w -he Dei and Files J 49 TEA Thursay, 1 Ocober2, 1947 oon)jer y< bat si M\issg Norma Piper, daugh.i ter of Mr. and Mrs. Aibprt Piper won1 a Provincial Scholarship of $400 and thm Oshawa University Wo- mnsClub Schiolarship of 10.Nocrma is, attendirt llniv-ersity of Toronito. Bpob ColIlacýutt, populiar mewchanîc and sokkee at, the loward HBancoek iMas- sey-Harris Agenry, Ps rp- covering i n 1ýovTan.viHe Hospital frm juries SUf- ferd when he fellfrom a ro00f he w'as repairin$,- Mi\eeing in another special1 session Fidynight, BOw,ý- mianville To wrn Council made ltEus progress ià gettng a fialpctre orf the hmusig proect on Vee- ams' Ave. It was finally de- cided t olea in the towni auditors to prepare and pesent a certifi aRucit of the entire pryPect. Increase THEOUGII tungles' C,ccli -, ced th Lo bavýe a gc loasn't mk scwis baing ~er Sna ibey'l yý bas alýnso s ;bie alcobiol, soberwbe Duram ouny'sGreryt FGmOy ~ournal Second il .wsas wary as a grounanog. I sniffed the air, wirggled my ears a4nd pered about ta see fs-om what diirectin the danger was coming. It's oVl that t, m ssico bynaue BasicayPtI-rn a naive and trûLsting persan. But Ibis was too mucb. SOMa- thing lwas Up. Whîla sha sý-at down across from meié, smiling in an, uncanny fashion, I took aý quick slu.g and ,let my mmnd flieker ovea- the possibilitias. She was going ta divor-ce ,a.No, IjusÈ got a ras.She waýs going ta bu-y a third piano, No. No place Vo put it, excapt in thbe o-i down callar. She was' go- ing to 1baveý a b ab-y. No, sb's ad a hys- lerctoy. i-m is going tb have a baby and I'm goinig ta be- a grandfatber and aid. That szemed the mosl logical. "Do you know wbNýat.day Ibisis" gently but fis-m, ly Anmd racad oves- birtbdays, graduations and such, slipc- ped( a few c7 (ogs and finally grouind toaa hit. j knýewv.It was aur anniversaýry. owcould I have forgotten it, ae thaugh I'd forgottepn it evel-y yaas- for twenty-fve?' Easy. The brie isnAany battes-, Every yaa, about twvo weaks after the date, O-ne os- othar of us says, "Hy, e forgot our anniversary again." And look at each othar andi laugb. Some peuple make a tremendlots fuiss 'aver we(dding anîeraie.Is as though tbey ware trying b racapture somathing hast foraver. Husbands wýho ate nr at or ignore theis- wivas for 364. days of the year arrive homne with an axpensive present, or at least a bundie of flowers, o.m that sacred day. -Ramindeti by their Wives who spend the whola day in ;pense, tbinking "Thaes-allen use. han' aen cahieti. e'sf!Orottn" le, falsa-tothed, through theis tears, J crack open a baIlle of vintage 1971 oadiari champagne. aniofthese couples, Who bav4n't Jiagc civil w,\ord for weeks, act- ]y go ouIta dinnar, a;nt aven IhiRash un)d Ibe. dance floor in thrir inilmi- Ile 190s,4's os- 50's Style, a Ibjreat tifn e nd1mb lio ahi n(ar tbam, s anid ciows' lis ~a2in. sng, eiy aware agiain s as eas-buru :watites, bald And real ife ç-uch, Tyraquitebel- va and tneresare stiil ip at St. Cath- we have ti ýhat eaoh Indi- :S is best not cýornm)-unlty but aRsr]I>Sy as weremînîsce. Nowadays it's not unusual it two or three hundred people at ding r eceptian, witbi a bar, dinn orchestra for dancing. The bri( hadt eighit showers before the wv and the couple has amassed abo thousand dolltars worth of gadgr- cash. We had about twenty at ou ding. A scattering of my wife's and things. Nobody from my si( cept a few ol'd buddias to wb issued the invitation, "Heyý, I'm .martied Saturday at Hlart Hlouse Wydon't yau. drop arounid?" No reception, No bar. No orc Mlusic supplied by an old frs-ian playaed argan in a dow"ntow'n ba ner we had after the ,veddin1 Crumby hotai in asnl an We dro've about two hundrec in a borrowed car. We hati eigh lais-s. No presants. Tt was rain-ing way. Wa léked about highwaý But I o1 dnt rade it, mhubry wif e r flanlellet mnas on our wýedding night. At le diidn't have bo smila and smi sile ar a host of peopl.e we s( knew. And hure we wem, some ]ater, Sunday ïmorning. AMy wil raemrbared our annivarsary. SI bought each of uis a present, ai handad me a piece of paper on she bas summand tup 1the a wvords: To Us -AMay wve continue until. dea batlle which bas s-aged for twel y-ears. "Always attacking, neyer r ing, shah we glorify in our-vi( deny our losses, "Let us be contant in maki skirmishes as violent in intent One IBig \War' for we rmigbt losc age, weaken in mmnsof flo.under in surrender. "May wve never be wtor thoughts of love and, peace, foi igtlead, thE.,waf b .oa glimpse ~and glory. ."Let us irmain steadfast face of our singIpe purpose, 'VWP have fought a good figi Heyn she talki.ng about aur1 gethar. She's being ironie, and my, fiald. Wbat's oigon here' Thnshe hanided me anotheý of pape-. Me.r words: "Aogcame Bill An ordinary guy You'd Me-et him on the stre( And neyer notice hlm "No that's flot the part I me< 'u love hil to have MAcie rmani . U1RAýL CR-NTD 31 A er and DISCUSSES ELECTION ide has _Newtonv>iJ!e, ,edding Sept, 20, 1972 utA two Deeqr Editor, ets and 1 love to delve intlo the past, not tode) there, for- ir wed~- thpi 's s ihlnot, Io boast a unts of the "gond old days", whlh s ni aeyhxb- de exItletter understand todiav lrn I'd and trend fortooow getting Peraps a glance intwo te chapeL. pçast in Canad(a wil help ius Sec ouIr respo)nslbiiity in ,h is election year. chestra. 1I1 1728 Johniso ei d w.ho grated [f-0om 1Hollapnd to r. Dm- U.S. aýf the a4ge of five SaI a y ears. ý W h Ile In til e C-vo01Lut ion1 Alone. fcamOe i e rainepd lylto d miles thle Crowi) and gave dirpc'. .ty ol- tion to man English General. alte For 'his-hli wasarrestedt and onemnd o bc exe- iy COfl-- cuiteçi His wi1e's people, the Ogdens of New York State evn pleaded and r ecei-ved bis Pardon, lie brouight isi epyJa- faiinily to Nova Scotip ýa st wvve where he cas m-ade wSUS le and corne, and hiis son Samuitel' carcey wholer firida Nova Scota girl was honoured wiîth Captaincy in their yas ar1ny ILuJuly 1811,Jon Ye had son Samiuel and famills he had mov)ýed Vo_ a grant of six, hunldred cre at Vienýa on- ýnd shie Lake Erie -where Samnuefs wýhich son, Sanuel ,jr., ar i.in r.11r 1328 NancyElotasho teacher .Samuel Jr. had the s'aile independent dpolitical thIOught ILand faresnssV th the exýpreýss. his vije M7 asLI SS nt-sx raiidfatIapr Johni and hii rebellad against taxatin ýwithoôut repre.sentation. lie sra~ spoke o 0oud and cilear cloes, hislife was hr; tndanld he was forced to bave ng our hon idSie. T1hVs 1ehdid asar dai and e ig h ty mules e coi'- tbrugh hostile 1 n dl a n pah, eouutry and with a price on his head. Afterovaer of rthese Mian iOio'. andlu1842 01 hope set for hifamily. Il cw ,~here on Feb, lMi, 1847, tha bi bby D,,son, i'h1omna5 lute Alvaiso ahm What a pity Canada os- ." pMllod such a oyP souwit a1 ebnt t- aO OjF cha acter Soi thatS the 1honour of bciiug h- r IlpeCe raoipetr o i imer. Tis s Caada ý about 1840. or 1841w ri en were, et benning Y revoItagalnst tHcamlyPacV System ofni Goveruet. EspeDalY en- a. posed, were the Scottishý septtiers of BIldon, Vcoi conunty-. Teday befooth pctopthey arched lu -it ship on the horizon. Shen ailerted tle couvo0y Vo scat- Ver and -Le on their owc, then nmade a ,amoke areaýn Vo cuver t11hirgetaway-. To buy Vlimne hlie le~ ed thae nemy, aLVbougýh k, ri ( vjn g vwell1Vit mieant d<orm for his shýip and sui- cidîe for ber crew. Ol when the vessai wPas burcing wrock did the me- majining living s e apann abandon lier. the tiry-seveu s i p Fs roaiched Britai, nlu this crew v were wetyon romr the Cana2dian Navy-, Ibis- Veu o! whom were killed iu acVion. This wvas Canada in 1940 takng her place Mn th flighit f o\r readom, ev Ln -withl the odds agains l ber. Freedor-n is nieyerrely won. Bacli generation ba ber batties ta -win as wve] as Vo ha always on guard, letshe kmose tefreedoni already Mwon. lun this election1 we rio noV hava Vo risk our Mie Vo cae our vote. Nor do wa hae o face enemies' buli- lots. ThaukiIs tl brave fore- fathers, Perhaps thA greateatfrce- domr we havýe tVo figit for tVoday is thie feedomi from feir. Our young peuiple are scared o(1ther fuureso some of them put on a. Vou[gi' front or ta-kF Vp drugs Vo bide their fPars, Th1is only miultiplies tbem-i, 1oV eses Our oldcer pen- petno are confuse',d over the astchaniugwomld sudc a p4ortion is tbrowlnig off ail restraints and say- lngý "LeV's etdrink -sud be mierry." luThi cmp, wlth a pictjurýe of Cnaia ?st before us.,wesb-ould h,, asharmed Vto eIeottbe fed, ente-raiuied, coaxed, flattred,. or promlsed lthe mnon b win aur vote or geV usVogthe polis, Týhîis inoV tire Canadian) wa.She ba alaysnaiiod ber colur l hemastheadý and fo gtigso1fif nieresI', bas' i-uoht. for w'bat laýhpst foyr alCanaa1sudhcrn- aIu~wri ni nuckd in hve -n eyý,er su do noV i n lirynme" ýe ofr ore Canad~a las neyer been' anl eas -cunf'rtVo Pgavera aud it is not gettng eaier. iV is my o pinion 1thatp thr-ough Cour age,mstan and patience mnuch bam been acrompllshed the iasV four yaars. How m nuc~h WUI likely hoasassd y Vire hitrasa hundredyer fronow.For this I tirk nloV auly theQvamet but the Loayai Oppositin should roceeur grAtefl hanks. Yours siucorny,, Aguos Buriay, Jamboree eads Ito Sixth yetar The BowmanàHp e part- melnt of Recireation,Cutm and Wester1n Jmoe ilh headig iNotdeicssxh vpa n Suncday evenhlng, Oc-tnhri 1:Z1 at the Bowarwll VTon Mail, stacting -ai R8 p.m. Tbe opening Jmorewiii feature Bp uS Lewis sud is ' dpalgher K i M, aIoug wt Geralid and Bruce l ;1i oit Dave Evns on Camey anci Lep SummessCalem. Jop BothalLaI mehis B'lue Graýs Groun ClIH A on band a)gaih' this season ýalonig with MVaster o! Cevrnonlas J. C. "Senator" Coyle. Future Jamborees" l et uns Honey 'WestJak Kiugs- ton,Ca-il akrWnso Jamers, Sie aeR Pturckeik,,G hm nçi tha Comier- Famiy, Mail quesiU