Tirecandie Stfesarîtôomanville, Jan. 31, 1§73 Adpi'n Crso hns Cmîn vns Cmng Eventsýt Articles tor Sale iLivestock 1-' aeWctdt Ntcs ~çtO ae MOLLOYTon an Be ar Wewou-cllik toexpessDane, ewtnvile al, HospitalAuxiliary Mem- 19" PORTABLE TV and stand, WA-NTbD-Any kind of hor--__ - Dr. Win.RÎdeil and Dr. hýpp oanon--the arriv- 1our sincere t nks Iolte Lock- Saturcïa, Fbury S 3 esi Tea at Mrs. tE. V. A-i condiitionii. Phone 63255 s ail 705-939-6855 or 7- USED Furnîture and Appli-lWm. D. Keane (D e nt a i W tonoS-annour Cnce Woods'r 3 pes1 Oruýe.chejýstra -ashme 5 Kn t.Es- 4"76. 5-2 ,ances. Paddy's Market. Hamp-1 Surgeons) wish to announice LVSO AE ,a ftheir chosen soniSeanhat1C8nKingtySforE.spres-'pr couple ê.,a rthrfor Tara ýentation )on Jan-i1ury20, 1973.iEverybody wlcFe - friday, February ,2 o52,. ATRfo2al nddhvr HRE bade bxstiso 23221o24ntereoein2f6h3rtmp t uha out Sls rn 5-1 ih ad Chis Knt. Valentine Card Parlt~ , St. Anyne- interested in hospital ed. Cail Ciiff Ptic 2-2313, re-Asonabie ratp e. iiileorarv Offices at 22 Kig St. E.,Orn EvrTur,7:0pm __________-_1______________ elephonPArO,,ill pa cash ad2I Boxrnanvi6e3 CaPI623-579. Sellig Hocash Catti, Swine *1'11 5. Joeph' Hal, Tesda, Fb. wrkwelcme - - ----29-tf 197-4039 Newcastle,. B46-tf mov. Wrte stain mae,3 3 57Seep, etc. hant B ___- 13, 8 ocok hrmooOrz-ipie, nam ed's and tele- LWEL-y nmes Km-reaivs to my friends aond es. Lunch seryed. Adissj,-,inMNTRBNO'72 SKI-DOOý, Olympic, ex- Cr o Sl hn me r,;Avrie ULCMEIG RiAcine and Pro-!ales i-i An o-eh, Im hewh- e for gfts and cards 175-'c. c. ntconditon. Telpone5,o TeCaaia tae- -RE arw gt r ier. r wJr in hospital. Spccîa1 THURSDAY -7:45 9811743411* l~'69 EPIC tni crtifiedl35co h a9:jýiSý1e-IIEE atrgt R - . ss .mil- rGu ra c an; P-. Box 190, BwmnCentre 1ý-.-oss n our oushl thans o rpHpbr ad aco beheli i PotySponsored Tbi' $500. iff,ý;,Cah 1623-3793 after 6:0 i lle 5-2 asbon;thnk t te~l~hspitai staff. Sure did e~yro omnt ete O hwaM1 rSftballwO new t-uc1trePsli 8l .25CIp..a-1 _______atHN: February Z ai 8 p.m. BOB nIRN ofd 5rMater, D1'i Staf t M- . w BtbwhîL Feruay V Lî1 so îasoabe-04'.)MRCDE 190 S, AM/ Help Wanted WHY:V To bring information STA monal. Slvesztert, EDr arit.. b ti it outr"O$4SHAWILE A ILN 728046.FM iradio, radiais, $1500, - __ tt we have been unable PEO Hopial Bwmnvll _____pe cld ,,e T O ,HA WA 0 -f SFDFriue n1p-62-10 EPRECOito obtain about the forth- AU 5 s, 173eihîg ndSarn aldTmoDac, vns.,-.i1hardese. comfing Regional Govera- io _l r grM o ad Rya ldU1dW--mane.Pdd' ake, m-'68 FIORD 1/2-ton, (6 automraticPhone 623-5455,mn a HSara5-1azn i i tpso DdaeEriean rvrC,]-wudlike to thank the éHall Studa,1ebuay/3.NTWîi. on, 23 224A1. m26-tf SALErea.SpecaliTAE Dad'ae Bonie nd Irîn Cl- wuld IR E uW h________ ood hape, asking $50.Tee-M V', Mo i est n o-fînsadneighbors for teBbb uton Land TrhlpNorh rtos pl i esnlu Gog atio.Pon ecse 9746 's, adamr-ae oielovely gîfts they receîved at eri Nmds 30 ercupe TOU 'LTD '9SIDO,1. h. o hn 8354.aTURE heplipnsprs o-PhoAnpeilspaer n community shower beid in8:30l 230 - Eî Ocndition, with cover, -$295 968TYT ttosao, odPoducts, AsorgeMathison adho etovle7625 e. 5 ~~-iBickstock Comn'unity Hall Pnak 3uppci, sponsoreid -PoeOoo98-39 - oo odto,$500 or best Orono. - -, ý ormte (nut bae oe -t on Saturdlay,-January 13, 1973. by Sth Pack Cubs and Scouts, W ..j, Jamboree'SUEAE evcnw fe.6324.s HGWY41SrieCnr onideraeesutave inoeAutosaetPthk' ING-~ppînss i thea~-5-iStraFeb. 3cid, Sivation Wheeling, W'est Virginita andi used par't.s. rha ;ÈnatMec, a osiaAdiso j,, iraysfeycekd. Pho0neattendnts, Write Advertiser he wili be abie to tell us somemie asofE ikiln o qw~niieon January ,, , 'udlke to tbank my 70.±eruar1y 16 ta 18 SYOOMshes1,x 'x63317atr5:..-sî346, c/o The Canadian- States- of the problemsit bas caused ml' E N W y . ar.E ýiiil.ir ad rens man, P.O. Box 190, Bowmnan- as vwell as to- answer our Stra vnnFeray3 j3. Pod!aensar ighf__ l, egbosan1rîns T R T'N A &iFor futhr informatîon 8', $2.00 per shjeet. Grîst _MJiii'5FR arae11OL il.-Lre unîy c untr d Ssa Lin. -i fr tel viit, ar ad ontact utin Ba, Nwonvi 5 -1 questions.adthnsSpca:Ta ao, ______tlephone cails, lotothc I TO RS OMAVILE 78-24.i8-f390 Vcnerilgond Con-Residents of other munici- two nowsngebdswt RPY-Wye n Fu- ..BA, P.ad O. dton 40.62-12.5-1 BOOKKEEPER-Typis- R fecep- 1O MNIL palities are weîcome. matîrse ress rsTVios hie (ALL ItaLICLon)SIVE tVACA WOOD's douible sombi inS for Munic.ipal Tax p nee tapen ano re e ry oýes±or ti Mui. iTT '69 PONýTIA,'C Parisienne D2-dr . DO eri matke a Special Effort 10 of articles aetm ee Cal hrdop pwe balkes, steer- MFebruary 10, 1973. Appi oniv t î eir cdaughter TamaaI Boy-0d for mny ats 0f !kindMVr1r4 KigSt . Bw aivetrc n bed, $4. ng iai. rgia onr.i xrtigtoW E uni 42tinor0- u î~e, lbs. h oSt.,on.,esBwhile was l Oshaw ~rnrîI ositl, owna- om. 1 Dys- 3 OT-SK, 72GrndPri, eien cndiio. e6p2netonT1n.8pOfice Hm98Ntie;tCedtos6,T vle. She i-, the first- gran-d-l 340 C.C., tw in tach. and sed 62-53aer5 pn. 5-11_tn nal.42 v aK r-.ity j îd.For Rtigh and Rth esi Boks 1epnIng Mar'. 29 aiiAt' 6 Department of 110 miles, cover; like nw NOTICE T'O CREDITORS Auct.ýionees-Eautr 3-iandfeiBill Lake,_987"-4554. 5 - iRESPONSILE couple o0N OHR Livestok sat ae a fr Bnt nd h i' taexýpress my sincer( --conitact necreatîon >ROX,ý,TON Coloial buffletandjd ayggtea, etaio CRI RN AINsTN , Fr rfeiinl erie a apeol. Spcaltanstopecaio fIndDndrlahil TTibuc,$140; Jaques atrd -HayeCsi froc roumis and buard plu-, lte of the Town of Bowman-STEVOIIPSA H. B. Runle D.~tvsfrfoesadgifts, D .t-U'NV.LILL Country & Wsencpor 7;1 aauru ae.Applin bwriting 10 ville, in the County of Dur- R.R. 1, OMNI R mrle élid ail the nurse0o11 ttrsca:rds anrd vîisits whîle (ý'M"T'D and pump, $ý;15;bdoo des-A etir 347, c/o The Can- bailn, Retired Linotype Oper-ý ate rn-itVwr. 1i cnra optal. Sýpeciai \LRf4VETL, CE TREL J MBO EE or. $50. Cali 983-5379i. 5- -adiaýn Statesci an,'P.O. Box.!ator, deceased, wbiedo 8t 47KnrS.W, omnvleBROADLOOM-Depux PuMACHVeR Bbad iga n ufrd r.PoeSudyafronuros-amnyclr,9x. REQUIRED immediately, e eme,1972, must be ficd ___ ulneweethileJtnID-Dve, rs12 sosndfist63-18 63-93 63-80 2 iz. Reulr$19,5,o toniiepesu ora oitonwihth udrsgnd xcu 'eonat Cutr Ac unè ite hrt th hleir loor saff, 0the amuln 3- 312 6ý,5 "71 1ughter Carnir e, ergh-tndnsRe.GaiadBse 52eb 4,17 sale S99.95. Hurry' Factory, with an agricultural cumpanv. ton oun or before tho 3tb day tions",r-o nig T rsa g Bibe. ,6 i, ozs., et limoi Line Clubi nbensBowmaznvile okenen-Broadioin Distnibutor s. 81 l Farin backgruund peferrod 0of Mrh 93 hnatreeig eray lta 1spîtal Bowmaýnvînile-, inlo -s î acJnir ueic, 20 o kRichmond St. W., Oshawaï. 'but not absouuely necessary heundersigned wili distnib- pi., locatd4mlsnrho 23,______197______._ Cal576-5522. 52-6 !Please rýepîy in ,wriitiîng stat L-ute the assets of the said Rouge HîE o h Atn d ua ý ry, E1973. r SpAcia'o ____________ ide AlSar;atMmoiliîng age, experience and other I1 Est ate having regard only to (off No. 2llgwy r1ml d mtehîy saf. 3-1. I..'Leoim 83 -1:0 a pilges , BSUMP PUIWPS I P APRESSURE SYSTCARS pertinent i information f0 Ad-lthe daims 1thon filed and in south of Wieae nAt ___________________________ vertiser 4, c/o The Canadian ac cordance ,',th the Wili. Rd. Openn ib etrs BURN'ýHAM . Admssion 4 coupl. Door TownT Hall REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Statesma, P.O. Box 190, Dated at Bowmnanviiie, On- Bunied wai tpaost0 11noilovîngfater mea-cidLO R CE osi -1 tarin, this 9th day of Janu- bailoon bak cirdng MJn arnd Mrs. E. A. Dickson Brhiwopassed awy Oaca Baril Dance, ecoupîrs Auditorium IHARVEY PARTNER LWPIES Bwnnvh rge Wiliam.it antt, ette iearorpn Mury By ucin, aury2,1972. hado ny audy eray3rdi, Ooo9350 eih142 ecnGoPrk Sainr nierEeorbianket box pine cbests ofe e'Zeaiandi, anounce theWe cnnthit tfeatunrcg"Thlue iLights"', GUEST ARTIST S41-tf Wagon, Lic. X53935 $2295ke eîigageinenrt of theirdgtr ti rne l'lMiles-eatiof Nwovil on TorontoX595 2q, 7.Ble , ntai, ad cawe sioahis ais Biý'a1a june, ta illiam IOrlivp e again the past; No. 2 aýiind 4 milesnorth on Bv arie BRADLOM Renansodo,n u,000ils -One Thhe-shif Oertiatnoronto.KOntahotandsfoetseso 5011 zcnof Dr. and Ms .Wtî u ers r c-Cut od6,or 3 nilles ____ 5-1 EndsmlesfoRohîs.XRetail values Audeil, Newcastle. The ries south ofEluabethv iles5--1Endsto f$18,95 peryard. Onvale' owner. Lic'. 87928B $21951 40-Iour Weck h i oiioms ls n hn nld -~-Alwvays remnbere lonin Distributors, 81 Rcb-' Lic. 303974 ------ $1695 BieisBx19 aiu anvl 'G'rd.Norhuberasonn WuhaAmod St. .,Ohaw.Ph StartiRate$3.73 per îîoun 135 Wellington Street, Flow Bluoc rsCp Goddagherinia Fye H A WA'I I N5thï6r-5522. uih mn swa4oe197 ChrysIer Newport 4-Dr.7 Bowmanviiic, Ontario. per, vaniusoc, rmtv, 5 l Couny Board f Edue'tion ff____Lie._42906_---_$2395A_______n blueoforoPeoedfocrocksueand .2 ahs nd T nchlden. s-DR8Eays-Eeprtng ar 1, 73 ontCBhedsftdeat-ul57552.-,l41 Ga'li. 342 0 2395 applicaeiono thoe fo, may throleabs. uc te yRnve- nIUoRfnhe nfratonTE ER DRrrRyBes Cete-19, odDaaxe50E-D. aplcain o h t 'tinersnoeyW eaue n urda, an,îry25 173ELRNA-Il îovîln me- fields, ail kinds of Used Fur n i- 11-T. Lic., 29295 --- 26q,3 SUPERINTENDENT Vantea iu n olcal tm etMissiswsauga Hospîfal i-,fi n b i rof aa n pFchusban a- otc FOR ADDITION TOî ture, Antiques and Appliancos. NERD ESH L----tiu al _re BeBloed usan olnWbsfeMarketssdaayCrighon& A1n, FTO)PBLI iHOLPintoMnktHamto, 17140n54Li.N45 $16$600 PNE IDE SHOL EADad CnppedFarn ver Turdayniht.ETIy ti Ate- LEd-na Alîce aMu ir iaua-y 8tb, 19'72.C e fho 263-2f1 197» Pontiae Catalina 2-Dr. BOWMýANVILLE Stock Margwill Fur Faf'mtig os wihu rsr ,t1ier of JohnNwyabrovn idi n al bis1-SALDTNEpliy BEDROOM suite, complote; H.T. Lic. 55156A $1995' Telephone 623-2582 263-272 1. Licence 364-C-7-. Teris cas.HnyKh u. -ad rddo.survivcd by ways, Travel Service Ltd., marked as f0 contents, address- -_______-tfonSriehne6819 cd f0 ti Aiedattention 0f EM. A d____sit, 9_____cestr-5_______tonS fývngadinde n ie pîgfan ut oth'nl'ogead onStets Me odthe Busnins dnngsit,9-.ee c.te-1972 Pinto Squire Wagoni, i-__ _____ or 294-042. - eita ndcblcrein andJh Sres I.ýaLo usns Admîn* feid suite, ail Burina teak- Every option, 15000 mls - en lokacit re stIlne- Sjn oF:r biisclays P.O.n Box 149andistraton and Treasorer. will bo wood, new. Must seil. Sacnu- Sold new - Save $700 _-H l a td_____ uto ae nvt sa te frok plarc t WcîsIînevad udi hatadONTAPIO ree e t the noception fc hn -4157.3-f Lic. 13628X RSAUATpîoperty0fMsDwey Moroiito, ari1 ark Cnicter, mmd menxny un ton 0f'the Board Office INDOOR - OUTDOOR-Heavy 1969VRoaAGEURnRES383,RMaT-Wilson R.SO1aa ob Januany ho leff behinPhone 889-5643 on DArc, Street North, Co- rubbirnbaci, seven bighit coi_- 1 m -peLcne *~hede treatsAci Fnda, 6,-Loinlyb ADae 0Renob -2 or, nan nilosi9 2, only $59.Fac- 576A$1954,01 EtI.N ewcstle Hall, 27 alS. saa - rerembered5f- 400pm- .ST, toryBroadiýoninDistniutns nb Hspiti, efenorouirt urayMarch l7h, i973 - Tuiesday, Mardi 6, 1973 1 Phono 576iC-5522. 4-4 3724 150 lt e .i tfi-~a~ Q hjsa Jarnua-y 25, 19)73ý, OWER î îovig Spctaca Cornmlunity Fain, ifor -the cntuto f ne W P, ae w 95 mpl HT EUIRS(ree cosfueetX 'rtJuýI l s ýJcnornemonysponsiorcd by lst ad 3rid adtosand renovations foi our ,t Sony-:165Chev. lni ýt4-Dr. s1v1wab.T'ali~e i oret TJamies Lin, )iR.R fada usadadsnrBoneadGilGieMt- aon Public School, Graf- 1r a swl sO o i.618 si hr re okSeM TbeCoscrm utcctnil ýaaf lHelen ayBet dnTe y say1- fume heRLalealos soitoetBwa-tn na i0.your bouse. 24 hmurs - 7îdasi 17 okwge ue ete "" adedtbe, us -i tirer of Jaines, grandfatbler onowville HiglirScirool Cafetenae ln n pcfrtosmy987-5111 on 98-à143, Wn pca pit-900and Dîs.qwaser. andbed sut,-pebdro criad,2tpleasant aatennoon.,'00 cfDýî,Dannie, Angelý a auu And hlps us to forget, pn onead ejy aho obtained fromin ire office Jo-sto--Neca --e. i-8 miles. Lic. 72141P $2195sieWrsos hs fd'w bh riUothr -of Melville1- BttreSO fn s Oniy - of tire Consultants ate lan- BROADlOO ,9x 2 ed rheed abetw bf 1 ate Gevcews ec atiHow u-r farmis hm9e. REN \"2Yuay30 97, nreoitofTws, nbeutfl aneren.179Cdila eddeeVile- Epeinc i'ferd utntercsa,,chne elpioe abe bi a neundbledepsit f so.o Nomalcost$18.0O sae Eery oýptioon. icý .737118 TiESEARE FULL TIME -POSITIONS WITH COMPLETE wicken his xocs e ..eBos unraiChpe. or oe fi'rmtire carfi soI T O U R S per sot of plans and specifica- $119. Facfony Broadionin Dis- Aponmn COMPANY BENEFITS. troc, teleion(ndc- o eon Studa rInformlent - su ftîy iÉn.tnibutors, 81 Richmond St. W.ýy,, i h riendy-epeNet îame ëCirurcir Cemfer. , Just lîke a flowen in bîo M, lTO Afions, echoque an bid Oshawa. Phono 576-5522. PFniendly reinpue iviee thebtnotsefcinto - sjDO (Sa pA rertifndied Vg,;44-14 McOAL lae pl n esntate dto oe, iyls _____godadkudam ovn, FLORIDA , bond for $25,000.00 shah ar-- MaD iLD 1 adio adreodpiy cQUARIE, anneM At ll~od and oing i ayDprueDtscompeni' carir tender. A fifty NEWCASTLE Trailer Park & mFORDment.îanps, clue eeîin rahvenNusnHoerenrerdbwfeenaCoc f1,1,0or2Dy per cent (50%) Performance Saios-.-Your District Rembler vcu laeauru wraniiea FîdyJnan mtonMad. 51 ous., Bond shah hoc nequired Trailer Dealer. New and used 21 mgE omnil1__ pc e irie p ý.1973, Car'-ic ear inhonAi-ous icl Lowest on anyl tendk nof trailons. Also truck tops anId Phone 623-4481 Ac mdaonTnedpliances, eotia placs !;st year, wdo f Jamers 1H.1Dse ol. n -c onecessanily acpe.truck campons. HighwyN.I5- ihs pt n an, ptj eQarie ea iote o NCOLON Lvnu T m-MadiGasinNe nlanA copi' of plans and -Perii .Es n Nwatel 1--11R00M and BOARD FOR EMPLOYÉES cornmuniysl. isu s.D.OAtinon(eln)în mmoy fa ea wf Fr uthr nfrmtin cations are available for cex- 9753.52Wanted toRentlaesl.Pantatnd ad Kennetir. Rcsted e t tire and Iinothen wh",o passed away contiact amination et PEferbonougir,SAVE up to 60% on bnanin__ tali te Bowmanville area 'equired from time to time. Torms cas.Bxsig n antiicuft Eiîatt F un m a] Februay 2, 1963.THREE' bedr-oom bouse want-matessfoszo$3pr orie erie a hl t euffl eone ncwnd OW AVIL shawa, Belei nd Tro-naine broadin oinj. We guaran-(gncodtn)Sae a ok vudyaffhennoon. efi tiing,tae od B W A Vto Construction Assouciationis. tee we won't be undnsl. d yO.P.P--. rmember.Phono Submîiit offers and rates per five-diay-week to: pair(g TRAVL . Sav a undi etFactni'O.P.P., Newcastle 98;74060. Mn. D. P. Collins, ronm inoeevyevnn Ônilmnt La n 1g Ve if, Tryast' ie onuta, CENTRE ote îs Hbieku.Broi4dlooin DistibuDLton.s, 81 _______________ District Engineen, bt~ n i, ods Can. ter ent later, Anggyl hc eyrworo t they 47Kin St. W-, eBowmanville CAsoiatsLmfeRichmmnd St. VW., 3iiOshawa. oriiin idComii"tÎnto Fridiay.: lsKnAc emter;. - povrheonstCosltntPirone 576-5522:. 4-4Faor Rent Mnsr fTanprainadComnctos ioncor,72-71 1 ______And caonveie ie 6'-3 IPn A King Stroet tEast, 138 Hope st. N., ___ UGSLEY, inuiifrd away. e23-5 3 2-80COBOURG, ONTARIO, RADOM -Hard twiýstOEBlRO pniet - 5-1i ) ,_ rl e-1 speciai puncirase of deepgodPoo2341ORHPEOit'i.Wok and urpb-At emanal tlas To omo ou mi' b fogottn, -and reen Reuharpnu~ forFURNSHEabacogonapa.- HAE yur ppcrhngin ac y, ~ o Foîun 2,17,Win u rt us awhtO lovdyuadiMUNT ETEPt 9 x 12 $169,95, on sale $109,9.5.HVEy BowmJniav,ihi, a Eup- t o ohnsaprto ir tseet, WOODVIEWS5.Phne 23211.paintung dn i TePo fred? Pugsley, in 1hr61sf ye-ar losf yu, Gnie bi in af5 et,$5 hn 2 -1 fessionel. - Ci ic ai'nofrercfBety Kili, oun momýIory wîlaays!MONSTfER 'BINGO 'TVZO-yer-old'maie purebredBoaîonDsuuts,8 _5- tCoaraan and Grant Pugs ha st, N1 M NA dog. 983-5379. s iRichmond St. W., Oshawa%. ROOM nd b oaýrd availale-, _______ ____ _______ Cail 576-5522. 2- R.R. 2, Nerastie, felepirono WATER wisbrd 0 ie hiat Funorl Hoe. un-bandErne, on Foyd I 4:45 p.m. GERMAN, short-bain pointer7620.____ 51 ral ;ervice vast heid et _11 daughtbler'-în!ý-lw Male ad EDBR - WAYNE ST. mnisod.Gn eîn. ADES APARTMENT, central,fidcIhoo3200.Rpeeeiv Refe e iornhut-Awy rmmendh' u-$50. Phono_576-5662I. 5îl' Tee- Wrd' WilBnîg1T.e dlokWdnedeYmanî~ gmnddugterFay. 5i SHAWA P-U-Gpuppioes, CKC negisterod TV TOWEE i3Ut nî,MOTRO98-51 6t RIHADSb ovn ~____ 2-f noulto ndwom c.and ANTENNAS OEhdoi pniet MINISTRY OF SO lwnmdmeup ID, HerceleentousBeatty -j? sVAt MeanalBo- rci 1f aean mhr adTUSMkseclen os e ndeadstojvesuppîifiiod RNPOTTO ent: rcosobo HÉ leilospîfial, gredintho RaOURAnSnPhono 728-1852 Oshawa. 5-î INSTALLED AT -ýîeandfronrec pae.C :nîio unda, Janar ichardUCs , who passe'd awýay f ,I Low RPhono 63-269. entiengoalownoe 8 97,'),He",ret rBeatty Roi ddeîyJanu-ary 30, 19,56. Cities ao.fL-Arilces for Se atesOR-edr-i bnglow ICOM'MUNICATIONS 62ý13 -,3548.-'l te cf .R. 1,Newtoniihe, -______i____ ____ - AS1SEIA N Nevtonvi, easoniable moent. o r_1,We fiad aPmin rwitirh ant SEIA N 5-2 WATERwesbodorri- laived i husbqnd of tire 1atel o gokd, Europe 'or ;72 SKI-DOO, 22 h.p. Phono Colour Systems Phofno 623-3779, between 4-5 ____________ d Canada( iingCmay V1_- a ahn Wofws oe- lu hanou fter 6, 623-3467. 5-1 pn.i5-1 3DiiinStreet uvue o wmcn5rosto nenci'13 D- - I Antenncsa nd .. ,BW.AVL4 perig- 7,n-oeeoc u-DeatngFb1rMrh Towers Nice ares close flo dmvovviwnI- eatir e.V, Vîehwwo bedroom $175 0Monthly 6370 I'otednenorNo SigAipil 2 n ct 3&Seed Store S1e ncgwsbrac r-it Pieute ~ -VO ciTo oulîfy nut ave car, n- Fo'vr informatdion 3 Dvision St., Bowmanville1 OOS N-ALE nincludecL Pbo)nh 62 3-4234. it edin ~enece, 1,00 o 3,00cash, cnatPhono e623-5577 UHF-VHF - Colored Aenýials Speciel pnîco if ren"f-d-befr1Lrepesatsie ih eeap nessuirond RADI E A R .Boques g- 712 oum weklyLLaEne Apts. and lHomes Pr-wrired Feb. isi. c3-tf lled etra e'wth ltercom VleGinir eclletucomne. More fuli BOWM-ANVILLE Pl io0 EAE MNLm, nuato furprooýfing, ne rooinMonxe nnces l ~nneai \~' inieVWeest ablisir your route.,Faln- Iadbt'etdTSAD1WRT$.0 angmets~"~' Fr ne crscîial interview, wyi rîf1eTRAVL CETRESe~d Wokasi unte ed r1oms iCal ine Thý eaed. n dshdrCbeTV niepakn o oecr Tc. t yoAIf rsne n TRV7C'i AvaîlablhyAil, nuced toSAVE VonpMrkengNEoT JOB Rositl rrngmets ineldng 'phono number, fa W., Bou'manAUli= AIsotHaSA&"F'sture Mextuies r V. Di tibufons, Lir-nif cd 4ýKing motuîoneiaesptusson e en FowrshyIVre Dp.A, 1117 Tetumeeh Rd.Poe itLPoe fyuhae tPhonje62-12 ahfde&CoRalEte one62-741 r 23557 Est Wndsr 8W1B, Ot.62-382 63-933-r-378 or 'eePedoif Ye973 Pn it L A1TN aae Bsns eeoes 4 Cali 623-4172 or 723-DS75 or 725-9750 Phone2384 49-ttJ 2 îI5Our vi3 ion StIÉ,LowmanvN Alli 45-2TYON 5-2 â6* DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. cmuln