6 T.e anaianSfatesiman, Bowmanvi1le, Jan. 31, 1973 tRec-ýreation Reviews TykeLau Tues--day, Jan- 1t'h the >,Stl- ern defeated the or 2er -1. The Steelezu goals were scor- e-d by Urew Kan.The Foresters goal was by Michael ïMason assisted Iby Scott Mlich- elson and Steihen, Tustin. Seco)nd contest of the even- in- the Incians shut out the Rangers 1-0 on a goal by Jîm Hogarth. Brian Ruddy was fredited xith the shutout. Ini the first game played on Thursclay, Jan. l8th the Blades edgedl the Steelers 4-3. The Blades goals wvere scored by Timiothy Preston w ith two g oals anid one assist, Tirnothy Lttle and Scott Ward one goal each, John VandcrWeer *one assist. The Steelers goals were scored by Randy Gou- de, rew Kearney and Charles Greeý,n whI.e',andy Wiemn ad one asist The econd game the R~ang- ers defeated t he Hornets 2 to L BRangers goals by Robie. Johnson one goal, Steven. Car- -ruthiers one goal and one assist i-ff Ronald Gra.bko one assiat. The Hornets goal was gcored by Stephen Martin. Atom League Thursday, Jan. lAth the ,Kinsmen and Bisons battled to a 2-ail tie 'Me Kinismen goals were score'd by Tony Tranwhile the Bisons goals -were scored by Scott, Paterson, Paul 'Marner one goal and one Sassist, Johnny Dykstra and Daniel 'Desouisa one assist each. In the fret gamne of Satur- day, Jan. 20thi the Seals shut nut the Ram s 5-0. Seails goals Sby Jeff Sallows two goals and ~-two asists, Brian Smith one goal and two assista, MNark .Roberts one goal and one assist, Albert Vandergaast one goal, Gary Vyfschaft one The second gamne the Fargos "REMEMBERED EVERYTH ING James Insurance kAgencg L"imited 24 Kig 5<.e ox 100 Pýesidence 623-5023 1d fatîer(1.therCli ppe 1ra 3-2.:ý Fargas goals, Steve Baýnnister w'ith two,ý Mark Mcea nc goal and oene assiat, Jasoni johnsoe nc(,asist. Thec Clip- pers goal., scered by Carl Chamibers with two whilc Jeffrey CanfieltI had one assiast. In the thîrd Aton, game of the day the Royala defeated' the Marianna Tigers 3-0. The Royals goals wcre scored by 1Brenton Thomnpson with twe, jPauil Cornish one. Carl Met- caîf was credited -with the_ rshutout. ) n the final Atenm gamne rFrank'sa Varicty shutout Gra-I h'am!s I.G.A. Bruina 6-0,. Vaniety's goals ,cored by1 3Breake Bain witýh four, Mike Jozkoski twe, Bnian Sarginson and Todd Bate each anc assiat, Brooke Cale was credited with the shuteut. Pee Wee League >Te, the game played on Mon day,, Jan. lSth Ceunty Chrys- 1er Beaversi defeated Fiait Fuel Brrine 5-3, Beavena goals were scored by Stephen M0ay- berry with twe, Neil. Osberne one, Ronald Brown one goal. andI onc assiat, Carl Smîth three assista. The Bruina goals wenc scored by Glenn Fer- rill, Allan Brunt one goal and, one assîst, Richard Irvine anc goal, James Bcaudrey anc assist. Friday, Januýary 19th Can- adians defeated the Hawks 6-4, The Canadfians goals wene sconed by Kevin Woolley witli two, Jody Rosa twe goals antI onc asiat, Michael Heen- an andI Jim Walker one goal each, Tom Fowler two assista, Michael Fonste, Bruce Mac- LeotI andI Paul 1Redgion anc assiat eaeh. The H1awksý goals werc scored by'Joseph Now- lac, twe goals- andI one assist, Ronald Bennett antI Terny Carpýenter anc geai each. la the second game Frank's Variety defeated the Leafs 3-2. Varicty goals werc sean- ed by Bnian White two, Randy Prout one goal and i two assis, Pat Reynolds onc assist. Leafs geais wcrc scored by Billy Baker anc goal, Cameron Gar- don on-, goal antI anc assist, Martin Gnujytcns andI Rodney Dcwcl anc assiat each.ý Saturday, Jan. 2Oth the Bladea andI Wings battîcd teo a 3-all tic. The Blades goals wenc scored by Marc Blason- ette with two, Glenn Miller one, Richard Osborne, Pete Nemniaz andI John Luxten each had one assiat. The Winga goals werc sconed by Art Bans one, Leonard White andI Quin James anc goal antI one assiat each, Paul 'Osborne, Keith Dennis andI Rusell Wilby anc assist each. In the second contest the Rings andI Hawks batticd te a 5-ail tic. The H1awks goals wcnc sconed by Steven Cale andI Glen Austin with twe each, Joc Nowiàn one goal1 andI one assiat, Curtis Trimble and, Robbie Tennant each had one asiat, Toc Kîngs goals wcre scored. by Sidney Tom- linsen two gdals and anc sitLeonard fface, Jimmy Murphy and Neil Campbell cach anc, goal, Scott Collacuitt andI Keîth Sheehan one assiatý each. Bantam Legue Monday, Jan, lSth the 'Shanks defeated the Flycrs 4-3. The Sharkz geais weneý scored by Glenn Martin two, Mathew Joncs one goal, Jim Maguire one goal andI anc asist vwhilc -Danny Cu(rwin,ý Gond Sylvester andtIJohni -Castie, e0ach had anc assia St. The Flyený goals were srored by Paul Pas'sant with two, Richard 1Krakenberg nc goa2l while Peter Boagra, John ,Meeks each. had anc assist Corporation of The Town of Bowmanville NOTICE 0F BY-LAW coyncerning the pro- pose d cosing oýf ithe Original Road Alîowanice bctween original Township lots 8 and 9 in the Fjrt Conicession of the Town of Bowmnan- ville, running southierly from Highway Nm- ber Twvo (King Street) to the Soper Creek qnd providinkg for the sale thereof to the abuttinig o-wneirs. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville will at îts regular Council meeting to be held on Mon- day, the 5th day of February, 1973, at the Counceil Chambers in the Municipal Building on Church Street, in the Town of BowYmanville at 8:00O p.m. or anytime thereafter will consider passing a by- law te stIop up and close that part of the original allowvance for ron1d lyinig between Township lots 8 and 9 in the First Concession of the Town of Bownanvlleruningsouthierly i(rom fHîgh-way No, 2Z, (Ring Street) fo Soper Creek for a dis-tanlt4. ai aproxmatey 140 fet, NOTICE 15- ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the Counucl of the Corporatin of the Tow-n of Bow.. Manville proposes M, the samne meeti-ng by the aforesaid by-law te authorize the sale oýf the said stopped up parts of the orig-inal road allowance to the abuîtting ownIers. The preosed by-law i ýd plan showing the lands affectedi may hie seen ini my office at the Town Hall, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmianville, Ontario. The Council l hear in person, or by his or her coutnsel,' agent or solicitor, any person Who dlaims that his or her lanids -will be prejudIcially affected by the>sai4 y-a and who applies to ho heard. DATED this 8th day of January, 19731 IoohM. Mcll1roy, A.M.,C.T. CIerkh-Administrator. njd Sidney Vnbeato In thie Bantamn contest play- ed on Tuesday, Jan. l 6th theý Cuadefeated the Huskies: 5 -2. The Cubs goals w rre ! scored by Robert Shaniz two,i Byron Sanùis, Ronnie CooneyT' ole each, Deug Hutton onie; goal andcriîne asist, while Glen Johnson, Bill Evers anird Tim ÇCornell each lh&cl onei assis[, Jim Welbourne to >The Huskies goals wer'e scer ed by Peter Willoughby on, Davidi Dowin one goal and onie assist, Keith Severn and, Steven Greengiass one assist each. In the first gai-re of Satur- day, Jan. 2th the Kinsmen scered with three seconds re- main.ing in the garre to dlaimi a 3 t'O 2 -verdict over Beninett Paving Beavers. The goal scorers for the K'insmen w mere Tim Jones wîth1- two, one the winner andI Larry Hearl while John Groetelaars, Steven Ho- garth, Donald Cowle, Wayne- Dennis and John Sempjlenius ea.ch.had one assist, Beaversi goals were scored by Dannv Doiron mnd Ricky Cross one each, Cordon WFaliace, Peter!! Kniowiton and Frank Leach each haýd one assist. In thle second gamre the Panthers defea;ted the Huskies 6-3. The Panthers goals were scored by Don ChlIs withl four goals, Barry Brunt one goal and one assist, Paul Dun- ,barn ne goal tvtle Bradley James, Rovy Erwin andI Jamnes Pocick ha2râone- assist each. The Huskies goals were scor- etI by Danny Walker, Keith Severn and Peter Willoughi- by, Danny Pascore picked up two assista, Jerry Reid, nuss Maxwell and Steven Green- grass one assist each. On Monday, January lSthi the Generals defea,ýted the' Canucks .5-4. The Generals go ais were scored by Richard Swetman one goal andI one assist, Norbert Visser, Jimn Stackaruk and -Rob Brough one goal each -while Gary Thiele andI Paul Bowen each hadl one assist. Ti-c -Canuicks goals3 were s'cored by Dennis iWolner Iwo, Gore owen andI Tomn Wreggit one goal each, Joe Ouest one assist. Tuiesday, Jan. 16 thePine Ridge School were unable ,te play andI defaulted the game-, ta the Mt. Royals. Saturday, Jan. 2Oth 11he CGen- erals zhut eut the Cornets 4-0. The Generals goals were scor- ed by -Rob Brough wth two goals and one assist, Bryan Hellam- one goal andI one assist, Robert Donoghue one goal andI two assists, Gary Tiele. Ed-ward Shantz was credited with the shuit out. Recreation Department Officiais Staff Chief Superviser Mr. Lance Burns, Superviser M i k e O'Bren, Referees andI Timers: Deug- Parkin, Terry Baker, Allan Thompson, Bill GotI- frey, Jee, Hurnenick, Randy Thi'eJe, Gary Perfect, Deug Tainlyn, Lance Livingstoneý, John ýWo-od, Paul Sheehan, Wayne Sheehan, Pete Noýrwlan, Rick Conahian, Joe Lemieux, Warren Aider. RecreatïinDepartmenit Haockey Coaches - 1973 Tyke League Rangers-Ste-w Trip, findians -ClPotter, 1Hornets-Ted Brown, AI Ben Blads- BbBlackburn, Feresters- Wayne Wins, John Depew; Cadial-ïrnîe E-rwin, John Hancoc1k, John Whyte; Amnen- caris-Robert Eng, Steelers- KXerr-y -Miner, Deug Severn, Atom Leaguie Knsmien - Ralph Whyte, Frank's Vaity-Dick Bainl, Dave Reynoids; Marianna Tig- ers-Hlerman Fice, Keith Jen- nings; Bsons-KIerr-y Noble, D'avid CGilvhrïist, Clipprs--Bob Mai errison, Fargos -- Leo MacLean, Fisk Fuels eas George Legere, Rm-en ard James, Ryl le Thompson, B3ruins -Jerry Johinso3n, Jîm Coomrbes. Pee VWee League BIadesRick Sockman, John Luxtený Rangera - -HermaiFn F-ice, Lloyd Forsey; eavrs Frank Lepach, Ceunty Crse --Dave Liîvingýstone1, Bob Wal- lace, Dayîd' Dyck: Rotary RKings -- Huigh Samis, Jimi Mtn'phy- Vins-Bob Gaina, Leaf s--ô Clarke, Robent Gon- don: Hawks--'Robrrt Cayleýy, Martyn Wind, C-anada n-. Brian Smiith,Bri-Ge NPihiili, Ffiank,'.s Varey-a Eliiott, Bert Payne, Dave WILLIAM C. HALL, 36M7 Ring St, E, Ohw Telephone'725-6539 Chiro pr a ci G,. EDWIN MNDý. Ofie Chiropractor 15 Elgin St, co(,,n, f Horiey St. OfiePhone 623-5509 Hfieurs:01m By appentLmcnt Den talJ DL1R ANGUJS A. BLAIR, D.D,Si. * Frank ,StreetBwanii <near DomiinStre iOffi ce heurs: 9:30 a,te 9 jim including Saturday Telepnhene 62,3-3181- 22 -King St, E.,Bwanie Office Heurs: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. dlaily Closed Saturday and Sundieay. Offie Phne -623-5790 DR. WILAM KENT, D.Dý'S Prefesion i Bdg. 222ý King, St. E.- Suite 106i Office .Heurs: Weekdays - 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7349 More Than Five 1 Credited to GM Er In Savings-Stock Seuite nd cash valuedý stock, goverement bonds and1ý at $5,1 million have b een cash valýued at S5,069,0(1 wii credited ta 4,015 Genenral Ma,ýt- 4,e istrib)uted irnmediat]ly te ,ors o af raasalaried e , m eipoyees andI consista ý ployeca paritîcipatieg le the, of: 1967 Classa0 f the conlipan-y's9 -37,696 ahanes of GM coi-n-1 ,Sa-vings-Stock Purchasé Pro- mon stock wvith a manrket1 gram,JonD Baker, anneune-1valuie of $3,065,000 which laj ed today. It was the l2th bascd on the closing market such distribjution. price on January 2, 1973. The ainount la equivalent' --Caniada Svna Bonds ta $1.89 for eveny dollar Saved With1 a eurrprnt Value OfX by aIl participating cmn- $1,756,000.1 pioyees. -Appraximatcly $248,000 lei Genepal Motors conimon cash.i An additional $ 65 '000 ofp David Dyckt; Huskieq-La1ry Governmcent bonds is held i Bâte, Bruce Smnith; Braves- trugt for 118 of these fm Leigh Sumnenscales, Flyers- PIoyees under the Registere Deug Pantin, Fred Brwn etîrenient Savings PlanOp Kies-men--Lance Burns, Rjay tien of the Prograro. tAdicock; Cubg--ren Thomnp- Tlhîs distribution reaulta son, Rosa Johnson; Sharks-- frornemployec sa vitnga of, îïanold Cunwin; Pantherýs-- s2,7j8,ooo andI Company con- Robn Jamres, George Joncs. tributions or $1,359,ooJ0 an $1 MiAidget Leags fromi Gencral Matons for cvery Cornets -- Murray Woodts, $2 of emplovAe s2vîngs-plus. t.Royals--Robernt Wýillouigh-idi-viientdsandI intercat carned by, Genierais-FrotI Sheehan, hetween Januanry 1, 1967 andI Canucks--Pauil Fersey, P.R.S, Decembl:er 3,, 1972. - .Bagnreli. "Curnently, 76 per cent ef League Cenvenors Dur *Salanicd emiployeca - Sav- Tylke,-Briani Purdy: Atom-1 ing eight per cent of their Larny Dewell; Pee We-lot salari-es - are participating le Foraey; Bat -F d rown: this excellent opportunity te Mitdget-Fr-etISheehan. isave regulariy andI thereby, coatllerise on ropafal. tion Continues munrestraînc--c illion Farmers Union Head a Mlurto '7Aïeiy anran tritieopn is a reiiy sIssues Statemenf Qfl very citical yean for farnier' y ~around the wonid te pneduý- eethe food needed L t iI Economic 2îtuatï*on life, whether one sitae 1lei h so-calied affluent part P ro g ra m BcR o L-ïst laemvr no nea ft e world or in the develop- eyR o tisa W remvn noa ning wonld. 1Thé> year 1972 nmarked aide- 1 behieve, where worid agen- As 1973 begins, notwit.h- l sgilepet thenemic upturnandn'the icies SUchas the United N a- stantding mnan's acientific andI supot heGveemntanIprices of somne farmi producta. tiens, will be incrcasiegly techenological achievemeets, attee'same tirnie ecome Gen-Nol-tabiv grain, fine seeda and, stnessing the importance 0f the level efX man's knowledge eral Motor,ý shareholders," potatees. But 1972 w -,as net; food andI the need for expand- ýwhich lias rapidly increased Mr. Baker said. a gond crop year le mnoat areas c d food production andI a b eueof science andI tech- 1Since the inception. of the ef production and i n some, wronld food reserve as pro- neogyth yar pes s Prognain in 1956, employeca weathler Conditions werc se) tection againat faminle, challenge te the survival -of have saveý,d about $,55.3 mii- adJverse that harvesting has Notwithstanding the risée in human eeny lien. This aurn, together with :lnent been completed. Farmers1 world food production through thens Gisen Motecontpiu- who expenienlced thia kîind ef greater application of science, tinhas 3Mmelinen use e pur-di-sastert, as was the case in and i tchnelegy, in beth the chase ~ ~ 1 $3.1mlin egven reas of the Maritimes, Que- Capitaliat a n dI Cemmnuniat' menm bonds and 8"7,500 ahanes bec, Ontbaie, somle parts of -worlds, production et cutbacks ef GencalMotors coimen *the Pr-airi-s anld British Ce- 1ini countnies like Canada CLEAN AS A WHISTLE AS stok.lubia. A favorablepn-ice cou10tpled with adverse weather SLICI( AS A PIN 18 VYMAT Genieral Mvotors salanied situation wýitheu1_t a product1 conditions in meat ef the FOLKS CLAIM WhIo HAVE emnployeeca having one yealr o teLI is neot tee mieaniegfull. Nerthern Hemisphere, the CALLED ps IN- - - - more of centinueus ertpleyv- Livestock pnices remiainéed werld la acing a shertage of ntn arce eigible te partici- relativeiy hIigh. How0vever, foodstuf fs resiting le grain pa te in the Pnegramr on a vol - csa0 et aerse r-pie îgte their highest uertary basis, witb, savîngs aial e te ps i eesl vn5 er.~' permittd pte1 per cent monthsanadI euch ef the fav- The de\,eleped' ceuntriea of theinsaaay. * oible argin of neturel feed- with thlein finiancial aPa1bihity ,rs wene expeicncing as a are still able te pay thesel Prcequlence ef abuedant andI prîces fer foodstufrf, but whati Memnoriai Hospital c"heap feod supplie-s ef fectI about the devcloping countnies, granins wili bc reduced le 197:3. -Ilndia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Weekly eport Dairy farmners will aisoe cx- Chule, Algeria, E t, and peniece nanrowcr returnas anti1 othens. The ceo-ca ed ré-en For the weck rof Jan, 22- will need te seek highier nic- Revoiution"' cleariy la falling 28 inclusive:67 es. mass starvation la a real pes- , HARV Y Adimissions .------- ---------Itlas perliapa regrettable that far short of expectationa and (c 'fRU Births, 6 female -- 6 Iour farmers can enly c x- sibiiity'. \ " PA RTNER Dischiargecs -* 7 perience thue adversities of Our country, with ail its Major operatieons -------- 12 dreuglit, wan or starvation, wealth, has one ef the highest ORONO 983-5206 M1iner operatiens - - --9" rather thon as part eif nation- rates of unemployment even. 1ES5o ROM HEAT SER VICZ Emiergency tneatmeeits_ 224 al poicýy or desigei._ armers face bankruptcy asI tnA INSTANT SKIM MILK POWDER é 9 I 139 SUNNY MORN IGA COFFEE 77$ 150 ROSECORANGE PEKOS TEABSACS bebo81' SPECIAL 'KI e0 65, MGA RÉ-GULAR, RIPPLE, SALI I'Gr -PA4R POTATO CHIPS 2 79 I GA MIL PO s CHEESE SLICES ' 9 EGAý MIO RANDOM WEl(GHTs) CHEDDAR CIIEESE ~ 9 ICA LARD 2 'ý49~ 4AR DEE FANCY OUtl RE FRENCH FRIES ~ 8 FISH FILLETS îe.49$ POLARIO CNIP STEAKS 2~5 Affl jEMA FRENCH TOAST 0 REMEMBER'FMRUARY IS FROti7POM MONTH GRAHAM'S 0 IGA 7'l KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLe OPEN SUNDAYS for your shopping convenience WE RESERVE THEI RIGHT T0OffLT QUANTITIES MAPLELEFAFREADY-TO-SERVE MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED SMOKED PICNIC Câ%OTTAGE ROLLS SHniOULDERS HALF ROA iGA TABLERITE COOKED HAM vACAC651 IGA TABLERITE MAPLE LEAF RINDLESS (A WIENERS VA( ( 651 SIDE BACON te. us, FOOD PRICES EFFECtTIVE WVED. TIIRU SATr. JAN,., 31 FE8. 1, 2, 3 mcVITIE CREAM -s1 BISCUITS S. IGA SPRAY tGA < 4 FRAGRANCES) AIR FRESHENE RS 5u !GA POU' j1.5 Mît) GARBAGEBAGS J- 3 ASSORTED VARIETIES (71M090Z)m S KERR'S CANDIES 3à : "WINTER KEEPERS" CmAnA u i SEAu 1 .rWN]E KP.E.l X POTATOES TOMME Sl M9 PRODUCE 0F U.s A. Noý. 1 GRADE FIRM GREEN HEADS Df C ABBAGE S 2OR 49 NEW (-ROP! SWEET & JUICY JIAFFA NAVEL, DOL X ORANGES ZE105 8u CRISP CANADA FANCY GRADE McINTOSH49 IGA LEMO COCOMUT PIE nO 5 PLAIN, S CP.SOOR INNAMON IGAon DONU-TS3 KAISER ROLLS 2 8 ÎGA GREEN OR AMBElR MOUTHWASH 07- 59' tGA FIRM OR EXTRA FIRM HAIRSPRAY LC IGA NORMAL, DRY OlR FEGG SHAMPOO oz. 59I VIVA (A$SORTED cOLoR3> $ ' TOILET TISSU E -à Mât -1