iReportsfo IWomen's Institutes Bowma"ýýlýnvflle Womn I d eses, uts andi pant ' s'tiht ýt met onMav -1 1in t-evere Fa fine example of their Salvaion Amy 1411 Wih a wrk VMn. Bragg aemsi goo atendnceof oemerscdat the piano truhu also ive i~ltrs he met- hishw. Mrs. Blair thecn lng as penel b sigingspo ô o the motto, "Hýow ad(- "OCnaa, h isiut devrtsn influences the homne and epetingtheMarySte buyr."She said there is ,so artColeet Te mnuts much adrvertising cornes to the lastmeeting ere rea odor, on radio and tele- ari aproed:th trasuer viio thsedays, that we staesent nd orrspodenc ldVeto deUîide wh1at wTe each read ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'ý On etnwa ocr- ed.n othing isa bargain porI, - a iso o n ri theboy Mrs. Blair introduced Mrs.j hm lf Minutes o, f tPi- Lca ho spoke to us on ecutie meeing hel t r difr ncel materials and Munays asread alnd one had-a gondinumber of samples recommndatio was o o sow and explain what ta on. ue oil aliwas nswr- ook for. She said first of al e'd with Wyw sol u raesure your pattern and Canaian goods- " then the mnatenial are going to be clleo-n was takený. ;appy- together, and gave us~ Mrs1, Mu11d,,,ayasked Mrs. a number of helpful ideas ini flone t gvehrrepoicrt on sewiiig. thp75t Anivr.srydiner Mrs. Blair thank1ed Mrs. of th[ fudigofWrnns Lucas for coming ta speak to Tnsttute sh hadattededus and invited' ber along with etf the Ryl okilFeru-ur other visitors to stay a-id are She ai o 1600 m bers efjoy a treatd of strawberryý stdown b the cinnier at shorteake andc a cup of tea, in 12:30 p.m and 200were un- honor of-several irthd1a., n ,oget ickets Head tabl,, The meeting closed with God gussincrluýdd Mrs. Olive Save the Queen, then social FaquaronPr si de n t of convenons Mrs. Wood ano Aý CWW, firoi Engl,,and, and Mrs. Blair and Mrs, Blair's wax ges speakeIr. She liken- groupserved. edý th oudng Women's -___ glw~173 Plaie:;s tiCal 1,1 ,.l ah roun the ry g ienlca o theErlad te In 1973, Ontario -will join Hoeta. The following ihe fne rother provinces, in wèaI sevral f ou inoberscanr rng mesage on its ofMr. aruhrsnwh r e The plates, which are now Mre Wsemenhelpe wihplineept for a crown, will the~~~~~ a~vn fget.nxt ya carry the slogan, "Ontario -Keep It Beautiful". Mrs Bair. onve o' o Provincial Envirornment Min- FanllyandCosumr AfaraistrJ. A. C. Auldi, who an- toc chrgefortheprorainounced the change in the and esedth ldis holýeislature iast week, seid1 tookthe ewig corse o tat the slogan "will servei dèmnsrat teiraconîhil'-asa reminder that a dlean. nta ý Mnr. P Munday gave a nruent is an individuali cimat r oneachi, alndfi csponnsibility". FORMOTER OId-fashkioed caies made wiih sment dairy creamr an lre iýsh country butter. De1Itous. HoId Graduation r.ýnner for Nur-ses Assistants . .. .. ... « hnadnerhnrn heimtutr o.[eeure lmsi Bwmmle D usa .asar:J MisT" Tý j . . . Apr t rl 26, ateemun,ýial Park sistc, an thivos:G routhS',ra, S. 1Caîoun, J. LRoussou,,1 :sn and Admissionis Oficer al, ville; Mrs. Olive Conbbau, own- Browni , A.Terry, J. Tomli i-C rA. MeLean and NK. JDehoo the Maupowor Diison ! r of the Marmwood Nursing son, S. lHaîck, D). Ca(yS.Coitrauats r teedes :DuInaiCollege, MrWS. A os-Home, Bowmnauvjileand Fred ueanM.Lne .BuddysssoÇr:H omD nven, owner of The Lodg, Beauçage, owýner o! both- Beau J. Landrýy, A. Kooy, r.Hmi-RteDDatr,.Sew BarnyD. Cono, D . avs HaeV. Spry, 11. ansns V N EBTNtV1,LL B. ýWnighitanGoo- boomr. 4 ~ ~ lt.. Bowmanvlllo, ~~~for pa few da IYsM alaeBubn MadMs u edn ~~ ~. ~ lest week. Mn, ia-d Mrs Fe Rnýr no!fPort Hope eeSn - -Ms.WinfndElliott \Vîi5 sou an)d Carol,MnI. an-d Mns. daépponLlu)scsr L ith Mn a eotdinurer gue, t in Pet-I Trueman Heu-ders-on aud Mns.J nd( Mn's. Trueman Hefnlprso erboroiugh.,\7i'tih Mn. and Mrs. Mary Wade andi( Grant were arn eily. Ken C.sieol Port Hope. gueSt tS theHedso-a- Lclppeateinti Mi .Milligan, Mns, M. derveer wdiuSatu1ayidrc1ow' pci)Veri Wed(e, DMnz F. Hieuderson and atenonoi heMraah - I Mns.C. M1ý. Jones atenidod a hisi Refnm ed ,Crh, 1 r op JitdCuc, Easreru Star me tin tLinld- adMrsWlce Buiho 1'l ire wevro 14 tbesip L-_yîVisitons ith1- Mn. ýand MrAtnthesric ptlu et 0the cadiparty in Cori-1 F. Glir Satu a etoro dinneàs ejyde mun LPty IRil, FYriday eoinig,iwere Mns. A Grahai, and Momonlal Tmleda hlhwsther final onue of Mrs. G. Kimbali o! Newcastle, item worth mninn i ,,~ . .,, - - - is .season. oliowing i15tho and in theeeig M.ador opinion, wt lea ý, t -tha llst o! winniers: High lady, Mrs. Jin Gilmnen, Je!! and the men washect llh te dishes moune Mer-cen; iow lady, Mrs. Lynue, o! Port Hope, aften the meal1. Mohe'saCanDsîjes rmGeorge Saleo;high man,I Mr. and Mus. T. Henderson, Mis Alle Nsit 1a Alack Moffatt; 10w man, Bill Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown su dîneAllist n Sunday wIt Moley; 50-50 draw, teonard Mn. and Mrs. t. Clysdale were Mn. adMs e Reid, Oron, Adc ees . auong those etteuding the Suppe gutswit Mr Miss Chery2l risb o! On- 25bh Weddîng Annivensayay Wade and rant o ono .pont Fnid.ay night boere ceebration for Mn. and Mrs. Sundy ee rs1. ale xvthho randotr Ms.Stan Brown, Oshawa, ou Set- an ýMns.Mr.. PwlKet oaroes. urday evening. and 1Mani-Loe Orono. 'Saturday visitons with Mus. "God Accepts Uis As We Sua iitn ihMrs. Agesuley werie Mnr. and Are" was our miuiste's Sun- Iva Farwiiuded Mn, an Mrs. Earl r1McEweu o! Peter- day morniîîg topic, and tho Mrs. Carl Farrow o! Downs- REXALI DRLJGS anoghsd IMn. erdMrs. Sid choir sang "Leauing on the viow, Doutons David sud Jean Bulyo! Scarhnough. Everlasting Anis."ByrSsnedPuhfDn K1N~~ ST, E BOWM1ANVIL rA ouhuo otNext ;Suniday, "Moiher's \Milîs. _______ op vsic fiedsl te ay"wil ls e dy f Four local bytoro theu ibiug Ronnie Hontdenson eud ciKen Pa!gehd hiirst cauIP-out o! the seasoi, dowu on the Ltakeshon a, near Kibà',FndyadSatun- day unights. IRemiber the Paplr Driv Saturday morning, l\a13th I avepers lu bundies, ai & ,J afli te curb, if possible. Pop bôt- VANBELEVAN BElLE tles e lso willl be picked p The 6th Anuiversany ut THURS AY, RIDA , SAT RDAY _Mý i Newt,'onville Wome's Insti- THURDAY>FRIDY> STURD Y M y1112 3 jtb wiîî be celebnated in A, qj 1Uuited Church hall, cu ilromn Our G-ardeni Centre mencing et 6:30 p.m., Friday,! Mfay l2th). Mother's Day Gift Mother's Day Gift MAo tkhe r's Day Cift StPuIsGT London plane Little Leaf Redi A very dLinden HawthornHot jest igrowiugshiad aturel bauy oi Billiant double sed Parents s.tre ovlyfor shýade aygrdn Easy t .flow ers. Stundy dwarf nWdedyenngS Balled, Ready t Plant ~ . Derk gnee foliageled. row. M osPlndt nnpîet e hi ls - 1 fe~. 10,5 Bllo, eý ayfleu Blld'Rad o letident ~l~Joan Saimeiis eud 's ,9 L)f or at ot aiB oumie W oodward geted de, 2 for $19.95 $995 - 2- for- $18.95 99 2fr$8,5 Iprents et, the doon. RhionJda Stoliker and Kathy Samlelîs () f I~~II f\ innP a lower bu the mot-- trbr ns ad Brenda Prout andý III XTJ1~>.'(~Teny Frthgave evonyone, FromOurFloei- hopThetables ilu the diui ll ROSES ted loomingSIlooked lovely decorated lu * POTTD MUMSROSES YDRANGAS Iu Iprandwhite sud cnte *AZALEAS* RIEGER BEGONIA* CUT FLOWERS 'w ýiteiw mumnsa sd sy MEET HE E PERTThe Rev H. A. Turer saijd MEU T E E PE TS grace aud'ail enjoyed a "pot lucik" dînner prepared by the JimMichllmothers, with Mrs. Lyle Me- An epertou lwns Jjmwil4Peron M n charge o! the kit- jfl0-[chen. Ail xper on vil In ers,,IlFollowiu)g the dinuen the be hereMa 13. leaýders were introduceed and NOted TV and Radio Per-5onality ých irin- î,roduced fhhenpar Gar Nihosoniabrie! outHiineo! the acivities Garyis wth he RncoCo.,E Eduniug the yeer. an ilbe a'ble to)hl(pyu The Graduation Servijce was Jo hneannul pîutingÏ MMI I conducted by the leadersld2rs. pnoblms. Gr - wlI beFrank, Mrs. G. Lvngeand aaabeMy1.John wiII be here Saturday afternoon, May 13, at jur shop, Miss H. Moore. jilli-COlville and Lynda Graham graduated an were presented witii grad- the girls. JoUte Bardons £16 Bonnie Woodward pneseUtcdU dnation f0 the Rev. Turnerl for- the Mission and Servicel 3 MIL ES WEÎ,STr ON No, 2 1HIG HWAyFnd iind prayer, B LACKSTOGK Ih aainSaemn omnilmay 1 ,197 5~ On Satray vPn înriM n r ndMrsu, Výennoil-) Asai 1 -,moved f r")Itthéic f a rm at1 aodMr, Bb ryni ad MVine endfamiynYeive to oMr A il d M and NMrs. Brion .S t ailand 'Mn. and n. W, DlFer uP ,iî e aapar t i.e= n ten ded the Sn~ iu saa eeFia t hl hi e iuei ep Bowling League Banquet et rernoon calions, Mn, and rsl ultat, NcstJ--Iii-. Wa hûp Caosarea Hall. Bruce Montgomîery, Hamipton, you will enJoy, your stï1y Al. ndMr. obBrni were Friday evening clls ius. n. and M wreS. Bb Byns cf their aunt, Mrs. J. A. Johnr- Wne tteW 7cr adfiyeeSnay u- ston. Mn. and Ms . P partyonWendyeelg per guests of Mr. and Mrs, Fallis, Mn. and Mns. Don Hem ý- wr':Lde'hg,3s 1Alljen Thonipson and fanilyliilton, Todd and Tiir, Ok culu seconld, Dr~tî of MVaple Grove. ville, were Su1nday ýguests fz Mc r imen's 1hi21-1 Rus- Most of oun local uierMs.Jhnston andil MnI . jn s, i monrseon,"Us sity students are at the-r re- Mrs. Stuan't DrolanWa-Sellg uky deMy1 spctive homnes for the suri- ily, Mrs. Fallis enjoyed hon Alsop. Nexýt W. 17ce. ,Ard pan mrvacation. News of si visit wlth berj sisten Mrs. will ho e nedyMa t. mner plans will be wclcomed Johnsto.n. Mn In rs. 811 MaIff byý y our correspondent who isiM.nd rsWaacMe ptSudywhbsbu. alwýays interesed in our young luw, Mn. and rs.Ha'rry Va-h0.Mn Ni-r BobMa. peopl's ativiies.Camp visited with Mn. andhafanDvdettMay'. Mrs. Charles 'Smith along XMrs. Wilson Heaslip ln thI-cr M.adMs ýlr wî,ýth hen sîsten -law?% Mrs. B. new home in indsay on ,,Sun1-:Ensiln earcntsm Hoo(,,ey uf Peterboro-ugh are day, e get o! MsCoutrtnFey flying to Cbampaign. Illînols, SympatIhy is xedo oj rbi Where they will spenî a vwek Mn. and MY !3rs -, Bob ,flecr 1-I visiting another sistr-in-law, and fall n the ýýpassing ofr M.L. E. A. Hooey.jîîsmohrMs Fece n GET CS O.A B.C. wePro Sundaýýy get fsdl~snBruce who Ihave ItFun - It's New - It's Exciing $0oIN PRIZEIS FOUR - ~.0GAMES $00 INMMPIE EVER MON A AT630 P*M ON CABLE T GAM UNo. i1 ý- '$IGO( Mrs.M. Sith,.374Wilsn R. N. B)w ma t3vill MaS, AvnMi, 17q obru Cards for next WeIa wiill bs PUP 4 rf4 4 Card onSal Tr. -G S SîIe a 2ALE T'V OFCE 26 WING T. WES -la eDONLY AREY 71 ING ST. EA'ST ýR-YSON'S SOESHOP -31, RING STý ,, WEST JEFRE'SSUPERETTE- 9LBETYST, SOUTRM NORTH-END MARKE' 101 LI5RYST. N FOR THE PAST T HRE E YEARS 4MORE PEOPLE- R EAUZED YOU CAN "CONT N COUNTY" <l- -'.* WE WOULDLI1KETO i ~ THANK EVERYINE FOR THEIR PAST LOYALTY AND- PATRONAGE. FOR WE INVITE YOU TO COME IN Th1URSDAY FRIDAY or SATURDAY AND HELP US CELEBRATE Ourp3rd Aniniversary -uFriday 'i Free Hof Dgs and Cof fee A LL DA&Y SA T U RDVAY-VU-NITIL 5 p~m (Chiliren must beacmpnd by aln a d U! flff 111 i p' NM DODGE LTD. 219 KING STIREET EAST .CHRYSLER - DODGE -QDDGE- TRUCKS 623-2586