"lThe House. That Citizens; Buit"' ai P rociai s i itai ayMayi Friday, May 12, 1972, has nunity ait air, nlying heavily know their hospital he been namcd as Canada Haspi-lan the local community just PROCLAMATIOI tal Day according ta a pracla-ips the cammunity relies on the In recognition of the mation signed by the Honair-lh.spital, tance and role cf hosp able John Munna, Minster afInl most cases it was the local helping presenve and National Health and Weliane, cammunty that saw the need thc healtb and well-l( It is also the annivcrsary aofano a hospitai and the local Canadians, we recogni2 Flonence Nightîngal's birth- canimunit y naised the money. 12 as Canada Hospital day. Membens af the community We bonour as welli The day bas becu set aside serve on the hasîital's board ada Hospital Day thev ta provide the public wiih a cf trustees, the comnmuflity medîcal, nursing, allied unique oppanturq'ty ta take a pravides the volunteens for thepesnladm b dloser look at their local bas- Auxîliany and many services oper oel, ians mcl pitai and ta leara more about and staff corne from the local couthepessones aoi its raIe in the cammuamty. communîty, ta cane for the countless votes an More than 1,415 hospitals caients, mast of whom also mtie m ain ns, bo O across the country will join in came from the local commun- the higli standards cf1 ohserving Canada Hospital ity. aeaalbet aa Day, many af tbem offering The cammunity hospital isaeaalal aCn tours, presenting special-inten- dedicated ta the work af nes- Under the patnersi est clinics, and onganizing taning health, pneventing dis- tween different levels, community projecets. case, ai-d advancing medical eroment and the vo The theme for Canada Ras- knowledge. hosptal system, manya pital Day is "This is the hause Thnough Canada Hospital ments have been atIaJ the citizens huît" emphasiz- Day it is boped that members the hospital and bca[i ing that baspitals are a com- cf the community will get ta fieid. Our bospital systE ..s reonized as one of est in the world. The accomplishments partnersbip are numero we can be pnoud of the partnership is a dynari pnoviding new outlooc avenues for change tc e' that Canadians bave r S*..*to improved health when they require the wbere they reqUire tIn ICI at the level tbey hi them. Il New patterns aree flflin the health cane dcliv tem. Governmcnts and tals alike are strîving1 abreast of these er trends, and are adaptinr quired ta provide ac bensive range of bealt ces, at the same time ing existing avenues or çilt of asli-igoping new methods to mounting costs. In this new ena of in el/asture social awarcness,C bospitals are taking Appnaprîatcly Gîft Wnapped active role in h-elpîný SEE OUR $ý.00 GIFT TABLE . canîmunity meet thE bealth needs cf Canadi iety. Tbey are extendir traditional activity of loop rs à centres cf healng ta r" when necessary, seni: (7/ [fmeet the total healtb jfeweller's ,ta, the cammunity. This BOW ANVLLEmea.ns developing mone BOWMANVILLEtypes of treatment, r tation and preventativx ranis, and other service in conjunctian witb ail a canstantly cbangingE Ï'w ment taday thene are quisites of meeting and ing problems nelating vancements in scienc technology, air and Wal At Manvers ratepayers a miii Rectiring Atter 50 Years on ISflînfoqEuctt.! milis. Accentuatrng the n- crease was the decrease en- joyed last, year as the 1968 17ý surplus of $38,000 was deduet- Dý, ed from last year's éducation levy which must be picked -up this year with an additionai $12,000 increase as wel total increase of aver $51,000 a o,, lr last year with our Town- ~tr,~ship aiiotment $176,000 - plus. a ýN Included in thîs year's ir S Counties increase in ievy are i 1Mpo0genrai. small increases in E îitals il costs in most departments as l protect well as a special one yearT being Of S only levy for air conditionîng s .ze ay of the County Bldg,, the ad- 1Day. ' ditional levy required for the in Cannew addition to the Golden work ofPlow Lodge and the substan- I healthtial increase in welfare costs oers ofdue to the high level of un- withlemployment currently experi 11Ï le'nced thi year and last year .dbordthroughout Ontario. A rough l ilienlycomparison is as follows for c imroeManvers Twp.: 2.4327% of a hospita . liability for United Coulaties 0 idan.purposes whereas as for edu-C 5hp be- cation we enjoy (?) a 2.69353% of gov- of liability of county educa- p ,oluntary tion costs. Kind of rough! r achieve-q Two local ladies who are aîned in hobbling around with crutch- th care '"" es or cast, are Mesdames Mýrs. em now Ted Spenceley and Mrs. Mur-cl the fli- ray Malcolm wha suffered t( Just 50 years ago this month, Jack Cole began his career as a salesman on broken bones in recent falîs. c sof this Kn St, His firstjo was with Cuh Johnston & rd ma who oeae a mBelated congratulations ta ' ous an Kig ob ouc, Cydrma opratd iss Janice Stacey who par- em.s ahe ladies' and men's wear store where Lloyd Ellis Shoes and Murphy Furniture are ticipated in the Kiwanîs Music mi ne, now located. He held several other posts during his career with firms that are Festival in Peterborough re- oks and no longer in existence, but 38 years ago, he was hired by the late Sid Chartran cently and again added ta bier encue ad hs fo ths mn's earstoe evr snce On reîreentlaurels with a lst in under 21 D nueadhsworkedfo hsmnsKrastelvrsic.O May 3rd,a eirn t Solo Contralto (83%) and a recourse services dinner was held at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, when about 30 travellers fromn vani- 2nd in Oratorical Solo (also Lem, and ous firms who had called at Chartran's over the years met to pay tribute ta Mr. 83%).Janice has been a con- sistent winner in this anual hem and Cale and present him with a color television set. The photo shows Mn. Cale at Festival aven the past few require riglit accepting the gift from Jack Vandusen of Penimanls, lef t, and Ted Topping yea r8. af th7e Fraser clothing chain, Mr. Cale retires thi nonth. Photo by Rehder On Frîday evening, we at- evolving tempted rather futilily to 'er sy- ltio dugsandd~u ~brealch the generatian gap by d hospi- f amiiy planning. usany * y1N attending the annuai At ta kep E - E Home of aur aid Alma Mater, mergn The theme of Canada Hospi- Blackstock High School. Rath- g as re- tai Day 1972 is "This is the (Intendcd for iast week) grass fine which threatened ta er disconcerting ta fînd that compre- bouse the citîzens builit" Our On Thursday evening, the get out of contrai was cantain- we weren't too far off beîng h servi- bospitals are more than struc- Volunteen Fîre Fighters of ed after burning half an acre part of the mast senior citizens explor- tures of stone, cernent and Manvers Township (Bethany Or so of grass, present who bad graduated r dee-gascntaining a vast range Fine Dept.) were hasts ta the Manvers Township Cauncil fram this hiall of learning. Sreduce of equipment and facilities. monthly meeting of the Unit- spent a day this past week Had quite a.ejybl vn They are living entities whose ed Counties Fire Figliters out on road inspection, assess- ing nevertheless. most important asset is pea- (Mutual Aid) with a good ing condition of roads and Everything cooperated on ncreased pie - the many thousands of nepresentation present from planning noad prognamn for Saturday ta make the furni- 2anadian dedicated human beings whose one ýend of the counties ta the current year. Less money ture and antique sale of Mrsý., a mord lives are chrected ta maintain- other. Deputy Reeve Geu. will be available for road pro- Mary Capelle, east of Yelven- g their îng and impraving the level of Neals and yours tnuly (Reeve gram this year (1) due ta ton, a rousing success - the ie total well-being of ail Canadians. Harvey Malcolm), were visi- austerity program by the prov- weather was wonderful, the ian soc- There is still much ta be tors an the occasion and wc ince for supplementary road crowd was tremiendous, the ing their donc in the hospitai and health wcre impressed withthe dedi- work; (2) due ta the antici- bidding active and antiques )f being care field. To accomplish thîs cation of those present ta their pated substantial increase in plentiful and in great demand,. include, will require not only the ne- tasks and the demonstratians the education icvy and a One of the largest sales we vices t eiaino hprasi of variaus new methods of small increase in county levy, lever recorded as cierk - aven teeds fvedain oth prvson of fighting fires and giving arti- a decrease in road rate is 650 entries, Even managed ta ns ofe he in ca e vsioutthoi ficial respiration. planned for curnent yean ta accumulate aur usual quota of Is otenheath areserice, btIteir Pleased ta be invited ta be help offset the increase. AI- unnecessary articles - a very 7e varied co-operatian as well, along present and have an appor- though the total requisition old set of golf clubs which rehbii- ît a igen etel f oncrntunity ta welcome the gather- for education is netot ut of turned out ta be left-hîaded ve prag- an the part of the public. Oniy ing ta our Township. Fire uîne sightly aven 8%) the and we aren't partîcularly es, often with renewed dedication and Chief Mcl Wnight was pres- new factor employed by the ambidextrous; a garden hose bers. In a higher lovel af awareness Of ent with a strong contingent Provincial Dept. of Education which may or may flot leak, environ- the problems that exist will from bath Bethany and J an- ta arrive at each municipal- a brace (with no bits), some the ne- be able ta salve existing prob- etviile Volunteer Fire Depts. ity's percentage of 'liabilîty glasswane which pnobabiy on- 1 resolv- lems and go on ta face future On Sunday A.M. the Ponty- lias praduced for Manvers as iginally çst $1.98 which cost ta ad- challenges. This is a must, if pool Fire Dept, were quickly with many other rural munici- us over eight. Yelverton Sr,1. ce and we are ta ensure the rîglit of on the scene at the Keith palities, a disconcerting shift Girls bail team sponsored the ater Pal- good health toalal Canadians. Stinsons of Lotus wheni a in liability which may cost 'booth andsoidaraund 40 pies The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 1,, 1972 5 Sunviving are a daughter, OBITUARY Mrs,. Arnold Gardner Ad MES. ALFRED AVRE Lloyd of Bowmanvilie and Following a lengthy lllness , Boyd of Hampton, six grand- the death of Mrs. Alfred children, Stuart and Lýouanne Ayre, aged 85 years, occurrcd Ayre, Hampton, C y n t b i a, on Tuesday, Apnil 25, 1972:, Wendy and, John Ayre, Bo- it Hillsdale Manýor, Oshawa. rnanville, and Larry Metcalf, A dýaughter of the late Mr. Oshawa; and two great-grand- and Mrs. John Truli, the for- children, David and Susan mer Mary Charlotte Truil Metealf, Oshawa, wvas bora in the Township of Also sunviving are four Danlington and attended So- sîstens, Mrs.W, Giadwell Lina School in Darhingtoil (Nýora), Toranto, Mrs. N. Ed- Township. On June 1, 1910 gar (5Bl), Mrs H. Richards she marrîed Mr. Alfred Ayrej (Meta.), and Mrs. A. Lavis who predeccased ber. 1 (Audrey), ail of Oshawa, A resident of Oshawa for The funeral service vrasq the past 24 ycars, the deceas- held on Fnîday, Apnil 28, 1972, ed lived for many years on from the Northcutt Ellîott the home farm, at R, R, 1, Funeral Homie, Dwmanville, Hiampton, before mavîng ta and was îodu Ae by Rev. W. Oshawa. As a hýousewlfe and Herbent of IRIinsvýiew United mother, bier chief interests Church, Oshawa-, assisted bY centred around ber farnily Rev. J. T. McNear. Interment and home. She was a member was ini Mount Lau n Cerne- ,f Kingsview 'United Churchi, tery, Oshawa, Oshawa, Pallbearers were Messrs. Harold Skinner, Vernon Os- piecc-work (baked by their borne, Tom Sobil, Lanry Met- mommas, we presume), sand- caîf, Stuart Ayre and Donald wiches galore and nettcd a Lavis. tiuy niet pfIUit WCII uver $100 for their club's coffers. Well done, gals and ladies. Sorry ta lose Mrs. Capelle fnom aurI cammunity, even on a sum- mentime basis, A.speedy convalescene is is wîshed to Mr. Walter Kern meho is currently in Memoniail Hlospital, Bowmanviile. 1 Rent a Car for A DAY OR WEEKEND Ask for I'ae . I COUNTY CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. I623-2586 - I -M -CANADA HOSPITAL DAY - MAY 1.ilh Yes, thiis Important house 15 yOURiý UýYNI TY dedicated to the wlork of restoring health, preventing disease, and advancing medical knowledge. Get to know your hospii-aI better. It deserves your understanding and continuing support. Miss Perlita Parnbid, Laboratory Technîiau shown witli nexvlnmoye Mr. Garry Xlonkton, Chef Physiotherapist, and Mrs. Diana Gordtmn, Physiotherapist, checking their equipment, Open House MEMORIAL HOSPIT 'AL GUIDED TOURS - 1 P.M. - 4 P.M.; 7 P.M. - 9 P.M. Refreshments - Womnen*s Hospit-al Auxîliary Miss Ceine Paiement, X-Ray Teehnician, preparing a patient for X-Ray, Mms. Cathy Dîlling, Operatïng Boom Supervisor, pictured with operatîng room equipmenL Mrs. Diana Gordon, Phys. Ther,, adjusts traction Miss S. McDonald, Nurse Interu,Emrey Dept., equîpment, or Mrs. A. Fredericks, Phys. Ther. Assistant, preparing plaster for cast application. r L'L", ým