<i 'I p. e Recreation Hockey Day's Winning Bantams Phoe 233~~ Trr Mll\ 10-09 Jann:onha 20l39, Nem"i 1\4cU uttei. Ba!iÊ 090 141 I Gbbs206 Mîe Haly 23, _______________________K-n 2"JO 0) Gord Cowlhi., ll:gh sîngle, .on God 29 The Canladian Statesman, Bowmanville, Apr. 12, 19721 bie drecor,\Mellboulrne Wight, Robert Kent, M. relFrank Williamns. FlASHi"ýBACK 10 Years Ago - Bowmnanville o BaIdminton Club finaIs on Saturday.inight, April hc 1", resutlted as follows: LadiesSingles, Doreen Re(dloch over Kay Hopkins; Men's Singles, Bih o B3urgcss dgefeated Gary Tighe; Ladies Doubles Tff Mise lopkins and ]Reddoch won over Mes dames nex AnaSttrîkie and Jeanne Siemon; Men's Doubles, a GayTigbe and Bill Burgess won from Dr' Keïiho- Ker SiemOn And Frank Mohun; Mixed Doubles, Dr.er 4n Mrs, Keit h Slemon defeated Colleen Hutchi-ch son and Bill Burgess. q WN cLi 1FU-HANGxER - Sunday night at Bowman- '1M. i ýcll Arena saw McGregor's Midgets in their-series..........T aintEssex break a 2-ail tie in-the dyincmoent of thýe third per:iodi on a goal by Grant Luxton. The e oclwere fcn elimination and the win sends BiE~ iithem bac(k to Essex Saturday or Sunday night. Any- one wishing t o go contact Jean Devitt. Congraýtulia-q tion Mîdgets Lts finish the job.. lets make it a hat trick for Ontario Chiampionships. 2 t t _t î MUTES IN MISSISSAýIUGA - The Bowmanville Consume-rs' Gas MVites advanced inthe Eighth 't Annumal Mississauga raperweight Tournainent by elimnatingig te George Bell Mites 2-1 on Sundyatenon he locals' next game is Sat- xlnrdav morning at 11:50, when they play the ' . Ç rigteMte.The Cubs, Bantamr winners on, Minor H-ockey Day, Dusseldorp, Tommy olnr Rick Sweetmazn, Mike D. tt t twith the trophý y won at Woodville recenltly. In Hobbs, Joey iBnetDvdBrown,,Rick James and K. i USY DAY - Saturday saw a great deal of action front, Don- Childs, Randel Locke, Perry Johnston, Jim Manager Ross Johnstoni. Absent is captain, Gary c, _lthe area and kept the staff on the go ail day. Stackaruk, Neil Killens and Lloyd De Vries. In the Perfect. B. Hýînn !ockýey Day -%ent from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 back row, Coach Hon Thomrpson, Ken McGregor, Ron !iri andor ývwe Ofjfer congratulations to the winniflg23 teamis, the rnesu and &veryone connected with the eý,vent. Th-eni on to the High School where keeýn o t B wlnRç _i ivairy \-saw the county schools in a basketball tou- Y ut B w ln nm t.Iii [he afternoon at Courtice a COSSA Judo April th 5, Bonmd 2; Aide 5, Luxton 2.12,G omeiontook place and the day wound up with BANTAM GIRLS, Team Standings the en' Clsin Bospil atBowanvlieCoutry Bruce 5, Luxton, 0 Lane 3, Luxton 61, Mitchell 56, Ta y- 1 ~Holroyd 2, Ovenden 5, Far- lor 46, Aide 42, Gray 35, Bond CIlub. Coming up is the Mug series in Minor Hockey, rand 0.~ adng i the Skating Carnival, and hopefully more Midget Teai ndinhgsngss KAie 270- y ,garncs. Have we missed anything? Cali 623-3303 if Luxton 44, Ovenden 44, 255,C Mitchell 251, S. Bond Bruce 36, Lane 30, Holroyd 241. B Taylor- 239, J. Pater- whaver and we will be glad to use it in Sportalk. 7 aKn 4 o 1 23 .VnMe 3,,. High singles-B. Lane 10 Chow 225, H, Gray 202, K. I EA.~E. Gibson 165, V. Farrand 164.Lxo 202. High doubles-B. Lane 316, High triples-K. Aide 709, r Conumes uas Murtes ueîeat E E.Gibson 287, V. Farrand C. Mitchell 569, J. Paterson Bell 'I aM on M 5.. 279. 566.B1 ~io eu ia n m susua BANTAM BOYS ý,ENIOR MIXE» i sWoaa d 5, Sheehan 0; Muîpbv MacDonald 5, Whitehead 2; 3, Thiessen 2; Piper 5, Ed- Terrv 7, Jensen 0, Bouwmees-H OnSadyiftrnoo)n ini the hurtig is knee, and Kevin mondson 0. ter 7, Davey 0-, Brock 5,1J MsîsuaPaîperweîeght Tour- Tînk received a bardshot Nei.Sadng oers2 pýnmnt, the omavle o-directly helow bis right eye, Wood 52, Murphy 43, Thies- Teami Standings ues'Gaýs 'Mites defeated Paul Dadsorî, another key sen 33, Piper 26, Edmondson Bouwmeester 62, Terry 52,B th pGorge, Bell i tes by a meinher of thie squad, played 22, Sheehan 19. Brock 46, MVcDonald 44, Davey,25 !cr -.a fine gaine despte the handi-ý High singles, J. Piper 202« 42, Jensen 37, Witehead 28,!He The first period of the gameap f anek injury received J. Patter 168. Roherts 26. 0~, tS omîn1ated h the _Bo- duîing gmatc at school. High doubles, J. Piper 298. High singles: C. Cole 272-i manvîlle tleirn %wo 1kept the The locals' next game is onB. Richards 293, W. Thiessen 239, L. Wieed 8,R a puikin he eo.Bellzon bu Saurda monîn at11.50 2805, S. Durin 281. Bouwmeester P,68 -76. D. Dad--peet h 0 colntfind the mnark to score wAhen tbey m-ieet the Eringate JUNIOR BOYS ison 338-230. Reeve Robert Dykstra Sýetth Dykstra trophy 202 a goal. Mite Whyte 7, Lene 0; Mosher 7, High tripleý- D. 'iso 64, to GaryPefCcptan f heCuwînes f h Attebgnigo h e-Coombes 0; Brooks 5, Gray 2. R. Bauwmeeste-r 769, C. C'owl tayPre2, p;Jio hCuswinsofheS Iýe on id ea elsoe Team Standings 1727, L. Whitehead 708. Bantam game onrinoiiçr Hockey Day. àai olfromaina crainhie infron r53 ht A I~C A O om e5,49MBoshr 5,Final c o("the net. Joru Janack tied the LADIES"53' Whyteo49, Brooksc45, Lea gue FRnal > *r ueîit n iiassîsted taîîy 1. Ln 16.,roksH.,rnrr~ score WiHoganh firedtheILEP Higb singles: J. Boos226- G. wiinin golagan a uns-246-205, R. Van Meer 233 -232, uB eisted marker, Apîl)i lrd R. Stacey 227, R. Terry 2G-L K r u i~ u .r t The Bowmnanville, teain play- Hîgh si ngl e, Ma2rg King 323;, 213, M. Trewin 218, W. Mosh-NT od their positions very well high triple, M1arg Perris 714. .or 212, R. Chow 208. D. and had a large inargin in shots Top lAverge High -triples-J. Brooks 816, m*l i GoMuntn's anuve '-nma fi 'nnt ei neBce 3, on .VnMe 4,R erKen Woodard and K nBîadloy 230, Ollie Patfield 223, 623, D. Gray 613, J. Whyteý ive u t lF M if0 IdM aii ,14 Welsh again shared'the goal- Jackiey Patfield 217, Dayle 609. Stening duties for Bowman- Wolnik 215, Bileen lVoore 214, JUNIOR GIRLS ville. ~~~Helen DepewT 210, Mahel Lew- Micel7_Ga0;Tyo Kenit Wlcxplayed an out- la 209, Shirley Bickell 207, hostl several plays for the man 206, Nancyý Cox 205. 119W D le uti g T e w U p n* r n ' i~fr~rs Jon Janack and Team Standingsy by Jini Clarke bury's ,first 0f 1hree goals aid froin Gui-an,,d Colo, tied t: '1vinTik ereIrmedou TamPIn Ps.April 4th h.1,ved the lead ftter the op- the score at 17:53. 'n pie orîceiving pinful Onie Btcher -- - -- eamStan8ng Luko Prout, for the second injuies nmIhPino. Jn waiDat- -knockout drops in Mutton'2 c , Kc l ýii po hný A udr liePfey sod -41987242 Stepheris - 25567 32 sprung the trap that plunged Veitch of Franks and Mut- apening overtimýe triumph Shirley Davis - 39327 22 McDonaid .- 25236 2 alterFrans tou efl a in ton's Grant Wrîght shone dur- wýias last Sundays beo once H-elen Rogers- 41273 21 Coombes --- 25533 27 anoetm 'ul Prout cap-I in& the action-crammed> mid- more. His bhind the net- IIG~~ Judy Bragg 40677 21 H-orstman -- 25267 27 edamrclouis Mutton's die period. The Re,,al Estate snoaker slitbered in off Dayle Wlnik 39694 21 Kirkton . 25222 23 Shell comeback. last SuInday crowd moveil aheai 3-11. withn Veitcb's skate, ending theaf AApril 3 Jackie Patfield - 40204 18 Roberts ------ 25305 2 1,, morning, givlng thein a 6-5 Wray Randell'sscrer af- fair after 7:37. Muttons, in ai HighSinle Blee More -. 4489 17 Bradley- - 25016 21 triumph after 7:37 of over- ter 35 seconds. Albert Green rrt o them, drew ixo 'Pt on 40 Helen Depew - 39401 17 Colville - - --- 25570 191/ tirno. siammeil home a Mutton's the game's seven penie,'S High Double Cecile Bowers 39331 13 Gibson . 24467 17 The Shoîl crowd, who trail- score ai 13:03, with "Butch" caîîed by officiais '"Arie"ý Hee hea 2 20Gie n vr Luxton-------- 24436 16 cd 5-2 early in the third, con- Cola drawing an assist. Wal- Croýsseyanil Alan Junkîin PrHnIheh Averag-----ac28 e22Patfel ad 21 ovree Blunt --- - --- 22799 10 tjnued ta cbip away, -with ter Franks took a 4-2 edge, While Prout bagged the ~ ayHism ea ge 209 Park23, eanld1 e 224 Shackleton ---- 24045 9 George Sainshury's third goal with another Randal laz'er winner. Sainshury was the GAMýES OVER 200 Toats Wisemian 225, Marg High single, Fern Bradley of the contait, at 17:53, even- at 3:13,.during a Real Bstate gamie's offensive ace with bis ' TPa Lon 240Porris 238-241-235. Dayle Wol- 328; high double, Bessie For- ing the score and forcing the power play, ihrea goals and an assist. ~4a---Ifuisma - 9.30 nik, 231-244, Minnie Taylor 232, sey 485 (261-2171.sddndet* sene on Simnpson, with an un- McNair toîled bard for the ' ~,) JuoLe - 2 Vabel Lewis 233-23,5, Shirley -Avorages The Mtton win gives thein asssited goal at 6:0, aper winners also, up front, witb Heln Seehn 28, 200 Davis 228,, Marg Kýing, 323,C oet 0,F.Ba1va20seisla, t n o- ed to bave put 'Water Frnks Gill and Green otherý top Ev-iho 1 Jackie Davis 224. ac vn 200, B. Stephens 198, A. Bons portunity' ta reign as, Coi eueyi ýu(1 u, hns ------- 15228,Onie Bchr281, rc195, F. Land 193, W. Coombes merciai League Champs it securely in onrilbut LaC l handsn.i trngs BIiýJey Bistr------------2 ?14 lltton 27,ollie Pfild 246- 192, B. Dadsoln 191, B. Ponsey ,they piraduce another ivictoryi]t 5319 cnslue u-game of the ulayoffs. eoibect- lvtart Piper ~~~2 143.,3 4, thlm ia 1Forrester 223 -2,24, 19 0, R. S haclo11un 189, Marit hsSna.ottadn ot1mr n woasss hl ed '10ariMarltn -W- e -a---31----udVGibonn 188, N.Kirkton 187, Roui Ibm Shaîl bunc1î tantd GriSit------ 20Brg 2-28,Jyce ajori. Buris187. M. Colville 18411 Ys,É,u2l,"ln o helbm nýemth -_igsld C [ Sl 3îý,gJl\Cý Mjo '11orninu tes Walte fn ald0nected aC 12ý12 hl ilnlFor Walteýr Franks, Randaîl, Tom tadigs Ma Ghh 23,Bioa Mor M Lne18, . taua srvo 52ld hLýar across checlrr pealt otaWoolner, Flintoff, Perris and Towsle l998~s4~s6,Dona Bado 256,'.83. PrrIs nd îîc ooar 'Pro-lit. The inlrSsood off Simnpson slood out. 19738 Joanne Sudshury 246, Helen -teamed up as the Real Estata a two mansorge hnIv f etoffvfiar- ~hd~n 1468DepO 24282 MSrOflMc ~ Il * .f lubwentaheds-fl ilI wasfage down at sumes at 9 arn. this Sunday --a-------nso-- - -- - ngHt28?24, Maldiemuha -0$.Jspi I~xa~ . Sains-12:55 for cros - checking. rorning, with Walter Franks Mor 96 ik23, Mary Harr.ison 26. Wright and friends defendadI facing elirination despite ai Bo ligLegu rinily during a1 heavy blitz, couple of pretty go e 623-3303 FLASIBAÇK1--25 Years Ago - The Bowmanviiie Intemdiate aseball Club held its 1947 organiza- tinmtng oni April llth aI the Badminton. Club. Thefoown were elected ta the executive: Hon. President hs. Cattran; president, Alan Osborne; vic prsîdntJ. J, Brown; secetary-treasurer,i NelsCon E. Osborne; business manager, James Crom- i Tbursday, Apnil 6th Mdine Tnromblo 202, Merg Mac- Averages ýDonald 201. Gail Million 197, Dois ams Tompkins 194, Dorothy Stark Daning1 Denims 53 189, Joyce Stacey 1881, lVargiCocky Corduray,-s 49 j ~ MacDonald 188, Blaine Mar- Tubby Tweeds -- 37 chant 188, Marlenie Stacay 183,!Boobie BetIlapi-------- Marie Trim 182, Olive Hend-1 -- -___ orson 181, Jean McQuat 180,i Harle Woods 177, BenîceI Honderson 177, Pat MillioniPlane Lands 174, Nadine Trimbla 174, Nor mna Macînnis 170, Shirley Man- E tel16~6, DaleFoan 165, Peggy O n rreew ay Million 163, Lynda Willshen i ihsingle, Dorotbv ySlark Ihog he now driïftîng on ~ixed~urIngL ý20ýhîgh triple, Gali Million the 401, gaI the fright of thoîr 1701; bîgh avarag'e, Gail Mill- ]i ves lait Thursday when a sOn 197 Cessna 172 'plane camckin insh ea oi2s?00 Games rn o ven theîr boodi and 'homiod urin grupaI Gail Million 232028 antense, ta land an the free- )wmavill Coutry lubDorothy Stark 260, Blaîne M(ar- way about eîght miles'.wost of IdtrnnvilosCnrigdy rClub chant 247, Barnice Hendenson Cobourg. do thinscthesineay onl-1h239, Olive Handersan 239-224. Yves' Couvrette'of St. Laur- taa fiihKesao ib ar~en Carter 235, Joyc enpt, P.Q., was on a course nspiel, dinnen, elaction et Sîtacey 223-200, Lynda Willsh- from Mou treal's Dorval ta Toý Icars and a dance. e1623 Doi Trpin -nta's Island Airpont. when The now cornmitteo for 2ý13, Pal Million 213-201, Nor.-lho ran aut of fuel. Mr. Couv- xt yean xviii ho chairmen, ma Macînois 211, Ronie Woods retIe said lic was given weath- tY and Howard Ormiston; 207, Marg Gulland 204, Na- et~ clearance tram the. Trop- -ehairmen, Ruth Wren and, --- tan, Airbase, but wben hotri m Nicks; secroîary-trea. r- II ino the snowslorrn changed Kay Wonden, and pnizes pelonians and headed for Oshawa, irman, Shirley Robson. bUIII11 LA using up extra fuel on the The winning rink for the oaut1:0 .mth son's 'play was Ron Mann- UU IDI single-engined 'plane madle itg gDorothy Anderson, Bih d esccent ta the west-hound ilion and Sally I Harmer. April 6th lanes of the Macdonald -Cartier The retiring cammltteo was Teamu Standings 'Frceway. Aflet giving moton- irmen t-Kay and Cea. te- . ruce 30 points, aPrtnen 25, uits butterffles in the tummy, en, ca-chairman Batty and Sutcliffe 22, Simnick 201/z, i halted and was thon towed zv Blîs, secratary-tneasuror Campbell 171 2' Sarnan 10. t the sideofa the road, la give aonr Osborne.1 High single, Brown 308- bigh later travellens cricks in the tripla. Gray 690, high aven- neck. - age, arîne 201.Lalai- in the day il wai age, takeneta2a1service centre at Night Hawks ~ 10Top Aver:ges A-takeaw aitdsaioansh- ý4,e Partner -901, Sheehan 200, the 1-lope-Clarka Town Linos, net200, Demeter 196, West- mento Osbawa, aflen the De- Bowu ng ven 196, Burton 193, Camp- Partmont of. Transport and hall 192, Vanesse 188. Communications refused per- Wed., April 5, 197Z Gaines Over 2,00 imission for a take-off from gh Single -J, McLean 279 Brown 308, Gray 284-214,1tesrae fte41 gh Triple -A, Burgetss 41Patiner 283, Westovcr 263- TeaniStani 6gs 218, Vanesse 253-217, G. SCHOOI, BREAK PROIGRAM Toau Sandngs Downey 234-201, Bissonette1 During the schaol, Holiday Campbell --- 38,514 381 228, Etuton 220, Whitney 212- Break weok, the Bawmanville Ggden --- -- 37,809 29g2l, Suteliffe 211, Sheban Dpriata eraincn Wilur 36983 281210, Gibsan 207, Camphell 207, ducted a program, of active Ralston ------"3,792 27 Downoy, L., 206; Bruce 204, and quieti gaines for boys and Bruce -3, ,,2ý0 6 25 Demeter 203-202. girls seven years ta 18 years Piper 3----ý6,15 6 21 of age in the two gyms of the 210 Gaines and Ovor Pa owmanville 111gb Schoolý A.. Burgess 270, A. Dykstra' icr n The maîning sessions involv- H. Whang 232 S. ar-ed the sevon ta 12 year oldm, 227, G. Downoy 227, J., ~Â ~wbile th, afternoons were )we 225, F. Dykstra 215, M. rtrst l(Worikout taken. up with the 13, ta 18 mble 213, K. Campbell 210, year alds. Dykstra 210.TL J The participants rein-, Av orages over 180 11115 SatUrdaV jvolvad in vanlous ;active garnes-ý Ç. Bruce 206, K. Raîstoni of relay races, t.umhb lng', 6D. Ogden 195, M. Trim-1 If theý weatherman obliges,, wrestling, vaileyhall and sing- e190, A. Burgess 190. A.l Locke TV Blectrons' coach, ing gainas. Fkstra 189, L. Piper 188,1 Clint Farguson will, have Ibi.sý There weîe 235bosad Dykstra 1'87, J.* Rowe 186, year's prospects cavorting ,)nl270 girls for a total Of 505 pr Campbell 185, B. Wilhur the Lord Bîgin School grounds,,ticipants in the savon ta 12 B. Smith 182, B. Piper this Saturday aflernoýon, atiyear aid grauP. D. Verleysen 181, 1. 1 p.m. Duo ta the raluclaocaî The 13 ta 18 yerg iu n- rigt 1P.af Sprng ta came ouI of bld- "aîvod 60 boys liow 6 ginli ing, the field conditions are for a total of 125. The total Partoni2419, questionable. atteoidance for the three days, 11gb tripla, Hon Good 782, "Fergie" informs us t 'hat 295 boys nd 335 grs for a Parînor 622. ragardiess, ail inîorested per- grand total of 6.30patcans Hidden score wino ors: Came Isons hould drap around. wilb J. Bridger, 2 B, Wilson, 31 glove and spikes. If a prac- T I Over 200 bcis rigt-poanble man Georg OWERSà Over200lice rishn't ossbl, Clintran B. Partner 249, L. Adams "General" Jones will ho thora TH F BSTI N 5,H. Ballantine 203, N. to moot the newcomers. BLACK AND WIIITIe mning 231-221, A. Colo 250- The Blectrons Ibis season -'207,ý, S. Cordon 2'10, CG.,,,iî he o mpeîing îin a ix1 color and UHF -upson 230-205,-, B. Adaisteain bague, with the- foilow-1 RECEPTION A. Sýweelmani 201, Hon A o'r d 29-29-24,AdaAdaniing clubs - Oshawa Srs., AlTwr H.d Goodm89-2 phyA 04,daHsKendýal Tnt.. Port I-lpe Tnt.,1 are 1' " k-en 206, N. Cowle 237-212, Deseronto Int., and Peterbor- Ileavy Dnty Goodmurphy 205. ' ough Srs. Bowmanville's TIn- Warkmanship Averages Over 200 tarmediale entry will ho pîay- Gnarantleed i Cod Gaînes Ave. ing a 28 garne schedule. r. Ae"7 E' S od-- 39 2?,8 An attractive and informa- VYU.IIES Ballantîne- - 42 227 tive Blectrons' prograin I Wilson , 33 - 27 rsety eing complled flor q ice Smith 27 29-5 the fans and spanýsons. Thel Partnor ------_ 39 209 beague sched-ule is expected taoAPEiRV Simpson ----- ---- 42 207 ho availahie in a few weeks, 623-5251 oru622-3070 Cawle---------- 36 205 and wll sopear ln Ibis papen1 Bridger 42 200 aI Ihat lime. GET ITATOUÜR-STE