An unemployed truck driv- er, Robert Moorehead, his wîf e Cora, and their six children, were left hiomeless mid-morn- ing yesterday, when f ire des- troyed one haif of a duplex at 75 East Beach Road. The othe-ýr, haif of the build- i,)rc-upied, by owner James Welburnereceived extensive smoe ad soot damage. r. IMoor)eheadi, w,,ho was aslee whenthe fire broke out, awoke io choking fumes and had to kick out a window in L the second storey bedroom a--nd jump to saf ety, clad only in his. underclothes. He received cu,-ts to his feet, but was otherwi-se not seriously injured. (TURN Ta PAGE TWO), 'VOLUME 118 16 age BWMAVILEONTARTOJ, lWEDNSDAY, MARCE 21,1972 150 Per Copy NUMBER î3 One haLl o7f an Let Beach duplex went up in contain the blaze and put it out. They were on. the flaine yestrday orin leavinig an unernployed seene from.10:25 a., o shortly after 1.~00 p.mDmg truk dive, hs wfe nd six children homeless. In figrsh' o be eesd the~ pit r boe Bo>wmanville firemen struggle to ~OronBoy, Gets k.:, hengaccidenths e eied a$4ash50wpduand bee cd ~ u and bt ntallyan ~ulî l theaccie, was by the Ontar me Cminanu ~urîe Coirensain Board- th3)ý-e builetLode i n np '-eriepat fth bai, h A rquet fonithe Coýurticejnights a9weekintead ef flic Teneacra, ParngAsoiin for Pîl ueBordmeeting, wh extr iolat usccpektermiequesi had b C ioeu rcvicw-j fora referred p to a speiled byfthe Adminstrative $5 0,000 Acre et~~~ ~~ 1:pîyajaetWtr tne bospîA fl pai ,0The mnoac tompuynfic rman- dher, ust a rteofiner o thevnprcnTebanc sElection Ontario ude Bsts Taxes for earl Even PLEAE REURN ROPHES jIt is bad news for smokers, There are stîli two trophîes1 drînkers, car drivers, post- tht bure not been refurned secondary students, GO tran to the Recreation Department.sit commuters, campers, an Tbey are fthc Bantani Chama- risitors to Ontario Place and pionshîp trophy anid the Pee the Ontario Science Centre. WeeIB Mug trophy, Mmnor Tbey wîll ail be payîng high- Hockey Day is being held on ci taxes as a ýresuit of thE Safurdny, April 8th andthese provincial budge-t brougbt trophies are neoded for this dowu last nighf4 at Queen's day. Thank you. Park. Wood ee Wees Win O>ntarîo, Titie On Sunduy, heeco)nd Ontariochmponhiof the year mas mon here by the . L Wod Pe Wes. That eris h d o four games, Bormuaville won- th frî 54,bu te ecnd 2-L, o h hî - nd took the gm ee52 At $5.051 billion it la flic biggest erer though if repre- senti the smallest percentage increase orer flic prevnons year ir 19 yeurs, Provincial Treas- urer Darcy McKeougli noted. The budgetaîy deficît wîl] be $597 million, dowu froni TURN TO PAGE TWo) 'Het' wircs, eaused a brïcI- )y s'pectaculast display of fireworks, but littie damage- alter fbcy bit the ice and watcr, bchind a King St. East restaurant this morn- ina. Fine Chief Jim Ilayman says the gIies must have shorted. Thcy then caught flic and on sarting, fell to the, ground, giving off showers of sparks and brigbt flashes. A lire. crew quiekly ex- thiguisbed fthc imal fire ut, flicwires' cavestrougli sue- turc, and a FUC cncw sep- nrated the wîrcs on the graund, ending fthc lire- wonks show. The building of thec Rice BRowl Restaurant neceeved ne ire dainage. Staff. Changes W. B. Tate bas been appoint- cd manager of merchandse distribution at Goodyear's gen- eral prodncts plant utý Bow- ma,-nrîlle, Ontario. Tuteý- who bsa bachelor of :comm"erce ýdegree froin the'Uni-veîs-'ity ofý Manitoba, joincd Goodyc'ýar lu 1965 and lad served as opera- fions manager o! gencral prod- ucts sales for flic pasttwfo yeari. P. D. Brown uccdsLte as operations -managefr of ge- cralprdcsalsuGo- plant. Brown jîucd f iccom- pany in 198 t t -,he molded aid extruded prouctu-s plant ut Quclice City m had been in eginered roduI-ct? sales for a ycarprir isap- Sheer CNR stupidity'c was Bowmanvîlle Chef, Jim Hayman's descrip- tion of the blockage by a work-train of one of his pumpers responding to an alarm, Tuesday morn- ing. Chief Hayman says he is filing a report with the CNIR and requestingý an îmmediate rn restiga- tion of the incident by the Belleville office, reg~ (TURN TO PAGE TWOe ... Struck by Car Girl Injured, Aç lý5-year-old Bowranivîlle gil,' wae bit by a carwhl thesngflcroud ut King Street West sud- Chael on Saturday ut about 7.25 p,mn Jaekie Kocycrs of 48 LitIe Street was taken te Memorial -Hospital and admlq.ttfted miffia broken rigli fmu and scalp lacerations, Sh was trans- ferred to Oshawa Gencrall Hospital flic followIng day where ber condition la listed as satisfacfory. The driver ai lichecar was Jelle Terpsfra of 37 Waverley Road. mAn emergen,ïcy tire call got sidetracleed yesterday F~iremen estimated the delay at four tu five mnts mornng wen Bwmanillefiremen were delayed b In the maeanwhile a house at 75 East Beach asalae a CNR Worj£Kstri at the Simpson Street cross!n (Smudge in centre of photo is smoke frmtefr) Hyd ro Rates Toý Inc rePa se LOST I UN P OtroHdebsavs Two years ugo SteveArturîh owanllepublic froni ~ ~ ~ ~ u aiotaeatSuggPon. hJae ae o elec- h whý-ea the incom e fax peoeplO bis staiff are uret n recently asked fr olie el1p drtknga tdy étoi de- name ~ ~ éýn wh a utxarasthe icrne il e ps o! $500. on f0 flie reail osmr STORES OPEN Bcueo teGo ria oi da-y,, itb is understood that Bowmr.anville stores ýwill reanopen until 9:00 p.m. Thursday, for the con- veineof the shopping public. t t- t t t EASTER- As customary at Easter tiÎne, churches will be holding special services featur- ing appropriate nmusic Good Friday and Sunday and we suggest you check page seven for details of events connected with those services. Two events not directly connected wîth the churcli but along the Enster theme will be occurring on Saturday. In Newcastle, the Figure Skating Club will he holding their annual carnival on Satur- day and Sunday. There is the big Enster parade and accompanying events in Newtonville thaf continue throughout the day and evening and at Courtice Secondary School, the Drania Club bas prepared a special programn for youngsters in the age group- froni kindergarten to Grade Two. They are presenting Peter CottontaÎl and The Zoo. Only catch is if costs a quarter to get in. Performances are ut 1:30 and 3:00 p.m. t- t t t t HELP NEEDED - The campaign being.cond ucted by Bo>wmanvîlle Rotary Club to raise funds for Crip- pied Children is stili a long way from reuching its objective. So far, only $3,250.38 has been received, well below the objective of $5,800. Club President Bill Wilson, Ev. King and Bill Tbiesburger will launch a special appeal for assistance'tonight ut 6:30 over Cablecast Eight. Ail citizens are urged to send in those Pink envelopes us soon uas possible with their contributions, so this essentîa1 service to the crippled children muy continue, t t t i BUDGET -Lat night, Provincîal treasurer Darcy McKeough broughf down bhis first post- election budget and The Globe &,Mail summed it up perfectly with a banner headline "Some- thing Bad for Everyone." Details will be. found elsewhere. Funny how everything was sweet- ness and ighf prior to the election last fal and now the provincial goverument finds it just bas to have quife a few more millions to operate. Oh, well, it's only money! t t t t FOOL'S DAY- Just a remrnder that Suturduy is April Fool's Day when the pructicul jokers willbe hard ut work trying to sucker you in on some prank. tt t t t 110W ABOUT THAT?- Those Toronto Maple Leafs may stili not make fourth place and the playoffs. Last night, Detroit Red Wings pulled an upset 6-3 victory over Boston Bruins and are now just trailing thec Leafs by only one point. And the Leaf s have some big games before their schedule ends. Looks as though tbey'll be going righf down to the wire. C'mon King Clancy, we're pulling for you! t t i.t NO GAMES- Our two tam still in the Ontario hockey Finals wihl be on the road and won' b se here this weed h igt lyStra n Sunday in EsxadteL&L Tol -TraisledPe W e Mopa ltEsxýn udy lf turlo finuls kse A Busy Day on Church Steý Bowmmauville Police werc called'te f lirce accidents on~ Saturday ,,,ail on Churclic Street. - The firît occnrrcd ut 10:4u a.m. miren cars Jan Semplonîns of 16 Churci and Edmard Thiele of R. R. 3, Bommanville, collidcd ut flic intersection mith Ont ario St., cansing about $300 total ,dam- ages. The next, ut 5:20 p.m lihap-l pcned ut flic corner witli George Strýeet, mîcre cars driven by I4orm Bro-wu of Wuverley Road and Patricia Koeuderman of 61 Jackmun Road collidcd. An est imaf cd $600 damages mas donc. The lait, at 10:39 p.m., liap- pened in frornt o! bouse îîum-j ber 64 mîcnaa car drîven by Ernest William Luxton, 32, of 145 Liberty South, apparently ment ouf ou control and struck a hydro pole. Mr. Luxton rcc- eîred facial luccrations in flic nislip and 'as admittcd to, Memorial Hospital for treat- ment. Hc mas discharged fmo days later. Police pluccd dam- age fo bis car at $700. On Saturday f.u Bewman- saved flic score f'rom-yr, Ille, L .TalldPeel eve-.; r.Bwavil a Wee wrdeeaed 5 y seren of te ' ealisCahe isex fou thefîsgame of ls cd Onst ar fnar.the locals n dYCh sex h Eduction dget The Northumiberland anid Durbain County Board of idui'ation spproved fts1972 budget ir Cobourg last Thurs- day nîglit Toalin 22,191,022, it re. pr(leents an 8»17 per cent In- crcase over last ycar and about L 35 per cent incîsase, over thee irst county budget struck ln 1969. The coîst to the 24 support- lng munîcipalities wili beý $6,482,700, an înerease of $1358over last year. Aver- agdont acrosi flic counties If -nwîl mean an Increase f0 the rutepayers' fax 11s f about 0.15 mlls., The Board bas motoed announcing flic Indiridual: municipal apportiooînent un-ý tili t hae reviewed-the egu lattons conrolling aprin ment wîth the Departnient o! Education. It feels teofe of the regulations iriay e , severe a ,change for som (TURN To PAGE TWO)I R ESIGNS Dayle Wolnik, who bias eý private secretary to tthe B manville, clerk-admiistrator for the past four years blas- left, to go to a new job laOn aw wîth the City Engineering De partment. Bowmanville Counilý, xe- ing on March 20th, acpe her resignation with ere n extended their thanîks oe for her years of good work i'ni the town hall office. iînor BantamnsWin O-ntarjoc Crown 'Thlere 'was plenfy of excifemen7 h,--eeonSuudywe lagcrd wutched the Bowmanville Banam MnosdefeatGrsytome threwn narogiving -the loculs h ntroChampîonsip atinBlyLemnl shw eevn he trophynrom ordon Humes-, PatPeieto h MA e I e Use OfSchool Fcliti*es ïl- x 1 Out Fire