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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1972, p. 4

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EDITOe'RIAL COMMENT Remembrance Day, Nov. lTith WAt dees it mram te o'uv young people?! Tada~, in ande lasss, or in as.. gml.or ini the' office, nir at the plant, roiiceune asked yb ou t ibnd UIPp adCho yù-ur heacL And foi wominutes yaun ,ývere foýr-E7'd tobe sdent and ta rpeni-h ber Ad for ilst Of you, thos<e two minuts seemed ta stretch nto an What id ya h1in1k abou1t during t~os twostrage leyit miinutes?' Did ypu thank Godi ta\var to yoij is Ra3 'ia tç_.ievý,ision series, or a snat1ch ici f 7 taît li a maga4zine? Or dïcd yOu slntycursýe ithe senseless poesthat rohhed yeu of a father, a brliathr, a friend?' No tnealy eaug tim tapicture the, i-icindgreed hadni't strippéd hr- arjty of 20 million bwleebrave people, tice ln onie lietime, and rab- hcd rmankindt of mnore woney than it would take taIfjct a cure, fôr ~ utes min which ta iagme ý,thr façce )t Europe', af Bitin e Rs ýla f world, before the mnst bea'utiful ardi wokof miùi wa-s reducd çr rublo which ta poiider tise pniiiyt mad-ness might éône' again take rountit the minds of thP. imighty.,ý enoug-h tre for, siit vt tei.saxxdJpa- ese civoinstaescape the 1borror th1-at wvas Hrshmsi>ý milIIon Jwsthe fir-es of Aus,,chwitz, Telna ahu Todesýperate -minutes for youtr cnsider what yaou mi h o la Ipe hatred anrd greedi and stupidity and wa from the Faer-of the earth. Twa aful, awesonm ue siiiwhchta el thAt wh-eri the ne-xt warts, P(-ni will stan-d siiilylurenimr>anc'e n f Vy0 L. --Sei n l y Mrs. Ceeu Brley 1 ý~~N7e , ,t lp ceMighty Trudeau Tries For a Corneback Thie federaI eleritun is over a week cino and thet ibejraIs are' hanging on i ta pdwer aiibough tbey, and their onîce 2poeul le11 Jader hbave boernrepudi- ated bte electurate. 0f, Course they,, are entitled cntttinlyta do so unitil the flouse Of Cammons dJecidies the-iir fate ai.tINe n exi ttigBut, ihat mil h ie t cmfort ta the man), good muern wba suffeirdu dcIeat because ihey wîere let du-wn by hý Éeir sa;-called super- orincludiug thei Prima Minîster. W (-an set tbam lnaowlingfor bis scalp at a !eaderzhip oveto as snau as onse cai bearned That's poiitics! W t'.goinzlngta 0)e a h c0ury? No Tfthin1g mucb nlew, exýcePt that foi' tht. immediate future, Oie Lib- erpais wîll be iyig ard ta appease a'ndawln avec those wlro voted aginst tbcm, tbrougb a revisiou of policies thait hav e'used. ggrarratîinFoi, the limre bei flithePrime Minister.iwill do bis ulm lOsir ake fiends iand infilu- ce peopie adopting ou the surface a batpdauid coniciiatory attitude al- tbïougb unideruepadth il ailberl probably bave trouble cone'ealing bis true char- acter that bas turned' so rary cloest ta tChe Otaascene agaixist hir.N-?o longer eau he be the grrogant big boss wbo bas't tirne for thas;e iutelleetiŽally iNeiors in de pness galley, u the oppsitonand aveu iii his awn party. harve tq listeni, If wiil bc quite a change ,-ek ~a ~ b1e~~ho can T&st lon lthe new vraie, buttirne wiil teILi, h raliy deena pa-n 1bow mucb lalyand dedicatin i ha basta tfi Liberl paty'sand tish'on' e - tare, 1ust how flexibleL and comnpromis- ing L- cari be, and 'bow bd he wantsý ta bJ-e FPrime Minsteris personal ega of whllcb thlle", bas appearèd ta hcaPai overbundncdmust, bave taken quite a being fnam he rsitbut whetber hc' harnu~himself or sorrEonp elseè- w dotkiow. Tt nno daubi Vv'ill corne cut eveý1tuaiiy ýbut if Our as ofnnta ttriemaxni s corret, it won't hbeis- faui, - Trud-êau is q ile ighti, wc- feel, wheu ,ha say tht elec-toraýte did rot give tieColuse'vtives on i-ny otbe5n pairty ù(ithe iuse a real mandate. It xats Trying ta tmpre, Aguif' q ittrns thatý may nový,e r ba~crssntfiows haeù nxany once hone kllef or muiilatmd thti girl taons thtotler htnshe wasj flung it tht winsbildin anl intersection crash, or crshdduixxg a roIl-o'ver at4a curva tt11 was s pg taýkcn tor) f2ast. P1~us 623-3303 JUH.N' M. lAME EOITOR-PTISLISISE definiitely, a protesi. vote, nn.tch the- sanie as ini 19,57, but for diffnernt rea- sans. If thePrgeiv-oevave h-ad emnerg5ýed with imore scats thian thý-e liberal, t'bey would have rwon,i ef fect, by dlefault, a fact that conmfins iýthe theory tMat goerumneuts are not voter,,d into office, the niew anes get in because the erton-s %vote the aid, ones- ouf. PRab- ert Stanfieldt could alimast see hiJmselfr as Primne Mniton electian pnigbt, but it was rot, ta be, yet t east. H-e Cet'- taînIy ias ta ha bitterni di'appointed ta: baýe. corne so close and stili ]ose. One thing th(-e resLtidid waýs ta firmly ,esýtab- lisbh fim as the leader of the PC par-ty, a posýition t hat, ta say,,,the laswas sbaqkyuinil election nighft. Therte must ne seeri of is colleagueS wt ead- eshpamrbiions wbno look upon the outeome wih ixed emotionis. We can an5tipate an exciting time ini the HouIse of Camimous, and it daetsn't much mnatter if the recounts go agaiust the, Lîberai1s or not, [they ra abIy w-\ili continue luinuffice until they are tlirownciout in a Hiouse vote. The ConeuervtÈve front benchers xiii be oui forc 'bioud attacking the Liberals withi everyting they have, trying ta defeat them and bring an an enly elecian, or at auHfrom the Gavernor General tai fo',rm the oe(et he'lpoal have probhIems d ithat ithsomne of their meuxhers inteitrested1 in hanigîng ont.a iheir Jobs lon ioenough ta gýet iheir eicIjon debis padnoff beforc i îiIg dawnthi av( ne and pnoibyly aiug anather electin. T'le NDP 'wil P1.ay iil cool, tryinger btotacon tht goverumnerintnt oi ies ithat wili be Ita their liking. Thb SoilCreditersxvi talk a lot but wou' be tua eag-,er fuor another excurSi,ýn juta tht hustixigs. In thie înierimi, the rank aid fil, the def2atedi membrs and the bck- raomn Liberals will be 1ay,âig plans for a ladersip onvention, feeling qte ceti hat ithe mnwowsthe idol1 (A the country in 06~8, wil have ta be replaced( by a uew le 1ader, for the good of the Party. Ailof which sha'al be maist inter- esting ,ta watch. ý,ss i5 Dangerous the ;self rsetof the bydrive7r. EVEFY p.a-ssenger ïin a car bas a respn~ilty twards tht river, amd ail 1te rtoaci users, systie Qutarlo ,Safety L 1g , ïIt sa rspniblt t src itat is own behvioYr doas not con- trilmitaue esadiiatri ni'o tensioë.Ami a. ieponosihi &tause quiet iKuen ate fadilsourage anatti- tude orbeh-viof 1tht driver, ni otber lassenQers, tisai cauldu constitute or develop iti .haza otn an atrc(vmldotini a car vwith anl impresSionable boy. TEJAMES PtUBLISHiNr- CDMVPANY LIMITED U2-F 6 irinq St. W., Bwpvle' )in G0p.MGfRS R PATRICK<GOULD SALES MANAGEr Phono' 3) DONAU L iSiHOý) Navember 60 1972! Daln lon bae tiht chance of runuing for a public office on aur CouncilsScirool Boarda and Public lllte Commi-ission(aw nvlo for ttyeaàrs 19-3 asud 19741. Il is myhop(- that weuwill ilavc. a truLe. rcprtStiilaýtioii 0ýf ALIbe peao-)p(profeta sionpl, businiess sud lye snbas msi)qaiyn for positi(noa[aerit witýin aur aqres. ThIle(people eCcteIot thise grouips<on Dcrbr4 1972 could lie faced wit c]sins witirmu tht next twa years sncbas R&Yoma! Ga- ermeut, tht buiding 0fA W- ditinal Recreaton fAcihi- îles (iropefuiy ýforio. in ailesd Driga)at mauymo mar s utiriwUIl face us. Iu clo7iing iay I just ne- pent whai Yeu aid your paper, "hP Can da tts- mnan biaye pr inedlu r- ,ent weeks trying ta gelt 'ht pealple ta ru-for Virose ofcsand rmnlgail tire peopice ta g-elout sud vote oun eeme 4, 19'72. Vours trul, Keîth Sbackelîon. HIAMTON DEATUR TRAP Dean SUr: I live ilu Hamupton,whr Most popeare fmla wltb Ham'pon Pond,. Wirat I am writng ta you, about is tahrngtatn he puhIHc'aattention tht e ali trap at i(htpond.lI spc-ak ou fftht deatir trap ;as bhelng- There are no wam,1ning agsta teIlithp tidrivers that tueeis a'qna1rrqw'brýidg- aýnï1ytht wýeigbit limit. I msel alug ilhmauy- othrs hveta ansd aiso ilive over thlat ucd path. ' Th(ere anc ý-Man yo.îung cluiren who v walk aven il goin, 'toansd fram 1c l.~ feol that if w wait, until a c(hilti is bi t or someoe ,as ove,.- lis feeble ideps or lire 1un1proîectd banks t il dR hatoa laie ta makce corrections, Oven the mears;, tirerp bas been a raslh o)f accidents' a n C',in tht winter w he h snowý and ico is piledi high, ou acrside, i laï'Iey bas- a'rdousi Whtdot-s ttDprm ut Hîghwasu uncia Govo(rnent have ta ho 50 Miinti ta sucb a fatalol- 1110W 1 ûHEIIPED W1i flk , ish a butier would GET OUITHUE VOTE apa nc tkwitb a lule silver salver hia r'ng a pieçe of paper, and an- TodnCay h was discu 'isiug newspaper nounic, "Yo-un idea for ibis week, sir.l' columnisis wihsome ut My senior stu-'But ie,?doesnrt, sud hprbalywould'i dentse hi was a perf'etiy legitimate Ckna wat ta docw it hif be did, Be- çeercisE in thetf icin iLýo English, but sîdes, h do't hv a butIa.r, dammit. tht duevis knaw thati f ithey eau gaiel me Hlowve, h 1du have a wife. Occas- aI f tnack, braggiu.g or neriniisciug, 1 iuuaily, in despair, 1'ilsay,"Wbat lun mnigisigel carriedu away auid fonget ta tht woianld mihgoing ta write about -ive thecm ibein onwr asgret iis we Therefne, someanne atafiiv lIra- She'1lmayin"Witie about ,spring" for duceciibe sueet afibis culumu. Sly somiething about as helpipLL respond, qusinleading me funther aud fur- 0K" and, write a columu --iabonut spiing. ther aay from tht original poinI t. hi otbing ,ta it, wonkLd. osI peoapleare nover bappier uibfr h lcin aahn than w-hen thoy're tkiug abot thems- came u ia trnight bave becen mat1enjI racves on thein work, h took the hait. for a, colunin. An old frieud phnned,. "h' upos you write four or, fîve My ife answtered. She calledt "Paul ahcain",suggesed ont lad. rwauts !to kuow if trie LÎbýaaIs eau -put A loiof peuple have bis louy a igu On auriawpýn", fna(-wniug and shak- Éidea. h tersely taid the CInuIs: that hIng bher at me. w it il nigt on .he deadlie, eveni Ainiy, hsad,"Sure, I don't cas", thougir h have a swhoie sweek ta irnk tou sh hadn't leidd hich way h ou, it. Vimusalygalpbin athe post was cgg A vote. Had amen tht office ta catch tht lasI passible miail. mouthpiece, sire hissed aI mie, "No, I There are 168 houns lu a iweek, aund cou't want a sigrnou aur iawn." tuse tise lasitwo ofiihrm. ven mreairiiy, h said, "Ye, fe (h cn heursaine editarsand readu- cai. Teil bim. 'Fan once ini yuur life, ers sniffiug and mutteniug, "Tbey rend womran, do what you're tol" She dlid. like il, tu".) but bier wratb mi-ounited steadily. Blut 1've dîscvered that i is psy- Fiveminutes later site was ou tht blow- cbolojgicoaiIy impossible for me ta turu tir ta N.D.P. beadquarters, telling them ouI, a uolumn iuuiess tCe guillotine is THEY could put a, sigu ou aurlwn banging aven me.a've tlied ih lu tht h didnIt give a diidlie, A Iawrn la sumrmer hidy;bujt bave givan p. oanly a aw,isud'asigu is oiy a _gp On ecis occasCin hd it thaeelooklng B utt.agh oii Iwa polito, I was a huit sud feeling siupid, teur out of tht type- cbeesed wuheu tanNEP charades-s wrîter sheet after sheet, crumnple t, and Cowvert up et thetidoo, aensibiy ta tny âaan. Niothing doing. tbauýIk us. Not al did tby nrytasait h1a onsan]y euiug buddug ime an aaciaiism, or at lIre achwat pass- w1itars taîabish a regularlworkz pal-. ta for i udibihs counitry, but tbey drank tes-n.Afahd its a case of "do as I say" AIlMy boer aund att il m ry chiees. _frai hn"oas h do"," Their iidea aIof llimI uess. Ohthy giq lot of g'ooti advice. Nexi Mrnring, ' vwas a, bit stantiedu Cnstaintly h1extoîl tht wvonk habits naIotawaik cout and se our asr_ n -ithe people like Leacsock aud Hèmingway, iawn, two Liberail, woNDP. 'Rigbt Wha gai up early and waorked steadily thene and tbul, I alm-rost dcidedu pdta vote fus- so mauy baurs. Then ont of my Stile the straigbt Tory ticket. Cruer vaices snaps, "Wby un'tyou du hbere mwere tht usual needies ftrom il youself?"My, other litte muer vaice neigihons andu colleagues. "A botuse snaps ight baclk."Hel'mn ot a ws-- dvd ganiliseif, eh, Sniy"And on, 'm acoluii." Saed again. Wbat are yutryna do, Smile, gel Wbeu yaýutbful wnriters ask nme oui tht vnte?" what ta write about, 1Iteultbem t a wrie hcoliy ignos-ed tise jibes, buit sec- about what ihey kunow and do and. fol. retiy swondered mwhtbohne as mat- This urne, h follow my own advice. if1 hil fr a colurrnu it . That'stht way çidni't, h woulint have enougir matenlual a columuisi ihink, si wch wbai youl ta keep me going for a monitb. say wbien h'm anound. h decidedu ibere "Yah, but wbhut kinda stuff?", they wasu't.An)d, as you caIri sea, h1as ight., netort lu thirurimpeccable teenage Penhapa tibis columu shauldu ho EngHlh. hc(de, "How Not To Write a ýColumia". This s vrin out0taduit query BtYLvoni s,crh îdidi, ani yau read ilA 11ve heard gSno ffen, "Wlosa dya glcet asi, h hope yen did. Ifyudd', aI tbem idean for your littie artcles?" wit e aud exlaivwy. IN YEARS AGO husaNov. l1', 1947 3Lt r tPontypnool T. . O F.installation Ed, Youngmian mas insalleas Recrdig Screary, sorn Fred Nobe Grnd;son Arýt, Vice Grad son, Gartd, In- aide'Gurd.Ed. Youngman mas aso presnted wth bi,, 25-y'ear jweandpeen were to ma-re sans Ernie and Bob, and an 18-month's- The Alun FEnsemble, Newv- castie, consisting a ýf Betty, Bi, e, Jacýk anld PRoss Alun, PalBnn and Wil,- bur, Baierileetertiniedl the B.T.S. boys. with tlheir ld Tîme Orchestra, MOaie Quartette and Brass Quir'- tIttm Thepragrm was Pl- inrdcdbyS. J. W.A'.Rick- ard, A.ssistant. Superintend- Aý. T ltce,62 Division 8tre0t has opened a new hlon-ey extractînig plani- at, etf Alexander's Garage. It isBomnvi ile's n ew e, buiness estblishment, ',fs. H-elen Lennaýx, Au- stIa, theformer Hielen Cotton, has maniled a toy koal ber ta the om - v illeC, Hospital Auxiliary wbir-nh skie hopes mnay ie' aucined off, andi the pro- ýeeds donated in memnory of lier fatherthe laeRa- bert Cotton, J.?., ta-,thtp fund being raised to bud thp new MemmsialHospitai. _Proica Constable Ger- alrit Purdr v,ýnrst sonof itr-uciion? Mr. ad Ms. Thank you fror your lime, r-aligr in the A Hampton Reident.a urisonier aln - ------ -lun, the Na pa1 COMMMENTS ON THSE hs we.J POLITICAL SCENE lnalias FE.R, Newtauville, Nv.1, 1972. cove. as Dean r. James, CutbePurx 1I have juatentered yourfu-il hs edtitonial of (OctihBth in m-y Francia Jase, scrap bock as joaralimat WAtdmrs.Harr ils best. No gbaostwrtrecedM be wrate tiraI artie. toilcli mn o ub oiriy lie written ony ancwo Bowmanvile in- had personaliy been iniv- Boys* Parliame, ed iN a bectic polbitiacam- -paîga himnself. I aflen waon-A de". if the memor'y af yA vvar firsi canspaiga wvithouLl tht r suppot of your own home To C ol paper iras iuieced you ta adopt such an independent roue and gale credit %ne lCaute credit is due. lxWA I helieveoaurie Rpe-hm ln a rcss eentative for Durhiam is an uthn'sParki able manand a fine «an o owar 1n tafr wilI fird aid Durham hoi-i l.- ,sa taliiy bere. However, we1Fý voukld be -rmiss if we did ing tht Carol E ul aiceei nd v\ cy h eni a-,spùc ýi al1 b ihai Mr. Russeil Hone-y foýýr cd (>r-os the reprseuiugussu w 'vell hisnoncig ht Pc pan 10 years. 1Vrmet M/r. Hn-1biu aquiet, sa t lce scre, unassurning mani, did is les' er saw- or 'iresl spcau larbt fiuest wark, ofthe pragrartu behhid thtscouts, and irese lut o tme1 wt;rc. iraI includied ilu bis imb t hîs show ,egWarreportsfrom Otaw rame stck fec Hte was especislly iuterested aver mne andM ia ire elderily, tht, sick nd of. herovd. ve afergiven. I hýave g-el bisexra o il's DepTuty ibougirltiraI Speaker of tht H-ouse o' wch happons Cousions hoe took lime out ï)r bad lfor tI ta send notes of penourag- 7 eau Ifllth met au<I cndoen n. (s0f cre ca>ses of pecu-liar pr--oblem or PaRlyiravig 1h hads ip brelire coufld ualthe s alya alashelp bimatîf, owa gel tht ciobbP always iing ta pave tire record. Hawete wnay ta reaci tire Depart- ta say i hat ahi mPent whe ou ieip. dep downi lu Ti muai ho it a feeling tiraI ts eral af a job wnon doncet iaI M. hs lieof Hioney wiýIh ave tht wonrk re1otrd w l ta anather aud pcaalivo bMee. a qddm% 4"lts ectc 11f eand Pahitcal paw wxe wish hlm i. J1cunol u As f[ortt Ilrlaeadan tiheart LýÉof nmj scde, veronenamatten wve began la tht caor afbispoitialUnsen Powst baýitneor IsF hokc While cane Pirs watchig lae reurus I was hparta ofmari r-exinded of ttnîgrt f4thte moe wn th fl cii cri si unOttawa 1cm sel-f interSP vc~foryaIs, a crcst ii lu t Iassit in g alone a lbuts neuld ie - (Autharunnan Peaewer a popytht. lad-ysac And held une forthi, but I sbook m head. then h esppedu and wvatcbed as she offened them ithere, And ber face was oaidandtiner wt care; But beueatb tht scars the years bad! miade There inemraiued asietýhaltc refuse ta fade. Then abycaePisln[dw he street, Baruncing aloug Poiucae-flrcetet. Iss Wue awas fui of joy and fun, "Lady-" asid he, "my I av- en? When sýýhe'd pnudit an Jbe, turnedu ta Say, "Wh y do we wean a p.p tdy? Tht lIady smrriled ric ber wrstfsd wa And answented 'T is i eebac And tht poppy tIhEet 1 tht ymolfor Tht gaýi-lauit niwbo dhed luwai And because ibey did, -ou a1 haýre frete Tbat's wby we wef1 a pp oya J c 1 had a boy about you=siz Wth goldien nbain ndbigsmlg ya HaT loved tan play ad um rad shout, Fret as a bird lie would ra]ce abouit, As tht yreans went by heqand nd gnew Adbeca:me ka f1mn--aýs you will, too. boitwa fin ý.ecand strong, wi q l a tbal G. F. Purdy%, was the cenit- Precapture of1 rpting escape ee district ameis Maî it - PageIl,-("Van- arrested !by dy dter a 1son o)f Mr. yv Jase., s ri of Parliaý- unm West and the pOlders', ent, Toranto. 49 MEARS AGO Mi', . J.Brag, M.?.? nesday, At A n g Edward Hotel, Torannto, -in honor afý MIr. W. E. N. Sinclirp, LbrlLeadier, 'Thel )raýn - quet vas arranged by th4e Yaung Lîbel ClubTon ta. Mrs.FlornceE. COsbanrne, Gardn Hliwas instantly 'Killed Thursda,,y morning by the Lakefid flyer. llano~sHaraheyop posite BnkofMntaar Offering salesF on Stanid- fiel's ,unshrinkable udr wear, Ibis we.Fleece- lined, 9c,-2 pairqsLE;9 Anothe r-eter daýy in the(- history 0f Newcasle wasî whenl its beaIutiful eara Library was afficiallyopn ed by Mr. David J. tbsvn who turnec the key ta open theLirr ta the public, in thre name of rltie f thosewh feu l inthe Grea-t Serve Corbett' d iu Apple, Riin, Bubry Mince Meat, P-umpnkin sudri Lemfon Pies that mpy meit, in your mauffi - '25c a pie. The cmmniy uNew- capstie mwas shocked ta leru of thet pessilng 'of Mr, Samiuel Rirkaird on True-. deay. Rev \. W. fH. ,SparoBo manville, accupied thr pub. pi of the MtaitChurch, Ne"wcastle, an Sundiay. in the abe o f PaIstor Cooke, Hospital Bazawr in thc To wn Hall, -BowrnanvIlle riai-anI SatIuday, Opens at 3ý. Ant archestra will pley ;n the eeIng apnd aP chick.. en pie supper served lA th DiscipleChurcliai 5. Se- uIrday evenfIng a th-ree-aIct I PaingContrcact bourg Firm ra', M??P, Dur- iHamnden incsud Kng Cousjtr'uC- reiease froni tian Ltd. of Cahourg, unl Tuesdlay, Thteotatratne o rxunouueed the the contractwa $36022 conrat t sd calis fan tht gvrding Baueil Show .mx psvinig onHiha No bulletin flashi- 35 frtons .07 miles no'rtir of rsile f itance ouf 7.12 mls. ht rwoirk coutinuedIo ta l cbedljed ta gCet je-,unrwy eti bai n)eiti- 'an May 1}, 1973. ne Mterth%3 I caunaItune cing Stealing .muI tam hkif evtrything ta uls, gond he besi, if Ive 2experience. the Libeal s, is gong ta, ~ring for ils un, I veutrie parties ka 111(-'r ircarts Of unrest and vaiutssuer îAve beau no cer i s lmted, uni Il tiMe 0 tiai cati pttitud[esanti and -nliake ius Citýizenplith Pst sud mor 1Pt il a bet-- ter attitude of ine prone stroger glad ta work taq lace. -Normalter wich parly la1 lu t ie river's seat in 01- tasauntI!we hocrmo s mare unselfsh people tirent CHllcontinue ita ho stikea, Ctia crippie tht nation, chalrsluwelf are, people, wbo wouild I biru dwn jb sud acceptsweMfare, sud ail tMe aIre scirmer swioart nul asiramed ta bloasi f making au easy ;back at tht expeirse of tire bcn'st in- dusSrous taxpayer'. -Wrauglag, icrking oer naîtesniais bas ioAmedun large in Ib reeoplèsensct trtire gcet legsiation tirai iAs passed liraugirParts- menit bas heotuuoicd lPt us c-pn t sud be- came tiregreat rnati nwe arc, repli., CRaableof' hecoin- fo r 9Po e 1 while Whe wn roake rt u h'w tAway. Itill rememher, bis face that daya Wban ho b smiled at, me and said, "CGoodby-e 'ibeback soonl, Mom, sýo plcase doui'i But tire war weut on sud he ha tastay, And all I zolId do was wait sud pray, Ilis leutens iold a1 tht awful fîghbt, (I cari set it stii lun my dreama iýai n'igbt), Wibthe tanks sud anguns sud tcruel barbedmieie suid fin-e. Tili al, a as ê-t, thtlie -waa on Artd tbt's wby wew rac- pySon, Tht mu1 boy tIvrnepd cas, if ta go.' Thn aid, Irîhanka-, lady, 19m glad tCa kuaw. That sure did suund Like an avfujl figbt, Buit youi sou --did heý corne back A night?", A tean rolled dowu ccý is f aed cbeek;, Sire sbook ber baud, ut dMIdut peak. 1 hm inukaayl a suri, offshamre. And if you were -me yo'bavýe du thre sams; tor aur tbanks, lu giviugla aMtdelaed, Thougir aur freedom waus bou.ght -.and thousands paid! Aud «sur) a\;%,-esteca opy ,o Let us refeciou tire burden borne Bv thIose who1 gave thirer veny ail Wbeu asked ta answ,,en ithaircauy' cail Thatw ibon4npec ngh le TFn r ar popp CIRaenilbr - s Give. and Distant Past l'rom the State5aFil et1 'Y F/lùE'5DDPLZEP / In, the Edîfor's cdpoe1C. i wiicl n irlt armi 1,1 ôny fO.Trn pert, lariy ý' fpi tap'Jixiar atD-i.e rpaulatwifl hkm hjet' lit re ,ur ix la a .O 'year - & mehîSdi .06' $9.00 t Yecu fi the tltd Statesé sirictly ilu advancEt a1e i OS OIilfTitS the lx, udexplt"niiIgtl x itw'11 "rt b b ie Id iny i'1.ixT 'Mxx xy dv0,7 trx ptbhe e icîe UtIei na idiantuch deîiaetis eu e lwin vtxxxq b1i te adrH'-tite axx reurxxd ta TAe apaarln Stalpxax bueaetofcedoxy exqxtd b! Mnlite w, wrsxaiad wMnt ur en'.refad y hr TA. tht îr it, m'nt .ixite ixtra rtri 'teatxec aI srItedveCh xx 71xl s Ihs pn?7e aocuried hy Uop nolsd er enos tA lcewmulspnome ==MAx Le w ulidtriiemexxl.

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