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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1972, p. 11

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Phone 987-4213 plaints abo idt t]oe who ýùt e s carn-ied away wth their sp9rt r1Pee W ees Ain 3 r 1 1 and like anythigelose, Cars, 'V ILe~~"~a~tIe snorcyc:etc.,thei'e are -al-am e waysnos 'wha do their t-ýV 0 a e m o ltaiuaa good tMing for ohrBut ton every ana of Nwcste ) n Itrdy toiem, thene are dnzens murepNovember 15I2Sth Neela's cs ociti/ CI-Jidwho 'en c te good den uunEstman Ppee Wee B's played, a!nd sYPOrt of a suaw mj-achine, ilbrinl that village andý Newcse - Our veriy finst Hlappy 1973. tha50soe Christmas ca ci again bis vyaan Manly of you sen il ta thînk FClynn whror dasIst ei b V',1 ouenentfrom the Haw.-- yaur 'personal news items tun w dde envor kins farpily, Barlara anid Rfrmprtn , eelngthat ly cthde Ro es Ji t Wldasîdp and dauîtars Betty and Cathy time the Paper i daed and a-s wý,ho are statioaied ati etc on sale averyone has alraadylJA"RR1Y Coolahanb Dennlis land ývrLt- heard o ne-But Rogersan unassisted, with twa es tha-t everyoýneý is WeIl and as you con sce from tdc abîve, Nawcastle - In Newctle more goals for Rogenon bath they r neveteStatesan'Ilo(thers, who, are several thou- on MnaIeebr4h u sitdby James !umis. ever y week and look forwar Sd n'mles frin here do net terested residents mrade thein on Newcastie ca Satundiay ta readîug abouit al the aciv-ko-vw wat is happening Ruid way ta the Electïin Polis ta Decembar)e 2nd, it aras anather, ties~~~~~ oftMrhm on ln ny tîrough youýr co-aiparatian Celect or re-alect memberso itr 9 ecsl h '%ith maikiuig new frieads lanof eiaphohing ia youn ew teSchnoo Board. wavn 3-0 aver Port Hope. It thir new home away fWmutem Lae we alla ta keep The final tally for Newýýcastiewa the first game in net for home, t1hey haýve- doue cousid- others, like- the Uawkinrf-s ow eKn Lyil leacing the Eýdd--ie Wensgvoart who,, playeci erable travellngith Barb iDy, avuare of what you mand vote wiith a tota f 122, B~ill a gond gie and Raun visitin~gSwitzilandic, Nwcsie -ar'e d oin. apleasa Carman was vrekaçtd wmth etty visitig aly aad Cath rmemerttualàephonl your a vote of 107 and Lawrece1 Scoring foir tihe home team lookîng forw"ard ta a trip tale s, 987-4213. Giraanwood defeaitad ath w e ig Fly %nnassised bA usrlaat New Yeai ý,r's. Fan ith the leceait f'al of stnaw, vote of 33.1 iftwgolfr Ail Of tln'tiravellin, hw- sow machines have lagain otng for, the Separate Dnni Roer o hwas as- mve, partOfte eteN e adstaken tathe roads and facs cba ebn qoe w isted by Robby Coolahan on ~'Ut wîli e niceY tA e hme Ilappears ta be a higgr spartvotes foryFauc,, is tuhsLe first goal andJimmy VWiund agan."The sed hei balaslthu ven vith snomobile and oe o tefor mmelýtt wishing evaPncueOF ther sales cutiulu aclimb. Each Creigîton ,Ruuiug for sepan-J The Nuwcastle Hockley friends a Very MerryChris-mya unwaread l esinr asholtute mth-oa Mtes r falu quite actie iras with ail the lest Af o a fr omr entaaaof cernCathoiic Schaol were Seat aienaplanning ta cilterta C hislalm with tîrea, vote-s anad two tournuaments leuing lald îla Victor Auger -with nana. Newcasteon the 26th anid 27thý Iu the final ucount aver fHope ,cf Decaerc. Al]ci-l emers ara, Cianka mudNewcastle, ii uged ta heip ihi Ns ig pro- Carman took tUn eadlingvoterjoadand wMiipobabiy le con- af . il 4s s %y nà a total of 1290, Ken Lyal tok Acted by telahone scoon.TW 128 undLawrene Green- next meeting wilile h eld l Me ea M'uwoad deaed by only ane January. Watch for poster-s la votes, a total of 1199.,tWearena for - the date. FOR YOURZ SUPPO RT IN FlLECTING 'ýME A COUNý,CILLOR FOR MNANVERS 'No rine fkropp Thank You. ae I wish to thiank the Elctrsof Manvers Township for returning me as Deputy - Reeve by acclamation QeorgeWlfes TYRONE Don't forget the, TyranE Sunday, School Chnci st ma Pageant, Sundany, Dec. lOti ut 7 p.m.- TIc WiaGit Ser-vice wiii ha lid Sunda' paorning %wban lthe CIhi[drui avili take- part by raeni their envelopas and otheï lmn. and MVrs. G. Cori1, and chlîdr-en wenie Sundca; guasts cf Mr. ïand Ms.Stani Tr Na TJ CisW. Cnsm meetings, ededaDec. 1' at 8"p P.m. ln the C.E. Wing o the duirc!i. Mn. and MJýiml Woodie; mJad famiiy visitad ih ha brother, Mn, and Mrffs. Patei ilodgkiason,Msssag,ç Sunday. Miss Christine Brent, Lopn don, speat ithe weekand at hai home.1 Mvrs. 'Normnan Avany, :BabIl. and Daie, Salem, visitad or Saturday at the homie of ivp and IMNIs. Jacýk Brown aind Suniiday visý ion with tht J. Br0Wn's Mr- n.and Mrs Ktibnett Lake and farmilyv N,,ewýcastla; Mr, auýd Mrs. Jaci Skeïlding and Jackia, Mari dhester; Mn. and Mrs. AI! Browni, Bowmanvîlle. 1 Mr. aud Mns. T. C. Dodi visited Mn. and Mr. raul Geneneaux and daughtar.s Manilla. Mr, andi Mrs. E. A. Virtut were Suindayv dinuer guests4 a Mn, and MsNormr. Allun Bowmanvýille, celelnating ha:i WsÊser's birthiday, Misls Ve a Carr, Toonot. 1Candi Stainton aud Lawsaî Gay, Oshawa, spent the w(-eek euti witl theïl Ir graniparantsý *irvi- Mn. d ç'V Mns. 11.Staiitûtn. 1Mn. George Alldraad ne- 'im MEN'S S-M-L a-id XL LADIES -F--m--------- --------- $1 497 BOOTS WOMEN'S __ $97 sizEr'S 4-10 $94,97 MAEN'S___$1 0.97 SIZ-ES 6-12___ OPEN' TIL Q9 p.m. THRU THE WEEK USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY PLAN 5 RING S. W BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 623-2542 Ls h (t y n r h y Ls 'Y f ýe k I- d k 9, turaed bomne fram hasital on Saturday ooruîng, AMn. andi Mns. Raginal iti Gskia and, Daviti wera Sturdy viitons cf Mn. anti Mus. G. Alîdreai.J Diane, Lai- 'bant left thisl we-ek wtl ome feilow ,stui- dentis fo an an Eduicational, Cruiise lu thea Maditrarnean.ý Thene wijlile about -250 stu- dents frnm Canada, 2100 stu- dents fromn Englanti and 200 fnom Scotianti. Sundicay iuaning 11ev'. R. C. Hoknssermon - ýws Man's Ex pandcing1 Horizons"'. The choir aIssistatifI service by singing an antlamn-. Balateti lest wislas ta 11ev, and Nis. R. C. Hopkins ou their 4th Wedding Aanivaersary. Weicrme ta Mn, and Mrs. Earl Wright andi famrily wha movet inlto their new home Con Saturtiay, also balatati wel- coma ta Mn, and Mns. Nîck, Dannis anti f amnll who mova.d into flair naw hom-e ila tIe summen. Bath nawu homes ara on road soutî o ýf Byamyis Store. Tha construction cfý the two ica inks is Palmoist compiete andi as soon as thie vweatler seanas ight we will be able ta skate. Duniag fIe winter, maintenance co uld be a' pro- lem and somne vluntany help woulct certainly le appreciat- eti. Those wiliing ta give a helping hanti please contact Grenville Byam. It is ýdisappoiintiig ta s"e the buildings in the park be- ing tiamageti Iy vandaiism. Parents, may we recruit your lelp Iy asking >you ta ex- plein ta yaour chiltiren that outb3ursts like that only serve ta hurt themn because sooner or later th e voiuntary wonkans in the community are going ta get tireti cf rapairing, so let's all pull togethen. HAYDON Mn., Bruce Tillrton, Ecftor 1YOUTH BOWLING 1 HAMMERS - SAWS - TAPE IMEASURES - YARD STICKS - rc-TC'. Ç47f/1tCetcat Club 21 are Iaving at pot-1 iuck supper on Stra v ening, stanting at 6 ai'clack. Oshawva Wood Products mas pragrami andi Sauta Clauis for any amount aili arrive. A slower waqs bld on Fnl-U day nigît at Haytion Commun- ity Centre fan Sheryl Ashton.! AN IDEAL GIFT FOR DAD Mary Ellen Cînistensen escont-,N ati Sheryl ta a chair at thi LET M BUY HIS OWN front anti Mary Potts matieaE pnatty hat af ilbon «baws,.M MATE RiAL OR TOOLS. Sheryl receiveti many Il giftsq and lunch waiscsrveti. Mn. aud Mrs. Clifford Peth- m ick, Bawmanvilie; Mn. and: Mrs. Tom Potts anti Charlene ware Sunday supner guests of thJý -. Paîts famîly anti Mus W. M ar1-t in. 1.wl Mns. F. A. Osmond, -w1 manvilla (, was Fnitiay dinuer guest cf Mrs. A. Tbompsoi Mrsq. J. Abbatt, Stevan anti' Susanm, EBurkýton, were recentl viiosut Mns. A. Tloonls Mn. ad ers. Êtan Cawiing, cfMrs. imene Tabb andi familyes Mn. anti Mrs. J. Potts spentM B A n E K R P R iust waekenti with relativesàC a dD CK RP R 4i Coliingwoad. Mr. andi Mrs. Leslie Graham visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. Roy* Saws, DrWls, Sanders AÀshtan, Burketoa, rne enly, Choefrmawdrne Mrs. A. Tlompson was ýla st1 Cif-efem 1erne14 9 Sunday dianer guest-cf mni-dl andi Mrs, B, Mastersonr, Bo- mnvillt anti averigît guest of Mr. anti Mrs, Fnnat ,Mr. anti Mrs , J.nJoues nd! boys visited Mn, atimrs Harny Degeer aniboys, (ack- Choe a St fMU M C stock,. on SundaySe.f I MI-C Preston Novces' ORTHmHM WiTwo Cames- loiu aa.OuWAREHOUSE WARE wiing2-1. [inta istprL UMhB ER L AND BND loti, sore j 10 BondSt.ý,Às ___ cred wîl ev in oleMOhwalIG T drawng te usistLutein te -PonT 28-1672- thirci~~~ peioi îisy coet itl1~id Pretou amuashrt nt tht'~~~~~ gM Ma.t wt heLn Tool of a thousand uses, Buy either Duo fast or Arrow With prices starting as Iow as $9.8ea rABLE ELECTRIC TOOLS Jig 7'" saw :AR EY DOOR CHIMES ices, 'start aile$ FHOUSE LUMBERLAN4D 'Local Mites ïTie Oshawa 1 On Mvonda-,y evenling, tle(, Consumiers' GsMiteptavli * a oo for an exîllitio gume with an Qshawa, NHL! araund.i. athe e (cond Iperndl Sprestans got trea goas hon hit du l onevey peristee ntad effective ciîeck-, ing by Tcnry DeLuca, On thje flnst goal Tanry dIug it ont of the Corner, passad it ta ChuckI Weisl wha put it away, Stan1 Gýenaaniam aso tirawiug an assist. A few seconds laten DalLuca sconei unassisted asý le toalk the puck awuy from a CabauoLrg tiefeacaman antiý scored. Agaîn tIc puck weitý inta Cobaung's anti. DeLucai ring ift ftrIleçornen taP Walisl wha ,waýs ail alonle at1 the corner aof the. net aIIý aIeI s-coned, neua agaîn draw iung an assîst. Suutiay, Prastos tr) al1at ta Brooklil anti wane dafcateti 4-2 by Whitby anti mure quitei lucky the score wvasn't biiglýerý, Çha fins peinoti deti 0-0 lut rjý;estas weran't ila tIc am ut alil. In tticsecond pnoi Whtyscoredti trea timaesj laoeSteve Huisman scep the assistgaoing ta Terly Mi 1er. Ilu the third pitiWhitb scrati ugÉai atinearhfIeanti of tIa gamne Stun Geeulaum smorudi ssiseti y crr DeLuu. 111 theoIast tînlea ums Tarny DaLutcu a is beau nc ce fI the fwplayars an tha tauamý ththave beau hustiing. Ha luas scar-et ana goal lut ïmare liporttanlus tîrve aussists and las becouae veýry adap)t at dig-I gug tCa puck ont cf the cor uer. Steve Huismian has aiso( ,beaui ilaig avuIanti flas tmava igoals ta is çcredlit. 0On defeucaj Rundy Crosse'y las leen play- ing sfeady hockey, Vaes272.- IRANTAM 'BOYS Casel5, Patter 0; Aide Team Standings Casel44, -Aide 32, BRond, HcgIpainD. CarsweWl 170 RilidouLbles, R. Bondll Mite teamn and baýttled ta a 3--3ý draw. Oshawa openied thescig early in the flrst period, onlly1 ta 11ave Rlod Plain score au unarssisted g9oal ta tic the ganie.1 Oshawa went ahead again W, the iFirst, andagi Bowman- ville tied the score late ln the first, Bily Hlogarth scaing, the asists gaing ta Ricky Frwin and Barry Cullen. 111 the second periad Bow-ý manville applied great pres-I sure but couldni't find thie; range. A great scoring oppor- ýtnity w VaS Snuffed 0at we anï Oshawa defenpder caver'ed up on a shot that -was headling9 inta the open net. The save was made in the goal crease, awarded a penalty shot. Billy Hlogar1th wa"s awvardced thle sho't by the refer-e, aind le made,ý no mistke in Wiling the puck1 !nto the net. The third period was well played by bath tcams, with Osbawa scoring the only goal ta tie the' score. ýGoalevnder Ilan Ruddy was excellet in the net for the first two pniodl 0cs, and KUen Woodrd ss t as good lu Mîike Sokrwsstill out dlue ta[ones The thireedo- Sýtev'eCay Chrls Dyck andl Eddy Osborne played extreme- l el patclaly Eddy Osborneti who is improving with, every garne. Bowlanill'anext league gamne 1s an Satuvday, Dec. 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the Mem,-,ioial Arena, with Cobourg as thes opposition ____ 1BANTAM GIRLS, Luxton 5, Heath 0.; Tomnlin- son 5, Fair 0; Gibson 5, West-J Wçe0,; W Iîatts , Roýwp2. .Team StandinJgs Luxton 53, Gibso)n 46, Tom- linson 35, Fairey 31, Heath 20, Rowe 19, Willatts Il: West- lake- 5. ili inglTes: J. Hfaynes 173, W.Va Goor 171, J. Luxton 170. H-igh doulbles, J. ILuxton 3.2 J. Unynes 3P), A. Luxtoýn 304, W. Van Goor 299. JUNIOR BOYçS Stacey 5, Farreil 2; Co)ombes 7, Reynolds 0; Lnie 7, Terry Teain Standings Lane 58, Combes 45, Stacey 4:', Pceynolds 41, Terry 34, High1 singles: G.Com s 221-221, R. Chow 219, A. Bons M1, K, Farrelli 20,. Higli Triples, G. Coombes 609, R. Decem11ber 2ndc Gray 7, Conahian o; !Hanje 5. olod2; àMitchell2,Tyo Team Standfings Tayvlor 57, Gray 51, Roue 40, Micel36, Conahan1' 30, Ho0i- roýyd l17. IHigh i ingles, S, Brooks -226, C. Mitchell 218, J. A,. Hol- i-oyd 212,, H. Grayý 205. High triples, H1-. Gray 52 C. Mitch- ell1 5Î], S. -Brooks 571., SEIRMIXED Cmbs5, Ccowla 2, Lux- taM5 hitehiead 2> Brooks 7,' Davey 0: Mo)sher 7, Bradley 0. Team Standings -1ohe 9, Brooks 41, Cowle 40, Coombes '36, Wh1iteheaýd 128, Braley24,Davey 23, Luxton 200 -211 -25 7, .Combes26 K Luxton 2ý66,D> Bradiley, 231-258, V. Terryv 237-207, J.ý J. Whyte --243-291, 'S. WVood 242.HigItriple-s: J. WVhyte 714. D. Bradl]ey 677, ýG. Maister- on663, W. Coomba-s 665, V. Ter 5,G.Thie-ssen ý6329 Ping w Pong Table Prc-finished regulation size top 5' x 9' in two sections for easy handling and storage. Completeà $II2.95I 4 Player Set 5.25 HANDy COURTICEi sueL - SERVEi STOREI No. 2 HWY. WVEST. OSHAWA WOOD e BOWMA o tZ ~~LftIEkIlELIT I ~~AI~MCU _____ COUTICEYARD and __SAILESROOM I WAR!4duEHOUii SiE LUM gl1BRLA ND 728-1617 maa nmsumîmu~iu.mus~ -' The Canad lan Statesman, Bowmanvilleý, Dec. 6>', '2 In he ditr'sMail Atheho I1,t winiter i ýIn -heEspitalthefornitchs.Tl,, doctor on cail was ilu NPw,. DerSir, casie at, his office. IEwas told Iarn wiigtu yauabutthat 1I woud getfastersrice !te fine emergency.ý staiff we if I weitnt ta im.n have atthe Bowmaiiville Meh- Last yearI had di lcte anail Hfospital. shoulder. Thýe doctor wud' Oý 'Thurs,, Nov. 3th. Il iad corne, and teywoin'va~ the apportunity ta watch them mit me. Thiey put a ,sl,ý ingî iii aiction. I hiad taken mybro- my shýoulde1 r and sn e'home thier down ta the hoýspital ha- with nwt0vena paini pili. cause o11 an in.iury he had ta I maiylbe steppiyig opafi hisý night shoulder, people, but som-ethiïng sol The hospital would nat ask be done ta get beýtter eric ýte doctor on calta aend when.yau really neeic- t. haive a look at W, MIc people Thanîk you, fram the X-ray dep-1t.weet Bo avîeReint icalied becausec it wavýsn't ai big enoiugh sho l- Nature didn't mai'ke us pT de cul hvehenumshed fcti, so shei did the next be,,ýý an sliteedbut it nt a tingi,. She m iade us bliînd t. b)ig enolugh emerencyaown lts____ Pictu re Fram-ýed for Christmas?0 with knockdown base ready to finisb, < -J a DONT LEAVE UT 'TIL THE OFiD E 11S T AIKE N NOW CAN BE GUARIANTEED,ý1 AB ER N ETHY'S PAINT and WALLPAPER 55 KING STy. W. ,PHONE 623-5431,

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