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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1972, p. 5

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Eurketon were Tursday ihed at he home ?f Mr, aný Itors onf MLan r Lesli Mn. Hrold 'Ashton, Enni- Miss HeaterRe r amp PIM r. wAdMn. Cînyton Read, tonI, spet afdast h Bownville, Mns. A rt hunr Barbaa Aston.Read, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ash- M.GeorgeKendow ton touned the Budd Plant manili, ws aSunay isi laKitchener, and later at- toc.ý 1tMr ndMth Cm-tndd flc Shakespeara eron ~play "As You 'Lîke Tt",, Pt Mr. nd M. Jm MatynStrafford. and randauhte H i I i Gail and Sybil Grahiamr and flunartn, n. nd n.inl FranRl Nielsen and Dale Mc- M/rs. WaltFr LvnigT-1-dcay ivh, Mr and Mr.. Wal- roeMn ad n.Jonp&O tser Rahm at tfheir cottage Pt wcr S"daye~l~rs~tt'Vi Four Mile LaPke. and rs. nthu Trein's Mr.and n. Ri and, pitl o Thnsdy. uesti of M, anýud Mrs. Rumdofý Mr. ad MrsE. R.Thom -tenge, Toronto. grandauhte, CrolWis- DlNeil and iShirley Tahbb manBowmnvlle, i si ted atended th0-e C.N.E. on Mon- Mr ndMn ETuciý,, Ton- Mn ad \is. Lloyd Siem1orn ontowereTbunda inne wer gue t he lcThomr- gusiof MIr adM.Fred ISIemon wedd(iing la Toronto Aýýiitn. Mr. Ed Ac -on endon Tutesdasy. friendToron 1c, reFriy Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Degeer,' diner ncss c th F.Mn-Ajax, were Snndey cllers at tons.Mr. and Mns. Jeck Jonies'. M r. âend iV1inS. 1Dýo 1ud, ïd r Bfakbnn, hity, ereSat l~r. nd nsFred Ashiton ure iiOor and Mrs. v- ýisîted thein daughten, Mrl, W. Blackiurn Mn. and ýMrsM. J. Medore and fan-, Stia- lvWeston, Oroo, ereSetrda diner Miss Lily Tabb is iitn egUcsts iflicW, lcbr Mr. and Mns. Stan Cwig famîlySalern. Mr.andMr. FedAshon Witli the ,liolîdeys, over, wcreMonay gcîtorfMr, studenits will lic back to Lnd Mn.Lois -Ai 1on in scliool on Tuesday, Sept. 5th. thinne ome at Petýerboýr-" Club 21 will lie holding ou~i.thein f mît meeting for tbie Mn. d Ms. loydA~hnn aîlon Wednesday cvenln)g, z-clcd-onMn. J. D. Brow,ýn, Sept. l3tli. Gnoup 3 in charge Oron onSunay.Blanche Joncs, Peggy Miison,ý Mn.-. Tiompson v!! Rena Potta, Inene Tabb. andi .Mn. E. R. Tliompson, aowmanvill', BAISE OBJECIO4N uanand FedSlemon visitecd Mn.ý; Will W at nd The final wonking drawings Miss NnyJohlns, Ham;pton. and specificatfions have been Mn. loydSiemion Joined complet cd for a new senior them forinber el£cmentany ach-iool for Cobourg M\1r. and Mns. Ro.ýs Aibton and Hamilton. atftecided tfic MVotlier.-' Fellow- ! Tenders may be called witli- REnlt a Car for A DA-Y OR WEEKEND Ask for 1Rae.. COUNTY CURYSLýER-DODGE LTD, 6 23 -2,58 6 -in the next montli for the pro- poîed 24-room school. How-l ever, an ob)Ijection to fthe site' bcing considered has been plaed b,- Hamilton Township. Thie'will have to lie dealt wîth finst at the next meeting of, the Ontario Municipal Board, on September 15. YeIVE was d mums ATTENTION SECRETARIES edn Vie Oshawva Secretairial Association ivhich is devoted Wilson, to the t1eveloýpment of Secretarial Proficiency in the' Mrs. NS Oshava area cordially invites ail Secretaries to.become verton, members aaid paricipate in the,1972-73 Program. Meet- Mr. Jal iiags are held on the third Tuesday of each month and Mr beginning zTueýsday, September 19, 197Z ini the Fleetwood 1'tyool. Raoom of the Genosha Hotel at 6:30 p.m. Membership offliciate la; otiy $15.00 per year. Inquiries should be addressed ceremoe tg thie -Member-ship Chairman:, of Piec Mrs. Doreen Breffitt playing 205 Rosedale Drive Given father, WibOntairie îength Mial 668-4373 peauý ed at covered also tr buttons floor, a £12wi pliqued centre1 Atna W br-ide, gown 0 de soie, gatherei CHINESE and CANADMIAN FOOD also, wv ered bu 100/o Off Pick-up Orders (over $3.00) p r FREOE DELIVERY Phone 623-3703 50 KING ST. E. - BOWMIANVILLE BUSIESS HUS 10 A-,. to 10 P,.DAILY FRIDAY and SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 1 A.M. Ging St. Wu Married in Yelverton Unon Inited Chuncli veil. She carried a bouquet of pink flowered floor lengtl Lccorated Witli yellow white carnations witli conal dress witha rnffied necklinE and gladiolas on July net and variegated riblions of and long ileeves witli rufflE '2, for tlic 3:00 o'clock conal and green. trimimed cuif, silver accessor. g wlien Miss Norma The bridesmaids were Miss les and corsage of -white oncli- idaagliten of Mn. and Barbare Wilson, sister of the idi tied with pînk niblion. tTorman Wilson of Ycl- bride, Mns. Douglas Porter of The'groomn's moflier choie ,became ftle bridec of Ponfypool, and Miss Kathy sleevelless floon length dreislA mes Beggs, son- of Mr. Kerr of Yelvertu,,, wlio were fiowered bine crepe, white ac- xs Pccy Bceggs of Pon- eftnactively gowned in match- cessories andc corsage of whijt .Re\,. Gerald Hoffitetter ing lime green in the samie orchidi, Pd atI the double ring sfyling to thet worn by flic The reception was hil ai nliy witl irMn. Bill Olan matron of honor. They carried Yelventon United Church Hall1 ton, c ousin of the bride,,bouquets of white carnations witli Mr. Lloyd Wilsont of Tor- flice wedding music. with lime green net, and varie- onta, cousin of fle icbide, Mas- I in inariage by her geted riblions of green and ter of Ceremonies. thie bride worc a floor coral.j A dance followed therp. gowa of)Ëwhitc satin, The flower girl wes Delibie' tion aýt Pontypool H1all. cie so)iewthepiePooucf Beticousin of For the lioncymoon ti ;p ta and a long tr ain, affadi- the bride, wear'ing a ,oraPl, Offtawa, fie bride worn awhtc the shouldens by tiny floor lengtli dreis, tlic samne as crimplenedress trimmied with [ buttons. The dreis was tpe matron of hionîr. The ring navy around the cola nd rimmed with covered beerer, was Mase Michael waist, with navy eccesscoe sfrnm the waist te the Porter cf Oshawa, nephew of and a corsage of red îsweet- and insets of lace ap- the groom, weering a coral lieart roses. Tie happy couple d on flic bodice eand shirt, mafçhing fie flower will reside at 865 Sherbirooke front skirt and train. Igirl's dress, witl ia black satin St., Apot. 104, Peterborough, rnaid of honron wes Miss cummenbund and black fiarcd Ont. hlson, twin smiter of flie pants. 1 Ont of town guests were wearing1 a floor length Mn. Douglas Porter of Pon- present from Elmvale, Toro(nto, of canal polyesuýter peau typool was'best man, and flic Whitby, Oshiawa, Pontypool ýwith longfnll ileeves, ushers wene Douglas Hamil- and Bctlinny. *d te a wide ciFf and ton of Kingston, cousin of flic Prior to ber manieage thýe Nith a ruffie. Her dresi groom, Robent Porter cf Osh- bride ,was lionorcd witlhow 'as fnimmed -with (cov- awe, broflicr-in-law cfflichenes in Yelvcrtoa and Ponty-- uitons, from flic empire groo'm, and George Reid of ýpool communities and by lier o the floor. Feniea- ontypool. fcllow office membensi of thie Pa amtch)ing bow -d Tic bride's motheri wore a Immigration Centre in Toionto jad Allowance Proeblem ifs Reietso larke 'ho0%sc-%Ho me s,,Are C ut f spute lvr lic egalter,.on Iicfpropcrty ove Iii flicmentime otier par- >ad aloac has cnt wýýhich a portion cf flic intend cc l ofl 1nds werce sld hinflic ýip resîdcents o ff cnt- cd ronud -aýlowancc nvledpniu a aaend building ýtheir- property la flic Two r'esidential homes ownedl permits wcnc issued for flic .concessinon f Cek yMn. Art Martens and -Mn. construction cf two homes, by mp, parts of lots 15 a1d McClash nclw have nod connec- flic Township fo Messrs. Mc- dispute ca,ýme fo1 a l11ieedtie wifh the township side- Claîli and Art Martens. These ywhenl a padîlockýed noad running nonfli and sont b pensons, built on flic sfnengf i closcd by MnI. E. Kel- l ast of flic Oshiawa Ski Hili that fliey lad egresi fnomtfliir aind no way te enfer thein properfies ftaflic Township pnopcerty. side road. Their homes arc *The padiilockcd gef te also quit e substantiel. poipslied flic .To,,wnship int o Funther to this a paýccl cof -oipning an uniopencd road anidiland, some four acres, was consfrncfing the rond for aisold along flic opcned aide- third panty, J. Whiitc, wlio alsoâ road. If wes flinougli this rpar- jwscnt off fini ii prýopenf'y. ccl of land tfiat a otiýon cof Mni-, White dolei lnw have ac- flic intcndcd ncgotiated road ceas te his pnopelty flinougli allowance cf 16 fLet passedi. flleicl w rondctýonstructcd by About flinee years aýgo,lV. fliceonhp M. Ross, rondspeifnnt The dspfe ond ellowancc purcliased flic four- acre pan- was tflic en tieo fi c teTown-. ccl and epplied ttecCak slýip CouLncil in 1949 whcn Mn. Comumittee cf Adjnstment to Whif e pur-chased pnopenty have if divided into two lot. - midway bctwecn flic sevent h The -application wes grýantdcf :ated ~ ~ leHun n, ilt n c lcTw- by flic commîttec onflic belie-f l1951 he an1Id slip nnd buffing an opencdÉtithfli properfy wns, la fact, thbein own nd isideqrad easf cfr tic Ski Hill. divided by' e public r.oad onill [ater thecy mobved Mni. WhiýVte mader application f0 whici tic Township had spent ave stayed ever flic wwnhi fhave tfl isde- monies. rond opene(-d so lic could have The fwo per els w lre the entra no bis pnopenty. re-sold, one f0iMn E. Kelfeni y l eebr Council at flic fime consîd- and fli oflerte MnI, R. Spry.ý h thle herse and enied flic cost cf censtructîfng Mn. Kelfernaow lioldi!ý he la lhorse wlas i hofli rond and buili ng a br1id ge ownership cf(nperelof landý d newv an inaulat- over flic creelS f00 cosfly for whîci includes flic dispnfctd blessed with the flie Township and negofieted rond allowance. 11tlýis been 2gardlles;s of wea- ain agreement witli e Mn. Cecil is decision f0 fence flic prýop- as been veny suc- Glass fa ellow Mn. White tapenty\ and close and bock fie ,i rotite at Glen 11ravel over his -land fromflic' get e over flic disputcd allow- md Satur-days lie ceaît te fie Whit e pnopcnfy. ance. treet ienowln-i Octoben of 1953 a formeal If h understood fief flic lock west te Curvn-Ilin agneemnent was signed betwecn ih now to stey alfiongh. Mn, idays, lie covers tichewnhip and Mn. Gfess Whit e was given a one wcck wicn l part 'rend: 'For an reprieve during whicl i tim-e flic ank Mie is cane- annruel. considerefion o 10,00 Towns7hip cnnsfnuiýcd flic e and spends time pay;able te flic ownen cf souti rond to iils pnopery usrn I a irl.Clannce arts cf lots 1,5, cneso 7 docs not, iowcver, seve es- The faily aew ic Counil cf tc Tonsbip sra. McClasi and Mnes ofC rn e nc cEby given Council lies end1eavouî'rd tel flh ic authonity te construet a sitte icmaffer îbut te oi l proper-ty for, flic convoiencei(ý At council mieeftig onI ues 0 cf ithe ownctir of a prio fday evcning n rcsý-olufion wa lot 16 concesion 7inlw bing ipasse5ýd tintflcnwcntc- cd ieroeclf[ ie1 ,W if e pliroi)- Tiusi ýpi)hiub l nlc psite l i - il le rY (iins 1 only nc rij fporany thf flic so11tl in i ihoaîf cf ief roed nd!wo-ln( i , ,ý1ld nef11 snow ieon abci 'Oc1 lots -,16 snld 1pingh1c i - ticI winfer. l7o hesvni csion. Ai heprsntfi w Bow an~Ik Tbsmuinpeltvstbc resa. ewncns have --nof L said cesp a opertier road2' -OronoTinmes ' Th~e Canain SFtatesman, onil, Sept. 6, 1972 p "P R new, than aorry later. tection of prope't-y, sol The Newcastle Detachrnent groovýýe lumber, were stoln Viou oCmpats eeitte Uptailie of the Ontario Provincial from a :ibuild-Ing site V near whomlant ken iout_îd tors, t enurethe Police flrm Aug. l3th to Aug.lBlackstocýk. Tiie s-tolen maepRcntya dog ownr rin lOth, 1972, investigatepd 33 ils uwere valued at apoi Clarke Tuwisip wasýinruet safety of persons passing. ncar- ,oo eile collisions ina mately $245.00. cd by a court orcider to have:by 1 whjCh onle person wais killei, Awmnfo h asra his dog destr.oyed. This ci' Dog control b-lsin ti -injred andm a Vman fom he Cesaca.came about, when the dog had tounships, rqi, lI l S22 personsinreadsa area infornied the police t.hat bitten several persons who dogs should rquire that ai wisut14 drivin ofec, cRge ppiaaey $65 .00 in cash were passing by the residence. flot perrnitted toir un at lazrge. wit drvi.Ly ffe1ceý. was stolen from her resideceIn the past there have been Should you own ,a dog, obtain Along with other police du-o varions occasions over thIle numerous complaints concern- knowle(dge- of diog contivo by- ies, the Newcastle officers conm-1past twvo weeks. She then put inlg vicin doms. A dog owaerllaws rom yourlocal mniii ~pleted 88 genieral investiga-imarked his in her PurIse.wh purchases a dog for ro- 'palortonsipauhoît tions, of whichi four ,were Tjhis nioney wae also stolecn break, enter and theft, eightadspnathelcltoe theft, three -wi dmage re- ACearayuhscaged porýts two trespassing com-,in connection'Iwith the theIýft.DeN IkINI PH O plaints foui stuIrbance re-, A fanmily PeiinHothOsTOJV~II,,' ports, four ,domiestic comn- of H-ampton vwerectiie plaints onie arýnl woe- by thelft wblen their hnome waýs aleedtprena ratîc ordanroius drivi-ng b'oke nobtenAgs coman"iýts,threerports O 0 lthandAui at6th, while mîssîn persns, t o ipots they wee wa o holiday-, fouind pro1erty. O7ne persan, a ,s[chl as TV, 1tape -recorder. Y Quve le Iscarevt atchesz, jeweller, rifles and, crimnaloffecenili pesonsothr hUsthold iterns,. Thi!s chrgdwihliquor ofnstmtdvleo h tlnFrildaY, >eptember t and fivc plarsons charged wvîth itemsl was aprxi matel y'8t imrpaired driving. $500,i ..te 5 p.mi. Thie rmore important occur- ATTNTO: oueoler Bing youTr famîiy te F'rederick's P11harmac£y atnd iHl Peet ra, ne nci have their portrait taken by a profesna A Somorsiens howerhphtocahe. ou sllreeie flicinu Peterborough wsrecoverer n-irsdtl ým od ilrcieafflchi abandoned in the Ganiaraskaî?maay on hnlîda;ys have ýre- BONUS PORTRAIT. Forest north of Kenidal on' turned to find.their ho Ile : Augnst 15, 197, shlambles, and vîctimized by, A second vehicle stolen la setýî, ABSOLUTELYFRai O1shawa was recovered aban- otern l amps, jewellery andi idoned on Courtice Road, rl- fi hueo ienvrcpclirsfo uelng of Highway 2 on Auigust 17,adyurcic b eaie 1972. Also during the enig Shonl d you leave your oue ndyo rceie heneatve of August 17, a car was stclen unattended for any lengthiof Exclusive developing and BONUS PRINTS o from the village of Oronro and Jtime, leave your key wiýth î Kodacolor- Filmis Size 126i, 127, 120, 1315 Lias not yet been recovered. reliable neiglibor to kep ao On Sunday, August 13. a raceieye on your property until yo fan at Mosport returnied to liireturn. parl ed car, oniy t, o find that! If you' are a neigfibor to a- tinknown person(s> hiad foric-'person who you know to be-rf on ibly entered the loclked vehicleholida;_ys, and should observeý andJ had stole a ý stereo tape la sitange vehicle orpersonis on - player and a quantity of tapes or near the property, taie niote valuied at 'o00. f any lience numbers andf On A'ýugutst 13, 1972, a quan- advise yonr local police shouild 67 FONG ST. F~AST PI(OWMANV;LlEll tityv of buildin1 g materials con-lyou have ee the slightep-st PHONE 62-2l>46 ssigof 32 sheets ,tentest, suspicion. It nonly taies a fewf seven sheets of plywoold and minutes to check ou t the sitl- large amirount of tongue anddutiorn. t's hetter t'O he safe

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