Th1Cnain ttemn Bowmajnnv-11lc, Nový 8, 1972 FLASHBACK -V 25 Years Ago -Ladies 7Majior ~ Bwlngsaw Viv Piekard with 1 9hhrge Bern Carter 195, Vi Miartyn J194, ViCoe 191, Kay Beaupie 190, CarolMlatyn 189, aWU Kng 187î Lillian lPhillipa ý 183, Ada ,Tonkin 180, FLASHBACK -- JO Vears Ao- Kaps Purnitîre é àlMen's Major League oligholýd the leiad wth14 points. Russ Lanle had Iigh single at 291, Ted Bgnil289, Si Tei 281, Norm O'Rourke 266, Don Oke 265, M1aurice Richards 264, Gog lavle205, John Carter 26Z, Erank Blunt 261. LUC1ÇY I'nOdRAM DRIAW-- eIthde Red Bagles> Ju'n(or " gme n. 1Sundajy cevening was wnby ougSte-ve Crawford, Bowmianville. Junelior "'a, owmnville 6, Port Ferry 2. Juivenilesý were dofeated by Oshava IMidgets lui1;Bowmarnille Mlidgets dcfeated Lindsaay Mldgets 4-'3, nap' Mjo antams, inCobourg Fiday. omnil 6-Cbug1, In Bow- naileon sunda-y, PBowmanvijlbc'Aj l'4 Mincr BantaniF lient Oshiawa Red Barn Pee Wees Il2..Doeatd Uxbridgo Bantanis on Saturday 11-01 Hanipton (Gardens IMinoriPeo Weeos beat stouffAile inSou vll 3o1Fidy -1. Boat Po-ut Hope in Bowmnill oe n Saturday 4-2, Prcetn Novice 'Major inj Bowmansville tiod Ajax 2-2. On Suday in arhaiBowm11anvilloboat Markhamn 2-1L Consumers' Gas Mites deeated Fort Hlope 5-0 là Port Hope. Robert Pools Nvc Mlinor3 10ItutoAjiax 2-0ýjý - inBwa eOn Sat- uray aer-noon,. 300 CLUB - The [oxanile Mn!or Hce so ciation sponsor a 300 Club) draw bt support seven ailstar tams in Bwan Fle ach jSaturday7 throughouIt the win-ter atbprxmtl 5:00 o'cloc-k at the BOwmamdile Auent Efve Dames vwill ho drawn. ~The winr wl eceive a che1qie of $20. At thie cousin of the hockey seasn to raï leh macle for $5001 Each avoek's wvinners wilI hbave their riaies ýp1nted i. thé, State,(smani. The wvinners in the 1it't d~ edSaturdJa, Nov. 4th wvere: No. f151j Jamers.Ruddy; No. 1 53 - Dorothy Leamnan; No.,0 -JerryWnac;Noe. 69 - Collie W ýolnr; N.'2u 'John 1Fo'wler. GP T$I~P SCOHERS STANDINGS WL T 3 1 O 2 2 O 2 2 O i 2 (1 ýîb > ,-al- AssiqtsPotsM S. Bumn3 G. W il-son -2------ JÉ. reencu GOAâlfES - Don Allen, Orono, a studont at the Unépvhy tyo Guelph and a not-nider for Port Hope Panthes for ihe past two iasha been signed b he Pather"s to te-nd net for them agin Ahs Year On the woeken-ds. This givos the 'Pantihers týhre top goalies for thýe eominjýg season,ý Blarry Jesclhe,' Mike Wiakely and Don. Ls. 6 4 4 2 [W 3 3 TABLE TENNIS Araemns eecnlue todaybetwen Cnada Peryment an1d the Caqnadfian Table Tnnris Association for assistanice in promoting the s-port! of Table 'Tennis throughouit Canada. ~Caad Prmnet ilorRose Bwshave been produced for presentation ta the Champion Men'ej and Womecn's teamn- at the next inter-provincial toamn chaj;mpionshiips ta) be hold în conjunction with thie -Prince Edward lslanid Centenial i. Chr ile n Ma19th ta, 2lst, 1973. ICE APDS-at the Maplo Leaf Gardn 7goos fromi Nov, 8th - Nov. 1.1th. One of the bigh- ~liglits of the show wilî lie the gane of badminton -St. joseplis Mixed Bowli*ng bat s 4-1; idyC 4, ba-MroVntoe 7 23'I Jmt in34, Let'rechaunis 27, Ch'ai- Jefirrcy -22 Jim Pi 1 terIgérs 23, Bo,,b-Cals 19, Hop)e- 24,Bil lrod28 r fui 16 Penne 207,()cl' Bown27 Mens hSIighi triple, Grn3,Les Hut234, Fathenrr Eardjy 666, men%, high sýingie, Frank 218ýý, AllenJMran 21 Gany Conwmay 300'7.21 anlSmncls2? O-vor 700 aos 223, Geýorge Charlaad 219, Bob G7rant Hardy -20,Jaanbi 24?, Terry' MOlloyý Eibs 224, Mol osmn218. Eileaný H-ickeyv 205. TO THE NEXT BIG KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO to lie lheIl h the PETER BORoUH MEMORJA LrCENTRE SAT7-U R DÂY, O.i $9,O O I PRIE MONEY i 5 BIGt -,SPECIAL CGAMES FOR "5 COL1OUR TV SETS" - ALLjPLAq, ON THEV SAME CARD SPECIALI $C'00 Galnei SPCIAL ,3SPVE CIA \L $150$100 GAMES $150 ToDpLino AE $100 Fui Crd Fuit Card EACH, 20 BI REGLAR GAMIES AT 5,0E~I Bran Ne '173 oliday Ford "2 5MO Buis As oi7Piz START AT 7:3'0 P BSSAT TH1E DOOIt z r/~ iMovers lie One atMarkham On W edn esday Nov. l-t, Aaxvîsîted -qowniville fr aNovice "A" exh-ibitio)n >gam againist Preston thle Movars. Ajax ýtnook tho eadinlaithe pst perioci nid held itiloutil ecarly! la the second Dhe -Trrym Miller sclored. unassýisted-. Ini the third period, Ajax scoreci agp.în and seemeci to halve thle gaine vwrappe'd Upbu G arf M-wcQuaid scored at 135 of the thîrd.i the assist goingý ' tlo JKrvin Noble, enduing tlie game ila a 2-2 tie, John stor-, gaa rd playaci anl outstandilgý game la goal for Prestons. On Su-ndla y, Nov. 5th Pes toný traveilod 4!o markhim 1for aleague gaine aad c'amle 2away, ýwith a 2-1 victo-y. akhr coed arly la thea first par- iod andi Chuck Welsh mcre necar the end of thie peniod, thle assist going 0Mtiid Playinaacoessson ýPen'ioc Preston's c-ame out fiy- îngp la the third ad ai il ý,1 McQua3ici scored the wiane wiith Stani Greenihamdrin the assist. Miark Shackleton 111 piay'edJ a strong gaiie. for the MoesandI the defease a very souund, Randy Cr'o,ssey tunaed ila ine gme o diefease and Roblent Wallis anci ": Robent fleBoo skated miles. Proston's rnext homne galmo 15 FSat., -Nov. 111h aI YIpm. Oshawa Brlashig theý Men's Major Lge. iack,-u1p balariatJoh Carter %von iig h tripla with gamies of 291 -219-282 for 792. Fourteen other bo-wlers fol- owdJohn over the 700 mark Bitc Henining- haci765(260), Ennie Perfect 76,1 and, the high ningle gamne 331, Si T1rew- in bnci 743 and a, big 328, Doug Carter 742 (263),1Ron Seleck 1739 (269-272), Elton; Brock 740 (272), Ray ,van MNeer, 748 (28), ector Bl lanune737(26,1), LryPip- er71(309), Dave Ryo 710 310) MauiceAnnaert 7,34 (267), Bob Smlith 706 (265), Le" Smanle 704 (0) ýDick Perfect 702 (259). Bob -Kent had a big 31a sing1e gamne, John L u ffman -' J314, Les Coomnbes ai nice 29q1 Ed L-eslie 289, Gord WMi1cl i84, U9ap Palmer 2971, Bobt- Lirdl 270, Steve 0Oke, 267,1 Dougs, Taylor 266, Ceorge Piper 2_69,Jim MlýcKnighit 260. NeIls _Osborne Insurance :emhad hi g h single 1285 srhile Ken's- Meni's Wear had 1640 for lhighla. Roni _tche;ýris tops laiiithe âverages qt 245, Larry Pýiperl bas 243 andi Hon Sellick 239. 9ih Wýeek - Ist scedule Top 10 Averages (27 Games) Roni Etcher 245, Larry Piper 243, Hon Selleclc 239, Gord, Jicx238, Matuice Annaert1 23?'), Donald Oke 236, Ali Osbonne 2-35 raie Per'- .ect 24-234, NHowardBr- '11234 Don Bagneli , Doug! c-arter 2310, Uean3W , Pis.! Pepsi Cola ... .19 9 13 NesOshorne narace -17 1017 M'utton Sheli 6 il 1 Bciaveri Lufrnbe.r_ 16 il 16i oanPonthac Jury & Lveh12 15 12 Lancle iardwâire -. 1 1 1 C;arnationi tetarat 10 1"" 10 Frank's Vrey 9 1 Ladieas Monday sNligkt HIGH SINGLE Heleni Depew ---- -- ----__ HIGH TRIPLE 14ien Depew------7 HIGý;H AVERAGE 01llie aIec - 26 TJOP 1( Avl;llAGEf )ôinna i Bradley 212 beleDpeýw - 172 rSarbObr 22 4 ragy i 04 24 Moore 203 24 Nany Evans 200 24 Dot _1rooks 202 100 TRLIPlE Drlon flpw~77 1 Hcien 1Rogere 0 )nle £tchpr 701 Standing isPs 3111e Pat ,_1d 2066 17 '.Brooks .. . 23155 16g 'helmna Fonrpster c 22544 16 F Joyce Major -__ 22 73ý1 14 'ots Wisemian 2 24611 12 Eleen iMoor IlU072 12 FIien 'Rogers 22173 11. I ud'y Engg - 21491 Releni Depew - 2862 cus 'D1 av ahoa ur ro fÔlow elen 'And 0111e.ý rrnuble 18, theýy are sýo !hîg We'realis , hod by puy! ,, 1E 2 L ti w h 0 fE el C i Fi i ( Iî i c i IW Breslin's Red- Raiders Mark 'Silver Anniversary On.1Saturdiay night aItheet enn iHall, Queen Street, former m-emnbers nof the Bno(slin's Red Raiders Juvenýle hockey tamwhIo won the Oritania chamap- ýioniship la theiir lass, heldl a recunion to ma-k thIe silver annîversary of that event. Top picture sýhows thora to,- daiy, frnt irow, bJf t to igt Bob Bates, Hrvy"Slip" Rowe, Joe piper, Bud PrecLloyd lHamniton; bhack row, Jim "ike"Cromnbie, Ah. Stunrock, Bili Dadson, Alani Densemi, GondStrok Frank Sny Hooper, TowniLeague Hockey vho sponsoned the tLeamn, Fre-1 "Buick" Cowlo, Dr. Tomn tieGeer, Walter Woodward, tDr, Cha-res Cattr'an, Bobý Gallagheï atid !Murray Tighe. Somie of thie officiais who wlýorkied witj',h the team i n var)I aus capacities are also In] the photo, Lower photo shows the'1947 tLeara, follow- ing- thoir victor'y banquet Lltatwas addrossed hy Syl Apps at extreme lef t. Only' two memnbons of ta on w\ý,ho wuer-en't present wr i Levitt and Bill Dustan. Charterway/s Mixed, Bowling League Standing,; as of Nov. 1lst Top Tan Averages Les ýSmrala 204, Marg Ged- des 185, Ro,)s iep Vnasse 181,1 Ray Venassa 181, John lGadci- des 1,7, Wes Martini 17 6, LghSoenescies 166, Jimi Ge]ddesý 162, Sam H.tltchans 160, ýBih Sewrt160,. leMarg Gc'ddesý 261. FI gh Trile- lsMarg 'dds702. TcmNo, 414ps Jlira edcs242, JohinCGad - dos 21S-217, Rosie .Vena,'sse 2311, Wes Martin 23'6-215, RayI Venasse 215,. Marg GCeddes 261-261. of twor goali har-shooti frou Lary Peris nd erge- Samsury hun a T2heFrict Thrwurscayht's o p nv a r. thid 25igtry in four gms In the lae oPem. A The Four- held âà 2-1 le-ad aftter 40) minl-1 utes, and then outscred tMc-1 Nulýtys by a similar amonlit il, thie tird c frame , ý. The, Sportmen's Bruce MeT(adows opened tha sforjng, clickingL, on aq pover play, at 8:4ïl the it, PerORofto a slow -Lar thiseasn tird it p wit Ho Slpeons id, allerý h 9:42. T hlic. -e -1t, s -1.c ains-, mldde stnza astanshury, cr2untuago , bis TLhi s firiar, gOaller 51. anw i TenV ithe game ai 3:12of htheird, pnaes ll1.Sains bury biat Curite Vamstonead- 12acln 1:52, gîving Lock es a suand 4-esn eadi. Gene NuKrtamspiforMcNultys n«fia go a gat s8:51. ePdw The TV top new io Thboune you have read about is here nowv. Se.sthe !M73POL ARiS COLT iat s645 U~~ / J. & M. Sports A FEW A-i UE NOMB LLF'v tgt4-3 miatch t;o be.,a they siammed hme fîve l Ielncunte,1rir.Juat boutl y'ilerbodyyfi gure] i 11ther scan(ing feast, as Bob He1llam WraymRandehiiaide-aad Donoghue each struck ion two .eaicb. Singles wr roundr- cýd. ulp b ikWooincr, ia Easand Don Jahans. hy sien receiveci lwo goal nights from McQuat andI Laaay Bunals, with BriaiHughes abbiag the&n other. Vtch, subbiag forCouaty's Larny Nemisz, made siome hi-as un"g stops, butt the Kramnp at-j !tack couilda-'t hb a haicd. Th-eyv sliced i-obrogithe oppositioný imagic and isomye wiid sot ngkept theoe fr,om ob ling Couty, ow with a1- rcrweremnstesr Br> 'isradley, Don McMu 'r-i; i son, Dave lueand BSob) Bensn wre not la actin. Te lgue's penaltyled erKrmps, dnew tho am' onily four minors. Bob H'leIlamn anià -Rick Woolrr ie liedý for, Ihe sconing lad, ach Krmetake onMcutsa pits Lýocke TV aantCouty Night Hawks fig trple, A. Dyketra 657. A, Dyketra .~24376 24½ A, Buruce s. 2397 22U . Bures --i278 -1 D Odan 2354a 131; A. Dyk,ira 201 , C rc 198, K. Canpiheil!9PD.Og-' dc r 192, B.SiWith1q90, S" Carter 185, K. Rabston 1l4, A Luso184, A. Bungasi 183,Ul Mite AiluStars Down Port Hope On 'Surdayae nýeling, o v. gamie, cearinig thE ,pucwk Ujp to 4th,~~~~ thiomnveC n-throrwardis anld breaKýking Up er5,' Gas Mites travelled tothP or(Hoe cprng.por Port Hope for a scheduiedt ().M. q. A. 1La ke,;h orte ,MliteIumtes Leaguie game nd 'iicameoml extgamne for the Consuma- with a 5-0 victory. ecrs' a ie ilh nthe JoeNihli as he ig un ewcastle Arqena on _Fridiay for Bowmanville as hp coîîeceveniwng, Nov. lOthî4,eàt 7:00o ed fourpoint , igtwo goals 'clnald:a0home gae on pnd sMtung up a pair, Je satu awa te:00 p.maas àn the vrutperuotJohn Klonpmkcropenled Ithe scor- ing, âfter being set up by Joe Nihil i and defencemlan Stevle Carjy. Defencemnan Chris DyckI scored Bw(vil' scn gmtl with a shot fom the lefte, pofint, aftertlaklng qa pass from IT/1 Nk. ihil11 in the second periodi, Nih)il i7T1I9?4/10 T#Id scores, the assist on th-e play going to Dyck. Nhiiscored is Seýon1d goal, ,vithl obie ISD F.9O/E Green gettlng the assist mon it ~/iq There was only one sc/ in play: in thle final periodi, Jpef .1fleiÉ th sitgoung to right-wjig- '" Kean Woodarda&dBiano -uddyshard the goaltending, duties lor Bwa le unwo wCon mers' G as p- f tionally ell ths season ara Billy Banbr. othths lads are dIjgging in the cr-Srk ers, bakcecigwell -11nd breaking up m nany of the o)pp)onents,' plays. Both boysI 1810 KING EC. are key miemlbers ofthsyas WM N LL Squad. jwmanville's four defence- PHONE 623A66 micil, Chris Dyck, E'd Ohn Don McLaiffilan - Don Plain MieStocker q-lldiSteve CaiYý $9*40 SPECIAL IF YOUR CAR RAS 24,000 MI1LES OROE YOU NEED (OUR $ 9. 4 0 Automatic Transmission Spedial WE WVILL 1. Adiust lins, bands 1. Change tl ranIs, fli, P'arts and Labour Alil Inclucid o -s', 16-6 KING ST. E. qround,lit's tough-. Wh1-ere i smooth, e MçSibLi i.,1972. 623. PNY POOL GRG oitSt. otpo BILSLAWN MWRSALESC' 9 Sunet Rad - 3 wmavill 3396 Tusý is tii, sP0rtsmachine that's unbe-aten in the 400 and 440 grass drag acs theperormnce machine for '73 14 MoAdela Io chocs.e from , . $595, to $14-95. NO DOWN PAYMENT - untl the snoitw fliesi Onify 4oto--Ski gves %,you a 2.ycar frack war-rantfy (on al single9 cylinder 4moàdels). Counf-y Chrysier Beaten By League-Ieading Kramp S Locke's TV Edges M cNult y's , mommum m iù ,6 4 4 2 u v