Mrs. Bruce Titison, Editor Phono, 987-4213 o mnvileNewcastle Wines Appoiniment fO Ecitng ovice Tournament Ne vcastlc T2he cnd Anc aj,ýi Tevor Hamilton, Geeg FlynnIcd for mnd won the Consolea- Novice Racreatîca Tcurca-:ccd Randy Donally. Brad tion Awerd wec Brmd Reid,.rsm mcci was heîted by \New-iBe d plmyed a sfaady ganie 'n Bradley Bugden, Grag Paulîn ,*~. cmastiq on Stueday avenînginetfofr Newcastle as ha shiutDl ihls ei ek ,March 25th. joct the uppusition troni thae aaNcol eînJnr~'~: . Baginiaiig ai six pino. thel2.30 mark on. jas, Greg Store, Dougia Nîcb finit gamne was bald bmfwecc i The Cheelie Acouiliaa Cham- olîca, Martin Goscea Racdv -s Freck's Vaiaty cf Bowman- piocship iropby wcs mwand- Doncali, Blaire Gilmore, Tom ýil1e mcd the Newcastle "B,, d 10 Bowmanville who dowc- Glovar, Greg Popp, Craîg tf-am, wlich smw Frenki med Pont Hope 6-L. Paf Baya- Flynn, Trevor Hamilton, Kav downîcg the Newcastle iaamîo]ds lad the vectors wth three in Rehme, Dancy Grey, Ted, 9_4ý'goals, Paul Casemenette wîth Shidsancd Clîffoîd Wilson. M la tha econd ame 2 and Kevin Wcoley witb 1 Tb h asa excîîgsne e1 ," stcgPort Hope fearni dcwn- Deug Te pp cgaia misimd the f ames frorn steet f0 finish , rd Bcwdlay by a score of 9-h. shutout by onc goal asnoeph t aIl cocld or. would wîn, The third game wcs a haîfla Pakuse sconed for PotHp but ail dîd thaîr hast ccd'cerne ' befwmmenNewcmstla and Bewd- The home boys whc phay-loff lîke gremi sports. îeay for the Niek's Shell Tee- ,,by, the consolation cweîd.r ,This was won by Nawcastle55~5 ~ t O ik. "ii- ý ..*.+"oM; à-t,ie malo gou LVI oniybi- Bewdla\ goal whîch atet MAUthetntbl onldO[ ni time gava tbem ithe only leed 5 JJ ,5eCntbletDo nls n of the nîght, Newcastle than IlI A l 11 iT Spnnedn .Hnethi cimne on wth goals by Dale ~I Ii~ I Ne. 10 District Headquarters, Nicholson who scord two, Ont ario Provincial Police, ras wîth snge oas coedbyh .Perth, Ont ario, bas ennounc- the iN.~aa . ~ 5 d the appoiniment cf Pro- chî jjg < kL!E 11J .J.1bafîonary Constabile Denald sui AR Vses 2Sâverp00 wlas te the staff et the Pras- as OPP. necently challaaged the Gaylord. This team was ost ableowasega 28,the1 Newcastle Lions Club to e coached by thair senior çfficar, whoc apîf tt h hockey gaine, te wbich their Staff Sgt. Lou Swinghemimer. Fonce en February 28th this ait, Ladies- 175 and Over eeply found theni taciag off The rats dîd. a good job la yeaar spent the lest f'vo weeks tel. B. Major 294, M. Major 270, on home ice et 8:30 p.m. Sun- kaepiag "law and order" on et Thea Ontario Provincial sw D. Turasky 241, L. Farrow day. The mca took up a silv- the ice. Pet Connel ef, the Police Collage in Toronto wo 235, B. Pthirk 233, 1. Brown e collection among the fans Witby O.P.P. was assisted by where hae undenwant the pea- the 2,D. Langsfmff 224, L. Ellis and collected approximately Lac Kelly ef Newcastle. limînary training ton the md 22,D. Meecer 220, D. Nemi $52 for their effcrt, the The gama ended la a 7-4 Fre.H- H br i o o 219, M. Powell 217, J. Hutton money to ha doneted te the victory for the O.P.P. teem ,te and aducatad et the Dur-c; 211, M. Buriey 208, H. Cotir- Crîpplad Chîldeen. who recaived a trophy frornbhem Coliagp la Oshawa, CeL eux 208, M. Wae 199, V. Wat- Tt was a tua game, with Lion Edmuad Major. Scor- Ha is the son cf the late H3 son 198, T. Laagstaff 195, M. soeÎb an eno ng goals ton the Liens t eem Edward Owtes et Toronto and c Fostar 194, G.,Heaey 193, N. skates la seveal yeaas if peob- wcra Dennis Rudman from Eay we h o e Williams 188, F. Luan 187, 1 ably didn't teellîke tua the Stant Powell, Bill Wright un- sîdas in Mîldmay. Prior te Patton 186, J. Stere 184, A. nexf monning wbea thair assstad Howard Quinney hîs enlisfment hi ases co- Langstaff 182, D. Forth 182, muscles bagan fo theob, but ît freni 'tan Cobbledîck and pioyad as mn assembler et -A.ý Buckley 182,- M. Pottar was cqually anjeyed by the Deug Rickerd ad Deug Rick- the Genaral Motons plant in 181, R. Irwin 176., totas n h as ard uaassisf cd. Oshawa. Ha is merrîed f0 the Men - 200 and Over tofasaa h as Scorng for the O.P.P. were fermer Jane Stacay et New- L. ayor26, B Lwi 22,Playing tee the Lions Club, Dava McKay froni Paul Guth- tonviliýe, Ontanco and fhey E. Farrow 249, G. Kîmbali e-inmmbn aeJmie aridge and Deug, Martinhv eadugtrSny 248J.Roinon24, . rWight la goal, Bill Wright, Rendy McLeod unassisted, aea4J/2. Tbay are membans Jio 20 . Cbins n24, . -Dannis Rudman, Deug Rick- Ernia Jarreft wîfh two, as- et the United Church. ' ,n27, G.C Rîvars24, G.erd and Stan Côbbladîck. sisted the first finie byRandy Ha je inferasted in al eut- luîoar 21, T. Emhley 207, W. Lions membars wera Howard McLaod and Deve Craig and deor sports iacludiag tishing alîatoff 205, E. Cowlîng 202, Quîa,eEJnia, tn yFît, Gaylerd the second and boatîng. ~'. Sapleon 20. PoellSiard DeJcng, George'goal; Ken Ruttan with two,- 1' Thuetnsday02. Wiad, Del Moeranmd Deanis assistad the firsf finie by Deve Thrda ixd Hmlseyý. These fellows wcra Creig and the second finie byl TYRONE 175 mnd Over coacbed by Douglas Wright Bruce Markle and Bîll He],- F. Lewis 253, W. Fongat and R. B. Riekard. mer wth oaa, assisted by Go ndysriewl 2~52, 1. Zulauf 245, B. Glan- In the O.P.P. nef, e non- Dave McKey. odFîa eriewl e vAie 240, M. MeeGnegor 225, memnber was, Hanve Glover. The ntuen match we't ha held la Tyrone Chnrch ati T1, Gordon 220, T. Geebel 219, Another non-niembar was Pauli plavad untîl naxf season whan 11:15 a.m. This service wîlli ,V Veeburgh 211, V. Mercer Gufferidge. The efficers wotc ect îytogaimes,sevtiewoacng V1,C. ow18,M.Greor19. A.playcd were Randy McLeod, oaa before Christmaes, the You amec nvited te eue F'rancw 187, 175M. nCoucb 16. Mekie, Tom Holde- lothar shotly atte. Watch fer atrsvieSnymo- wey Kan Rutt mn, Bill Hel- edvatisamenf et this mighty iiig et 11:15 arn. ,3. Hoogkamp 292, J. Holmas mer' Haneld Burke, Deug hig fet as if [s e worthwhile Sorry te report Mn 1. George 47, S. Powell 244, M. Henry M tnDve'KyD at'driin1am h y a.Alldraad is a patient ln Bdw- 241, R. Good 240, A. Peerce, marivillieMmne Hospital. ~JJ. Jenkins 236, 1. Cunc- * Mes. Lional Byam raturned Sandercoc 20, D. als2y8G home lest week froni the hos-~ L.nhe c205DK Powell20, uie ' arti*cip2ate pd -201, A. Beach 197, A. Kup- Mn. and VMes J.E, GrIffia, feey 196, M.- Beach 196,B.wa.,*,jMes, J.',W. Herod,1 MadIli 192, H. M. Mon 11'-mdPn r Osee i9iCO9ii i FiaWesto, visited lest Frde G. Hughes 191, N. Medili 190, RaiM~ r wt e a eWl 'n- Budel 190. B. Cal 186, E 86 . Slwbocb192Rh r. ailcnd on MnWatd ý1,iIby 184,l'G, Henry 184, E. Ncwcasie-T1ie 2nd ew- E82Mr, ASlroocg; 1916 Mes, R. Griffin, Enniskilleîi, Nýesbtt 183, A. Vogals 181, E. cestie Girl Guida Compay 'Kevin Wood, Ese g;11 iJarling 178, L. Wllems 176. I B. Fwler, pendant: 1974 and Mes, Lonne Griffina t thel _________ receatly teck part in the fsnWg, ptce ad home cf Me. and Mes. Alfrad, Carcis of Thanks C emnf ar tBw glasses; 1753 Barb WilliamsGrrrddonh.den Hy manvîlle acd thcy are deight- purse: 1561 D. Chard, Yard-.dn Our sîncere thanks for the cd te have hean a smail partlley Lotus; 1681 Donald Ryner. Congratulations and Basf ineny mts cf kiadness shown of ihîs enormous cadertek- lezy susan. Congratulations! Wishes froni Tyroce friends~ .gtc î1l cf us by friands and icg. The 1sf Bowmenvîlle _______of_______ tMr. 'and Mes. Harry Mer- niplibors for cerds, fruit and Beownieanmd the 3nd Guida ce, Onono. on their Sth Wed-1 ýiowers sent te the hocspital Mothars' Association sponsor- îxAniesr, r n Pdtebakîag sent f0 the e,' tbis ncw ventureancdunad-1 N wcnle Ms. F. L., Mn. acd Mes. house while Bruce wms in e ibis leadership the whola E. A. Virtue. acd Mes. Arthur liospîtel these past fwo long affain wcs axtremaly wal D le Sicar attanded the recaption mýýoaths. Special thanks te run, well organized and most P rsona i 1s Miss Gwandolya Glespaîl, J an md Bob Shacrer who sucesstul. London, spant ýlest weck with [okcharge of our youngast The Newcastle Guides cen c~te- Congratulations lier panents. Me. acd Mes. R. sm e eahi m tespeu iICenatad e "Penny Sala" anl te Don Wltnwho lered B lse i hebues in the intensive weedelighted wt t suc- rdyenigtr we ý,ie wrd.Now agin atcess Wc wculd like te effer eeceatlie hawas 5the seller et 16 tablas cf auchra. Prizs homeu, mcd capable ef being our' hcarticst congratulations the Bowmenviile Legien 50- wect te Mes. Hazal Farrow, arýound a lîffle bit, we extand to this Mothers' Asseciation 50 draw acd for his effortMels. Ruhy Birkatt, Mes. W. uethacks to Des. Speonîl, on thpir initiative and Suc- nettad hiniseif a profit et Park, Mes.11[1 Mallay, Mr. Cra nt acd Sylvester ccd the cass and just boe this wihl $211. ýDev Hall. Mrs. Helen Loe- Osbae Geeral Intesive becoma an annuel affair and kMs In nain 0 Cane Werdmcd Four B staff, thaï; the Newcast la Guides Mn. and Mes. Bruce Mac- 50 drew, Me. Dave Hall. aýnd the "home"' hospîtal, wil ha invited hback ccxt Laod et Hamilton ccd Mr, HeppyEîa eai Bowmanvîlla, ccd ifs rmacy epyI ark TilsoretNewaste ___ woaderful nurse's ccd staff yea. MrkI ____fewasl who cared ccd hlped mcd .0cr District Commimis- wcrc dincar guests on Snne1y riusedhiri hck o halt. canr ivrs. Joan nîawas, penn- with Mes. Bruce Tilîson acd 'Thmnik yen ai. cd tee la the tee rooni dur- fmlAnpe fBueH Y O Florence mcd Bruce Tili soc iag the affeenoon. 'Our sic- Tilîson, the MacLeods aise ___________ 1 icanait thanks te ail whc Snp-i visitad with bum in Bowmen- Club 21 bcld theîî Meech ported eue Penny Sale, thei ville H ospital betore ratura- meeting et the Centre on parents for the lovely pizas, îg berne. Tnesday evaning, Mench 21sf. ail those who honght tickets. Mrs. Rachel Dennii enjoyediMsW.Bckunatd s The ucky winns amec a s tha weekand in Courtîce, endceimn ad eaa h a a te low: N. 126 Jcki d"meeting with a poarn entitled Jcng, :Nons;125 D. rie de inad [a theclebeation et "Bible Alphabet". The sacra- Jong nylns; 825 . ler g re ca t-gnanddaughtar's try gave bar report acd cup mcd saucer; 1634 Barbi itdy ua an / Dio, mixicg bowls;.1760 Alex hrha.SsnMntwo tas rar' report. Bell cal -î Wilson, thermes jug;, 1762 yiers olci ond Moctday caewas answered hy telling o Mes. D. Wight, esb trmy; 1605 be at c itdyck showirig yocr hobby for the, \.9 Caady Stonks, glass bowll; una.wiat an. The bazear is plan-! 1691 Muriel Burgess, Aven1 The Newcastle Lions "St, ced for Mav lth. More par-i set; 1571 Mes. P. McMmckinî,I Patrick's" Dance was hehd lest tîculans leter. Meecb Groc HFA.WEST ccp mcd saucer: 1938 Marj. iaudyevccwih1o cN.2set Apeil 8th for candI ROWNG11IN I ~ Wilson, scarf anîd beret; 1733 ettecdîcg enjoying a very Party- Group No .3, Mes. SNATURE 19 A FIM hoider; 1955 Mes. J.. Vontt, will ha hald on Satcrday, Potts, Mes. Jones;April meet- FROM TUE TINE WE s-hot glaises; 1991 Jessia Hce-1 Apnil 29th. ing (Geoup No. 3) will ha an, mixing bewls; 1978 Fiee- held April 1Ilth [a the aven- CATCI.41iUNTILWE ence Lake, pillow cases; 1535 The Hockey Season is et a îng. Savenal cf eue ladiesý TELBUTV! Marg Wilcox, dnsting powdar acar close, witb soe tourna- were victims et smaîî acci-î' 'TELL A UT If! set; 1511 Susen BuBens, ceast- menti still fo ha pieyed, eut dents m.nd were ucable te ai-!' ers; 1663 Velme Parker, cf towa. For most et the tend. Group 2 behd an eue I1 glasses; 1876 Mes. M. Maletta, teams, howcvee, they are pre- tien "aie, as thair prograro I B iA M Yerdlay set; 1947 Shally parlng te bang up their Mes. Jean Slemoa acting as, Lcddy, Scoopy; 1573, Darlene equipment fer enothler seamen. autiortear. Lunch was served, PLUMBING & HEATING Lasnick, casserole; 1987 Jessie To close the areca [an gala Meeting edjoune a c l0,15ý Heabuh; 1609 Jackîc feshion, keep [n, mmd that clock, wîth the finit thundar-' Tyrone, Ontario Krptîk a lqe 77tea NeNwcastle Recre- Storm et the yeae. PHONE 63-265 ~LaIjHarvey Thebean, pîlewcasci; ationel Ice Cernivel 1pa- Ms ethrRa.Bep PHOINE 63-265 1758 Alex Wilson, pillcwcassced for Setnrday and Sundey. toc, speat the holiday wîth ___________________1744 Wmn. Crockeft, frîvets; This [s beenty on ice, present- Miss Barbara Ashton. &a cd by eue owc ceea girls and iMn acd Mes. Jack Histad Newcastle Recreationail boys.,Monmd family, L'Orignal, visitadý Schol oliaysendd Mn-Mes. W. Martin and Me. acd Figure -Ska.ting ClubdSc holhe idmys ed and Mes. J. Potti mcd ftmmly on CPRNIVAL the doons re-opacad eat 9R .mSunde 'v. P SENTS THE 3rd ANNýUAL CRIVL te weîcoma tîack the studants Me. Glan Ashton, Me. Midli- acd staff. Howavan, if will heaeel Steange,, Waterloo UInivar- a hr wawibGod Fri- sity, Me. ccd Mes. LlyAsi "J ur e T ro ghday being clahnatad ibis ton, Ronald mcd By1 er (wa hope).ýt , ofthstudetsocdsfmulyon Snday rMOc de,; sho Fri waý ai Sal ra vis: tyî evE liai nid Mr a n Pa Mc Be tar geî Th M, 500 Lai RED DRAND 5STEE BEEF 7 5- LEROAST RED BRAND, BEEF1 Cross Rib Roast EXCELLENT FOR BRAISINO, Blade Steakcs FRESN Ground Chuck BONELESS, SHOULDER CUTS Stewing Beef A&P lNOS YORK BRAND, PURE, FLORIDA, FROZEN orange JuiCe 312-oh FANCY QUALITY, FROZEN A&P Peas, Corn 5 12-oz poly "We! BRAND, FROZEN Battered Cod 12-ô BLUE WATER, FROZEN, COLI Fish & Chîps 21/-1 b JANE PARKER, FROSTED Bail Donuts pi JANE PARKER suy Twin Roils 3 pkgs ofi lb 85e 1b9 e lb, c iup~ R.v1 Giiele . Co~ksd, Parii~ Styl, <SIk~d LS 69~l ork Shouldrssmokad l6>59c TOWNi CLUB, SWEET rI'LD VACUUM PACKED BU EAN, I-ON, BY Imm PIECE, WmOE OR I.ALP lb 58du a GreatSIeto f Chokce Food Values for Easter CI4OICE UAiTY MEATLESS VARIETIES STRAINED 5 4¾./4FL.OZ JARS 3 ns 4" OO APP ces19-6-oZSmfin Gerbers Baby Foods2 iî--jas4 5 nk 48-1i-oz. PLAStIC GARB.&GE M O F 10 7 Z, y bg99PFutD ik 29c Glad Bags pkg of 2 $1 SLIC cO, HUN MET I MXED S'WERt GIER 2 -FL-01: JAr 9 pk 5e Dole Pinape 1--o i 37 Sicks Pickles3--o ' 6 PREPARED 9-FL.OZ JAR 22ç) PEA OR VEGETABLE )kg $1.O 9 French's Mustard î6-oz jar 29 e Habitant Soups 22--r50 Siva 14c WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, GREEN, WONDERSOFT INSTANT COFFEE (OU A~ kg of 6 3 9 Tollet Tissue Pkg of 4 rails 6É4< Tasters Coc 1-r1a 19 f 3 - Save 2C KIENEX. ASSORTED COLOURS FANCY QUALITY, PEAS, 12$1.00 A&p BRAND 25 foot x 18 inch roll 690 vo-:derfoil 25-foat x 12 înch ral33 JANE PARKER, SLICEO SA NDWICH' 24-OZ LOAVES SUY 4 SAVE 2ec WESGATE 79< NUMPTY DUMPTrY POTATO CHP 165 J (PREPRICED 69c) Dne JNakns Pkg of 4 SPECIAL LN A&P Tea Bgs Pkg of 10 4046C VegetableS Stakelysý QUAKER CEREAL Do 69ec Capt'n Crunch Canada o rae aifri>Frosh, Crisp Ca~taIoup CANADA Ne. 1 GRADE, MEXICAN, SALMON FLESI4 Endive or Escarole FLORIDA,, Ob FRESH, CRISP &Afor '5 ARIZONA, MILO, LARGE, or ORIGINAL UNCIES Gre Cff~nRaiiion CffeU'ff.E~SVEL il-or pkg -483 CJANE PARKER, DELICIOUS PLAIN OR TOASTED PKG PKG OF 639 PINK< ICING SPRINKLED 'WITH COCONUT DECORATED WITH JELLY EGGS JANE PARKER LAYER EASTER CAKE c4ake JANE PARKER BUY 3 SAVE 47,~ "Spanish Bar Cak&ei 3CAKES. we care AU PRICES SI4OWN liN Tis A!)GUÀRANTEEIS EFFECTIVE TS4ROUGH SAflJRDAY, APRIL 1, 19n2. CANAA GADE"A" EVISCERATED TU KES5:VERAG> LB FL ESWH TURKEY UTS LEGS LBBREASTS LB COOKED HÀ -j SHAN',K PORTIO BUTTPOTN CENTRE CUTS o STEAKS l9e obiling and dinner on Sur- Thr Canadian Statesmnan, Rowtnariville, Mar. 29, 1972 Mliss Sheryl Ashton beld a ,wer for Marie Beckett dOn Miss Karr-riMcMull i. Mr. and Mns. Stanley Turner, ~ r I I I A idaiy evening. land Mrs. Keith Worden ad Oshawsa.IV I T 1 1 11 lN Vir. and Mrs. W. Biackbirn ,Richard, Mr. Chas. Mto Rey. and Mrs R. Sherwin aEE DE V ere supper gueýsts Of Yr Oshawa, were guests Of , famîiy, Picton, were Sun- id Mrs.,Farewelil ackbu r, and Mrs, 0, C. A.shton. da y visitons wîth Mn. and Trinity UC.W. Ge n er ai son. Coming face to face wItii Iern, on, Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Garnet -Goyti', Mrs. E. R.Taylor. meeting was beid in the Sun- a non-Christian world we Mir. and Mns, J. Potts andDo day School Hall on Tuesday, should know which we are,î iryspet te weked wthDonr and Audrey, Courtice Misses Julie and Jili Wra, March 2lst. Mns, T, Rehder, The story of the Good .Samar~ Iatives et Collîngwood. 1Dale andRMrt, L r andPasco, ow avîiie en it a ewr CW.President opened the [tan was used 'Working wîth Mir. and Mns, S. Norri, h Mrs. aon Roe,OMna, rd da ias werk tndthrs meeting and weicopeýd ail Meals on Wheels, Take 'a sited Mr. and Mrs. S. Ar- Miss Jh onOhva nnprn~ radMs present. Break or Fish, do you have to, ni, Hempton, on Saturdlay vllMarg'Do nPae, Bo aL Lm Worship service and pro- be a Christian to be involved anig, ile, r.DonPag, olia, Mr, and Mrs. David Stain- gram was [n charge of Unit in these things? The rai 7es.Arhr rei, , weré Saturday evening d n- ton and family, Cobourg, 11 Te hm ws"rin-meaaing of a Christian- is a am and Paul, and Joy Love- Wne Beguests f, Pna ndMs ec ekn istn ihship [n the Community," The loving, caring, forgîving, hepý' [ge spent the waekend with Waulne, Be cattnPenny andMMn and Mrs, L. Staînton. worship service was taken by ing concern. We serve a serv- r.and Mrs. David Morrow Poeuina, th casi ongof Mn. Miss Dearna Staînton ratura- Mrs E. Thompson and Mes. H-. îng Lord . . to ha the s-er- ri AlexGoyne'sibîTtrontoCongratu- md, home wîth ber parents f.1 Murphy and wýas [n keeping vant that Christ camne to be. y)ý Lovaridga, William, andietos tee speading a few days wîth with the theme. A short question Deriod fol- ulýiý Trawia and- Alexandra Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Av-lben grandparents, Me. andi The speaker was the Rey, lowed, Bey. Gracie sa înrrow attended the show, ery, John and James, speat MesA. Nielsen.TGrieoStJnsAni thankad by Mes..D. Reckhamii edknobs and Brownstcks. Wednesday with Mr. and Mes. Miss .Joanne Cryderman,ýT rceo t onsAgi for coming Mrs. Alice Thompson at- Anguýs King, Little Britain. Zion, spant a f ew days lest' can Chuech, Speaking on the Mrs. T. Rehder was ý l ided a sowe fo h'r M. ad Ms. . R Talorwee wih hr ganderctsthame, Mr, Gracie through mde a howr fr er r, nd rsE_, Tylo wek wthlie grndprensstories and veelous sttements charge of the business peo raddugte, Miss Debbie were Tuasdey dinner gue~sb Mr. and Mrs. L. Staiiitoii. brought forth tboughts for Mrs. Ward red a letten frre [opon n Bowmianville on ofMr. and Mrs. Jîm Aber- Mes. Clarence Rev T. Colwell thanking bler ompa, vnn.nty omnile titn ad fml eecoasîderation ne fr[endship, in mady vein. ety, owanile.Stintn nd feil wrethe community, The first Unît for thair money sent and, ___- Mr. and Mes. M. Pollard. in Suaday callars at Mr. and hntodicswabeen what ha was intending to de company with Mr. aad Mes. Mns. Bob Sallick's, Osh'awa.thengCthrisa ct ona inbte nwîth It. S. Lamb, weee Satunday e, - The sixth meeting of the communîty, and the goýod pier- New books In flic Chrch~ o e LneR u eaning guests to a party at Mr. "Enniskillen Nîghtîas" was at ospti the, hîta comny isv oitTeBs and Mrs. Bill Holroyd's, Bow- Mes. Alian Werry's at 2 Pini. the differance between themisv SoetTe By manvîlle, for their mother o usaMarch 21st, wit'h Cson and the comn tyeLibary sare eth,îcs i oP-. aCluses Concern 'Mrs. Doris Holroyd who îon16uemeb7 Cet.' hri anadth-od e-Crisis, Something Beautifù I'clcto fa 5m leav[de. oon tc, liva [n Flor- club presented Brenda Me-c . ekwihMssDbi for God. Stamps and Domin- Th octono a 5-ie d.Mrs. Hoîroyd is spend- Laughlin and Bath Ashton ['stwe~ wt isDbî ion Store tapes are stili being )KV transmission line from ing a few days wîth the S. with a cup and saucer, hevîng Mrw. e.Omitnh sked fr. Anyonewisbing tc onnox to Waslayvîlie 'S caus- Lambs. completed six units. After M.R J Oritn ad place Elles in the chunch for the townships if wîll peass .Mn. and 'Mes. Milton Stein- thaetmeeting the girl.,;s Ese udy hudb~ Lrough.ton were Fniday .5uppar gueits out skî-dooing and toboggan- Will Ashton, Ceeserea, them at the chunch by Setun- ~og.with Mr. and Mes. C. Stein4 îag. We wara then ready to Miss Mary Lac atteaded' e day noon. Next meeting April Zest Tuesday, Merch 21sf, ton and family, the occasion eajoy a buffet pot luck sup- birthday parfv for Miss Chnis- l8tb et 2 p3.m. HopdenTso wnseip counctîl f Mes. Stainton's birthday. par. After supper, gamas tine Wilson, Port Penny. Mîss[oneny prayer wes gev- ie opeTowshp curiilCon gratulations. vere enjoyed by ail. Mn. aad Mes. R. Howe and an by Mes. Rowland Coombes. iambens to, protest the route Mns akHrdWsoM, R. J. Ormistýon wvas famiy were visitors with Mn. Meeting closed wîth the TVIz- iggested by Ontario Hydre e.Jc erd eta Saturdey avaniag d in near and Mes. Keith Wilson, Port peh Beniediction. ;the, mosf suitable of fiva Mr. and Mes. .John Grîffîn, u ct f Mn. and Mes. Don Penny.'* rposed et a meeting la Port Oshawa, Mn. and Mes, Walter tirescott, Brooklin. Mnr.and Mes, Norman How- ope the previous waek. Rahm, Tyrone, were Fridayl'Me. and Mes. Donny Nîchols and family, Whîtby, were GET CASB TODAY l2hey prefarred a different aftrnoon callers et Mr. and, and Stephen, Mn. Ken Nich- Suaday tee guasts at R. THROUJGH ernativa - oaa which would Mes. Russell Gnîffîa's. oIh, St. Cathanînes, Mr, and Howe's. CLASSI nTE05 te the lire and the 610-font >Mn. and Mes. Donald Lamb IiMs Bill MnT)orald end "Snoetv Ponk" - The un- Phnne 62~3-'33 vath of rîght; cf way which and femiiy. Baîlieboro, wera Jamýie, Brougham, spent Sua- usuel amount of snow bas r îuld go with if, f enther te Saturday dinner gu.ests cf Mn. day with Me,.and Mes. M. peovidad much pleasure for Rant a Car for se north. A rasolufion, pess- and Mes. L. Lamb. Pollerdý wi4etr sports of skiing and A DAY 01- WEEKEND e t the meeting, called on Mn. and Mes. Launie StavIe- Mes. AI Hoînias, St. Cath- snowmobîling and aven for Ask for Rae ... ope township couaicîl, in ton and famiiy, Ajax, had arines, spant the wack wlth four fat hoys which tobo- jCOUNTY )uncil f0 nagotiate with and Mes, C. Staînton. Gertie Lyons. McNaîr's te the W. J. Brag CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. .ydro for the changes desir- Mn.'-and Mrs. Frank. Dor-ý Miss Patti Vameer, Bow- Transport to continue thair 623-2586 land spent Sun day with Mn.,I manvîille,, speot a 'faw days trip te Toronto Stockyards. _____________ each 4 9 ý