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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1972, p. 10

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10~ Cnnai ate mn, 0wmanville, Mar. 29, 1972 TG ieiae " ei B ot" a o m nl ar11's an O dCas io e Durham Aric NewsEaster Festivala By, Bob Watt Newton ville onAric Assistant Agricultural Representative More than 3,000 persons are ponyan hvrde ad expected to begin celebrating midwa B7akÈed Easter Ham temperature te _400*. Ilemove general 4-H Program were Easter one day early this "Ttî eimrstetu Check the label when buy- any sk in from the ham and discussed. tonv jin EsterParae Ndw-tony eEaerPad bt big cured and emoked bains. score the fat te a depth of Some of the discussion cen Fsia o pî Hasmay be precooked, 1/4 inch in a diamond pattern. tred around the organizing Ifheia y cneraionbe s teanodfsondatr readý- to--serve or may require Stud wlth Whole cloves and clubs, ewards night arrange-gTns a 10 cebam itha3ontry e-stalrdhî si ftîrther cooking. spread with a glaze of brown ments and the Annual Judg-,gpa ad m ds with a Ail roceds wt th eh Canned bams and bais ugar,. dry mustard, and oDr- Jng Competît on. If you areGrn EaerBi n tecponotosfrmheu- mwarjked ,ready te serve o ug uiedi it eabor gigit o ilha irèady-to-eat" require no u-arctmraaecr a more about these at a later Nefro B pm to midnigt alrtoject thrcoig ev odor giaze 01f mapie syrup; cran- date. Fsia himn Jh - tq a 20 o 0 berry o urn eior rp- We have had a geed um- 'Vihi adobratvte sfolios 01 r. o q reet i320fo 0 eipie sauce, corn syrup, and pre- 'r of repues from studentses a m.iurs erpond pre mstrd Bk f 1 t rplesfrm.stdeLs t,.wiii include: a four-hour eating ets;no oipr. p~ntesfor15 e ie col nth ony l"super" antique auction isn o gons ucinsl Other hpe rend r ed yý- 0 musa40,bstr.Baein sbosi teCutwh s0S Hg tpeonsGitMii - .mGitMii g os hamsare"reay-t- 2 mintesat 000,basingwisb to join a 4-H Club. Seome e~k.Teeaent ul neo wc.of the clubs we are planning ~ ahradsngme at 5 p.m. ing cnet - ..iho c2ookedÀ, and should be baked I onthe netonvii ulcgrudpgctcigrnet 'iti matteromtr n Spring Lawn Care ifor this year are dairy, beefSontewol piaying ubline2- .m sroigruds n lcates-t an internai tempera- The iawn is one of the first seep, petato, swine, poultry, ~vrosceuntrycotssdriin-3 pp, rbo ,re of 170. Bake uncovered things that can be attended to graincsno, pony, , throughout the day such as groundr igswn,34pr. I 35,flown okn In spring, says D. B. MeNeiil, iandscape gardening and pooso-aingesd~scoigons amwcti~ tie ntepcae ruehorticultural specialist, On- sibly bachelo0r surviva Atct4n-5o aig rn ..gmnsu:ft tbhe following guide, recen tario Department Of Agricul- this time I arn not going to go wrting, lgg tsing, ailadsnsocrgm, - . r-ilnd by food speciaists -ai ture and Food. into explainýing what i 11 _ ' wrivting, ad enn pthing. ena ny irin -s mCm Ih.Ontario FodCuncîl, Snew. mold, if It isý a preb- ovdI ab fieecus hr îl i countr uiy al radEse Ontario Department cf Agri- lem, wîll appear as soan as as this wiîî be done at a later î " tle dilysbcrefresbmntsmBai,'mdiht omrt c.ultuîre and, Food, the snow goes. If this webby date. stle_______ Hrehmnt, all. Minutes moid appears, use an oid The Organîzationai Meeting'H-l1 Perý broem toe brush it- off. This for ail clubs wiii be beid onr) - Askis Province to H A WegtPouind wili not-gîve compiete contrel, Saturday, April 22nd at the Whole haro 13 te 15 20 to 25 but it wili reduce-the-damage. I100OF. Hall inl Orono at 1:30 -Whole ham, A good raking as soon as p.m. At 'this time, we will '~ Hafha san ncho heoddhdg assbvdeutfor o t f11 Hury Approval S A V E !! - 'oneiess 9 te 12 25 te 30 the turf Is dry wiîl remeove hae4H enreliment frst jPa orhUtt) t 8 0 te35 hft hebuiids poe thesm ad sandn dfr eu te omein-UFIWilnm %mimQult Bonies ai, eran wntr.Use a lawn matien pertaining to the4- Picnic sheuider, rake rather than a garden Program in Durham,. We ., hr r any on town or Cottage rake, and raite just bard wouid encourage ail 4-1H The wînner cf the aest booth aw,,,ard at teKîgt rs on Had(Cpan, ae Tws e lwbhofeei thai Munici- < Rol ----- 4 te 7 35 te 40 enougb to -remove some cf the members frein last year, as Conimunity Fairheld at the Lions Centre on March ley, Jili Stocker, Debor ah H ammond, Laurie Ford and pal Affairs bas been, dragging B3oneless Picnic debris. Do net distUrb the weiî as new members, te at- 18th was the Second Bowmanviile Girl Guide Com- Kathy Mantle. Mrs. Marilyn Dow, co-conivenor of the its feet in reviewing tbe Bew- To lazl ter a ead-e AtrralgI c40teue e nelmn i a pany for the Guides' display of handicrafts. Alex fair stands aI Mr., Carruthers' right. The Guides, who mnil e fiiiPa.O TeSluier elt 5 40 eyt ots f tIegra ss oplans. ted Ibi nrmet iThdad- Marc 201h cousicil wrote te F E h ereor ready-to-ceok ham, the first fertilizer can be ap- 1972. So if yeui are interest- Carruthers, Durham M.P.P., the judge in the contest, made ail the handicrafts themselves earned $10 for themn te ask ibey speed up j-rmove hi from the aven 30 plled. If rabgrass is a prob- ed at ail, you should attend. receives plentY of help in trying to decide what handi- having the best booth, and ani additional $45 from the their work on it. minutes before thse end cf lem, use a fertilizer contaîn- In tels way you cas find craft lhe shouldbuyr. The girls are fromn the lefI, Sandra sale cf their wares. Everything was sold, Ico. Until thse plan bas been ST VO L baking timne, Raise the oven ing a herbicide that controîs eut wbat 4-H. is ail about. 4-H - appreved by thse province, it seedling grasses. 2,4-D) con- Club Leaders wili give a brief and net -particuiariy direct cannet be passed by counicil PROMTIOREU JOHN IF. trois broadleaf weeds but net rundown cf wbat thse varieuis __(r sunlight. Planttbemn about ose nor put îaie effect.SEVC ____________ seedling- grasses and should clubs do during the year and f~- ~ -îc it Iesl ae ey Tbe Planning Board bas net be used until May. thse activities that are carrled awu rd eInIiI ar ichinandeyer t water by eld severaI meetings in the CLL OLET rn aueprm etrs f I h towes oloigotbe leaves, because this past few mostbs (tIse last ose *Um . Heaithy, vîg-raus iawas are eut for all 4-H members. u e a e e e s , adwig le RU~E E M ~ onecf te pimefeatresof tIe tw weksfoiiwin xîIl ill cause sefiaous damage te was on Mosday) te update tIse u ~ i u ii the berne grounds. A littie ibis meeting, each club wili " H rylB ll e laean illaeZeniag bylaws te cerrespend 66 3 4 extra effort in the spring wil meet individuaily ta plan Y tbem- speited and tiiswili ets e Ofca ln bmm ig o eip keep it ibis way durîng their, prcgram fer thse coming L cau1se leaf rot. A regular feed- Geerl nsrace the heat cf summer. year, as well as siect officers NO I HETIME TO0 in aur area ne earlier than tubers jne thIe sali, and space 'ing program sbouid be kepi GnrlIsrne 4-H Agricultural Club in thse varieus clubs. START TUBEROUS My1 esa h emn bmaottoicsssat psneie r ev ed FIE an AUOMOIL Wok T StrtIt ilooks lîke a busy yesr foi BEGONIASý ation, prepare a sbaliow box Remember, tIse bollow sidecr Somne cf the besi vanieties IRandSUTOMOBE With be Anna -HLe 4-H in 1972 and we hope you A few simple ruies make or seed tray about ibree inch- must be up. Caver lîghtly arie: the. German varieties, INUer's Sning Mhetinn ow bisLea- as a 4-H member, wili inaké the Belgias -tuberaus begosias es deep. A layer cf peatmass, wîth enougb soil nmixtureta uc as Kaizer Friedrich, Ctntiuet tory, it once again is a igïsai it a goed year. as easy ta grew as any other leaf maid or compost gees in absorb thse water ibai inigbt wicb is a red. with white - HARR VOEMAN ibatsprig i notfar wayplant in the bouse or gardes. tIse boitorn, cevered wib a seitie ie their hollows, and edges, and -aiso -the new, Tig-- , and lîbRM N t at club i nwofrk w b Stant witb tubers. It takes six mixture of iwo parts losm, spray waitb roomn temperature rius varieties are beautiful i' f3-311KJNG ST. E. sardtn anAtIeuClub .m..ll* te eghi weeks from the start peai or leafmold te ose part, water. Caver thse fiai witb h ibibi atedfoes 31WKINVST.E Lar'gsoMen, A hnubr orl ras of the germniniation before -tIse sand. Dampen the mixture, layer of plastic, ibai bas some Utlux ek ap BOMIMAN VLLE Leadr's -Meeing, a nmber sts plants cari be set cutide, sud but 'don't saak il. Press thse air haies iu it until ibey begin Utlnx ek ap of areas pertaining te the f I II ________________________________tsr eut veer let thse soul gardening. ~~~' noua Panel *auks idRe ortout, but de't waierlog >JUA Y- te.Keep la 50-60 ers Bowmanvile District Hoti- poD ai l l imes. degreesR cultural Society held is MarchI Wben tbey begin ta spreut'... PJ~ meeting in, the Bowmanviiie P4 f 2Library Wednesday, iStIs. Thse following ae eiiedtrolts eoetem i it tile pinkisb shoots em- BABY BOY KNAPP ' l-lres n del ybidforhih oplaio, arow Presideni Clarence Tisk pre- collisions an d accunrences body of ire. This aise appiies tuber la thse same pîastisg Te deatb 0f baby Knapp, 1-4rc', a idai ybrd or ighPoPlatonnaroW sided wîth 30 members lu ai- were lnvestigated by the New- ta thse sides of docks la thse mix, ahlf inch deep, wîîb infant son of Ernest Oliver pjatiný Secillybre'tob -eâtthe'stlk tendance. The minutes of casile Detachment of thse On- s ater that are exposed te tIse te spneuî uip sbowing. Plant and Marias Knapp, occurred ro lnig pcal rdt et the ltl b asî meeting were read tarie Provincial Police be- 5ufl. themn in a five, iacIspet tIsati Osbawa on Tuesday, MarrIs b r a k age p r o bl by the Secreiary Mr. M. Slute. twees Marcb 121h and MarrIs WIen lake ire begins te wiil give ibem room for pr o- Osh 19. H a oni Strog, turd stlks Mrs. L. Masen, Program 18tIs, 1972. Twenty-twa mater boneycomb, on tIse surface, rprro evlpetfO shwa Canvenar, broughi befare tIse vebicle accidents were la- otberwise kaown as rotteatIse topantIesd.Riprns, .adM. pensons il EOs i prets Ms members tIse idea of a bus vestîgated la which 9 esn ice, i is ample wanning that Yeu rau use them as pot- E0. Knapp, are members of 511wîthsLadhiU vvuu tripla June, A decsian was were injured and 9 persans ire conditions are deteriorat- 1 tIthe bouse or you ca Trinîty United- Church and made te go te the Edward charged with driving effences, ing and should be consîdered Plat eside bere, andstes. Te obof Gardens (mare partîculars aise 2 impaired driving charg- unsafe for travel. patts ulie s Surviving, besides bis par- PX 442 is long, and later). e eeli.i SCmsspatc eeu nsaeiosses hii Bob and Frank Stapieton havercnl rdae h ws anoncs thre Investîgated during tIse, Parents shauld wau ibir tify thse homes wiiIs their and Brenda. f rom the Reisch Auctio n CollegeMaoCiyIw, 't maî i aetr- woul beanndîre t eegsm ro funewr 9children lte stay away from dazzling colors. It is thse'best i TIsefuneral service was' "ags ats oi. smal in iamter-saie peiod f tme wre 9 th sde of streams, as in thse ~i anbecoerd it a tsebearnecf rsudm rstingenrl curecsafwic at*ma ciden bvepat apanInnbd aeshsdathiayearI 4 Te aefll ese n cpbl a"odcis C hs.hDoweyof Mrc2. a ers wr 3rpat e r a t ay cîde ae- ra edo hyaeflyv n a a nibceTed i hadTIepgrrcnssdof eterdef 3 reports o rekdrowaed by slipping o c twbich. are usually bard ta 1972,,from the Morris Funer- types of auctioas incluing Farm nd ietc, a tIser stresmeerge, fepoits nf pant or te bing te life. Beg- ai dbapel, Bewmanville, and EsaeAuo biFrntrnius, echns, sta chk er e PaelDisussonwit Melecomman thefi, 1 wilful dam- fast flowisg watsr, and being oulas will brigbies up.any -duli was conducted by Rev. G. K. Estates, Liquidation and Close-OuiSls Pale sca siMontarT ereage complaint, i disturbance cnrîrd awsy by thse current. ares in -youn gardesi.WadItrmnwsinB - cOmlait,3 dmesiccoi- LOXNIABUBS:mâivile emter.'ALSO AUCTIONING REGUALYA '~~i. ~ reduce combine ~~bers cf thse panel wsre: Mrs.cmlit onsi enDIIGTPGOIT UB:mnii seey CiarnceTinconcarine plaints and 2 irespassing ne- D VIGTPWIssn plantisg gloxinias Yeu Palibearers were twa uncles, THE GRIST MILL AUCTINBU Clrnc inMonc r. ndparts. Ten persans are charg- "Buckle Up For Safety Sake" must remnember, tIsai they re- Messrs, ýGary Therteil and NEWTONVILLE damage andmbuion sliping ofbuep an ed witb crirninal offences and Witb tIse Eastsr week-end quirs a large arnount cf, uighi, Arthur Knapp. lt ~ hih bshe weght. Whtme osgroing and2 persons charged with liquor approaching, traffir is build-- hîhbshlwîg . sowing of vegetables, Bai~rney offences.în Upa au hiwys llîng onMr. Kes ndeo el' Sevenal Saownobiie thefttaWanmer weatber and dean fiowrs. Mn.Kosderasand break-las tIsaI have Oc- road aliows fer incresse lu florist, oou fertilizing sud cane curred lu tIse pasi mentIs bave speed cf vebicles, If învoiv.. E oof aawns. SMALLD W Plntawss a b t. resulted in tIse necevery Of ed la a collision, your chances We ail feu ws bad neceived over $1,000.00 stolen property, of being seniously burt or NATIONAL , ýnfrmatîan whicb would bene- Six youtbs from Bowmanvilie kiiled have aise increased. tit us with our fiewers asd Blackstock are cbarged Use af seat Issus sach lime) ROBE RT De, JONG and gardens this spning. with thefi and possession you gsi in your car reducesthse - RRi-Nestieton, Ont.' Mrs. Lake conducied s cen- charges la connectian witIs possibility of injury. Phon 98-472 itest afier whicb aur social ibese offences. r_________PÂ I Phone_98-4782cemmittee Mrs, C. Downey There have Iseen severai R. R. 2 - Newcastle, Ont. freshnients. about dags being bittes by C ORi FIN NCN Phoe 87478At aur next meeting ou rabid fax, in the Hampton Phon. 98-407 Ail 19iIs Mn. W. Van Belle ares. The. fax in ibis case iwil_ be tIse speaker. bas neyer been locaisd te By-aw Section S etee0 asa u w o ain ____ _______________-esisbiisb if hit s nabid, 'ro dbe wise te keep ail famil t--r n o c pets resinicied te thse end o f Y a leash. O s h a ' a 'N oA cottage break, enter and Oasetoftthe items whîcb or t'hefi thtIsiocrdnari.h of came under debats ilse9 8C str 1968 PomdBntc arsinn leBwbailena Sehe-Wqusa'san a meet WAREHOUSE LUM8ERLAND tas. TIse ewner establishes study su .ad cauld be arn-_5d41 1 - ~IlÀÀ~DAkr~l.* tIse iess ai over $1,100,00. bîgueus. - YREHOUSE.J LUIVIiJLLNI4, "1 RECREATION TIP ________ 100 Bond Street West _____~ I II "agr-Ti e"1 742 19 72M DononOhw BOND ST. W. ONE WAY _<_.... 0 Wlnter ls on uts way aut Dontw Ohwa0 Ws ans etering tIse les break-e AN Phne72-61 'IN T.W.~--.>ON W p season, a lime ef extrernAN Poe7811INGST W >ONIsl azard, fer tIse ire fisberman j ______________________ or snowrnebilsrs, wbo use tIse a î as C ire covered surfaces cf lakesV CG A 51TRK S COUTIE ~à,, nd rivers as a mneans of trav- Earie Waikey of Newtan- COR'C COURTK.E YARD, ana el during tIse winisr montbs, ville assumes ful ime super- No. 2TaSr COURTICE R. Aise school hilidren belng intendsenrv ef thse Ganaraska iArAadventuraus, oflen look for Regian Conservation Author-SVEAMDESndClsMEITEELER ___________ _____exciternent aioag tIse streams ity la Apnil. E RAMO LSadClr.I EDT EIV Y ia tIse Spnîng seassan. Thse fermer member o! wWMq A_______ ___ COURTICE ROAD and m TIse decrease et ice slrengtb Clarke Towvnship Ceuncil, and W_______ ROY NICHOLSofcon MOTORSmeberof hLTDwn is causeSTyEaTvriety cfcon-"prsent memer cf tse Town #- __________ LO SRE ES itions: slong flowiag -rur- sbip's Planning Board, work- «Il F 0 AST EXIT73 Phone 72-81611M rents isn ivers and slreams, ed isst summer as pant-urne warrn springs bubbiing up superviser af students wank- C U TC vili.4-spring water rua-off li tIste Enhancement Pnagram in tIsee86 0 ;C0U-ýT;CE 28-1611 728 lakes undermînine tIse irenar Autsorily's walsrsbed. 11e is 6 32 5 2 -2 *OUTIC 78~111 ARHOUE LMBRLANJO72-1617tIse shoreline. TIse ire clase preseniiy supenvising mes an ~tI~iIfte lIse shore, exposed ta tIselIse tawnship's winter works intense heat of the sun, allen prognam, M

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