10 i- The "anaiqn ~aemnowmalnviiie, J'an. SI, 1973 DJ ur ham iAgfri NeÉgws by Bob Watt I Assistant ieeting tA be diacussedan matud utnn xvii be the Issue of licrený-ngPak rocr. ,M!embeca ai theeOntia ioParkl 'Praducera Mrktig oard mul ibe an hAnd ita 0UtWlane the reasonsfor the popoai ta li ce rine -odcesand hveI vtenQFXthins matter, elsoa spak ýand show aslides cdhbis meent trotA the Unit ýed Kmngdom and theý hog sýet- Imm be visutd there. his dae, Febuary 9tAbeginning euth oaffee at 101à vin mthe yBOarid Rom or the Ontario Miriitry DrArcutueand Froad, 234 KÉýing St, E., Bow,- Amxual Ieeing '~Thie Jont AnnuL MNeeting Ag ricultural Reprei of the flurham--North umber- land Beef Improvemient As-1 sociations jt scheluled for Monday, February 5th, start- ing at 10 ary.in the I.00,F. Hall, Orono. Oine area of in1- terest to aýil beef producers wili be a presentation on Canadaj's Neýw Beef Gradiring Standards.ý Reports on activi- ties î)f the Provincial Associa- tion- will also be given. A noon lunch(,-Jeon will be held ,it the Dutch Oven Restaurantl, Guest speaker for the afternoon program viii be Charlie Gracey, Secretary- Manager- of the Canadian Cattlemni's ,Associaition. An invitationis ,extended t ilý;,W beef produceirs inrham ,and NorthumDer:land to Inattenid this informative Ymeepitng,. 4-H rIans - 17 It seems 11,rd to believe but'L it is time lOto tink abouti 4-H- for the coming suinmpr sPSSý- on. Writh theé salsmn annvers Ratepayers Piscuss Recreation Bd. At Executive Meeing aner RtepaesEec- ialpaswere dîscussed vewa hldatthe ihome ofreadnplsfo a Janurary ,am, on January iOt. OrmutyHlThe1 Assocn iationi f Bebanywhotaikd abut ubli meting in Jaur TonsipReretinBoard hasekron -ancam hlcb wauldiude Athietie a" btsnce this BRegional aiaonSeniorCitizens vl pen boselwa cops NrsryS Ic) 0odropped in aur laps, Particu- ubs Souset. One advan- la0y theidaospttn e o! ucha Board wau)ld Pntpol ige Oit SCs ihatlail thePse smai ]ler smsion mw SAeiti sue ta be coup no prsenly eceiving far mare morat but silI rettainthIIr own MnvrsCouciad p onty- fdentty wthinthe larger pool Chambe o! Cmmerce S ToIl oaiz7ati on, will c-sansrameeting in cThe executve asured Mra, Pntypoo Cmmunity Hall DEGeer no! aur inerest in tconJnur 2n, ih h Oje n ur wish ttaobRaearsAsctinof- ain answers ta mrany myore ing thir assistane wt «ucations.lTO Lthjz IIendwe will luch arrangements and pas- !výýýeise a arch mreetng er Avtîing, M a n verIs ý,0pcn taO epublic with aCounrcil wshstao 4btain the :Board subjet, nd soai7e k ,befoe attndîng f u r t h ec!r enr aiL -necessary una- tns3with offiias ofthe apemn aif oaur ,c)opera-'Plannling Boards- 3%n la desired. 4m, LGe The Februairy meeting i -iii aRttend a ur Fbuayex the _M.R.A. cutI[ve xiilbeý cutivec meeting tain conlvey ta I ýhed at the home o! the vice- ejf MRA exeutive hie feel- residenvt. .JeseFisk. -gLa o!f ber co-wovrkers on is noewith any prabliem is7 4fter.1invîted ta ge in touch wlth At the Marich pubic mee -their a=earepresentative and Ag the Mtanvers Ratepay ers cam-re nd discuss iL wivthI the ~scainwould like the ex>ecutive ahi thait ime. pportuitytaprecsent it Ywing year which begmns BEHAN M1I~BE1?. - 623-3111 oT 623-39q50 Z' KING ST, F. 1-toni WIIiaisson o! Mý aýnd Mc.1Ivor \W7ilîams;i un- Trontol Mr' WaltercNeal,,-,is a;pa tient, in he xedcr Nucrig Iomne in Peterbor- ough. MVrrs. PaL AMatis a patienta nRoaMemloriai Haýtspjitai ogh, spent the weekend with aimen r. Mrs. RRuby MMboRex- dale, spent the past 'week Iwith Mr, and îMrs. Wesley VEGA Wep want yon to see for yusl (bat Vega is iruly the littie car that- does, everything welI. DROP IN TODAY! Y b NIILS 'mOTOuR SIT D. Youi Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Dealer WIMAN VILLE COURTICE MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL FUEL OIL1 CALL COLLECT Ask Opraor for -38 orDial '[668-3381 DXFUEL OIL C AILLUS T-A FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE of the Snonwmobile Club oer the winter, 4-H hasR become a year-rounçl actîvity for young people. A numbeýrta! lafns have been cdisýcussed ruegardrng the p rogramr for- 1973,. A 4.-H Club Leraders' Meeting w'ill be heldj on. February 8th ta putllthese Planls inito a toýtal rgrmfor 1973., The, Organi ai oni Meeting and Registration Ses-! sion will be heid', on WedInes- day, March i.2lst and itfil include a skatinig party atý Orono Arenia. A number of! new clubs are contemplaRted fori1973 nd foi- lowing the Leadecrs' Mleeting, moire dcetails willbe going out lta vour sehools, We do hope, ho)weve'ýr, thati ifyo)u have ainy questionrs about 4-H or youi are interest- ed in joining 4-,M, that you xviii con1taýc.us at auir office andr wp will rmaýkP, prtqaîn thit y-,ýou get teifrain McMahon and.Ms.Glad'is Mr. and Mrs,' Vincent Jack - son and Mr. and rs. ar Smith visited with _Mr, n Mrs, Ma1nsel Wrighit of Peter- boroujgh. visiteci with 'Mr. and Ms Norman Bralthwaipte, Cav nn , and Mr. tand MTrs.Hoar Robinsoni, Fraýserville, ÏBo3(wling Leaguie Rsu ensBowling League Hih ingle, I1vor Wlim ,303; high triple, Chris Wood(,s Mixed Bowling Lau Laie' igh ingloe,PeOhe Lloyd Davidson 278; ladier' hihtriple, CIfris eas77; imien's high triple, L-loyd Da- vidson ,668. Gaes)ver P20 lJack Bragg 261, George Scott .233, Alta Curtis 1229, Lavre IVic'éRellis _211-214-205, Elai'-seý lVan Weirgen 211-219, Kathy B,1adiuk 209. Team ýiStand- _ings: BePd Posta5 73, Lingang i66, Happy gang 56, Aiiy cats 51, ead yes49, Go--getters ;47, HTopefuls ,47, Lintgbats 47, Senfior Ci7tizen A hy h aud, duetsb, ais ýdances and aid time i- Sangs we > 0,pr- repctisnd by the GodnStar Seniojr Cîiins. onJanuaàry ,,17ÎtýiintbBe- ayParish Hall, elein tables a4)ireuchre wvere piayed, the "Prizesg beinrgi Wmt o byMrs. Lloyd DaVidsoýn aý nd Mrs. Tom Wardi. A rfew membrs xpese ajesr toRa atted "the Tee Foulies in Torotto, n r rangemetsnarebeing maýde for tins-porutation to Toronjto onSudyJauy2st ther'tm' r or not aIrvr igs held Pevery two week j1:30pm.lthBeanPc- etc.e ýPP The ne&xt mneeting will be hel onJan 3lt, t 130p.m. QBITUARY The d eat hoaicGo d 1rey WYnneý,, 46 yer,!aiR. R. Kdaoccurred audidelyvati N fýewcasle from laicidn while repaîring amaohine.1 Born «at Bristol, En.gian, hewa the son i Otýlleen ènd WillimWynnlý-e. Re received' bis edctnatMelawLan HihSchaoli, f-illjîngdon, Mijd-ý deeEng.' and issurive bv his wvife, tâc former Eve- lyn Phylli!s Edwards. Thety lwerc mar-ried on November 4, The drcraçedcam t Cn pcda in 1954 from Egad acd at t hc li m e ao h death wasDF Plant Malnager at4.1 P Worid War Il he served wit the~~~~~i Brtt ryi heA- tiley esdshîis wife, ]MT. Wynnoie Js survi-ved by two ksans, Lavidý Clifford and Robert Kenneth, Ile w"s fse-ahrt ae and ' Ji Galla1gher. The funeral serviýce, heidý Stenhnsonweddig atSt, Josph Cthaie Churi 1ch', Bowmanvîie, w ,er e th John Murphy and also ;gpr an rRusseli Saývery.Mr JohnStak, issSusan Stprk, Mc, and MaOrimfe Falisandi Mr, d n r.JisoStr LatSaturda4y eigdn ner gueusta wihM.adMs Orm c- ll w,ýÈ er Mrm and -McmJim Stark. îier wIn if, if A&?PiaN M tA&P ur SUPER RIGHT RED BRAND GRADE i"A"e BEEF NATURALLY AGED- GOVERNMENT iNSPECTED B OLOGNA BY THE PIECE VISb 3 5 SIDE BACON SSLCRD îirvc a9 8 C OOKED îM-EATS FaiPck, Sîe 7 1-o8pg " BEEF STEAKETTES SXBRFOZ E 2-bbo $ sIIopsy BRAND, BEFB IKT OVEN ROASTINC, b$ WIENERCS MAPLE LEAF il a a SCNEDRSBAND, 3 VARIETliES A (BEEIE ýF cI'IIHCKEN - poRu) ozpkg14 2 PEPPERO I PIZZ"A 26pî BOI'LING FOWL SAUSAGES BUN9 ITALI,,AN SAUSAGE SX MAND 4VAIFTiF N f SMOCKED ISAUSAGE CONfNENTAL STYEIIO5' jSiSAtG E POLISH OR RYUS Check These Outstanding Bakery Values! FRO CUl- BRAND, S' BEEF< & F opsy !ND ûZEN, TRAY PACK< 3 F.UP, 2V? TO 3.LBS l TO0RE PACK, vac pe., of four 2-,az pkgs9 RAISIN BREAD JANE PARKER, 5I.CED (Deîiçious Toastadi> <BUY 4 LOAVES - SAV'É 24c) i JANE PARKER (BUY 31 PKGS SAVE 17c) JANE PARKER, JELLY TOPPED Bran Muffiîns 3 pkg, o1 6 $ 100 Sweet Roils JANE PARKER, VANILLA (8(,Y 3 PKGS - SAVE 29c) JANE PARKER Cup Cake Macaroon 3 pkgsouf 6 s4 00 C ele B ns JAUE PARK"ER 3 CAKES -SAVEL ieý) JANEPAKER GldenLOAF CAKE 310-oz cakes $ 0 g ol ýLL PRIýCES SI4OWN IN THIS AD G RNTE FFErCTIVE Ir O FURAu,, BRARYr,1973.' 200's -2 PI1y white -Pink e Yelow 3 fo HOSTESS(PREPRictED6m TATO CHISl-z k 9ý PRUDE PAK, rANCY QIJALTY<ATO RCO TO JUCE3ins$10 1'ANTRY S1ý4ELFCRUSIHED OR lin BITS DIXIE PIE( l6zbvs$1.0O O ACKDIA ~k f8(SAVE 14cH (SAVE i Oc) (SAVE 14c) 1lIb2ozPkg39 DON'T MISS THESE! I DElTprGENT SWAN LIQUID 2- INsTANT COFFEE MAX WELL I'OUSE GOLDENDALE, PARCHMENI WRAP MARGARINE HIK AGAIN! JAýNE PA R, DE'Fr ritcIOUSý HOT CRI.QSS B UNM impErIAL, SF MARGARNE CF (ACTION PRICED) F,. Si)', APPLE- OR LEMO (DT 9FOZIN4 > FLORIDA, FiNEAPPLE VARIETY, -UL COFJICE oz lsi t 3 9< PIE FILLERS1-lortn3 9< DF.TERGENT (KING SIZE) loza$178 TIDE POWDERED 5îlbbosî65 O e WHITE, PINK, YEILOW, MIAC, nLUE, BATHROOM T ISSUE Oa ne 4 1-l pkg 99<Babies OnIy Please 3 pkgsý of 2 1ofli $1.,00 paf ?r79< MACARONI DINNER67-zk$1OYEOW IKGRN,__ jTub! 9c CTORIA 1007Z, ALMONn kRUNCHY e8-OZ, ArpPLu AMA .2 AH MTSU 9cVOORTMAN'S COOKIES 3 ks$00L I rdOCATy WHITESWAN TWL 2 rails (ACTION PRICEDI Janïe ParI<ey <Heavenly Des5ert ai Dcwm le Eath Pricel ANGEL CAKE (SAVE lOC) Jane parfkef Fiaky Crusi. Juicy, piIe jlci ith Apple sI;cs') APPLE PIE Fuil 8-indi, 24-oi size (PREPRICED I'c) (ACTION RCD VEX 64-f -o 39 ES &SES(ACTIONP RICRO IS-HROOMS 3 ins $1,00 MONOte ROESSi (ACTION PRICED> 1-lb pkg7 79 YORK BR-AND <ACTION PRICEDI PEA TUTTIER -"s1.19 rLORiDA4, fTRiNGLE5S Gre-nBen p-- SW lii pkg of 4 rails