DEADtI NE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:.30 îB j I Frhcmn In Meoîm _In EmorîimComning Events Articles for'Sal ~DD-Dog ad Charlotte 1 MarIags AMTON-I ing eWOODWA RD), WlimJ.-InPiVia u- WAýTERfI,-or sale and d-eiver- < ý\r Ani,) hv becoirne tii e Fi .Oe r I eoe ubn memory of m best friendwh per, Sep',tm-ber 30 at(5an d Call Cliff Pethick 623-2313. 1 1-r0cud paent iofa baby gl ,an fther, frewopse assed awéiy September 11, 6:30 p.m. A lS$2.50, chiiIld- ___ 29-tf Joane Marart, ls. 1 pleased to no une teaaySpebr1, 1968. 1î, 971. ren under 12, $1, Advance e~.Sh-e arvdo etr-tlcmignaraen i tboeour ihearjt) oloeOhaphours WC once tickets only from iMrs. H. FURITUR, quart jars rand ber3r, 97 a Oba~ nother, Mr.W .(eti oî njoyed, Bradley, 623-31108 and Mrs. D). some antiques7. 623-5316. er l o oi al n ot e g ad.l ,--a a, t 1. W. R v B u o d tioa onüH w swee t th eir i m e ory W ood '62 -3405. 7-3'l 'Webber, Bowmannvî o. r partif Ius ,ent with yn stili, UE ur n pl-' Bei evillePad stgrnd riîy Utedtir 1î-),iýPu eah a Tf alo F] jcsArticles for Sale ances. Paddy's Market, Hamp-6 c1 for r. an MUsitoeneChurcli, Bow- 'me.The world can neyerfli. - to,263-2241. ____ 26-tf Ann s am ton S ec iai ïanville on Saturd y, October - Sh- m ss d bv biit- fe'- d y m isse d by Pet. HAY for sale, 30e per baiel. SC EN- -a d un c e e CI A--7th, 1972,a 1:5:0637 S RE D an sc thar'ks t Dr. Stoks and Ma at 4:15p.m. 37-1Habile ad ugtrHee.37-1*,Phono 263-880.32 ____ iNDRN bby ls top soli, pick up or delîvered. -id onal GEN37-1abycarrnage, asoPhono 623ý-3412. 36-4 1 _______Mr. and CDnldE oming Events cib. Phono 623-7757. 3 ý7-1 SUEAE Srie e lfbOOSGeorg and Hlen Saruletn, RH No. 3 New-ASHTON- Cheished em- Bef-Diner,üS.rJoseh'sn2-INCë our-eementndectrc andasedsprts.aGhhmm' (pe Mada ar hepy1 n,-cthe, ai hchopy to announe ories nI aloving husbn andowmanville, Sunday, Septrnge. Phono 983-5452. -7i-1",Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf nonc te al ariaiolarte orhcmig ariae fda, rue . shon'(o244:0ciiai'srvdMAdismWadbgg i ecelet o- USOMmaeWallb wl aabygir, Carlne Jea thel yoetdauiLos ei sso sdelSptm 25,Chîldren 12 and udrdition. j987-4793' or 987-4794 dcrapes, also matching small- ' Frdy Soebe t,1-7 of ý r.Bbr o- lh~g esiandnd Sake1 00. 633- rpair. Phono 623-4192. a17 r jlddng wil Netibotreb er iuan 4x8 BOX bialer i$85, also par fts I ,-ee. -e a3e7jIi-1iSaurav OtoerNoon msss lm oeCuci12 i nlrsr or'1Pontiac 283, Phno PDRESSERS, Beds, Chester- ______ 2st 192,aI3 pm. inNe- tanus Sevies, Set.17, 1972, et 623-3127. 37-1'l fields, ail kinds of Used Furni- - LeonarEerend red1Swan.L__ 36 THREE or four hundred bales ture, Antiques and Appliances. ' Ji, --Id ERMiale tonvîlle UnitChrc. ndwenol tmeDw ftilar. uetSpakrRe-second cutting- hay., Tlephone Paddy's, Market, Hampton ,~al ad idlrc eihtd1 M.r r.E .Du~e ht hnw ishm Dntfro Memrilus- 623-5069. 37-1 263-2241. _____ 26-tf Li~ anucbbsaearvidnolBrigoanncl mt0falptaWaabo Set3.'45-GALLON drums, $250;-205 BEDROOM suite, complete; U,7 cer 81b, 1972,neeigbing sbiteaugbtpr, BarbarstJoa lb. 1 zsatMmoil O Ior.oeJme msnadfaîv.34*$,00 posrsneddfr 6 25. 71feld suite, ail Burma teak-'i iîa. o 0-s adM.s .jam:hsia mlye, fmle wood, new. Must seîl. Sacri-- Sinpso, f Oon Tb wd- OUi-IN -n ovig e- ndfrind, 3-2ONE 4-drawer cbest, light lice. 'Phone 1-241-597 11t *4YE-onandHatrardigwltaeplcinB-moyfaderusadda J.BanTbMeyMa- maple, excellent condition, hafp iaiLou-Ainn on Tuesday, Seimber.12,31956.lowest prices on No. i broad-- L' 15ý iegion DecsetSpt. 16. FRESH eggs daily. N u-io -W pcaiei e -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setme t,17.PodM.adMs .Mlse- ed o edaseiidyAmsin$ e ople. day sales. John Fayei,. R.. homle installations. Guaran- gr,77lanorentsl arle Mr. and MS ki .2 sai adM. To Ibrlîng yen lt) pe oe 8 ms Lwel- No. 4, 623-205.9. Lted bwest possible prices. Ac Lle Iard . 7! l and '!M1,Jnd Mrs, H-il ~ J. 3 h dv eil hii f'mm oe. Pîizes eloe. 36-2 - uifilî îz 1.Amsrog potsbl 20 ~T Biiob. Mn hnoBwinilaepcsd1 e eea en ae Cen- also boy's dress suit, size 8. Simcoe St. N., Osbea, 72,, 3- t a D.HbadadnarIYnnrcebcfrhoigAevybadt nd teneTepeQueSretPhone 623-7429. 37-1 2898.3-2 itres t emri lHosn7ital nirriage 0o-f He-tCîç jlenedJhn Lvn i e c rdI 'riaSetmer2n, :0U-E W ýomni1e 7-1 Tbojmas, ttejak ire- plcUetc-wf lc n aiis 71 Alronta one-wierWin portable type- PICK VOUR fOWN t ber 301h, 1972, 2 pro., et St. p.m m leit ncarrying case, ex- FehVgtbe MJT TO--jClare andJune H:edwig's Chur,,Ohw. NSb oig eoy f'akncniers, aIety(tab ,-cllent condition. 986-5112. FehVgtbe - i 10 - ______ ___rtc Draw et 8 p.m. 37-2371* Fred Eyxnan Fcrm (5e ed re -bappy-a-- ohlinFtns. wblo dic, edle)e, nouce bcbîrb f abay Mrie th16Evremm Royal Black: Preceptory 398 CET ýready for winter. A-lum-- COURTICE ýrugIerTaeybn,î s ______ br yoe lbehling inum windows and rdooris. rr hay2tie11 141 ï)zv bereiy Marg. Jo'nny 7Lisa Ieir Churcb h Parade and borne Aluin, 1 Prince Stre, rm Hgi,7y2'ae1 1972, a etmer6hfEIN KT--hi)adJy 3- evcei yoe nSnaBowmenville, 623-3871, 37- .B evc nTrn ný-1 ULne north 1 block, turn right ,B5 avll0Asstrfrmnvle7is oanene September 17, 1972 et 10:30 LODbb ang,$5 35-tf LeeAnn lSucia bnst h aran0 hi eg-PREU nivn e ar..Everybody welcome.Bralm îii(jiý Pf l1-(ltjl(ý arid '1ýan-'crib. walker, carbcd, tri"cycle, County r a l o i 1~.Hubbard and Mtrnity, ter, Hilary Doreen, f0 Jamer mryo mthran dd ,an - 37-cniton1ebphn SII.3- rbrLwn oor. nd oywb pssd ,a Spt anted --Boys ages 6 bo 895 Ib] n-jý iýýps-f23-7494. 7îWarehouse Sale iVrs. Lewin, Crnai 1195nd.eîewops- years froml Bowmanville andPLODbowihrffr LAGTSEETN OUINF-A ad Mrg (ecOntario, on September 9tlx ai dae et 0 96 arca te t nt for Bowmen- bl o ikp w 6 odLws rcsAyhr tak ) ha , Pl-pî ly niounce,13.3o- b St- Josepb's Churcb Ihad pare-nts w ithher+s of aftnpku;wo'9FrlL es Pic Ayh e -bc rrva n ter aul~te Bwravile 3-1 god.- ville Mite %A1-Star Teem. Be 14 R-KSRE -d-ie LnioniAugnst 301h aI ___________- Whowerecore(1 m tait Memor ial Arena et 1:30 pickup wheeîs. Telephone 172BOKSEE Memoiahosp itrV 'wealt nntld. le liSaburday, Sept. C6 witb $1.00 983-5077 Orono. 37-1'* SOUTHI 0F 401 ILceLin 4tou arwei be fueach. 37-1 TLP- bp- nigs&Stato Whitby, 668-8895 Inhoou 0pbr auhIrl .lepMOSTRideal for roto-tiller or 35-4 th-Arlossi. M37 1 . BINGO sen gin,___ __________Ï___1,__- ortcoiI, ng mrriege-urs. C. wiholyvemrisfor me Alîggre mlmns E E D A - Deaths A coedivtsfins t ep HRDY-74 37-1 SUMP PUMP'? ____________________ rlatve an neghbur i. a'-.Sady ms-d iby Helen, Sosrdb IRW-tMmralHs rusauteo etmbrCengedcideget Oshawa Mînor Softball COMBINE, e, reke, culti- RSUESSE nita-i, B-owni3-*vaotvcesldpo, a-le, con Stu-16 front ntl fur ndgahdrn . 37 CI]1* .JUBILEE PAVILION vartpreacr adrlow, man- REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES, da""" mber 9t, 1'!. even untLil nn tterhmI~OSH 0t r pedr rlgid scales and baie buncher; îarmHARVEY PARTNER 62,yers.fomery f RR.1, 7,* c or darfeteran gand ý- oýitîque Dispiay "lete-sld hn 96410 71 ORONO 983-5206 Oronohusbad of te 1ab~ uatbr, Havey M.Sincli non Tee will be beid by 25 ACRES stndngby, sec- (nth4S0 -I Leona Farro, derfahroMn and Mn.Ed uinr vopse ea etme ede1l11,rmens Institute toeond eut, clover, al alfa and Reta (M,1rs. Anrew Ubeil Oshiawe, are eertn hi 7 99 mooae the 751h Anni- tîmothy; 10 acres sl on Gornc's Lndn;- dry-M--5h edig1 ivrsr.,ersofsriiglîte fversary of the Women's Insti- stanidingin ý- îfield. Hervey VWADDINGTON'S Len Fower, onl(Ms A social eveningsbngel pey tute of CaInada in -Kendal Osborne75-21 R.R. 1,i I SO namScmor) Bomnvli Sutndehoe f rs Jý)eanier L'oviggvig tewhole Sohool on September 23rd, Port lHepe._ ___ U~ en Oiv (ss Gore n unaySpebu1 ftewy 2-5pm eSc 31k38" M.F.T, g8 bp. riding gr'ass ýNew and Used CLOTIING Laiîg, rono. Srvilwfro 7-9q p -o,. Will aîî inter ,- Aceibdsil-, a heant of 4T~ mower, good conidition, also! ibnl in ire orrs Fueraleste fnendspleee cosidr ged, ±4'~~' ~30"bevy uby lecric tove FURITU PP- PPLINCE Chpl onlco on bs bQ iniaio etTe thodaet a e the four hurner, glass doon oven, FURNACES, OIL TANKS, da a 130n. ItrmntIwsb'~ony 3 1.1 woîdculd bol. Hoest good condition. P983 ý-5 121. bakeiewCemeery Ncwon-Happ meoies, fonid anld BH' hsa,8 -4, t :317 -1* LOWERS and CONTIROLS vile. 7-II Crdsof hans tucNEWCASTLE- Trailer Park& TWO MILE3 D1RAKE-A-,i Memorial Ho- I would cit tai rmuw togtbc6 iteAeSale-s 1972 Rembler Clearance East of Newcastle ~iblBomav]le, oni uLes-Imy findriatvsad w do o.-Phone 623-3171 Sale,. New ilow pricos. Openl daySenelber12, 17,John nceigbbor fo gfîs crds dagher-n-ai ori-adir,3-If every o venîng and weekends. ON HIGHWAY NO., z grandson Todd. 37-1 - N-ii- i, po. 2 Higbway, Est end ofý 1'forood Dake, ged 1 floers ad vîsts duing y ~"~' FIDLERS ,iwcstle. 987-5131l. 37-f P ne7622 yýear.sbeiocuýd son 0f Mr. i',and stay in Mernonu1 e- stai andni76-97 Ro aaag,12O-conve1esccnce eat berne. Special ýPORT 'HOPE FATIR ETNIL Mrs. FVIDDLING CONTEST IÇTCHEN table, 4 chairs, $25;:1TN IL tare îrel onhBowrîn-thanirs to nurses on fis lo ICA iR-in i ovingmemoy ýTURDAY, SEPT 16, 6 p.m. transistor radio $2, Hawkeye 31-tf ill n bclb ari .an n-ocoso ordaàfto;ndgad 435 IN PRIZE MONEy Brownie camera $2, small pinreT flrakedear brothe 0fcan- Ms,,daKap 7- ah Hre .Sicarwo For entry f orms write cupboard $3, foam rubber!IV WEKR -ni, Ripi ani Bnni Jen, - esssi waySepembr lthMrs. H. A. Haskill, R.R. 3, mettress, 31",$3 623-7083 C cplBwm cîie Sr- ni reltive,,s for vst n btwuwe give îi1fCPot Hope, Phone 416-885-2729 TIESTI - rel b hane on rîday crdning rnystay ,In hs ols a,- 37-1 SMALL delivryro'ute Iin BLACK AND WHITE otf2 o'loir.ItrmenlntBw- il. Spc ia ti1 bhnks 10i Hell, Des, îin bbc same olsi Pro-Natal Classes for Bow- Bowmenviile, en ibec- Color and UHF f~îpvllcCectey.Doratons fiirîenss and îghlýbors fer bbc way manvihle and District, Tues- pended. Suiteble forieiREETO tei Can2adien lCn crSoccyhl ie em aml.T eryu ocsec your day, October 3rd et 7:30 - 9-30 retinesi or retired man. Apoly ýn lUh eor oi b bak r. Cunnningham smle, blsi e bcNurses Residence 10 Asivertiser 32)3, c/o Tire Ail Towers are ~recited.37-1Ianlr MîLos andnurses on To sî wîth you udchat of MemniHosptl Ay ande SaemalO.Bx 1'4Heavy Duty ~IDbY-t emril ostire, Iird for 71 abl. afteone interestes inluattending 190, Bowmanville. 37-1 okfnhpGante - u s Curtis. y 1ou uwbo ibave ler pleese belephone Hliburton- ONE only, wasben spin dry-1 lrtaBomavli n --- -Cbrshhm it ar, Kawertbe Pine Ridge Distric-t er, perfect condition, i½ D. WHT' -1 rîsa Spebn 13l, 1972, 1The farily f the taite Fred-] For oulneer knw bcHeaibir Unit, 623-2511. 37 -3 yeans old, only $150. One Milirei lar Muph, b- Barreli wi;sh f0i expresstel eetch ODVEVonly. new 22" gas mower-,TVA EN A !ovd ifc of Dan Du Ple,30 incere tais n!aprc-'il yolscbsvcn OMNT ETE electrîc stent, reg. $16 1.98, on]ly Tf NTN A ~Onebrdvic Boulvarddean tion o reative and rienss char.ENT 125.Carnegie Crest Hard3- MPEGOV nttbr0fJon Jne(rs frtheir cmot lwr îî Sdymse yson Johin, IVONSTER BINGO wr.Tlehn.2350, 623-5251 or 623-3070 -ýi1lIranis) nd Co rdon. food donations, fiil hnrsdubbr -iwHlnl andri36 King E., Bowmanile 6t IeitihaI ec ori FunrI tb bbcMorris Funrai Caelzrendd1angbýJters Cindeyan NETMNA .1p1 omnîie c ieCpt elî fSivte ad-3-174 ..~3-- "THE MUSIC BOX" -ci bbcChaei n Cadpe Arrn, aselen aSi ir ATTENTIONSin 3h C0 n ni Ierment Bo-11 Amybr, sinaFrtune ansi REDBAr N - WAYNE ST. GREENHOUSE KEEPER Musical maniLi Cectey. ontios fmiî an Mn. ais LecbeSTRNC n ovig mrney I OSH WAAUTOMATIC COAL STOKER Ttuet bn her meory wnid b - 3~*prnsas ehwEfe__2-f AND MOTOR p-ciD 7- er Strong who Inpassed way APPEARINCI AT THE 97588Supplies SMIH,.Athr . Fb rei imanv neni wor'-Stron(g'l 9 w) Pi5scd aweySepOTEELMHURST HOTEL and Instructionis bro et I b OhaaCe- ebeei mnt,-imy 941h tomlber 12, 1955; fwn loving NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE -.ýbrhdy i__id'v_-1 Records and Tapes cmiHopîalonSaIn d, irt aywt tfrni ougbts rnepbesh oadSrn b 7I Setebe 1727, Arthur b,.:0f flowers, glýits-Ind cerds. wskleiJl l,15 s-TDadDOT DUO Smb heoei~usbansi 0f bbc Also the staffoet Staîaven ward Sroig who pesesi FRIDAYý and SATURDAY SEED WHEAT : BOWMANVILLE lIej Ettie Eey Scott, in bis Nursing Ho,) 264 Kinfg E, a1cway Februery 19J966. "et 5-Sp.1 etfe eec LZ 53hyafathler of Neil A. who h'elped IImeen yG one are ihefarcesvwe lovedSi .1 ep.1 etfidG LZ ansi1 Glenn A., both of Coum- speciai day. T -,s vry'pleas- so dear, Dancing 9 - 1 Certified, Yorkstar Poe6357 bu, ni bbclate Donald W. otebohavevst as phono Silent acbcvie e_- C~11CTIIR Smibhibriter of Lborne calls from s rnny ean îord ibo bea, , Orno maturAtheti 34-tf onit f Wîtby.Rcstcd a frienssar eaivesToofan wa for sîght or Association FARMS INTLLA 'Ohw. Fnc-~rvIj -oc was37-1Neo0o fer for thiought to PUB NIGHT E6323-7150 UNC h elsi l bc chapel Tedy reecb. FUIRC S~ncme 1 t :5 .I- The fatiy0 nelbAnsi'Settormmbr1emwo ad DANCE ___32 CSIHUMIDIFIER WALKE, Bessue E. At s- theMeCIlamy rsite c- Sedlymisssieverrerni vROTORS ~wa GnenelHospiel onSun- ress heirsîncee thairs fr bersi b d1ugberrMry 3711Sep. 2 172 INTALLE Cal We Snd Fower by17iPemolt-IPa abarer n ne r onNt1ee a fais e New*York**TVT CRiEtyIT REUN Homevz k i . ;i itc 7 r-1 were gone beforalw ______ on -Nasvill, Tnn. and ANTENNAS 36-f et ' ns ly os kowswly.O ctober th to 9th ýINSTALLED AT OSHAWA MIDAS Pesn-1E îtn ogoibonsT rk u ersbls For further information Low Rates MFLRSO __________________ Tlephone Verîty. SylveterU dî nt1 goelne contactALOSE AL N for a FREE Exhaust Sysýtem HYIEICSuples(Rbbr 23735 7- Frfpart ofn" us vwent wth you, Tl î -~'-~Ti INSPECTION god)maîlesipoîpaFiI BEATY, m-rinereî, Bl, jLJf.LOcLVEJd-i k..oour 5ystems 116 Bond St. West plan eaesicuelpe it rgîsersimai asifoml Te dy os ceiei ouTRAVEL AGENCY Phone 6232,006 Next to the Fina Cývar Was pnîc lis. Si samles 5eColflie nups, sebleasiwîe oe 24sanis 1.00.i l Orden chamion sîresi, ce1 ut-adr ris d s oigy19 Kîng St.EBwanieor7359Cal 7681 ep.T-28'. NvRubrCo. quality. 'Phone 93388 r'.,ene-db-mm ai 0Phone 623-3182 C l 5681I E. 1 e , I Hamilton, Ont, 1-5 ono. 36-4 kAnne, Brian anci Karri, 37-1* 3- 4I 5I Cars toi Sale Help ated ~SH WANE CA TL APLEpiekersat Ceesmiorp 576-3232 987-4756 %AR DEN R -nee(ds-labourer, a, slicence required, 65 OLDSMOBILE 4-DR. HARDTOP 987-4754. V7-' Full power. Lie, 25188A ----------------- - ----$0 X RINE hadese 64 PONTIAC 4-DR. Ifor full or part tîme, PhonEý 6 cyl. Lic. 16048A ------- ---- ---- ------ - $100.___ waiter. 137-tf EXPRIECEDwaier.Appfly 68 CHF.VELLE MALIBU 2-DR. HARDTOP npro aI uens oel V-8, automnatie, power steerin,ri, vinyl- roof and interior. Newcastle, 987-4684. 3- Lie. 41064A--------------------- $1800 PART-TIMFJ students needed. '69 CHEVROLET KINGSWOOD ESTATE WAGON A-ýpply, in person to Smaritsi Service Station, Hwy,. 401 and V-8, 3-speed automatie, full power, factory air, original l iWvcrîey Road. 371 frost finish. Lic. X53726 ----------------- ---- $280 MATURE lady tocý orne mbn a 16 iRAE500 XL 2-DR. HARDTOP my home two or thiree da ys '67~' FARAEaweek to babysit, one pore. 289 V-8, power steering and brakes, automatie, console, school and two1 schooi age. bucket seats, vinyl roof. 623-5242. 37-1 Lic. 26452A ---- ----------- . -- _----- - $1250 ÎRELIAB peE rson in vicinit3t '67 FORD CUSTOM 4-DR. of Lord Elgin to care for 3- myear-old boy and 6ya-l V-8, autoniatie, power steering and lirakes, radio. Sold and 'girl in afternoons. A mnaxi- 'serviced by us since new.1 mumi of 14 hours per week. Lie. 62118A -------------................. $9501 Phone 623-5888. 37-I '66 CARGERFULL time cooks and wait- '66 CHARGER resses. Apply at Vygu V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, Thîs rare Restaurant, Waverley R"d. and automobile mnust be seen. ý401 Highway, Bowmanville. L ie. 27697A _ ----------------- - ------- ---$12----0------2" '66 PONTIACVSTATIONfWAGONk- 66 POTIACSTATON WGON rs. Earn extra money driv- V-8, automatie, power steering and brakes, igSchool Buses. For ifio- Lie. X92289 - -----------------------------------------------$200 mto contact: Charterways '69 COUGAR !cd. Llitd. Bowmnaille, 16 1OGR623-3811 or 723-7171. 36-2 V-8, autoniatic, power stepring, power brakes, factory air, OEAOSreurdwt tilt steering wheel. Finished in medium yellow gold with1 good mechanical skills for black vinyl-r'oof. Liec. 61613A ---------------------- $2400 plastic extrusion plant. Age no barrier,, excellent prospects '66 BARRACUDA for persons with ability. Cal 273, 4-bbl., 4-speed shifter, radio, bueket seats. for appointment.' A.V.P. Ex- Lie. 17558A _-- -------------- ---------------------- $950 trusions Ltd., Newcastle 987- 16 P NT AC 2- R4776. __ _ 37 '66 ONTAC 2DR.BOOKEEPER required for in- Economical 6 cyl., automnatie, power steering, radio, Ideal îerestîng position. Must be famfily automobile. Lic. 317786 ----------------------- $850 perienced to trial balance. Congenial working conditions, B E R N A R D' Salary comamensutrate withi NEW and USED ýabi1ity. Cal for aýppointi ment, A. V. P. Extrusins t.,Nw CAR and TRUCK SALES cas,,1e 987-47716. 3- ~~ ~WOMAN to ase hn King St. E. N~ewcastle * hoenomrila i) -P.S. We are the largest MOTO-SKI DEALER ia Durham calîs per month, sala.ry Sa)i 371per month plus aded inc.ent.. 371ives. Please reply to )Advýer. ' tiser 322, c/o The Cnadiaa Notice Statesmnan', P.O. RBox 190Q, Bo v,-. ___ mavilegiving tnamie', ad- dress,, Phone number, marital Ministry of Transportation status and age. _37-1j and CommunicationsFO MANAGER i FRNEW STOREOENN NOTICE TO EQUIPMENT OWNERS For Winter Maintenance Operations 1972-73 Season the followimg equipmeat is required: INQUIRY NO. 72-7-6 TRUCKS - With a minimum G.V.W. 27,000 pounds (single, axie) or 34,000 pounds (tandem exie) for mount- ing power sand7ing units are required at theý A Truckr Sebrighit; Head La1ke. 2 Trucks- Norwood; Youngs Point; Codrington;! Roseneath; Bobcaygeon; Lorneville;1 3Tuis-Coboconk;,,Bioomfieid 3 Trcks Lindsay; Jet.,Hwys. 401-115; Jet. 115-28 5 Truckrs- Pontypool INQUIRY NO. 72-7-7 TRUCKS - With a minimum G.V.W, 42,000 pounds (tandem axie) for îuounting power saîîding units are required et the f ollowing locations- 1 Truckr - Grafton; Bobcaygeon; Bloomfield. 2 Trucks - Brighton; Jet, 401-115 INQUIRY No. 72-7-8 LOADERS - With -3/ Cubie Yard Bucket - WITHOUT OPERATOR 1 Loader - Sebright; Head Lake- LOADERS - With 1 Cubie Yard Bueket - WITHOUT OPERATOR 1 Loader - Norwood; Roseaeath, Codrington; Pontypool; Lorneville; Jet. 115-28; Jet. 401-28; Jet. 401-30. LOADERS- With 1 Cuhie Yard*BVcket - Four Wheel Drive - WITIL OPERATOR 1 Loader, - Grafton; Jet, 401-115. Sealed Tenders on forms suppiied by the Mînistry wiil be received by the District Engineer until 12,o'clock Noon, Local Time. Wednesday, October 4th, 1972. Specîfications, tender forms and envelopes may be obtaïiaed in person'or by mail from the District Office in Port Hope, When requesting tenders please specify location(s).- The successful bidder must have P.C.V. License or apply for same within 17 days of being motified. The lowest or any Tender, not necessýaily accepted, D.r. Collins, District Engineer, Ainistry of Transportation and Communications,, Ontario. 138 Hope Street, North, Box 150, Port Hope, Ontario. Teiephone: 885-6381 37-1 ________HelpWanted_____ DRAFTSMAN I Cobourg RegionalAssessment Office $139.25 - $163.00 per week, The Cobourg Regional Assessment Office annominces an opening for a, Draftsman I. The successful applicant Wili, under general supervision, compfile, plot, draft and checkr moderately complexr survey plans, topographical maps and other reference material. QUALIFICATIONS 1. Grade 12 secondary education, preferably G(rde, Ï 1 Mathematies, or an eqivalent comabination of educaition and experience. 2. Four years' reiated experience. 3. Good knowledge of drafting techniquies and work pro- cedures, siill in manipulation of drafing instruiments,ý some knowledge of elementary phbotogramimetry, comu- petency in mathematies, good -knowledlge of sui.rvey1 practice, abilif-ty t understanid and follow detaii!edz Instructions,1 I Persons possessing the peesayqaliJ1cations are invitend toý suhmit a restume of thieir experÏence, and qualifications onil or before September 2th, 1972, to:> 1 W. IL Par'neli, MI.M.A, Regionalo Lmmissioner Cobourg Regional Assessment Officel Box 290, Cobourg, Ontario For information anddtaI Phone 823-2951 PART - TIIWE ]~ Service Stati-on ATTENDANTS MALE Oi-. FEMALE APPLY IN PERSON AT The Esso Centre, HIGHIWAY 401 Ne w cas leP Wa itresses Cocktal Bus Boys Bar Tenders Part-tîir me andFli-timne Phone 6,23-3373i For appointnient betwpren 9A.M. and 3 P.M.L MacDONALD FORD EXPANDING Qualified people are re- quîred for ineein positions mn Osh-1aandfi Igowmanville, New Bowmanvblle Deesi Opens Octuber bat, BODY SHOP MANAGER BODY SHOP ASSISTANT MANAGER, BODY MECHANIC CLASS "ýA" MECHJANIC APPRENTICES Apply to OlavFot, Service Manager ASSISTANT -SALESý MANAGER AND LEASING MANAGER Apply bu wrîtîug 10 Auistir Benett, Gencral Sales, Manager. NEW CAR SALESMAN UTSED CAR SALESMAN TRUCK SALESMAN Treiinng 1-Prýgram for Appli- cants ivith somne sales expIer- len.e. 1ry t Dun awyerA'- stn$Veêhîile M1anager, EXPERIENCED) BOOKKEEPER For Senior PoGition bu Osh- e4wa Office. App)ly in Writînig ta ilrray, Willett, Sec.,,Treas,, B-usiness Manager. rMrucDONALD FORD 815 King St' W. OSHAWA, ONT. 3i-l i