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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1972, p. 11

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Grades Five and Six ccompanied by Terry Dawson, a C Newcastle Grades Fîve and Six Choir wor Mé.Bruce Tilison, Editor Ilewcast/e S0c 10al a nc1§PAe rs Mr. and Mvîrs. Robert Shear- 1season. Our 'yo er enjoyed a motortrip andiaged to get two visit in Sudbury, over the up past the knc weekend, visitîng with Mr. slightly used go] and Mrs. K. Horner and other can't eat either relatives. lbappy, Hope yoi îUr. Ed. Geroux, Waterdown, better. and1 Mr. jim Gale, H4amilton, Mr. Jack Van( i stdon Sunday with Mrs. cently returned Bruce Tillson Merorial Flospita On the weekend.. at least Tlîson has agair every other home had one' or hospital; 11o vis: more fishermen out to try for time, plcase. his (or.her) first catch of the The Bowmanvi Legion, held t] Ladies' Nighit o Attending frorn Consultant wr:Rv n M"ajor, Reeve ai ,Appointed HGayn, Mr. and1 (îuiiîoC, Mir. an Russell De fo- has been Hendry, Mn. an( iippointed Consfutant t the ' Collier, Mr. and1 Building Isetr eatm and Mr.a nient in Hamîpton. Kuhn. He is to be given the noces- lst Newcastle marv authorty tb issue clIiper: ly mwelcormed a vi rnuts àand carry onril 1! -'locl frefîghters duties nowund-ertaken by thef eoî endDirl Inepcto. h shwedsoi PRETTY ePOýLLY PLÎ'U A Thoughtful Gift Idea For M on Her Day... Sunday, May 0rdnaPrilY 1.00( Excting newv panty hose by Pretty Ail sheer f rom toe ta waist-in a supe plain knit. Choose from fashion sha( highlight, persian glow, jasmin, choc sauce, navy, black and îvory. Use Your Walkers Option Ch arge Acc 5 KING ST. Ver 623-5451 BOW1ý !trainirg- Day at tingsvIew The eanadian Stat"sn'an, Eowmanville, Mal 3, 1973 lUnited Church, Oshawa. Kiwanis Frestival Winners tram NewAcaslle School let ai ascmlte- rao and is on a ten-day fîeldý trip o bEspanola heforé leav-l -ui for sumrner's work In Th0 ",nN ew s Mrs. Keith Davey, Elaîne M and Mrs, Robert Shef- 1 rs .Mîltôn Green, the former luck dinneir, home -f Mrs. ýi andGathetendd fmîy Ild of Oshiawa called oni- her Valeta Aller, wbo recently Miller; Unît 2, Tuesday1,, ~r- ~r ~- v dinne partyat Mr Ian ea- aunt Mrs. George Morton on celebrtdten2h Wd-pm ioeoM .Tye tn's Ohaa.Saturday. -dinjA-ivrsary,(hostess, Mss E. flavnd-ia! - .1.. Mr. and Mrs. Rey Taylor, Mrs. Wm, H. Robinson spent - Mrs, Janies E.R chemds Unit 3, Tuesday, 8 p.m, hr '~ Ohaw, M. an Mr. Kmbrithoweecnd îthMn.andisited Mrs. Michael Jacula of Mrs. S, Mailler, ni STaylor and famîly, Raeboro, Mrs, Wilfrid Sandersn fand son Brian of Oshawa on Tue'ay p-) om f Mr i. visited et Mr. Gordon Tay- ColumbusMneenn, R. Reîd; Unit. 5, Tuedaxé, lo',Congratulations tb the Or- MadMs an e-pn ome o Mrs L. Wr-,4 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morton Ooo Lodge No. 436 I,.0 O.p. son and cltdren of Oshawa, Unît 6, Wecdnesday, 8 pn . . vistedatMoC Rbisons, ho are celebrating their are now residing On Park Leskard Ciiurch.Aifre Nestieton. Sîxtieth Annîvensery in the Strcet, Oronto, in the cast from Kîrby and Orono .ýarý - , Mn, andMos, Frank Siell- Lodge Hall on Seturday reven- hafo h Bshue and invited te attend (ncludijn wood, Mr, Lloyd Stewart and ing, May 6th, 1972. rad r, urey Ail- the mon). Tbere wîfl e Mr. Stewart Glassford, Boa- Lt.-Col. J. Clîfford Gamney, dread and children have mOv- speaker and films ror 41 verton,, vîsited et Mn. John MM., ED.,ag 78hubncdbBw nvle Cancer Society, an june Catton's, of Mos. Ethelwynne Tomlin- Mrs. Evelyn Wood Johns and fellows ip. Unjt 7, Te Mn, and Mrs. Wifnld Bow- son Gemey, father of Glenn Flintoff, ae 78, widow of the day, 2 p.m., home1ý of r FIl man, Mn. Brio Bowmn e ce (Mrs. Harry E. b y c ett, late Delliert FIntoff, sister of Ard. visitons et Mo. J. Teniblyn's grandfathcr of Gamey Lycett Fern (Mrs. Geo. Armour) of aod Mn. Allen Plunimer9s, of Port Hope, and brother of Hanipton and Mn, Wesley _7' Orono. R. S. Gamncy of Toronto, pas- Wood Of Oronio, paseda y Weý are happy tn sec Mos. ed away et hie oesîdonce, et the Oshawa General Ho-- AýA. AEnmcett out again after Main Street South, Orono,onte72 one Tucs erviMey nP * e esugry in the winter. Mondey morning, May On t, 92 Fnr vc on Wiht e wlrome retuon 1972., Aftcr rcsting et bhc Tbursday ati.1:30p.m. fron, of ell the birds to assure us Barlow Funeral Home, (until the Mcntosh-Anderson Fun- that Spnîng. îs reelly. here, lt Thursday moornîng) a Mili- erel Home, Oshawa. Inter- r may seeni doubtful with so tary Funenal Service will be ment ZMon Cemetery.1 much cold weather, but when held at 2 p.m. Thursdey et 'Miss Dorothy Riodles Of the swallows com-e ithonw the Lang Mem-onmal Chepel, Centre Street was a patiet , rinow. They always seeni toiInterment Orono Ceinitery. in the, M eo a opai- rade Eight student, the Prîze recently at the Kiwanis Festival in Peterborough. ku hnt oeiN> Cnrtltosb 'r o omnîldet an onreovor saw e ewaiiow si- Mns. Tom Hardy on their th fui. hum toi her hend. - n________________and ___Second_ ___ ___________________________ ing shive ri nn e wire wish- Weddîng Anniversary t h 1 Severel roilatives and fol 'TEONWA îng h-e]ihed waited a while week. onds of Onono district attend- r o FiQHT A wo- MAN O BITUARYlonger.______ Mr. Robt. Hencock reccntly cd the uea of Mrs. Ten- '~WT4MT JAKGWLIA ' ~ no eealHsptM 94 wîdow of the late James G Q IT ANDO U ,_ JACK GWILLIAMemorîliH-ospital Mr. Grant Moffat and sons Malley of Pontypool, who ----- A 'resîdont of Oshawa for ~I t Bob and Donald of Oakville passcd away on Mondey, Apr. 42 years, Jack Gwiliam dîodvvee iy Re port vIsîtd Mo, Win, Moffet on 241h et flic Oshawa Gernerel sudenl ettheOshwe enSunday. Hospital. Funeral service at Phone 987-4213 oral Hospital, Sunday, April Woek of Apnil 24-30 inclusive. Sec Coming Events re the the Morris Funeral Chapel on BY A M _________________________________________________30, 1972. Ho lived et 229 Box- Admissions --- - 58 Bowianville Golden Legion- Thursdey. Internient in the Iborough Ave, Oshewa. Births-3 male 3 naires, sponsorcd by Unit 4 famly plot, Pontypool Cerne- PLUMBING & IIEATI films on fine safety. , Born Aprîl 10, 1903, in Eng- Discherges ---- ---- 64 of Orono United Churcb Wo- tcry. yoe ý On SatndayCube rom te ~~rn ~ ealand, he was the son of the Major operations 13 mon, wîîî present a mica fi rvoUic Cu'b.~ West Durhami ares entered gy late Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mînor oponations ------_ 15 Progrem Saturday, May 6th, Women held their Unit nicet- à-_ ý the Pine Wood Derby Race' Thomas G ilieni. He wes Emoergency- treatments__ 243 ai 8 p-M, ngs for May aýs follows: Unit PHONE 263-.2650 Z_- Cubs, Leaders and parents Inl Buttons marriod June 8, 1929, in Bow- V"itîngL hours 3-8 p.m. daily Congrabulabions to Mn, andý 1, Wediieeday, 12.30 pm., pot took quito an active intorest. manvîlle. IIn Newcastle, 32 of the 36 The Apnîl 241h meeting of An employec of General boysi competed. The winnerg the Pioneer Button Club was Motors, ho retîred in June,à r nof design in order, are: Shawn held et tbc home of Mrs. F. 1965. Ho wes a membor of a Garrod, Lee Remington, Noie Dodwell, Oshawa, wibh mcm- the U.A.W.A. Local 222 and the ungest man- wînnîng in speed, in ordor1, Codrington, B o w ni a n v ill e, The, decoased is survived by soakers, way are Robbie Potier, Tom' Agincourt, Janetvîlle. Toronto, hîs wife, the former Annie1 ce. and one Dwycr. Cecil Knaooi and Binbrook and Oshawa. Taylor, bhnoe sons, Jack and e f Ooo buthall. will abb ocieto hs wih the Mrs. Hamimond gave the Don of Oshawa, and Ken of c tir catc-h was wînners of bhc othen 'Packs bistory of one strange, rare one ronougBeon sshwa, r Dnaibîtton she bed acciuined andonbrteBn fOswa and tny for West Dra noeoth mbshdseand six grandeilidren. idestrrereDistrict wînnons. one iof .tthe enibr ad sn Mr. Gwillîem nested et the home froni mneeting Miss McLaren had Arstwag Funeal sevic an al. M r. Bruce N t~I~T alked on enamol buttons soOshiw. h hr l rvT a- i neturned ti 1 NE U1ONV I LLE et Ibis meeting enamel but- conmittal in te chapel ues- itors et thîsl bons were di, played, Tho, day, May 2nd et 3 p.m, fol- Becent dinner guesle with ladies bad worked bard gatb- ,lowed hy cremetion. îlle Canadien i Mn. and Mrs. JiAdanis neroeing tbese beautîful butbons Lhein annuel Mn. and Mrs, Robent Steel, for Ibeir crds ibat iA took a clo eevbeb h onhp iePlc ilg pr- n Saturday. and Jean of Scanbonough an,] great doal of lime examih u p r o J îneReeadCuclo rcial yteTwsi.TePlc ilg .'lNecasleMrn. Mrs. N, Moodie end îng and dîscussing theni. tUDDQs bon nfor l scedle3-6end Cou>.ý and 4> een anero pe TéTownship of Clarke, lo ssoni ealon ehdl -.TePlc Mns. Robent Jan1ce of Agincourt.Mr.VenSndsopoiTh Village deficît of 43,132 at December 31, 1970 dccrea_ýeed Mrs. Edniund AGn eiosrto a sonted bbc study teliron R cN ii.Oono, Ontario. y1,7in91to305. ind Mns. Alf Ah eni eymosrin t h monad buttons whirh are not % solu ion q Gentlemen' y1,7 n191b 308 Mrs Hoardhomoe of Mr.,. Don Vinkle, von; attractive and of sort of A resolubion rocontly sont fa 1 bave con'plcted my examination of bbc books and enpryLon d Mrs. Alex !a mysteriaus cmoiin nai yr yHp on records of thîs municipalîty and 'its local boards1n Teninorary lbans on behaîf of bhc TownMshbo gcený id Mrs. Win Local ladies attending tho1 Quite a number of the mcm- shîp, bas gainodtehckn omissions for .tbe yeen cndcd December 31, 197 nsd enally amount to 150,000 and bbe balance ot 29,260 is Mns. E. Jonk- Preshytenial Leadership Day bons are i.11 ai home or in bas- of Port Hope's ,Picneïîng i thîs conrection I amn plescd to report bbc following Inincunred on behalf of bbc Orono Police 'Villagefr md Mn. Lesheld.b Kinsview Unitoi3 pitel, so Îi was suggested that Board, and May aiea gain bbc i for your consdération.thr199ndprga ThO.V.a wearoe CucOshawa, lest Wed ýearb meniher send a gt-well support of the towns Council, by bbc Ontario Municipal Board for bbchepamitot Cube ne cent- nesday, included Mrs. Bca o-ard'instead of one card sign- Haeîfmdbcutîy STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE be sprcad over flive ycan risît froni two Joncs, Mrs, Mary Jones, Mns. c y ail membens prosent. that bbc proposod route O0f a SHBL te consBcial 3, sArt Boum- B en ni cce ndorsn,, ci gaiMs Sand- 500()Kv transmJission linoresSHDL k Bensoke. aryWad an Ms. moli esos, ancvîle not ac ceptablle" and nesolved À This echedule reports bbc corporations operabion n Acona-'civbe on.t f-udr ---dpat me excellent Lancaster, ihat tho in,,hol go "fentbi- i monley emoýunte for tbc yeer withi comparatives for ment accounits of 30,471 and sundry aoutof0! 6 ~~ Mnvi, ad Mrs. NeilOConl rnobabouh oeac 1970. Note that in 1971 these revenues and expendibure Accounts Payable and Accrucd Liabîlîbîe $62 968ff and AlunofCoorgwce BTIJ'A.lY alternativer: oute acgien mounts înlîîded bbc operations ofbbc Orono Police 'drbcsc bv eei lanuuc tklav here hýelping 1M rs, Gentî, Pont Hopo's -Planning Board Vil 1,1lage wheneas the 1970 emounts do not iniclude bhecacrn eccurnrulabe and'emrployee now bocome e tîbedt Bowe gel ber gardon, neady MRS ATR AT says it also favons a mr Orono Police Village revenues and expendîture. e cash peymcnt on termination of service. for pianting, one day lest' nortberly route, sînco the Because ofthbb inclusion of the Onoino Police Village li fiîn eatbfr un'yeenigt fw- oud accounts wîth bhc Township gencoal eccounts Statement Telaiîyfrteeecmltddy otr Mrs KithSaget rîun-ber ofyas r.WatrHn etîct developmonts" in bbc- 1 file the inclusion of tbc Orono Police Village clefi- extent that bhey could ho ta-ken in cash by, ani, 10e ed om let eek frni or Auusus ate dedattown's suburbe of Dale and cît with tbc Township surplus. Details of bbc inclusio n on ermîntion of employmn eni rounted to, 14,77, T!re Meniomial Hospital where she the Osbawa Lodge Nursing Teoar Imede are pnovîded et the bottani of Scbedule 1. Schedule 3-2 oueatsbod 4,887ad deperbmdcnhaccgus of 164, bi enkD3 bpdlidegoe sugeyý Home, Thursday, April 27. Tha h o wBo updre oede reflecte bbc make-up of, bbc Township deficit of 7,044. acoenafiof14,87 defern ebharge.f376an eea badundrgoe cmgcy. Sho formerly lived at 21l8 Ken- b onspotH ' The revenues are ehown in groaben deteil on sciredule acotsf1772mkupbcalne Sorry to hear Miss Pet Ver- daîl Ave., Oshawa. nesolubion. 1-1 and the expendibures are detailed on scbedule 1-3. Local Boards me, a former teacher. bore, is Schedule 1 bo 6 of series L detaîl bbc resultû o oc u in hosýital in Washington Born Marrh 116, 1888, the CONS0LIDATED BALANCE SHEET examînation of bbc Local Boards. * witb e beck înjuny. labo Eme Beata Patbe wasBTeacoeliiltsan supu ofbcmnc- rooHdoStei-OnoWerytm *Mrs. Bey Chellice, Mne, Me] the daugbten of the late Mn. _____fr_________reenu,_cpitlad________re____________________ciWatr S8te Mayee nd augter Mr, ad Ms. homs Pakel. y BforTheail fud, briteen ucptluseof teerves ae The A and E senies of stabemonts deLpth bcese ClffWodMmc. da adreeid cnt of the district ail ber' ehown consoiideted on schedule 3. The assets are laiiîsadsrls swl â h Cliff Wood, froni Ida, ami liteeebdîved in Oshawa iT îr line- detailed on echedule 3-1 and th1elahiteansups liabihties and surplusawelsth rsutofte Mrs. Mervin Allison of New- sinco 1912. arc detcîled on schedule 3-2. openabions for bbc yoar of the ahove bwo loc(al boaxcls, ceebie' wene ail aflennoon.fl I The assois on schcduîc 3-1 reflect thebollwngIn tbe water systdn' a liabilîty 10 bbc (Ontai îo W ter guest withMrs.Reid oodMos. attended echool in Danl- cotsreial1,1e i gues ythMrs Red W od,., Townsbip. Amenibor iesultsAcons eeial1flown Resenve, Commission of 57,369 ba edehb r ncms letTesa, newing old Defrmth roiceo-Otri ----$81,587 fund balance applicale bhcro to o)f 851l îgt' acquantanes.of St. George's Anglican Four young twîrlers fr1 u rn b rvneo naî Capital DehI outsbandîng ta th O _WR C. ofr886 Dinner guets on Friday Churrb', she wcs a niembor Of bore coi peted in Ottawa on This amauint is made up as fol1ows. h aac u 0bcOtnoMncplWr~ ovening wibb Mn.ý and Mrs. C., the Anglican Cburch Women. Apnîl 22nd, and neturned wibhi Balance of 1971 road subsîdy 80,802 Assisbance Prograni for capital work on bbc w-.ater y M. Jone wcne Mr. and Mns. Hor husband, Walton Her- these awands, l Balance of resîdential pnoperby tex teni amounted ta 98,840 eithtIe end of the year GereFne fWloebeont Augustus, Patte died Cindy Robinson, 9-10 Yrs reduction24 Funthen nobes to those financial etetement aïre and Mn, and Mrs. H. E,.,Manch 18, 1970. Class, pleced 4tb in the Inter- Wanhle fly grant ....SO detailed in Sebedule 7. Walkey. The deceeeed is sunvived hy mediate Princese Open Chami-$8,1 There werc 14½ abesi one daugbter, Mrs. Reginald pionsbip.$158 General play et the card party in -hie Pne Mrae) fOhwîKtyBlk,1 4y Taxes receivable I wisb ta gnatefully acknlowledge bbc assistance and Comuit HllonFnda wo sons, Dean of R.R. 3, Port Advanced Clase, placed1' Taxes reccîvable are sbown in detail and are co-openatian of bbc Townsbip Treasurer and bis zbaff night, with bbese winners: Pny oeto H ,Ob dvne îiay e d nlzed on echedule 3-3. awa; onc brother. Wallace B. vanced Basic Strut, 2nd Ad- Walter H. Pope, Higb lady, Hilda Caswell: low Piokeîl of R.R. 2, Bowmn- vanced T Strul and 3rd in Oîono Police Village Chartered Accountant. lady, B. Milligan; 50-50 draw, ille; eigbt grandcbldren and Parade Solo.i The amount due te, the Townshp froni bbc Orono, ,icence Number 4095 Mns. A. Millige.fv nagadcide.Mr'ois edci aJ Police Village ie încluded in bbc Townsqhip det-ficit, whîcb GePorgetown. Ontario. sonic Ladies Nigbt et the thel building preperations leicta attend Saturday M. Commercial and Industriel 108504 Recreetion and Comniunity Services Lions Centre, Port Hope, Set- have already begun. and Mn. Beay Heeningar- Business -30,139 Conrîrunity Planning -___ --. -174 urdey, evening, wîtb Mn, and The Scouts intend coniplet- ceived tbeir gueste et KnoxacîlEpnss nd1,P Mrs. Jîn Gilmer. ing their Pollution Drive he- Christian school, Bown- Special Charges -. .- 886 FnnilEpnc n Mns. H. Trini spent the gun lest Sabunday, on Higb- ville. These celehoations Ene Contribution froni Governient iPoiso ouesre__--- 5,8 Pol ly 1 weckend lu Osbawa wîtb Mn. way 401, this next Seturday, well altended and wo hope Be sîdential and Propcrty Tex -.Red. ï,03 N. & D. Counby Rates __-- 9,4 and Mrs. Bill Couison. froni the Voyageur Resteur- the papuler couples have mary Per Capita Grant ., . 251 Contributions to Waten Systeni9,0 soft Mm. and Mme. Jim Adamis ant t0 Newcasei, efer wbich mono yeans of heallb and Pbi ok usde ~ 8,1 ,2,6 ervieibed fiende et Herwood on they will pibcb. tente and have heppînese. Congratulations! PuleWrsSbieqb*> 1 Selurday, and on Sunday aI- e "cook-oub" to finish off bbe, Mn. and Mrs. Don Griftin,l Gencral Welfane Suheidies ,9 Excees of Revenue over expcndtures ýdes of tended a celebratiaon in honor day. nee Donna Semis, have niov- Recreation Grants ---- ------------ ---- 380.3 for bbc yer 1971 - --1,5 of tbc 85thbîhrtbdey of Mns. Twenty .Cuhs competed in cd mbibt eir lovely new homo. Werhle Fly Grant--------------518,3,1 Edibb Jobnson of Victoria, tbe Pinewo.od Derby car race This le pleasant news fon the Licences and Permul's - ----1,78 Excess of Revenue oven expenditures colate B.C., et bhc home of ber dati- lest Satunday in Bowmen- neighboms. gbter and hushand, Mr. and ville. Peck winner In "Speed" The 'U.C.W, met et bbi Rente, Cane. and Franchises ; 3,787 for bbc ycar 1971 ------------ ---- -5FI' Mrs. N. Moodie, et Agincount. was John Vogels, whîlc win- home of Mme. Rod Simpeo Sric hags .- 4,843 Deficît et bbc bcgînning of Lbc year -2,9 Supper gueles on Sunday non in "Design" was* Jerry Mns. Carl Ferguson and M'S.0 Penalties and Inlereel on Taxes 25,950 Deflit aet the etd f bbc year 1971 7,(144 witb Mrs. Agnes Burley we'-e Stacey. Tbe Peck niade e Fred Semis conducted the Cielaeu - - ,8 Mn. cad Mrs. Don Vinirle, Mr. good sbowing in bolb cate- votional period. The menibere _____ SurplusiTownsh p 1ofiClank 1971 l -.ï2,0!14 :on! and Mrs. Bon Bunley of New- gonios. District finals will be who attended the U.C.W. "i$106,19______pe"ý; 1jî iasIle, Mr. and Mrs. Herold held on May 201h, when tbc Conference et Lindsay gave 510649 SrlsSeca hre 91- ,000l Burley and Dougie of Bridge- boys will ho competîng e report. The bostess showed bo-ss Deficit Orono 1Poliîe %Vilage 1913,5 nonbh, celebrating Marion's aaniobbem Packs in the sldes folowed by lunch.,eii tteedo b cr17 ,4 hirtbd:a.y, Seturday. distr ict Mrs. Býod Simipson, Ms___ VIANVILLE Othere c1-hrctirrY birth- Frmember bbe local Pepen Fred Griffin and Mns. Wifnd days bhc end of 'the week in- Drive, May l3th.. Bownran aettended Leadenshîp,,

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