VOLUE 18 1 Paes OWMNVILEOwTrI( erà e m o craa ndi FueleriProtest Shoemen Win es Hon ""0 Park, flic Flue Slioý,crc -deteatci e ien Fuels3- toeinnte thrli jm to heli seri-inle oft flic Men's; Etm)Crï>ït9:1 St tues Townp Lea.gue Softball.' Lea- Wilmcer Hla 6y -igl i1schol te-aýcher anethe New cmocrafic Partyecandidate for fic up- coing ufederalc ection, IininM g flic hnomto, wliidlitoukplace at the Citiens' Centre in Cobourg, àMr,1%Hil ceafed Joscpli sSclioolof f Nrsnad 1flic wife of Re, Fltlir4t4rt lewgicnmntr 4-Hatigj Foto Firsi Speaker eme. fltwevVC, t Aiafl. sfoo the Fuelers are pro- test ingfli gamne býecase- thc tirst rut, againeýt tliemf wae eered onanove' thow. Thcy aparently ed beenliel attird MISe andy wn thevai t wli flcfiae h liard wrayb losin flictiet two gaes T iue t4eLe ewc li seekthefederal Progressive-Ccnservative party noimin1aion itheNrhmeln-Dra iig WVith Prmie Wllim avatli id, r Lawrenice told a presconference that lie madehi decision to go affter fIe nmntin;afe engthy period of su-erhn. aproalonTedasep0am Ï of-Satrda Sptme7th. bera 5ttote pIn IreThard will includeart lreention Wc e ùS a e d&townsutheereAnginsd Hayman hs anubr f a flvcpéw la , ilr Nine persons requîrcd hospi- ~aI ~rtatmcnf foilowing a three car accident on Highway 35 ~car 1~irby on Monday after~ sioon, Sepiember 4th A 1955 Pohtcac driven by William Moore of Carlaw Ave, ta Toronto wae heading sont h cr~ f~îghway 35 when it le beiîcved he lost control of the automobile and swerved into Kent agun, l- h lob dMalcotnit l e tefiatsacker in a c ~otri lctr res t bn. eture a uran Co- he fRotc turele et p- Coflege lectur theate Vr. Bgiu ili disclU.ss iwitl a 1964 pontacdoreby:i Ç Alan Hady, 38of Ma ia, é? Ntaoé, Amti r arxV6 gan beini fic Hrdycarl M oDno UsN twman flicuca mortlLouddunangapd wa Most serîousi y pedlameig of flc1972-7u seaon -the mishap iwas Alan arc nTedy etme 6a who svuffred shoc'k, fracfurcýd 8:15 Pmnma Timty Uad ribs, a punctured lngarcd a.C hUr'CiHl, omnvle varief y oflaeaosada-MaoDeodG.Nwa <TURN TO PAGE To!TNTOPGENO) Loa Couple Inj"r wo onucrelet 8tli attfli moo tclhey werc ridiag v cn,ýert ouf of con- trol on Highwýay 2. David 'MacDonald, 19,Jf 3 lJurhiam S;tre,ýt, anbs if e Karn, 8,wer leadngweef on Higlway 2,justot-d! fi -Set town l-mites le r MD"acDonald loe control ofdfice bike and spuni.,-nt o.flc itli Tlic~ fliC Iof,,ering crli free oadby Howard 'Wod saapping the re off an Mr, MacDonald uf red tionput n b fli Haclbcg Do Acdemyof roo, The super fraining of these ernia Shephrd do s ws vîden!t flroughouf as5fdeynatackedun coi- rnad, nd ithrcwinniafcly whc ordecd Herqe, ev ien hougîfic d rasmuzle, f boulitdon is ictrawhowcundrsandisa stuff membar -vf licacaemy Noancfro flc sectbrsvolntcrte take hie plac Heavy ains Failt oHi ,rono Firs Big rïogram have surneprotayereporne apîoblee qs wit Godnlin7rsr nbuies 0 p liecate mie wobe f Ibrtio ad soýýi-g ýf Cý,,ýry Cry ev aceing ar olng wt is-M th prces of(>,dIdig a shoyrorrian mOre ummoseon Fridtye harvie coenpre tYimaprtnt fare cmn wnte gtondeanthe nccesity o rearangig scthioge as he noer3 futre.Ro N0iýcholsMoitor Ldmis] arkicrng ifsciiiîdrea' pýïarad, ieevn Golen nnicrsry a bsinsswit a pecal ele wef urpiigweîî nd af-n brtinaa soin o ew cansý. Couafy Chrysuert rtlagcrw ir snte proeeso ffilingnew shorooman n hursdayeeigfc service enlttr e MaplehGrove witfouthekp end Ath oe t Dodgers hadfai- mprousfcmpltad e ir ecît timd 0 oinid ththe'itrotion of 197 aeel CnprogrA, eliowi, OPENNG -Tbifs week, flie Coronation Rsaur- ant rcopened- ifs renovated premis'eswiha Advance showing carly in flic wcek, anid Thurs- day tîey'll le back ýin businýes se'vn;tcr customers, Propriîetor-, John Seto lias made an changes fo tIc front4 and interior, ocnzn tflilglting and equfipment. The restauirant wýas extensively dama,-gcd by a fire sevalweksý t ti t t COURT NEWS We ust express 2appr[-ïecýia-tion fo the any folks who wocor phoned in teir co-1 ment'ýs concerning pub;ishig flicvweek1.prvnca court ncws, So far' , iajorify of iose ho oný fa,;ctcd flue office feel ifsodfotbpuiset least in as comp-Leeafoaaswsdnpriosy If you have nof alr'eady ld shw o ee bu if, ple-ýase do so at tlhea. ct potuiy WANVT TO WL?-O et UlMmra Ilospital's oca and Recreation Commýiittewl be staging a Walkatlion foraise money forhos- pifaI cquipment. Last year, they made $,2,3W0 and flue year'sobjective le $5,000. Sponsors and' walkcrs arc necded. Contact tIc hospital for more details. Docsn't say wletîer, or niot fIe hospital will provide frtereatment for bkfstceed t t t t SAINTA'S COMING =Summer went sofas t'sdf ficul f0 eliev fIa fli Sant a ClasPraeCm m îtisaraylir twork r:on ficanul ard for ti er Buýtt le'y hv rbeiadn volunfeeýrs vho knoýw low o e, parnty fe have about, 75 pr-e-cut clown uftsfa av ab sewn fogether. If you can assiet, laecotc a Sf eplica 623-3968 or Shirley Frank 62r1 s so as possible, tt t t t IN HO-.SPITAL - [ntfIls issuec, tlierc's aï4n an-, nounce-4-ment that Whîtby's Mayor Des Neman will ble fifrst sekrat flic Wcsf ura Canadian Club, II1;omet niglit's saw ims theere was an item sýayinig le lias enteeredOsaw Gencral Hospital for a deck u anjd psil sugcryo I i o be bopcd, lie wiI mke -a qick engaemet lere, but moe iportalatfIat le4 nxty,ý iý iýs,0 t t t tY NOMIATIN TI Ho, RbcrtStafiel wil b hA 'lU ie schouU1 iUuLtn' ý>r- .ae whicli was psfpoaed and hedonr audy h te events suchias flic paos show ad flicHolefein Da TURN TO70PAýGE TO ide i il ed worncpn leh-i caelythtc-ne theïswiaded e Batown. i io u on Suinday during the175thanivsrd qu e arrivai of the Lovekin family ii S -rea, Dicýk Lvknw arngdteeaoa celebratio n d S of friends, LyadPyegvshmahf nhe10 odpcuoeof 'tha featursepays of the afeno.M.Pan lobogh i ta ngieta cati be cran inanoter PhoASuepplyig Po-mer àforea machine ttproduced! 7 5th Biirthday as Clar 'qt fmonde by flic bunidde gal weïtuof eastle n iSunday laC hre Townsipof Net- tiret wht eterefiLoe site He le a el own bar- rîster la fie ila oth or filc eetabonsea of btlierwin elyua m- chinefutau mkrewod. prset nr's gr.ýa:gf ef gret her wa aso thei grandftlsirtfic fela J, P.seowfeurcigsneecl bccued berf sandwiches and Mr ovki. Ruddy aM beveragsuwne cava i aSsan Raeay convened fCI) lare qantfie an qucki~ (UlN TO PAGE Tro FivcebersofA zaine wareaof fpie ycar flic group necf orek-ndenfr anpi omare over $6,20!. zlaredwi hsfalngtom Tlwo of tflfve otE eppeern' Zoo oerflC pasftwao years emsn,, of Brempton, aS4 Mpea, la ourtofla B oaEmroJ.ilam,2,fo and wereereondcd until Novhi Wonderful Horse Shiow Enjioyed ai Orono, Fair TIcmnje Ia OrnoPar osonuraywaisem d r'dfndp rn wsfue odtrdc iîW wtt Éýï hrossouan reead ieta flic c!-avpycocviaïofTyrone, eft, end Gerad RaineylofOro iworkig types fo fny poues, OCe of flie spectacular pwfting thir Juanijmaýis lroglhficr pcs rRie wvent3chat drcw consriderablemlasefrm he pci asfi inço he lae Mer i .T Z1 -jý