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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1972, p. 17

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FOR (LASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 pe.m. CarsforSal Wok W ntei Wok W nte. A ctin SlesAuctionSales orSs an.97454 C EM NWEL Walker - Liptay Ltd,. .sped Asing$700 37~* LIEST CK SLESAue jo0neers - Evaluators ood cndition. For more in- 1hn 2-78 7-1* U Tow i N S lHorses, Cattie., Sinor P«roïcessiV1a1 Srvce1a fomt c al_ 6213-4104. :37-l* 191A- SI Mn DAY rr in myowý,n home-, GENERUAL REPiAIRS cahves heep, et c harie TV LPA 196 AUTI Mii wgo, j I ale G r éra, pre-sch-oolCGA S aiACWLIGRedl, AcioerandP, .R ,BWMNIL cludes mafy spare parts, $ (Ier s. Phone_,6'23-22 6 0, 7a Lcnd MAiC Wo n D reor 3t 16232 as is. Phon1e 6231--15_j9. J 37-1d ehne u- 'G2321 '65 IV A $6 . C n b se n S A L L car enter and cabin- O PE N '%R O U N D T H E C L O C K A u t o a e o u n t r t3 - atEastma-nn's Gif Staion ewrk and rcpairs. Cai EE DAYS A W EEK, ýIlju' -itonBrHv 371____ 74 dn, nemil estof nns- BOB and FRANK ewate_987-4033. :71623-2921 0or_623-7776. '___ 623-5756 Flethc utofBarn Ha- -DUNE buggy, green mnetal 1M ATUJREK gýirl, 18. wishes emIi- __ 25 iln on Satuirda eenn, TALmý,' fkebody. burketets, rIllp!loymettÈ bysiting in B-R- Seteber16 Dep reze baran tre. il scrfie. anile re. elphn" D A V ES eetrrohs dryver, bcd TJTINER 62-68afe. 3 7 -1 623-17 3. 2> 1 cwth brass 1top. IMany otherIEE 1 PlumibingHaiczaril, aeat7ohlr. pcaliglu ail t oe f .c~HVY l Nva 66, 6Cy ,lînd- iGHTtruking and odd job,'Cf etikAuioerSAEanESTE t dor.Fe autmtiClain ards, b asL, eentls, F.i iitcie. SAESad S yean, xrellet condiition. . atics, e, easonae ra.- o Netonvlle786295 '7 )NORTON Comnonýder WATERwelbored, 30 te. INDUSTMI and Clearînig farm au 1ci[on fr__ rodtrmtrcegood con- Ward'«s -WýElBring-. T ele Wate W Burkhlder -!.at Lot Acio ae b st diio,$90or best offer Caîl phonie 3 P-1-2030. Repre.senltat'ive RSDNAAuCnc1 akamTw-etate0f he atilet Ry ftr5, 983-5287 Orono. Hary b Wade, Telephone FEE ESTIMATES si (on l4th Ave.) (being 5 nolds. Real estate, furnitur, .374*9751.1-fR.R. 1i miflesSE. of Town-)f -Mark- I 63 Pontiac car.Atrcie6 M1 63 Pontiars, one 4-door WATERwes bored or drill- Oiino ham)icluding.100 pigs, 'i51 roomn frame house inecel V8s, atiomatic. double ed. Cnada Driîîing Company, rn 786-247 I ow ied up like eattie, 21lent rondition, ou fiunar, yower and radLio; one -d-iooriPhone ,OshIawa 576-6004. Re- 3~t tractlors, corn eupetwtron lpressure, Onlag H.T., 6 Cyý LIato., price'd t1 presentativýe arry L. Wade, ____ __ ___ hnyeupenfriue ouble lot in, the lovely illg seil., 983-121. 7 ýl*Necsti 987-4531. __22-f' J ~ 4 e (More dletails later). Proýp- cf Janetville. Real es tate sld 'ý4 F'LTR-loor ____ i___le.Lenuers vvandnLeuItingerty sold. Sale 1 -p.m. Atkin- suje.,to î reserve bld, Sat.ur- '64l fUdor Dod-ýge will bePAINTING ad Derrain son and Wilson, Sale Mgrs. day, September 30. Salet sndfr storil ageu ton with pc!lawr ,osinanlmaerads OVNTA and Auctioneers. 37-1 11:30 p.m. Ted S peleyi fý ýBaro. Septembiler 22, The suPouningaeas. Free esti- >1 CORPORATION Strd277peme-lt Wrî298 -2603 n niskln owner is Adolph Kraus. 37-1 mate. Teephone Ray Webb!'.ý alý1Y etme 6h er 6-63Ensiln 1967 JM.G.B., xelnshp,6335 34-4* FURNITURE and househoid effects of Auctioneers. 3713 ~$,00!wllcosie bkean RADE12grauate of Bu1si- FITTIN(,S- FOR quality and antique(- furniture, - cashi,al197, 3,340 T.N.T., l ess cness and iCommerce Course gasl hiaet.,fetuinIg Auction sale of 1furniture ~tban .500 iles, rover includ- wishs eployment as ju;nior Alliston OF,-], Bwavleinprt -pc alntldining and things for, Mr.r and Mfrs. ed,$0. Phoe 87467 rer.Silîs include: 1ypng 1O-4 Bighton 01-1-2, Frromsui:te ontl carved, H-ambly at the Burcketon afler4:30.37 1shrhad accounting, dicta- Frances 0H-4, Moortl w.eclet odto)ee wa- Store on Saturidayet. 16, EY!phone. Teehn 23-173 OH-11 New Lîikeard (brle walnut, beauti- Il miles'north 0of Bowmanici- HEY! 136-l* Perth OH-3, Peterborough fui, 5-p c. bedroom. suite (ma- ville on the Old cuog PRoad. -OH-13 Port Elgin ()T1- t lhogIni, elet, coffee ta- Sectional chserild and( MVacDONALD FRE ece iltk Sault Ste. Marie OH-B, Strath- Ible, spool table, necst of tab- chair, small ovr ahn chiild(renýI) for day rare. Trans- roy OH-i , Thunder Bay OH4-3, les, platform rokrJwalnut machine (new), large iron! FORD orai o aville i ecs t odtokO carved),' Jaques an d THayes sale, two cash registers, carr 1CONGBACK ON sr. Bwanil es.Wod Toc HS.53side chairs, Boston 1rocker, trailer, TV, 1 lmps u-, marble Alo-tutoring in al suhjetsFT caned rocker, Kroehl(rellces, coffee table, end tabWe, chir O CTOBER lst uip îhrough Grade 5,ý Tenders will be received for ter-field suite and chair, chests 23 ru. fil. freezer. ,gas stove, rremiendous U'sed Car-Ofr on or evenings. Cal the above until 12.00 noon of daes dressers, swivel chrome kitchen tble and,.ci GrAIGO MFR 632 6.37-2* E.D.S.T., Seplember 28th, 1972 rocker, open china cabinet, chairs,, record cabinet, sujit- 171 IrrýNF-TNS byrtheontar ! loHou SngCor folding con,-sul table, desks, cases, dishes, large quapntity;ý '73 ORADERNNSToraton,5101 Blrin St/.,,odd chairs, tables. pieres of ends of fabrirs. The'teý MUS1 'T CLEAR ALG SO N oono5 naico Chie etc., gingerbread mandle and are ahl the articleslfrom thei- '7 oti -L'ic.792 Carpet - U pholstery Purchasing Of1ficýer, 101h foocoluoria docks, gla3s and china home, notinis b,, eing sold 0Poniae i.643A roesoalyOenl from whom detaicldei- conisting of 2 RylBay- o)ut 0f thestor, Ter1m cash. 70 1mta -Lo 1rfsinlyCe d fjicatlions may b le otieor ruh vases (cnetur-Sl a cor.Cîf eh 7Pontiac - Lic. 1937AFE STMTS tlehn 6-60,Et 94 e o adGoeg rR-ikAcinr.31 '70 Checvelle -Le 693 qoigreeecenme lyîBaruh sei ithe, A '69 Caillac -Lic. l 6)902 Phone 623-2002 Iaboe.The lowe stior a nyipnFoleWde '69 Ponteve Li. 4845K0AMN LE edeiot fnecessarilyae(,- wld. Irnston-, LÀimioge, Ho- ACTNSLE0 '69 Chevlle ,- Li. 43231A 3--f d 3-1-a-opnhgegreen glass OSLT '69 pnti~c..-Li. -2 1A -_________pirkle cruel. Cahercar- SCHOOL FlRPN1ITUR1E '67 CVev maon, Le 538LANDSCAPJNG & Notices -nival, pressed], cytl h- CLARKE TOWN,, SHIP Lie, 67016A Tn'a~Tiil, rbyetc.Col ilaýmps Arrangenments havebe '68 International Cab ani GARDENP SERVICE Bowmanville Museum open crocks, picture, rgnn, made 10 hold t%,' aucion s on Chasi, -S 2spedKetnkyBle urer ~ daily except Mondays, 2 t0 5ý electric(,al 'aPPliance's, Zenith1 Saturday, Septenbr 23 1972 Chasis, -st)ed Kntucy Ble Nusery SeShool classes and groups day portale T -V,Ser humidi-1for the Northumberland and lear axie. Lic. 88274B Deliveredi or Laid or evening by appointment, at fier, fridge, eklcir wn mii0- Durham Counity Boaird of ý Ws235Foýr Free Estimates Msuo -l 2-47o eere NO OLY. S 1895 uem r(al63327-tegadnble. Plus education, 10 seli by Pbi COWA POTI;l-eiICK Phone 723-7557 -2-89. 37-l other niteresting itemcrs. Auc- A-action, COWAN PONTIC-BUICK 353 623-5890. ioneers Notep: rThersýecontents is al tPrtGab 16 ig t .,Bwafvie _ ~Dr. Angus ,,M. Blair, D.D.S., beong tb one l the ldest hol- i) Ebone 63-3396 - -lias lresum1red Geeal Practice established fariilýies in Brooký- Slol-1:0n _______ at 6 Frnk Sreet Bow Alin with eeyhn i xe-Second Sa-aILsadShool, Wanted to Buy Backhoe Service vle erDmno Stores, lent condition anid w wor- 2.00 P.m. -___------_______ Office or 10 atme, 10 p.m. thy of your attendanreýc, Thie Both Sales Sat., Sept. 23 500 USHES rixedgri for Septie Tank4 and Tile Bed ýt-iding atrdy.Phione property of Wm. A., Heron, List of articles in nx frd hn 2388.3714 Intiation's- Foundations',623-3181. 1-tf 46 Bagot Stretý, Brooklin. weeks paper. USEDFuritue ad _Apli Basemients - Water Lines - __ OnLario. No reserve. TermsCifr ehcAcine ancs.Padys Mrkt.Hap-Crushed Stone, Gravel & Sand 1c lOf r caýsh or cheque. Sale 1:00 oe6321 tn2-24.26-tf Blackstock 986-4737 JLunch available. Hienry iKahn 7 Car 'WaÀsh $1.00 Auction Services. Phone 668- APL ROWiERS 37-li 6189. 36-2 buk loother grades. Cash Bai.Please contact early Wanted 26- 1.Lcence ,364-C-72. 5-tf ELDERLYWOa desires fe- mie companion t10 liv-eib, central Bwavil.Write iii Advertîser 321 M, /oThe Candia SttesanP.O. Box 190,Bowanvile. 37-1* ___For Rent en. 623-2451. _37-1* APAR'TMENT, centrl lo 1ca- io.Pone 62-5784. 37-1 ~'rN, SE room wîtb rig.Cal atter 5, 623-2005. 37-1 avalabe imedatey.Phone aer5 p.m, 63-3984. T37-1 bw__0b -dr conm bo-,u s e fon lar¶e lot, double garage Av ai1lbie Sept 15.623-624. 37-1 FURNISHED bascree apart- mnent, close 10 blospibal. Avail- able O (ct. is. Phone 623-3965. ONE bedroom apartment, av- szilabj l ow, $9,00 monîhlv. Peter K owa j r., Realtor, i2 3- 2 45 3.37-1 APARTMENT, J roomns anid ba th, $5;slf - contained, groua florpivabe en- trances.Afc 4u ail 623-2043. 37-2 0Nl edijroma partment, gru i for, seýparate en- trn0arv'bath mono, leated. availble OtoberL 175 Sibet' S.Nor'th. __37-1' FIVE rom uipstai-s Papart- ment, stov,ifridge beal, hy- 4ro supplied, one ile west. of Bomanvlle.Private, en- trn 3. 23-7232. _ 362 T PEE1,bedroom town b ýouse in Bwavil fshvridge, tr'ie heat, lighit al] mci. ini renî. Cal',62,3-2838 evenings. 37-2 FVIVE room 2-bedroom new biouse, $175 monitiy plus hy- dm.Apply in riting 10 toAd- verbîJser -320, c/o TbieCanadian' Stalsman PO.Box 190, 1)baýth. ýFree parkinig. Cable1 teei ion bated. Apply Ca-ii vision St., Bwmaville 3- Roomi and Board Wainted GET YOUR TANKS CLEANED N O W - C A L L 1COURTICE SEPTIC SERVICE 72-002or 723-7090 37-41 JACK( BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 Mail Address: P.C. PIox 43 - Bowmanvîll 30-tf FRANK BRINK Trenchingý SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION R.R. 6, BO WMAN VILLE NO SUNDAY CALLS 623-7201 Crawford Heating, 01L lBURNE,R AND FU7RNAC.EINSTALLATION 24 HOUR Emergency Service 141 Liberty S., Bowmanvilie Phone 623-7534 4-tf DARLINGTON MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEVS & FIREýPLACES Phone 623-2176 49-tf SEPTIC TN PUMPI1NG Bert Tompkins Newtonville Phone 786-2552 _______25-tf Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commpercial and D omestie Refrigeration -Milk Coolers Phone BEET STER Nigitîs - 613 -3ý177 Lander Hardware BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STI. Plumbing - Heatingl Cal 6323-2641 FREE with 12 Gaalon GaS Bruce Wi-nning Gulf IIGAY 401 at LIBERTY 34-If ___ Lost STRAYED f'rom Lot 25, Con. a, one H-er'efoic rd abut 800 lhs., latter parit 0f Jl,$20) re- ward. CrcadnFa r ms FOR-ayod- erfodcaîf. maie. Dar-k ired with a great deal of wh-ile, \west of Newton- ville cloverileaf. Teleýphone 78-96.37-1 Mo-rtgrages ,Wanted FIïRPS'I 1ORTGAGFS SECOND MOTAE *os mOprope'rty *Brick or frame *1-2-2 year teîm fo above *City o)r suburban *Also 4 t0 10 years at good rates and terras 24 HOUR SERVICE 579-1321 INCOME MORTGAGE' SER VICES 342 King St. W.i Oshawa Member O.M.B.A. Over 80 Vears Comblned Experience 48-tf FINE QUALITY MO0NUMENTS AND PROS, LTD, Box 13 31 DnasS, . hlb Ssturday, Sept, l6th-Aur- Grist miII Auiction Baru lion Sale of farnu marbinery, NEW'TONVILLE bousehold funiture, many antiques, Ford 8W tractor 3- Friday, Sept. lSth pt., M.H. No. 30 tractor, M\ýIT. 7:00 pm 7' power mower ,double disc, ýnew Obaro flexible harnow's, Camýper / box trailer, pfly- cuitivator, iVIR. 6-blade tili- vwo"d boat, gneeti cash er, lot. 3-furrow plough, New register, niotor skioter <mni- Idea manure spreader, John iing),cmrso, te pres- Deere su-ole,3' bey cIe- sure systeii. iîood laithe, vator, M.. idec rake, wagon wincb, mowerýsfe, suive, wiîh rack, larg-e quantity of wrmngcr washcýrs, f, smll stove woquan)ttity of b-apinecetril suite, ber fulunte 0f macbinery, iledroom -suite, buink bedso, bsy, gra-in, strawt. Antique single beds sud mates, bardwood( square table, tlle- sud many other itemns. vision, 3 tmrunks, piture Ira- Ternis - Cash mes, rnoi o lamps-, Coleman Auctioneers lantera, cnocks, JUgs3, dishes, BOB & FRANK STAPLETON glass and china, 3 washsbands 3- wobiden bed, spool bcd, books, pine chesb, b e dis. dressers, rockiag chair, sap bces Aiictîon sale,, prvle esîate spoils, large quant0ity off anc1 from Whibby, lu]ýs Comn-oîý) bools, cheese boxe, r-efnîger- ity Sale bo be f el at Slurte- ator, antique coucb, tobacco van's Auction Hlaill,27 Hall cuIter, many other items Steeb, Osbaw,,a, onTusdy found in an old establisbed September , 6 p.m., also farno home, The property of Saturdayr eveniag, September the isteWm R. McCahe, Lot 16 at 6 p.m.: Refrigerabor,l 7, Con. 2, Manvers Twýp., 2 electrir;stoveP, automaitir wsh miles soutb of Yelverton or 5~ er and dryýer, kitchien suite, miles e. Biackstock or 13 miles cfc n n als otble south of' Lindsay on Hwy. 3,15 tel evision, space heater, power and 4 miles wesî 1 Yîvr-lawný' mower, 31/2h.p. outhoard1 ton Gar age and 2 miles sootb m notou, hanid saw, bedroomn Term scas,-h. No'reserve. Ma- suibýes, -china cabinet, 'buffet, chine sale at 1:00 p.m. Fumai'-Ibeds, coýnulete; washînýg mar- tome sale aI 3:00 p.m. Carl chin, Lzy Boy chaýir, blank- HIicksoDna auctioneer, Reabomo., portable Clot1hes lime, Ont. 1753495. 36-2 mdiin abý1ine, rogs. ishz- es, pots andi panis This is s, largae, plan Ioatbead. i Saturday, Septemrber 23rd, flot cmlb.Temnrs Lcash. ý Farm oSold, Auction SlifIye înAcine n Livestock, Implements and atg 3- complete bousehold contents, etg,7555. 3- 24 head of Holstein and 192N TEN Hereford cattie, 2 H-ostein FEE AE cows, Il1iHolstein and Here- ford steers, 6 monbhs 10 k- WilTO, - Thurs., Sept. yr.-old, Il Holstein and i ere- 2 00 .. 3200; THES- lord bies pony, Davîd SALO N -We Sept. 27 - 10:001 Bown ti ractor, 3 p-,,:Aliis a.mi., ,1000; 1MANITOULIN 1 Chalimers Model B trachor i <Litie Current)l - Thurs.,1 Sedore m--anure loader, Minne- Sept. 28 - 9:30ý a.m. - 2800;1LAi apolis M\oine, 7' combine wth SARRE <Dupuy), Pr.Q. -Te. bini ad uger New Holland Oct. 31 - 10:00 a.m- - 2500 bali, IUCorkshobt 71' ow NEW LISKEALRD - Thàurs.,. beý ro, PT. Jh epwrOct. 5 - 11:00 a.m., 900; SO0UTII m-ow,-. M-H 2-wheeled trail- RIVER - Fmi., Oct. 6 - 10:00 er, cultivator, 2 side rak'es, a.m, - 1000; WIARTON - Int. 16 dise seed dmi11, pwe Thurs., Oct. 12 - 10:00 a.m., lit; bey elevebor, Inb. 4-wheel- 25'00; MýANITOULIN (Littie ed atanore spreader, M-H Currenit) - Mon., Oc.t; 16 - tractor m an u r e spreader, 30; SOUTH RIV- snow oefi n f a R-TusOct. 26 - 11:00 chiery be, g~ai, sraw a..2500. *For furîher infor- cHondrhga90 oorie i96tl alien write S. MacDonald, Rambler -doi W,16 or detsn anager, Box 130, i-ton stake truevk, 19(l8 GFntsllOtal. 3- . c h ro m e s et, 2 e h sPrie d a n l. Es a t e o r S l cartelevisioný,lapok W ANIEcrnruid shlves, babies, 1' x18',u with unidenley, bedroom itel, glt hsrieperit 2 wa;rdobee, quanî31iîy of valaierfrfurbher infor- Ismai elrmcai aPpplaesmto appiy 10 Rehdeï(r Ave.1 ome ntiques fuil o nlnî!-_ 3A cas. o rsrea wnn -trybrick home, 4bd arenivin t lEgland. h cm, eaaedining endý property )of Golrd1on MJarik, liv\ing r1,0 faily sized Lot ?,, Con. 6, Sot orI ln1- kibchen wit1b builb-io stove' 'w.N,28 to Frsril n adnse n lnecal- 1 i mile Pesst. MahiealeaIobpaed riveback laiwn 12Iý:30 p.. Fmntu P t 2:00 fncedand inedwibhpop-ý R-icksoni, AçîneRaoo aee 1 For parbiu- Oýnt, 1-705-34-9959. 3- aaril5646, 37-1 t-lea1 fstate for Sale IReal EstateO for Sale C.FNF.AL NSITRANCVJ 234 KIrng St. E., wm-llf Oshawa Area - 10 Acres CuIstOm bi-)lt, S e7)o bric-k home-. Lrepn e famli!iy'Sroon n grudev. Walkout asemnl.Two fire- stove fride, dshwasherý Thre bathaMon uih CIsunken tub. Lo-aded with exîras. Ask-, in 878,000.00.Terms, Ca.î Phyllis MRobbie. Beautiful 1 vear oid bock spIlt on large country lot. Just oulside of village. Asking $28,900M.00. Cahl Jan Oud- shoorn. 521 King St.w.-MImvil Tivo hbrandc new homes (smsin good residential area, flert-rc beaýt, good sized lot. Why ot buy the pair? The prices ighL. Tinking of building a ncoury h\, ome, but want t10 bc close Io shopping? Thecn sece this ar and a half lot front- ing, on pvdroad, with trocs andi a. smahl Jsterea. Good >st1arter or retiremenit homne, one- and one-haîf soe bick, close 10 shopping, n large lot. This is an oldr homne, If you are ahny Man be sure and see it. Ther prîce should suit bbc modest budget. After houirs- Call: G. Beech - - 62356 J. Barton - - 2-39 Bowmaniille lP. Kowal - - 6356 Large 4 bedroom bungalonw.____ ___ 37-1 'Ver, c1ean and tidy. Hot wat-'- er oui heated. Very central., iLarge,( lot. Only $22,900.00.1 Ternis. Cail Phyllis McRobbi. Near ilighway No. Z' JusI listed, so hurry onis STT one, Tn.imaclate 3 bedroomn INTE brick bungaow Lrg liv- ing room w,ýith frpae Se- 147 King St. E., Bowmanývlile arate dining roo. astefully 2-41or6329 decorated anid somte broad- ?-41o 629,2 loom. A.ttaPhe-d grg.Only Countylvn ero $25,500,00. 'Termis. Cal Bi hoe ith gaira, ace.ot Suth el and)CICor Phlli 1îs Mc- Smnuedrive from Bowmn-l Robbîe. i. A hargain at ooly Cozy 3 hedrom bnglo Asking $ 1,000 for large 2 on n street. MinimuLm up- hedroom homne iocated North- keep, ideal for reJired couple-.Ieast Bowmanvîlle. Dining- Ask ing $24900.00. Caîl Jan room, doleil garage, 4-pre. Oudshoorn. bath, lot 132 x 132. Bowmnanville 1 ac-re0f land goes with So immacuilate you can move this 3 bedroombrick bungalow righî mbIbt is 3 beroo brck located b ine;sstsection 0 older homei(. Spraediîgtowi.Moe kitchen, broad- room wthbuýiLt in cner loom-. garage, ou boeat, Ask china cabinets. Lag ivn ng 5190 rectm with fîfielac. Close 1 100 Acre Farm: Beautiful shopping and inew bgh Phol.9om brick home ln pirtur- Onlv $32.900,00. ers.Cahliesque setling. Den,,fireplace, iPhyllis McRobbie'. dîing roomn, carport. Newîpý,y Getca'1outyEtt painted L-sbaped barn, îm- ýGentlman's ouvtryplemrent s h e di, fast-flowinig 10 acres, NewceastleI(, 7 room, strea, .Il acres bush, Cal brick home, 2 fieaes for fuýrîber details. Beulîfully1la nd.s ca ped ____ci__ 37-1 griounds. 600) pear trees. Lare ___- !fontage on N.2Hgwy Asking $77,000.00, Termns. --;iFOR mALF 10 Acres, Nýewtonvillej ParIly wooded, sucenic prop- erty, good building site. Twvo 'a miles Newtonviile. O)n 163-69 $9,500.00. M 160 Acre Horge Farmi 623-7661 3 miles Oshawa. Fnonlage 137 King St. E., fowmianiville on paved noad, This property bas eeyhn - woods,' READ THIS - a FIELDi stream ,pond and view. Two STONE hmnlwatePr and storey home and new horse sewec now be-ing iused as a barn for 75 borses. Askin g tri-plexz willh a goocd icnel tonly $160,000.00. Terms. or could casily be-revert A singïe dein - a good ia- 117 Acres, Gravel, Stream vese!int ither way - CALL SNeari Mosport Pairk. oo NOW. gravel cdep,ýosits vwitbhada- 2,50is î pieorIs cs of Ganaýraska Rier pherom )BRICK home-î- $1 2,00.00 Ters.acuatecondlition - ood 225 AresIS.e«ai Bits J~iN 1-4--,uo - ms. i!T Two sbreamns. Headwabems of Ganarasha River wibh ex- relient pond sites. Rolling land ocam Oshawa Ski Club. Asking $80,000.00. Tru Cail Roy Foster Orono 98- 5801, 80 Acres, Newcastle- View, Pond 9 room 2-sborey hme, stone fireplaces. Recreabu ion roono, Terrifie vicw, Spring- fed pond 350' x 80'. Frolage on No. 2 and 401Hiwas $120,000 - $30,000don No. 2 Highway, Bowmîanville 7 roo0m, 11/2sborey stucOon lot 166i x 172. JIdeal for mark- et gadcin nd Jlurralive of town l imris. On11Y $20,00 10 Acres, 8 Boom Hom On ono). Pram 30 x 80, 2 $,000.Tentars. Cail Roy Foster, Orono98-01 Bac-k Split,Bomnil Fouir bedroonos ,wth welk- in closets, Iwo wasbrooms,. fin'shed ec. roono. semri-de,- btachcd, fenred in barký yard1. Many extras. Asking $s26900,00 with $3,000 down. alBe-ro- aurd MacLean 623-7210, Bowmanville Ccntraily iocated. Six ucoom bungalow, alu7minunoti siding,' storms and screens. z Ncwýv lurnare, abraclive ,,famuily ronu recentiy reaoivated. Corner-1 lot. Asking 5,22.500.00 wviih ternos. Cil Pet Yen Are Ton osdrra MOVE or TRIANSýFER? We are equippcd to haudle' your home nleeds ayhr In Canada sud US.A. * Coast to Coast 1 Real Estate Service After 9:00 P.m- eaI: Norm Wetherup- Anudrey plain- Phyllis McRobbie Pat Yeo-- Jeu cema - Bernard MacLean- ianal Oudsbloorn- Dane Fouud i-- Roy FosLter - Orono 723-4809 623-3563 623-7159 633077 6*23-2318 623-2984l 57d9-2082 62e-310 -I NOW. LOTS and LOTS of LOT I aad norw mme SPECIALS - 1 acre building lot $3,500 - '70 ac-res wibb bouse, harn, and streamo 6500 10 arm-e lobs 5,50 ith terms; anoîber 10 aàcresfo 600 4 building lobs ,00ea-cb; 12 cottages and str mad2 acrre-swith frneeon Rir Lke $12, bouise, restau-rant, vaiety stoe, eut rate gas station-, al lor only 538.000. Sam Anuis - Jamnes Robinson MNary Smith - Banner Passant lElsie spencer Rolly 'Spencer e 23-76914 PETERS REAL4TY LTD. 728-7328 - 103 King' St. East, OSHAWA 50 ACIRE FARM - V ery go býouse wilth 2 batbrooms, fore- rd ai o furoace, 2 b)aros,ý driveshied, water bowis, stan- chiions in the harn. Good op portIunity 10 5tart farming. $1500 DOWN PAYMENTfo this 6i roorn brick home with separabte diaing room, 3 bcd- roonos, garage and anire back yar d, Ful nsklîn g pnce 5.5900 - Ncw ising 4bcd- ooms; in Ibis srcous sqCIuar e tyebrick home, walking ditace10Norbh GM, nabural trion, forced air ou hpating, garage and prîvate drive. Thîs us good value, RealEstte ox-SaleRea Esatefor Saleu REAL ESTATE t975.4 bedroom b r ckbuglwY ET ExtraJ3oo, DnRbaseentM H 0ROOP EOM areaAskin $25,00 NM an"-ewhome but slIcMt ý10 Arrei - Borderîn erg fcsh hnivetgt e tOIýn, on paed rad î1 I. r A eaer Homes! Ve'lil hli builingsit. God fornrs rette trctv Bae eryor arket grem.Wlodl oea3bed- A N ew u aste - C u lr 2-býIoom V na s ve a m u h s $3 0 bungalowextra large lot. ýAloe ovuinlbidn cnvenliences. Fiol] 1 pîemtos fy(,ouonalt $15,000, Easy teims,. you snay le able b1sMar 37-1"Vou1Honel" withony20 dn.We'll help wlýithmo- lage arrangements and %a4t aIvaîlabîlîties too! For furth- eýr detaîls Phone - RAY NORTHEY at 7335 or rop ila tuyournert Auver Lumber Store a - w Lup a pn wBEA VERM Ri E GAT'ALOGUE, n --MM -M---Lf in P fl.01r wf,'hf fl 4-),U2Je 623.2503plams for more than 40 homes. Bowanîll -4 herom ir.ik bouse wîth paveddrv andC gaag, retrallyloae Asking $21,500 wilh termsi 7 > r Bow7manviIle- - North enrid, ýbedroom bunigalow with E rwalkout bhasemn,nt ily l1andscaped. Asking$2,0 busnes wîh ecelentturn- oer wesmoving f roml F-hoine 6 23j-3950 or 623-3111 district. Askîarg $,50withlBWAVLE ag Jers.bedroom, '2 shorey brtci-k-home-ý Tynoe -1 ½ tory 4 ed-on Liberty Street.Ai o- room hIome wL ýrnwthlumnumcm ceDoveniences. Ga rae sîdîn,. on lot 63 x 144. As-k-Clofi. iag $17,500 wîth trma OHAA herombrc Orono - 1 'rStorey older bu ingalowr, Ou heated. 4-ncec frame bo(lrçne wîlh 3bedrooms, baîh. Vrywell kept. As-k-. very rentrally l1oraterd. Ask- ing1 , 0.Terms. ing $16,900, 150 ACRE FARM:- 4 'bed- Orono - Criuntryvinge- r rm, 2soryStucro houae, c ation with al the ofrsAi oe orvnec lof town aInd ail Ibeý fresh- air Laig Lc apd an.3-a Yeu want. Situiated on 2 grgeZ' king 8500 acres of becautifuflpretyTr. with crirk nd rmaniy etrs,12 ACR E FRETRl EA IAskîag$34900PPROPETY. witb lage rout Newlnvile rea- 3 cd-stram.Pond. Prl odd rombugalow wîth Hlv-Lct ener Nwasl.Prie- wood )'kitchea and 1 acre 0 f cd biI property. Askîng $21 ý,S. BWMNIL: uses MoJspoI-t arcs - 50aceofscinVryelketIw wePll wooded îproperty wthsbreyhoeGod location weil. Very scenir. Askingfo ofceurbsiesCali $5,000 down.ofie Ororno aresbuidn os S{W 3 hedroombrk 100 x 176, asking 57500. om, livinganddin' Fdwin Jeans 2-12 om a ittciedgar Mac, Mefonald -6331 g,5~xl0lI euiul Wilf Hawke -95-24lnsae.aîofc, Heljen MceDonald -P2-91 3BDRO,2~oe LydAtehison-75-327I ucolrm.O hae,- AI Rouxt- - - 72-33br-Asig$000 aviabe Askînn 720 10ACE OT2Siabliyo Bedom avîle 63-40 but 4beronibrckbim alow. Boauîifuliy landscnd eshaiwi1) - lft hep e. frep ar. B,, er pizza couevynrpa;rious 2 - hedl rlaarmntupiir. g, are o. rîe2t si ýBusiding, buie ss arrnd al1sAH Ocoet lotuipment rincludedrý.IdaBwmnîl Akg$ 51. Bowmavill -12bedroofvM HryCuts - 7524 weile bul rick edbngalw n oeBanaslO 786-5 chire resclodse 0110 11 ovfooryerý thîlng. Mryat iy Harryo'- oeIrn- 623759 cad nîrlydecred.2 ' ,ý PrT Gary J Hanîroe - 983-515 tpenlory fiasedrc. roob osvldso - 77-l2 120 Acres- f vcantcoand ry bail Wrkbiy bathlace flwell tre, wibh 600ý 11,4r8 mie oortuh. of Hwy. No. 2or veryose ta On. Esba coin 13 Acres Loarvelountry properlyy wceih ait-idwihagcreek, frontý ming eritOshias. 263-2032 623-5639 -623-2627 987-4867 576-1908 725-1726 37-1 PC nARBECUE TONIGRI A buge crowd 0f Pro- tendctu e arty's nnual barecu aIAlex Cacratb ers hoein iirlen !i toigt Alai AwCne thea Ontar cmeetmliý nminSAonheronissciidu moMohe-MIweae MULTIPLE LISTINGS ERVIE leil lEstte lBaared Os-ýhawc & Dîstrict ville location. Try an offen, BICE LAKE -Lafon -Cîbage wibh boat and dockI bethrioom in coîbage and il * nu gur e fumiburo included, heav dutdY. wiring Ion stove, pnýircd at 31,0.Close O ediy f IYtomativ Cal Keth Peters Realby ILino- ited, 728-7328. Sol orbueb od T obfnums b os Af 1er hours cal: ailler the elîdren ?re gon bylv nis vryumot- Peter 1Bienstrra 6;68-9687 If s.wbr hould thepr a pr lter ue lu Willam ateiffe- 65-457 cbs ive y In bc bgges sîglepur- cba'e moat men even nuakeei JeCrawford - 172-12 ht acb a, jenjor -fartons allbeTeeoesn 1i KenHan -- 73-763 These acrc only'-a few a iIecen heeai ilroe lUce Rocehletta -73 -8 7 07YmanY1ttc rest in g V porobleas mit ibu de î f bpr l Ed Li ',-( 59-1123 , 1thaP.t w i Il be cii S mýcri id n 1shn1qd prov( ifomatvea week bi anrin la se i fillbte oeonr Rolande Tirniey - 655 -3214 lan'li i aesacm1nd r ebIbishe fi,ît ed 1ie Wardlow - 56-13Spenso)nship of1-Peter Kwl fte s rues appeerï onpai After Bours Cail: EIltfrede Jost Melville Date Ru oby Inglcton oaild Allison NIike Belmonte jWm. MeFeeters ýT ýl 'Jr, Real Estate. two. 37-1 '

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