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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1972, p. 7

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ofitheir automobile, So un- I concerneti, was the animal I (J I Ial on ccaehing the ditch it Yt m stopped, tucncd anti exchaug- tem cne es d starcs wilh the Cantilers. I o/p ITop level ceprescutativea of hon 6 3-3 03international, national anti Phone 623-3 03 1regional financial institutions will mecl lu Ottawa Scptem- ber 14-20 ta dîscuss indusîrialý one national capital, Reyk- Mca. Sydney Ventan, lasI Sun- promotion in d e v c i o p i n g javlk, Icelani, bas completely day. coutriies, the Canadian Inter-, banneti dogs and cals. !Miss Siephanis Dcvocskî, national Developmcnl Agency1 Miss Laurie Fortin has ce- daughler of Mr. and Mrs. announceti today. About 175 tucned fcom holidaying in Bruce Thibodeau, R,R. 6, Bow- tielegates from developcd and Belleville with relatives. mnville, left this weck ta developing countries are ex- S0iOf -atten d the University of Wat- pecled aI hia third meeting Mr. Chacles Stevens, SOl erlo whece she la enrolled of the group, sponsored by the Mr. anti Mca. R. L. Stevens n h thirti yeac Honora Arts United Nations Industrial De- began his sludies aI Guelph course. velopmelnt Organizatian <UN- Univecsity his week. The Rayai Canadian Legion ID30> wih Canada as hoat. Mc. andi Mca. Nick Hernko Branch 178, Bownianville, Solicitor Geucral John Yar- anti Ellen, Church SI., Bow- will holti lIs annual picni'c, emko, Q.C., today aunounceti mnanville, have returneti from Sunday, Sept. 171k aI 1 p.m. the appointcd af Dr. Ross C. an cxtended vacation in the sharp at Thisîle Valley Park. Bennett, 43, of Toronto, as wesl. Ail members shauld plan to Depuly Chief Coroner for the Mc. Rick Pailerson, States- attend as il promises 10 be a Province of Ontario. He will man staff, 1has rstucncd fnom gala event. assum~e bis dulies October 2, 1972. The îîumber of investi- holidays, motoing to Quetico' Mr. B. Herbert Morllock, galions anti inquests canduet- provincial Park an the Mani- farmer member of the States- cd by the Chief, Coroncr's oba barder. man staff anti member Of SI. office bas been ineasing; lu Mr. Stani Bowen, Bowman- John's Anglican Chucch, Baw- 1971 il conducleti 22,000 lu-1 ville, apent the weekend with mauville, 1925-1935, was or- vestigations anti caîlmates it Mc. anti Mca. M. Founti Win- daineti deacan in the Angli- wîll conduet 25,000 lu 1972. ana, andi visiteti Westficld caP Chucch of Canada in Dr. Benett leaves his Tocon- Plonser Village. Ottawa on Septemben 10. to uetileal practice of 17 John Etch1ler, sou of Mr* Mr. anti Mca. Dennis Fengu- years to take up the full ime anti Mca. Arnoldi Etcber, son, Nortb Babylon, Long post as Depuly Chief Coroner. Occhardview Blvd., begins Ialanti, spent Labor Day weck- Marrieti, with five chîltiren he thi yer'sstuiesatCarleton cuti with Mn, anti Mcs. Arn- lives lu Scacboraugh. Chiavensitudicsawa oldi Etcher aI heir cottage onl Univcsit, Osawa.Twin Lakes, then stayeti an Mca. Howardi Willougbby, extra uight with Mr. anti Mca, radua Oshawa, bas hat ihec siter-in- Ron Pidtiuck (ncc Etcher) r d a . law Mca. Bcrt Thompaon anti Liberty, Street North. daugbtec, Mary, Clevelandi Ma lr litwat Obia fo Ch pal wck. Mca. R. C. Allin, Port Penny, Mn. anti Mcs. L. G. Justice anti Dr. John Aluin, Toronto, anti chilticen, Sharon, David atîendeti convocation aI the anti Melanie, Richmondtilli, Inn on the Park on Suntiay wvere Suntiay visitons with hiec wherc the formeras son, Dr. parents. Mc. anti Mca. D. R. R. CI Allun, Port Penny. was Alitneati, Ontario Street. presenteti wiîh a diplama ln Mn. anti Mca. Rac Aber- the Colege of Family Phys- nelhy anti Mr. anti Mca. J. H. icians of Canada. Abernetby spent Salunday as Mr. anti Mca. A. L. Hooey gucats of Mr. anti Mca. Haroldi wece enteclaineti on Saluctiay St. John aI Ibeir cotage on by thein family at he ceai- Gullwing Lake near Toccance dence of Mc. anti Mca. W.,L. iu the Muakaka ai'5a. Hooey, 151 Dawlah Ave., To- Mca. C. H4. Masan, Mca. L. conta, an the occasion of thein McGee, Mca. Douglas Cols, 351h wedtiing anuivensacy. Mca. L. Masan celebrateti Mca. Guesta wece prescul from C. H. Maaon'a birlhtiaY with Bowmauville, Barrie, Graven- dinnepr aI Maie Dresaler's, hucal, Miasiasauga, Woodville i Cabaourg, fallowed by a drive anti Toronto. in1the Rice Lake area. The Kiwanîs Club of Pet- M\iss Nancy Gaodwin, daugh- crbarougb will apeacheati funti fec of Mc. anti Mcs. Pcccy tdrives for a new $100,000 Gaadwin, Rehtiec Ave., has re- baudsheli, sealing 1,000 ta 2,000 urneàti l commence thicdt t be ececlet inl Peterborough year tutiieq lu physical cdu- wilhin a couple of yeacs. The cational aI Lakeheati. Univers- bandabeli will be localeti on l.ty, Thuntier Bay. Point St. Charlea. Actual Mca, Deborali Peck Mr, anti Mca. Norman Lux- sheli portion aven Litle Lake (nec Adams) tan, Qucen Street, hati an en- witb the audience portion on tiaughter of Mr. anti Mca, W. joyable week'a hoùiys wilb land, with swimming acea Atiams, Bowmauville, grati- hec sister andi buabauti, Mr. bclwccn. uatet inl May, bas auccesaf ully anti Mca. Archie Rinken, Osha- Dr. anti Mca. E. D. Hubbacd completet iher RN., Ducing hiec wa, on Ibeir boat ccuisiug the attendedti he Convocation Of 'training, Debbie, recciveti eacb Trent Canal Waler System. the College of Family Phys- of hier thcee years the profie- A ceceptipn was belti aI the iciafla of Canada on Sunday, isney award. She has accepîtid Port Hope Golf andi Country Sept. 101h aI the Centennial , lostin in the emecgeuey Club lun honor of Mr. anti Mca. Ballroom in the Inn on the deputint ofPtrrug Gýaruel Symana on Satuctiay, Park, Toono, when Dr. I-ub- dvearomentaol. tcbcog Sept., 2nti. Mca. Symiona was bard recciveti bis certification, __________ the former Mca. Reginalti in Family Medicine. Dr. Hub- Love-kin (nec Helen Coulsan). bard la also a Diplomal lu the' Infrmaionon he ail'72Ameican College f Famîly G radu t PFragraima ta be helti aI Dur- Physiciaus. hpm College Ibis season may I The Faîl Season foc Whilby be obtaineti by writiug ta Arts Incorporateti opeucti Fri-ff Bo7 385, Osbawa, Ontario. day wilb the unveiling of an Thece are caurses foc evcny- exhibition by hrc local art- ~ a. wi one las, Maureen Reingon, Mca syiny vnto valttiOcono; Janet Ferguson antid hectiugte. ntifaîl, c.Audrney MacLean, bolb of ant Mc. LcryMunioc asOshawa. On tiisplay also are ee.Mn. anti Mca. Donald some 300 picees of work, Venton anti family, Peter-may f vcb rc hagc barogh, caletiou is ono a monthly basis as uew exhibits open ducing the seas- on. IThece are Cwo vccy thought- REHOBOTH jpcovokiug articles lu the Sep- Chritia Reorme leberissue of 'Financial Christan Reormed Post magazine" which are of Chuchvecy dîffereut tapies but which will be enjoyeti by Seugog Street inany One is entitîcti "Do Phone 62ZS-74O7 We Depenti on Our Pets Too Much" anti the second "Golf's SUNDAY SERVICES Hiddten Penil". Makea gooti 1ceating andi wonlhwbilctic- 10 amx. bale matenial for the fail ev- 7 p.m. cuinga, now appraaching. Mn.. anti Mcs. StuartCI n Back te Cod Hour ler bave retunneti from houi- daying ant inig their va- Dial 1310 Radio ction tbey enjoyeLd a molor Miss Deborali Aun Stevena Every Sunday 10:30 rn.trip ta Winnipeg, Manitoba. daughlec of Mr. anti Mca. l ,Enout homne, betwcen Wawa L. Stevens, Bowmnauville, gcad. "«Everyone Welcome" anti SaulI Ste. Marie, a large uàteti on Sat., Sept. 91b, 197, ibacoa the hîghwy alu fon from the Edith Cavell Schoc" ýacossthehigwayin ron of Nucaing. Belleville. She haý MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHURCH CENTENNIAL CELEBATIONS Worship Service to be held at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. l7th, 1972 Fellowship and lunch followîng service Guest Speaker: REV. STANLEY SNOWDEN, B.A., B.D. of Maple, Ont., a former member of Maple Grove United Church Special music by church choir Guest Soloist: Ross Metcalf A special Youth Service wili be held on Sunday, Sept. 24, 1972 at 7:30 Guest Speaker: Rev. Wesley Oake, B.Th. of Bowmanville Service to be assisted by Ebenezer Youth Choir, TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Miniister - Rev. N. Wesley Oake, B.Th. Organist --XMiss Gail Thompson SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1972 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP Open Sunday Sehool Nursery care for eidren in the parlour during service. st. John's Anglican Church BOWMANVILLE Sunday, SeptemIber l7th 8.00 a.m. - Hoiy Communion Men'a Breakfast and Bible Study f11:00 a.m. - Holy Communion Sunday Sehool RalIy and > Registration 7:30 p,1.,-- ellowship Service Hymiis, Slides and Talks M-ýiss Joan Baxter, H-ospital, bondon, Ontacio. SALEM Conratlatons anti best' wishes ta Mc. andi Mca, Briauj Drver (nec K-athy Twist) who, wçne marrieti_ t.Fu' Uniteti Cbucch on Satuctiay. Mr. anti Mca, Farewell Biackburn werc Suntiay aup- per guesîs of Mc. anti Mca, Buti Walker, Wllowdsle. i SMiss Robenla Ccaig who basl sa position wilh the Victoria Ortier of Nurses will be workiug in the Brantfordi district. Misa Susan Ccaig bas resum- cd ber sttues aI the Unîver- i ity of Guelph. Mr. anti Mca. John Twist, Toronto, were weekenti visit- ions with Mc. anti. Mca. E. Twist. Mr. anti Mcas. Rau Welsh anti family, Belleville, wece weck- endi visitons witb Mn. anti Mca, bealie Wclsh, ENFIELD Misa Beverley Smith bas commencedtr taining aI the Osier Sebool of Nursing, Tor- onto. Mark Simpson is altending the Univensity of Toronto. lyva Giffin bas nelunnet foc bis secondi ycar at Suc Santifoant Fleming Coliege, ini bindsay. 1 Gardon Griffin la cotiuuing! bhis tutiies aI the Univecity i of Waterloo. Erie Bawman bas relucueti 10 the U. of Guelph for bis fourth year, Grant anti Glenn Wolteu, biCtle Bitain, wecc vîsilaca foc a few tisys aI Mc. Fred Gciffln's. Congratulations 10 Mc, anti Mca. Norman Lec, nec Pal! Dobson, who were m acnieti Satuctiay. iKelly La' entier bas rem-- ced ta the Unversity of Watec- We wish al sur young folk~ ý a goati year, Celebrates '94th Birthd%,,ay Bert'Stevens, pictu 1red hlere outside the Strathaver Nursing Home, celebrateti bis 94th birthday Saturday September 9. The former Hamipton residectt is ChE oldeat member at Strathaven. Mr, Stevens' fine bealtE was readily apparent Saturday. He was spry andi activE anti to demonstrate bis sharp memory he recitedï couple of langer poems'that he has memarized. .Man3 friands and family droppati in to help hlm celebrate At tha present rata, Mc. Stavens may well be Boxx manvilla's naxt citizen ta reach the golden age of 100 neetexhibitar tn the 6th in 10,0YP. Hall, Otono. The Cariadian Statesmian, owmanville, Sept. 13, 1972 sewing section at Orano. Mers. Mrs. L. Malcolm, curator1 cial at Port Ferry Fair Ln the Book, reported that ojur first baking section. book has been micra-filmed HYO Baseail ews and returned, A workshop is Mî.ss Gillian Rogers, Ottawa;jtea guests of the Lloyd Ashton Baseall eWS being held in Bowmanville Miss Karen Yellowlees, Sauina, family, fin the1 Lake Scugog Soft- soon whicli Mrs. Malcolm will were supper guests of Misa Mr. and Mrs. J, Patta were hal l League, anather exciting attend. Beth Ashton. on Saturday. Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs., gamne, Nestietan vs Lasco, The ladies ansiteeci'ng the~ Mc, and Mrs, 1D. Masterson, Arthur Trewin!s. wvas played at Malcalm Mem- -roll eail gave us many 1 ne Bowmanville, visited Mrs. A. Mrs, A. Thompson and Mrs. anial Park on Sunday afler- _ideas on how to prepare and Thompson, before leaving for Anne Sleighthollm, called on noon. Ti was teScn serve e Europe, Mr.R. ThompsDn, Hampton, gm inthe lthe fsecond veeables. Mcs, Anna Sleighthlm of on suday. __ gam i th payff eres Mrs. Dayes, convenor of Whitby, is visiting hec sister, which rcsultcd in a win for Family & Consumer Affaîrs, Mrs. A. Thompsan. Nestieton (Nestieton 7, Laco had a splendid program. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thomp- ' 6) in top of the nlnth inning. Bruce Heaalip gave the motta, son and grandson, Noel Hoop- PATIENT-Alins Nestieton won bath games in assisted by Mre. R. Davson er, Bowraanville; M. and Mrs. the Cwo ut of three series. wîio dresed Ca prove hat Ry Thompson, M. Ga C MMyE They *w11 now reccîve the Economy is halthe battie Of Thompson and sons, esaryC M M D trophy donated by Scugog ]ife She shawed how worn Lsad Hlereford Farms, Congratula- ou mteies ire hopsn s rat Mrs. by FUJTLJIR ions boys! into omctbing useful, sucb Mc. and Mca, John IHendry, The Ncstletan team Is SPOYI' as dresses, nylons, gloves and Mr. and Mrs. James Webb, sored by Canadian Order of whte shirts. Mrs. Hcaslip Cheryl and IJarren, Port Hope; Foresters Court Nestleton said that economny is frugal- Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitmee of 103 1. The Chief Ranger is ity or thrift and divided hec Newcastle, were Sunday visit-........ Brother Ivan Rohrer. topic into three parts - finan- ors alt Mr. and Mrs. D. Cam- Church ,News (Prebyterian) cial, ime and language. She eron's, On Frîday evening the eld- advised buying in large qa- MadMa vnSap crs Of Nestieton Presbyterian tities Ca save money. Many Lindaý and'Janet, Mr. R. Ormn- 4Church. sponsoced a cocn and adages wece ccpeated and shelistan, Enniskillen, were Sunday wiener roast with toasted cnded by saying that a fine ,'%marshmailows as dessert. This eammand of the Engi* ian- was ta elae ak1b guage is Ca Say nothing. Sunday school pupils alter Mc.Aan ecck 0k the summer reccas, andto ta he tapie foc the day and which the congregation was Y U invled. vecyne ejoytte pointed out hat here shauld Ine . venîg o ga o fllwshpe more understanding andi and Che ap preciatian was ex- lvint ou homelu s an chmclU cwry rpecwueya te rf presseti by Mrs. Howard Lee, It elre aicse and gche urs ornnmî ea re sundayvSchhol Stoeren.e - ;_ , U O«M t det. Seoo uprite-youtl. Readings wece given K c. a.Ujatb LeoU 91uU0 Reent. ile fNn by Mcs, Ferlil, Mcs, De Jong,,,PI ie wood was the soeaker ai the and Mrs. ýDayes. .duý o lecmlt lh Sunday monning service at Mrs. Welts reati the namc une forPthI. complet tePreshytecian C h u c c h, assigned ta the diff erent rdo. e cading Ephesians 2: 1-9. Hie groups once more. a spoke of Paul's message la The meeting losed wiîlh - fati h at.Wemy e rc ftrwihMaBythe Ephesians. We stand 0 Canada anti the Institute RA ex a Icfregor e. ve odagospel but we crs anti ber group serveti 'must, also give il away. lunch and a social hour waa 0. Anniversary service is. Sun- spent. Tday, September 17, at 11 - The October meeting yjill ~ King St. W., BowmanvÎlle wîn evrnucciiO - -hei te _o e hf N/ i*)1 l (* Pne9252 a" rbte gucat speaker. Fisher, Casacea. lien " S L E ni" , Unîteti Church Local stutss attentiing'Orillia. bis sisler Miss l te niet Curh Colleges Chia ycar are Dianne Freer anti Miss Allison, Sus- Vandenheul, V ale r Ie Fcew Eex, Engianti, anti bis sister erenti Victor Pacsons chose anti Calvin, Hollanti (Mrs. Mca. Helen Veal of New "Seach for Meauing" as tIna Nets Hollsuti'a son), Durham1 Brunswick wece Friday guesîs Cheme for his message, ceati- College, Oshawa; SusauMe- of the Bob Freer famnily anti ing buke 12: 1-21. In bis talk Coul anti Robent Matra, Trent calleti on Mc, anti Mca. Grant bc deall with "bife's PFnac University, Pelerb arao u g h; Tbompson. icis". Very oflen lime lai Rosi Fcey, Toronto Univer- Mca. Lawcece Mvalcolm at- wflst.C on ',.le mînor issuesý sity; Herbert Vine, Chec tended the U.C.W. beadership while the mýoat vital issues, George Brown College, Toc- Course aI Camp Quin-Mo-Lac are negiectid. onla; Bruce Fisb, Victoria an Moira Lake, Fciday T hecn'eaîa ihst Colleýge. University of Tor- Sunday wben over 200 ladiestak Ms Nny Dcei oulo; Ilene De Joug, Guelph joineti in Christian Fellow- Blackstock, who accompaniet j University; Bonnie Malcolm shlp., on the organ.q (thcology), Quecn's UuivcC- Suuday guesîs with Mr. anti Nestîcton W. 1. sity. Kingston: anti Barry Mca. Gordon Gilîson were Mn.1 Malcolm, OA.C., Guelph. andi Mcs. Arthur Bell, 1Mr.- bMa Fe ayes wsboa- Congratulations to lb e s e Mca. Ediwiu Bell,'aIl of Tanorse ocNstieton W.I., Sept., yuug people anti may lhey onlo, anti ilrs, Jennie Bale- Gth, insteati of Mrs. Earu- 1continue Ca have succesa lu man of Vancouver, British shaw, C cra, who is ce- their chosen fielti of endeavor Columbia. cavering fcam an accident. 1 Uc. anti Mca. Ben De Joug Sunday visitons xvitb Mc. Thece wcre 26 ladies pre- W T Yspent an enjoyable tiaree anti lVrs. Fred D'ayes výre sent anti eager ta begin the nT rweeks visiting relatives lu Mr. anti Mn. Jim Dayes anid fal setivîties aflen Che boli- Hýolianti. This la the firat lime family, Mr. anti Mca, Lacry days. Afler the usual openiug i21, yeacs Chat Mn. De Joug Brown anti Susan, al cf execcises, ths presitient, Mrs. hadi vîsiteti bis ntv at, roin canti Mca. Char-Welweleometi the, membens Mcas. De Joug hati been thece les Andierson (,In.) anti Col- atbrougbt us up la date on ive yeacs ago. Terfmi leen, Prince Albert.evnahpnig ice a of six chiltinen cacnleti on h Guests on Suntiay witb MalrIJUnly eeting. farm. management tui nlug Ivan FroulI 'wcre Mr.,anti The min'utes were ceati by Cheir absence with their un- Mca. John BcaCacolyn ihe ceccelacy, Mca. Wygerti,, cle Mr. Bob De Jong's assiqt- anti DouglsC indaýîiý- correcteti anti approveti. Thie vsuce., On Tuesnauy aI 1:30 p.m., treasucer, Mca. R. Davison Mr. Joe Wygecde anti son Neslleton Womcen's Insîllutel gave a vry gratifyiug finan- .Etwart bati a pleasant thres were guesîs of Hampton Wo- cial report foc 50 early lu the wecks' vacation iu Hallanti. meu'a Instilule lu the Uniteti ycar. Mr. Wygecde hati ual been Chuch Hal lu lTmt h.eb correspoatience conu-. home foc 20 yeacs. Durlng Thase atîcntiing fromi Nestle- sisteti of thank yau notes for thelr vîsil thece thcy attend- Ion wene Mca. Walter Wells gifla anti a number of carda cd the 251h wedding anuiver-1 <presitient) , Mca. Mike Finîit, wene signeti anti seulta I he aary of Mca. Wygccde's'siater, Mns. Aticîbecî Beaeock, Mca. aick anti beceaveti anti anc Mc. anti Mca. Spierenburg.1 George Heasiip, Mca. Richard biclhdaytard ta a former È They also attendeti the SOth Davison, Miss Ruth FraulI, member sunnivscsacy of Mc, Wygcrde's Mca. Allen Beacock anti Mca. Mca. ea. Heaslip reponteti faterani othr.Ilwa a Bruce Heslip. The Nestlelon Ibal Mca. Sitihall of the Gro unique occasion wbcn the 'ladies lbocouglîly enjayeti the Inat. Englanti, hati caileti on :q si family of twelve wcre zail afternoon, tbe social lime ant iber w hile she was visitiug lu preseut Ca celebrate the hap- the ticious luach. Canatia. Mca. Hcaslip gave ipy occasion with Chein par- Mn. anti Mcc. Norman Ir- ber one of oun prinleti pro- cula, Mc. anti Mca. Hendniel vine, Bowmanviile, visiteti grama la Cake bsck 10 bieri Wygecde. Sunday aflernoon wilb Mc. gcoup. -1 ï Retent weekenti guests with lanti Mrs. Bruce Heaslip anti The Acea Convention wl Mc. sud Mca. Norman John- wera- evcning dinner guesls. be Nov. 8, ý9 anti 101h Iu Toi-, alane wece Mr. anti Mca. E.1 Congratulations b Mc a onlo. Mca. Welts will be oar Beamish anti son, Mn.- anti Howvardi Lee anti ta Mca. Fred voting tielegate, anti plansarenc liaM. Reynoldis, Aune, Dayea for their rececu awactis bcbng mai la ten o Marie anti Jim of Rextiale, at local Fait Feins. On Mon- Thucstiey, Nov. 9th, if Che Mc. anti Mca. H. Seharfe of dýay, Sept. 41h, Mrs. Lbe won social commitîce t an make R.1 Willowtil. the silver tray donateti by Pccaugements fac a bus on d- Miss Lori Johustone spent Simpson Seers for tbe bighest thal dayý 72 a f ew tisys wilh Mc. anti pointa ln Domestie Science aI The short counse - Fashian ni Mrs. M. Reynolds of Rexdaic. Port Ferry Fair. On Satnctiay, Cues foc You - wiil be Macb s Mca. Charles CuIta, Toc- Sept. 91b, aI Oronlo Pain, Mca. lI, '1973. We neeti 18 ladiesî sa onto, Lillian, Lawson, bLec again -won, the Simpson willing to attend. Sa fac no i Llniayvîstei ecetl wtb eas ileî- tnay awacti SI-e volanteena for leaders hev iMca. Eti. bawsan anti Bruce. 1ao, neceiveti the $5* Rickaby,1ý came fonwardti 1 attend Chi jMc. and Mca. Ernest eec, 1f Bowmnvile, a wa"t fn, Tainng Shoal Oct. .Sth ant---- of, rs. . q)ii.aI. k PRICES EFFCTIVE FROM MON. SEPT. Il TO SAT. SW'(. 16. H FOR TH ESE ADS -THEYLL SAVE YOU MONEY ERITOL 24UI T. or CR EST rABLETS TOOTH PASTE Sugg. List 5.19 sang. Lst ale 'I MISS OUI lO~DAY SEPTEMIR SAU ... SIPI.. 21 30 I ING IS ONURS0-YSPECLPTAR ETBUTSA GASALE..SSP .21-0 ENJOY LOW PRICES ON MANT TEMS EVERY DAY AT l.D.A. gets you aUUy1-, DPI A "must" for early weelday mornirigs is a cheery, optimist'c glad-to-be-alive outlook.That'5 why Canada's largest radio audience thinks that CFRBs Wally Crouter is just-what-the-doctor-ordered. Wally has the happiest way of getting you really UP for the day. His observations on about-town happenings and the worid at large, plus the music he plays - aIl go together to make your mornings seemnworthwhile. At appropriate intervals lhroughout his show, Wally is joined by Bob Hesketh, Bill Stephenson, Jack Dennett, Torben Wittrùp and Robert Holiday with authentic news, sports and weather. High-flying Henry Shannon pops in his reportsfrom the CFAB "Twin Comanche" to keep you înformed of the latest traffloc conditions. NIVEA CREME DBAN ANTI-PERSPIRANT ROLIAIN EDDORAINT W! RESURVETHE 5KING ST. WEST 623-5792 To gel really Up .*'and going.. listen to WALLY CROUTEFI 5:30 a.Io 10 &.. Monday-through-Friday). -2

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