Births leeto n Memoriam Coming Events, Comîng Events Atce o aeG aate Livestock For Sale W ne ýD,ýMS.BradIey and Kevin Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham CRUICKSHANK - ln loving Kendal W.1. Penny Sale, -Haydon Club 21 is holding1 STRAWBERRY Plants, Red Muf fiers for'Sale ANGUS bull, two years oîd. DEAL d Crped ar ýre- hýappy to announce the will be at home to their rela- memory, of a dear son and Kendal Public School, May 13, a bazaar, May 17 at 8 p.m. at Coat. Phone 263-2578. l7-3*.-- - -- Phone 786-2512. 19-1, stock., agiiFu aui rAf1F :arrival of their brother tives and friends on the oc- brother, Adam Cruickshank 8 Admission 25c. Lunch the Community Centre. Home ____ REGNN ýtr cott,-7 lbs. 15/2ozs., casion of their Fiftieth Wed- who passed away May 10, served. 19-1 bakîng, dry goods, touch andSCENDtsi.Pcku AT THE ýSEVEN Hereford - Holstein 263-2721Lcee36C72 if -Memorial Hospital on- April ding Anniversary, May 13, 2-4 1970., ak uch2cIA ecome or delivered. Phone 623-3412.Ites4050lb.2320,5t -A~~2 Proud parents are and 7-9 p m. at the home onW hn fhml iece, Lac nSiaHalFr1-16-OS V anLiane (néee Hall- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duff, R.R. His name we oft' recaîl, day night, May 12 at- 8.30 to ______ ___ SD and hnst r ,Baktc.Peae etTeei ohn ett the records of Metro Souud. 'Maple Grove West Home WATER for sale and deliver- MUFFLER SHQP REGISTERED Polled Short- _WneoRn rnthrnistor. 2, Blastocky. 18esebestThe er ohngl oAdmission $1. 19-1 andi School Association will ed, CalCliff Pethick 623-2313 hr uisriebeae AT mWfrterýeýeandte on ty onny.th82 nswer--be havinga umage and 9-t SECINW. Slater, Orono 983-5690. WeeyLn,7834Osa ~~~~~audy Ma hi aeadatnr u î itr ntewh.OdTm aeyrone bake Hsale at.St.John's Angl1- STUDEBAKER Service, 2-ffoneRE xastSse hr uls eviebe a. SUEfr1 efr.C -~~ 19-1 Cards of Thanks ---Lovingly rêmembered by!Hl audy a 3h a Hall, BokavllSau- aWue at.Grhm 91 a 19-1 wîh othnkD. u- mom, sisters Heather, Kim and Musiîc hy the Country Swig a al,13 wa 10 , a.m. 1-arae -4623-23 'Bnst.VetPINTO pony, quiet disposition,- We brotheDrs Kevin, Nndil.l19-1 ors. $ 1.25 -per person. 19-1 Grg.146-6-,3,19-tf OSHIAWA, just East of saddle, bridle, etc. Reason- T ersVatc4 ~.Marriages thénhuse,a.staffo uari- alERGUS ON-In loviog me- The U.C.W. of Trinity Unit- Come te St. John's Angli- OI'E Trumpet self-propclled OCario 576-8111 725-8320. 19e. Pone-1 ierciduti cp-, cal Floor. Special thanks te mory of a dear husband andud anulryhaeain hi can Church Suppor, Black- orchard6-prune25,8,3ke.n1w; 1Nonville1 , r nased terandl the John Fouk and father, WltrN.Frgsn lFshaRoo, aythe stock, Saturday, May 13. Serv- 63267c1-iras Sae fodbulawoyar d e-prormFuel Oil, September E, an r,.r nedoTiru, té.pand leMrs. sent me W altr . ed ay s 3n, Sunday Sho o a 12 ing from 5:30 p.m. Aduits 4,000 one bushel apple boxes. fONE purebred Polled Here- E.D.S.T.,FiaMy2,l7 peophe who IonMa 13hfrom_ 2-4p.18-; $L5, children, 12 and under Phoneo2-67. -ý1 asfformacd tse. eehoe172 eJue3, 93hetu aip.une hefothouin crd drîg y ta i M- 96. _ _75c and pre-schoolers free. HEALTHY Red Coat straw- §ACRIFICE, 1971,'Ski-doo, 263-2160. of tbeae o thr nlydaug-a mrg a Hopitl.ihauk aginphihtalt.etTnahykuffr- ancnPntyholhhamor 9-1bery plnts Klas eitma,340 .N..aPono623411oobtrne frm te ofic 0f jerMarly Nacy teMr Vene Stce. 14* îng0fCommerce Hall, Saturday. - second place north of Acres -91"CHIC Wstrnan Estr ,Daid Alexander Rutherford, When ne 'hand could give May 13th. Dancing 9-1. Music With every "Car Wash"Retarat.Phne26-254CHOIerefrdstern and EistersnM . aLO -o a ndAm erig he ae t18-2 1960 FORD Falcon, working 450-600 lbs. SaeeeySt 1uins diitao Oron. Te -ed-would like te express theïr God the Hlper of the helpless $300per Couplc, 19-1 Champlain. Service Station, cniin aeeeySt u d'r*ihtake place Saturday, thanks te ail their many reha- Saw thy pain and gave thee A meeting te arrange the aere S., Saturday, May, BULBS: Dahlia, 5 for $1; 623d1t-5649,Guod tires. Cal rday. George A. McGowan, nTraue w ie n ' f i n s f r t é a e g f r L o s C u e t h O3 , g ha n gil e d le r"âmsn r e y st c . P o n 6 19KE e tr 2 - o or 7 8 -,2 o213 H e ref r d b ul , h u P O o 7 rono .United Church, Orono. many cards and gîfts and tei-Sadhy'mîssed by the famiily ingS wtfer hane n ther om nrenetokxton twe îearsr 254Heeor bI 1 out ai- h epd omk h 19-1 .- 987-4430, G. HtmikREhadoulporequipment months old, 12 Hereford steers. D'ArySreet 19-1ahix~h hepedte iak thir 94*will ho held at tho Lieons 2, Newcastle. 1-4 tharcntoug.6327.Qaty0faldhynd CBRGONAO CentreremontThursday, May 1 8wihar odMONSTE2-27,Ruatt o aedhyan o .. Twkenty-fifth Wedding Anni-M NSE - Cn e d ±.4dýT' NEW and1 Used Parts ferh91'tawasoebgsedp-Iî- Enaversary such a very happyFIRTH- lu Ioving mmory at 7 p.m. Groups intereste ai mke 0 WahesDr or ttos hoo2627.1- __ MadMs Gog E.and mémorable occasion. of adgmother and grand- iu catering sheuîd plan te THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m. aigeod runuing condiyestio, OL e _ heo2r6s-2Bu75 ---nsruc9on 24r, ad Mrs Geore E. dearand Ranges. Paddy's Appli-'1964 FORD Comet V8, 2-door, -___ Selersarehappy te, announce m91iother, Margaret, whe pass- have représentatives présent. Sponsored by auce Pàrts Ltd., Hampo.iigo unn odtopLE eeod ui _ýengagement off th e ir ed away May 12, 1967 ____ 17-3 Oshawa Miner Softball Phn 6-21 po.$275. Hampton 263-2075., uhfo nTs iehe augtrJudy Lyrne, te Mr. W/e would ike te thank our Js o eoyuwl BOB ADAMS' JUBILEE PAVILlON [OFTadSmhct p 19-h 1Ileifers. Durham Farms, Con- WANTTOLANODRV n ieer Fuhre, son of Mr. manv friends, relatives and always hoAp - Treasured ferever in our RIVER BOYS -O SH AW A 30-tf pliances, Hoover Products. -61, FORD 2-dr., 6atmicessio 8, Clarke Township, TRACOlRIES _____________ h nihbrsfr hirkndes emr. I Wcst of 115. Phono 983-5191. NOW yucntanrgthr v-7 edaîngwiltake place on shown te us 'in our recent ac- -Awy rmmoedapaînptN aroslcto1fne hoei s $mte, ed ube, s18-6 in Canaaadhmpi hl 'S4uda M rs.Kah uhe.Th, 92 e nt.oSpéforltheirkinss mr.' Awysmeory. A w pel knnloal gouprsing Home suites.Paddy's -Market, Ham-p- i 125 or best off er. Phono oig e.Fo ppictin ~auray Jn lth 172 idnt Seca tans eD aughter Winnio, and grand- ton. 'Phone 263-2241. 18-tf 63747. 19-1* l tri xxr.iS 4:3 um. at, Trrinity United Miklos, Dr. Spear and the daughter Peggy. 19-1 The Elmhurst Hotel ACCOMMODATION available 1 Help vvc(rteu interview rt:Sft o Chinich, Collingwood. 19-1 nurses of the Fîrst Floor durý- -fru rbdptet.Ras- SWIVEL rockers,- armchairsl1967 CHRYSLER Simca, h- partmet=rn 3, 4t, ad Mrs. Stewart Mer- ital. FadRT mteHadgan-1- Hayon Nursing Home, Noev- lrge table, space saver, chles- lent condition. Foui- door,, 1786-2512,._19-1 207 QuiesQa /sTrn 1-isoneof Sonya, wish te an- Gary and Vîcki Thortell. la d Margmtraretwhorassd E19-1ER cste Poo 8-44.19t erf[d suite 229. for 189., crih foui- gear, four cylinder, $450. TWO youlig mon for Saturdayte17Onaiorcl-4- rpxcethe engagement of 19Z L 12, 1967. - mattresses, continental beds, Poo9398.17-3* gai-don work. Phono 623-7524. i86 4 937i16 ____ away May 12,dc1967.Pet Sealy mattressos. Murphys titeir ,d1aughiter Elva Jane lHer memery is as dear today, The ida Pt Furniture, Phono 623-3781. For Rent -- 19-1 Noie lvi Vernte Carence The fmlyo helt Ms A nthe hurshe 'a---s- -19-h 1 _____ OO eurdfrSnst-______ nvry o f Mrs. Verna John Johnston wîsh to ex- a ay. - Queen'sHtl k -TÉ S __ee__g -dho-e CO eurd oýSne very, FR. 6, Lindsay, and press sîncere thanks and ap- -Lovinghy renemfbered by NEW'CASTLE Phono 623-5302. 19-1* -- PRMNaut ny og usn oe hn ~hlate Carence Avery. ereciation te relatives, frîeuds son Jîm, daughter-in--law Jean DANCING FROM 9-1 FREE kittens given away te N E E D A. 623-2293. 19-1 623-5813. 19-1 Office i1SWlîgtnSre) %ffaete) take place at and neîghbors for cards. floral Iand grandchîldren Deug and ri ~ a >1kinïd homes. Phono Verity SUMP PUMP? HOUSE, available June 1, THREE ladies required as e.Buwlhounfie Andews rebyerantrîhutes and donations te the Terry ±L. ~JSlvester 623-7305. 19-1 623-5170. i- sales ladies. Phono 623-32 12, Monday)fenos uîgti 01r-,1onaonSaturday, Ontari o Heart and Cancer 11 OO hmrry. - ugen-- - - ' y 19-1LorCoar. 9- hoesnederuget-IOUSE frreot, lu Newton ie 'Ma- 0at3pm. 191 Funds and'many othor aets of JONES-iTn ioving'roonuor'! of WOODVIEW Iv for eight kittens. See REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES ville. Phono 786-2512. 19-1 ADY tepakgsat-ie-- kundnoss shown us during the Ernest Jones who diod May 9, COMMIJNITY CENTRE Andrea Anfossi, 156 Church un mo)dem poutry barn. Téle- Dr.AgsM.BarDDS, suddon los of a der wîfo, 169. St inthe mornings. 19-1 H RE ATE ROOMS and cottages. Vory phono 623-2269. __ 19-h1a oue onrlPatc DetsJh-mother and grandmoethor. Ris dear ýb'-ght eyos and MONSTER BINGO st"'y- ORONO 983-5206 reasonable. Phono Pentypeol EXPERIENCED hirreso, 26F 1 k CAN~,LS, ow-Spécial thanks te Rev. Harold cbeerful facertcfoSle (Zenith 14620) 277-2281. 19-1 ful r arrtme eeon Ofiehus 0am e10p1 At oiJa HoTspia,' May Trn Unit 4, St. Pauls Are peasant te recali, b NEXT MONDAYArilsfrS e 14-tffulopatim.TéhneOic1 -12 -illeon CurchnomenwMr.Ho had a lovîng word fer each,I 7:45 p.rn. '69 13' HORSE Trailer. Cî CAMPER trailer, by week or 623-5455. 13-tf includingStra' hn 197, iliamAnresOf Bill James, Dr. H. B. Rundhe -Adde uoe ~ i ise omnity Centre,623-5310. 19- SAVINGS we-n.Sep r5- TOBACCO plant pullerswant- 6338. __ __1t wtorvil]he in his 88th year. and Morris Funieral Chapel. -EvËýer remembered by Ram- 109 Coiborne St. W. SEVEN eu. ft. fmdge, $40. Neesh 8 47. 1- d. Apply in'person. Henry Dear fr,ind cf Minnie Ran- 1-lUeO 3OO NE edrmpatmntatEion987R-2,47no71-2Teev19n-erc 4ail of Netonihe. etn __________ vyChristine and famuly. OH VAPhono_623-2748. 19-h$3000 i ______2 ____ 1-2 el In MemoriamestiIg19-h SH WA191__N bdr_____ten a ,nt-the NorthlcuittElliott Fun- Ini27tMUSD wingm wshe,1$0. recîsion engîneerod nmes, 1,0PhO etyNorth, adults onhy. GARDENER needs -helper, n ae Home.Privte srvic on ________________________MABCANT-n lovng u e- ____ -- -Phon 6232081 19- $30 ted nPyoPhoondeton.3n26232848177-t clauffr's iceneliece2cfeientServce t ýihra1H re.__ t- ev ____ __- In 1P oe 2-01.1-'erce n or funain sa.Intermrent Lake- ALLDREA-In loîgm- oving me-__ 40 te choose from Or' customf APARTMENT, heated, steve,ipreferred. Phono 987-4754.b Prompt, îew Ceetery. 1-h ory cf cur sonfAfred Charles momy of a doar son, Richaîrd _ OPENING MAY 12 14' CEDAR strip boat with ail desîgned. Mortgage and land fdg;cnrlautsApy - -a-- ierl r, tca]r oi - _______,who v3assed away May 9, 1970. ae acanwopse controls, $75, Orono 983-5784. availability. Get all the facts. Statosman, Office. 52-tf MN ith transportation for BOKN -AtMmral Athough wo smle and make- away May 16, 1952. A-w -ilspia AtBo Mnrilo no f uss , Js s~ ou w l FRED'S GAS BAR 19-' Phuone RAY NORTHEY atPATEfo40hadf Critasrcpanngsry- NWLAIO Mexîdo ay1, -:oMaySt, 172,Bm-no n uss u oe always hbcEFI ATR-uial fr73558 or visit Beaver Lum-cATUe.E.forut0hve R of ng, shearing, harvosting. DARLINTNTRDLN ý-joidjis ý1,y 86th972,Er, thaon ise mmr Treasured forover lu our Take-Out Service cottage, $25. Phono 623-3459. ber for a Home Catalogue Port Hope. Phono 753-2281. Pontypool area. Hofert Troc NORT,ACOSRM bercd usbn o Rsli ndwenol imsý éof' memory. h9-h* 7t __ 82Farms, P.0, Box 415, Midland. KINGDO AL HUC beoerubrdc eseAdwen ld tme1w otEver rememhered by the ihadChips - P-Ïîï--lmtbdom 10.7TWO 1d-tt19-2* -aihdear father of Marj- lfa3 -PIECEdwlmnut heu-o9m A (,sC. Branigan), A!lauirecahod conditioish and bA DREWVS YX-nvestsudn1hne6335 ~ Tht'swhe wemis bufamuy ad mthe. 1~h* TIE BURGER FAMILV ut-Yodcndtorao-centrally loeated. Telephone for general store work. Lie- and the laýte LloydrJ. Resting, most o ail. IMcKEE-Ini lovung memorv of Dm able, 623-3254. - 9h TVT'ER 623-3211 between 9 and 6 p.m. once proferred. Apply in Bw anil ~atth Mrrs FnealChpel-Lvigh reemord ya dear brother, Orma McKee Io FRIGIDAIRE r ef Y, r g e rater, ' ' '14wiigt detsm21 / 4z wrm u r.vhhe f r service en jM om àéd ad. 19c-1 % wo passed aw ay M ay 8th, H o to un i g co d tinD$ 5on d A T E N S 5 A R E f1ad9e -nt ah The Ca a dan tas m an29 , P O..L .L ct O n cs C o '-rnt riday rt.2BcSTock. Inter-memory ofNo946. nedawns, ne night H 'Phno83-126d,91* NSTALLED AT Starkviile; suitable for crop Box 190, Bowmanvillo. 19-1 ____1. run .19-1 a doar son and brother, BobI returns, , WRINGER wasber. In good ow ate growing. Phono 786-2987. EXPERIENCED Secrotary for ______ who passed away May 16, u htw hnko e, .Yupu.L±"a condition, a pump and timer. ---- 19-11,awyer's office in Bowmani-NOTICE O~TER Alie-Atr'i Mmori1 195. - ut nue rplace you19-1* Phono 623-5206, 19-1 ALSO SPECIAL ON NEBDOM atet il.Full time position for, TOWN0F OWANVLL ~7sIaBowmanv nue on Beautîful mernories are woud- ThesBut oehirep eysad DEEP freeze, Coldspot, 19 Colour SyIstemi stove, frîdgo, good location, mature woman, ucmmoencing AL:0 Mody a ,17,Aie erful thungs, -Lo~vingly rememborod by Enîî±îîi±llenou, ft., ahmost new; $150. Tele- 'S, adult hy hoe6376.ulv 3rd. Goed shothand arnd' C1i>te, e1oved wife 0Soeruhyhat'iitelngs rohr ndsser. 11School phono 623-2661. _ 1 9-1119 îOl6320 t ny hn 2-1~u yigsi sota.Shr JCAE OD hatra-d ermother o day, - - _'O 1O-epen. Reply lu writung te M. 1n acodacwihtep- Cbaer ard ea he SthThey nover wear out, they PEARCE-In loving memory 30 BAGS mixed grain, dlean- or 72-19 LAND for rent. 120 acres lunB Kelly, Box 159, 17f olceAcaf ntur, h Ila Rested at the aro Annver get lost, cf a dear brother and uncle, dadtet frsd,4- Mvr Twhi(Dhm)vle.1t pic Kncera1 Homne, Park Street, end u nover ho given Ernest Peace who passed away Sunday, May 21 Austin Wood, 623-2212. 19-h* ---- Contact 519-426-3157 aftom 6 NORTHUMBERLAND AND MunicplCucil c h o- Orun Sric wsheld firm away. May 15, 1967. Dah 2ous0 largeTV roomed l18-2 DURHAM COUNTY peration fteTw fBw Orn.To smae -nuOhotuselargeghetuneîîHTOW RSeTHRE apart ontd BARDs0ofDUCAT2:3manvile direts thevhio11c -tefuneral 'homie onrWednes- -cyen maytho foretat, Rswayhusaddy fGuest Speaker . . .built. Yours fer prico of ma- .prmnt O- F DCTO - ay '7 2 .m. n, temetTo tosapr fteps, pain, RV .C ONTN tnis hn 2-87 9hTHE BEST IN self-gontained; aduits. Avaul- *Police o is gnt o Orne Cemetery, 19-hBt_ en1wolee ndlstiRs tmeb igt r Hampton ' ~Ctl adcar BLACK AND WHITE able immeduately., Téléphene!1 OFFICE PERSONNEL Publiceuto hepoet ________ youn easttble an chirs611-3408. 1-fAplctinil or oev f any kn hc sr h Your memery wilh ýahways And in our aching hoarts wo Music by, Sunday Sehool Choir made bore. Order now. Tole- Color, and UHF FAVE-Ricationse. iledby enn e rne nîlpsssin tth owa. thshawa 1k roasonROOMDcfuseit havin te unbrsone usto pson - MTJIR, John-At te last. ~~~~~~~~~~~~now BFE UPR phono Pontypool 277-2281. vCilNlevnocs.Imdaepe-5ecoe .. oua a 6 Gý7eneral Rosital on-, Monday, -Lovingly remernhemed and Ho bas found sweet rest aJ 19-h UPE RCPO sonessin. PhonmNeasto-1972, for thpositon eAy siyst- - Il Towvers arePhfroNwcatlits97,ofrnthrportinbyfAsest-roa 3a , 1972, Jhnr Muir un bis sadly mussod by his famuly. last. MonaM y2 rmi 8lsýt ver(frerye 620 19-1* -Sadly miÉssod by Howard onaMy2 PIANO, Sherhock Manning, 5 1%4" Heavy Dnty 98-41 19-1 ant Socrotary for George cf it laà gbe tndu husb~~~ ~~and Mraet ______ fonuand.m onyoars old; apartment suze. Workmansîîip Guaraateed PASTURE for ent, witb goed baitnPbi eol-hi public paeadteCitc ~te at Eizbeh ow B'rONîuîoun mmoyfamily. 19-l* Adults $2.25 - Students $1.00 Phono 983-5839 atter 5 p.m. I1JT' water snpply, North et Ty- tinie. Duties to commence ou olc fther rcf Mrs. Wlliam r FýBa- - In - - - noylChildren under 12, 75c ,1I- 19-U . oo. Apl-G ovaaout May 26, 1972,. Mustteowe fteadpro ISIK-1 .l263-2330. 19-1 have acuate typîug, genemal ry -ii11 (ea), ewauîl eemomy cfMy do16,fewh9 SH6K.leloingmnory eo ___192OATS and barley mixcd, good nwego -t1ms. tanRdgo (rn),pssdawyMy 6 16. drqdFi.u t '-hleh salqaniis 7624fNS- koweg toffice procédure et.Tosl iltk M5.1Beautul uteroeies are won- m a agcur',w for feed ou- seed. Large or AIT IOMtemn by monhadbunosmciehrt place ontePrigLtt 1 v a tiIs I 9 157 Athe W/esettePlcSaio ~Ms.Jh Luke 1(1oee ,In rfl hng;psod awayTay9,197. RATW YTélév252isrio3307nu bathm ua ndMot- he aiît bte co eithwr enedy My1, 92 4an Aan ah c Ohaw ~ ;h t latp tteo1gsda, At nîght the suenrt stars look I1~ evoniugs. 19-h MAPLE GROVE Tlvsobtsua norhn ast u e sota) on Chumh'tota2.0em ~rehe c Mr. ams CahlTEy neyr wa u, hyO agaene a wa,± ' .l~.IJL. 20-85 FERGUSON tracter, '69 __6 In623-373 39tfleadiahperapnioe prm- mes(Kate), Po0ntiseý , Mci- oeigtls There sheopo a dauhter 1 TO .C T>totrc;bh THREE bedroom bouse, appi-ay imoranc. pp y To oert smu Resedah heMcltob-Andca noerlegieng G..conitiontmukPhoth in - os, ec. reero, garage, largo writing stating qualificationsbiyls ,4-esýnFiiri _T-n.And the oee1I celd net savo. New York goo condition27. Pon1We- SEED GRAIN lot. 'Avaîlable July 1. Cal, and oxpérience te JOISEP cL '~ndesou unema Hom,-152! away. eau t forget ie ~iKngSte asin hwa etome pgten L * * come 7S3-2272. - 19-h 623-4133, 6 -10 p. 19-1 M. A. MacLEOL AMCcT - - ~~~~~~T otheýrs ;a part of teps,ûadynse,*CLIA ae otnr O QAIY- p- Bsns diiitao lm-duitao 3 teevlceiwss 1-bld lu the chanelI hadyou sigh,BANfren,4'x8'a uiisAdnstto -,7neda, My 1 h3 u t ewh oedynsd n ilIcnl1owa n Nashville, Tenn. tn]ly antomnatie; oee soid Best Variety ofR frmnt 0 x8 tand Troasurer-18 ,,interment M1ýount Lawru - b etyn stand by. * * Kentucky walnnt dining rooro Oasan Dre'3 Arcy St., Box,470 OkV atd 19-hBosast, Mass. suPhono 241-7670, days. 19-2, Cbng nau You mmoyfii aware/hu te îmo cmeI osonoMssisuteh97-53. 9ldiNE19- T E-t et r1mu.-a1 -.Lovnly rmembered by Frsfee e USED chesterfield suite, good As îhyedn FUNK S NEbodrooni upstairs spart- T OWNSHIP 0F CLARKE 623-7676119t M-lubn 91lo you nover deserved what for eean condition, beige; reason- Seed Corn mont, broadhoom threnghout, 'SMoNS, FIlorneA' 5 nbn Lme 91 yen wont through. VICTORIA HOLIDAY able. Phono W/byte's Up- tnidge and steve, separate TNGAHR MAINTENNE rc n n ~moru Rosîtal. onGod teck yonr baud, I had te WEEKEND hîlter 623252. 19-h1EEM R urne. Asanr ny BOOKKEEPER rmvd 2-88 91 ~My5, 1972, FloiroueBum±c CARL To mncm ory o osemyEM R etane Asanes-5y rmv -0htBowmsflv-jrnihle, behoved \wfe -ot y pa,___ moth-dealy belov-ed hu1sband John Ho ended your pain but May 9ty 2 BOAT, metor and trailer, Cahl 623-3911. 19-1* Written applications wilo ENEA aneac ok ie GantSmos a who passed raway ýMay 14, 1970. broke my heant. lFor fr 19 ifotion 2 FARMS ONE-BEDROM apartmontn-'received in the office et the of retFauk. Resed t hofurherinfomaton eectie tarttlieTjaket in il. Ehiot F u cm î H su fened wuth courage, -S'adily missed and lovingly contact cluded; askiug $250. PhonoeTD centraliy hecated, largo back nndomsugncd up te and includ- Troc u n eoe î NorhcttI knew net bis, pain, remembered hy mother, 19-1 atter 5, 987-4528, Newcastle. Garnet B. Rickard and Sons yard, alLutlities paid fer cx- ing May 12, 1972, ah noon, for fuckingob.Poo7821 Hee.Funorai sevicewasYen tonght te get weîî,-- JURY & LOVELL______- 19-h R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Ont. copt Phono, $120 monthly, the position et Stenogmapher- after 5p..1-' 4hehd . a 'hc edyater-len But ahi was in vain. SPROULE lu ioving memory 1 -7r' psession Juno ist. Guy Le- Boekkeoper.1 ALTERATOSo oes oo.Inemet 191Wheu God called yen home et our dean brother Norm-an J.RAlVL.Jj...L AG NCY.j± LIS.Car.uOflD7diesel PhBlanc, Realtor, 623-2492. Applicants should state age, mo-in's adcide' lti mety.To Ris gardon et rest, who passed away ayLOtb 19 King St. E., Bowmanville tractui, tuliy equupe, dmawne63M 0 ps 19-1 educatien, expérience, marital'A'hso mkilohn. hn bar and 3-point hîtch, goodh112- It'stru wht tey ay, 196. Pone6233,12 tres exellnt hap. PoneTOMI and Pat's Cottages. One, status and other personal 62;3-418819h Mamnoo~ Nur It trc wht tey sy, 965 mis th weîome Phoo 62-312 treseclenChp. hn ORN GROVIERS 2. 3. hedmooni$45-$7 paer data. Vcrags Muvnujonue, Gerge, Evneailî* * * 'al"," "'"a 1E.WAN1ra> fer a cash enyem, and gGod wiiI link the broken chaun Clfrim 1LV.-' jr. ie fOo odeaeypiced home, cent- ./c.ail Pottod - 4 y Geeinett 9-*>Wheon ee by eue we meot OCTOBER 14 Birds - Animais Vour ESSO Service Dealer ON SOMMERVILLE RD. ral, Scuéog Rd., ares. W/bah ntn plnsagain. lo uthr* * *80 ACRES (or more) have yen te effer? Cali. now ~~~-Personal -Sadîy missed by wite Kanin. Fr urhe iformtion FREE ESTIMATES previoasly in cern for a qnick cash'sl.DnITRIRsdETRO ing- 9~l*983-206ct' 1L'- WANTED - Qiiaitity of Stradeski, Re sale, 23-451. WALPAPE ', RYINaICSl ucist(ruiid ei JURY & LOV FLL i e d n Supplies o CEDAR POSTS, apprx. 19-1* Drywal a /i aeln 'i maled ostpiun'-o 8 ft. long, 6" tops WNO EAR Fuerl ~« s~ienelpewibTIRAVEL AGENCY GtQaiyZnt 42 .s ALS Rooms for Rent Hourly u etee ae rueu-etspîc is.Si amls e CC.R-AMBLER 5'0-0 Model -___G.____S.______ EFEESIMTE ~ ~V SudFlwos yWl~ 4 amhe $ 0. Mail Orýde sd white bicycle. lvïir- 19 King St. E., Bowmanv7llle i tROOM forkuthen t ei.C t erof' Éttfrnc 1-74 or 63557Dept. T-28,. NvRberC.ity et Goodyear fonce, Cal, Phone 623-3182 Good Quality Pays! 24 Hour Service 93BOOM kichn f eret wiathe cf E 637 1-tf B1ox 91, Haiými1ton, Ont', 1-5262-2649., 19-1 19-2 19-4 14-tf- 19-14.30 p.m, 987-4425. 19-1 FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, ,4:30 p.m.