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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1972, p. 7

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4Social c& 9ersonal "Gettîng Rid of Our Tension" Rev. Gýeorge K, Ward SudySehool Hours Jlni, Inlmedat an Snior Depts. ai 9:45am. Beginners, Kndr artn d Primary Depts. atiIl 7:30 p.n, D)iscusýsion In Churcli Hall "What Cari We Believe About God" Fcillowship sud Refreshlimentaý 100 Years of Forest-er Service J Phone 623-3303I MvI. and rs, Joe FlitI and horn - not once, but several Dr. and clMis. Kýeth Billetime, 9ut to make sure she bavýe retuncd h!omýe atîhoui- heard it. claîn inMeie Ciy nd Bnwmanville Lions Club draw winners aie asD Mfr Rîk Vansone, 'ient foliows: N-IL. -,Feb. 2,J.K. UnierstyluPeteîboîough, Adams, Harry Cook; Feb 5, speint af eïdas wlth bis par- Y. W. Rundie, Moe Richards; ents, Mr- and Ms. Byron Fcb. 9, B. Woalley, Doug Vanstoniein St. West. James; Fcb. 12, Gary Minnie. We ar'e bappy --10 reportthat Jr. "A" - Fcb. 5, Eleanor Mc- M.Jon Brownlee, who was Donald; and Feb. 13, Colin a patient lai Toïonto General McSweeney. Hospital, bas retuîned borne Local >T V viewers were rec- and ýis recupeîatiédng nicely. ently pleasantly surpriscd, if ,Mr. andff Mrs. Bruce Mairs they were watcbing chaunel 9'1 andic dauigtcr Tudy or Nova at noon the other day, to sec ï Scotia weici recent visitois Miss Christine Pattrîck on the -ith Mrs\1, E. Maî, Otaîîio pîogîam "Ail About Faces". st., r-u1ighoeo Mon- Appaently this particular bit day. was put on tape sometime last M.John is el of Toi- PsU wbcn Miss Pattîick was onto s pen1 areen weekend waitîng for a bus on Bloor withbisdsuhtcr so-iniawStrect in Toronto, snd ~ ýjj fdil, I. iMs.A mi. 'and Mis. Jim Englisb, Mcîa, DonaDan and Peter>, .ll and Jennifer were Sunday Southwy Dr. vening dinner çusts of the Mis WinicLeung of Tor-Ifoîmers parents, Mr. and onto was a wýveekend gucst witb IMrs. Clarence Englisb, Liberty beru sisteý,rbthe-in-law andi.St. South. Mis. E. Carlson and nieces, ML_ i. nc4 Mis. John ber son Bert, Mrs. Betty Seto, Janîce, Bonnie and Gaîl, Duquett, ail o! Toronto, and Conicession st. East. Mis. Edith Stainton o! Ennis- His many, friends and -ac- killen wcîc Thursday visitors quaintances lu the aiea will be at the English home. haippy to learu thiat Mr. Haîry On Sunday afternoon, Jan- Frceeman bais returned home uary 29, Bowmanvillc Town fîom hiospitai following a Hall was filcd to capacity for cataraýct operation, and is pîog- Uncle Bcnny's Jamboree, ressing nicely. wicb was a fantastic success. M1,rs. Helen Depew and ber The audience was treated to inothie,,Mrs. Reta Glanvilie' a wonderfui a fternoon of have returnied from a most en- Country Music by eacb and joyabietwe k wînteî boli- evcry entertainer. Uncle Beuny day in Puerto 'Rien ýwbeîc is radio station CHOO's popu- thiey visited Mr. and Mis. Sam lai dise jockey of Country Wrigbtil at Rio Piedras. Music. Mrs. L, W. Dippeli, Welling- Mr. Danny Sullivan of Ot- ton Street, has rcturned from tawa dropped into the States- a te-dayvîsit wuitb bher mari Office iast Friday to daugteî sonî-ansd f am- renew acquaintances with, any il), Mr. ,_nrd Mis. Beecher of the staff wbo weîe with the Mý,enzies, Robeit, Margot, Mari- paper wben be was a reporter anne and B3e-chefr Jr, Clinton, for The Statesman 22 years Ont. ago. Danny was with MacLean Mrs GergeStaletn~ ndHunter, Toronto, for several Keith, owMis, Pîank Bing- years but is now cmpioyed by hamaudfamlyToronto, Mr, Information Services regard- nnd rsAlecG. aîti aniîng tbe Chie! Indians Affairs' faîi , Necastle, cnjoycd a Group. tri ple birthday celebration Editor John M. James ece- with Mi. and Mis. Gordon C. ently îeeeived a card from Mr. Martin on Sunday, January Bob Noble wbo is spending the 23rd. eold winteî montbs in St. Mi. and Mils. A. T. Flecher Petersburg, Florida. Mr. Perey left Sunday morning on a Coîbett is sbaîing the accom- miotor trip to Plorida whcîe modation with Mi. Noble. Bob bhwill visit thei o u reports the weatheî, people daugtcrin-aMi., and Mis. and sceneîy are "ail grand", Ken îtb n oter and that be bas becs to Dis- gýrandson and bis wif e, Mi. sudlncyiand and Bruseh Gardens, Mis. Barcry'\-Fletcher, ail of and sttended some concerts. ClaiatrFiorida. Nice beaîing fîom you Bob. Mi, and i(îNs. Johni E. Wylic, Sunday dinner gucsts at the London, Ont.;Mi and Mrs. home, o! Mi. and Mis. Zack IDonald Cx Downsview; Mi. Adams weîe Mi. and Mis. Ross and Miàs. .,E. Alan Gieville, Adams, Miss Tracy Adams, Oaikvî1lle;Mi. and Mis. Ger- Mr. and Mis. George Greer, aidJ Cox, Oronio: Mansd Mis, Mis. Maud Elford, ail of Osb- Lioci akr, shaavisited awa, and Mi. and Mis. Reg on undy wtb hei moherSutton. Orono., Mi, and Mrs. MrsKenetbE. Cx, îngSt' Sam Adams, Miss Kelly and East.Miss Sheiiy Adlamrs, Bowman- Em st. ville-, and Miss Rolyn Adama -_ Mi~. Kn ick mut avo h0, wcre eveuiing dinner bee taing on otoshop gues. Mýi. 'Enest Gray of he other da-y, i at ]east their Yleto na oved into the 4'edcate" dcbsbud hougbt Adams home for the wintcr ~o Atî h wsgone for ots awbile, lbe put bis p)aws on the mnh nteerîng whel snd bew the By coincidence wben a pat- ient in Toronto General Hos- pital, Mi. John Brownlee !;t. hecame acquaînted with Mr. Alex Diilick, wbo was a bcart hpace, patient. Mr. Diiiick was a merebant lu Bowmanviile, U n ieamany years ago, leaviugth Wliniter:aiea about 1930. He was first Rev. 14. A.,urer nl the shoe business on the B..,B.. south aide o! King Street ap-, Orgnit:pîoximately wbeîe Firtb's Mr. R. Meteaif, meat store îs now situated, and A.R..T.,A.C..M. then iater across the street in the clothing business wbere 9:45 am George's Men's & Boys' Wear Suhday School for, ithose ïs now located. He remembers tbc editor when be 'was four j 9 earsand ver, or five years nid. 1't Mis. Rose Oveîy o! Oshawa, foîmeîly o! Bowmanvillc, and Sunlday School1 for those Mis. Nellile Mason have just 4-8 year's fold. retuîned from a two wceks' i vacation in Des Ormeaux, Il a.m.Quehee at tbe home o! Mr. PublicWrhi and Mis. Ron Pouiter (nec Pst Mason) and their thîce chiid- [afnt aredurngservice iren. Wben tbey wcîe there, Mi. snd Mis. 15outer went to Switzeiiand for a week's ski- ~ îng holiday and hecause o! the htie ad to motor to New REHOBOTH Yoîk tb take a jet fîom there.' Re~orme 3oth Mi. sud Mis. Pouiter are Chritianpis. Duriug their second Churchweek in ,Quebec, Mis. Overy and Mis. Mý.ason were taken The 7th Anniversaiy dinner of the Bowmanville Lodgc of the Canadian Foresters manrked also the last officiai function Chester Jensen, lef t, in the pic- utre above, wvould attend in lis capacity as Chef Ranger of the local group. Mi. Jensen, a cook with the Depaîtment of Correctional Services las been tîansferred to Napauee. Darlîugton dairy dealer Mult Dakin, newly named District Deputy Ranger, preýsented Mi. Jensen with s small gavel, a token of appreciation for his yeàrs of service iu the organization (20 years in thc Maritimes and Ontario) and particularly his contributions to the local group._______________ TO1ELL E On Suuday, Jan. 23,'I about1 twcnty members of Oui con- gregation gatbcred lu the Sunday Sebool bail for tbc Annual Meeting, bcginning with a pot luck supper at 5:30 p.m. After bbc firat course,E a biîtbday cake in bonor o! oui minister, made tbrough the kinduesa of a couple lad-j ies and aristicaliy decoîsted1 by Mis. Dorella Chard, was pîescntcd tb Rev. Snclgrove. fils picture was taken as hab blcw out bbc candies and pic-1 paîed to eut bbc cake, whicb was srpled sud tnjuyed byz ail pieseut aftci the singing1 o! "Happy Biîbbday". Oui faithful chuicli tîcasurer, Mr. C. M. Joues. was also present-1 cd With a tokes o! appîccia- bion, for bis services, uamely i a copy o! Berto's book "The1 Last Spike." Foliowiug bbc clearing' o! bbc tables, etc., Mi. Joncs showed a reel o! pictures bak- en duiing bbc past pear, rmanyi o! whîcb wcre of local scenes1 sud peuple, sterestingtb al present. Atd 7:30n, bbcbusi ness portion o! bbcý( meeting began withi Chairmaan Rev. T. Sudl grve opening witb s short worsbip pcriod, bollowed by a moment o! silence in mcmory o! those wbo died durîig the past yeaî. Iu bbc absence o! Mýirs. J. Elllaotb, C. M. Joncs acted as secretary, giving bbc minutes o! last meeting, the varîous ýfinanciafl reports hyj bbce treasurcîs, etc., ail duiy adoptcd as read Report on cbunrcb sebîvities asud stabistics was given by the m rinisteci. Stewards a;pp(.iiited foi the1 uebthîe ycaî erm arc Mel-1 ville Samis, Jack Kimbalsud Raymond Bruce. Mis, Amelia Made. Pasb pîcaideuts !romn 1962-1972 wiÀTll also participate. Rcv. D. C. Aîscott, Chaurmas, Osbawa Prcsbybcry, wili pic- ide, over bbc lection sud in-1 sta lla tio n o ! ci v o ffi c is . R e g - 1 Simcoc St UutcdChuîcb_1,1 Osliawa,, on Fi arKh,, Lancaster was uamcd on bbe ber as bbc genial charmas, s Session, replacing Mi. George variety piogiarn of vocal sud Stapleton, moved bo Bowman- instrumentai solos, duets, se- ville. Trustees sud oCher o! fi- coîdion, guibar sud piano cens remnain tbc sane. Mi. numbens was enjoyed, Mi. Walisce Boughcn was appoint- Gordon Martin fillîug iu wlth cd Cburcb Observer nepre- a reading o! humorous suec- sentative. Appîcciation for bis dotes. The Stapletons wene services was expressed to oui then called te, bbc plat!orm, minister, Wbho replicd fitting- ciscorted by members o! bbc ly. comrittee, sud an addîcss A motion was psssed, that was îead by Mis. Leta Samis, bhc usual fee o! $10 be chaig- after wbicb. thcy wcre pic- cd for bbc use o! bbc hall 'for scnted wibb a set o! card banquet purposes hy any o! table sud chairs, a hallinror, bbc local youtb organizations, sud a puise o! money, sud to sud another motion passed ta son Keith a personalizcd wal- necornrend to bbc Board o! let. Pitting responses werc Stewards that liability lusur- made by bbc gucats o! bonoî suce be consideîed, sud oh- sud severai prescut rose to taiued. An expression o! ap- express their sentiments, in- preciation la ta be sent Mr. cluding Rcv. Sucîgrave, wbo Hugb Staplebon for bis doua- on bcing askcd 'bo corne ^,toheb tion o! two mats for bbc Sun- plat!onm, was gnected with day Sehool hall. Meeting ad- bbc singing o! "Happy Bi1rbb- journed at 8:45 p.m. day," as indccd lb was, that Mis. Joyce Agostinone spent vcry day! Prleuds camie for- a few days bene, neceutîy ward 10, shake bauds with bbc with ber parents, Mi. sudSapeos su lnc wa Mis. Jsrn Adamns, served, followed b-y pa social lime. Commi4tce for bbc a!- Mr. and Mrhs, P. J. Rowe Of fair: Mi. and-M .Wallace Janebville weîe iccent' calcia Bougben, Mi. sud Mis, F. Gil- witb Mis. Geibie Rowe sud mer, Mr. sud Mis. M. Samis, Mn. sud Mrs. F. Gilmer. ,Mi. and Mis. W. Wood, sud Mis. Alice Austin is stayîng Mi, sud Mis. 1 oss Brown. with Mr. sud Mis. Ray Tornp- We grestly appicciate bbc belp kins sud farnily since leaviug wibb tbc program, fîom al a Toronto bospital last wcck, tbose takîng part so willingly, !ollowing ber recent suîgery. sud !rom Mis. Agnes Burlcy, Bey. T. J. Sucîgrove sud assisting wibh bbc addrcss. Mr. C. M. Joues attended the Thewîe1 tals u Preabyterisi dinuer meeting pa th bc Crd P6 ablusbbc lu St. Paul'a United Churcb, pCoymuuth alridaryinigte Bowrnviiie, on Thursday Cwîbb tyH al wineis: igbt eveuîug. ih tee. ,nr:Hg Community Hall was filled lady, Hlda Casweii; iow lady, Wedncsday cvening, Jan, 26bb Mabel Elliott; hîgh gent, Rod- for a presentation for Mn. and~nyCsel;lw gnT Mis. George Stapjebon sud Hoornweg; 50-50 dra, an sou Keibb, who movcd to sou Millson. Bowmanvillc a yeaî sud a bal! Local people attIendîing bbc ago, having sold their faim Ice Follies lu Toronto on Fil- in Ibis ares, They came down, day eveniug lncluded Mis. L. this eveniug, wltb ber bro- De Smith sud Paul, Misa Jo- tbcî and bis wife, Mr. ana De Smib sud Mi. Bruce Mis. Gordon Martin, ta what Grecs; ou Satunday eveniug, thought was ta be s card Mis. Mary Wadc sud Grant, psîby, so lb wss quite s sur- Mis. Maîg. PwlMari-Lau pieto sec no igu o! card sund Kelib, ud Misýs Susan taibles whcn tbey enbered bbc Bu",Lrkbsr, halil. Wibh Mi. S. J. Lna-M, Iauid Mi, oin Vînkie witb Mr. sud Mrs. Don >ElIlot 0 , Da1y le; Supply, Mra. R. attended a bîrthdlay party Stemn. celebration iathbbchomne o!Christian and Missionary Mi. arid Ms Roy Bery, Or- EçlucTatiou, Mrs. J, Patterson; oue, Saturday, evcning, Miar. Stewaîdship aud -vocation, Berry and Mrs. floun irleyMVirs. S. Buttery; Program, liavi7ng thieir- joint' birtb-days jMis. A. Cuthbeîtson;, Litera- onýr that date. ;turc, Mis. R.. Abcrncthy; Ou Snda, 'Mi-.andMrsSocial, Mrs. D. Cirardi, Mis, O.11.n e unday, ,nMi taisud -. HBuuucy, Mis. G. Prout, Mis. C, . Lne reentrtanedL. Wcish. Nominations, Mis. at R o ckhave ni Restauirantf,O Daîrymple, Mis. G, Shackie- Peterbrougdaugb-J ton. Representative bo Com- Mirs. Charles 'Gray aid mtteo! Stewards, Mrs. D. bers, Orono. This al aso W55 1s McArtbur, Representative to birthday dinner, - lu hnoro! ffiia Board, Mis, W. Teeple. Mris. Lane. There arc m-ore 'Unit Leaders: 1 Mis. G. biîtday coing up hisGraham, 2 Mis. K. Hull, 3 week, iu oui, fam-ous village, Mrs. H. Ferguson, 4 Mis. A. so watch uext weck's edition! Cuthbertson, 5 Mis. R. Burg- A successful Bake Sale ess, 6 Mis. H. Francis, 7 Mrs. 1sposored by tbc RaugersJohiR Coombes. Group was held here on Sat-I urday. Mi.-Raymaoud Gilmyer o! la- lington was a supeÏuest oni sT eW l -Saturday with i. su, ad Ma i "lThe value o! Faithlu bc Eiu ppe Sc oo human life" was tbc themneA chse b oimiiserSu- total o!f $ 422,652.68 bas day oning. f iie mtio Snd been spe7nt so far on equip- tat wbrie c rc ilendw-ment -suid furnishinga for bbc cdi with f.aitbi, bult ilu what, nwBwavleHg eol bbc BPoard o! Ef ducation bas asd b how \%,c use t, depeuda ised os each jo!fus Soeone basý1i!i,ý- baad that a pesnîinig to Major iictmshaveicluded succccd witbout faitli, couid $64,91.5 for bbc mach n p, be compared to aun uie$22 o bcsinecass runuiug witbout a headligb.t$2,2 for clectnical) shop (sud The choir sang "I Heard th 3,a6oth r 24,846 fr eltri s)a Voice o!' Jesus Say."-2,6 for the actt o a iAmeigwas held,$3, 8frbcat meetingsop, $17,235 for bbc service touvilie School Sunday a!tcr- :shop, $16,409 for elpetric type- noon to plan 'for bbc comisg writing and another $18,825 for Easteî Parade, sud attendcd tbc business mpachines room, by representatives o! bbc v:ýansd $ 15,428 for audlio visual oua local organizations. 1qimet Newtonvilic Wýomenl's mati-, Total ailowance for- the bute wiii meet on Wed., Pcb. cesr xra1a$9,9 9th at 2:30 p.m., at the homne less $56,366, bbe amtounit ai- o! Mis. Bea Joncs, whecn spe-rcdlnlddacots. cial speaker will be a Public _________ Health Nurse. Ail ladies wcl-' corne. O ITlP Recent caliers lb sec Mis.IT AR Alce Austin, at bbc home o!ý - Mi. sud Mrs. Ray Tomnpkin-s,, W. C. STAINTON were Mr. and Mis. Art Aus- Pioigalengýthy iînesa, tin and famiiy, Mi, sud Mis. the deabh o! Wallace Clcm- Larîy Austin sud family, ail ence Staluton, aged 80 ycars, o! Selby, Mi.' Howard Austin, occurred at Strathaven Nuis- aud Rev. J. A. Ramjît o! Cas- ing Home, Bowmanvilie, on ton. Tucsday, January 11, 1972. Mis. Isabel Waters spent Born at Hampton, he was the weckeud here wibb ber the son o!, bbc late James and father, Mr. R. Bruce, Sarah (Clemence) Stainton. St. PauI's UCW The Execubîve o! St. Paul's U.C.W. met aI bbc home o! Mis. Harold Tuiner on Mou- day evenisg, January 24bh. The Presideut Mis. W. Teeple couductcd bbe meeting. Plans wcre made for 1972 unden bbc following late o! officens: Past Presideut, Mis. J. Wclsh; Presideut, Mis, W. Teeple; lat Vice-Pics., Mis. E. Twist; Rec. Sec., Mis. K. Shackeltan; Caries. Sec., Mis. L. Eldridge; Treas,, Mis. R. Brascb; Plan- ist, Mis. B. Trigg; Member- ship, Mis. K. Sbackclbou; Christian Citizenship sasd Social Action, Mis. D. Ken- nedy; Community Fricndship sud Visîiug, Mis. K. Hall; Mause, Mia. C. Pundy; Flow- ers, Mns. D. Bac; Pîs, Mrs, bbc former Mayme Elizabeth B.rownc, Who survives. The deceascd bad resided lui Toronto for 50 pears, bis residence bcing at 7 Orchard Park Blvd. Auncrnployec o! bbc Canadian National Rail- way at Toronto for 35 years. be rctired 15 ycaîs ago. fie ioved music sud was lu mucb demand to play bis violin at rnany "old time" dauces, Suîvîving, besides bis wi!c, Maymc Elizabeth, are a dau- gbter. Mis. Doug. Stewart (Eleanore), and two grand- childîcu, David sud Barbais. The funcral service, bcld on Tbursday, Jauuary l3th from bbc Mois Fuserai Chapel, Bowmnauville, sud conductcd by Rev. George K. Ward, was followcd by cremation atü St. ,James Crematorium, Toronto, qInterment was la H-amptorI Cemetery. IThe Canadîian Statesmaàn, Bowmanvillic, Pcb. , 1972 7 Local Red C.ross Womnen Help Reief Program Twelve cases of Canadiani Red Cross chlldren's ciothlng,j 3layettes and knltted quilts valued at $6,400 have been1 rushed from Singapore to Java to aid the victims of the devastating floods. These arti- cles, made by members of the Ontario and British Columbia Red Cross Women's Work NewSeats for Auditorium Teniders for new seatîng units for the Bowmanville High Sehool auditorium were opened by the Board of Edu- cation last Thursday. Canadian Seating Co. Ltd1, with its bid of $21,35&.62 was awarded the.contract, Its ten- der was the lowest of four received by the Board, A total of 615 seating units will be installed in the aui- toriuma - 330 in the Auditor- ium section and 285 in the' Lectureroom areas. The latter will be equipped with roto- tablet arms which may be folded out of the way when not required. A sum of $22,000 was allo- cated for furnishings in the auditorium. That amount plus the $78,000 budgetted to en- close the court is being paid out of the $100,000 payment from the town o! Bowmanville to the Board. In the Editor's Mail Bowmanville, Ont., King St. E. >Jan. 25, 1972 Editor, The Statesman, Bowmanville, Ont. Dear Sur: Hiere's an item 1 thiînk de- serves a space in your "Bits and Pieces" column. A f ew days ago, a perfect straniger enteredai business office here in t _ninsearch of a public stenographer, and another stranger told himi he didn't think there was one, bu was there any- thing he could do to help him. When it was known that the first stranger want- ed a letter typed, the bus- iness man, quickly offered to have one of his girls type it out for him, which she did. Now if this, sort of kindness and the helping b aud to others was extend- cd to ail nations in this tîoubled world, there would be no need for wars, strikes and revolutions and the "Milk of Kindness" would flow forever , so if my bene- factor sces this item, I agýain Say, thanký you I1US sign myseif anonymyIous. Vetera)n o! both WoLd Wars and a Sr. Citizen. committees, wcrc sbockiierd ln bbc League o!red rICro1ss Socicties S7*ingapoîýc ware bouse. Acable rcic hswe by tbc Canian CJUred Cros frombbc eague st(Atdthait tbc Indonc.sian Red Cross fre- poîted hundrceda o! thousauda o! persona have been lefI homelcss- a resuit o! bbcr floodsansd there is a rîs'k o!' an epidcmîc. During 1971, mnan yvol.un- tecrascwing su.ý-d knýIttiug lu their owu oepaebe assisting tbbc locaýl ed (Cross, Branch tb complete cohu for this type CIo! disastaire lief, A total o! 1323 aricles iucluding 4 '0 il-piece layettesý sud 65 afghans wcrc complet- cd by tbc wonnwho a(ýssist the BowmanIrvýile adDisýtrt Biatichlu thiiis nk A fi- forditiuintswekIn ciuded were dîca.ssu pay acta, shirts sud shorts, a!.' gh-ans sud layettes. The local group alan asia bbc Fiee Red- Cross Bon Transfusion' Service byv mak.. igswabasud wîpcs. 46,000 of these wcîc comnpleted ,L ast year. More volusteers are nercdd if this ycar's quota is, to bc compieted. Ail materials arcý supplied sud ail tbb c sewng la, very simple woik, Auyone wbo could spare a few hours, to help wibh this wýoîk lai ask- cd to cail at bbc ed Crosi HeadIquartcrs onùridya beronrs bteu 13 u 3:30 p.mY.orblhoe 2- 2639 or 983-5291. Picase joinranka wh itbbb dedicated woîrs ,,.-who haveàw acoomý,plished so much hi past yeaýýr, With your bc lp, we can rom1fort sud care for mauy more destitute persous._ eoll HARVEY ()PARTNER F R EE 30 DAY HOME DEMONSTRATION Ifyou're not on Cable, here's your chance te get a FREE nionth's viewing with no strings attached. * SEE & COMPARE 12 Channel Cable TV, in yo ur own home absolutely FRIE * A sample mnontl is FRESE on ail TV'a and FM Receive7rs- * A saving of $4,95 or more is Cable TV's gif t to you 80 thatyou can compare Cabie TV on your o-wn sets. * If aftLer yvour free monl you do not wisl té continue, we will disconnect your service at no cost to youi. If you wisl to continue, tIen and only then you psy a connection charge of $9.95 snd staît your low monthlyý payments. FREE SAMPLE LIMITED TO NElW CUSTOMERS ONLY BONUS OFFER .e FREE - Four Kinsmen Cable TV Bingo Cards with each installaýtion,ý CC cable tv ,KING ST. W. 1353 KIGS.E B! ______ One hundred years of membership in the Canadian Foresters Society of Canada Bowmanviile Lod-ge Number 964 pose for the camnera following the local group's 7th Ann-Iversary dinner, last Saturday. The foursome, ail with 25 years service, and ail from-.r Bowmrn\ille, are, from the lef t, William Taylor, Harold Porteous, Ross Bragg and Raymond Bowen. Mr. Porteous recerîtly retired froma the Society but for al l is years of good service was miade an honorarY life miem- ber. MIVissinig foh picture is Robert Craig, of Hampton, another 2-year man. Chief Ranger Leaves for Napanee

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