'6The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Sept., 13, 1972 iFa~rms bo:SneIîg Rapîily To 'Toronto"' Develo pers In Cobourg, Port Hope Area by Mandy Mai (Cobourg Sentine] ~Over 1500 acres between the towns cl and Port Hope have for future develop "Toronto people" b3 Frank Real Estate cc "Ail the land w:l future developmen ~Water Frank, heaé ~company, in a telepi ~view Wýednesday. "I iised for industrial,r aLnd commercial deve ~'Mr. Frank laid purchasers have "a' up, with no conditici FIRE Many Hazards exist home. Do not und the damrage even a ýcan cause, SMOKE - A fauilty furniace C. %moke damage t your home dlean-up job. EXPLOSION ,An jinfrequent lhappE %jsually disastrous. for Further Informi James Insu mAgency Lie 2U Kng St. E., D ,Off ice rtin sale." el-Star) The sales were bandled of land tbrough the company's head ~fCobour fie in Bowmanville. been sold"Ail the parties have made ýpment to substantiai deposits," he said. y the W. "The deals wili be closed this ompany. faîl. That's why the surveyors jîl be for are working in that area." nt," smd Within the last two weeks, id of the the realty signs proclaiming hone inter- the large tracts of farmland It will be have been sold, went up along residential Rwy. 2 between the two towns ýelopment." and along Hwy. 401, the north- the land ern boundary of much of the al signed land. Ds on the Mr. Frank said the land ààýI~located -close to Port, Hope, "the Oceanfront land", will be used for some I'industrial"' developmenit. S However, there are no plans î for immediate development. The 1500 acres of land whîch ' bas been purchased is located in Hamilton Township which has flot had an officiai plan ap- proved yet. in the proposed Splan submtted to Queen's Park, the land to the south of Hwy. 2 between the two towns borderîng along the, water- front, bad been designated for parkland. It is cýurrently being used as farmland. Lini avr One month ago, Darcy lerestimate Keuhprvniltas- sml ieer, said hie was aware specu- lators had purchased large tracts of land between the twc towns but that the province ýa spread had no intention of "freezing' broughout the land negotiations. The a co'3t1y lands purcbased were, in the main, f arms. When asked if the price rec- eived for the properties was ýeninIg, but the going rate for industrial, residential and commercial and commercial developmnent prop- [ation Cal erties, Mr. Frank said it was substantial but would not likE to comnment on any figures iracet without the atoiyo h t d purchasers. No names were re- aleased by Mr. Frank who said nie ie would check with the pur- chasers on the matter. 100 id Last spring, the provincial regional, development brandi Ontarinannounced th at the area around Cobourg and Port Hope would be encouraged to deve- îop as an urban-industrial reg- ion in an attempt to stop the ) urban sprawl of the cty of Toronto. Tbe Barrie - Midland area was- the second region ceienowbere this type of got 62-52 wud be encouraged. Last month, June, Mr. Mc- KeUE iiýough announced the forma- tion of a task force for the! 1Cobourg, Port Hope, Halmiltont 1Twp., and Hope Twp. area which -will studffy the püatterns of urban - industrial growýth which should take place here. s The Fran)k real estate comn-! spany recently sold, throughý, the H. G. Blowv Rea-l Estate, and Insurance Company of! Cobourg, the 60 acre Cobourgl golf club to a Torontofirm ion thýe condit1in that it wîli even- tually be developed as a resi- dential area. ELIZABEUTH VILLE (Intended for last week} Churchý services were heldi at Garden H-ili a il 1a.m., back( Ito our regular time. Rev. J.1 Ramjit was withi us and spoke ,onr "Work". Mrs. M. Gardiner 1opened the serviTce1s. The ski-doo club h.ad a corn roast at Mr. and Mrs. E. Fow-1 ler's home on Sunday nigbt. Mr. Russel White bas re- turned from the hospital in sPort Hope where hee bad been _for the past week. Tommy Zealand is home froni Peterborough hospital. Mrs. Robert Westheuser, AUlyson and Mrs. H. Thickson spent Wednesday and Thurs- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Staats, Brantford. The Womnen's Institute put a quilt in and have it quilted. ,There-are tickets for the quilît 1which can be obtaîned on ,Wedïnesday aýt 1theïr auctioný sale. The dr-av, toý be at the next meeing in October. Mr. an)d Mrs. Ken Trew and Neil returnýed fromn a camping -trip to the east coast recentby. MrlU and Mrs.ý H. Thicksonï ,spent Saturday at Uxbridge hIelping Mr. and Mrs. J. De ,Roker get settled in their n-ewv home. Others helpinÉ were Mn and Mrs., P. De Koken, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hlalliday, Oshawa.' Mns. De Koker plans to drive to Oshawa to teach. Garry Fow-ler and Bob Mer- cer got off to Ryerson on Tues- ida Y. -ni Mliss DrscBatty goes to Hamriitn ioni Wednlesday. Helen Trwgoes back ýto London in b'er second yar Buses wene runingi1 every direction on Tuesdia y t ry ing toi get their loads and routes organized for the school year. ConratlatonstoMr, jand, aneWilson)) whjo were mar-1 rie SaurdyScetmber 2ndý ini the Mane atBlackstoc, Theý reception ard dance wasý, heldi in the Recation Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Abbott. Gore's Landing, were reent dinner guests with b er siste aud husband, Mr. and Mrs.i George Heaslip. Mns. Aithur Hyland, ;;c-- companied by Mn. and Mrs.- Austin Beacock, Mrs, Norman Green of Blackstock and Mrs. Wilfned Hobden of Boston, Massachuset-t, call-ý3ed at the Ward Funeral Home, Weston, on Tuesday, Ags 29th, in, respect of th at'e Mrs. Gor-: don 1Broivni, and attendrecl thec funeral on Wed7nesday,.S- cere sympaýjthy is extended to the bereaved family. Mýr, and NMrs. George Bow- ers,, accomnapanled by Mr. aind Mrs,ý. Bert BÉowers and boys of Oshawra, are camping for the weekend, wîth their bouse trailer, at Bindsall Beach Park at Rice Lake. On Su-nday Mrs. Ed. Lw snand Bruce attended thie goldjen weding ap niversary- of Mr, anrid 1Mrs. Lorne ,Far- rowv, at Mbok Barry Ma1lcolm-Is atenin JuniorFamr' edehp Couirseat Genevaj Park, near Orillia, t h is,, wýek1,ý M 10r. anrd Mrs, Lawrenc Busîe~sDirectory A cco untan cy: Chatered -tAccoutant 115Lirt St. S., Bowmanvilie Phonje 623-361'2 WILLIAM1 C. HALL B.Comm. Chiartered Accoutant 361/ King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 Chiropratctic G. EDWIN M AANNT, D.C., Off ic 1.5 Elg in'S't., cor 1, f Horse1CY St. Offi e 1Hours11: îBy apposn rtmnt Dental DR.IR. , DJINNIWELL Dental Surtgeon basq -resumed-genieral practice at 30 Silver St., Bowilmanville Office EHours1 9 - 12 arn. - i - 6 p.m. excepiDt Saturdaiy and Sunday DR.W. . UDELL, D.D.S. '75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. bI 6 p.m. daily Closed SaturdJay and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 DR. WILLIAM KEINT, D.D.S. Professional B1dg. 22'? Kinig St. E. - Suite 106 Office Hlours: Weekdlavs - 9 -6 eýxcept Wednesay ftennoron Telephonie 623-7349 DONALD A. Malr.GREGOR Life, Auito, Homei- 67 Kin E, Suite 2A the Kingston - Ottawa area.1 Mr-, R. Bartlett of Banning, California, Mrs. J. Bateman of Vancouver hav,ýe beeri holi- daying W111h1Mr. and Mrs. ed on Mr. and M/rs, Clarke Willîamis. Mr. and M\rs. Harry MIc- Laughlîn, Mrs. Lawrence iMc- Laugýh!in, Mr. Marvin NXesbitt and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Lwrence Malcolm were* guesta on Saturday, August 26th, at the Devin-MurraSy weddlng Iin Woodville United Church and the reception at the Bonfire Restaurant, Lind- say. 1Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lockyer of Vancouver have been boli- daying with Mr. and Mrs, Alanl Wilson and attended the Knapp - Wilson wedding on Saturday. Many Cartwright residents called at the McDermott- Paniabaker Ppneral Parlours, Port Perry, on Sunday, in re- spect of th- late Mrs. Mervin Graham, and attended the funeral on Monday. Sincere sympathy tg extended to ber husband and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchan and Douglas were Sunday visitors with her mother, Mrs. I-,an Proutt. Carolyn return- ed home after a week's visit with ber grandmoôther. Lake Srugog Softball In the final' series Nestie- ton vs Lasco was plaved at Whitby on Sunday, resultinig In a win for Nestleton. D urham lncludes t Hockey Coaching2 In ils Curriculum Durham College will include checking wvill be(cveein-' Basic Hoýckey Coacbing iu its ten-sively\. Position skills sucb, extension programme tbis f ai.as goal kepin,fow dan The course is beamed at those defensive play, uwiil bec (oven-ý involved i n minor hockey wh,1o 1cd, as well as teami skill1s ire- 1wold like to improve tlheir lated Io ibntnoducinig offensive knowl,,edge and skill inuIthe and defeiveý7 play. Hockey handling of hockey teams. Canada will provide inistnuc- -hockey Canada will provijdejjouai visua]. presentations. for, the instruction and couirseý Levels two and thnee of theý content and wiil awardi Hoclke.y course, to be pnesented lu lut-1 Canad~a coacbing cetificates to un-e programmes, will offer a those wbo successfully com- more detailed-appnoach tLo thel plete the course. Course con- c-oaching of hockey with get lent is presenled in three1v-r emphasis on the p-osition els, with the firsl level mnat- aànd team- skills, as wl as eiai presented in the w7inten geneiral stnategy andf tacticall session of 1972-73. application. Sports mredicine, The first level course will statisties, tahîgnds1n cover the histony of' hockey, the study of the specifie Nt- 7with specific concentration on ilnal H-ockey League mnd the evolution and 'changes Eunopean hockey styles xill iwhich bave occunned in tbelbe covýerý ned l tese levels. gamne since its inception. Thel Basic Hock>ley Coacbing, the dif!erent coacbîng mnethods lev-el one ten-week introdue- will be covened, and genenal ton-y counse is offered on Mon- organizational informnation wilildays 6 - 8 pum., beginingi- icuespecific areas sucb as Octoben 2. The fee is $210. practice administration and Thoseinýtenested should con- the handling of g-ame situa-tact'the Iiegistnan's office a,, li1,ons. The basic skills of bock- Durham College., Write to ey such as skating, sbooting, PO. Box 385, or phone 5716- puck contnol, passiug and 0210- extension 244 for an fofficiai application form, It The funeral service wasi A speci service by thie Iwill also be possible to regis- hcid on Tuesday, Septeruber Legion memibers was also heild ter îin person at the College .5th, fromn the Mackey Funeral atPthe graveside. duin-g thie regular business ,Chapel in Lindsay, with Rev. alibearers wee t h r ee husorbetween 6:30 and 9:00ý Gordon Kicko of the United nephes Vincent Jackson, p.m. Wedniesdiay, SepDtember ï'Chuýrch officiating. Pturîl, was RaJph Rowan ardi Gordon 20, Thursdlay, Sep-tembe-r 21, iin Fallis Cemetery, Manivers Fal1i'ý John Palmer. Howvard: and Moiiday, September 25. Township. Me1Gili and Charles Palmer. OBITUARY Richard Hlenry (Harry) johuston Hlarry Johnston of Bethiany, age 70 year's, son of the lt Richard Johnston arid Sarahi Kennedy., died suddenly a t hiis residence on September 3, 19 72, he hiad been a lifelongrei dent of the aresan-d at one timie own ed a nd o1)EP1eratd Johinston s Garage. H-e was; a veterani of Wo(-rId War Two and ai member of the Canadian Leglioný, Branchi 402', Millbroo, Ontario. Mr. Johnstoni is survived by three 'dsteLrs, . Ruby Jackl- son andMr.Irn Rowan, bioth or etan.Mrs. MIil'oni Fallis (Isabell) or Millbrook. Rent a Car for A DAY ORt WEEKENDI Ask for Rae,. COUNTIZ CHIRYSLER--DODGE LTD. IGA CHOICE PURE APPLE JUJICE6 IGA FANCY TOMATO JUICE 7 TOWNSHIP 0F MANVERS Tendetrs Required for locations in the Township. Contiractor to suppiy Land FuilSite for dispos,,ai of garbage. State size of garbage container and cost prpick up, Tenders (o close on September 22nd, 1972. Harvey E. Malcolm, Reeve Ross DavidSoni, Oclrk IDUTCH (cGE 21 -OZ. CONTAINER) CLEANER 3FOR OGA CHOICE il Fi PEACH HALVES 3 FOR' IGA CHoicE 19-F. TOMMTES 4F R N BEEF STEW 3FO CLAR'S _ CLI FANCY SOUPS FO CHICKEN NOODLE, CHICKEN RICE, VEGETALE nuF OR 'AUSHROOM ICA HOMOGENIZEO bO PEANUT BUTTER là" ICA SWEET MIXED dm154L PICKLES à FOR$ IGA ORANGE PEKOL TEA BAGS IGA 51ALU SHELLS, SPAGHELTI OR READY CUT QtUI<KKI POLY j M.)PO GARBGE BG~~ orU PROS. Cf ho 2FoR DAINTY INSTANT ASST'D VARIETIfs 12 OR. TINS FRIED RICE 3 FOR What makes fond prices Fon poreso,.dotrmedby oavioble cuppîy, consumer de,. -OPel 1-01foco, -.efactIorndonthebgeneeol coit of donbu iness. Rtent prieit.es n Ia number of podiicts are Iiectly ttributoble to aor ops reducing ,upply -,d wnge in,eoses in nueovs indusýties whicl, sevean eïffot I v food prtiduction end distibutc. Moiti,., M,. IGA 0,ortîor tublie ,,g PH nicn .more tho. yo- do. He do.s .verytbîng he co,,ta ýpi.ene thons, ss blo.nog our rolilor îjaut tthesa..e os blooinq a thermometer lof th tempertura. As consbumers, w, 0w, i taoroie ta [snelr a tefc§$ .bout Food prit.. und do whol w. con ta b.ep our cas dmS.b0.ltute niher, a prit. ju more thon weC. w -rMon le puy. ",,Il9b CheJ,,-0Uniprme labels, dolmi,,. ote- "eif ,ho,,e th-b, s oore, Thon vuse noma thinqgo y.,u to do-i4f you lobe h, tiras i,., shopping. M".r., a nv0floble #0 lolk Shopping'" bgro .11a 259-6633 o write - 125 The Orearmway, Totno 18, IGA 006 flOUSE DoG FOOD o IGA FIH CAT FOOD FOR1 RASPBERRYor STRAWBERRY (WiTNf PECTIN) IGA JAMs 2 ri, P UnDING '~iGA tlRMON ~ ~ - COCOINUT PIE 2 Z59* IGA FANCY DEMPSTER' MFG 6t,ýOFFLABEL 3 APPLESAUCE fORIN OL KETCHUP RL SII KFCRW G, OR .MIN I-LA VOR t REOULAR SIzE TGIAU i? LNI TIDE ~ PPSoDFqT ADUJLT OR JUNIOR 0 DETERGENT 2FR COOTHMUSNES 4FO 'BAIMty SPEDAI$'. IRZNfQI "BACK TO SCHOOL TREAT" SIZE 72 "BREAKFAST TREATF' RODUCE 0F REMU4C CM SOUTH AFRICA OUTSPAN GRAPEFUIT 1049 CANADA No. T GRADE CELLO CARROTS LOCAL GROWN CANADA No. 1 GRADE CABRAGE 251 I Iiwant to give you a warm feeliîng about winter. A newTýexa.o forced airfurnace keepsyo!lrwhole house cozy and warm.ý That's because it's designied to ensuie the comrplete combustion of every Iast drop of ou. And oil rmeans the nost heat for the least money. E-asy budget termrs avail-abie. CRAWFORD HEATING- Boewmalpnville 6373 STEPHEN FUELS HOME COMFORT Bowmanville 623-5410 _ ________ Cartwright High School Evening, Classes '(1972-73) Evening classes will be offered fin the following subjects if there are sufficient registrations: SEWING (Basic and Advanced) NEEDLECRAFT UPHOLSTERY and WOOD REFINISýHING OIL PAINTING PIIYSICAL FITNEISS (Men anid/or Ladies) TYPING SMALL ENGINES' REPAIR WELDING ARTS & CRAFTS CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH CANING BASIC BOOKKEEPING Inquiries re additional or alternate courses are invited. Registra-'tion- will take place on Wednesday, September 2th anid Thursday, September 21st, 1972 7:00 pm.-9:00 p.m. Classes will begin the week of,,Oct, 2nd, 1972 For additional information contact the school Telephone 986-4241 Blackstock PIidR L L S Y C E C N O14x5.FL. mOR GA PARCHMEN r OR FR AS RVA LE f î SHOPSt' (BOIL lN fAG MEORNWAT ENTRuEES3O 4 VARi ETlES FUR Il- t_-- 1