yb Fr BalAsn. To E x paind P rosgir a m by Ji m Cake s, stem is a imst.This, cf Wih te o b oclse'y course, reqLures the hard eqaa rpaigfor a new w,,,ork aud dedicetion of a resobaebî interest lca lrge number of peoplein iyjestli lie.Cluding coaches, managers,1 Lst Tusa eveuýing,executive members and offi-hý Locke TV lcru'Prs-cae dent George -Sýiusbutry and ai Anyone lnterested in par- - greup of etuisi bas-- ticipating as an offîcer on è,til bail buff5e held a meeting at Association, or as acoc,-- - the Elcto's cuhouse, manager or aimpire, cen find Whilemav piis were eut more information by c ball scuelu Bo1 wmanvilie, it George Sainsbury 623-7318, was, gencrail 'y agreed that a Jack Hateiy 623-3464, and' Ladies- High tilN 13asebalAssocation iu the Carl BrunI 623-5048. Anther Wiliiams 706 (7 8-4) town vouid be a big plus. Tolmeeting regardiug the pes-Ihigd single, N. Wiliiame272 keep Tntermediate. basebail ible formation of a Bowmane Men - High triple, D, No- alive sud weli ever the ye2rs, ville Býýseball Assoclation 1is lai 739 (320-176-243); high a well orgeuized miner ha!ll scheduled for the near future, ingle,. A. van Goor, 353. _____Team Standings M-mm Af- M- Wb - PinsmPts. I Rabbits Cornie in Giant Sizes G E D. MeReelis 28- 2 - ------- B. Smith 30-6-5-------------,, 3056 Ne mornhîîg service tMaple were Sunday d-inner- guestlsG4 Couch ..01............. 3015a Grove on Sunday, Sept, 171h, with their daughter, Mrs. E.'D. Nolan ---- ---- 2966 5a~s-_'. but the service wîll bh elé .L. Giibank and fsmily, Orono; A. Van, Goor ----- 29,7 4 u. '..i inl the afternooo eltwtsoep.m. aise attended the churclacn p uph 18 3" .,,,'15n whu1e.Stanley Snvcien, vice wheu thein great g ha W. Piersnia ..0---------- 300 Manpir, wiý, be the preachier. daughter Deiphine Eiaeth L. Woodcock - 2-00-2-'--- 28 Cen ,nesrvice. Gayatru, Nagacaju was hep- A. Bonsme ------- 2797 2. ' .' Wý:i l the ladies pleese emtized. W e vere aise supper M. Aiidreed ---- -- 2745 imbr bc JC meeting on)iguestes with Mr. and Mrs. Vîc- J. Luffman 2ý528 O TUrs vniug, Sept. 2 Istiter Snid or, Bowmanviile.- e8:00O p.m. uni the CE Hall.1 Miss Sheila Goodmurpby ile The anyfniedsof hMrs attending Toronto University,,Vfu.Im tYg1fýf Pe'1Bel(0eAldswotbh) Toronto. IZUI il *à â: "A ote smahy toeru 15 Mr. . inuaurecently iers Fioeuc, uby et Toron- vstdM.sdMs.L îî ..,SCHOLARSHI4P te, rothr Wifredcf Cur- t their cottage et Willi ams WR lic, u her bec et e iter. IPoint. Superviser Harold Bennett Mîisses Ce roi LTeard, DieuI Mr, sud Mcc. W. H. Brown, le happy to enueunce oeeof ý_ Boureni. Wodtok, lintMaster Devid Bu'own, along hie Youth Bowlers, Ralph bbcweeeud xithth fome'with Mr. snd Mrs. Barry.*numelr e wne eýiser sudhuban , ic.sd!Bleeke, Belleville- r udYBC. Schoiarship Ibis year, Ikr.Menton)i Veal Scot Sý iIMrs. Bob Brown, ocJason, te turtber his education in ~3bven OsSnnla, Mn. ;sudJPeterborough. heid e f amily!Uiveî's'ty. He was oeee ~Wn. D Lerd Peecbrouhgatenig e M. ad Ms. on10 te receive Ihus a yard. Oun aisevictedIher dugbere t Boxv'sBuringen.congratulatiens and best wîch 11f. sd ccMenonVeas. Mies Kathy lVcGuirk, who ~Bib o onftr Mn.sd Mrs. C. P. Swalloavba been spendiug soeo ll- iere Sunday visitons witb bier davs t home witialber par- e sisý7ter, Mcs. Amy Niddrie, 0f culs, Mc. snd Mns. Tom emNopia McGuirk, eteday (Tuesdayi ) tRcu visitons witb Mn. sudite attend Waterloo Ujniversity. IVI' s. FîredR. Stevens axere: Sympatlay of thîs commun- Mis. Earl McLesu, Osbawa: Sami Seymour sud f amîly inl September 5, 197Z At Oroîao Fair on Saturday, fhere -w asa magnificent nahhit show organl7eti ~VilPlMr. Rn Topp M f Ted Ie pssng Mr.cw. Syer Teams Pts. 1ias under direction of Elmer Huggins, R. R 1, Biackstock. 'hais 20 pouud Sandy ýeterborough; Mn. and Mcc, D'.Wlim ,sdwf No. . ,------------- 7 2969 Flemish Giant was beîng shown by Norm Carrington of' R. R. 1.,Gormlev wlao Puas HockieaY, Victoria, D Ark ilinsmeC.,anewan No. 5.--------------7 125 10( 'BDougla ckHce, is Margaret Arisal em N o., 4--------- 5 2840 used te live in this area. Il matie some of the smaller varîïeties look like msdgets S ocly Bom vle'ket, avere Suriday visitons witb No. 3 ----- ---- 2 2654 and drew much attentioni from tlae spectaters, many of whom hati. neyer seen Misr. Joe Jeaveil, Mn. Claude Mcc. A.-J.-C--p-e----d-ug--e--N9. 22O 297 such hig bu nuies. Jutiges aI the show were Lloyd Shantz of Waterloo anti Thomas ewlCanugten. Mcc, Elmer Higgius; aise vieil- No. 6 ---O-------0 2Ui7 Coatam Jr. of Watlsburg, Penn. ed Mn. A. J. Campbell iii Mem- L.T. Barbare Dieu -----661;- Mr.Stewaat Jarvie le un oriel HosDital. .T FakSubr- ,1 ~'oroto Geecal Hospital, Rememiber turkey supperon,~MHT rnkSuhr 0 n ouTbursday lest woek, S tember 301h. For LU.BthPrec 5 ýh udewet vrvseiosafutucdy, prMUHS. Frank Stubhrt 23 th underwetion W -a] ish fu rîbr articulars, look id Over 200 Ganses fo er epetuon. 'oaavusCmig x nt.Les Z-tlkow skçi 216: Ji i Girls Softbaîl Leaae mries ept. 9tb sud l6tb_, vanco Beton. Belon Begin- ~o br eeey oc ~ec, Those who attended the Goswell 207,: Lauuy Bridget1 The Becrealtioîa Girls SotI- Ifnom 9:,36 te 12:00 uoon. Tlie ners and the Ballet Classe, Mu',asd Mne, Allen Law, couples club holiday weekend 223, 218; Frank Stubhert '38, halli pisyntîs tournamont wi' Ilantamsaia-id Midgels from w'îî be hol nteerair ~inngtnwene Wednesday fieni Meple Grove were Mn. 262, 204; Avdrey Bowe 214; ho beld ou Saturday, Sept. 1:30 p.m. Ie 4:00 p.m.. Sept1 di beRcelo letweek vistors with Ibeir sud Mce. KenaBr'ooks. Mn. aud Editb Holley' 212: Ruth Per- 1611', et the Meucoial Park, 91b aiud 16t a. Office et the Town Hall or >esi'-in Mrs. Allen Suiowden. Mrc. Colin Suttor, Mne. And- Mc1 u r1 iiDvdrn e urisse-i-evMe fect 251, 225î; Banhara Dieun beo.iIlrinig et 9:30 aur, Thel There will ho ne Family Wednesday, Scpt, 201h, frocr 1, aend M. isuavd MsJey HBriu' iug, Mn sud brs. 225, 211, 225':,tudy Adamsisanmes ill be as folloave:> Pieu Ibis year. There will ho 5:00 te 7:00 p.m. 14 iessom. Wetn r n r.JyBiiiig r n .224; Jim King 207:; Bd lngnma- 9:30 ar. NrbDaou eifdgîo uoal h Mn' wi u y ls jei Geodmunphy, deughtcrs, Paul McInty neMr. sud Mcs.' ot200nod n igto JMk "kl e' Si adGm ls eýpic Grove; Mn. sud Mrs. CedrieBusel This as as eld1200 Mje Hihen 221, 233; Stunnoche vs Kiwauis I Stars permitted te pley lin a AMu xi u y ý1o! Goodmunpbýy, sou Michael, aI Holiday Inn, Halibucton. Eaie B - 03 9:30 aim. Soutlb Diamoud -R"ecreation Hockey LeagueClbviihcndceetl ~ncwenc SindaY suppor Mc. aud Mcc. Chelie Hynes, Pabs Cab vs Jefferies. Ibis year. Clb i bide Sohool frouat 4:3 gueste wfI it theiseec sud'Base Line; Mr.,asud Mre. Ger- 04ea'SutiDmod Baeon nd Ballet Crlasses l :0pm w .y el huhn.MsdMcc. _on laid Mc-Donald, Osheawa: Mns. SOLINA Winuier et these gamnec will ý :0 n wýla f ~egrssu dagben. oy VanýCampBase Lune, Z1r. nme,-t foi'the Cnempion.ship Rgitalo A- 17. oday, Sep t.ht M i. udMs. Il. G. Freenian Tom VanCamp, Bannie, were Mn. sudbics. Rocs Cryden-ý Recreation IHockey Officiels Sundav dinner guests asith Mn. mecn sud Miss Jean Bundle,1 If euy oung men from the, sund Mcc. Sam Vas. Camp sud'Boasmanvîlle, attendcd Decor- age of 16 years, avbo anceuin- G e CshT;'yMisses Lori, Lise Van Camp. alloua Service et Be h ocde terested in offieinting9int Cemelery, on Sundey. Becrestion Miner H-ockey Lea Bout e Cen for Mn. andMcc, Chas. Fochuk gue, please contact the De- Fo 1 placs A DAY Oi, WEF-KEND anddKre Pusllchwere partmeiit eh Becreetion et thoguAsk for Rae IMne. Rose Kossaîz sud tboyl Hockey Registralions STATESMANwere slsupper guestseof M.; Registrations for the oréi C L S SI FI luD ~ CIIRYSLER-DOPCGE, LTD. sund Mrs. Balph Davis. le ie okyLeu f)623-2586 MisN1lKuxabuedwl ae place lui the Town ï I'lone623330 ~ _____________________,Junior Fermons' Leadership Hall, Tomperance' Street, on Tnaining Camp, Geneva Park, tlie followuug dates. LakeCouhichug.Tîkes, Atomesud Pee W-Cs Micheile Down,-i, Sunderland, wiîî regiter on Seturday id spendlu g a few dysavt lier gnendpecents, Mc. sud Mcc. John Knox. suad Ruce accompanried their M'MaedMV.Juu sKocn Stan te Peterborough (oni sud Nancy attended thelSundear where hoe will corn- Melolmfemlypieue t tx-monce studios aI Trent Uni- bridge Park on Sunday. vriy Mr. ad Mcc Bruc Ti1 Miss Gillisu Rogers, Ottawa sud emil, Mn sudMrsspont a few dayc with Milss Hanry lKuox and Miss 1er Karen Yellowlecs, Leach avece guets et thc l Musc Brenda Yoliowloos bas N 0W ON DISPLAY ~~Dewell - Boyd wedding et 'oe atn rn nvr Mrn.sd iVrs. Fred' Blliotb IKanen Yeïlewlees bas rotur--- t sud Laurie, Bnniskillen, wereed le Universitv of Tonon. ___ Saturday ovening visitons with I Mn. sud Mrs. Doug Flt IIMr. sud Mcc. Alex Pollen. wene Sundey vicibors witla Mc. 0 N TA K )i SPOr K IS Mr.sud Mrs. James Cherry sud Mcc. O. Westlakc, Peter- > ýjLA RGES 5TSLEIN HIGH AY 15 -ORaned family, St. Catharines, honough. oero seekend visîbors wlth Mn. sud Mca. Lloyd Bu oua,0 UN N Mc. sud lVIs. Clarence Bnay, Denuis sud Dale werc Suudey ACSOISEE Several fcomn the commun- cupper guest Mn. sud Mrs Namne Brand Newv SNOWMOBILES îty etten ded Orone Fair on Rois Broome, Bewmanville. Fridey and Seburday end elso Mu'. sud Mcc. Harold Fascoe aI Fanastic ricesseveral attendod Msd wecc Suudey supper gets of Mns. Eher Snowdeu's -501h Mn. sud Mns. Evereît Cryde- ?0 h.p. . ......,....... .... $500.00 WdigAivcayhdetmn. Ebenezer. lMusc Helen Baker', Torouto, 399 .c.Twit Eectie Sart . . $6 ,00 Mr'. sud Mcc, Chas, Lang- Mn. sud Mnc. Tom Baken sud Tý,,,în lecric tar $65.00 id were Sundsy callers aI Catberine attended the B'iagg bMr. sud Mcc. M. MeCerceli. on Sucday. Omemee, spenl the wockeud Mcr sud Mcc. Ros Cnydon- LMTDSUPPLY - OPEN 9 a.ma. - 8 p.m. xith MVr. sud Mns. Wes Huisl man sund MbsseJoan Rundbe, an ml.Boxamanville, ttendcd Decor- lXfMAuvuF 1Mu', sud Mcc. Jîm Gondonl,, ,,,..,1C C+ Pte5sd To 0OarF.1iud, and Customers: Wecreto the wonderful world 4,f Chinese food at flhe Lotus GdesRetauranlt,- where you will enjoyj' the subtieties of Chinese cutiine. Our menu is exotic andi legendary; it is filleti with every delight, popuClar dishes and gourmet delicacies. TIf you appreciate a change of pace from the ordinary oi have the slightest whim for real Chinese gourmet food, pamper yourself anid your family, enjoy the best fromn us. Your f amily will marjvel at the exotic cuisine and your day will be most rewardinlg. When you entertain or have an occasion to celebrate, flatter your guests. Serve them an array of these deliejous Chinese specialties. Your party will be a success and your evcning will be most pleasant. Whethet' you dine at home or at the Lotus Gardens Restaurant, our Iluscious gourmet foods assure you of a p]leasant, memorable experience. Thank ")ou, The Manacement FREE HOME DELIVERY ON $3.50 MINIMVUMý- ORDER FOR ,SurrR"B SE2RVICE<1 PLEASE CAILL lRS, AU RANT é23..5583 or 623-3473 r ICemetery on udy Mr. anid Mrs. Chas. Fochuk, and Karen, Pusiinch, were ýSunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kossatz and they'. were ail supper guests of Mrn anc1 Mrs. Raiph Davis. HoId utumn The annu.il Autumn Show.- case at the Kemptvii]e Coi- lege will be held on Sunday, September 17, from 11:00 am to 5:00 p.m. Chesmicai pest and weedi ;, control, fertilization in field plots, t1le making of but te- and -mapie syrup candy 3' ýweil as home economics de- monstrations a n d dispiays wiil be featured. VLitLors xiii be welcome toý visit the labs, classroomns,1 library and livestock facilil- ties. The dairi -heel nroject, thei veterînary iaboratory an d computer uises in farmn prob- nes maybe of interest. The chilnren will enjoy theý hachng of baby ducks, the p utvin cages and theI Complimenter'illlk, cîee )t)plei and celece will bc _ebvailable. The Catadian Statesman, Bowmaniville, Sept. là, ID72 Time Mc TonLeegue of ttc follo ing Tmn Lag? Hockey season i- hustling to- Exécutive members -:4e ward a randnewcampignCrombe 63-2643, .10eraFIson werd a candnewcampîgr 623-2483, 'Ken Veiteh. 623-0-371 and ail players are advised to 'John Adamas 623-5737, 1r have their names cntered by Clarke 623-5407, and Grantý Setucday, Sept. 23rd. Flintoff 623-7676. The selecting of players for Anybody considerinig refe-l, the four clubs wiil take place eig in the Town League l on the 24th. Ail players. fromn the coming ses son, shouidj last year, ln addition to any contact President Ray Cicm- first vear men, must bc cer hbie. Last year's four -spoorsý N ew'ville- Starkville 1h' hopetoarticipate drýV(9l7C,,rýý ing the 72-73 seasýon. Your Chrysier, KapsFriue BowligLe gue camne cen ]:e-offered to rany end .-Nulty's pot Top 10 Averages ,, ' Sue Carter 233, DorisI Tompkins 213, Joyce Stacey 197, Cathy Lambert 194, Na-ý Sorry te learu cfï the pass- showmau - tbthe 4- conpeti dine Trimble 186, Marlene ing of two of Bethacy's vell tien held iu conjunction with Stacey 184, Grace Farrow koiwn citizens who havei Or:ono Fair this aveek. 182, Derothy Stark 180, iLnda close lies with our Yelverton Veiverton boysc pieyed -wit- White 179, Marie Trim 178. community - iVrs. Hermen Bethary Midgetc, inamely, ' IHigh single, Sue Carter MeGili (the former Agne George M-/1cCuilough, Queufiný 252; high average, Sue Carter McCulo0ugh), leving mother Robinson, Dacryl Robicr 233; bigh triple, Sue Carter aud grandmother of the Rey and MVarti Malcolm pertii 698. MCiogsadfml pa ted ini a Býoys' Midget Tour- 200 Games Yletnad M.Hfry nament in Lindsay onLar Sue Carter 2.52 -244 -202, Johnson,, au uncle Of-Mýs. Day, Inthe finIt ganie Cathy Lambert 244, Joyce1 Norman Wilson. Deepeit sY n boys lost 9-8 versus a Lfid- Stecey 239, Nadine Trimble nathy is extended te the fam-, say Ail Star teani in four rx- 239, Doris Tompkins 232-206- 'lies and close friends of the tra înning'i te break aun - 200, Marlene Stacey 228, Grace1 deceaseci. flie. The beys were particu- Far-row 219, Dorothy Stark! Mis, Jaýnice Stacey, v fao lardy unhappy ,Aith the un- 208,Mari Trii 20, Lyda as been .practisinig with the fair umpiringl-ofeteepr Ganses Won02, Ontarie Yeutb Choir, is sebe- ticuier umpire wbicn c' Gantt ntes --ornuer 12duled to lbave this week witb thben the game, TheBthn Tweety Birs 3, Barnnersiit hec family Mc suad Mn., Fred team wven their seconid game TweyBrs1,.nn pt Stecey and Christine for a vis Pýoutypool toeacrn theCo- _______________ couple of weeks lu Scotlacd solatien Trepby of the meet and will rejolu the Ireop for Ye 1Iverton com-au-nitywa St. Joseph's tvixed a tour et Ontario on ber re- shocked to, learu of the uni- turn. timeiy deaÉth on Suudsy of a Bowling League 1 Beck te school brings a fermer resideut of ti semblance of wclcome rou- mîînity, Mýrs. Diouglas Mýc.' Septeniber 10, 1972 tiue front the summer chaos Donald (the fermer Daîvu > Teams pts. pins, Ihat bas enguifed most of us McGill) - an oid ciasmate e Harem Scarems .- 7 2996 sincelest une. Returning te' ours et Yelverton Pu ic. Kid!dy Cals.---- 7 2595 university for another semes- many long years ego.Sm- Diîigbats ---------- 5 2,9674 ter are Brisu Wilson 'te, pethy is extendeýd te hcr bre.- Leprechauns ------- 4- 2614 Guelph UJniversity aud IaÀn Iher Gereld and family u Head Pins -------- 3 26271 Page te Scarberough College. Ibis comimunity and Mrs. Ban_- Chalenges......2 2612jMitzl Malcolm makes bier de- Kennedy- of, Lindsy(asc IHopefuls ----------O 2496 but et Seneca Coliege nepir ter) and family. Bob-Cats ---------O 23841 Don Milis. Missesl Marleah - High Triples Malcolm sud Judy Sissoni Men - Bill Holroyd-----7571 have con"menced the feul termi Ladies - Donna Kennedy 596 et Sir Sauford Fleming lu High singles Peterborough; Miss Beruice MVen - Jîm Fair ----- 318 MeNeil of Jpnetvilie starts Ladies - Agnes. MeLean 228 hec firet cemester et Guelph A Dona ennedy 228 lUniversity. IE Over 200 Games Mr. sud Mrs. Art Rewan ARGEIA R1FP Jim F 208, 216, 318; Bill attendcd the B.B.Q. supper et PR OSTOS E Hoicoyd 259, 251, 247; Donna Kedron United Churich onr OSTUDRTN Kennedy 228; Betty Chariaud Saturday eveuiug. u 1 212; Gary Conway 246; Jack On Sua, et 7h, Brown 208, 202; Jean Holroyd Yelverten United Church oh- ~. 23 ; Martin Meleoy 219; Jini servýes ils llOth Anniversary Jeffrey 207; Agnes MeLean vh te orgnl cuc 228;~ Darryl Sonierscales 221; building stil1 iftatR eV. ýc hrad28 Les Hunt 249; avili be the guest speeker 235; Elle n 2 1-7 .e , s d l M rs. G e ra d H o f- key 217, stetter are leaving on thiîer )n hoiidays Ibis week for a trip m 30 minutes... that's ail il eut West. - takes to give hiood - the gift Yelverton U.C.W. heid their of life. You cen take a Weil- Seplember meeting lu the BTA M searned holiday durîng the church basemnent on Thursday PLUMYBING &HET G ni summer; but, accidents and p.m. plane for the: fortbcom- andT AIR CNIINN c iliceess zemain avith us. Your iug Fewi supper on Thauke- 30 bioed will he needed as much giving Monday no doubt took Tyr 0-11Onarjo kas ever. Give blood . make priority. î, sure it's on hand, ready to1 Congratula'Lions to Brian 'ùN 2365 i îep. Wilson who was champion