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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1972, p. 13

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Th members, han ded In' draw-hack was the fact that The Canadian Statesaman, Bowmantrille, Mc 0 02 1 thir "Penny Round-up Bags" the calories adcled up too fast, _ ______ _________ Upholslering Course Is a Popular subîectipplMenta Asocitihe Cnadîar, The social chattering gaa- hesmof $1600 was reaiiz teed that ail were hvn ed from this, which will be %%oniderfuiime. Whent ail haýd PublicRelaton Oficer rs. aîeyeen nvlted to [r- ~~~' ~~~sent to that association by prae fal te o iRuth Jennings. A dton turn upstairs for the program.,r 0f $.00 as iven to te Ms, Pt Bet itrodced Mr, and Mrs. Charies Peer and Mrs. Harry Mercer. y enienrecf aypol r oillbrook a i BardtowardsýMrak Cannin fom ccte-f -Calgary w il arrive via thel Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Johnson far and na prizes. lieuse of Thomas, Music Comr- tena 1oa Airport, Tor- and children of Peterborough Mr an Mr osWan-n TheAprl eetngwii b pay.Mr. Canning thankIed1 onto, on Good Friday and will were recent, Sunday visitersaIdue a ofCIn tue( annual meeting. Con- the Solina ladies for inviting ien Easter week with her of bis parents, Mr, and Mrs. stonwrercnt stro ven erswre asked to havete tecreadoaltie father Mr. Evan Quantril James L. Johnson, Hillcrest bis parens( c adMaW reports ready. about the way they entertain and lher brother Allan, also Lane.Wna n te eai~s Mrs.Jac Neis as on~with their organs. Beside visit her mother Mrs. Quan- Mr. and Vrs. Kcnnet S rý MradMa lenWt, c' vener f~~~~rJakbeprogra. crn- him on the piatform was a trili wbo as a patient at the Of Cavansdterh egn adclde fWUw Robert Ry]ey moved a vote of beautiful organ whiceh they Sidbcook Private Hospital, guest Mcs. Wm. McEicoy of dale cs BySayc, c v thanks on bebaif ef the mem- broght. Mr. Canning was the ,Mc, and Mcs. Joseph Stap- Bridgenorth w e re Sunday cnd Mcar nl tpe n bers, itthe r.eernt bis asry les,1VMrand Mrs. Carl Bill-dinner guasts et Mrs, Wm H LIch idren pnrh îwne _______thorgin. veyn o e iad have been on a conduct- Robinson and tamily. holiday a utnPoic SOLINA W.1. ANNUAL music as each performer dis-1ebutoro lidfrth Mrs, Jean Matîlda Tysicki of Quehlc ..flplayed bier variety ef style. past couple ef weeks. Morgan, age 76, wife of Percy Mr's, ByKiaJms CASSEROLE LUNCHEOIN Mrs. Tina Bomhof of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thorn- Morgan of Somerville Drive, Wanda c eebruhvu was the second entertainer.'l ton of Sudbury were recent pa.ssed away aftec a brief lli- cd Ms anî On Wednesday, Mai-ch l5th She played many f amiliar weekend guests ef, ber sister, ness at the Memocial Hospi- Cowan adelde eety 5ethe ladies cf Solina Womens tunes ef a serieus nature. Then IMca. C. S. McLaren, and aise tai, Bowmanville, on Sunday, Mca ciiQatrl t s. t' At,"'Institute again displayed their Mca, Lilian Hayward said she visitcd Mc. and Mrs. Archie Macch 26tb, 1972. Funeral! awa va eetdne - hldng- ,rt, t' ~cuinaîy skiiia inhodn was going nrom tue sublime MvcLaren and family. was on Tusa at2 p.m. guest orar vn unb'f their usual fine casserole te the idiculous. Hec seicc- Mc. and Mca. Orial Edger- Macch 28th, f crn the Barlowv aud bis bueget c n luncheon. The dicectera were tiens were familiar butintncNeoviewreS- Funerai Home. Intermerit Or- Mcs BihSMoatndnu ia charge with Mcs. Elaîne much faster rhythm and bad a suppec guests of Mrs. one Cemeterv cof Iroqucs ~ . .. .Baker as convener. boogy-woogy included wbichda Cecii Robinson and Mrs. Kicby Gencrai Stor ic I Mcr. c BgWre Foiiowîng tbe luncheon wss many of us remoembored. Thej Whitehouse be open on Goed Fcîday, 101 Garden Hl i tdbrpr a treat lu music which set final artist was Mca. Giadys tocs te tapping and meiody in Brown fcem Ocono. She bad Mc. Boy Peufound et R.R. 1 ar-n- te 8 p.m. for the con- enta Mi n r.CciJns rich harmony and seund, put tbe audience join with bier in Orono, Mc. and Mr.a. Sim Peu- on hy the House et Thomas singing soeo S. trc 1 ound cf Courtice reccntiyý Organ Company ef Whitby. tunes. Then she playcd someI retucned fccm tbcee weeksl Durhari m 1pCo \Unt iberalAsoiio The owe bal wa deor-jazzy numbers set mnanylvisiting Australis and New! ated in the Institute colora of clspping and tapping. TolZeaiand. t-concludeth p gold nd bleC tbee progcam Mc, Mc. aud Mcs. Bill S. Moffat, Patrick's Sbamrocks. Mca. Brown on the piano play- quels cetucnod home ladtF n a s n cd"Five Foot Two. Eyos of ekafevsiing ber father! At 1 pin., despito suowyiBlue". The audience reaily Mc. Evan Quantrili and bro-! roads, about 175 ladies gath- respended te this old tune. briVr llnQauri, u ne9n Astnatd the PeaLa. Mc ,ViMc. Baker again thanked ad severai nice visita with Nenie and Bill Paterson, R. ot Bowmanville, next te Mca. 0ne et the students, Janetffhave two other piecea eof fur- President and Vice-President, M. assist atsdor h sical tIh oSiherek rvQat oi-a R. 2, Bowmanville, put the Paterson, and Night Sehool McNally, f,,r jett, of 20 Wel-niture behenging te the samo wece at the deer te greet asurtansrth ieexpucsedtheCobrgaPievated bsi-I antiue cair tcy bve u The ccason ws thofiuajyears woks wich lclud a hve fond te tht it a chap- Yllowees velceed th e hankate al ourguesoufegmothr Mr. S ildou offa ADD finishing touches te a amail Dicecter Gath Gilpin look on. lingten Street, sits beside hec antique set te cefinish. They guests. Thon Mca. Adat Iilstered while attending an session et the course on Macch'green ottoman and a purpîler and rnuch more fun te de it ladies snd invited ail te go coming eut la. roads full of aud a number *of other cela-1 Guest Speakers: Uphiolstery and Wood Finish-l16tb during which the 40 bcusbed cecducey bedroom all thornacîves. te the lewer bail where the suow. tives.i eao th lon.Ad w ing course beld ence a week adulta enrolod in the cours chair. She said sbe bas lan Next faîl Mc. Whyte hepea egtbe eelae ih TedccorMa lie c u c.A .MKn last f ail at Ceuctice Sec- put on display the furnituce cd a lot; snd se have thePat- Senator thealiodvAndedw Thomps si~e thoPat-te aactan Avaucd Clsa cssoesde wbs ic leptedail aVer, M. enPaylor, Ma. zSuie er Sou aitihe O R useliC. HoEy, M . ondsIry Night Schoel. they have teudecly worked on ersons. They are tbîuking lu addition te eue foc Begin- !Hee-mad cls, piclsandM dEva Yic lePs sudrc JMe-' Thbeir teacher, Ralph Whyte threugh the yoac. !about taking another course in neca, lu case you rnisscd out tcesen san la h acempn ca.g, Ad ra lowl sserein c. sundd a. Be o ruc acer- O OODFLO SH L ______and____________________ et the great vaciety, desserts by members of the executîve, bridge spet the weckend witnl Bent a Car focrid sdsapofrnstese every description follow- Mca. Vi Ashton, Miss Pearl their parents sud atteudedi Dinner 6:15 p.m. M cdcn.har n otras Tes sud mints concluded Leach sud Miss Helen Milison the 50tb Weddiug Auniver- $5.00 per pers:on 9Veryn ecm A DAY ORWEEKEND Students learned many cf the h A ORWE . tek e thetad ce f deiciojusymeal. The enly as well as ail our members. ssry et bis grandparents Mc. _____________________________ CONYstitcbing, cefiuîisbing wood sud ý1 C" 2325SLR-ODG L spriingiut swing, uttîng R p wht not te at the used ftuini- W r ei' s iu e .. ____________________turc__store,< WMn e 1 - % t t . -e TICE 6213-3602 I WILL NOW OPEN I Sunday,, -hu Thursday Fridciy und Saturday 10 a.n, - 1 a.m. IA COMMENCING MARCH 2th Soft Ice Cream vila CovetBre Now is the perfect tîme to sweep away your Shome heating worries forever. Move to the cldean, quiet, low-cost efficiency of Natural Gas. ~,Here's what you get: * FREE installation, service and maintenance. a FREE rentai until September 1973. Then yoti '~pay oniy low-cost regular monthly payments. eBils for only the Natural Gas you use, as you ~' use it. *FREE 24-hour burner adjustment This amazîng, compact conversion burnercan be used în: SForced Warm Air, ~'Gravity Warm Air, e0ý Hot Water Bolers, Steam. VOWLES HEATING &AIR CONDITIONING QUEEN STREET 523-7591 BO0WMAN VILLE BETIIAHNY W. 1. School pcoject, sud for the Short Course, the firat choice Mental Retardatien was the was Leather Craft, sud the topie et an addrcss by Ma-s, second, "Decorating Bedreom Bnuby Robertsansd Mr. David sud Bsthreom", MclTavisb et Peterborough, ati Mca. Harry Ryley or Mca. the March meeting et the'- Hector Merton wîll attend the ýBethanv Women's Institute Ofcr CneneinG lp IBoth Mca. Robertsansd Mcr tier'CuerueinGep McTavish are associated wlth inMay. the ARC Industries et Peter- Mca. Koîth Adams gave a berougb iu official espacities, comprehensive report on the sud outhusiastie supporters Medical Centre for Mîllbok o-f the' Associatien fer Ment- sud District. The Lions Club aiiy Rctacded, wbieb at pros- are spescheading s campaigu ont bas a mernbership et 200, for tunda te build this, sud dependiug on public assistance' hope that wock will be start- tinancialhy an d velunteer cd en the new building as soon workers. Mc. David MeTsv- as weathec permîts, sud fin- ish came tcem Kingston s year aiices, It is estimated that sund a hait ago wberee h ad this pcoe ct wili recuire $50,- werked with rnentaliy retard- ().(0; letters requesting dona- cddslanew teaching lu that tiens have alresdy been sent field in Pet erborough. eut sud it la boped that the St. James' Chucch bas a response xviii be gratifying. nursery ciasa fer youngstccs Medicai Centres have been up te age 13, eue volunteer i olprovîded in many rural areas eacb cbiid. At age five in Ontario in this way, sud ehildren f0 o t Tratalgar ithese chiales are already staff- Sebool, sud' at age 14 te 18 cd by well quaiified fsmiîy iycars te Cameron Sebeel. physicians sud are eperating lAtter this tboy may go te the well. Iu this ares, the plan ARC Workabop on Douco was initiated aud is beiug on- Street. At present thece couragod by the docters wbo are 35 trainees there, wock- are uow, prsctîsiug lu Mill- iug at varieus jobs iucludiug brook. assembhy work, hasti-notes Teewh oa ea w made from used Chrîstmaes dotor, sudlu tmeat tla carda, repaîring boxes and oeaduta.TeHat erates and machine werk. h willa, eceupy pTet eath Girls bave au opportunity t Unit ilocppatfth cook sud sour, a boe tceu building. Tho firat doctoi, Mc. emiat cernes ence a -ek.David Van Loon, la already MrsRobrtsshoed ilm ofin Milibreok, working lu Dr. Mhes Robertandhod fils e M. E. Hobbs office until the the ebooa su youg~tc linie la roady -for occupsncy there, and had on i ecl smmrTha in seme et the weck doue bythe xi enysuehe ha lth nd traineos at ARC. A large ad- wl-eng e theung thaudi ditien bas been made te the in the ares, sud we are par- training contre, which la te ticuîarly coucerued with the ihe officisily openod May 13.hatheouebdennd c The public is iuvited te attenld. bhevthe senirmembans ef The Instîtute pccseuted a bour comhenuniorxviii eeme gift et money tewsrds the heaitb ocs ies morel read ARC Industries projects. Mc.avheahierviesemorylaeerg-l Addison Scott presided fer th.aalbe secal heeg meeting, sud Mca. Vincentlnis Jacksen gave tbe minutes et Mrs. Carolyn Pecteous gave the ast meeting sud treasur-lan înterostîug reply te the cr's report. The memnbers motte: "Adapt the pace, el chose "Quilts" as a Trainùing1 nature, bier secret la patience". BOWMANVILLE RECREATION DEPARTMENT MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE FINAL STANDINGS Leagues, Teams ýTYKE LEAGUE Cardinaha --------- Indians .- - Boyala ---- ----- Americans -------- H ecuets ---------- Blades ----------- Steeleca -------- - - Bombera --- ------- ATiOM LEAGUE Fcauk's Variety Tigers ------------- Boyals --- ------- Clippers - - --- Fargo's ------------- 'Seals --------- --- Bisous---------- Ram a --- -------- GI' W L T Pts. GI' GA Beavers.........------ Kings -- ---- - --- Blades Bangers Bruina ---- Canadlians W inga ----- --- Leass ----------- Frank's Variety --1 H aw ks ----------- BANTAM LEAGUE Indians-- - ---- Cuba - - Panthers -1 Braves ------ Huskies ---------- Fhyecs ------------ MIDGET LEAGUE Generals.........----- iMt. Royals Cornets ---- Braves . ICanucks ---- -- PRS. ý-f 1 TIM mé 33 Mil-3 m B-J's DRIVE INN 181 KinDg St. W.

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