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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1972, p. 12

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hafloigmotor vehj ii e aise s lnfro m ÂMo)spo t thei n lison a doccuirrecnces samý-ne cdayv, hbaýsnot ytbeen re nvetîgtedby, the ew-reoveredý. c te Detachmet of theCOn- The KO.. peia eeS9 t ePvo- incal Poli(cebe- ta;jrsttine va Msport emlber 3lth. 1972.Thilrty-auo race, was dAmaged by'va a, anntrvei c icidents ý'1man ifrom TorontoSet.24, o red an fWch re- 1972. Trhe event occurredý s td remth hevytraffCic when the man laqustonbe- n cadngte rce at NMos- cm nrgdand 1kicked thle prt Park Fitten perfsonMtalr bhmesebs parked ca revdprsona17l ijr and "was remov)',ed frlý omatwnishipi 710mspersnwere chard w.ith rad for înterferîug itb t,,tinznfofeces in cnetinrrafc h(- suspect ,vwas r- vth theaacciets. [rMstPd and carged xvlth ~ haNewcstlaofficers alsomacoudmg. c p1td~ 97 general investi- ther occeuces at Mos- vtios o -whch 2 w-ýere rekportninludied ulwu nr ewtpr and theft, 14 theft , 3 into par:ked cars and tets In ulfu1 damage complaints, 2 the cminigareas. Stoen, afc,3asalirîcludiug one camra en quipnt, sterc irwicentasîsit pon ýýa mai, tape player-s, auto partsad 2~ ometie coplants 2camping equpment. Each ciegaos utinig rprt,5 ycarG teft compiaýintS cf this e~atic drigc omplinnture are reporera1D t th and 3reports of mising par- police however maiynof th S?1'-is Four invreigations ib- thefîs could have been pre-' IWlved the rewovary o soln vntd if oniy the vitimsi pertyand h ci-a"v were2 han kptaclosenr eye on1theýirj r rt f found pcet.eupet Imr PErMSonsae chiar-ged I On, he Pevening cf Se%-)pem-S uU11ý offences, 17 per-r 22, 19'9, Lunknoi(wn er agdwith ýliopior cf- sonsý, commrittad theft cf six and i peson chiarged raciýng tirePs a ndc magcý1ý i nesiu( 0n mpaired dlriviug. raciug rimi loom the paddOc biglihtscftheoc araof M'ospot park. The ci-~encs iveîigaed u tç tresstolen from theMetr pIweek are as roulo m! and F rariraitems and motocyce soe f o aued t $2,400.0 wre re- ~spot Prk n Sptaberccvredthe next morning 24, 1972, was lrovered C hidden in a bush area soutb ofîcrs prfcrming cfrthe race mtrk. tîlficconro ner Tron. n Septembher 27, 172, wo .A-\ýi,,,-o 1thfr forn Tornct otrvehicles ston frOM char-cdin ecionith Toronto wreraovre aan tl~_thef. A mtor vebioicecned 1u3osr1 Prk _____________________I Areidence near Hampton! BRanI a Carx for was, entered su ad stoien was ai A BA OUIVEEEND large coin collection valuedt 4 A AY O WEEEND aI $60000. à for Rae ,. . . A motorvecestenfm Cs he illage nt Taunton n COUNY Spteber28.192,vam -e-" VHRYSLR-DODG L~ in.cvred CI Oshawa City pot-! 62-286ice one heur later. An Osha-jt ______________________wa rr'sident was arrested7 and:' KinsmenM I (BLE TV BINGO li's Funi - If's New - It's Exciting $200.0O UN PRUZES FOUR - $50.OQ GAMES ($10-0O.4 MNIMUM PRIZE) EVERY MON. at 6:30 p.m. ON CABLE TV C ABLECAST 8 Calrdb on Sale InBa wanill a ~iCABLE TV OFFICE -- 26 King St. West MacDNALDS VAIETY- 71 King St. East BÎRYsoN'S SMOKE SH.Op - 31Kil)g st. West -JFFEYS SUPERýETTE'. -83 Liherty St. South <NORH-ED MAKET- 101Lbet St. N. FRAK'SVARIMETNY - Ring St. East SJUR'y &LOVELLDUGS igSt. MAC'S MILK ST R ingSt. Esît ~ NEGHBURIOODSTORE -OtroS.S ________________ -w The Canadian FrsesCourt Veutur4. offcill istlld heir newa fi or o season laitWdusa, etebr271hi tenia Hal.From lefI to rigt tey are: den,Codco;MaadccVc-r niih of September 28,192 tStoenfrorn the boat parked coi thlel,ibsdhsboe land gasoline tank valued aet ATTENTION, 1HUNTERS --No TRESPASSING" In the past feuweeks, there have been numerous1 reCpor'ts of inidiscrýiimlinate ipassing on) privateprpty Hunterssold be aware ad efore settng foo on any ~heck f riandrespcttel 1ýof S ign,1s indîiting -~No resp ýa ss ing" ' 'or "No( mut mg l adif signs are flýot osealwayVs consuit the permîssôn to0hSUt. Ensurcl Ihthntn oers not t lake Remebcr~Tolener pon- inl reutF ars nd ly ing of charges. 'Lions Hockey ,Draw Winnier-s Oct. ---Don Wevl"sh, Ad Thomson;Oct il-es hit- tick, Bob Jho:Oct. i,;- Oct0-A. Dens,I3rA. MarI,- eis7on, .Nks Oct.7- .Bitn c, iTer ry FBlIc k;Oct, 12:7Dr. 'SET CS A CLASSI-FIDS Whaf If Bit 'ad 1892 Dvitt, SecrFetary-Trensurer; Faye Allenl, resi( thIle 1972-73Hle Twining, Paît pesidJent; JoanGbsn Chai at theý Cen-, Pat MVarshaîl1, Warden. Dorothyi Bord, 1 HelIen Oven- guard; HVelene Wallis, Recordinig secretary". esident; Jean _____ '% 1,do lin the liChuLnh Rnc Y ou Shoeuld d ACliEu niud. 'Ato ren oy a Kiuier camersWbl u doig yuur vacation youi may coma loto conact witha Misssauga Rat-1 tîcînake. IF yu'ebîtten d you kuow whIat if) do onier te) go for ant1ivelusarum Thle Ontario Hospital so ciaitin, (OHA), offeS bi ad- vice te il vacationers truh eut the province. Time hisimpourtanit -ilcaoi 111de sud deathl re-ýcomnmendi Ithe blwn trealmecnt for riatîlaînlake bite v-citimi. I,-mmediately apya toriutjuil boyîIe bite. Appy tghty uou1,gh te comn- piais ot lhsnes but net teO stop blood circulatio. The, bitten arm or leg çshould be kepl aI reIst sud the patient1 tanttuhe i naest antiveuin Conservation officens cf the Mlinistry ocf Natural aor ces s-taijoned luin ntarie prov- incial ParksarectranedAte gve fiIadfor raitîesuake- bites. Th'e public can puchsasake bite kits frem Cutter Laborýa-i toies, 3079 Universal Driva, Missssaga, ntaiefor $3 plus 3,5 Ccents postageý .A Idt co1Uains a ton iiquet, imali. scailpel sud hreesuctinicups. lual ratîlesuý1ake bite casesq Irn 1f red te an ativenin depo. Th bite cf a rattlesiuaka causessvr anseln miuts.Oter Outaliýnakes aeotpoisonous, their bites !(I net caïuse secvera reaPctin sund antivèniu traatmaent h un nacesary.p Co1 ay 0ppuaheliaf ntconfined e GorganBay,1 Laýke Hluron sud teofshoreý sans- ta a h on thyalre ccl con Lateland; Why risk an empty t tank on a Iizza r y y.eiv Shl~im w wordis O!advîce Io homeowners:- Automautic ReflL AutomatierefI is .W ihow Sý'hell makes suire yo dntr un ou11 i hea-it ingil. 1zThe rf ir st tilime(' you ai you ail amtiori a<dreat t wsather ecrd and torecasts. We use ,a rriahemt'ca fomul ta igue hw mulich ail yoil eddu r(Iintey, nd exclwh-n sonma dis.tan4ce frem shore. Miasssagasara, boi live, thýe veponm sacs fully developad. Due te reflexacton, a ratîlerý canl inflicl a bite wa appar- ently daad. Antiveia iDepots Where Tbey Are Barruie- Royal Victoria Hospètal Espanola-Gnea osia Chatham Public Generaiý Hospit;al Goeaich -Al-,aandra& Marina Hospital Liftte Current -- St. Jose-ph'sý Milnd-St. Ande' Hospit a] Owan Sound-Geîs& Marmine Hospil Pari-y Sound -- GearlHos- pilai, St. JsphsGenaral Sana-Gmerl HspHita Southampton - Saugeenl Memorial Hospitl Toronto Hospital for Sick Children Wiartou - Bruce PenCýinlsula & District Hospil Bracebidge >-NMemnorial Hospital Collîgwood -- Ganarapl & Marina H-ospîtal lham-i!lon --Gen anal IHospital.I Lion's Ha - Red Cross Hospilal Lend(on - Vcoi aaa Hoaspital Meaford - Ganel Hsita Or1illia - Soldia's Mmra HoS"itl Pae lngui shenle -- Gner-ai Hpita St. Thmcas -St. Toa Elgin Genarial HOspîta Sudbury -District Hat Unirlt EEMBaiER - A NTI VENSqiN SER pu m 1 ", NE 'CE1ýSSAR"' Y, BUT ET 15 FREE BE THANY Uh e '72nd Annlvanry- ser- Jircn nfer Batb aury Unut 1ed Cburjcb wîý ll t>5 e h enouSun day, ct, lth, aIil a1rY-. Guiieiý,t :spe ake r wl be ReV. JTim i-n cr1 ýf Port Hope.r Thare roll ha speait musi by tle chair. sua Mnod enThemrpîcý, Lindi yr ud Mn.Phylhs J Amui and faniiy cfWeslon. Mns, In-a Palme1 Prvltd w7lhMn.aIdM r . Haold Mc.Dora Filitlighm an fnom England, arevîîtn Ieob Mi-.asd MLI. Deug liig, St. John, New ýBrui- wic, wnuestîs ocf\M. sud1f Mrs. Chai-ls 3MeGlî sud MissKatJhle-en Jvlanten wa bniesmidfor M.iss Jilh gtr af Dr. sud 1Mrs. A. F.ý Co iiuouSaturda, Satei hi ar th, a a co SI. Unîýed Churcb, 'L.indsay. Tfeache-rs' FedlerationBaue T h e Fadaeratad WVomau, tin fisif iltem eei ngý Octaben 2n, Wht ssnKath- len Meon mprdîng. Mi-. Robai-t Godin, tha: guaet socaken, moka an Be- b iavier Motifî cAtion,ý MeMbersîpcertif ic a t a i ,vere p in td enew tah ans, ad a discurson ou Pro-ý th'-î ibmain heopiec(f itr est. Th BtbnyW emaýn's y Keppan Ketia Behaay UC.W. Meetingj Tlhe raguflarmntyme- iog of tja Beany U.C Wl vas lheld îlu the chir-ch bas-- mient 7v itb rsiathn part in the wvorsbip service sud thecfaigwsrcvd held l Novamar. Te pro- ceeds ,,fi-rn the rallies -,,jil îinstail New Officers ai Court Ven1iure COF Anynnebinteretd iorduerÂ,1j ing Church aienasshould coiontc r.Clarence Rwn Mrembe rs were rdmniný11d c t bring, an item o)f înteres.t on the ubDj ectIofnAfrc to the Octobear meeting'p. Good usedclohi , oe sks soe, basebailsý, ty games, and other uefu artli- cles may be left in the chut ch week of Otbe.The rtc basement Cdu)r';ng the ýPtird will be paecked onl the Thurs- day c adFriday ,of ltha we and Sent !to the ieuRg i0ol Hospital Sehool in1 Smith rails. The teýa andibazoaar will he inl ldte Town Hall on N oember lt, ith no C a!0d1 conpes pand nuts1oad othr mnesh lh he eni r!esuits1ý ý ein a C hri'stimas('Plenter- should1(3be brought t te O(- the cones can be spraycdJ wthn Mlar lacque pr ay, The Orgaiin MeIng1r of thel(-Senior Ciizes mt o WednedayOctohr 4t, aI thr Copper celtle Restaurant SiAh42 members attnding from the Belta' ny udCaa cardby Mrs eleSmt' :Are-s-vice presidenlt. Th'Pluig cîite COILtA RESTAU RANT WAelcomne bthe wonclerful world of Chinlese food a h Lotus Gardeins, Restaurant where you wiII enioy thlesuets of Chlinese cuisine, Our mrentu is exotic and Iegeldary; lb is f illd wih very delighit, popular dishies and gourmet delicces. Whether you dine ai home or ai the Lotusl Garden7î-s Restaurant, our Iuscious gourmet foods assure you of al pleasant, memorableeprine FOR SUPERB SEVICE E IIA'SECAJL LOTUS GARDENS RESTAURANTp 623-5583 or 623-3473 FREE 1HOME DLVR a Eww ayte It's called, This; is Our new way of turning your personal büan wishes into, reality. IF's the money you're earnîng that acounts most withi us, flot your possessions. Here's why, Youi're probably basing many of your major expenditures on a cash-flow system rigiht now. For examiple, you figiure how mucLI,,h mnoney you'Il have coming in over a period of a year, and how much you plan to spend duringQ the same period, This difference betweýen income and expenditure is your gulidef IL) the am ou ou ay cofortabb)y borowAz Thats wht ourtah-lwway of Ieriding you mnyi ail about, Simnpleeoghint t Stop In.indaskusabouta 1'- andsme ai-l e wîy from t he ban , TBO NTo Do miNý- i the bank where peopl iýe k h~fee J. W.Pguaagr 9emeaeSretB mavleOnao Iware suggcestad by mbrs_ 1 - a-d5,38tirutsiu ri- fo- 'th-e comiing yecar-: tîa JIO d1287psegrcr o c spaker, ud v isî t1il1ng nutswifce f hPmanfor G.M.Sales pro asne a officers zwerelGnaal eosdaes~wr above the 197.1total fr elce:Area Prasîdent, IVIrs1.. psegr assd ccsIrouietebrJaesc an rgu; Aes icePresi- during the lae eeme r a- 90Iae pfrm5,0 li dens fr Cva, M-. harasprecsiidcnt1 Land g,ýc eealslemefe yas ge - Smilh aud r. Arita ivc deinuet aseu Lia-1718 l paîseIne cars up 1îrcm, - o OfceMrS. HuhiDe- 11,21 asI arsud ,54 Gee; rcra comite fr trucks upi frs o ,21it yaarIl. Betbany,ýïuS if Mn Wr dMn eaîont tee or ava, M. RIh nd ew 1973 iîroducts oerthie -M-.Brihwie Cad~~ noneet Paid, floor DIvr Przanmle.Mn elrhpsdfibelevilcf * MllîansudMn.Daidien elcstomeir orders vreceived P ianlîs irMn. PRowa;a nd Gel-C, us fom our dealaris i- w%-(,] raemrancast u,,MNTr ~ aei vr ay thatGM ' <) Maconad ud l-s Frna.ias 1bad an, outstauding 1j973 ý a 1çoucement, Mr. Duffy s id. Futue meting wil be Ail iguspoint, b exceptin afteuconaI 130 nies abadesaiin [the yaar aIbeachleimeeting. m Loutb-cfSeptembar luiitotali[ On ctoar111 a 8:0 n wre17,2.55 compaîad i I 1 MKEMO r the atbuy Twn wae ,4,504 versufs449 dent su Mn Talor rowwil holait' Septambahr. 1nie terîs-biomnv vayoc'iwu-Ibsyarfor, the m-lonith eau A cbrd prty ci l a eldidaninventories lu the field thaýný lu bePaisnHll on Olbrli e artonfipaîtmodli sLMBNG HATIN4q 2Sth aIot1:307, and a latter ws rcksls i Spt-e'm ad AIRCONDITIONEING na - frwre lc Mr. J._L7,p- waraalso limitad by low -n rIlee(cfheUitdSecirventonies. Tyrone, Ona 1*îo threop itizans c nilario tei peaklu the 1972 caildan year PH © 31bh i 1:30om. ered -195,431 passanger cars _______ 19

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