¶4The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 10, 1972 Ne casflîe CuclNote-%s ýVILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE 1972 Mill Rates PUBLIC SCIIOOL SUPPORTERS Publie Schooî Migh School - County General 1972 Re5. Comnm. 31L82 35.36 29U6 32.84 17.03 17.03 34c35 41L56 11-2,76 126U-9 1971 lies. Com m. 36., 41.0 24.2 26.9 15.0 15.0 32,6 3916 108,7 12-2-.5 SEPARATE SUHOOL SUPPORTERS Se-parate School 20.44 37.0 fligli Schooî -- --- 29,56 24,2 County ____17.03 15.0 Gxeneral ___ 34.35 32.6 1-0138 108.8 Note:- There are' no Commercial rated Separate School Sý in New-castle Resr. Comm, + -Increase -Decrease -5,08 - 5M6 + 5,36 + 5.94 + 2.03 + 2,03- + 1,75 +_1,96 +410-6 + 4.29 .16.56 + 5.36 + 2,03 + 1L75 7,42 Supporters iNewcastie -. The regular when the aew.age aystemi goes any decîssons a ýt tirtitme, tnntlily counicil meeting was In. A letter will now be sent Threc readýirn were gîveni beld oe Monday evening, wîth to the Ontario Water Ilesour- by Counlcil to b-a 72-4 to eeeve -Alfred Gray and Coun- ces Commission for additional adopt the estîroates of ail tillors Fred Couch, Kîth Barr, information. sumns requivrd durnmg the yean The Lockhart Grade Five chorus, took first prize dents actually 1rentorn Rckard and Frank Douglas Wnight and Mn, land to stike thie rates of taxae- 1-ôar present. The Clerk-Trea- Isabel Wright again attended tion for the year 1972. Thisifor their category in the recent Ni'ont-humiberland deployed to mal êurer Mrs., Jean MreCullough counicil, referrîng hack to their was carried. jKiwanîs Music Festival,, even thougli some of the stuj- read the minutes of the lait pnevous meeting and their ne- Thnough Con,1scecîsion,1 regular imeeting and the SpeC nuest to bave the deemîng by- the Clerk was instructed to k end 2th, ýerties on Clarke and Baldwin for for Yves Lamaoresu of the w a te B s etal Tail Present at Council was Rob-!Streef s. They were advised by1Queen's Hofel. erf Walf on who ne uestedICounceil that they were n1owý A letter of resignation was ' ~i miore information neganding in the process of prepaning a received fnom Charles Aqi il- V ~ ~is ~l thec cost of havîng been advis-~ zoning by-law for the village, ina, ho has been serVing with ".," k ed to inistali l aklwpe and therefone if would nof bc the Newcastle Hecreafion Com ventor valve on bis poe yadvisable for the m o make mittee. This letter was receîv- '" ed with regret and a lette'- of -2 -appreciation for his services Show -ouaprecition is t0 bc sent. The accounts wene received ~' to MrOTILý-R and approved and a motion 0 NJmade f0 have thlem paid. -that person that lias h Councîlion Hoar presented - n~5~ su muci of hrseif s report of the Fine Depat Sgiven s uho esl ment wîth 11rs;. McCullough N to you in things she does, presentîng the repor-t from the buliginspctor, Th1ese were Give lier tlic approved. Council have agirced to as- suming the 12½/ per cent of - Q /1. the estimated coît of the $29,- i 0,0011for înstalling signal lhghts V at crossing 285.38 CNRKîg of ston Subdivision in the village lof Newcastle and 50 per cent (7~ of the maintenance cost of Vueaty ý950 annuaiiy. The Canada! Transport Commission is to belI a advîsed or this and the motion carnîed. The Cierk, while bieing ask- - IFT ~ cdawîte and advise the 'JEÉR 11 A CaadaTransport Commission f0 proceed with this project for anything lier heart desires, was aiso advîsed to notify the - from -Township of Clarke, advisîng fromthern of this, which wiii also serve residents of Clarke Twp., requesting consideration be * gi yen to shaning in the cosf - 3<~o U hIis projeet. X _The Cierk was instnîîcted o > write to Miss Cbowdry of the Planning Brancb concerning 7, î File No. 172-2271 , Iadvisîng ber that Counil wîli deal with ,J ibis application atÉ alater d4ate. -- ' 71 RING ST~~~ E., 0 B WMAN VILLEamoinrmConc- lors, if waq carniedthat Co)un-. The Newcastle Public Schiool Boys team placed Jeff Low,,ery, Pa: POE623-5019 cillons be paid 13 cents a mnile second in the recent WVýestern area championyshi1ps. Peter Chrisorgua wbile travelling on village Members of the winning teamn are Don Tilison, .R.alph Asn when th -businesand $2.50 per person l - -imaweth -Fý!Fre[lymn for lunch and $4,00 per penson Portsmtqn Jenki ' ,RdCselFe ihol rete n for dinner. Cn egardîng Counillors' .Annual AAf Pho62Caratio41hoe laewas5benaby-lawAPLE GROV readîngs and finally passed. Flo w er is- . A motion was 'carried f0 Sympathy -)f tfi comnmun- Mi7s; Lorna MJorton, Baseý getting their c 1-1IVSIN %S 'IWANýV1LLE ýhave one member of Counicil ity Is extended f0 the ne la-Une, accompanîed bher aunt shape for summer and one member of fthe Paan- tives of Mnýrs Seward T'yler, Mrs.Glane Alun,, Bowman Mn ,L.C.Sn * ning Commiftee be penmîtted nee Hockin, a formner nesi- ville vr iewekn to daugil er Mrs, J to attend thie Lake Ontario dent of Maple Grove for the Cha--mpaîgn, I11 Dr. and Mrs, of Oshawa visite Regional Developatent Council most of ber 1.1fe alsio tr. nRob1]ent Allun aiso accompani-Mns Grant Siater confeence to be beld May 31sf Carnet S osakid famiy, ed Ihem; they wene bringing their summfer r and June lit Iip Peterborough. Base Line, in the lois of wife home Mr. John Ai ho bas n The Clerk wh s instructpd f0 and mother, and to ail other beýen tbere for some f me. M rdM write a registened letter f0 relatives in their R s Mn Tom VanCamp, Base Bellevilie, Mr n a Leo De Mooy of Toronto St., Thle flowers In the chuncri1 Lire, left on Satuirday for mar Bleeks, Ot S uNDAY0% AY l4t insttucting him f0 inove hi s on Sun day were placed fbeÏo- Malfon Airpont wýhcre he tiok SatH Bnviown. garage from town proDenfy by by the Flintofi famîly infthe plane to Freepont, Baba- audyvstr Ye, e av aloel arageen o fow i Juite lStb on action would be mem&ry of their mofilen, Mns mas, for a week's vacation. that Mn, W. H.E BonngPlants- Dish Gardens taken. Delbert Flintoift. Mns. Hý R. Foley was alod me o A motion was maide to advise Infant Baptisin on Son-day. Sunday suppen guest of Mn. weekends. FO TECIILtNhie Brewens' Retail thgat Cour If h also Motber's Day ser- and Mrs, C. P, Swallow,Mn Roy Topl OUR SPECIAL FOR MOTHER cil are agreed to having a vice. Mn, and Mns. Bud Parsons, 1orogh, was a SF portable alumnium struicture Remeiben -Couîples Club lVaysville, Miel., grandionstowthbrpr Snall Basket witliE ilconstructed on the pnoperty meeting on Satundaly evening, Michael and Timmy Lon'gin. r ý,,t eR. a M lowned by Stanley Guida on May l3th, if! apeGnove, Flint, Mîcigant, we:_re recent Cuit Floweýr Arrangement II King Street East, fo be used when Rev. T. Sith, Nevc-as- visitons with tthe Jomn' ohong ancs an s a Brewens' Retaîl outiet for tle, wîil be guest spýeaker and sîster-i-1mw M. h ie nd ohnwenei Cash and a period -nof fo exceed two show pictures on bis trio te Gneenbam md ote eltve sprtw ere ______________ ary yeans. file West Coast. in Bowmanville. Mn andc wththi A motion was nmade fo ne- Mn. ad Mns. Ray ^oen Mns Bud Pansons amd Mn ustiMr.tndfIV queît Roger Treummer of Tot- were Sonday e-venîrg vstosChanci Gneenhamo wene W ed- ent, Misandt M UM PLANTS' frorn C en, Simi and Hubieki fo meet with Mn. and lMns. S. S. Mon- nesday ofhlait week s-upp)er Oshawa, was Sur witil Council atfi earliest ton.' guests it the- lafter's dau- ges ihFe GER ANIUMS 9c convenierce. Miss BraaWright of gilter and ilusband, Mn. ardgufwihFe The meeting ajund Guelphl University, Guelpil, Mrs. Robert Wardell. manville was a iE ROSES - CARNATIONS ALL KIN'ýDS spent file weekend at home Mns. Roy VanCamp and guest. 0F CUl FLOWRS GE CASETODAY witi ber parents, Mn, end son-in-law Mn. Neil Brownell, MisAga GREEN TR-.OPIICAL4 HOUSE PLANTS THROUGH Mns, Fred Wright, Baril bas Base Line, -are spending tuis Friday nigbf wlth nef urned to wonk on ber weck at their cottages at Miss Monica P IN 50DFFRN VARIETIES S'A T E SMA N summen semesten. Mîrik Lake wilere they are and Mn., Wayne Corme and look aro3und - lots of parking CLASSEMS s on Timofily acos rmoutr store, Phone 623-333 -* -Igh sppr u I Jhran wf came from lower grades an-rd were ake up a sufficient numben of singers. ýce R unners7up lul Sage nnd Graydocrn Moore. Teachen, .is and Jim Bc.a coachcd flic te-rn. -e pîcture was taken, wcre playens, EdI Steve Whytec,- î Kelth, Biekeli, Napanc, Mn. and Mn, Lloyd Flintfof, Osl-ý awm, wene weekend callers oný their prntMn.ar'dM. cottages ,in- er occupancy., cowden and1 forn Huband td Mn. and ýr mnd son at residencc at Barry Bîceki, id Mns, Dl-ý )ttmwa, wene! ýswti MnF. ;lad to report Brown hil .- ýw over the pîing. fr Safunday viii- ents, Mn. and Stevens, Mn. d sons Glenni sippen gueits. Jm Topping, e ovennigbf ir grandpar- MIn, Fred R. Susan Laird, nday supper and Connie auglinBow- recent dînner Pckard spent th her cousin Pickard Mn. Pîckand iaid cere Sunday lVlrs.uany ±cRar anc ccugnj nn-, ~ IN~III ers. Mn. and Mns. Ted Whîte """u and famiy Wcre Sundmy sup per guesti witillber sister an.d r-. W omrà-ee n S nstitutes husband and family, M n Mrs. Launie Stapleton and HAMPTON Wfl, Mî,,- Chances Downey, District fammly, Ajax. .. Our [~~Convenor of the Tweedsmuir a. ndMn RoiAn OrMay meeting operied byH fnBook. If is a very iu- Miss Gladys and Master Cal _ig tfie Ilistitte Ode ald tenesfîng book and Mns. Dow- vin Allun, Newcastle, vere, repeating file Mary Stewart 0 i spending a lot of tinte Sonday supper gocîf. withl Colleet in unîson, Mis. Grace nd wonk on if. The book was bier parents, Mn, and Mrr H Chant, raît president, presîd- putf ouf for ail the ladies to G. Freemnan. ed. The -Boll Calii "Bningav-pr1 atr, the nîretîg. Mr s. MissReatnice MacLean riben iat em fspoe folot cest' Caverley filer led in a Sîng mothen Mn . MacLean, Osb- wibmn-Song of Old Songi accompan- mwa, and Mns Edna Laird bers binging a vmiety ofin- îed on file piano by Mns. were Sunday affernoon cal- Deiiverîrg a constant tenesting items, wilich wcne Bragg. ens at Mn. and Mns. S. S. Mon- dpnal n aeyt o ut on dîîplay for ail tris e n hn lse lcme7ton's. The foiîic ,for our dros rouy nd îl-k affer file meeting. If wa.; mový- . ed, sconrd aînd pasedtht 71 y ea ingu in repemîing U.C.W. meeting on Tborsýday1 n we ~ ~ ~ C caryo wt oinicîn fleLrd rae1inin eveniîig, May l'thl, at 8 pi. Andbecause electriciiy pro at ~3 pm.Mn. Cavenley e A social t1ime followed withI n tic CE. Hallh"isonmn evices so dependa port cd that file District 4Annual il ladies cxamining file rEucto'peadiy horneowners can take it fo 1was now tri lc ilcld atifile Txeedsrnuir History andfile MVis MacLear. Ebencrer lad-- And yet, in many hor Commnimiy Centre, Blmckstocký Roll Cli articles. Thle ladies 'ces are Jnvited te meet witilyrsadîequI'ofe instemd of aif Nestîcton as pie- fteSuhGopsre l s er lteqaiyo e deided tpae ary Ii asP1,fasliioned cookies and tea. Mrn. d MNI. Fred Wright severcly restricied-simply vîously inlarnrdyIton s Thc Jure meetinîg iîî t were mmong file Wright gntil the wiring Îs outdated andi 1oletih fil i of a Pot Luck Lunch- ering on Stundmy evening at pennies for file Pennies Foi ecigcnmk Fniendship, con ciChorgPark, witil a bis brother's, Mn. and M.Rwiiicn iky vist t îl Glde Plugi H ret Wnighf, Wvrly difference: In convenience, Mii, Cvenlc 11crtock Lodgein file altenoon. TIc Bd, Bowmmnville, fhe occa- providing ample outlets ani chrgof file meeting fonrfile ladies are askcd i meet ifii beg fo celebrate ilrec wlere you wantfthem, In; South i Croup - Citizelislip and thc Christian Edlucafion Buîld- bntdmsof fhmt fImmly, 1Wold Affains and nead nus a ing st 10Iml June 6th, rmei MIs-s Marguerite by bringînigfll power to y poem "Old finm ie Sunday ._________ Wrigi, Stoney Creek, B atý Singi". Mn. Helen Wite ilmd Tresis, Oshlawa, Mn. Fred file Motto and rend a pocmi, When Iollowing a truck on Wigit, Congratulations te alI lt "Hampton - 94 years mgo". other large veilicle wiicil ob-Mn,. m1d Mms, Cordon Tan-r Mn. Bïragg_, Bowvmanvllc, filer structs your vision, fileOt're, Newcastle, wene Satur- p patdt--olody cf Oid Tîme ario Mofor League- suggeîtslday e, venîng vl4îtors at hi,,A So)ngi w -:h ,ýe li enjoyed. filat yen slow down and dosse~,M dM 'We vere tler sio'an file Dur- ilack. If file veicle ailead Brook,- and on Robent. I limm West Voinen's lnstitute rrevents yon froni clearly sec-i Mr. and Mn . Mel Shïels,j Tweedsmuir IIistory 4ool y .gonoug rfic -ewMarloet, M, and Mrss iînner ai Northumberland Kiwanis Festival The Council of the 'Municipality of the Township of Clarke hereby gives notice that it intends to pss a By-Law to close or stop-up thec Rond Allowances in the. Township of Clarke, in the county of Durham, following, that is to say: 1. The unopened rond allowance between Lots 10 and il in the Sixth Concession of the Town- slip of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from the southerly limit of the said Sixth Concession to the northerly limit thereof. 2. The unopened road allowance between Locts 30 and 31 in the Ninth Concession of tho Township of Clarke, Cotinty of Durham, ex- tending from the southcrly limit of the said Ninth Concession to thec northerly limit there- of. 3. That portion of the Road Allowvance between Con cession 7 and 8, in the Township of Clarke, County of Durhamn fromn the westerly limait of Lot 35, Concession 7 casterly for a distance of Four Hundred and Thîrteen f eet (41%') -ore or less on the northerly limit of Lot 35, Concession 7 and a distance of Three Hund- red and Seventy-seven and Nineteen one- hundredths feet (077J19') trom the westerly limit of Lot 35, Concession 8 on the southerly lirait of the said Lot 35, Concession 8. 4. That portion of the allowance for road be- tween Lots 16 and 17, Concession 8, Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, more particularly described as follows: Commencingr at a point in the said allow- ance for rond distant northerly Two Thousand, One Hundred and Fifty feet (2,150') more or le3s from the north limit of the road allowance be- tween Concession 7 and 8 thence northerly to tlie South limit of -allowance for road between Coni- cession 8 and 9. The unopened rond aIIoNatice between Lot 18 and 19 in the Eighth Concession of the Township of Clarke, County cf Durham, extending from. the southerly Jimit of the said Eighth Concession to the northerly limit thercof. The said <description to be subjcct to the approval for deeding Registrar of Deeds before incorporation' in the enahuing by -Iaw. AND TAKE NOTICE that any interested party desiring to niake claini or to oppose tlic ;aid B.y- Law will be heard in person or hy prox y at the meeting of the said' Councîl to bc bhel in the Toewnship -Hall a( Orono, Ont, on the r6th. day of June, 1972, a the hour of 10:00 o'1clckin thbe niorning. Dated this Sth. day of Mlay 1972. B. W., Colins, A.M.C.T. Clerk-Adnîinistrator of the lMunxiicipality. iflow of power, tais your ,sponsibility. aovides so Jbly, most fr granted. nes over te-n rvice is , because d nade-quate. iworld of e, by id swîtches pe-rformance, jour appliances so that they canoaperate ai peak efficie-ny. In safet]4 by eliminatng the hazards of an over. burde-ne-d wiring system. Good reasons for giving top priority to your home wining when you consider makng improve-menis. To find oui wlat rewiring can do for your home, cali a qualified EIecirical Modernization coniractor And ask hîm about tle Hydro Finance Plan-an easy way ta fit the work inia your budget. k Arthur Matitn Martin Rd W., Mrg. Hqank Gro'wen hq§re Bowmanville. turned home after sDending Mr, and Mns. Gary Pettit, three week's with her parents, daughters Jennifer and Joan- brothers and sisters in Hol- an, Maple Grove. his mother land, after 18 years' absence. Mrs, Harry Pettit, Oshawa, Congratulations to Prlmarv were weekend visitors with Choir of MapleGrove West the former's sister, Mrs. Bar- Sehool on winnîng first place bara Brockman, Chesley, els-r) at the Kiwanis Festival held the former's nephew Paul1 in St. Andrew's Church, Osh- Brockman, Port Elgin. Theyl awn, on Friday, winninig 84 are also daughter and grand- point.s ini the arn., 86 in the son of M".. il Pettit.pm T he0 Cou ncil oth unpaity of the Townsh"I of Clarke ý - - l M" Il- md,ý- 1 il up ton,