2 The Ca~sadiaa $t~t~~ ~0wl~¶a~w411e, Nô~ S, 1~72 - whrthey atrt\4lde hwd ding ofM a cou-in, AMr. Ian R ar 1t' IMiss D1) tbo)r aýh McKen at the Cliprch of Atnmr<ent. O n Mna ee' the Ir. Qibson ~isied w 1h Mr.and C rs sfisîboîs --h""A. Gayvle calH 'CIil on T 'uc-s4A! ora (ogatlatnsLawrenc and his Supporters INEEAIPRCTATION Tm MI SUOTERS AND lgPTO CONS5TIýTI ' ENTS FOR THE OJOTUIYTO SE,)rvE YOU FOIR lANY YEAirtS. 8R uSs C Y{oney WATCII 4THriS PAcE POR REALTY VALVES! TR~WRINRJ1-V'RB tan h15E is ~ ~ P 'woay-endfo thouawhmmlra Irl~ ~ami as'a- lairana. tg, W, SemiatifZ-253 , A 'ICi esFiTriple Bloom Easter Lily IWat.r lect-rons Hod easonîî ý1 le an FRQM PAGE N) lIVfI<(ý pLus sbcosepulup, will ting The is ue is cmlctdby wÀ,tic(io-Ionfr teQ rc o eti e ao sev lConI e ra t iinS, o~aT lcr~~bsbl uip.meeot~ eTh rmain t ftha e rv- e xa-lmpI1e, i 0Wh [il iisitumej quon Striyevelling. TV clb w e Manager Clint iing wa spornt teaxigad f inariclal waerminsanditv foreti and aeg a fine me-al, pre- Fruop~e aQ~i1 'mmcmg hl h u 'Il n(A"watr ain içï !,ý oredalc erýýdM- L e s- an cipublieity and tgistic.i an oth t vp ~~ Perry proposed bonoer LIIIIPWho y il jPô.seý' yitetPl ln iCak, itak: epurt othr 1t71, thjl 5wi orlle f s anti atidut i'n Ymer , te e .tni npm ol UIeerPre wrnt t f ,stantale %,rwr ý,fPj-icj-_ who aneigh-It iWh watcr nmain 1cP ed 1lt4rs, Ilïite1-, Mr.andti M , e i y nt e n thutam inecu li '73 seasýOn anticipa1~t. au e t ir c~our1 do bettercennecIto the existinr~t Gog Vi,Fecn Pe lb ant *ena onthete. ~lnc man o ~-L p 'etidient Ge'orge $ainFàr at Thon o1het of the rIî4 !ý o 1 s lpp1)y thl- c e S F r.\ wa te l l is wie, R 1y T Cro-mhle, Ilhe liot telayr rý W o1itte rssr9Shoufld 11hf:,town çear.ra rr nti'r DE1'ITC U'CIIs~cI rtru qIli0 1 c es t 'il cnfoi-rethem.I repolace the si-, inch Imain 01) o bl, wel a$ By nt Jý-I'I II4 Nc,ti finie,înt o f yliaSeugý,o9 StrPel tith a larg-er "Diukle" Bruni anti 1is 3wi e, DSKN & SE eh 'tlvÉ, 1 - shim", onle, to serve rie only TH01- "D u k e -the EO.BA, prce-iCared Aconnt ~o eve yho Y t 'aise the al Foudry ettv rmti ra _____ ~mgat Pro0- a1.ýothe Prositint of theIl -OF~FICES INNMAJOR CANAJMAN ÇIITJE5 po>,eçl new homesin thp aroa? ntyfolromet] Omnil JUr JNDBID Th-,e ani other i.ssues will Bas :e na 11A ýýso0eta t i r in.M ACIN he diseussetiat a CommnUtae Mi. vice folthr m SW CNR SJW roOf ii( W1 OLICeucil meoing t1ab](' intro(duc(.tion ibn !ArNERS: GOJIOX' W. RIERL, At. Watts. town canrgine ,r, 1; e ini prunvemensp I zpla nnildcGORDON M E)EWCC~ Ibly Line-*ýs and M._ M.1 WTa Lten, PUC foIr Saper Creek Park by th & RURT R. WATERS, C, mnagepýcr, will attend this ,ýoarv Club, M onday ,~- maeing t arIiCuncil, i Jolin Fowlcer, a pasp e M 0-ncon ultin firn eA Proctor thebctos trmcit r ~~~~~ ~ ~ n pln~ ym~c niRetirern. cu, hnpresentec ti te tr(1- - 45paangrtr , oarsft" 1 ~ ~phie,; anti awards. Bat boy I 30 Im»i.fr pinthe o uhMain t" on yractveil! a sn at offce on gi k Uaisoluth - o uýtatvatoh hl n Vi ns will Seo C1evrolets, ý bury aslthe team's l- paaste cnImpleteci ars adrlvg b' Cs ,se hyplantinn. iraC ~ford (Ontarlo)tiva.Itl Ê P, i thmbeflic r 'h dr14yars or sge musti o~e~ r r siw , then, for; to ay c ~or 1972, uenn b ccempn e b~ la ae etdin Bw avîl, atilistedi, 'hi aa il. ,v S arteil greup tou is fol'n i- - - .ç ~The play cneen, one, in i ,:fiïrst soason y b rg T U versties sa~ndar achols, ~ -----. - - ~ - ...... ro erick MWilliam n Rolle, anil ns is rn to- e tetha institutinsanio ar- ly fb t zatien)ts nial be Pert nged byl sprc1a 01 s I ( J eý io0 l Y l nb iil.-1 cotactiing t h ePubIlie Relations , whose reiationshi (sh el e s tthItenieoiaeni it) witmGed Ishindereffby ine wmanv1-enbadiditon Dearinn, elphn 64--barrie 1ýs set up by the imati-!t ain a bý,Ii, club in hnn, then, wst happns when a ilanotrernely e Roi e hecomres pope - i we kfi2 inanmer of' the ý Cou ci Atera hoo pper~ i anerb ppet, hoin ~at beeieS leader Çet .he FIDAY and SATURDAY a hqwe rnan whe ha-ud raiseti an EIýaser lily wt entttoa hrh ihegDR*MARCLUA L ur s one blcolyi, Mrs. M. Conn-aghan, i Scugeg Str eet, phon- bit r ?in a pmayCa hale CAEDNOVEMBER g lth - 18th e.ciri s cdTlle SttesaneUlius she had àdonce better Utha nç:jtiit.ttyanc; mwLt wlll ap-ýNv l-letkMn PAEth-ý,As yevide nv, rs Cînga,ýM n t the institution othte sYOf Glhthe Toronîte, VSI AW itheTnneilaiures a eddonecelwîhan Eastei- lily thtubs J teechu rçh teday reïianti tha Royal WVintor SECIA)GROU DPRTTURnE Toe to program m b1aomsîqitwo cf thèem -fully dke1cped w Il h hr Tl Fsalpa air- fr Iýr- 1ýP IcThis addition, living MARCpe4th, 19731 tha n sigl grntwxi c- 7a llii hebdsagin er reem; jfn-i- by ani qualiy unuxisuql Wetday o.S Zn ceeti ~ r $0OO.l ditio, wa gacd i evena ficanvioesnful blooijjj gtrup. To exýistenýe eaince 2SaeyConilMein t TWO\AERPAK G LI rat wl etsupotteatettehr"genhmIlcîvte lc Companyet Piligrin)is ý N Ew7to nlv ile 1UIti ChurrhW E PCKG rtLItP ,,ilj piecta, nom ImatlieUP cfiienthus.iasti lîr husay ov. 9-D ra 11,thyspno no- r '-ue- - -' --___- 1- cto nt ct is d tcnir- ii ounty Milk anoi CrFailPro-l T A A I~ - to, hv acintintiahihuoa anddaelytho tie lesre ra rama. -I N a Awho, eeiigne remùnenýica- dUcetýrs Mein g riegnli n gI jeets whlch en'pîoy peepî pr3eiinstanard etlira heii tth . . Hl,(Double Occuipaney> Apliatos4 - b ic- t taff who aiedr"iaeitiichiuv'hp, osa1 c d2.0 ,ov.Pt-09- men' îsttEVATIONS amd BOOING A VA; LABLE ApIIafcI1ý 1ý. b pk rcet Brac t3 l the PRetlCroiss moat eý ffiplnt, but mof etal l ) 1 s ii ntai'. tute Convenitinfan the (Cen- AT TRE FYGDUTCH-MAN eiý( upl a[ Ille Canada rMan- wîsh tehnk thoas e wa pra ta the cdru epl h o r nvtd hn trai Ontaprn Roi o t h DRIG AWAIT NIGUTS -PUONE623-3371 pa er Cotre ai 600 Kiag so kinci ta denta tcthair ltur n -; injdl ookthe time to n -lta-ko atIantage Oetltis o he- dPt the Royal 1Ynrk Hotai, .treet E. in saa(l hatiofr on NoIv lst seo no atplee i-gvg gift or bioti,1 etulyte eadirama lier-; Toronto.____________________________ MVirleIP Menrt Pl1 A) or by ne i n ada eed Cdis ton1 merry CP*ma id 1-appy nm t is oiginal histeni- ni.-111I conta lacig Mr. T, Cenniat wn tbet.NwYeer. Seo you binFeb,, cal s igtecu~.Re- 28-461 la shaw. Thee war 267danoi dur-1973member He date c udy - -rc -voie_____________3 JuNovenL be3.12 qa- _fO -2nin vng thedi y ant du tethe1 1St o's afJeh-n's Anglican Church, wondertuol nespose etP ho-ilN1te: There 15 -ne cha-rge and Loca ihahoa B avle Bloond Clhoie rea1chat ýi t quota et 2,51 pintaai I E seciions Mnyhnk4eh l eo U @ L rOBITUAJIY (FO PG NFE the aàlvation Arnmy THomo ujeasmethingrIa hppe-ns fLeau h re e wel1inla ROÏM PAGE ON E THURNE FARIKS WL RME WTSBNL hrtweer the (ina eth-ýis ebeiig !the-kitchniantdi')te t nure Glisninfornmedti te Rotar- WLTIM g WI" wntten Wdnesiay emnn ohelpeti tiuring the dIaY, lanIls tats 25donatin t AvtBaneUDGETcod oo antId press tine, neospciv nieMa. Wmi. Rudpli aniiOperatien Eyosîght wouîni) d WndWPn, Fil., Lt. Thurne II TENDER. - SPbCIAU UMININ Il P RIME -RIB FordN, Wht ROAST GRAPEFRUIT HA $,09,lb. 10 for 69c$1 9lb 4i e 8 S Il e rrý r - - , by th Piei S pIN A cH ORANGE Ipkgqs. 7 3 doz, 99C DEMPSTER DMPSTEIR EARTH BREAD ONION ROLLS 3louves 89C 3c Save 2ae%,ae 10eý PICK'S VAIN CAMP BABY DULL BUET LI PORK& PICKLES Ierem BEANS I ~o.75 c 79c 2GLIoz5 c Siave 19eCs. lvor Iv lc YORK SMOOTH 1- VANIS}JT OMTC!NT' PEANUT TOILET SOWL BUTTER CLEANER MARGARINE 49C Jar 79C 4 1100 Save Vic Save 14- WE INVITE VOIJ TO COM%'E IN AND B-ROWSY RUI To take a look nt our large se1eeion of fancy foodgf oe fcooae UQUOR-.FILLED CHOCOLATES -- TINS OF BISCUITS and NOVELTIES 0F ALL TYPES I REP EMlA Poiin i n t the es mi ni D p t e v etn t anti ospitai canroe l osptal -ler itnins, althoelor nanti il or binSIn"ian. c lenh i aîay uA ~aie (beatiri lctn cucetLans ulch services R.R. 2 No opm!smteposbEtit -u rn t L"onnIGoreStpd-esttwoe $50 -ffl0(la Bo1n1 J 'Naîghlloring ppas repot ton rua 1" ain.Canada. M.at that taClankeTowahPsv-1Hore, thoee coulti e aP.Giîo,~ewsi saa oral niew vcandidates vwill ha three-waiy batle for th: rdcab r. -icjth Sr-m untu currnt ev ohItlebs ltmte 1numer0s that Mya'fine, though-rvkigsle Isiue indicatptilh ielHnet h u nHh wil uaaai, f 1y"n i nTeeH nîlg at aaannenly aspeaibl hig ppoetihy its inta Tiomx-mnigr sOeacencern A aoa niredy Reave Robent Dykstna ant oln1'1,a-ani-Otr'amme new ceunil night he deallng Daputy-1ieevp George Stephlen. abIst (emaet )pople uan Legi with twaehi probema. ow- Cuncila' Ko }0ooer bhas al- Wbhavelhat their stgbit ne- aist aven teeltsl tatChantes raaedy indicatotie Ha m e t Pnet y Operatian Eyesght, the former Raid antiJer HyooCIllseek r-lcinanti thoneine a Dr. Gilis,,on was tibani dfortauhn, ha s-tandinhg for co-uncil antipsibld thatothers naY bis presantation hy Noe c-e Toronto, jirk Entwîla fr Dapujty i tr out.:ILean. Who pomainledut atJsie ?an Reeve, yil i eundereteati[Co Word b as bonC ect] veilup p aor t i rng Dr. Gîuiiso)'sa rson, that Reti Carveth lmily agala conceîing prospectsl Dan- wank is a fer more wertby leniaty le a canddate, anti afermer lingLeCatwnight or Min- calsa than suppiing weaponsIan er Nal I mremhe twi icauncil Ted etil er.The aleeion takes place t, suchconrea shoGnbl I atii asecosdaîa b.aDecember 4tu. practiia f sveaoWeten iser, position ef Ruew va. enti - oonietsae Lymp oftrNiwcamme bacn- S , ,ThswaeW, RemenbrancaYouag (I "cîd tetaiMIe etnh ear caCoky speaker Wlhl h e là- Av.Ms.JWa ~~~ ~ Wesýley Oalko, whas n ecn-t eoi lbducticn' two eatsiiO y roturnetifotra a eacagrandhtibit hldhy La-Wrence GneenweOd A.ll hpti~~~~~~ go, eanncate £C la efnnel ul nM.Pr Tii ~ ~ ,,~ w~w upeeirg Rotary vÇt~~2 e 0F LNCE w -11b. Iièeld ai Powman ville Cen otaph - A y.~rcniServieus ~~ hi the cavant i- kviaars his flie Tonn Rail aditorium. Rernmbrâve Srvic wiJ b(,e] et s Ivan K TWobbs, Malyor, Tarante-, Montiay, (tb teilewiang a Ua sle %e iy 1.5, 1921, in Bow- he wast(h oilonr! C4r. lan Panl<s 6f 1eattendietiWest- ffilc Sebool andtihte ehlleglate Voca'tional Onsul-tant anti wan pof the Royal Can- irieiby hie wif e, r Joan Attweoti; tour Mnhe Ana Banlow o, laine, Kpthy a nti %e ail 0t Osh awa: Robent etL.sAMAn thre brothars, Mit- rîtl, Eay, calta ani i et Osbswa; (hrae f Grillia, Mrs. o Doris) eo Qbar Santiersen (Nancy) ten, Ont-, ani lfour, non,. ,ks i, te I inMci Tson Funerél Home,, (aRIsm rAnE ONEl ttune-Uniianighi-m n Enviwn' Ili top enrlace ortte pakng lot kmîen cenaïvomber 151h. th Ieapel Tbiursd[ay ,at 3 .m ,vili net .taýnd i tiundrtrie Tati Mane amn t Stow Mc- Patina ltreti Woe]ock wfli Chavy buses. Tavisb were (iscrek i wa- fficiatr. Crema1ttian w"ill fol-, The SoparaseboolBoacrd, ners Oet(ha baekey ticket IjowV. which wasinuiieti by Counci drawanti President RIBih 1 mPee pOoi wr.Dona- te Mondey's meeting, declin-rson wlshed hicif a hanppyioseli OnaoHet Pd. la a lett, onteattend. hirthday. The meeting Fuda;"welihagea Spokeaman fer (ha Park- only ana ember shorte tiy coofdgd Wou group, Pave Murock, Nous attarAnce, Tneewas, ýaicd (be -assertion that thora is enly ana ylest, NourriMac- no connection- bnie(won (Ne, ot0d i,îom o shawa. iNeV 'O ffirces Pcoo ndtiha churcb is flot ______ tialîi. Holepointed oeut that. teoare two portabï l des asnd5o (hotehuehpr0poîN ew oad'Dedicated ai MaMnddCck aruet wth ehnhlot te park (eucas uidn1,i u U ie an cnir nacammentiation e a Town Counci committea Tntntty Unitet Church mark- (bat; (hobuses shoultirue (hae (PROM PAGE ON[CI cd another miostone ta il)ts Churoch parking lot tî traI{gbay2 andti(o parets gbiator-y orndayNoramaber aýroundA(enaivly, ho f ear)-(bat (he conucn wll 5( wen(he Dadicaen et mmitte a hr iîsuaggostd, mako (hosiuation ev en moeaNeho wnew ehcb eies, ru anieng etha inga, (t] (he senrieus. in Illne ormer Ceembabs' bouise, buses coudltim tro ha rhusdrn Council inuîtormotha p.an- ws elti tiuring (ha înemnun mVt on thu'asf itie of Liher(yents bat ifE(boy want (he srvice. :Itrot.The yeungs(ens coudtichildren buseti bosehool (bey i'Che teg lar wership msie, Uman wa]k (brougbha churchnsboulti approach (ho North- was conaucted by Jack Mua-1 prope t-y (o (ho atjoinîng umliberl and -Durbai nuioardet ay,, who gave a inost inter-, sehool. Education. esting andi well researcheti >ntotunaey, (ho Separate Reeve Dykstraj'Lgistdcttirse celItthe pie, Yu',Veý Scbool Board bas (urneti a'(bat, a com-rmittce shoul ho Gt Ta Be Cane ully Tau-ht", deat Pen AV teh,(hoparentsfnieed, pesibly inuitin(ho Ha ,was assisteti by Daerab anti Cotîncil. Local Separete Sehool Board, lte paents anti ammonti, Pann eSavn, Sehoci Beard ropresentativ, crntha -onstLruct:i ocrn-Lyn Morrisý, Hýeather Anya, Slo.w Cbahlm tccinie pýany andt ha Deparîmea et ofw h egave (ha Scriptura reati- commrrentonr,(ha siuation. Fie ighw,,ayýs,10te invPstiga-tpte h tg:prayar by Howard Anyse, was aise une-hieta attenîd (ho pî(u'non. Hwvr euel aeby arliBanwi(b Council imeeting uon Menday. ion Piou! gel a.round et ap- orguaGail Tlompson ac- Th(, Boardi diaeinb plause -when ho asse (bat com-panyiing Ii n 1)the plane, (hein- laIýtoner ounil(bt uch a committe xvultionly Rev.iN. Wesloy Oake con- (bey have receiveti lgal ai r ait an tiitinal tiay. dcjiteti (he tedication serv\ice, vice ne-ganding (h Pakwa Wat la neetiaci, ho saîi, is "ýLaasaistati hy ,-Deuglas James, Crescant issuie. Tbey are et )fqiuik deision'. Ch4anin of the Propen(y !lhe opinion (ll lTown CounA il Thoparents indicatedti hat COMnIittee anti Clark etf(he cannet pessa ehy-aw prehbit- À ternpcwry rape itewalk Session Chanles Trina, tellew- îng (ha buses trenl iellher us- woid not ohalve hwpobem. inïrg 1jM'n, Munday's atidrass, ing (ha eets on ram stop- Their general feeling was (bat OËverynea was inviloti t in- pîng (o drap(ha chiltiren off if bus service cannaI ho pro- speci Ithe ncwv offices tollow- ,The OntaneMunicipal Board yided Se(hohidiren w ill1 aithor ing (ha service anti nefresh - suppora tduscontentlion, hatv e (o bctaken ta (o sool inlmonts ware serveti hy niem- Thfaiakw,,ay pareits nd- naior aimnetghre rs f t(hea U.CW. la the cate( (bant (bey vill (unii to Mn. 1. Jonies, ginu~poka-ohrc all. eîthlia Dunhéim MPPAlan man, indimet (a t(haepar- Senmato fSurnishings uwerç Carruthers, i Fdeai MR, enta wiil meat wi(hil Pdonaoteti by melmbrs i0ni Allen awcnc. tonhelp inAlex Cauthena (otury La ry cf oilovati oncs anti are thein toyear figit. 1%sAlv Ieprobiem, Iiarketiby engraveti plavuea DYKSTRA'Sî-- (HimOME qUAUTY) - FOOD MARKET LN MEAT PLATTERS and CI-TEESE PLATTERLS 1IEADY TlO SERVE IDEAL, FOR YOUR PARTYý- 73-77 KING ST. W. FREEI!1 PARKING OFF QUEEN STREET I Rent a Ca' for IA DAr Q1 IVwEIEN I COUNTY