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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1973, p. 9

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rw~w~w~ DURHAM CURLERS - Durham College curling teamn yesterday won the Southern Ontario College curling,, championship with a 9-5 win over Sheridan College. The Durham rink, skipped by Randy Henry,, will now rep,ýresent the division in the Ontario finals scheduled for March 1618 at Sudbury. The division titie is a repeat for Durham and the squad isgiven a strongiç chance for all-Ontario honors. Roundinig out the Hlenrcy rink are Mark Howsam, lead, Ralph Bridgeland, second, and Willie Beaton, vice. Thç' coach is Dick Snowden. t i. t 't ti SUMMNER GAMES, - Fanfare for Oshawa is slowý,ly býut gradually gaining momentum as the committee headed by Terry Kelly works eut details of the week of sumnier festivities, Mr. Kelly said today. Oshawa Kinsmen have agreed to distribute and seli the 200,000 passports order- ed by the cominittee, which will allow purchas- ers te participate in ail events of both the Fan- fare itself and the Ontario Summer Games which follow. The proceeds will go towards construc- tion of city recreation facilities. Terry Tàggart wil had the Kinsmen distribution committee. During thc past few weeks Mr. Kelly has spoken to the Chambher of Commerce, the Oshawa Golf Club executive, the Canadian Legion and the execuitive of the Oshawa Green Gaels Lacrosse Club about their possible contributions te the festival program. .Monday, lie addressed the B'nai B'rith. Su far an ecunienical service ini Civic- Fields has been definitely set for the June 24 start of Fanfare and within the next few weeks details wl be released of the public suggestions received and adopted in response te newspaper advertisemients. tt t t t WINTE R RACING- Applications are now being taken for the winter downhill "gsoapbox" snowmobile race to be held March 18 at Grandview Golf Club. Sponsored by the Youth Centre of the Oshawa Rec- reation Department, the race is open to boys and girls between the ages of fine and 15. Three runs' will be held with best time determining the winner. Trophies will be presented to the fastest driver as well as entrant with the best styled car. It is hoped the event will becomie a f am~ily project with »parents aiding the eidren. Soapbox must be converted into snowmobiles by adding skis to the front and back. It is hoped an entry list of 15 will compete. Eight applications have been received to date. For further information including snowmobile specifications and basic rules contact the youth'centre at 725-4776. PRESTON THE MNOVERS NOVICE A- were elîminated from L akeshore playoffs by Bay Ridges in a three game series on Thursday in Don Beer Arena, two gaines f0 one. Congratula- tions on a good season and best wisbes for _going ail the way ntext year. Robert Swimming Pools Novice Minors were eliminated by Bay Ridges on Satuî.rday evening at the Memorial Arena. 300 CLUB WINNERS- Sat., March 3rd, l8th week- - No. 268 D. Osborne, No. 215 Arche Crolssey, No. 88 Bob Bickle, No. 137 Jacquie Arînstronjg, No. 299 Ken Cryderman. Rn a Carr New'ville-Starkvill( Ask for Rae. BowORng EKEND A OUNTY01 Bowling C;RYSLER-DODGE LTD. 1 ý623-2586I SEEL tT .,.EFORE CIVILIZATION SWEEF-S IT AWAY FoREVPA." Comning One Day OnIy Suinday BOWNIANVILLE TOWN IhALL Two Shows Adults Under 12 $1.75 .75 e March leai H. S. - Dorisv Tompkins 279 H. A.i Mariene Stacey 195 H. T.-- Doris Tompklns 674 2001 Games - Doris Tomp. kins 279, 236, Joyce Stacey 250, 201, Dorothy Stark 224, Grae Farrow 220, Blanche Joneýs 226, Judy Stacey 218, IMarg MacDonald 214, June MeKiceen 203, Olive Henderson 201, MJarlene Stacey 201. Games Won - Banana Spîlts 51, Roadrunners 41, Flint- stones 33, Tweety Birds 32. (0F Bowling March 2»4 Ladies' High Single, R. No- Ian 248; Men's High Single, M. Rozema '325. Ladies' High Triple,' M. Alldread 697 (231 - 221 - 245); Men's 111gb Triple, G. Oouch 717 (185-301-231). Teams Piafali Pts. R. Westlake ---- 27067 55 P. Murphy-- 26166 45 D. Nolan ..----- 25277 39 A. Van Goor ---- 25652 34 N. Dawson . ... 24902 33 J. Gould --- ---25344 3Ô G. Couch.------- 25592 27 J. Robinson ---- 24965 27 N. Williams ---- 24496 251 M. Rozemna----- 25118 24 G. Heath -------24021 21 B., Smith------ 24843 20 Averuges 200 and over (27 games) G. Couch 226, B. Smith 226. J. Leaman (21) 222, R. West-' lake 221, P. Potter 214, P. Murphy 212, M. Alldread 212,, L. Woodcock 210, N. Dawson 21o, N. Williams (24) 207,j J. Luffman 206, A. Van Goor 204, J. Gould (26) 203. Qualified Dealer for Allen ELECTRONUClO lUNE-UP COMPLEUE ELECTRONIC SERVICE * GNITION * CHARGING * STARTING 8 cyl. tune-up 6 cyl. tune-up 4 cyl. tune-up $11050 $950< $7.5 plus Parts Plus Parts Plus Parts Get your Pre-Spring Tune-up Now at. Coo'sGulf Service ing St. and Wvaverley Rd. - Bowmnanville PHONE 623-3136 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Mar. 7, 1973 Scarboroug i Rînk "Wins Mixed. Bons'piel Trophy On Saturdaiv at Bowmanvilie Country Club, right, Russ Loan, 2nd and bis wife Juanita, lead, Lee the annual' mîxed curling bonspiel proved to be an Morrison, vice and Diane Morrison, skip. After the exciting event, with the Scarborougli rink winning the games, chef Bill Northcott and staff served a deliclous top honors anid thetrophy. They are, f rom lef t to1 steak dinner. Win K' of C, District Tournament Lefttfi> ight, Clare Logan, Ars. MoIlly Horstmn and Jim Fair At the Mýotor City Bowling Lanes in Osha, on m Sunday, th e Knights of Coumus i riario District No. 36 held their first mixed bowling tournarment . St. Joseph' s Council 6361, Knights of Columb us,etrd four tean-s and twvo of them dcidi remarkably well. Team onie led by Captain Jim Fair won the turnent trophy while team tiwo 'le d iby Grand Knight Clare Logan were the runners-up, losing to team onebynl,"w points. MVary Chisholm, Bowmariville, won the ladies' higýh triple. A great deal of credit for 'this victory goes to Mrs. (Molly) Horstman xvho organized the tearn for the Bowmanville Knights, who were competing with entries from four other councils from Oshawa, Whitby and Pickering, St. Joseph's Council, K. of C., will host this tournament four years from now, in 1977. Electrons WiII Hit-, Canvassing Trait Ail those connected with the edition are remninded to be atk V lcros 17 the old Town Hall this Satur- day, March 1th, at 8:45 a*.m.1 Secretary Ray Crombie who is, also masterminding this seas- o's Electrons program, wants as, many bodies available a possible. jBowmanvilie and area nier-i chants are reI'ded that on1 Saturday and duiing7 the nexti few xeeks, the Lockeý TV InterJ1 Inediate Iaseball Cl-ub will have representatives out cao-l vassing.1 The very popular Electroni program allows a merchanti and/or citizen to purchase i Space in the book for a reason-i lâble fce. Many businessesl have advertised in the past in~ ,his manner and the Electrons, àre hoping to receive yourý support again this year. Th& felos o -ut making the rounds1 also, wýelcome any new, sports-' minded persons wh. ,,,,uld like1 to aýssis-t the bsbl club ini pirOcucing aun attractive 19731 :year? book. If, whlien you are approach-ed,i it is at an awkward time, orý if you hiave questions about the ý program a nd te bail club, the' canvasseýrs will giadly pay youl a return visit and answer anyl questions you may have. ModagNgh highi triple, O. Etcher 781Ï; high avrge). Baly25 Team Stan4dinig Pins iltS. S.Can269 1 .S. Davýis 227 12 B. Osborne 19859 1 o,- D. Bradley 19669 Cý 12 H. Rogers 19868 il J. Patfieid 196 1 H.' Depew 49584 10 -E. 'Moore 19-5G7 lu J. Bragg 19l786 9 D. Brooks - 19614 9 M. Cole __ -18817 18 0. Patficld- 18920 71 MMORIAL HOSPITAL WEKYREPORTI Admissions -----6--- I8 Blrths, 2 maie, 3 female S DIscharges 6 Major operationsj nroperations 2 E"me-rgency treatme-nts35 Vi3slting hours 3-8 pi. dailyl frai portstalk 'h WIt DIIIStehno Bill Stephenson ýakRe-s t easy for yOu) to keep on top of things in the sports w y1orid, I s flotliîkely Bill w~iIeewnarypuartcntssn executive sports circies. He calis too aytig exactly as ha sees then. He has Ittie time for sacred os 1 Te sports fan cornes first in my bool< ' says Bill. After ail. hes the guy wvho pays the tb!" You may flot aiways agree with Bil Stephenson, but you know his opinions are intelligent, informed and honest. What more couid any sports fan ask? Legion Ladies Bowling March 1, 19' Hlgh Avera Joan Sutcliffe ----- Hligh Trnpl Deniise Anniiaert --- High Singl irenie Whkitney ---- Team StandL Bruce Sutcliffe ----- Foundry Bov Tea3n Standings Teanm Pins FLn. Headpins - 27,911 17 Screballs ---- 27,515 14 Aliey Cats ------ 27,033 14 Sore Heads .----- 27,591 13 Gutter Bails ---- 27,195 12 Aces -------27,265 Il LADIES High Single F. Draper--------- 29' High Triple F. Draper ---------------- - -681 wlling Legu R. Good 294 R. Good 772 nAÀ E -ÔOVER- 230 F.Draper--- ------- 297-208 L. Adams ------------266-216 C. Snowden------------ 240-214 JT. Woolner -----240 R. Good ----- 294-259-219 H. ,Ballantinie--- 27,5ý252-229 D. Snowden--------- 276-2Z4 S. Adams ....---------- 262-219 lB. Adams 231 TownLeague Playoffs M jYcNult y' s Chrysier Tied K r amp ï by .im Clarke Last Thursday evening's1 of five semi-final series( tinued, with the opening( test providing the nîght'a entertaininent. McNulty Sports and cou Chrysler settled for a draw, leaving their series win each and a tic. The1 clubs are assured of at 1( two more games bef ore av ner la decided. McNulty's h- outscor'ed County, 13-10. Iii the-other match, defei man Dave Rafuse was pre5 inito emrergency duty la as lKramp's Furniture vx rokd11-4 by Locke TV. wi'nnersý can wrap up serie-s with a victorY Thurs at 8 p.m. The Furniture squad, mi regular goalie Ray Coak% (sick) and Ron Carter, hai use a regular player betw the pipes or default the ga Rafuse answered the SO.S In the first contest last w Shechan ---------- 24 Partner ---- ---- 4 200 Games Irene Whitney ------- Hilda Sîmnick ----- Nyhi Sheehan Frn Bruge ------ -- Ma ry Gray ----- Denise Annaert - 225, Mary Westover----- Lorna Adair--------- Irene Hulme Joan Sutcliffe -----c--- Grace Downey ------- Bernice Partner ---- Pat Carter ----------- Dot Richards -- ------ Audrey Bate - ------- age Averages -------219 Joan Suteliffe le Nyhi Sheehan ----- ---- 640 Fran Bruce ..----- --- leDenise Annaert---- --253 Jean Burton ings Hilda Simnick - Irene Whitney------ Piafàal Fts. Bernice Partner - 25,683 17 Mary Westover 25,417 13 Mary Gray ----- 0,694 1,590 235, 209, (24) CHICKEN >Rocked. by ,Locke's ail of the scoring took place Hughes adding a pair. Larr best over the first 20 minutes. At Perris, Andy Murphy and coon- 10:26 County's Brilan Bradley Clarke had the rest. Joe Bal- con- teamed up with Ray Pickeii son drew four assista. Wray top and Lanny Burns to open the Rendeli collected two goals for scoring. McNuity's Gary Akey Kramps, giving him six in the unty was away for trîpping when three gaines. Rick Woolner 1-1 Bradley drilled his second goal and Bob Hellam had singles. at a ln the series. Both tcams had three ininor two The Sportsmen/ ended the penalties. least scoring when Irv Gi, (12 reg- This series resumies this wia- ular schedule tailles), counted. Thursday ig,ht aPt P8 o«'ock, iave "Woody" Lee and Steve Burns helped out, at 18.49. Officials ace- Bruce, Simpson and Dolug ssed Crough deait out five minor oal, sentences w i t h McNulty's vere drawing four. The The remaining 40 minutes this saw both clubs unable to'con- day nect, as County's Randy Thiele1ý - usand McNqlty's, Curt Vanstone lnswere unbeatable in their re- ýwell spective cages The Sports-*SS id to men weathered two thîrdj vcen period penalties. County had-,-_- me. only an eight-man lineup, while McNulty's dressed 11. veek Following their three match-- es, Gene Balson heads Mc- 13 Nulty's with five points, on a-Ï i11 goal and four assists. Gi bas three markers, with Steve 53Burns, Lee and Bruce Mead- 22ows two each. Grant Flinto1f,ý'- 246 Randy Rogers and JohnKam 28have accounted for the re- 27mainder of their 13 tallies. 206 For County, Ray Pickeli and 203 Lannny Burns have four points 222 each (a goal and three aîîs 220 -f the 9:30 affair Locke' 217 experîenced f le w problems 215 against Kramp's lean lineup as 215 they s 'ept to their 11-4 vic- p 2141 tory. It was 4-2 after the first 213 and 8-3 following 40 minutAes. 200 Dave Green, Gary Wilson andý Brian Evans were' missingle from the Furniture outfit's 219 iineup,.in addition-to a reguýlar 206 goalie and Locke's offence had 203 a fieid dap. Kramp's, needing 195 a win this week to square the 195 best of five round, should have 191 ail of their regulars in bti 190 dress on Thursday. 186 George Sainsbury and Ron.,nie 186 Simpson had three-goal efforts 1831for the winners, with 'Bucky LOVERS Ready Io Go A gainl VIRGINIA FRIED CHICKEN 721e/z KUNG ST.',S 1 ROWMAN VILLWE1 NEXT TO GRAHAM'S Iý.G.A. STOR-E tchfor Us Weekclays: 7:55 arm.; 12:40 p.m., and 6:40 p.m. '73 Il

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