vile ad r. ou1~Mc id Woman Who Lies "na Shoe Draws 1App1,ause k t iDonald 0fber ut r, M'hR.n ?< ew a tlcRobinson on afr M,ýr. and Ms Arcie Luinna nd th.eir diuglir MRs.o- b bert Dionne )ttEiedd thefun eral of thie late Arthur Li-Dw\ýighit S' Denil-,Oshawa on Wednles- ers, vs. Tyk il-St2arstgame nly goal ifor te ohes was he]d Sturday, No. 113 Refreeswee Ken Gary an aponCeeer. r Da iel yesinnng9tuore ifdllradvas a nephe r. un P) C- Al. A1di(adMr, anidDMrs. Harold Bar- tithtrhy Tem em Asalwas it was a gr eat rc oug f ceiyllevs N< b~r Tyes:Timmy , Oke', bti fo tart to fin-ish ited lier sister Mr. eo. r Tîmm Kid, Jonny nns d loads fit fun for ail in- Ltn on Sna afternoon. ,pau -LWoodbec, eilDe o, ed. 'l'lieMothers will Amiong Ithe Jrelatives and Ili cyHer Mak akownretebruises and f riends oif Orono who attnd 'C~ Robrt anDkRobrt o-try to get backý to normal. No ed ithe H1-arniess -Dais wed RocShu aui, rdthe amourt of money raised in Tiniity Ulnited Chiurchi,t Kely and Paufl Prte. by their effortfs. Bomnville, wereMr and r Ro ~ e hia Stus, ailyn Newcastle l'ire Departmnt tegomnM.Fae K T, rs. W. ar Ms~ dance lheld r ecently iin tllieens Feni, ac ely lcýCmuit alto raîse Mns ie iM. and Ms.cil frtheir Multscular Dystr-oph Sd r. rinMys X K u tp e r y, F a n l a c , J e a n J n c , T m h lp t, M HnlrnSanidra Gorbarr ivewsahuesces tt of thre bride, and NMrs. Robert'l Maae Jaraalisnac e undaa fo ako gre-gralndmf oir te Mart, bra Ï)cgr oom. Congratu-lationis. Coaci BttyGra.)sacec. lBruce Ke-lly, TNew- Msonjyea t casie wn he dor nrieofi tended the funeral ofli-er Couis- a transisto'rradio), spotdaclte rsIenHln * wnn çs-wre r. and Mrs,. A .n,.the de Loot, Newcastlc: Ms.Pat (ibo)'rerttif o Kid ndKe MCrckn.Edgar Prescott of Brookliin, J Marge Metcalfc, R. 2 Bow-freryfEfilnOsa WITHJUIO~ REÇINd manville, won- the %tabe oc- t imnilh saw no i sleraechcst Bigw-1vJ U 1/ESNO7 EAT,ur0 h 05 rw 0 ecey CALLTHý1SrIFIALI lie, of Corporali l W odCI, 1Wrs. CA /ESPCAITS $4 0was Helen Lov-ekin. 1ood, and their two sons Shaianiýcd Manni 0f Upinds EU iiEU EU parentis, Mri. and Mr. oy 0 R 0 N 0 (cent ly dhanged lis surnamiieV legally tIo Wood, hýs mothier's, plaiden n1, .'I Cogatulations toMr and M r . C alv in M y e on th eir ... .. M.and Mrs. Gor o r- ton of Kendail were SundayNewcstlesGr udswr otiifi oc nLives in ia Shoe". Their effortsdew oniral H ARVE ' ucss gadlits R p r aura o teSua lu aadmnin na-applause from the large crowd.- Moron tractiv.e float that featuredl "The Old Womaan wo _____________________ (Wý IPÂRTNER Mrn Douglas Moffait o _ni _ __ ORN 8-28Ivth lis parents and visited Offithe otarlo Provinicial edifayn iitecrdil) ES-o flME HEATSLRVICE lis gran)dfadtherj, Mr. wm. 'Police investigatedi the fol-te cutta Moffat Wlio is a patient in the lowing motor -v eicle col-Newcastle could use hielp in twvee n 1Novýember 5th and c uC u91 ib N ew s ipesdltrwe w ah The te1chers and sue of oeme lt.1972, Kar niH ýbn A1itoglhere wer eonly ewate - On Noem eNwcaStle Cub Pailjartford,,Martin Hneroson expressed înterest and 10 moor veiclesaccidnts lth, te Cub Invesýtituret and Boys gong fr-oii Çubm injto Gerr Mr n Morin, Riolblemig utinth Clrk ig cholivetgaed taieacident Goinig-Up nCercmony for lst Scoutst 7is1year were lb,i îmy Oke, Ke Vin Raid, future to lielp. clidthlivfies )f two n ntNewncasýtle Cub Pack was lield Forget, Joe ,Werlheîdf, CagShw Robinson, MarTanîý' i- Teprnswr hnak whe thirtratortrir1lW the omtmunîty Hall, New- KentBalNidholîs ,u-enryerMichael Vaugeois and hpaedt on tshe boys dow crilY ivt you to attend thtirIlldt onhebyscw- lrUedriver at i; ucio fc tie, Thec parents were wel Bîikins andGr md Johni Windý Absent, Duane tis whr erehet Hw 's 5 sud 115 on iNov. q, comred to the programn by Cul- Scouter Charland cmene Markle. we ares erd by theCl ni 1972.Twpeon are char- master George Charlaud, after the boys on the liard work 'Newcastle Culi Pack is plea- Scout Mothers' Aliayand ed wvdihtaf- offences i whîch ha introduced the Dis- they lad doule during thieir ed to, welcometre ranfr oilhI orwsejyd -Tena th A nnu l nietwiti ilse yac:i ândsad A was lu our ri ii ctThey are: Ble ix ad thu r-ý y,,e mos ýn ) ýoGls anda viitingleadr prom apoints for October- Winners thie Newcastle o-fficers c71-vile ul Pack. The leaders that wýe lmust go on to, bette-r Saskatoon and- Paul Paters'are Clarence Ton, Johnîii flk- co m e ce en petd 7general investiga-frm esl ere n tyIon ind Ilge t oyns 5 ih iSfrm Whitby. These boys, Michael Lansdownvj, Neil tinons or hîh3 were 1bre(ak,!itodcd Mre1Tn:etyi mdte ostiite eepresenteti with Ithe 1 ýDeJong, John Wind, Brian enter and thefti, 2 thieft, J wil- Chialan)t, Cathy Dwyer, Eldon Grand Howl f-jor thie last time, New,ýcastle Culi Pack Necker- 'Verbeek andi Jeff Mes fui damiage cmlit,4 di- HrsfadFred Nichoils iand aïfter which tley -shcok hand5s llcfs and welcomed to, our Nov 4thJuirefLeadersathyn turbanilces, 2 tresp1as;sîinre- cumatrJim Stephenson. in fa ol10the'ir fello0w CuliPack and community. Dwyer a JniFrederdls wCat p)orts, '2 assau.lts, 3 domý-estic The plogram opened with Culis and leaders. They wre Te ixr' rie aree- to PrtanHoped icon a Juno SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1972 complain1ts, and 4 e ri r fthEGrand H ,-owl aud the flag introduiced to the Scoutmast- peted by hes'Poie ars frethLedesoraiop ning<CoursiorI dageou 3ivngeonlins.brak Te nvsttue f w er and c omc intô tîcir following year with Jeff r7eporteti thcy received useful at 800 ~m.There wcrei( 3 reporti o aes took place andiw r arl by their patrot leaders. Woodbeckl Clarence Ton, information anti enjoyeti the fouind property aud 1iminvesti,-'pleased 10 welcomeEdo The investiture of Chum Harry Hirshfeld, Glan Schmid, a~ ciiis Everyoe welcm gaton invlving ecover of Hishfeldand Cahy-Dw r followed with the fo Iwn, Michael-John Charland and O oebrlt h stoen roprtythe brotherhood of Scotn boys being inveÉted. Nei" De(- Mark Konzelmann having the Newcastle Culis participated Thre prsos ae cargti nt a pecal elcme o ta ong Anus annilLenrdhonours for this season. The iu the Mémorial -Day Service. wit. crimniinal offences, 3 par- Seconds tIen rapeatad their art Newcastle. Cubs taking son darged wilth lijuor 0of- promise to hielp thair Sixer anti part were Glen audfl Gary fences, aýnd two pe-rsýotis dharg-' gI the boys iný their Six. They 'Scîrmiti, Joey Werheid, Dale cdwThe oimpaviretdiîn9,555a y are Noel Lake, Donald Ryner, Ndoî lrneTnHr REUIELECT m encelloinvtg ar il,. Shawn Garrod, John Eikins mrshfefd, Michiaely ENM s:an evnChaimers. McalLn )lDanny île ast eek:UoeInlu is closing rmrs Kemp and John Wind., Lead- lteenlyCortie ecod-ro ut In re se Scouter Charland thajîkcc ed h ers halping out were Mre A R T7ROA NlOparents ford, their co-operate 1inTon, Fred Nidcholîs and lo A R T R O W A N tfta oi ili eyanvalab cie nted efcieand elp lu te past Pad ask- Hirshfeît. TO REPRESENT wlo esides lu owinegycstrate incereases Mr. Gatherptcole iteiifa mnilasculton Nov. o il0ý-iolyr cso-tion anti resultant eclto 8, 97 wîîestaîngmon fr ai ntrb Hdrncstm- osts of equipmient andi sup-! CARTWRIGHT and MANVERS frmchanerohn g ifnpytharsre an oetiG-ta libs, interest rates, wages and! chne 0om.M ney nle HdoCara ereGt-salaries, fuels lanti anti-po llu- W TOWNSHIPSPmount of $13,00 wsrecove-r- lercole. tien measures as îlie causes E NB ed, anti the stident Îi cdhargreti Iaterima wholesale rates 10 for the raise. wýlth tlieft. municipal commissions will' Th~ Provinýe'.s 35U, nici-B U On the On NovembeIcr lOtii, 197i2, irise, by an average of eight pal tîilities, 91 lalrge ids two mý nen from owavil per cent, whie the average trial customners se rvetircl we-re appreliendeti and charg,- increase to direct industrial by Onalâyr nti somle: .ILL L i eti ith atemptetthef t wheflcustomers will i e 12 par cent. 600,000 rur-al smrsaeIT N rn m eraa ad ub m caughl, attem'Pting Io steal a Boîli of thase inicreases are fafetd le nd Durham caýr on Martin Roaci ;soull of faclive January Il 1973. To re- Mr. , Gthercole saiti the rate_ Ifwy. 401. tail -customers (cottages, farms increases will fnot lb( ffcln A rersitence norîli of Beth- aud rural résidances), the av-m alone to meet risingý costs aiîc! Nov Shlani No.i7t. ontyEerge icreae is10 per cent that withdrawals wl aet Coun~y B ard of E ucation nrwao ::th<-b:,:l u is effective on billîs py- lie mate from thiersev by frcig oen le aseentable February 5, 1973. There fund, Gencrally .ipepking,ti I oud ppecat srvgwindow. Stolen were au ielÉec- ias'beau no increase la rates funti lias bean ecstablisîi 10(o trie-,jig aawt, sahi saw, elecrtric tio Ontario Hytro direct indus- absorb tIe cosl of such factora'B U dri nt a20 m ortable trial and. rural customners lu as variation in tream flowaý",ý youag&nlalviion iemsvauetatthe lasItwoycsrs, wheraas major physîcal damage b- there wan increase of igîl plant, delays in briingpgen-ý Diuriing te eigOf Novll. per cent in the! interim rateseriu plants into servie, ani i)tromuicipal electric utilities excîgerik u tbîsPAY- _________ -able la foreiga currenicy. ~~AIkI~EJIff10, 972, vantaIýs pushet overi A year ago, Hytro dia T %"PWur HIP %d ï0rF M ANV E RS aprxmt 12 monuments ils customers lIatinlu spite ofr tirle Ne-wtouvla Lave intensive cost pressurce, there Lots i to 15 inclusive lu, Concession 4 to 9 in'clu-sive.* vestigation is conductati by 1971, the average cost per kilo- mtheis Issu et oluhanopenial chusto municslros 18.6perthe foillowing oufIet's 3.FOR POLLING SU]3-DIVISIDN No. 3 -I Fromsud îltino enilcsomisrse1. e Location -- Township Hall, en, Ont. Description - Lots 16 to th e permit is au offence pun- cent, but turingozîle same per- inclusive in Concession 4 bu 9 inclusive. ishaibie untier the Criminal lodthle consumer price intex &P Str 4. FOR POLLINGY SUR-DIVISION No. 4 Cote ofp Canada. jumipeti 334 re cent anti thel & tr xe lall Jaetvlle Ontrio DeDriIVNLot,,TlIt 1ave rag Otarlo Wage sud Locaion Orag Dýv1NGTIPsalary inerýeqseti 75.9 par cent."ý inclusive in concessions 10 lu 14 Drv aeul Tmet1ii-irasigdm What tocs tle phrase "Drive anti for powýýer, lie saqit Hydrýo e ra ams IGAe 5.FOR POL LING SUB-DIVISION No, 5 CarPiefully" mean bo you? Re- is forcet to bujldTi mre tIer-ý Location - Harry haRsd-cLt2,Cncsini.Decino ember: Its real meauîng 18 mal generating plants ir to psy attention, aot20,jusnesyour LiDeycrotionbut ksra' Fod arkt Lots 13 to 25inclusive, in Concession 10 to 14, inclusive. sopyteni l oti, atîeor rising is faceti not, only withi andt raffic conditions, observe ly anti-pollution lontost- *Dyý Al\DVA11INCE POLIL Loctio - uwnhipHal, BtlinyOnt; lt dy -Novmbe 27h, 972 îe regulations, co-operate ures .P Loýton- oNisi) ebux n.;ltdy oebe 7h,17; wtl others, anti always slay "Inflation is the industysS fSlmlC ~n Znd diay - December 2ndl, 1972; Il A.M. Io & P.M. Standard Time, dri Dont r fogt, i you oh most grievous problem. How-1* r . Genudrmy hiald. this l7th d(ay of Novemnber, 1972. crs aere mnudl safer. ever, an analysis oif prices ofý other energy sources also ce-ý e G heen's Handy Shop e veals a sharp upwarti trendti Aueetrncwizaýrd is Anti takiug mb o unt ils ROSS DAVIDSON, suudngal bis spa3re lime long hislory of rate saiiy IIrk tyugl;iveonaTV set we Iclieve eiectrlicitv xviwi ýicon- ll2 that wllinterfere wi1th lis inue-tobc 2e115maka!ilar neigbora power toolm, gain#" sait Mi-. Gathe'cie The Canadiait Ststesuiau, Bowmanviile, Nov. 22, ï972 TUE, INVISIBLE Army shows that oi-rat'e c4 ,FOtLLUTANT breathinýg actuaily ecaa from exposure t10 noise nt Wce can close Our eyes toîlhear rate anti bloot prcs- vipe ouI the worlt, But we sure increase, xermut.on ýaîz àhul oui- cars. The teci- animais showed tînýt eps ai eount in our intustrial to high levels of nos ltlc àociety is soaring. Jet 'planeýs tamagedth îe kidnay', livVr tureak across oui- skies. Trucks anti stomadli, as wel ascaus utd millions of cars pounti oui- cd teviations in bran aveg highways. Rock music chokes anti skin resîstance. Lh.i airwavcs anti television We eau, of course. tar aets turnet up 100 high assaull wearing etarplugsaninsat our silence,.et"hlmets(4. But we cn.alsoü Noîise bombartiment affects damant that top levels for our aaiganti high lvisnie leestabuialet i le) ancas permianentharg places wîcre wa or anti îl amage. xermnt av ities wharetwe live -,, sown exposure 10 higàlc lavais Noise is pollutiug oui- p an-m, disrupts sleep aîntii-est pst- et anti allering ltc aywr ti-ns, causesirrvitabulity anti ahle antid v.Fgtn me 'utal tiistrcss, anti raduces pollution is a mltero f 1i1e .oi-k capaciýtýy. Abuormal sud bi-caîl. To) join île1 fight, carl rlýt1 iyh may lbc associaI- sec youc local tujbarculosis, t' with long-Ierm occupation- anti respiratory tisase assôc ai noise epsr.ation. For i-casons not yel fully Northumberland - Bu ham1o undcrslood, noise aven affects Tubarculosis sudRepaor te wsy wa breaithe. A recant Bisase Association, BEox 00 eporl prepa)reti by the U..S. Cobourg. WILLING YTO LISTEN WILLING TO HELP Ibelieve niembers of Council should not bel separated from the peOple. We MUST work one, wvill the othr Vote Norme Propp FOR MANVEI COUNCILLOI RS 'R On Mon., Dec 4th RE-ELECT W.L G reenwood Northumberland & Durham County Board of Education toreren Clark., Hope anid Newcasle, AIM h: To use niy experienlce t serve yoii-ý and to work for ~~eq l- feuain !ING MILK )WN DIA N THREE OUT 0F- FOUR 0F THE L-ARGE CORPORATE DAMRES IN ONTARIO ARE AMERICAN North End Market MacDonald's Variety Frank's Variïety - Larmer's Groceteria Bolduc's General1 Store