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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1973, p. 8

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FLASBAC - 5 -Years Ago O- n February 5th theWheelers basketbail team was at hometo)aeteCam from peerborough and defeaed the 68-10 The scorng vue spread over practicaly the entire team. - Mason was the to Pasipr with 19 pints follwed by A, Ckee ]e 1 . Rudie 13, Doc Siemonv 8, R. Wil- hams and T. Robson 4, Mlntyre 3 and 'R'eddick 1. t t t;-ttt FLASHBACK =-0lYers Ago -In the second Bantain gaine on Saturday in the Recreation League the Jlskes defeaited the Cubs 4-1 to inove into first place in the play-off standings. Pal a rkèrDavid Funtain, David Maynard! alid Girer'Finney acconted for the Hluskies four goals. JeffCGilhooly asisted by ike Etcher, scrdthe Cubs only1' goal, CÔNGRATULATIONS -to McGreor Moignssico avio ail three gamesc in tHe S'iiver Stick tournament ôn ithé ekedin ri a Thecores were: fC.irat game agasnst Pu eo a -3 ithBomnlewnig wî"'th 115 scnsto go; 4 1 1in du0codgmaais Leack and inthe fmialgamne 3s1againet iladc. 300 CLB iVINERS - aot. 27th; No. 1!0 BarbButonsawNo- .)27 WDonMatin, No, I15 JUNIOR '"C"HOKY Lcypormdwwa a on by5 eredo.Te505 rwwswnb iim Cry-de-rman, Iowmanville, wocoliected $95 ÇRSS=COUNTRY SKIîNG - Thnsads rof PeoMA arctaking up cross-ounitry skiing for the first time each winter - and the'r srprised w-he t hey find out how eas'y it a0l is. "o don't nleed to rv mlsto flnd a billnd you don't have to wmit in une t o go lit it when you get thee.Onl top of that you are get h ack to naturreeachi lime you ski. Whaiiuld be m-iore attractive thari alilta" Here are some tips for people considering taking up this fs-rwn sport: iL Choose yoiur skis and boots carvfully. Alake sure yobu 1buy the wider touring skis and not raing skis, altbough the racing binding i, very quick and handy to use. The touing bind. ing, on thie other hand, gives your foot more latera s"uprt admay rfrbefor begin- ner. Mke sure youir boots are a comfortable fitfoi the star. Nothing ruins your firt time out quite like blisters. 2. Non-slip salson Ithe base of the skis are the comning thing and ývir- tualy eiinate the2 problemns ofwang These sks ost more imney butn 4ke top bysaving on frustratins.13. If you prefer the old order of things, 'waxing isn't as confusing as it seems t first. The trick is to find the righitwx that will kt your ski slide foamard, but ill grip and pre- vent it sliditig back. The righitwa depends ou the temperature Aind the kind of snow. The best answer is to chosie ope make of wvax (uianufac- hiures speifications vary sightly one bo an- oAh"r) and study the chart that comies with it. 4. IDrl m3 rtnnt Yen eed Clothies. that r Iight, permit free miovenients of your limbs, and MAeindproo. Forget about stretchy anything, tbat's for dwhilrsuBy a pirof !m' - borikers, knee scsanld a light nylon wvindjacket te go over a sweater. You need a lot lescohn than for donillviii skiing because you are con- stanty in motion and your body provides the heat, 5. Socks are imaportant. Doni't -wear ny.lon (girls, that includes body stockings) because youir feet can't, breathe through it and they will get cold and also probably bliter. Soft iwool is best. 6. Ski techniques are alniost endless and racers use dozens o4 themi during an event, subi- consciously changing froi one to the other as the terrain dtema'nds it. Yet the basies are very simple. Study ai book oir take lessons, More and inore ski areas have instructors ln cross-country skiing this winter. 7. Stick tg) simple traits f irst. The Laurentiani Ski Zone is one of the groups that has trail miapa for distriburtion and they are clearly graded. 8. Don't go on amon tour alone, Gjet a1 group togeter and take a light picale lunchi, ïit s the iceat way, and 'the safest. FINACA ep.5, 1972 unjtil I)ec. 31, 1972'ý Recei pis Profits fro)m 17- Club 200W' po: ors'f ees G.'ate rcit Draft fee $i,261.55 1,992.95 1,966.00 400.00 1,176.70 2,328.92 5000 TO)TAL RECIIIPTS ----------76.-- Ex p ense s ice limce fo 917 Bowvmanviýie b et e.31, 1972 Newasiearena a icivance for ic e contract Necstle iCe time until Dec.31172- Reeesand timeckeepers ------- -- Adace t aefor cag Tournaentsentriy fees c(..... Datïionsr ý( 2,847rý '50 1,760 83 7.50 1 !MO TOTAL KEXPEýNSS: ---------76.---- Me' Bayview Club Repeats 1968 Spiel Win Major Lge.l hdn don After 'a bad tart hwit ethe 1gbtinp l ortIhe laowth to)p average tbowl- er', hiting 2fr 12gamns 24 awvhelep orly tcher -nohn Ca er and Ah SSamaW al e tied at 246, Folurteenboerhith 7 U 27) Bob Sm'lthi c75 (.309), lin 'Dnd" Selleck '772 (3 06), Rad eauprie 7o (27 5), Don BagneýILi 741 (33:0), Doni lk 743 "262) John Cart- er 740 (27),Haro)lc Micheu son 730 (299). Jack Lanrcrý 77 (288)l Elton Br-ook 722ý:l i (26,Dave c Renolds (710 (2 7), rPH . Rundeii 704 (705), Rusa "'W igger" Oke 700......... me (26), ine an33.As ;Rosa I ai- ways explai, i obittei righit they a)il go dow. ow- 'rd -rm i 23 lon i7c mondon 89,Doug Taylor_25, BuciHenining nc rne er fect 27,TdBgel270. Thie Cowan PoPntjise Bick tein had igh ilsing ý1Il,1321 omn l onr lbstetogieriga10-rne p oaDannIl, Tr lbonrBob 3Mac(Donlld, wvhiIe fLncer Hard are hCi-,:iihAnnuat e' Ivt- nifinal. Ther-e wer-e 1 inkaano2nd runner pc B ohi- aigbsfrtapaac a big 363 trle. !-,tional Bonîspieýl w held i on ent(eed in the spiel, frin saiBrmalarunerUp. since "ndergoing a vcritce Lander H a lici wareaniSatrd, Threwee woPikeinTornito, FBramalea, _Wînneris 0f the spiel wýIa lariperation.In fthe phoýto. ~rn aityaeteifr opeeCawIec t900Ubiie CbugadBw- rink frointhe Byiw lbfrmlft to right: Leaii lErnip top positioni, bh lteama have and Il arn. wt vroemavleh o tefrtIvttinlati,2n ayRcmn a ecrdof9 ins and 3 loss- crigtoegtedga ,ms Teai-ns ionn rze ee pil hyar hw bove skip Jin aidoo Mc es; Pepsi CoIlais net, h, avinig an,, .____ale_ i gl won gaies aaina. 4 nsse d te tpeght teamsaaftr7eorge MitchllCobourg', 3rd receIvin iztheir trophies fr'oinDonald and, Vice Ken TupIng. 101hWeek - nd Shdl 9249), Moîe ' chr52desCuiln Rose Bowl Bonspie John Carer 46,Ah MSaman 1Ni h H.B uni , Dn 5 Ngh El46 c erfct 20,Dr.. ... 2 -7,Enie Perfec 3,DnJnay2n Banei23.High sungle, Joyce Lylejç 337; Tream W vt.hg ipeJyeLle 7 13, Hardiwarie q 9 2:12, 700 Tr pie Joc Ll Frn' ait '3 13;, Donna B1 radlley709. Y PepsiCola0 4 i8Top 10 Aveae1 6 games) Multtn Shel 6 6 6 0_111e PaielcId 232, Donna Co'rnation Bradiley 232, F u BradI e Restaurýant 6 S6 r, 224, HlnDpw24 oc Jury& Lvei S /, 1/,5i/Tenatii 220, Jackue Patfed I. G. A. 5½ Pl/ ' /~219, BerieceUTerry 216, Shar- Beaer Lu be 5 ilen lCîn21,-,,Dot. Brooks :211, K"'sMn's JyeLy le 211 Wear -- 5 7 5Oer20ans ooi5 7 5Drpr15 Tuoots Wisemn Coa ota 73Ï, B."IrblOshorne 26522 Buik 8 4 11e 26tic0, 6123,acm NsOsone Bag 6,Docnna iBiraclev S n sura nc p 4 8 4 29 - 2 47, S hjirley(,v Davis FernBraley 53,Joannel rown247,Darla vwrî27 DIA lp or 47, Do),t Book"s ii MOtT Maycedisn l4 i7-22VIKaen Buns 2s 22 Marln MKnht noe236M22 17ý H T..G.Mlsn88SalneCi 3-2,Ll H.A AG Milisorn 228. Edoisn22,Usuta Stra Me HSD m 5611chan 2216, MrlnCole 26: HT.,D Orme825H ailnBaly 2,Bl Team Stalndings 2, ee Dpw221, Joyc Teain Pins Pts t1, ~", ý D. Orme - -1217(i 21] Te'ain Standaing Dn lyno1lda 12..126 2 HlnDpw 57 4 M.Rcars, 121 5Dotlros 72 3 RSeleck 11843 i elenRoes i68 1Mil]son 112 7Dnn raly 5621j 2 Top 1? veags ilenMouje ' - 5,527 2 M.1Richards 29 .R'-ITeTanStanrding 9is quite n'olda 237, D. Orme 235,G.1 even, M?%son 228 ,E.Brook 227,Sonue aveehavumproveci L. Rihards 2%21,G.Piper 218, oyce Lyle took Ihigh sîngle R,'lek216S, T. Mjlison 2--15, Andi took igh triple too. 233, M. Etchepr 212. n ,uu.a Nighit Hawks hig triple, C. Br uce 6415. f 'Team tadig B. Sith - --10609 7, D), Oen -10148p, 6 200Gae Bulrges227, A, iln 227, B. Ppr22 D Leamian20,J Rove 219, K. RaIston 1-20 I. ulnue 11,B.Wiibur 20 Trimible 202-247, F.Dytr 200, J. D'ixon209 Averages (Ovel' 180) M. Trmble 2'0', A. ,-amajI 200, D.ý Cgden 19, C(. Bruce 195, . Wîlur 15, j. MLa 1 D2 F.Dkastr189, B. RýSmith 18'7, A. Lar4ussoý 183, B. Piper. 182, I. Wright 82,J. Rw 181, Huis, n .- 495ý6 111gbSungl, Doi ,Milon D)awson76 (i0 ( 203-28 1-27î6) lakýe 3 , G.Potter -320, J. 243). Total Total R. Wslake -1,2104 24 D-. N obian 11580u 23 P.i Murphy .. 11588 221 ', 1 N. Dawsý-o n '11268 3 ,ý 1 q A' Van Gor i 164i j e B. Sinith . 123 1 J. -)is n - ---- 11i05 9 1 M.--ozn a-- 11029 I10 G. Co1uch J.Il-'215 9 (,, Hcath ...------10921 t6 N. Will',iains - 9665 4, Charterways Lge. Top 10 Aerages, MW SMar.ds ,Roue Ve- nassýe 18ô,:, on"GC"Ides 11I, 17,L. -Sommnerscales 172, Jin', G-ecides 163, -Si n Hitchens 162, G.Somnmieriscýales 161 Dor-is ýQuýilliamz 10 TeainSadig Teanc o.172' TamnN,4]i Laie Hghsigl, ar DURHAM CO)LULE of Appîied Artsanti 'Techuology, Oshama, offers to itsstudents a areiprograin in Varsity Athieties. Students wvho have the abihiy and desýire may compete in sports such as Men's Hockeiy,,Men's Basketball, Ladies' VolleybaH, Golf, Tennis, Curling, Skiing, Baidminton, Bowing and Table Tennis, Comnpe- tition conines froni the oher2î associated coleges - acroas the province that make ius the Ontarbo Colleges Athletic Association (O.C,.A.A.). t t ttt PASS TESTS The fitlowing members ôf Orito Figure Skating Club were succe--ssful in passîng teUts hield in Orono Are, Suda, Jan. 21, 1973.Duc' Waz- Christina Strsbrge, Pislev Stutt;Cnat Tanno - Kerri Lynne (rdNanny Madil; Sw,,-ig Michele Major, Weind;y ton Fiesta Tango,, - Joani- nýe Mercer;,Willow Waltz - Margaret MlInati; Tèn Fox - M[arcia Lowery. SA uLT .STE, ARI a enchosen as the site fort0e Fif'th nenioa SnwohI mnorning in the ItrainlMtl îhg or tbe Wind1sor HUotel, Ontario. land hockey tour, The teamwn fnve of! the six c losing the sixth gaimE 541to an al-star teamnr. Ibo tn cnvemno As diishaw. t t t t î jar Pee Wve eapemu gaine against Newcastlean their arena on Saturday. t t-it REWSULITS - of the exchngie Pee Wee tournaunent in Oinron, aangeci byJim rosb, frme Orî I reidnennow livingin Lorraine, Queher, rwho- rugthis Quebec team therefor teweedwr as~~OU fo'w ) :0.m. Quebc eeard rooAtltî 531:0Quebec deynetd OronoFyers102 and at 83anOrono il-Star team was deeated 3-1 b3 Quebe, -Orono 1goes te Quiebec the l7tb ouf Februaryi for a returnl engagemecnt. t t.; t t t HIDNTALENT -- With se many rcom1parativer newemers in Bowmanu-vilie, ittae a vwhîie toLn -. cvrth-, information that we bave so-egra hididen sports talent in our mids;t, Mnda nght'1 Toronto Star îvaldthe fact t[ha-tDr.Bih eae who pract-issdenstry ith Dr. Builludiabe the James Insurance Company oficsis somethin1g of an expert in h'is field which is cxpttv nse throwng and hisbrnn3abetcambi-,itinniis t imake Canacia a =0r1dpower in Frisbe intenatniol compitrbions. %We haven't met PBih butthe article sys he is wide as a barre, mWeioversixfeetLAi! withi biceps Nie melions, anci a, real igr ith a Friseae. One ef these days, we'l1 see, if wýe can pruaehir te give a demonstration in thne BH3S gm complete wvith pictures. 1inor Ban(yeitams iWin Or Stari calle, Gu afteu der chan on with ter West garni Terr awaý the bang Thiese thrcee curl-ers fromi Bowmanvýille Cou-ntry, Club took part iithe aninual tadin 1Ros-eBo o nspIil inOshawa lstweek and fror il reports, ac:quÀitedtem h selves admwinirably, aP.ho'i h they didn't win 'thietoi) honors. Thcy , from lefi h to right. phyliss Cruess, Dn9ugDiiel and Kay Smsn The, fourth memrïber tean of-the rink was i-Ienup Champ, flot yprsent wen thle pcue aaken. stone Cali Up JuvenileHeIp F Red EaglS S4ltz Gme Lose ta PenetagFil Bleat Oak Ridg?';es on Suda er Bowmavill ie Eages sore Of 6A3,[hos tuneon thel were Pauri orsy, back n28 mIIghtanid atter a gm fRandy Thiele, iup from heSmt ad lln Jhno roug h hoke and Penaltlc, Juvenlesl ayed a goo rîiSnt n osy they\vee dteaed -3 î,dgamin ngoal for the, EngS, gaie.Wha wre herefres ocký. Four imore pl 1es1P frein rubb andSargMI; expctig wen heyçam frinJuvnisqua payd -.aothCr golfor, Grub with ý Out ihhmets on? good game. They were' PaulAlnani nttaitng andl lyei oo ckey to ide- Clel wsRnyAllen \wlthWa feat Oak Rides by a reversd'Scoring for Ewnavll n Sson sitnglcr - ------- ng ,«for OkRidgeswere H r- wiPh aith MwoandBak wvith one! I ;~Snday.Feb, 4th, against that a team f'roin Penietang. Comeý' cut and sethe, boys plai hockey, as they arecfiniinga up the Schedule sCoon,an -t-o -l'The liagleswodlket -cesetrnn fomoSri jtst at the end of the 'P'C" gaime, for winning thre gines to capture t he Inte- Avc "natonal Silvr Stickcp iosi.Good wvork,, teain arcd -NIE RnINIRMAKERS BrWJNG January l5th Sagisn3444, Twse 3402, Huisman 33 ,1eat 3284, heeha 3267 Moor i Satrdy, Jan. 27 T i, Vlal lyr hsm ard hltig but dean aine Hgarth ainc Mike oik iveryfW pepalties being Thr nexi-bune gane for ci. Wetrn dectrtiic is tng neip Til hicore shet Wed, ja".3cet.atML30MID , l" biy1lscod fpayaantte Pete-rborough il a decticon ,thatgotn-Sas MikeGsck.hcinp nce on. a goal by Marty PnOston i nasitsgoing to Tom oeil anci John Davis:.Af a scoreleassecndperl!oc tern Elec tic ýwont. ul T2Eson..DAYS. le on anixeletla 'y Sarginison. On a brea-ýi, iy he sultepuk cos lTuiRcsANDfE E net P obeprut Ormisýton ged h)ome the iner 'ter the ganerTain Capý- I- 1John Hogarth acceptecl ý iTrophy on bhaf h 'id maes ,nc imV e? wasselecteciasteM km.ac1 ,-'5 und ryBoin Teain Standing.-s ieyCats ----- 12026 7 A (-es - 12181 6 Siorehleacis -----12269 4 îdis-Hghsingle,' S.or 252 high triple T). Bridg- 639. en-ihsingle, S. AIdainsî high tt-ip:le, R. Gooi 737.1 180 KING E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-5662 Don MeLachian - Don Plain 7g:f ONLYI 166 KING ST, E. 623.3396 l6M

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