7 S F A Provmncial CourtJnasevdnetthen. Held in Bowmanville finta i a otitn MHondy Fbuay14h-972 condition was confirmed by fo>r ha ino lcnsfo o-sj h ugssteew -Ïl,.Rat stae fr aletieil ,,sat lo ;5le ai stJudge R. B. Batten presided two br eathializer readings of er'ate ini On1tario. C haýs. A. some dge ffreue Mortga es antd aRal stte or ale ealEstteforSal tifosatefoalae al staeAfrsalewitnAsistnt row Ator .1%. was, 72 ChstetonAveryuoon' ta anoneondho d -- - - ney ~~K. Stubington, D. J. Bar- LareSur, ch-arged O shawa, charged with haýving hecad wt hoe og luOca bedoom hosed, edocber as Legal Aid duty counsel- wvith making an unsafte turýn no P.C.V. icense on Decemiberl their azeto. ug.at ation 9 Bowheatt, r oinr , VIR . Daveid Parkinson, Bolton, was fýined $30 and costs, or syE,hasrcieafneo$0sadtedfnankewh $16,500. Call Oronio 983-5.519,REALTOR as fined $150 and (costs, o as vdneo osal o ot.pyia odto fRs 4- RA[Y fg15 days, for impairedi driving. Craig, OPP,' was that Mri. Terry Woolner, '16, Bow7- ana kner htabo nt .. ~~~~~~~~and GE,'NERALINUAC There was mandatory suIspen-Su on January 4h isnile hoapardls head coudd n o a FIR'l ORGAGES L W52 Kinig St. W.ý - Bowmianville sion of license for tree nrhon on County Road,.f ,ovember on thre e charges, touse cmo es oc ENTYMOWN D 633-245 months.4, mnade a left turn into a pri- a sent to jail for seven days was foud'il'ofcmo a. . Evidence of Constable Brun- vate driveway. In doing so he con a charge of imrpaired drliv- assault adtefn a $ 3 BEDROOM HOME Bnnnil 2 Mîites From Shopping P! ton, OPP, was that on Auguti c rossed tihe pahoR ot-ii.afn f$0o iedys costs $3e ndful iedy Sparklinag. 4 bedroom. back- 623-2503 Immi-acite 3 beroom ubrick 29th he observed a car west- bun areting ina oiil-in, arfncourrnt, or riv ingadgvntowes a Nedcash he newhoestt eshor t li prolfessionallly fimished bungialow in a very nice area: bounid(on Highway 401 beingý lision. ýýýtihout a license, and a $20 Ket GoreT mpt of cDMRTAE BaserHohnmesti e' n rclatnroom, close to con. xeutvehome -'N. Liberty of !Bowmanville. ÎLarge famn- driven in an erratic manRyner-' Thomas,4 Henry Martin on 1n or two days cocuret eclerpsntdb SECOD MRTGAES eaetheHLnattractive Beaver %veniences. iSt.. Bowvmanville. Very at- ily,-size kitchen with dining wandering over the Centre e 9hon nur a hag failintp ou rofofR.oe kiwa eane *most property Wllowdale amodel, a 1 bed- Well-kept, 3 bedroom brick 4 bi o oms; mster et roome.ie tutoie rn nr il e l< t p edrat ed with driving a motor vehi.. nurance, on hartge ol O-custody o w west *Brick or frame rom eatonyuloanbualw onoetsrehapivebt. A kitchen This is truly a better-than- driver could not walk straight cle with more than 80 milli- e hta atr ke on sentencigo hreoe foundation for just $9.20(). near hospitah, convenient to the lady will love, rec. room average bungalow!Calfrhsbetsmldofaco grams of alcohol In 100 milli- vehie t acrpare ncommgtereitnc ot 1 - 2- oyear telm for You can save as much as S3000 downtown shopping. wih witebrikrfrepace deail"h sk lldow lcoHi litres of blood. He' pleaded Kmg S. comisiono a fec above ov uub er onvetIfounal abuling HamtonA'ttached gar age. Asking onl . and e4spo e very s y.?sguilty, was convicted and fin-' John T. Williamson. 20, choking" h fec o omhods Ifayueowna loât,2 dr bamo ,beu-$32.900 with terms Ned4 edoos ??ed $100 and costs, or 10 days. isawa, and Nicholas Louis place Nvme 2r a Cit orsubrba yu my b abe o sart 2 bdrom unglow beu-Nearly new semi-detached %Sp eW e Southbound on Highway 35 : cherf, 21, Oshawa. chargedý He PlEae'ntgiy M *Also 4 to 10 years at "Your Home" with only $200J tiful ravine lot, VLA approv--1 Newcastle - Executive type home on an extra large lot 00 5 0 VV 0 is vehicle crossed the centre viîth unlawfully havin g iný JoanneLei, rntst good rates and terms down. We'll help with mort- ed. home with air conditionmng, bordering ravine. Beautifuli line forcing Constable Holda- t ieir possession a narcotic, fied Thopo olwdh aearangmetso dlnd!CalorAVI GHEEN1fibsetdec. room, aoutbroadloom throughout. Walk- *way. OPP, in his police cruis- amrely marijuana. were rýe- from aNwateoe.a avnabHtis oo!Fo futh 576-8,281 or 6?3-3767 hsmntad ayexr. out basement! Front verandah 'Sn ak a er and two other vehicles off I presented by ecoau n s e 11 a r s at the aksatdcoi 24 HIOLIR SERVICE er details Phone 7..1 Call for more infoirmation. with railmng! Economical elec- the road. Two breathalizer G.reer and, Murdclbk.- OPP h er.M.Be inleadh RAY NORTHEY at 7Z3-3558 -_--7 Newcastle - 2 year old split trie heating. Requires, about readings of .14%- confirmned (·onstables Martin,, Gaylord screamsadfun hmr 579-1321, or drop in to your nearest level home close to school and $5,300 down. No qualifica-I . . .ragh the drIver's obvious condiion. ýind Corporal Nimiîgoni were bending vrhradtl i !.eaver Lumber Store and FlFOR SALE shopping. E1ectric heat. Fin- tions on this, one. -ih .L.Wo Mno ra'WihRR.3Bw.invesztigating a liquor comn- to 'stop T msotldh INCOME HO>MF CATAeOG EAVER 1 rel Z or7 with firelace. Farm With View !! Pee Wees" sunk Markhamr two manville, was fined $35 and i aint on Tooley's Mill Rd., he was epn e r i $1.00, in colour with floor ' ' 95 Acres in all. 60 acres games straight in a best of costs, or seven days, for fail- "here they found a large was comeddb(h o MORT AGE elas fo moe tan 4 hoes.-"- Orono -Older type home workable, 5 acres bush, bal- three series to open the Lake- n oyel h ihto a.:roup of teenagers. While for goin oteassac 7-tf23764 near park. Lot 140' x 148 ance Pasture. Exceellent shore playoffs. Mr. Wright, 'northbound on a inere, a pick-up truck came Mrs. Lws.Cnsbe1ut SERVICE$Sskn r660.2tra.3evrl7prns.God In the operling game on sideroad approaching the Sec- : long,, was stopped and occu- was caed n a r.Lw Notice Cottage on Little Lake 9ý room home with garage. 2 Saturday the locals came up ond Concession of Darlington, pants searched. On Scherf takentohsia wee 342 King %t. W. Oshawa 6376 ideal for summer or wi nte' barns with water bowls. Only with a close 2-1 victory. observed a vehicle westbound.' were found 14 separate pack- was foudsehdrcie Dr. Angus M. Blair, D.D.S., 137 King St. E., Bowmanville family fun. Safe beach for $56,900. Good terms. Markhamn took the lead at the Obeying ayield sign, he ap- :ages, approximately one ounce broken a n acak Member O.M1.B.A.. has resumed General Practice small children.ý Large lot. $18,900 Total Price!! 5:44 mark of the first on a plied his brakes and skidded 'Of greeni-sh materiaL. This was 1jaw lr hopon he Ovor 8 YarsCob.nd at 26 Frank Street, Bowman- SOUTHWAY DRIVE, 3 bed- Only $9,500.- ero 1ý tryhom goal by Brad McGarvey. The into the Intersection where I ater turned over to Constablei the stansae h a o Ove 80Yers ombed ville, near Dominion Stores. room brick bungalow, garage, 3ero toe hcking became very close at his car was struck on the , enkins, R.C.M.P. Williamn- toa MrV. Lws sitn Experience Office hours 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. close to parks, schools, shop- Ed Jeans - - 623-7152'in North end of townaf cvti pinwhMakmrgtsdebthe oterveice.:on's lawyer said he appre- whe ehadher i t 48-t incudig Saurdy. Pone ing Garet icar - 63-797 ae. a 66'ax 120' lot having the edge In play, as He blamed ice on the roadway c iates the error of his foolish- park. "sIrnoe w e 623318. -tfFORTHSTRET-TAot- Mc McDnala-623391 Trmsarangd he owmnvlletem atak bt ws dmoised y Jdgut ss Itwa no fo sle.pl ra awy.I tie tohe er 3 bedroom brick bungalow Helen MN.cDonald - 623-39,11 véas very disorganized. Batten that he should -watch (:ounsel for Scherf said at no her.,I a 1ek.Sew Notces ~ ~ ~~~ _ in the north end of town, only Eloyd Atch son .76259Mr-ihtI! Gary Dusseldorp, playing for that in winter weather. ehsh vratmtdt apn" Dfne cus - --¯5 years old.72-35 3 bedrooms. Large livingAIou - - - one of his finest games to John D. McPherson hadà a s ell -drugs. Crown prosecutor said"teeinovdnc CORPORATION OF THE d. ARu - - - room with fireplace! Lovely date, evened up the score at charge of failing to report an E. R. ,Lovekin said he would deduceTh psnwsrm STRIKE AVE. - 3 beroom kitchen with lots of cupboards! the 13:24 mark of the second accident dismiîssed. It should •ccept statements made by to kill e.O h hl TOWNS IP OF DARLINGTON hgsltd =ohaiyhm Rec. room: Carport: Paved period assisted -by Tom Ey- have read failing to'remain at iìs w epe hywr h vdne1d o hn anprce o e div Grdn oue:Exr man and Scott Stevens. The the scene. fined $250, costs $3. mn defauilt jury tiawulfdthsm NOTICE OF BY-LAW 290sth n oieorare0:edd Mntrs third period starteýd slowly Lawrence Chbi, a Queen' s 5 days in jail. They were gultv.M Lei'evdn this brick hiome; needs somead hub.Aboue priv- wihbt em hcigUiest tdnhdaien four weeks to payý. is unreibe"TeCo cocrigthe closing of teEs e ofOepiaecoeyutl theor12EAL3ETATarkI TEargea oufdcareless driving dis- Robeirt J. Howes, R.R. , sae r hmsnse HERE'S A BUY - an olderasv0ermave when Brad Glodfrev emerged missed. In Januarv hie was Pampton, charged with hav- dence hdmr oe h Guideboard Road West 2 storey brick home justr e.Ony $',00.av the hero, drilling one in the eastbound on Highway,401 in ing a niarcotic for purpose of a piece fSisces.H decoratedce rgoodoucentraots1loca, .,, 1 I. a . Lotlower corner on an end:to end a Fiat and attemfpted to passtraffcig akdfr na-storyisncebl, het benga oredrod oud Lts19 2, nd21 tion.1-arLo plav set up by 'Scott Stevens a truck. The wind struck the journment for three weeks to unknow saansdd c In the Sixth Concession of the Township of LOTS and LOTS and LOTS 234 King St. E., nowmanville Orono. On good road.: and Gerard Morrison. 'Britt little car as he went past, he obtain counsel. exist." JdeBxe i Darlington and providing for the sale thereof to of LOTS. 623-3393 Spring on property. Nice 1o- Murphy played a strong lost control and it continued ý Four local youn)g people had behie el 'uhmoo Oshawa - Glenforest Dr. cation:1.gamne in net for the wmnners, on into the median where 11 their cases adjour-nedl one foun ida the abutting owners. Sam Annis - - 623-7664 0ai's. PROPERTIES REQUIRED being "on the ball" when rolled over, resulting In $200 week. Gregory R. Coxý, Allan NOTIC E IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of Jim Robinson 6be-a1wS aci us ia FOR SPRING RUSH ! needethd eon ae lyddaatag Hggns.Oha a DeViletpleadWalterNM N the Courporation of the Township of Darlington at its regular Bne sa wa's top residential area. Move Alter Hours: at Markham on Sunday morn- was finied $20 and costs, or ta having in their possessionMA ER Council meeting to be held on Friday, the 3rd day of March, Elsie Spencer - 623-3259 into a home newly decorateGord Beech- - 623-5265| ing, the locals trounced the four days, for following an-a narcotic. Judy M. Bragg 192,a the Council Chambers In the Township Hall at lMary Smith-- 786-2283 with a just c n pleted43x$29 0. .A.rto 2-08 bewildered Markham squad other vehricle too closely and pleaded 'not guilty'. 4a 11Hampï [ton at 1:00 p.m. or anytime thzreafter will consider Rolly Spencer -963-7694 rEasytroms. Pba. K990. ow . a rto ~ 623-5868 9-2. Every one on the Bow- $25 and costs, or five days George Alexander Joncas, 'passirIg ~~~~~7-1 aytrsP.owlJ. 6356 manville teamn came out fly- consecutive, for illegal ,pos- 25, Pontypool, represented by 5AFR pasn a by-law .to stop up and close the Guideboard Road ------ - Kendal 'Village 6- ing as they scored five un1- session of liquor. On October Brepedd'o uly RS iD West, beinlg a forced road found In Lots,19, 20 and 21 Inth $17,900 buys 3 bedroom al-- answered goals in the firstl 28th Constable M 1oon, OPP, ID.archarg le of coman as- S3ixth Concession of Darlington, uminum siding bungalow with period, in the first six minutes eastbound on Taunton Rýoad, alt onichard Rusk. an em_ attaýched garage near school 'of play. Don Farrow notched: obszerved Mr. Higgins followlÀ- >lu1oeeat cmealletu, aPonty- f NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN'that h and store. Call Bill Turansky.thfisgolath40ecnigaohrvhcenarZno.Tecmpaatws Council of thie Corporation of the Township of Darlington C - Kendal Hills, Stream JOHN F. mark. Scott Stevens and Brad at a distance of 20 feet. B oth istable Schultz. It was al- proposes ,at (the samne meeting by virtue of the aforesaidl R lEnR1 secacebat-1 ae s ag hnT vh e hr eHg e r ocs i rdh' by-awtoautizehe ale of the said stopped up road to stree nt o ndes se tý ser and Brian Dennis round- gins vehlicle followed for over ea wai rhdt he abutinîgowners' n frnesebdoo tun ,,ed out the first perioýd as-, a mile a isac o nyieticnd seizur. dTwo m-)RitB The proposeýd b-lwand pflan shoiwing th, lands Bowm-tainville 623-4403 gailow. Asking <$27,9G00. Ex,-saul. Picking up assIsts wr oecar l ength at a speedor >oyesgave ev-idenlCe, Larry ýpp ïriy off cellent termos. Call Bill Tur-- Gary Dusseldorp (2), Ed Vis- 45 or 50) miles an hour. 'h1-omias and Ralph Hoýy, that afecedma b seninmyofices in the Tlownship Hiall. Fr ad(700 e ce ansky. 33 King St East, Bowmanville ser, Brian1 Dennis, Tom Ey- The following day the sam ,,r Rusk had been it( on theBx13 .. acre parcel on No. 115 High- At the 1:10 mark of the parked tr a field off CourticlsnasIn giving eiene Phon hty6835 cone, aentL or solicitor, any person who claims thaï, his orwav north of Taunton Road- - Centrally located brick 4 OSHAWA: 3 bedroom, 2 second period Scott Stevens Road and found a case of 24laid "he only tapped Rusk to herlad will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law il 'nore land is regiured;\ adja- pe.Lt 6x 160. nn storey brickhome. Elecr kept tahe attack alive, firing beer which the accused claim-1 and wh0o appistbehad cent land also available - one $600anal.Ol 4,,hae, -od Ats $22500t one home after taking a pý obehar.ass ed as his. barn is included. Call now Easy terms. two years old, ikng $2,50. from Don Farrow set up by Tuesday, February 15thi, 1972 DATED this 25th daoy of Januar-y, 1972. for more details. Newc;,astle - New Bungalows Terms, Dan Strike. Ed. Visser and Judge R. B. Baxter presided WALERE.RUNLE Cerk 2Beroo Bnglow- bdrom rik. el cn-EXECUTIVE HOME: 10 Scott Stevens assisted by Far- with Assistant Crown Attor- Bowmanville' structed. Only 2 left at acres with 2 large trout row and Tim Buttonshaw put ney K. Stubington and dutyý - ~~~~5--4,$250-Tem.ClJa streams. Lovely 3 bedroom the locals ahead 8-0 before counsel D. Barber. Located on large lot 1(Ox2,00 O '.Cal brick home. All modern con- Tom Dix of Markham pene- B. PrieslyToont, ha CORP RATIN OFTHE150',beautifully landscaped. Oegemafeinesfrtdte ogBwan- ed w tulawflloperating CORPORA ION r0ri THEHome in immaculate condition. Newcastle - Stream - Bush veines rtd te srn omn dwt ulwul prtn TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON rsit ial e;00ea n on' 40acres on highway with 2 sšEWCAhome: Nicely ecorfirstgoalenefrhi emsthe holdevehia Cle . w ithuens north section. Inspection 'by stream and bush. Sceme roll- ated. Rec. room. Patio. Bowmanville continued to had March 28th set for'tri.F PORK BUTT NOTICE OF BY-LAU£"W aDppointment only.y ing land, Excellent building Barn. Asking $24,900. Terms. control the play in the third, Richard Dudar, charged De,-l CHOPS OR ROASTS l Brand Nw - $28ites.0 A k iTrn $2.900. Terms'e lt wthbusting up Markham's attack cember 21st, in Newcastle. conce mBand New- 528,90.00gCaf BilrgTuansky. RO ,nacre lot withwhen necessary. Tima Button- with failing to yield right of WF PE UJý concernig the cosmg ofSplit entrance bungalowý on 29 Acres - Orono 3oo,;ah"°N à shaw added the final "Isting- way at an Intersecton, had. SIT R CLOPC Van DamR oanael RoadinBvm ~ Prime development land, 2 sq. ft. living space. Carport. er", -scoring on a play set up April 8th set for trial. T M T E ville - on ravine lot 155' deep. road frontages. Village Of Asking $25,700.- Terms. by Gerard Morrison and Ed Robert, Bruce Whitehead- ACO heing a forced road found In Lot 13 in the Will be completed in about 5 Orono. Asking $78,000. Terms. Visser. Goaltending du t ie s charged January 2nd with foil-BA O Teth onesin fweeks. Immediate action could Call' Rov Foster, Orono 983- BOWMANVILLE: 3 bed- were shared by Britt Murphy lowing another vehicle too l! 2 Cp9 Tet oceso fthe Township of Dar-, give you the opportunity toa'5801. ~ room n split-level. Very mod- and Brian Fraser, each allow- closelv n ihwy35 led79Wc lb lington and providing for the sale thereof to choose colours and extras- ern. A-1 location. Low down Ing one goal. ed 'guilty'. There w arnori 0$5,000.00 down payment re- 80 Acre Highway F arm payment. This game was a solid team damage to the car he hit. he FLORIDA No. 1 Pink or White the abutting owners. quired. Near Rice Lake. Solid brick ORONO: New 3 bedroom effort by Bowmianville, as the fine was $20, costs $3. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of Three Bedrooms - Newcastle home, 8 rooms. Steel barn angel stone bungalow. Elec- scoring Indicated. Continuing Kurt Gobkes, R.R. 2, Nes ,iGR APEFRUIT 8 fo 9 the Corpoïration of the Township of Darlington at its regular stBun galowlarg 1 der in bush Asit g $45,000.p n s tip ht. oe Tlocba hs.Car-hould ave great succesteamn11 ton chargeWad enJ ikpi DEMPSTER CRUSTY Old World v 1 Couci metig o b hld n riayth 17h ayof arh'and dining areas - has fire-80 Cal Ro y otr93 WEST OFBOWMANVILLE: the route to a Provincial break and enter a cottage inR OLS2 k 5 1972', at the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at place in family room and at- 5 roomed, clean, 11/ storey ChampionshiD. Township of Cartwrght, ha amtnat 1:00 p.m. Or anytime -thereafter will consider tached garage. Lot 100' x 1310'. 2Z8 Acres - Kendal Bills home on large treed lot. Oil The next series will be trial set for April 11th. Gob- psiga 1by-law to stop up and close the Van Dam Road, Listed at $26,900.00. Adioining 9.000 acre Gana- heated. 4-pee. bath. Asking against Bay Ridges. See you kes pleaded 'guilty' and Kirlk-DEPCTS CAL ! being a forcedl road found in Lot'13, in the Tenth Concession -Melville Dale -12-68 n ace t sFoes$890 hr.Patrihk n d ar Phal, Pn PO K-,.s Jan Oudshoorn - 623-2984 A meeting was held to form It was stressed by the new bloodshot. The fine was $50 i Whol or alfBernrd acLen -723-842a Manvers Ratepayers Asso- executive that this association costs $3, or five days. He was ;MI a L VE BETTER .- ciation T1hursday, Feb. 10th, is non-political and feels that given two weeks to pay. TOP QUALITY Phyllbs McRobbie- 623-7159 1972, at Grandview Public a Ratepayers Association in Lelarko Enterprises, 2559 CrE CREAM79 CNi Dane Found- - 623-3965 School. After an informative Manvers will work in co- Barton St., Hamilton, lae n STEER BEEFKaBrw -- 623-3150 talk by Miss Ellen Adams, operation with the council 'not gulty' through counsel SL OSMSE GuaateedThshoearal Bill Turansky, Orono 983-5420 Vice-Chairman of the Confed- while expressing the feelings to excess over-width on a WieSie or aan c ELECTRICALLY HEATED Roy Foster - Orono 983-5801 eration of Ratepayers and Re- of the residents in the town. trucek. Inspector Hollister MAR ARINE rMoey Refunded Sae-Eooia n la Idence Association In Tor- ship. checked the veicle,. They BREAD Cheerfully gde li 2-53 onto, and Mr. Morton, Vice- Further meetings will be were found 'guilty' and the'100% Pure Vegetable 0il11 Packed to ,Your Specifications SLb1NO43 ARN EU T O N !ersÙanaintkaaey-held invariousetions1 areorefadt.heLa LockerRentalQuick Freezing or Call 623-3393 upon to form a Manvers Rate- ebatvsreotngt h Depart ent oî C mn-rn Cuistom )Cuting Smo1king Curing DRETINSen letin foficrsfo-field, for excess widithan -lowed with Terry Staples as signal lights unoperative, re- V TD 'Waverly Road to President, Mrs. Jessie Fisk asl The risk of heart attack in ceived a fine of $20, costs$3Lce ZD g g 1â ý Vice-President,, Mrs. K a y mren increases with age - 400%, This was investigated by n-Srvc Lawrence Crescent Sth secear nderge- from 30 to 50 years of age. spector Ribout. Jas. A. Fur- (OEO Um)6357 FRG D O K R .between H, wy. 2 and 401 tMULTIPLE S NGSER V ICEVa Dam as Treasurer.Thr Sup port the research and illong paid a fine of $50, fcostsý----- 73 in s, 1V r2 Mý4 BWM4N-ILE Oshawa &District were approximateys evetyeucation prog:ammes or yourf$73, fr load iIn cee o0 e R ŒT77KI 73 in S. . hone -623-5578 -623-3541 OMN LEpeople in attendance. incud-- Heart Foundation troghfet atrt Tanpot tiAP WB MAVit Real Estate Board ing Alex CarrtorsM , r u ;s Èes t.Dumod and some members of council.lieart Fund Camapaign. Que., received a fine of$5