10 The anaà!an Statesmian, Bowinanvifle, Sept. 6, 1972 'i Society urntil the niewo super ______________________ cganlatins re functùonirig, lie added, saying it "will take sýome enidraletime until Darcy Does it Again! te eiremaigul t C iztiencoutve bpies- 1 Sue-oyW1II Replace LORD C I(e e 1ý;#ii eeuni the -, liA edin no bas cf prgrailng anti, re imorta t', ithlasan To B isb n ailde_-d 1in S epte r-er MatvcVobicunl lityThcreas the province Lake Onrie fegon1 Tevl-matrie up cf îghtceunIties, ilwt hoeporin htw r ns _ickya osbe Grcnenit Couil pill casop- te be Split in two, se we ae10udrake b hemuii-prsrvngw a aclngwe rtinby, theentiofSetem- Led te believe," Mr. Rotigers palîiesý,abi ab hycnt rvd utb svr be, saii. sout hve ncOfrou tff"M og Tieaneuce et alst "Part cf the regien is te lie Mr. Rotnigers wsciia 17 Va Caleer Ends wýeekfolwlg;,ecsinby attachedti tethe Toronite-Cen- Itheprvices imngfo r FrDon Kndnteatal thebead c dictrs. t-rrleiregion anti the easterly leaercfPh-ase One'De±sî oir gnraoangr c aeOn-1 LORD prsidet Dn fltigr rgion," Mr. Rotigeris saiti. lAIaRgorleeii ee-Cenî nPtroegi 7 saii lacyMeeouli povn-Hesaiiid e didni't intendto boougýl Jnetllalfarer n1,tiwith ithe cie trasuer ba inilcte il iter, but poînteti eut Mr,..A fw wekclaVs-, r, c- nne crnniOD ol th 1 rgina tevlometMcKeeugh Ilias saidthleci e ou"li,r orn f bsstf eeeepnte yth(" enti cf coucîs illli rplaet b cis av tdn t teduplicateitLcaetae c'area was te SPtr ri-er. five uperregins. cti Iies Lundeirtaken by muni- b slt suter M.Kingdlon saiihe wa nt l OIlHN F "Fom y kowletige, afterlbee-n Atelrni rc r este, cf timer tha th ceunicil lied a sentiý- wo psy te ery evrse i Terîitrettste h is Witli egretthat th true" M, ietigns ait. geennentneeis pbli in wor cfse anypeele inil _______________ LhregonadeVbOpeft LCOU11iWjn, d( oJav'ulc nev- igtcntrr_ ail willb tede oran usifctin c,flinmenIl progtns.iWYcifwtilel ef thnough(llut hîs file t(-cuniannuelicoufenencetcdenieoictheint oppertuuity te ____________ ýr ltlcltCon ll,)idcail i[," M, Rtier LRC, le aii PIRE AndAUTMOI3LE "It -rithat et atthe INSURANCERent a Car fer About 100 decgt ttnIeti hliet participation point int A DAY OR WEEKEND the two-tiay se'cssio;ns nt reLORDCnmem-bruship) since ils4 Centactfr:Ra than 1,200ateditePhs inception 17 yeans e ga that the HARY OURAN I Ak Or U Rae One eot uoncmu. goverrnent choulti' force the "2 11o 2-90 ONY.Rtgr redictei"n- council te disýsolve isopera- 33CRYLRDOGF,!D other sue-oiy ille cre- tien,." KINOST. E. 623-125ý8 6 ateti in areats c ors niHe pointeeti eut the June _____________________________________________indusil p !romotin, anti tour- confenence was -the largest even ic oncl ill lie recenstnuc- helti by the council, with moreý le.than 3ý'00 attendiug the two da!ýy1 TTENTON Hesaitithe five regions pro- sessions anti more thAn,20 poseti by Mr. M\'cKeonIgli will attendýing lelease of the Phs lie se -alrge that the l(-public in- OnCDesign for feeomn volve-ment liedires w ýill noV report. tievelop unless tSiee is aise a Volnntary municipa;l mem- lneinput of dollars.'1 br>psateiwt 7mm Mn. Rotigerssat lie fenesees besat-aht oe ta * "ei strong lureuralc gani- 80 this ea.Buisinerssupor - 'zetion comprisetî imainly of was aise owigM,. Kingdoni provincial goverument repre- sai., sentetives wlio wil1 holti spot! "Tt mekes yenl wontier if tliey meetings hene anti there (Olntaie o -cverument) ne lly across-section cf public cpin-1 'SamerogausInitiatetI by ion anti feediog 1)ac-k to the 1the coujncil ant1i ispnFlesr govennment that wlicharesLkeOtni evlpen s with them. sOietion ,cet onIprO-)ý SAVE ON "I Jl-nly helieve thAt (decIîiS- rmotion, àanIt i -w eeI, po1Lut ion lult otis are nt eo1e1 oayeuctinprgamidut 1-1al PraiumQuaityfnn loal ovenietin othe iprooton0c-aperatiVe rmuni- * pnivater secton or, fortthat mett- cîpl bielfs , negoienieenl GASOL1NE -~ t -,i tnby1 heproinalgoe nu- anctiplannIjing ant i tstiutig * ISL- etmmbn u aeaqesinar on thePhas *MOI-OR OIL r mannfacture(t iji b'y the eniorOne reparot for pbecen-1 Yîar tanks aIjd prips i"Th'ý,;IS i a moat tegnoa n into Aj0itnedc- avalale mnt t prse e et xl1C-,, lMienliasbeCu mie onwhts traes" n. ot gnssii. te brIeof he qutieuinir- * Preicta ligh-WingParty es.-W(, ilyloy econelate CALL 54LCTMr. Rotgens al o predicteti a tblem ii gofrom the,"he municipal, ight-wiug pent 'y Fsa it., 68 -3'38 1 D ft1 wonlti le formeti in the pnv- e a saiti thene -wa-ýs ine ince 'that will try teoiugconlsltation with counicils e- FOR. IViMEDATE fELIVER goveomentback tthe p oe rethe govennimenittecan ___________________________________________cfOnlanl(o, awey from t lili t pasetl ot wAs fmat.ie, Fui l M '1X F R s Mn. Rtier2aitiMn. Mc- Tle council employa tlinae( fuît- Kenug _-li ainicee uis lime staff. He saiti le lias sec- tisr ePlrovide so,,mething ureti another position. An an- more m-,tngf l t thalocal nouncemenifIt liepeteishort- "My ativiceInteihlm wenlld1 Kiligdon Hlred by City bave te lie )t h lie utr- lwsanuct etTus .An nvhaionceeticanlý1 ionl ete e i da, f te , LR D C Gen rael A n Invitation a oct dsrytatwihle i Manger ýDon _Kiugtiou a TT-TS 15YOU iNVTATON T niug tecucciVge" Mn Ret- bceau apploin1teti Develapmentl 'gens, saiti. O1Commsioper y the cîîy of COMJE TO (OIR"AML FR"A_"senieus vii îleitPtroogi 175h BRTH.DAY PARTYB ETHANY Mrnutn.d tiisnScott MacDonaldi antidecgh1ýltets THE PLACE ipecti tAopisenlasI I'înetq PertiSue Annie,Rne _________ we.They aise is(ýitetiMr. vile, M chigan, anti methen anti Mrs. Gontien Claet Mrs. Will Mcllroy cf Peter-1 LO15 ONESO , CLARKE TWP. Sae'sBy berougli anti Mrs. Pencyl AT Mn.N-OBelle & ith a11tiîMn Stewart. AT TE INERSCTIO 0F 01 HWY115 anti Mrs. C('a-SmlbCe Guests aethe home cf Mn.ý van, spent seule li lorndauMns. Deug Smelt woel THEý- DATE ente, Kitchr anr i-( tilat Ihis Mn. anti Mrs. Arnoldi Jobnseni ___________week. and famîly of Englanti. Mns. jiLerine SýmlljtI7itend- Mn. anti Mns. George Porter,ý cd the wedding o cfDe-nise Os5hawe, spent the weekanti Su d y S p. l th 9 2 Malcolm when sc becamïiî-ý vb -,Mn. anti Mrs, Allen the bride of Jemrie XKent. TaiSih 10.30 am. to 5:30 pa. wetiting teck place iunec A lange number of people tîcten, gathenedti tewatcli the Dan-ý Mn. anti Mrs. Emey mtl, e Bail game Fritiay night, I EVENTS anti Mrs. Belle Smith vis;itetiliu the Betliany hall park. Thel __________wth Mn. anti Mns. Gordoen donkeys, previously treineti GaaHorse Show (jumping herses) Meftl aiutnCut.frbi aes, put on quite Mrs: Rocs Cern, Betbeny, an exhibition along wilh their Display of Pion!;cer Shingle Making Mns, Norman Neais, Elmveie, itiers. As all donkey bell Guard o Demonstration Mrs. Thomas Jackson antigaines _seem Vo endtinl a ie, Mrs. Carl Smith, both cf the tieukcys i.vre led eut Int F>icic Area Betheny, visiteti witli Mn. anti cenler fieldi andthVe bail play-î GLASSES I and their two daughters, Donna and Laurie, Reverenti andi Mrs. Adamis both took an active part In community activities. I1vîwasj not unusual to see :Reverend, Adams lielping the local'fat- mesout In the fields andi hel Was also a volunteer fireman in the Tlethany Fire Depart-ý nient Mr-' Adranis was verv tcie nýhe Worne's Insuî- tute andtlie Anlglican Cliurchi' groujos, Both will be n-issed not only In Bethany, but mi the surrounding areas as well. Donna andi Laurie both at- lended Grandview Publici' Schooi. Reverenti andi MrsAdanms were presenteti wilth eod ,,tables andi their dauglitersi Iboth receiveti leather tote~ bage. A VeîY enjoYable evenlng! was hati by ýail, as s!ore danc- ed andi otiiers plaeet cards. Lunch was served b'y merm- bers of the lhree parishes bI the charge: Marsh, St. Mary'si andi St.Paul's. lleverenti andi IVrs. Adqmis andi farnly will be living in Camnpleliford, 'et Cash Today For ONd Appliances S TATESMAN C 1, 1F 1E D S PID rINGFR ALE, ORANGC, VODA WATER, COLIINS , GOLDER to sdepest) 7n VARIETIES-, 19 ýLVEo pgof !mACAOI&CEE C teN Diner 6for$ Red rarid Steer Beef!f vBoNElESI, BOTTOM CuT ROUND STEAKI ROAST $1.29 cuU ý FRM1H13R Ç RB ONLY (Lower Thon a Year Ago) IDEAL FOqR BOILING R Ï Y L PAIÎ E tbAf ACTION ïPr:Ccr SUPER RIGHT QUALITY, FROZE-N (LowerTaYer A.7,01 FROZEN, NEW ZEALAND IMPORIED SRN AI __________________ SHOULPER (LOWER THAN AÀ YEAR AGOQ)I CHIC EN ls l 9 FRESH LEG R BREST QARTERS (Lower Than a Year Ago) Chicken Qurt ers 158 CanadaGrade Ev scrated, Froxen, Vacuum Pacleed C CK N 316 ave age 1644 REH(LOWER THAN A YEAIR AGO) GRUN ORK lb68 Lwiw ondeiful Values! CA'EL SPAGETTI 284-. MARARNE1 I'WDR E~RGNT(Speci Offr in (HEER(KING SE) 5 lb W~ CANAA No 1 RADE.. NAR.... O GROU D B EF 84< BURNSEANSORPACK, BEEF & PR suE?-IHT QUALITY, siCED (1<WER TH A ERAO FROZEN, 0LB CTN LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO) SIDE CON 1-1 vc pa988 SMOKEV CKD, PICNIC STYLE pO0RK S HO'ULD iE R S 15 8 SHOPSY8RN ... BRAND, FROZEN PDLOWER THAN A YER0G) HamburgPATTIES 2-l6 pkg$ 5 PICK UP YOUR FREE ORIGINAL RECIPE AT A&P WýEO's METCIJNTER. THIS WEEK'S RECIPE "SWEET AND SOUR SHORT w S" PAN PrARKERi RPANISH oztn~ < CAR CAKE 9oz tcak 1- b p gJA N E A R K E , V A N I LA , M A C A R O N (R uy 3 - SA V E 9e bib ~ U pg9<(PCAE 3 pfîg, of 6 s 0 JANE PA4cE arc ~ Cinnmon olîspkg cf, tcm fiL eA CHLEcUNS 16-oz pk,;5 -OZ bu bu5<Famly Doen eu ts' pkg cf!1 s17 WINRO LIS 3pkgcs,911,00 WIET bLE STOC AIOKROýi PT g T ESb9< r' -J Now availblie at A&ýP WEO FamiIy CirleIlurae L1BRARY 0F COOKING A TO Zs 0F COOKING Pnfeess'onal lips r- zltI AMERICAN CLAeSICS: US. Favorites Front fora Coast Io Coast APPETIZEFRS. , tm H-ors d'oeuvres, Coape-s, Nibbtes, Dips and Dunks 1f DEVERAGES: Punches and FruitDrks THOUSANDS oi TRPLE TESTED RECI pESn FROM TTIý- éEKITCHEnS0 FAMILY CIRCLE MAGAZINE"1 IntrodIuctery volume une on sale 4 now onivy VOLUME Ili 16jUS '79ECl SUILD A OLEEETHEAS I JANE PARKER, WHITE, SLICED 24-OZ LOAVES ki 1 * 3-o z pkg 1 O 'd Ob lm