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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1973, p. 5

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ORONO N Mr . aid Mis. tewart friends from the Oronon ),eieo Locust Hilli, Mrs. Kirby district paid their Aidie am-lin anld Mr. Stan spects to Mis. Jean(Ng owei f Claremnont were McCullough, wife of lei Sudydinr gust of Mi. MéCullough. of Newcastcle,w aind Mrs. J. . Middieton. passed 'away suddenly Mi.Douglas Williams of January l4th. Funeralv Comnax,?B.C., is visiting lier fîom1 the Morris Fune paetMr. and Mrs. CuifChapel, Bowmanville. 1' Winter. MeCullough. was the Clerk Mr7s. Wm. 1-. Robinson visit-1 the Village of Newcastle. cd( Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Sand-1 Mis. Harvey Partneri eof Columbus fîom last cently returned home af Thursî-day to Monday. several weeks in the Men i.ý and Mrs. RobeitMorton i Hospital, Bowmanville. ind daughiter Miss Marilyn Mi. and Mis. Ken E Motnwere PSùnday noon were dinner guests of Mi.a dîner uessof Mis. Cee Ivrs. Les Alldread of Osha Mvorton. Mý1i andMis. Harold on Tuesday evening. Barowloghof Wesleyville Mi. and Mis. Harîy Mers ee un a ateînoon cail- Mis. R. R. Waddeli visited ers. atter's cousin, Mis.. Bi MiC .Gunlter of mai« Thompson at the Cobourgr tetSoulthlýi as îetuîned trict General Hospital on W home fîom th1le Oshewa Gen- nesday of last week. erlHospital. . Mi. Wm. Pearson and Milad Mis. Ivan Bal of Mi. Bill Pearsonof Seagr; Homaneville visited Mi. and vîsited Mr. and Mis.J Mis. Ken ri Bal of . Kirby on Middleton on Saturday'aft Sunda eveing.noon. Mi-ad Mis Jim Middle-. Mr. and Mis. Bruce Yeo tnsetWednesday of hast centhy visited Mi. and / weeký with Mis. Steve Nichol- Sidney, Cornish and girls son intoouîg andl alsovîsît- Long Sauit. cdM.Fred Trul inb the Co- Mi. Milford Davis, age bugDistrict General Hos- husband of Mis. Lizzie Bi pitaless Davis, passed away at Conraultins to Mis. Lakefiehd Hospital. Fune Catherîne Seaç,;l cf Main Street was from the Henderson i Soulth n lier 8t birthday eral Home, Lakefield, onS onWdnda of this week, urday, January l3tli. Am( A nmbe cfrelatives and the relatives -wlio, atterc Ontaria A study of the'organization and administration of the Ministry of Agfficulture and Food NOTECE* Of PUBLIC MEE-TU G Thie Minisitr4ofAgriculture and Fond, Hon11 ourable Wm, A.Ste»wart, lias directed thatv s.tudy bpe made oef the orgýanization and administra, tion of the Ministry, v wit1i special empliasis on thE I~ ~~) utau ityo's eitigprog-rams, policies n sevices too meet the nueeds of Ontario agriculture la order thiat individuals and organization , eïght be able'to express their opinions or mak( ýsuggestions in this regard, a series of publi( i meetings have beeri arranged. They will lie-helc at central points througlinut the province. This iý ani Invitation to interested parties in comment ni the, quality and relevance of Ministry prograi and their suritability to serve the industry ait tieof iapîd- chaige. Yen are invited io preseni wvritten briief s, or to make oral represeatation ai ef ofthese. public meetings. PLACE, DATE 1973 Und".ay Ontairin î 4Government Bldg. Kent St. W., (Hwy. 7B) Bellevilte SUnI) le Motor Inn Fro 1 St. TIME T h urs, 2-4,30 par Feb. 8 7-9:30 Friday 2-4:30 p.n- Feli, 9 7-9:30 p.m Chairinan- Prof. N. R. Richards Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario For1more infofrmation cail 416/9 165-3 40, or ~ Ili cotc yuIgricultural Representative. ONE WEEK Sale &Ends Jc SAVE 2IOç PAINT and WALLP4 ROOM LOTS, CLEARING FROM 9 9 C single rol MOORTONE ,ý FLAT LATEX RE, 7,35 GAL. Now $5.89 gai. f ABERN ETHY 55 KING ST. WEST Sun% * PRE. .4 lito wecomid te 251adetýThe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilhe, Jan. 24, 1973 5 presentf and brougt ree-Iua rlin g to®rn Cor>u n cuuii jliom she had visited in son tetherent ardthen ýr I E W S England recenty.Various re wwakes A pprointmen'ts MicGregor s Mi"dg,,ets onse ly Aors f e x- E el S yougst pay A oeo hnswas -Cuni ilssp Gbs a-Yeu might find a nlghbor-I and1were Mr. anis. Roübt. Sim- tended to Mis. Betty Stani The Daihington aons id ihste represent DJ fQ i te-yu9ivnt akdt re- on, Mi. and Ms olt riglit înCounemay eas eîannounied everà1a ington on he 'en ake lU JÛ s anwvou, sn Iou2 nt) eofQshawaMiiad Mis. Ray viea treasurni. New busîi. new appeintments at their Jan. lOntaîlo Conservation Author- be playing on the sm er 'vin Bryson cf Bowmnvîh,,ile, Mi. vI c as plns ipu- 9tli meeting in Hampton.- ity for the next two years. b David Goheen wudb ut etbtrtI twrn o h clin r.P .0 otam omte fAjsmn ýM.H .Bro a p BowmanvilleS M cGregor's impossible for these boys, If youngsters wouhd mnet have on Mis Relit. Aid,M. and Mis case new choir gowns. and Two 'appointments were pointed te the Memoriai Hos- IIDA, Mid.,e'swr -1i-tle hyhce 00 fayfnspprs on n was Sid. B. Rutherfor d, Mi an 1teacpac olo d taet the Township's Com- pital Board for 1973 and Dep- ed, by the superror play of the time andi work diligently and ail teth aen an erlMis. Jim Ad i n i adnPîya h one- .mn.Gog t-ev ikwî epresent Osliawa's Parkway Midgets, eveîy time tliey step upon wa)tch eu onpayhcky lurs. Jack Cliapman, Mi, Les. Moi_ ais in the summer, IPoliitt was appointed te cern- the Township on the 1973 who îecently retuined from alI the ice. k et gan, Mi. and Mis. Lawrence The ladies tlioroughiy en-Iplete theunexpired paît of Board cf Directors cof th.e tîlumpliant tour in Sweden. The Juveniles on the other Rn a o iGîeenwood, Mi. and M s. joyed the slides and commen-lWes Hilîs' term, whicli ends Durham Federation of Agri- Bowmanvil' a eetdhn aen ae ie etaC o re-1 Victor Hall, ail cf the Orono- taiy of Mis. John Rahm cf vle ws Jand adhven aeslndu ftrKib dsritler travels teo the west and Ja. ist, 1975. Other commit- culture. 5 te 2. in the future, se they willI A DAY OR'WFEKEND _____________ local pictures. Miss mil ens fedsitihst esg onclH lihs1t took eight minutes be- just continue te wait and! Ask for Rae 710i- VC shwd ile},Inot.T other Township business, foie the 0 to 0 score was liold practicies as usual.11CO'ITY TITr1Tr~m~IN7 a amp ,,,s a . Camilhl Ciemens was aise the resignation cf Mis. M. broken, as Oshawa's Jefft The -arena on Saturday i OUT Bail flLACJ&SLUIOCS. 1 Wdd . nivr appointed te the Cemmittee.1 Ellis was accepted with regretRoeek kad an d-bigtknovrbaMnc CIR LE-OG LT ssand of lier intere.sting He begins a three year termiand Council lias autliorized poried e pkabe in dd te- Hoc ke Torment, 50 r Wandromcl tl acitavels. One highliglit was whicli expires Jan. 1, 1976. iîle Clerk-Adm-iinistiatei opotdtehemnvii gotnd he Homemer, prarent, sta e u _________W___ ,awal ihoýuhtl n the iaunching ot an oceanî Plain oadadvertise fer a replacement. B Bowmanville s Ren eîy ________________________________ planning througliout 't h i s liner by Queen Elizabeth il. Couning ABo Ward an poosife acanein 'Butbs ma til leok a the, aioe conceni R ec na slie Bleycal trso sTiwedDeputy-Reeve H. Bruce Tink a zening by-iaw, subrnitted by as lieskated la on Qsliawa's îl oenet n t fetssie flca eetTe were assbgned te represent the KIlgarMotors, was tentative- Die- on the citizens cf Blackstoîk, meeting expressed tlianks to Cuelo th aino yaprvdpnigtesb--net and swoosis the puck was T HE Di-most et us are terribhy ignor- these three ladies for sliaîingCoacning, ord.enDaditnsion apovedbpinding ste psub- in the webbing. mid oftetthe faits cf -the -'x- thei pheîogîapliy aPannnord nadtomiso abidingsit pln the second, Oshiawa and pected changes. Witli this in bng the meeting se enjoyable. lD r R. osil ad H yKnga Îth ooa eir son mind, there is a public melt es0 ua w toi ye eeapone othîee slip on Higliway 2 just eut-Bwmviesaedtegl year termsha ono tfeoPlanningsd slaa hy plan to scoring, as Grant LuxtonJu -aing planned tentatively for aider folk are in Port Peîry Board, effective Jan. ist, 1973. builId a display, lot across the scored Bowmanvilie's goal Jimr Febîuar iy 2nd te bring us in- Hospital. Mucli better heaitli -,Apontens Ira fomtei .itigloa and Gary Lewis beat Bow- 1 MTO N t 1e-formation. Plan ne w te ai- iswisbed for, Mis. OChes.ppoiameats oan irm uteland sjg orca r-tend hs mesi worthwhile Smithi and Mr. Leili Byers~ _____asoaponed"ih-lin for Oshawa. rs~ai iMmeeting te leain of île fu- iospital, and to Mis. W. Ar- aThere were other oppor- adetails wili be available next We are pleased te know %K ! E 1ec r nisdid oalweihrt 7,week but plan now Vo be at that Mi. Austin Beaeock las very close te tle net and get this most important meeig been home for some tîme adrcJso>nîl ol te Mis. John Hamilton retur'- fîom bospital and is slowhy f3 viQjfl invifla but niied lasi week from a trio te improving ai home. There co c n utrg le t oîk tliý un- England where shie visited ae anmay cases cf vari- l a. J -rltvsad tedd t u tpso odad fiDD INf>bwees nble rd tegeFei ngsome family business. especialv among île sîlhool and skate the Ilg ofe the dced, The Women's Institute card children. ht is hoped th-ai ie and shoot tle puck ai l Mthtr ATRA * ---party was hld on Tuesciay everyone is soon on île mend. by Jim Clarke f oi this year Oshawa net. O P Yfiu ATL AY îvening witl île following Mr. R. H. Heaslip, Milton, It is expecird that many et In île third, Gien Kirku-)m1 wianeis: Ladies' higli, Lorna ils spending a few days with Memlers cf île Locke TV île gate ner onals e-j FEB U RY 12 Richards; sco d Jrotily 1ssseM .n ss ar Elecirons 1972 Executive leld île familiar faces coaoected sýcoie l inra McDiarmd; lucky draw, Olga VanCamp. Their aunt,Mi a meeting on Sunday evening with, île Electrons over île dive. Hilli; en ilgI, eit Gil- Armstniong, Toronto, cMnth idTwnHll -ay pasi four yeaîs wili again iec The fourili and fifthi gealsPBROM PN7P.. IHLY on: second. Harold Mýýarns; along ico and together they etf last season's events wre important helpers ia 73. How-weemsusaJffR - iucky diaw, Ruthi Wilson. ail attended île 50th wedding rvne n oeipi-ee,~i iet ~îpd ekgtacern htfrom jEntertaÎinent Mis. Harold Martyn spent annivnrsary cf ilein cousins, ant, plans for the, 1973 irnr-lthat'any newcomers interest- île geaiteoder and put le ____ ani enjoyable week in Florida M.adMs nrwNiclols mediate year wrediscussed. e-d in assisting tle Locke TV pc eidhm Jf hn~ig SN -LN SI as ýguiesi cf Haroid's sister. Pt Littin Bitain Unitect Presidenit George Sainsbuiy sosrdcu ilcrefr scored into thec epen net and' H FINL T7!( nighi e leHg Churdli on Saturday. Mrs. announced te ilie gathering wari. île game Was over. TE-AQUINTED>1" Armstrong nemained la Lind- ihat île next mee(,ting wii e it lsiyer' mnaer Bwmnvll 0W iaei Wedesdy ay wlere she is vlsitiag beldý on S~dy nrayCint Ferguson retirinig frnm wnst te the Sihver-StîckAM SHR 1 Sihool Ly irrghanges5 V8:30otier relatives. l8th, ai i, ai Vie sarits vital roe, any knoxvïj- Tournamient whidh they dom'-' AMSPEE0 Tusa nilt7:5t830 The Candace Unit of île' location. At Aiîs time iliere iedgeabhe lasebali personi or iaated in their group ta ee Ncci'-,L PB p.m.r osi is jusi SOc ýady aem..CW m th îe home oet wblil e aneetonc ffcsspensons int erestedin a mana-other opponrents. They play NEGIHPB Ifynbae' aay ae Dortly Mailow witli 41 erbaI er coaching noie witb minimum ef two games oi ity domak oapotunl- ladies and iwo chidren pie- the Electrons cao find ont Sarnia and If iliey win loth -"aTTr ai,,dange cfahisopptortu enTe ntPreaders more information ly contact- games ihen Vlny wilh reins-nng atl. AN ITA SCOT sent. Thfe ne untheadr,-ng cii ns- George Sainsbury, for a ihird and possibly - ConraultIot i. andgaIma Dth f oeed Ie1p 3323-7318, or Ray Crombin, fountli game. They cndQueen offthe Pale M.. Ry Suggitt who were "Waîîli île Corners", Norma LO seio ar4nan corne home champions, %vhuch _________________________ mrbdon Satuîday In Port VanCamp took île program ar am Pers-y Baptisi Clu ch, TIc wbtl InTdia as lier subjeit.1 On danïi. 20t1, Petesbiw blride bls île former 'Lind Maoy points of ininrest were a 2-0 iead and ended iip les Bmrown, da nte t Mr. and brought oui enlightenling oui ing 3-2 te Mankham ýin a]I Mi.Harry Bnown cf Portf information on Todia. SIc sdheduied game phayed it Penny,,. Thie recepiion "as nded lier program witl Bowmanville. llrId in Caa Gardens anid Kimi's game using 20 pruducts ia île first proSa atterwamd a dce(. was ld cf India. Pnggy Larmer pin- Greenham soleasitdby' iln Scugeg Halql wlere Bob sentnd the devotienal, usiog Cliuck Welsli and Ran ii osr - S aln acida disk jockey. îl-e New Yeaî as lin hee sey, tIen in île secod, Ro On Januany 1- 2th a bridai A business periéd- followed. DeBoo assisied b tv slonrwasled i île homeI Woiids Day eot Prayer is o Huisman. Laie in theseon I fMi.Feri Sggttwth1b l hcld oin Mardli 2nd. Alma period, Markham ild nd Mis.Ric Tbmpso acingDuîlos e lemeeting wiil tIýen in île thirdscIediwce asobscs ahonlour et a benedliction. more." :i LindaBrown brie-to-e et Atter a delicions dessertiPstn ardofbabs Ray Snggiti. iidinïg wern lundheon ai île home et Aima gameplayiog igood hce îile. gr Oom's relatives andlTaylor, the meeting of the and keýipi Marklam hermmed, - nei-ghbors. Li-nda nep lied fit- aftemnoon unit of île U.C.W. in thecir ,own end, In île ihurdc ~ igh o îelveygti.Awas opened by île leader, peîiold, oui beys startnd fool- - iasty lnchý snîved ly île Florence Larmer rnai a ing around, quit skating, quit lisessconclie tîe en- poem, "A New Year' Wislh', hitýiing sad ici Markehamr Sjoya ýble eveingi followed ly île bymn "Lordishot a oui net as muil vsý Cong'ratu1lations te LoisVnI in our Grnp Toay tey wanied".M Camrp -w0o pssd ir G. I Mrgrtrï C~ wole Ithih1-is boss w 1k ou s oor, ad te Dýelb-ie iliai fnwei,, -pp lkaiowmaay on ciplace aiîle magne. e-o e Ond iJonne WoiinilsoaseBible versýes w th îe many iaiking te pairts rm t1 ps.MrneKrockenstoel oew versiolýns makinil îfmore tewns we 7snowql av 4te ao oneWoltes-s, bath difficuit, She eonýýtinucý,d il fthfîe lest team r i 1 s ari, a dI pu icf Ruh Wilson, also île iloughfi"lr oui lite but oui boysae eogt is pa e i lTer i hleadiogs, nding wih ave te realize -iv aet ¶ isi C las onours. thce ffenîirg aoid lenedictien, play hockey for awee Mns. A. Cruickshank oad A nnw rmember, dean Pc gu- game oirxvhen paof on Mis. B. Boundey of Prt sont was welcemned, Member- we will le eliad qïick-, a Penny were Tue diay eventiog slip t-es were paid by île 16 iy. - t gues, et Mr. and 1Mis, Ger- meni pescot.Prestonq' rnexi galine-_______________________________ t~ ~~~~~~~ aiPel oclhaeMs ommundte liad beeo ap Wednesday, da 2-i cans I Buneys irldy.pointed cf Jean Maîaffy, Ajax ai Bowmanille aiea. à,b ;id N1RichrdAi- ,ean Adiams and Edith Me- -AIE IC0F REX R -I M O F r-Langhlin te caien tothe " îleI"ýr REX RAFRM C O Cr rg is. eorge Shonihorna Banquet la AprIL, o t ~ aIna Port Hop er Jack- Archer, The Milk Producers' Banquet M WII Pneriguesicprý f is.RuiayWil- ia Match was dîscussnd, Cern- so n is. McQý ude. ii bined unit and genenai ment- BANTAM GIRLS I. M. an Mis Joh Vening ng will le beld in Fnbruary Gibson 5, Ri liards 0; Hayns ili Joi-, Vnnigai 9:30 a.m. la C.E. rn. Thec esilake O" J. buxton 5, , Ms.Elizabeth Skeldin speni 1973 meetings were planned. WihiatsO0; Fairny 3, A. Lux- Q e nSz Set$ Sunay vit Ms. a Ms. Forer b progmam, Audrey ion 2. John B ateman (niec Mary Wright gave a insume ot ac- Tamsnig Mattress ancJ box spring .... . Fran et Oakvilln. tivites, whicl lad taken place ians1,Faey 3,A SIp~I5Seca n ~lnsdayîle anuaiin Cambridge Street United butni2-etlk 0,Gl i. meiinget îl A.CW. an CludliLindsay, A coniesi son , rJ sxo , ihrsO I IcTîrsayGiid was hld plannnd bJ ean Adams was Willatts O-. iîPaislHll Icmnt l bl U hemeeting was îles- IihSnl ei , - Ma z--es or box sprinmg -$69,50 ing whidhteckYîle fenm e d Iy enediciion by Florence D. Renl 205, B. A. Fhe s-umptuen, pot luck supper Lrme. 194, L. Cain 188. ýeanai 63(. nlaBalel ig Aube4"' 6" Mattress or box spring - $79.50) Iîondncted ît'l )e DeA.en- uxton 319, L, Cin '04 wbucl consstdetlyof t ixdD. Rendellr 302, T. Rewe 300.i sc-ripteirne and prayers. SIcJ ATA BY .rA I L3Les Huai 207, Grant Hardy banc 17, Coombes 16 Stacey 206, Rose Marie Conway 205 14, Bishop, 9, Reynolds 7.% *STRIPPABLE Jack Browa 205, Doris Rel.: Leddy 0. SIMM ONS "s"-UL royd 203. 201, High Singlez 2A, . Bn 23427,H G.ComesCONTINENTAL BED *SCRUBBABLE A os2427 .Bai I 1226 b. Bislop 222-20,5, J.~ FROM AS LOW AS Charterways Lge. 'de-n"Seil *atrs a 32Aiso F ~~~~~~~~~~Leddy 214, K. Konepacki 203,- . .~ eiciswiefipe Staning ofas Jn. 7th K. Woolhey 211-200, S. Hall et Wieftp - T Tndi vof as 7h 202, R. Chapple 200, K.. Par-T îe buili borders Top Te A erge m i gh22ripleMaitress, Matching box-spririg fea. < *57 ' Single1RoseJVnaeds182, M$ Hg0Ti0 ~Bx pîn 9tures "metal-top- construce '~oî ees 12,Jh Gdds8, A. Boas 6626, G. Coombes aoxnti lg inat nisa tb 178, beigh Sommerseales 172,61 ndlg ionan nrsa sabl SOME IN STOCK Sam Hitchens 162, Jim Gcd- SEIR9X»LAU de 6,Gwen Sommes-scales Dvy5,Cwe2; Roberts, 16de rý ilas 16 0. 7, Gray O; Masterse i 5, Brooks Team Standings 2; Bradley -5, Coombes 2. i. int ond Tearn No. 2 ------ 43 pointso;is1 naiy1, h ya noy the glU of sleep. Pà rcîa ndRoe t,,1,adg 7,Tisre T'eam No. i --3241 peints Davcy 12 B-rooks 11, Grayy 8, TeamNo.1 -- 32/2,point,S Masteicîsea oobs ,Col W pLadies - Righ single, Doris ' ig ile F NI M LMI. Quilliama 25P,; bigb triple, G. Mastervson 32, D Bi F.-FURNTUR LI1TE PHONE 623-5431 Doris Qufllhbams ý J97, 1-y 288. Merl - g single, W,. 1iý h Triple 37 KING STREET EAST O ANVLE Mania 246; higli triple, Wu;,^, i.Mcmo72,. a-BWMNIL SMM S ar sn î'ti 3 56ly719.

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