That Was a Dandy - Tell Me Another Onel The handsome littie chap who see ms, In the above photo, to be chuckling over a private joke, is Kenneth Christopher Hay, son of William and Cheryl- AnnHay of Bowmanville. Kenneth Christopher, who celebrated his first birth- day on April l6th,, is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. K. Luxton, Town, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Hay of Nlewtonville. Photo by Astor Studio MacDuff Report NIegoitin IfPssbe Prime Minister Pierrei Trudeau two weeks after President Richard Nixon visited Ottawa told the Commons that he has dis- cussed with his Ministers concerned, the need for re- viewing Canada's Position On the trade talks between the US. and Canada whîch had become deadlocked last February. It was the Prime Mi111ister's understpanding that ir, Washington the American officiais are also reviewing the csituation. Mr, Trudeau and Mr. Nixon agreed there was a need to get the negotiations in motion again. Both sides agreed t0 review their res- pective positions with a view to resumning negotiations "if po-ý.ssible". However opposi- tion members in the House challenged the suggestion tha -ýt the impasse la the trade tailks were under review in W'ashingtofl. They cited re- TENNIS COURTS. Now Open Make reservations Phone 623-3373 Tennis Racquets available for rent COURT FEE$ Singles- $1.00 per hi. Doubles- $2,00 per lit. AT TUE MoTOS INN Liberty St. S. at 401 Bowmanville ' ports out f cf flicAmericau capital whidli said fliat Treasury officiais as late as two wceks affer flic visif had not yet been informed or asked te consider flic agreement between the fwo leaders. Opposition Leader Robert Staaficld and New Demo- crafic Party Leader David Lewis suggestcd lanflic bouse thaf fliere was ne evidence thaf anyfbing defin- ite fowards geffing the trade negotiaflons underway again, liad come ouf of flic falks. Tbcy wcrc worried thaf if was Canada fliat would be making flic concessions and thaf there would lie no con- cessions on flic part of flic Americans. Meanfime officialsisnlaO- fawa were assessing the Nixon visif at flic came time thaf if was raiscd lanflic Commons. There le no doubf fliafflic President had many other mucli more weighty probicms on bis mind wliew lie made bis quick 40-heur visit f0 Ottawa. The flare-up of hostilifies in Soutli Viet Nam wi h flic North Viefnannese driving toward Saigon and flireaten- ing Mr. Nixo's whloe Viet- namizat ion policy undoulit- edly weigbed heavîly on bis mind. By Sunday wlien lie liad returned te Washington lie lad sent Amnerican bombers roaring north fa Hanoi and baiphiong bar- heur. bowever for a brief per- bod wlien lie was travelling te Canada and wlile lie was la Otawa flic American president lad this country ar f problenis on lis mînd. lie lad been bnifcd by hic close advîsers an flic relations bcfween Canada and flic U.S. and why fliose relations were sfrained af flic finie. The President nccordiagiy had ta consider Canada and ifs place in Norfhlinerica. This country occupied his time for a bni period la flic Presidenf's liecfic and barrasscd lufe. The people who advise C"OMING SOON - MOTOR INN *STEEL BAND *LIMBO DANCING *TROPICAL DRINKS *WEST INDIES FOOD PLAN TO ATTEND . a e FR1. and SAT. - MAY 26th and j27th him and write bis speeches had to also f ake info con- siderafion fhe problems that exist between Canada and the U.S. If is f0 Canada's advanfage that the President and bis key people bad to examine Canada and îts current problems. Men such as Henry Kis- singer, ýforeigna ailairs advis- er and Helmut Sonnenfeldf, senior member of the Nat- ional Security Councîl, who takes responsibility for Can- ada la the White House, had to take this country's beefs under study. They had ta advise the President on the problems. They helped in the preparafion of his speech fo the joint session, of the Senate and Communs. In preparing that speech they liad to determine what should be clearly put on the record, what should be vaguely worded and whaf should not be said, as well as what should be said. It is ail to the good insofar as Canada is conceraed that for a period in time, brief as if was, Canada got that atten-u tion from the people in Washington. The President made bis burried rounds la Ottawa. Hie bad to be careful that hie did not get lnvolved la, the upcoming Canadian gen- eral election. He had been carefully coached on avoid- ing any such enfanglements. Ina fact lie was so careful that when a young lady sell- ing daffodils as part of a col- lection for Cancer Week, OBJTUARY MRS. DELBERT FLINTOFF In failing healh for the past fwo years, Mrs. Delber Flila- tof died Tuesday af the Osh- awa General Hospital. She lived at RR 2, Oshawa. The former Evelyn Wood was the daughfer of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wood. Bora Nov. 4, 1893, in Clarke Township, she lived la the area alIlier if e. She was edu- cated la Clarke Township, and waS married f0 Delbert hilin- fof-i ni 1925 in Zion. She was a member of Ked- i ron Unted Churcli. husbandmarried, lier irst hsadwas the late Reese Jolins. lier second husband, Delberf Flintof died Sept. 12, 1949. One dauglifer, Miss Grace Johins, one son Glen Flintfof, three sisters and one brother dîed before her. The deceased is survîved by four daugliters, Mrs. Wesley Cameron (Mabel) of Zion; Mrs. Stanley Coverly (Pearl) of Ebenezer; Mrs. William Preston (eta> of Oshawa; Mrs. Ivan Cochrane (Leona> of Courtice; seven sans, MOrfie Of Bowmanville;, Percy of Maple Grave; Clifford of Newcast le; Lloyd, Wesley and Donald Flintoff of Oshawa; and Clif- ford Johins of Coldwater, Ont.; one sister, Mrs. George Arm- our (Fera) cf liampton; one broflier, Wesley Wood of lOrano; 35 grandchildren; 36 greaf-grandchildren and two great-great-grandcbildren. Mrs, Flit off rested at the Mchntosh-Anderson Funeral Home. Service was held la the chapel Thursdnv at 1:30 pn. Interment was la Zîon Cerne- tery. approached hlm to pIn a daffodil on bis lapel, the Presîdent quîckiy enquired if it was a symbol connected with politics in this country. Assured that it was just a collection in aid of research to find a cure from cancer, the President smiled broad- iy and allowed the flower to be attached to his jacket. The Liberal government here- on the urging of Lib- erals in Toronto- had press- ed the presidential advisers t0 allow hlm to go to Tor- onto for the signing of the Great Lakes Anti-pollution Agreement., The Liberals hoped that if Mr. Nixon went to Toronto it would offset the bad feelings that had been left in that city because of the warm welcome ac- corded Premier Kosygin of the Soviet Union by Mr. Trudeau last October. Seeking to avoid any such move that might be inter- preted as designed to boister the Liberal party's fortunes in Canada the presidential party declîned the Toronto visit. Another reason for passing up the Ontario capi- tal was the large corps of United States draft dodgers. For- security reasons the Americans saîd tbey prefer- red to pass up Toronto and consequently Mr. Nixon re- mained in Ottawa for the 40 hours hie was in Canada. Nevertheless the Liberal Government -was conýfident that the very fact Mr. Nixon came to Ottawa would help Prime Minister Trudeau ln the upcoming Canadian elec- tion. Time will tel. GET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROVGB ST ATE SMA N C LAS85SIFF, D S Phone 6z3-3303 jThe Canadian Stateoinan, Bawmaavllle, May r4 1972 Report fromn Queen 's Park by Alex Carruthers M. P.P., UNIVERSITY TIJITION FEES of $800 le given in thec forir Aithougli I have received of a grant, the students' fuition only f wo leffers critical cf the încrease is offset by the larger increase in university fees, no grant. doubt fhere is a general deg- (e) The operafing support cee cf concern among student s provided fo fhe universifies and parents and perhaps a for graduate prograins ranges clarification of the policy is, from ftwo f0 sIiniîes the therefore, la order at this value of the basic incarne unit time. ($1,765 for the 1972-73 aca- The general increase of $100 demic year). Iancf ber words, a year la tuition fees for post- graduate students are support- secondary students refiects the cd by tlic province via the governmenf's defeFmination f0 universif y 'n aniounaf 5 anging avoid large scale deficitfîfnan- from, $3,000 to over $10,000. cing by resfraining expendi- Their annual f ulfion amounts tures la ail areas of public f0 $B77.50 offset by wliatever support. If is consistent wif h fees the students cara flirougli the general budget philosophy lccturing. of ch'arging-users a larger pro- (f) The ceiling on remulier- portion of tlie total cost of ser- ation for teaching and researchi vices they receive. assistantships has been raised The following points mnay by the province from $18001fo prove te be of infercst: $2400 a ycar for graduate stu- (a) Students are only pay- dents. ing one-sixth of the total' cost (g) $3 1.5 million bas been of their training in fthe post-jprovided for flic grant portion fsecondacy institutions cf Ont- of the Ont ario Student Award arlo at flic present finie. Program in comparison wif h 1(b) Provision lias been made $29.5 actuahly cxpended for te ensure less affluent student s grants during the 1971-72 aca- wil] not be forced te abandon demic ycar. In addition $3 their educafion because cf in- million is provided for Ontario abi.lif y to pay. graduate fellowships.- (c) la 1971 fhe first $600 of (b) The increase la feachers' an award was a loan and the tulfion fees ta $585 le because remainder a grant. In 1972 the feachers are now in fact la ficst $800 will be a loan, but university and will lie payîng the studeaf s who qualified for flic same fce as a universify an award of $800 or more in Arts undcrgraduatc. 1971 wili pay no, addîtiona] (i) Schools of nursing except fuition la 1972. Nighitingale will pay flic samnea (d) As student expenses fce as student s at Communif y have increased by about $100 Colleges ($125 per annum). due te increases la tuition, These colleges will be givîng awards te qualifying students most of the courses la nursing will increase by flic same lanfthc future. amount. Since the enfire A comparison of univerSity amount of an award la excess fees in Ontario wîfli flose cf other Juriedîctions show that they are approxiniately on a pair. A good comparison as any may lie betweea Ont aria and New Yock Stafe, Thec new un- dergraduate fees in Ont aria are $585 for Arts and Science andir $775 for Medicine. Ia Newt York fliey ar-c $600 - $800 forz Arts and Science and $1600l for Medicine. Graduaf e fees la Ontaio are ý$585 and in New York Sf afe - $1200. The estîmates for flic Min- isfry of Colleges and Univer- sities cails for $68'7,298,000 for post-secondairy educafion sup-1 port. Whetbcr a greater meas-1 ure cf flue support eliould bez passed on te graduaf e students througli some modification cf fees or by an increase in as- sistanfships will be, a maffer for universities to determine, but certainiy ehouid be given considerafion. WESLEYVILLE The big migration bas-been1 on fIlîs past weekond with huge flocks of geese leaving or just passing over, day after day. Many kinds cf warblers have made their appearance; also many whitec fhroaf e and fligir larger cousins the whit e croWns. Anof ler sure siga fliat we 1do rot expect any moire saowstorms, flic snowmabilers were ouf on of ler vehîles, fol- lowing f heir winfer frails fo chieck open gates and- broken fences. Thece latter -were re- paired wbere needed; remind- ers cf tfl iwnfer sports were. seen la shady nooka where e sorne snow still lingered. Lions Governor fute met at the home of Miss Fo (m on Tuesday, May 2nd, when ladl- Bill Maguire of Camborne, ies were entertained wif b las been elected governor of slides sliown by Mc, Melville District A-3, Lions Internam- Jones of Newtoilvîlle. tional and will be installed ln Mr. nd rs.Hectr Drkèoffice at the Lions Interna.~ Mr.andMrs licto Dakètional Convention in Mexico were la Toronto last Safurday Cîty, july j., ta, attend ftle annual banquet Amme ffi oor andmeeingof anaa Pck-Lions Club, Mr. Maguire lias ers, They stayed t the R oyal î e in t e a a s nc 19 7 York, flic place of meeting and Hîed in fld ic rs îne D9r7a spet te fllwhthirdaug tl-while stationed ln Belfast with Wedaesday îhterdu the Royal Canadian Navy, fer, Mire. J. Adamsr'n and bus- Tliey have flire sons, four band and f amily, dauglifers and four grand- Smelf fishers are ouf in chiidren. force these nights to gather lie joined Cobourg Lions la liarvest of fisli whie if js 1964 and lias liad 100 per cent available, attendance every since. lie served as club secret ary la The Bible Society was the 1965-66 and as president la theme of 11ev. J. Ramijit's scr- 1968-69. lie was clecfed fa mon at Welcome on Sunday district level la 1970 as a zone morning, a preparation for a chairman and is currenf]y speaker froni thaf society to serving as deputy district be here lanflic near future. ýgovernor, Based on flic old hyrnn, "If Is District A-9 consistas of 43 Well wif h My Soul" flic choir's Lions Clubs froni Pickerin anthem as always was a wel- on the west ta Dorset ani corne part of the, service. Beau- Barry's Bay on tlie norfh and tiful liomegrown daffodils asfar--asf as Broclivil e. were the floral offering. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Barrow- clougli, Connie and Davidcf PHIL VOW LES Peferborougli accompanied flic I HEATING SPECIALIST family to Scarborougli on Sun- i Queen Street day and visifed wîth Mr. and1 Bowmanville mir. E. Karvonen.. PHOiNE 623-7591 I lent a Car for A DAY OR WEEKEND Ask for Rae j COUXTY CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. I 623-2586 Oi1, Gas & Eleetrie Furnace & Air Condition Installa- tious - Central & Window U.nts - Claire Recta Findley Equipmeat Free Estimates Budget Terme Available STRENGTH 0f STEEL CORD BULTS, And so you don'tfeel you'reiding on steelwe add a SMOOHNES O POYESER ORD, exbepolyester cord body±orsroothness. SMOOHNES 0F OLYETER ORDChances are,you'llneverrunoverdrillbîts IN A GREAT LONG-WEARING TIRE. WtytWOBtyUrlUlflglGoodyO8l -î CustomPowerCushion Polysteel tires, thinkof Thîstîreis runngoverdozens of vicious hardetied some of thenastythingsyou could run ()Ver,~ steel drii bits. A match of steel against stee.And and corne away as though ît never happ ened. the tire keeps on going without loss of air. Steel forprotection.Polyesterfor Abrutalllytorturous way to demonstrate a mooth ride. Both inone long-.weazig tire. tire? Granted. But that'sthekidnd of punishment The newe,,,&toirPowerCushion this Goodyear Polysteel tire took. Polysteeltire We buildît toughwith two belts of steel COrd Akfribname. itsonlyfroni /<.. toresistîrnpactandpenetrationînthetread ares. Goodyear. *Regd.I-:M. ejâý - lq . ..-- Eli 1