wvife is a -gainst il), hie is hiable te find that she'll turn on him in f urýy because il turns out that he reaily is a maie chauvinist pig, after ail. That old say- ing abouit "sisters under the skin" is net te be sneered at. Net in these treubleus- lim-nes. I repeat, w,,hat is a man te de? There was a limàe, net se long ago, when, theae ,Jcof fihe spiecies could retreat bo some sort of aý siiiated dlugeut wben women g ý1o1 t mbaà la bis club, bbc Net aniy more. T-h(, weinen ha-ve iin- f'iltnated e Cvery onie cf these homes- away-fromn-hore, and. there's no fplaýice b1ý- hide. 1Men are cntol and p';-lintivelyý. asking about ,womnen therthrbil dered question thlat Anglo-ýCanad)iansi have used seo f t in recent years about the Qluebecois, What is it they %vant, anywvay*?" And getting the samne non- ans wer. At the risk, nay, the certaqinty,, e, being assailed from every direction that is jilogical, lI11 put mry life on the' firing-line, while the resl of .fo-u cow- .- ardis sku-lk behind your wives, commnon- lawr or otherwise. What is it that womnwantNeth- ing mnuch, really. Just everytýhing tbey can get. I don't just mearn maleuial things, though I've neye.r nmet ;abird -1 yéel who wasn'l conv1inceýd that one iii the, hand is, wor:th two in the busi h we- ther they're dealing with fu cots colour TV, labor-savîng deviesnw drapes - or men, BRut thoýse are nrot imrportlant la1To1g- thieir wants. The lhings hiey, are reallHy4_ seeking are on a miuch higber plane. Fore.most, they- want a strong mnY This is hralf 1he fun of the gt3ime. It's a1 chali'lengpe. Somnetimes it taks a og as týwo years becforè thiey can comnpîteîy4 dominate a strong man.- If they, have chosen a weak mran, he&s alreaidydom- inated befonre mnariagýe, wihtakýesî lot of the zest out of the gamec. They waniýt be lve.Tis ts ýa nlormi-al, and even lofty aspiration.So do mnen. But wemen want tobrbe ov-ed ALL THIE TIME. This is where tig gel a bit diey. Ne main wants to be loved all the time. I'd like to see someone t-ryingto love me .at seven a.m. as I sl:ouch Io-~ ward the bathroomn like seme arthritir plantigrade (look it up), ywig greapiing, scratching. In the first, place, I'm completely unlovab]e. In the sec- ond, any- woman who tried te xpes ber devotion aIt hat moment wouid e, snarled at. Womien are different. Just the other ight, after an 18-hour day, 1 crawl,,ed into bed, putmylnetmb.? bed necck on the hea-ting padJ , yawned mightily, vaguely patted mywife n the bum, and feli asleep, Twelvec- onds later I gob a beit in the ri fro an elbow, "You didn't say-, 'Qoodi night., dear' , she snapped, and I got atn- minute tirade about couples dérhfin apart when such mnitides are onitted. I've just Iouched oýn the ti won eally want, and alaî(ý'dy I feel thiat lIli over nmy heiadWatDO te want, anyway? T axpayers Rooked for Six-and-a-HaIf Millions Trhere is over $61/-mi1lion going a-beggïinig in vanieus Canadian pockets at bbc present moment. This is the total amount establisb- cdl as baving been swindlcd eut cf the tlnemployment Insurance Commission ty individuals, As many as 150,000 cases were in- vesigated and 45,0001 indiviîuas were., Sound le bave continued receiving uni-. empîcyment benefits atten they hadi resumed wemk. The Cempetitien Act is se consumer oriented in ils pbilesopby Ihat sbould il by any miracle bappen te be drastic- ally amended in bbc interesîs cf f air- ness, Consumer Affairs Minister Ren Basford will bave nothing but f alse pride te encourage bim le remain on in fihe cabinet. The Act is garganluan and ganb- led. Yet anc message manages soehow le erige unscatbed wand dean from almost ever'y page, and that is that ne biïness concern, net even Ihese the public 'have been dealing with on veny £ , ett/rS to "DARE TO STAND ALONE" Jan, 25, 1972. Te bbic 1Editon: In a recent issue of The Toronto Stan, a 14-ycam-old BowmanvillEý girl staled Ih'tat, many people in ber scheol. arc neow aI aný age wbIenil i is iegal te drink-, we are being, fonced le drink cm bac; our friends and she aýsks bbc Star le cul ow on ils alehe.,l adverlising. .Some cfý oun prominenit magazines havepae of the most beýauliful, celer- cd advcrîlsements cf both distillery pred u cts a nd( cigarettes but I find very few sucb adws in the Stan. Now I am neïIihen HCfc-nd(ý1 ing bbc anor bbc law rcgandingthe lcwredage(18 is it'net?) fo)rdrkig Is di-inking sometbing ncw iný our high sclhocîs? I deubt il. Sevenat yeams Rago I was tbld ef liquer botîles bcinig collected fronmtbbc chool grounds. Then, ine fiend visart anyonc a dan;gemeuýs road. Il is neo secret whaî druigaca do and alcehýoLis considened bbc meOst dangerous altbougb itllakes longer thian those thal destrey minds quickl 'y anid are just as dangenousas fatal auto accidents. I b ave been bold that many of the mental drug patients arc aged 1 0 le 15 and gencmal bespitals are accepting stoned cases. Schooi baxes pay for more than ex books, leachens and buidings. Speaking cf drugs, a nurse who bad c'x- perienced cperaling reom duty could not face a drug case. Discussing the use of wine with an officer cf bbc 1914-18 wam, he cl aimed thal in France il asuscd evcry day and at meals but one neyer saw a drunk. Hie did net convinicue mc Iat it tniendly terras for mnanýy dc fei% above suspicion. The consumer, ine;4t- ing evemy Canadian, is, accomding te bbcP Act basicaily se guihible that even h ie best friends can't lie tmusted 'Mr. UBas- fond is ebviously of bbe opinion that1 the s cerner dnuggist, bbc department store Ibat is a ]egend in its own lime, and iib e sboe repairman simply aren't wbat the1 public bave long, lheugbl lbem teibe. Raîber Iban bcinïg bonest, friendi, and- accommodating, they areponia beasts ready te stnike a foui blow w heni ever the opportunity presents sef -Hamilton Spectabor the éSclttor1 was bamles s I shahl quete frem a2 Januamy 3md(J, 1972 article-in bbc Osýhavîa Timies beaded "Alcoboiism'BJig Kiler', cuote, Canadians who clamer loudi( for effective curbs against tbc nîsing ideJ f aicobolism sbeuld cast a g anc a France (wbich bas bbe distiniction of. being bbc handest-drinking countri'ype capita in bbc wenld. Officiais etmt that more than, 30,000 Frencbmecn cdie each yean from alcoholisim, but led- ing campaignen against the diseasepusZ the figure cleser le 100,000. The avemag9e censumplion per bead ef popu-la,ýtion in a year is about 30 gallons of wine and ! 10 gallons cof been wbich menlhat bbcý avenage censumption cf pure aluohel i moethain seven gallons a ycai. Whatý is bbc auswem te Ibis perphixingan' sinister world killer?) u in queot., A surgeon in a Toroinohsîa says Ibat ne one would smeke a fnt cigarette if he or she saw wbat ble sc cf the nesults of cigarette smoking., Sevenlty-fîve, years ago, bxayn would re.fu-se te) pay for garbage che- lion on scheol yards and any pumpil fr- ing anather te the habits wbiceem ta be part cf education to)daýy would bc, expeiled. There î is anlod saýying BoWwmni-. ville girl. L.e. '1Dare te stand alone". Tcday, bbc drug business cosîs ibbc taxpayers a-plcnty but ne one secmrs te complain abeut Ibat. Taxes paid by bbc liquer interests are net eneugh te lake came cf their expenses te the public, In bbc summen lime, 1 oflen sec a beautiful spiden's web nean my kitchen windew. If a f ly gels caught il is net easy for il ba gel eut. M. M. Snowden Consumer Oriented Competition Act C L E A Pý E-,P r 1

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