WeekIy Repoit L C S O Jr or AIs 2t o BSept.T Blrthls,2 maie, 4 fml .Gr ýanrn df mnily on the lr ir awy othpy d Cit e' -t Meja or- operatiocns 6 Port e y Fstnitr a Ih3d- onICI ndayifrom eblt; etod Ms Nr rM inRa lo r o r ai o n t i li m s . M . Gl r a h m m o t P a n a bh a k e r F u er a l iî C h - H p e s W tn'T t a e l A Uc t 10,11saleio.ess elEtt o aeRa saefrSl elEtt o ae Fimer-1genicytrea Éments - o~wUbe ,gceatl-Y mssby le e.W~y ~' ihM.Jh AutoFale of funCr ucinsl f furnitur, LOWf V rý an hnsat Pethick's Aucý- anid thinigs for M.and Mr L He. diwrs. FiVe asoscnslt1n K..Oiv c TL Ill d fatomGeoge haveel returne Ke tBu c-,civ irib-DO NPAYMENT O evnîgSet 1.Sale at 7onSaturaySep.1.A: Go yRE' '1 ndMr. a1 cNodnc11eth prkwe om epeitionc vný,îl rouýsara M. niM .Smt n! o Sck lifpet. ick,.Aoc-on aticesi . nex Aweek ' tineer. 36-1 paper. Sale aitipm. Ci 1 *P62-30 3BERQ OE and faniily of Ha ton hve'disappointerl. Tiier:e s no I a ec, auc. ______________________HOM moved imb othe village. Te udygaIne as Ponty/pool lrt prto T irhla ut fMnadMs.Cr- liii k tioneer 36-1 Ne4 a new hiome but shoart - re iviing in the, house forý- played A I a wýveeenltun-wssete rn edo gt AutinSal'e p ivate saie Bo mavile o,1 rth ll e nd:eash? Thjllesisil el ,,\ndb er avS Iýi ienic, ïinte sC)nwCIakse r plus co çr)unity vsale to b Aio saý faniue ,etl kem- it famehm ecvr tms!W'1 hl Congratulationss te Mr.in doraYs wresp !in h. S!. p', sa in l o ec, S t, S p . 9 2 n o h l r e h a r u o rch ereet h e attra thve Beaver eog a u aio s l r n t la n in Lindsay on MVonday 1 Ca aries end 1Nl gara Pal-,r H a ît l hedat Stirtev-antVs Auct'ion 8el2 cr, Brae t.ap (nept.- 9o, bihthei gains ara. Lst wMieek thleyv iîbed ua $ano Bneo Half23al t, Os a a o Erouga mi Co ni ty Hiii v 1 all, anld ga[Lge ol sp cous se- W illow dale miodel, a 62 - 5 3Bt bed-,(le SL7 ' o i i i ayes a Thusdy een g Set.i i N. H y. nd BrcLk Rd, cluded lot. Priced i at$20.90Q, rook- lbeauty on your lot and zanne Wilson) who ,ere nmar- C nrtltos e te B t Mn. and M-'\rs, taiD relset h a ihM ,A n 6:00 pa. y le 9rcaSe , 'e-Pikrig aonsdiP, un alfrm r nor ain o n ain f just $,0.qow avle- e e ied onSaturday. any Mý aide t e l îning Bthe n fm ly e-Ver ne 'c îr frieraor frezeracrsa op' tiy 0 coourd at ad pes-Mape rove area: Wel V i aave cas mueh as $31000 1older lhomie in ihe nonlii en Weekend viiors wt h osltonto.Pnyolhaime iii Clnh rltn aNor.tie r cooure-d television (good sed glasýs, fuIriture, doc2ks, buiil icnd kept 8 year-old édo- ee oifentOn-wal b idingooih alkusingbaseme i ac ukswr r adMsCRgPe Wes were dfae ntno lo jeinîng the iz nm 1e bo codiio),occ!asionial ch air, rscpeciaec E lx ahforhsalarge methiods.J YUOBriot od adsa'gak agEastabrook anid NMaster Tony th finls- Aier eigate Bakic prya heDnlneadMs ni o chiromle suite, work beaich, SvrAcine.43-76.lvn om icen ii insouma . brey trt$,00 on.1usk, ah ï eteer.i)rQuAgh). tp alsao,îe ett elswr n a n.Gr iie r n Ma rus,'[9pinealeplant sad 6 n ra eroiad4 YirHm"wt ny$0 omail ½see Sincere symipathy la e-xtenic-, Baliiehjoro. ylwyten Kll n aiy rl-Caslke h~rctaeci ingle beds, oerlw m--pce lbath. This is a vr oddw.W'Ihl ihmr-hm ih4bdois a-e pthe family et Ihla hiebr ea scoce yigtùrO onlthe sam-re day wasVewLkedn gtrewe wesoeshlecia ai auraSp.1,cerv Kneiin a 300 age aangm ntsiid land age and a apaved drieclose Wasen olisto wh wa a ore otypool boy oah 4h. alwTasottokGet taail lnr mt. woodhenlnps, osewîn iI) f aray ucuon 9orÀMervy 1Jg IaI.Mp tn3aS od lreavailabiitics toc!l'or fi;rth- b co', ' dshppngeArtlyjred la a bin wcycle- beibangueboy, ompl et. rIwthaatrcieptyoongradM Cuo a ic !rye Cr Gil roy ai t 1 4-ti. (l, ý o.7Urc nisoebnao,2e eal hn n 2150ar accijdenlt on Frîday eVen regld teherthtco-pilot ;bninging tihe Dorei EenSiedn YUeoca machine, . UAV IlibW1YNORTHEY aet '723-55 8 Ooo ùIder 3 bedroorn ing. Mrsýý. Hon (Carol) Sbh hySuc arturnd fritue Uteeflse-se fterG a ed hosfo irpaercodWuthrc i 6 ml airpaes U iseirc.ro U S eyLInaet oelatenot adtse e1etyolwa1 lie thon ronhsptlafe nijys ace-ota tr r- nnvsurta h hm f stadbarecesie hdde, orh-wsiet.tof iln- and pou oluon, double garage. BMeaver Lumier stoarce anding $16-90a.iredcasd1eron mir rgery , 196 Coet oneribles, lareiuig b earaieS,C faePme i$300 ikUPanwBV Tyrone oflder 11/j storey Acme Pallet conitinuietheir oet aemoenxsfrTuc dy evrnng. n asFHlh a/trayhfay a quantiAtyy 'hfedwshesbedpois ansi noe achhaeary, grainandetc.j Sa erhast Lii flt ompet. weksppe fo cmpltede- ale Goe Ar i ' 0ea:AiCTllr iEfonir hoe ii 4bedeos nd wibb Bethary iniean nxweek's colurma, 'Xethevnia gkaiEgeaî 1 terdugtsr ,dM errel-s cash. MlsKing, Aoc,,- til.Properýtysold.Slû,delrtrrun oei ti 10, uclir ihforaluminuni siding, asking $17,-"v e is De eamlu-Fals hv ee wY)Ms.KllCndgil wn Study nig ee n ho eV edd ay il o n LI , sia ce Mr.dndd i e guests etani M . Lin P ae tinear and Cartage. 75 .. AtIkinsol n (l iWilso,îoveîy ý os' bousewiîh explasfrmore t7-if0 oms,500 wiih ternis. - drsadig te eere ias Whaensa noig aManiM 1Du dad ose is ae ee1 5751. 3- al 3aagr6ni uio- izira rooi in baosemen. Gn- - etnil acr ed e olIt puIt l naparneaioertpîrug etr adfml i nlbn. Bomnil, yCx aers. 3- g nilarge ikshoprit on ,s.rooni bungalow on h1creetla-st Wednesday's g a rine laiOntarie and lbave net has i ie 1Mn . i-oy Tav ion speldntheBmavleM. eiJw h~4acr lo M ny ru trcsproperty, asking $21500, Beîhany ansi the fans, wh o tecoîleci many n ews iem. ai, OhlwsM, n Mn Do 'ATtJRDÀy, SPEBR9 Auction sale, pTivate ritate2Pn__ed ni$25 00 3 uliglt ekad-ntMneAniCieie ~Ala saa lsEey lace 575 Rilg sentRd.,esOsrr.- - e-- - ---eilweiAi pro i y i.- o Mc.ý ansi M Ss. Wal- -c o d 100 x 176, nsking $7500 Gayr ni M s Aucition 'sýaleC- eof Livesiock e , 5Mi.,) teci-BUansMrani n RyEsey ani mpeens:27had eOflie helsiSitvns'Acin W ALTUIIE 2 Orono- 3 Ibedr.ooni bunga - HUIeeford stýckýer st(eens, 17 Hall, 27 H-all St., Oshawa, on- ______________________________ Os aip. Sar.[% 0Î low on 2 acres et properi ns eml sen helngOsaa.A hgMrnig y2 y s. at', S ptee, t t fiein cotage a Mn ns Mn S o en w r Heeod tao,1'2 e2y s.a.,Spt .g,i at .m. har Bowman.ville 623 4403 with crack aimany extras, asking $34,500,b d - ldJ ellyBayon, Laie. ,Stungeefcn. presneiwba rtb. ell.Frd8 tace, o 1i elactric stvb1k i4SAELTO Coce Kendal Ara- 4 bedroom '~~'Svra ned nirtas treo rn he aîy Nv2' nawj, Fnnchproincal tii-l es teds ieDvn-A ewni iioe n PT;3p. lcrgadrhaetrili ut gos od- 0arstbrae badroom homeic. wýitIL.corner lot on riain nscDr lire preaar, teelframd ani ~ni ap ppd baîn Lots cet water.3 nd Bec lila coluras c-,DV II E Unsi Churïilcli onSeurdy,(ne ery en lans suite - AlBout - - - 725-03 Agui 6ir nirî h. erp foSa.Set t itre e fam rala wih 8'x 4'talaTv iing ro,ýa i St. E., Bowmanvihie Nestietemipý(po -ci,4scin ra rrrows, iing auîomaîic ,waiben an vi R,ýi," i Àci Iled Ir th K wrÈaý 1971 Ski Doe rT T , h cdyr (n ros) ol623-3393 2 atoney 'berne, 5 hedrooni,S Edwin Jeans - 623-7152,byHv1. UHoiewa w lng e s e rv gin"icea hes la i KwataCnr lqew; k coa, TnN y 44 t, M~ adae, cdaideu 3 .2 abrom(fiuleil eelMac McDonald - 62s-311 On July 1, 1966, we we'- The evenîng evie wS Booe ( y t be nfr Retu M as M .Buc M n- item. Aproxinatey 2,00 pacebedroii- suie, crnerN~wtnvîî~ 5 acrs. Pices ni 35,00.0, Wif Hake -- 98-527 coesi ris astoal fmuly wel atendei tesinc tir ran aia nday. emej, Hapi a vhstec tbut'.iodayher Auig, ats27, weemedsay Maranralathaenreat inebahe' n. ansi Il rn eanow4 i uaMs .A lp1I ei1 WelSv. cumboa, portabl aivision, 97 rolling arswt ieaiEcletStarter Hm1eenM iad 23î~farewell te them nas te enaetfbren invitesi. Si years agoIaniJehon Tie roary t en Lttacasitalese, resasch est ansi Pend sites. Excellant Large lotý , h'~ stora Llod Atcison 705932-2761 andmly hy bae le e tnei f iin -- Mns. Jones, Scanblorou ghA Rsioludy.M( . Lo 31, Co, 0 Oonbr e crwes, reor ILayaer, building site. Goosi ternis. Ibedrooli, at a c,asi garage. 36-h corne dean te uýs - tliata ns lIi-prd congregien, Rebhoboth sPra' atwe ih rmtn a - Tw., mile lnorli et Peter- welarocapn qulip- Asiing $39,50U.00. Cal Bil Closet siolsas sop-aletuou lngpepeasidrnah., od1o auitrM, niMn o MnaycîeMeM.oon tee.ainsiwas sr ýom1ew9i d - br am illes - eonour Smith, NMichapel anid Cmris. En b oul LîiLcs ansi 2 ment, reto-tiller, movie cam- Turansiey. oo invsg.ýeijt b ùro aiiie nuht n-ia a nOlsi Norweod aa1a 'Atols areiun Rosior2 ieseat t eer tigaetderdi,hin ansge r iqcrsTuoeTh ot pciu em a LONG SÀýULT preuiesi ia tire tokens etnp-givPamint'er tire scaneetofMs. Boy ylor ansi nBn honogir n Uw. N,7 ansi warr ansi dishaes. This ia Scenie Tyrone Hîlis, beau- Tovu! Mnprci atie nijv peets isltwud antflyh. Ba o Iy wene Weeke. ns-AoAYORnN No eseva.Sale i 1 :00() '-m-Ternis cash, neoaav, os iles nenti et Bowmanvile, sizasi bedroonis. Fenced .back- erea ansi famiy aitensid. a the engregation ws îin t rcevefroni Aboya. TireTaylor ai tireir smm rhome As fo Re Auctieneor s Mies Km uctoerOl 900.Trns nifamihy picnic belsi hast Sun- the coppotunity te saygos-meuato wson Bey, 3: onLaeMukla O Carl Hicion, se y ~. y. dy ai Genrlsi ansiBarbJNe!- bye. it was a lcom1fiag ani -1. Tha-ieprois e tirai Jesuis1 n niMs alWih RYLRDDELD BehrOt,1752'.~ ansi Cartage. 725-5751. 36-h a tGradadý70.al 0>.(,1 (Lindsy). ~Sattursay, Sept. l61i--,ri1- 86 Acres Kendffal 1H0iS Mvmgt saalt',Ve ae htri olgsca ahnn ui icreqiky-that wa visitesi M, ýAnal- . McNaiIVlly i632; tien Sýale et fan acins-, rik ose, ba niru Exacutive home, fireplace, wiro alneihasi a real enjey-1 te tire enjoymant et tire 'Van- ih avýe te-) go nfatruly-aniOon01ce ANI, UE U an, i'iquýes, YFond 8WVtrcio 3 av es rossi frentage. tuna(q)- ptiBal1coniy off living- EllenanadsiDebby akisnrhyaie about the lait b a take ur cnown V ery Crut ili 4ctio Barr pi. MU. o. 3 tracer, .U. alesivalueaI soooooo. om Cean ril facesi ,ars, ansrBeyansi ulleMcPyerdy.n, me wii lauaned.Our manintul i w. eele e ep fWtat 1 C- 1 -j 17 C, od'meward dec,1,Caî( ~ 7' pewer ,doub e, Teni, BealRy Fosta2r, (n uligStsson, Oshrawa1 prtWeies-partmng paston ws fatr-pyGoiWr t o dlyV ne lcefeib)Cleiarrews, enoj 983-5801. EU l"ýý :r arescrek, ood rA wor d cet "ThanieYu Friday, Set. 8 cultiator, MU.6-biade tili- i1ace, rc, osidyd u eeMr. g llh rs ,.aunt e sa t4h remarieireirelie 7:0 PM.an li.3-rrel-W plorigi, New 100 Acres Gravel 2 ce, ecs, i ,Gibson. MniasiM v . y ai-wsexressesi by the Mlars- à i Bri ed Qudektal anuire ipreader, John Near Mos[(-,ýponi. 'Corner pro- ansi bush Weil. $21900.0.1(Intendesi for l ait week) On Sunday, Bey. Vnen atacngrlegation feritue1é d a rs B rd ie a ph'0ý,ecce wedcu ntt t lu i s G ay e a d h r ait Os1 Vr r whe iýýl( f'n- p n i h ' (ete pediesti) andi sb),lar 3'iayel- ar') wii ravl ieosta 1 are, rot lereibus Gyl asibe sai Me.Beg tecieéihl inerl asi efor sen i tei chais, 9pc. siinnr rooi vierMU.Side raina, wagon Asking onifly $44,000 .00, , ai back, fait fîowing lcreekliMllie Brown, Osaw, ere sermn. ha T tireinrng es-mcs dulg tr xe e suite (w oit), ceu e wih raie5lrg q aaii[e Tr-s.passes cirectly hinsid $8 ednesday istos tMn. ans tign cu 20 738 i cac onsiiehal oredec ber f I ln tcityofrmy ce, od900.00. - j' MS. Bye Gibson. ce-nniection wih utir inll-iaes nbbaf ttre id- Crauberrili ira, ri, stnaw Aiqe L octs er sdn oti era roetM .G. Bernard ansi Joanne thon of eIders ansi deacens.1ly anidlonrhy peopleetclbetb ansi _fdoine),, Rtrba Pog-tywere Sunayalenonvsî-cFecewl wil corne," cngýregatIons;. ~u lmp KngGere pc-irrcwodsquare tabl, tale- et Eewnile, crs 6 acres, $4,500,00, situaiedsi en fetthe R. Gihson's. meanilng destruction, bit 9aie, G0oo-byýe Bey. ansi Mn.r n~' -nhm; scearms aii, ols nexýcaileatsnownohile coun- Mn. ansiMrs.Fred Ballard "I Imay say as Pl'o sucldý -, anVneB iiwemeet 4c r asican), cealo11ilp ei an lleouse. Vr Scenlic mieiety. iry, beautifuliy wooded. ans i M. ani Mns.Enai p- Ivn. lbt iope tire Lord agaîn _ ____ hal ndmiror loe asison, B3anicoti, spent Moniday h,10 eat ii-o oeglass caï irmhna, 3 wausiad rikBnlt oannvilAfier 1Meurs Cati-,w itAi the R.Gisn. jaaetals bhmroiect, ls, siresseni' Nicelandssc a p aesi ansiRubi- Ingleten - 623-2627 --- .P P îEP R (cane, Ja nsd Hayes, ocsgchi, upbceterd lot,I90 x 1,50, 3 besi- Elfiedle FR E263-203E liali wricane b'oils, lcieee biiyoxe b r eDviet. E IE 1 ici acidents ansi occurrencsasales iOrono Park on' niod earNe le r1mig--Ony 3,000.00. Ternis. Mk emne 5610 eeivsiaei h icFriay, August 25, 1972. chair, plckle castor, - Be~~~~~~ar ienantique couci, tohacýro Estate sahde, Oreno Mlvli al -62-63 ManijMýrs.Gorden Tay-Nwaim % iet ttr arigt ithhkr op dishes, lass, crocies, Mcuitereniarey62ot5ar itemetir moit Datiractivef Wm. MeFeeters 725-1726 Ionr selr, utrma s~-futrirla au lsi tablise' î,-One- i[ î msn tinsdttrct lransi famiiy visi[esi ai Mni.,Otaie Provincial Police, be- Two h7-yean-old girls andiFLEZN te,, pus WI)r, newteral, fnione i oaniy f i trerdlot with 8 -72536-h Ray Taylor',,Oshawa. tween Augusi 2th andsi Ag nte il1 rnwn peivelargeibou, hepoprt felLi81- Mrs, Wallace PascloP acc - ust 26ti, 1972. Feunteen m(t.-picErd ply tw e nra whTle: ruy baspics cleth lire i n.R. McCahe, Leote - m, aldn orpais isEehnCnig rvehicleaaccidents wc-eain - litcî1-hikîgng arnNewcastle la'p qi, basket is EelllM deî ni ai ther initer- 7, Cen. 2, Manvens Twp., 2 becroems, Ali.1 ý3 ,0 -(, a f L alf r r 1 üt Tý,siir nlii k,1e.,,:Is ,,17 . T il esir itm . Terms: cý ash. n lssouii etf Yeîvenîon or 5 ' t ti Ai s k ing ale iudri to NB ra F allson a me l n vetigr d inchudî n h bc clpnA g t2,17. il StapletandnFrnk6-1 siet BLindsay korH y3 i eS.,B wm aile JOHN F. a flsonburg ansi othen places sens suffenesi penoa] iir Courtice Rossi o0 Hwy 401 4 a i g 6 qt, bask t - - ansi 4 miles west te Yalven 2 sueerncie. Loi C66 x267 U Mss M/yile Tamiulyýn e o n- o.chargesi witi r diing ýottences. asivanc,(es upon tie. Tr Ssoray Spt 9h,1:00 ton Garage ansi 2 miles souuir. Large suniroorni.Close iteay- eneainds itha ee The NTewcastle officers ahso girls manaesit acp9wîr pi.tir staleette ieTernis cs.N aexe aeryuliring. Asking2,50)0.0 iasnfrM-.J. D. iBrown, comnpleird 80 genenal eccurF- eut ieing iarmesi. FRESH LOCALGRW csl, sui e ia irafNewf icnue sale ai :00mP.m. Crlil lPYii-encra ot wiich 2 ixe e relai , ay ibisle aprm e- 'lns Gore eado ',Ne- hie sale ai 1:00 pIn. For i er. CîGhliaMRh rone, on ban 86th liiihday'v enter ansi tiefi, 2 tirft 2 wil- rin îiontir eu ietHicieson auctioneer, Realiono, 33King 1S. s emnmieM lin ems n nifui ciemage ceniplaîns'4ie-ape twrtcahpe MiiSti. icPdnngOt -705-324-9959. 36-2 Oshawa Area Mrs Ter-y Sruir ani Sean, asigrpot, itu ()iet peeiphe wiro cirance u-poniC R rooni suie (esC) asi china ________Execuiý,piri iime ol10acres. Phee623-3950 or 6233111Kanile, bave he isi igcmpats 3asut hd-akn nrdewt un ow îint wth las sies,~ Sle2040 sq.' Pfi et iing pace.1 g,,,YrnD " ton a mkewieteii-t 1A EL RME U LS C'ary fîciga asidsteve. eal E-"ate for '-'- eBrick a nsi stene rancirh ua BOW'ýMA'NVILLE: Laiga 6 M iMr.. Fred-.--o-u-*forrsac conipsint, te LEANLiewisr. i i aIs ara -kiahan sute, grad galow 2-car a mga. Boasi - eciri 2 siorey brick home Allient will lie co-rmencing bis dangeneus diviag complaints h hnee ea stan nai drsse, 5-iec ~ FR Al apliaces buii- ~ , aa cnycaracs. a rage. et Watrloo tbis'week. report of founsi pnoprny vansid bis rmhsei b toîlet set, 5piecSAesLEooCian.Nicely landscaped. Tiris s îClloffice. Mrs, Keiti Davey, Gath ansi h et lest pnopertyF v.j ansi airaisKaoa iaiars]ay 7,0..bnow.O haes.4-iaansi Mrs. Bussell Bryas,lwith aimal effeaces, 3 par- BcToSoo"LmdGwnRE csî wyiaer ashr, ieds wair- Tris. Ca - Phyi MRo b-ba.Vh elkp.Ase oMrLk. sens c hargesi if iq Satembhae , re , Onaro o iTal stads,4 înîg cais, on- 6~-764 ie. ing $24,500,. Ternis. Mn. ansi Mn. Wilfrid Bo-13 fncs.On caredt i-oui ongbn ae ratu- n or rdocmmd carcesre3a-7c69410'CE AM naweeguruts'aithe Ceea- painesi dniving 'was laid, as t eoo.Wicrfr ni POTATfl ;T, tw63picechetefi1 5-neoni bun-galow onlo roomi, 2 siorey stucco hOnni,, Unitesi Chuncir. na LETTUe Er iiotatTicý iIt athfi suies amms, ug 9x1), 37 lngSt.E, Bowmanville 100 x 171, sten r e la e ecAil modern convpiesances Mmaryd cf tir re mena iportan Theinan wabn &ml Yn. 0 5c- foA7 h 2u e as ekse. Lsn arge , sk-.p- il . $8,00. r envle i i M. A rnpr rvr fensave a -I)îld',lite. »m Pluma1 r,3 TV raldie-mibne, oie Open 9 a.m. te reým ioi, 2 ai , garage, gu arageLsaed lea. 3ct siiînMrvs it Harrso, cMr. A ti e ig nrst diei., m: Scbol Cesîgas e hahp OUÈ t alesmie tble, obeCs1ý, pugs $5900 ens alNnTri.(rinTaylon's, Westoa, Ontario, nrrwîZD igtieom-, .d5 seesiv, ope oie, liBRKa1 DNi alummnuni id3W5urenup. al Tor T123 . RESB RA Mn. ansi Mrs. l ire$ acsiseieus injony shor- ,rearaie, e very)carrete,- clocýses, vcoun,, Sngr A ipitioaiooiPiuirugrWKu alH isPR P RT wialagnd'utT notefn. asi M s.M keltate niiigr e ug i asi etetme ena O SMn C ,o, .,ii ,i, Li Mary Smith '_1111786-2283- Jau OgeMat- 62-38$90 oofistg t 3Baai Bey- Banner Passant -62.3-3258 "" '- '"NEWCASTLE:, Veny wllh- accidentr emd tir efoilowîing afi't -r- acýbnisie Ti-.e ,' ,wio wiil -uh6,, vaý,ss (uene-, ion- Roui- spencer -623-7694 Jani Oussheoru -623-2984 boilt, 4 hedroorn, brick boa- A singîécradn lrlyinsub-LimergeS !in 1LakCeOn- iecnioiîeSnda-y yal ayrobshal picien, ll'Wayne Mlarchant -579-2082 esi, finaphace. Bar lan ec. ina-igo Twsij~ ossi Tir vebicla appjeanasiionservice as weîî as intro ADRPAD NiponFio Bie, edg- HE QALIY 1h11Suter~n4 63-30_ ooi pioy 2bi irisoiret ofConty Rossi No. 1, te have bren pusirci vn a ducingtire adiaît stuy paceri 320- earePl wodlroastone, LiOB- FN UAIYconditienesi uirougioni. Gai--asheucusesi extenive damiage12, dift! he relane. Uon"JsucfNazareth." 7QOf1 yal opahage, geen en- MAUMETS AD KBih Oroji 983-350 age, on large lot. Pninesi te teo he vrieinvolvasi. Fon-inecevery, tire vahla audOsaaPehyaihIitSLae CSv alC'pehgel,1th dieroftet Auguo. 23, 972,Pwas ne wwil le lebytr. alnr'iai *à it 9c-e pciehe cri, Craý-nbei,,yr-ny BllTura'nukY r oa 9- s elh. tniltr rve ttr I80.0 a eniid Churci Wamen bave premieýr- - nial raisi cytehobh- Roy- FouLr - OrOno 953-5801 amiimoihe suiaird neserions otahhy wiveesi dapernain"raiv umtDnt na-l, ruy, etc. Ceai oih ai 4O uot21,rcepcuerghnnps, -à Norm Weiherup - 723-4809JAfler heurs plea5'? cal: nji'Iri. BB wer severah atemt"' lndan thle adar- appliaaces, 6-h JIarryVoeemean 1162-7597 Robent J. Peeling, 23, oetRF .cre raierch ba-n s 7 i f fiteelsi dpnÈk IVI ehnnoal Ze Sar n-1ith r TAFFORD --- arry Couli M72-2649 1, Hamptoni, was inavelaucé ewc,neatste nrhswltienedeMs. (E ALAD? BRS0LI. otb on a 1roasi betwern.lot î awaleMthod o et elvnt gneu IM~f N lportable T, eSde aw humid- OBUS.L.Joee Barnosiel 786-2256 30 ansi;31 i ngontiresupct is descrihasi ass atiar ntaaîbna tes, oc- , ~ gorsdRESULTS COUNT! ICIGary Hauccm9315Twnbpwa est con- alwbite, in isi-wentiaî woniimdUwi hapreseai y ~Gi tioac'5 ot: irer otents Resu Davidien - 2'17-2321 mol ea bis 1970 Dosige, hit hem ppxîAtal 6'ish l nûnloCneac ihe s 0 lilog ean e ir odsi1 Weley Anderson« 34-69 rvehioulder ansi rohîrd tir eiis i ba. A uicse hage QM-uncI orne, IJAi autahushasi tamihias Ain oo- oF. Delvili- - 987-4024 car ovai-. Tir vend esisiai-htn niypucases an 1,po ns.te .i Tol, ennte Asored Iavur ïiumi on ib ts ètintie cikcirans iliepaie ieas pnwiliaitr iegopl [in wîîevayîrin aexe-Stafforid Brolhrs _____op________ iesimg îtmt as br sane1 rtire ite -nitm us si 2p -FREP KIG N lent condition aniwe - l de damage________ - cd ni1500i teashier. If suc - The Vnelics rm e E AKN! NE F UE T uiy t '-u athe : Tr en l5 "i-nirap reuu ie sue i uulyh o prta teh BetStriBrelin yiquC 'rlimcSEVIE!FOR OLI>APPIJANCES Mà. Pee4hing asibee e-gjhan wiral h. 0d oliginalYl '-D_--------- i, i 0FIR- 46 g 1ný i s , um fiiad TuRotiaGH d ill) impari ci-isng unji~ea tn Ihe vsuie'. Lttr oV te beach ot den- cahrrqu.Sl 0 lBoax 1n33CnlalaD Twu irtram Ohaws animentfj ,ton let ni ouasi73 - 77 Kitig St. W, OD ~,o-tenSevies Pon S Phone Whithy s6am-~5s i c wfas tiereavstmgatng obcHly irni and pomsu simcady - ihout a bay tiret 6t9,362 ____--------------_ HO 23333 ffcre n tesv wapn asallslke e