12The Canadian Statesman, flowmianville, May 3, 1972 Bockbeirfe's Fans Enjoy Bavarian Band A r a H rt How to Loo loaibsinsss, hotels, resorts, ntrodiwç ou -cii bn ),ou ,ill ýyou hear that one cf them Isi Je~u mgnt L) hiring students, get the- name Almost any esr p[o- whoi, By Delay 9f ~~~~the person in charge of hir-binsicrasmh um Altbough Premier Davi.ý mer r who bas mlyc recenfly announced that a se- Jb huntinigfor thei îeemlyosaeSwarnped 'wîLTo In communities without poDr ont instphron- th e m-vacation v il ned part-Lirie port will be presented June 1 this summer? Worked l aýt apia os The Only one~s CMCs for Students, the regu- Employers prefer face-to-face helo. L'y th(, 1nînisbuiness~, onteregional development summeî-, but found the jo wboon t be competing with lar Canada Manpower Centre meetings, but aren't impress- rcurea on, rvi'nnci ns plan connected wifh the T o- ýantt your liking? Cojuldln'tya wilI be those st 1udents who will be matching students cd by someane who needs pals tries. rona-enre Deig fr e-find a job of any kind? Haveba their jobs linied up long look-*ng for employers witb or'parents for moral support, vopm--ent CoDeurg's More-yau started looking for this befo1-re final exams laomed on emnployers looking for student Many employers advertise. If those fil. ci "ate your Jack Hecoan, says that the yeatsmme t e r et T n, te oizn rer.So it pays ta read the daily own job. Convînco ncîghbosi dea n h la aiarayt'ster ta ethstaredWer Vîsit Vaur CMC Both federal and provincial newspaper, espccially the "partlthat you can provide, a service dely n he la hs aredvthr yu ped ~hesumes Depie hat you r friands gave 'oments operate social timne" and 'seasonal heby rced. C if grass wai done considerable damage to working or laoking depeoods bvefldyulstsm mîomntpogame olms.r, antbuss hh ii mradvlpet nyu -aetldyu atsm mlyn gammesfarlwanted" clmn.cars an oss q areadeveapmet. o you merCanada Manpower Cen- students -. programmes in- 5w gardon. They may nnt ho Since the plan was first This summer, you>l1 have tres, placed a lot of students vlving travel, jobs, language Do Yoiir Honiework garnarous jobs, but iLhey can campetifian, More fban One in jobs, Tbey found woek for training. If yauba bu n Bfr ou head ITfoatabbopoutal andu. announced three years ago, a Bfr o edoffrtaiepoial ,dfn large number of bodies bave million stuidents from bigh jmare than 142,000 students. interestîng programme, don't ahl-important interview witbh Rmrlî va ec'oi been ýinstituted, and are "try- sehools and universities, wil But" first, you bave ta register. wait. Inquire at your local a prospective employer, pro- waRserng la-t e ai- - th ingý ta plan for tbe are, and be looking for work. But dont E'ven fbougb Canada Man- Canada Manpowee Centre as pare a concise, one-page res- wsumrabsxvud o ad i they have no cancrete direct- give up before you even starf. ïpower Contre for Stuclents 50011 as Possible. umie telling the emîploye ur n bs thcreis elre o ives", pointed out the Mayor. Yau have as goQd a chance asmanohopeytacu Question People whlat yo ae aofe ge td b e hire o- ee "I thînk they shauld put their the other 999,999 job seekersý. sla in the 1full-timeCM Parents, relatives, friends, education), experience and an Yjos al money where their mnouth is". Finding a summer job wo't wiill accept your applicaion. neuighboes -oveeyonc is a pos speial ualifications, sucîx as ob.Erly pocts indicaf,ýt- Ibeeas, bt i neer s. ereTe quimenabout (990,000 would h b - tais ive b Prmir avi h eaybu ifnoer s.He o nc of the 137 Centres'foi nsible contact for a summer job euimet you can operate, uJbut8 oprce- tAccordîvngtaPhemscantyD-aes om hnts that could mkitd sta ho apeeated this Ask tbem if their place af ro t haf would equip you for theaI nting, yet, aaeSuet oiktesurt botlookroi fo in bis Peterborough announco your job search suceessful. year is scheduled for Your hires students. ýjob yau're after. ofumhe s- ek swcîenuccessfor men, oborgandPot opeAply owara, the application you bave Last year, mare than 8per Give the employer as much For af bcasf part nI the sum- have be lumped together1 Some students starf loo igf Pr, will ho transf ereed to the cent aI students who we nomto aot"uslP~ ir tmx ai ii oin as a contre for industrial for next summer's job in Dec- studen1ht CMÇ when if opens in looking for woek Iound it in you can in as f ew woeds as a sumn icj but dot be goh.ember. Tbey knaw that in June 1ýihe speiog. the privaf e sector. That means you cen, Thon, lot yauîrosume discouraed-1. Peeistence paye&, î 1 the Flying Dutchenan Motor Inni on Friday and Saturday, Ihis Rbeinland-. tis'mPa-Pc' band haci thc Bockbirlest fans stomping their feet and enjoy 1nr henselves. Dutchman maniager Jim Boureosays these festivals have become vce pcuaroccsins0onodo-ubf tiiere will be more in future. Mn B M4.,-emn atteuidei Mr. _ud Mes Carence Stain- had Sunday dinner wifh Mr. n hirthdayë ?rty for MissIfoil andl famsly were Sundey and Mrs. Gardon Liske, Brook- EfîmII GIlb e l bo, at Mrs afteenoon callers at Mr. and lin. Bus ilGlbeîfs, owmanovîile Mes. David Bothsxell's and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb la on safueday niniigý andl Mrs. John Bothwell's of campany with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. -,Hcrb Sta:iinn as re- Maplo Grave. M. Stainfon spent Sunday with tied homo fram spendîng Mr. John Belle of Thunder Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Towns af Inme fnac witb ber daughteî-, Bay, who is attending schoal Peterborough. eanlMes. C. Englîsb, Bow- ia Toronto,- was a weekend Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor maI le, feling much'botter. guest of Russell Griffins end hed Sunday dinner with Me. joryt report Mrs. S. R famly. and Mrs. Erven Rainey of nPtxc patient in Mem- Mi-. and Mes. A. Sharp were Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry or i Hs l Bowmanvilie. Suiiday evening dintior guosf s setteweedw r 'Vr nn Me. eorge ofin IMe. andMrs. B. Wonnamak- setteweedwt r ý-~n uîdyvstors aI Mir. rSega, family, -Etobicoke, and attend- Nc.î cia i ScottMe. and Mes. M. Polard andt ed a lovely service at St. r li ted Rahînson, South faenîly spont the weekend wîth James Cathedrel on Sundey M ~~~iý Cian sette weekcnd PIe. and Mes. Vie 'Van Aistine morning. 'î~îhi sst'îM. and Mrs. andl family at Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Petbick, I - repet'.Me. aîîd Mes. Murray Mac-IScarborough, were Sunday nil Me. Chaiie L i']a, Andrea and Caria, we re visitors with their father, Me. niiiadTain, Salineï, WOIIîday visitors with Me. and S. Pethick and visited Ltheir c ai t Me. and MeSL1. -HjMrs, Goo. Woods and family, mother at the hospita]. ;ul Cii Gie nding and Me. ail Me. end Mrs. GrantWerry ie d Mrs. A. Sharp fh i. Clarence Eagleson andl and femily bad Sunday sup- il nnMis. H. Bradley, offarnîly, Bailieboro. per with Me. and Mcs. Gary Ma le rav, cjo~cda bh - Mi'. and Mes, F. W. Weî'ry'Henewieh, Oshawa. c ywîb es Il: Gregg and- fri7y i! in eiBuense, Mary- i-ns ueBrowns, Me. Lau- T YO N roo'e rîgtTornto 1wCo (tise c b u r c b c-ommittees Mes. W. Park. Mes. A, J. iieksî vîsî,tors wîtb Mr. andihavIe heen very busy this last Hoae attendeil Hospitel Con- M-E.Wright and Betty. moInîiîtl feccace et Whîtby and eruoy- s. nd esCameon koThse Building Committ ee a eonducted tour af Dr. J. O aw, ivre uîday evening hvenu dspayla e n ,Ruddy General Hospital, dioer gusfs I iir an Msday Sehool raom, the plans Wbitby. C.Av ysuilfail. for the, new addition. On 'Mes. Eva McCoy returnel !% May 7, these plans will ho ar- home alter viîiting ber daugh-- HA DON cepleil ou rejected by the con- -trs, Mes. N. Cox and Me. gregation. iCox, Stuffvilleý Mes. Bibi Tay- Mi- nd esEx cet BewoSciday Schnol Annivesary lac and Me. Taylor, Sutton. ('et ~ ~ýl bcclelo Ib ly vi h eld con May 28tb a t Me. and Mes. Narval Edgar, ~. fo's odtheBos Ab-iL15. More information will Florencev7ille, N.B., recentiy for anSonayho omîng soon about this visited their son ad wife, 'Xx ni es ler d .egh vent, Mr. and Mes. Kari Edgar and O~hava vee Saurdy een iseChaerch Stewards ai-eboys. ingcaics e M. nd escoIIIplef.ingç their canvess this Me. Stuart Hoooy, New-- Il -. Asston's. we i-.nue who bas beencestie, visited bis sister, Me. MissAlic Jons, R., o mised lease Phono Marlon and Mes. Earl Prescott. Kingfii,spn the weekend Hoaur or Jacqueline Vaeyk. Me. andl Mes. Jim Shaw eit s rhmThe Stewards wish ta thenk andl daugbters, Oshawa, Miss MC, nilMec.JimJonc an th communif y for the dona- -Barbaea Bilmer, London: Me. 1 MsJi Jne adfions recoîveil. andl Mes. D. Barr, Bowmen- Toes esSe Borough; M e. d Plowees placol for the Sun- ville. visitel Me. andl Mes. E. x'eStuiEdav. visitors et Me. day moening sorv ice were la A. Vîrtue. ais Ms. J Jons. lving memoey aI the lete Mean Ms.H Seee s.vn .Pafes. a apeMes. John Jobostosi, a former M.aPet. .Stee vin ateronof Mpemeniher aI Tyrone United Peterborough, spont the week-- c -v ' pen th weken Chuch.Symath isextnd- eand Mr. andl Mrs. Doug Gi v,1Ispen t teso eknn.beb.Smptyisetel Park, Oshewa, yisitod on Sun- s iheeaesn d fa ber isushaniland fem- dywt M.adj'.Wle 1eai-idMes. Arnold. Gel- dilwtyc.a.lMs Wle --'iir. Ajax, weee Sundayyr Park. of~~asn Mr. and Mes. Boy ~ 1TT The U.C.W. May meeting PJMîsananel amîly. E i LLJfNU AULJ. wiil ho beld et the home of s.Bruce Garrard an d Mes. R. Lambert, Wednesdey - ~ niNoeMiek, visited bis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cami-Ievcning, May 10, et 8 p.m. n Içice, Mes. C. Garrard on cran andl family woro Satue- Mr. and Mes. A. J.'Hoar and i fîday and tbcy visited Me.l day guesf s aI Me. and Mes. Louise wcro Sunday guests of C is amard ia Memorial Harold Triveff, Toronto, ta their deughter, Mr. and Mes. V-teBowmanville. lhelp fhcii ecîchrate their 35fh Johni Hacmee and baby, Bow-- -1 cdMes, Robert Tais a- wedding anniveeseey. manville. i n seswick, visitol Mes. Mr.- and Mes. Bye Gibson 'Iiwserc1's gradmother, IMes. xith ,Me, Boy MeePhersan Mc. endl Mes. Murray Yeo C Ceerei. oi Sunday. landl Mes. Ellen Paekinson and femnily, Me. and Mes. Peuh Clu11b 21 Meayameeting Tues- landj Debhy xvcre Sunday din- Vaneyk and family affendeil i ,ec susg, May 9tb. Group ner guests cf Me. and Mes. the reception following the in ch iiarge cf meeting. Lorîse Thiflanît, Agîncouet, merriage af their mather, Me da lMes. Lloyd Asbfon, Mes. Parkinson's parents. Mes. George Yeo of Hampton Ftid ail Bey. Mr. RuisselP 'iyle and Don Davis visit- fa Me. Stan Hodgson of Bnw- C itnwee Sunday dinneried i xih the Bye Gibsons on manvîlle, Fridey ovening, oufscIMes. Walteor Muerayi Maiiilal April 28th. Congratulations Torosf o.(TItesided for lest weok') from ail yaur Tyrone frienils. Ie1ad Nis. Stan Ccxi ing, Galad a Don Davis vîsît- -_______ M -IeeTahh, Lily, Shirley, el iifIrienils over- the Crosma chle 0wecliend - Geyle bail lunch id--rna H.l-do witsx the B. Gibsons on Mon- WEDDING iiis, -aîMe.Fred Tebb af day. Iiieto ,onSatueday. VMr. and Mes. Wm. Hiploy, ROGERS -,SAMELLS Ren--t a.Car for Miillan, spent Feiday with Me.' The marriage af Miss 'Shar-- anil Mes. Bye Gibsoui. on Samelîsi daughter af Me. AYOR WEEKEND iVis. G. D. Benfley, Ajaxr, and Mrs.,Maurice Samelis af Akfor Rae ..,. j itli, Me. Douglas Gîbson, Pcf erboraugb, and Me. Glenn UOUTYTorusito, andl Miss Judith Bat- Rogers af Peterbarough, was CMYSLIER-DODGE LT», vs iîtars. as also werec Nis. G. byterian Chucch, Peterbor- (>3-256BoEnrd ainilJoanne ànil Jean, ough, an Satucilay, Apeil 22 __...____________3:30________ cfReverenil Duncan officiafing. Gîven la marriago by her iP father, the bride woce e full- ý,î hengf b dress aI wbife witb fittel bodice andl long train. Hec sbaulder-lengfh veil fell fiom a crown af white flow-- iers and she caril oqe ;af ced andl wvite cases. Janet Rogers wes the meidý af honor, Leslie Sutton end Wondy Semelîs wcre brides- mails. Ail ware metching HNEEadCA'NADIAN FOO70D îboor-length mauve and yeb- ____________________ low nylon dresses and cee- ried bouquets af yellow anil Off Pickup rders white 'mums. e bs and the usiiers wece Carl Mc- (over Mulben andl Cerson Crawler. (ove $.~tî)For the reception ln the cburch perlours, the bride's Home Hardale Phone 95 KING ST. W. BOWMÀANVI LLE 7~ STORE HOURS MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY 7:30 Io.L :0 .n THURSDAY - FRIDAY 7:30 am. ta 9:00 p.m. SATURDAY 7:30 a.m. ta :0po 1