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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1973, p. 14

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_______________ Cards of Thanks In Memoriam In, Memoriam Articles for Sale ArtilesfrSleCr oi aepets F BRYANT--Douglas and Bey- Many thanks to friends anv NRESI fond memory VESNA-In 1oving rneoyo WATER forsl- add-ie-1AE uiacae nd '71 HIONDA 175, C.C., $500. ST. BERNARD. ae ½BU uge add hn erley are- happy ,,ta announce relatives for floWers, gifts, Of Wm. Johni Andrews, who a dear husband, father and ed. Cail Cliff Pethick 623-2313. stand. Cail 62,3-7256. 19 '1 Phonie 263-2538. 19-1 years aid shots, papers plus 623-3278.,91 the safe arrivai of their son cards and visits. To octors passedway May 9, 1972. gadahrMiewopse 9t LWR n egetabl E h pca dets-dghue. hoe 23350 Brue Wllam,8 3/4.î¾OZ., and nurses and staff for 4their Life's greatest ift - remiemi-,away May 16, 1970. UE untr n pl-plns al2321. 1- entSoncPage Threie 9-1___________191Ls born May' 4, 1973, at mémorial excellent care during my stay brance. Parting cornes ta let us knowUanEsddy's MurketndHamppl aBYs.carageexelenc nt 6oCHEPagew tre,cer9-1bakpupe, ekLad Hosita. rou1ganda nlaMeýmorîal Hospital. A fiend, Minnie Randail.l We love more deeply thaotn, 263-2241. 26-tf dition. Phono 623-379..19-1 fe,-60 rbstofe.lhn ackd pieso7chd.e. PoglaseCnracolo are Mr. and Mrs. Mlton Bry- Mýýrs. Jack Nichols. 19-1* 19-1l we show, _d 60o etofr loeodpt o hlrn hn lseCn ant and Mr. Reg. Hcarl. AI h aiye helt r l Love and death malies us see BROAI:LOOM SALE-5 ric HINZMAN pianlo in good 623-5362. 18-2* 987-4395. 1- King St, Wes( ra hn The bfamil of tfe Glate ge. Sp.-What love and life should colaurs of No. 1 Acrilan plush. condition, Phone __987-4331._______63-87.191 harBROO IInloving rmeirn- r.Il beReular $1695suaeyard 973623-10HOD,7xeletc874.____________ ciltak aDs .B -Jack Bannîster wish tai thank ory of a dear husband, fath',er reay ie, g n na ae$89 square . aco- ________________ i- 5 ON 175 or et ffer. di ad nfsi ndnuss n rindreatveneghousand grandfatherErnest, -w-hoiLv ie fema'e na ae$9 qaey.FcayRANGET ____ __________4__pm_623_3194. the m-aternity staiff. 19-1* for floral tributes, expressions passed away May 8, 1912. look, in a breath, Broadiloom Distributors, 81 Tetof.Pe, g 23-coniti. 4p- ,6339.____ EPwne frdiyfr.L .Msn .. a _______ f sympthy and acts of kînd- When ali tl n un u eers rl rde-RcrodStreet West, Oshlla- Hbest offer.orPhone 623-5352. M CAREGE -Mr ad ~nes a te îmeofther e- anleepos ilandesniy eye yasdat.wa576-5522. ______16-8 19-1 '71 FORD ranch wagon, auta- Phone 623-7620. 19-1 Office closedMa2dtaJn Gardon Carnegieý are pleased cent bereavement. 19-1 My thoughts are ln the, n Loigyremembered and STIjDEBAKER S1ervice ,wW Hladhlr,3yasticraioell241 et cni-MLEadfeae p fr3dinclusýýi e. uigt ta annouincc-e birth of a grave sdl mssed bybis wife and and used parts. Graham ,ad, excellent shape. Cali 623- 18.Pon 8-44,Nwa-tbcopatn.Poe93 Un ilb nOfc us baygrSaiy4 Mre Weem erhsad1-1Gaae .i-c387ý2t 2186. 19-11 ville. _______1- 9205. 19- * day evenings,900-100pm baby girl, Sharilyn Marie j~~~~ý Many thanks ta friends and Weem enhsadfamily. , aae.146-6-172 -tfà--6 vcýi o usdtay,May lstivars alo isits, lsot y.Sadlyiess ywf os- Cmn vet NOROUDO ev FOR sale or trade for car, one 19740 HONDA 175 Scrambler; REÈGISTERED Nurse and RN.___________ vile, on Tai Hospitl, BMan- ýt rl ati vs les, it M-s, lmes. wf Rs- o in vPolypropylen o woen falc E, 1970 Honda 175. Phone 987- 1958 Landrover, 283 Pontiac A. Full and psrt time. Phono W 1973, a sister for Brýadleéy. doctors, nurses and First lie and famiiy. 19-1 . with dense rubber bDack. Ail 4049. 19-1 matai', 4 speed transmission. 987-4441. 6-tf ~Jr lne 191Floor Staff for their cane dur- Fîsh -and Chips. AIl you canGaanedN---4 T LGNhs Phone 623-3192. 19-1HEPwneinedaaraMALCpntrjb.Cl - colours. iý1 F.ELINbottraiter,- EPwneinKdaar SALCp ing m-y stay in Memnoii&Il Hos- îoegmm~ fat, every Saturday, $1.49 . 18-2s FRANCISBruce ad, Bett pital.CARD-In ires Retawant Tanto Rdquality. 9 x 12 - stil] $35. ,000lb. capacity, $95. Phono '72 TOYOTA 1600 ce, ]aw on tabacco farm. Phono Rager,623-2921. ________ (Feo Maur e) is t nnoue Nina Burraws019cesyReartaurantJhnw o 9 Tauntrtoronlom isrid.62-5363, 19-1 mileage, excellent condition, McDonald, 983-5686.191 W l D ilng Cah r thearrvaiof hei fist on _____ - psseaawyyMyM1ay 170.4os,1970.hmri-Str1t WELYr teo dy hrsema-dry95mr bst ffr. fte aiAITR IWaîres reuied Wel Dillng td. Patypol thnlie Cîsyon, bo fr pifIwol sko hn, heFandly 1loved and deeply Month of May is Open West, Oshawa,_576-5,522,. 1-8 nure, ideal for gardons. Phono p.m. 623-3194. 19-1 *for private diuo. Full or part Phono 705-277-54 lt 17, 1973, weighJng 8 lb). OZ. manty friends and relatives for mourned, Bowiling Month at Liberty 14 FT. FLEËETLINE cabin 263-8821. 19-1'* 1970 MUSTANG Mach 1, 351, time. Phione 623-2670. 19-2 MýO-BILE WligRpîst The grandiparents are Mn. the flawers, cards and vîss Heart of yhe s s owl '-L6d. Frrsian17trlel, hitch and0 mirror, 15 T. CEDAR stria fibre-'fouir barrel, shaker hood PERSON for general house- constructionanfameup James oone ad Mn nc~ dning m stayin Meoial yuSPoo6363 74sep ie adcniingssdba.Phone -623-7159 scoop, spoiler, rear window work Thurýsday only, must ment. LenBesopPhn Mns. Lau Francis, ail of the Hospital. Special thanks ta Often rny darling my tears Dance lat Necwtonville Hall,Poo6320.1- after 6 p.m. 19-i shades, $2500. Caîl 987-4267. provide own trnpraion. 705-357-3510.14t Ponitypoocl ares. S p e ci ai Dr. H. B. Rundie and nurses wuill flo, Sturday1, May 12, 9 ta 12. SHAG BROADLOOM - Spicial ALUTdinngiom'sit- 19-1*Caîl 263-8880. 1îGAUT ibsns thanks ta Drns. J. D. and H. B. on1 fîrst floar. Dimming your Pic tU oods orchestra. $1.50 s per- purchýase Mdimlength _____U dnn ro uie.--1- GAUT Grec-taOsbTrsesa1d-buWtrer I ll hd n Eoyaywecm9dns iesagi 0pp lacs.,5* good condition. Phono 1970 CHRYSLER 300, four COMPANION taL do light course at Courie il 9 vill e a ndso ta k er y u h I o l lk a n y stUnofTi ls ome dut we v.i1 hid o n.E18-2 colone. de plou s Rcg i n r 1095pe 986-4737 Blackstock. 19-1 door hardtop, power steeing hausekeeping duties for eider- wishes emplay e t in ofc MFlem Ail sital omnfinsan ud lie for arankm ltlsde y ie owan1eHotiuluryard - for imrited timne o DAHLIA hulbs, beautiful dis- brakes, and windows, FM ly lady in ecetrally located LIGHtoruckng Ph.wn nk 9ry r 1* si c v tere, radia and tape dck. Bowmanvi]le homre. Phono 9- gifts aad flawers during myi-sadly reîsse an vingy îrondl oom Dstiuor,8sz;5 for $1. Phono 623-5898. L______ _$260._Pon72-787.191cut and rakedgaonrt- ________stay in hospital and si ne rebrd by' wife Evelyn.. Wednesday, May l6th, Bow- Rlchmon,)id Street West, oshia- 19-1 ý623-4803. _____ 19-1 HIDESRrqie o tilled, chainsawwr.Pee JAMES-Larny and Judy nee caming home. Thanks aLsa taee 19-1 manville Library grounds 7wa 576-5522. __ 16-81SVRL odusdbcyls 694DORCe._maa Bowmanille, fuIl-time, 900d phono after 5, 2-40 Hiae lasdte nnuic rsp.m.i,'orih SCREENED and unscroened boy and girls, small and power brakes and steering, guarantee plus commission. the bith of thein first son- and staff on 6G., Oshawa Gea- CARD-In lavneniny'! Euchre Party, Newtoaville psoil for sale; also sand. large. 92 Duke St., Bownian- roair window defogger, radia' Cutting exporienco preforred. XEINE aa e Mark Todd, 7 lbs. 3 oz., bora rlHsia.ada bohri-aSnm Hall, Friday, May llth, 8:15 cravel and fi. Pick up or v ille. 19-2 taie hitch. new tires. safty Phone 725-8710. _ï- ses pr-Imo owrk May 2 at 1:18, at Oshawa Karen Morris. 19 1 law ard uncle, John Card, p.m. Admission 50c. Ladies dâelivered. Phono 623-3412. siors att Genlenal HospîtaI. P rau d opassed aa a 4 rn uc.Eeyoywi ________ 58MATCHING walnut end tb-ceckdenrirae, 1595 DEN grnprnsaeM.adM-.We would like ta, exp)ress:1970. les and coffee table 5'1long; hest offer. 8623-5-206. 19-1 Please forward re-ferencos, manville. Phon 2-45 Lloyd Jamnes, Enniskilen and aur sincere thanks ta alaur He bade no one his lat fare-con.1- NEWCASTLE Traiter Park & sîlso two table Iamps; in goA quatise 6co nec oadi Saes- WTRwlsbrd te Mnan rs in Hr Dnfrienda of the Salinsa Co,"- wehl, Dance in Pontypool Coi-SlsYrdsrc anbae condition. Phono 63-5105 11iis Special thanka oDr munity for the lavely card! He saîd ,(lgolod-byve ta nane. munity Centre On Saturda1y TalrDelr ewad1 man, P. Box 190, Bwa adsWî oîg Tî useilrales. tawy [\a.ville LIC 3K9. 19-9 phno3h2200. epesetaiv Sparan ratrntystffo~talean cairs we received Wceoften it and think of him, May 12. Music by "The Mason us16rales.Hihwy o PE0S1N"toperatetodeties harry.Wae, Tephe Oshaa GeeralHosptal. on the occasion of aur recent The things hoe used ta say, Band front Lindsay." $400 per12, Newcnsl,9753.1-fTOF01" eîga ie 19-1 eealHsptl n slotted thrush rima, $100; 16-tfemoen aryL marriage. WCe wonder why ho had ta die couple. Bar privilegos. 19-1 NEED a PRESSURE SYSTEM? also baby's new hi-hack car, Beef Farm. State oxpeience 987-4531. ___ ~~Ken and Cindy Ashton. Wtotacac o Pa a tedteana UPPMS scat, uaed only four times, $1. 1ý7tbuea hane.i ay with machinery and livostack LGTtukn n d os Plan-1 tgedote-bye.a SUp .. Sin firat letton. Apply ta Box Engagement Th- oh abseth sevna spring supper (beef or hamî) REA 'FO ALI, MAKES Phono 987-4549 or 987-4353. 37,coToCnadian States- cleaning yars&asmns Mn C Pt"' n Sii nssdlve 0 enat Nestleton United Church PBo10, Bowmn attics, etc. Resn1erts Mn. and Ma. HaroldR. Ste- aage ~ ' SaturdayMay 19, from 5 lpm' HA~RVEY rv±RTNR oNE .w dvderfo300mnre suat.Teehe yes Bwnnvleaepla-Coach Bria Purdy of the -Sadly missed and rornern- ,OEpoe v ville, Ontario. 1- 2-37 74 ed ta nauc the engage- Consumera' Gas Mites Hcke beed by brother - in - law dus$20,ndr 1 - * Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 Eston rear end, SEhouRing end ____for_____ m-ent of their daugherLinda Club would like t aeti ereKnntEeie e tf rer ed, axes Era e-WAEwes rdordi- Dinn, a oal Aan snopportunity ta thank Conaum-phw Robentl and George, Spring Bazaar of Club 21,- for international 30,000, uadeacçonin ok nb d. Canada DilngCpay ofMn ad rs Dnad . rsGa, heBMA xeu-niceEvelyni, rother-in-law Haydan, May 30, la the Corn- RSES ea Cetr ie ndtbs902.Phn," rvoui we asably, of interest ta a persan Rhone Oshawa56604 e ers Gs, heB1*IAM _________ 191 apresently living la the OronoprsntveHryLWae ofaMrtandCorico Te d- ieadteprntJfteMr.oKent.mnt etr t8pm efields, alkinda of Used Furi- 623-7174 after 6. 1-.adtuksaettlyrea-Nwat rs edcvr Ne!vcaate98-5122t dig %il'tae lae epemteam whose tremendoua sup- - table, drygooda, second-h,, anddrc, Antique and Aprpliaces.ditioned and guaranteed. Von ing letton and resume ta Ply-, ber 15 at Mapfle Grave United port during the season meýan)tFIRTH-In loving memary of clothes. Lunclh 35c. Ail wel- Pddy' akt apo, Se Grain mnay inapect îhem, drive them, designs, Orono. 1 ding* witaeplc Set m 19ohr-1, rnd ore - -AL G. C BO N Church, 9 7*som c.19-f aur dear mtecndgadrore 91 ,2-fhave your mechnnic checkTEA OLCMPYned ____ other, Margarlet, who passed Kna oe' nttt BEDROOM suite, comnplote Scott Oats :temi before makiag' us an TEXSho1ster'n.ed To 'aur many friends and awa Ma l2h, dnn1967. o ve 0 o sot r Carpet dining sui Wme'sln -te, 9-piece; chester-' We have a few bushels of .prsnaen4-orsotrrp Forthcoming aur families, sincero thnks Nove dos the sun, rise, are holding their- annuail Pen- field suiite,, a]]l Burma teaýk- foundatian status for sale.,offera-aîinst aur askiag pnice. surrounding Bowrnan v 111 e. Poeso ________t_____________Ilori____0th-ývddh,, My Sle2thatup.. a Ken.dal . always have a good Contact custamera. We tai. RaEEsonîlr, eae Mariags or iakngaptpwdy gNoe os tst n aeoMtay ov2albg-,ootl,8ne. Muat î cr CeresmoreF ms eeco."Wie.G.DkrsnPos, RE ESIAE --annivorsary a happy-aCd e- Thait we (don't thik kindly Sehool Auditoium. . Phono -241-5971.o31 Mr.MraGOsweillOf morable occasion. Our appre- of 1y2ouAHIA Southwesor ýtern Pto 19,-o1 Poe 2-20 Bowmvranville is pleased ta0 an- ciation for al the cards, gifts :inc o wraiarot"will ho served. 82DHLAbls 5fr$, 2-10MacDONALD FORD 789,tEt.cWorth, Tex. 1- n'nc 0tefotiinrg mr- and flowers and ta everyane -Fondly reme(,mbered by Jtrn, St. john,'s Church, Black- nursery gstock, whve ren, 9- BWM1'62 3-t rigcofhr nlydaughter, \vho helped in Sa many ways Jean, Doeuglas and Terry ýLee. tk Sing Suppor Satur-foeigsrbwiehrh 8 14 HP. SCOTT outho)ard: BOWMANVILLE MATURE HrIELP i naeo e nyweeping w %iîîow7s.mapl,,es, cuet-9 Doreenr Marie, ta Mr. Norman ta make thia an unforgettable, 19-1' day, 'May 12, begînîng 5:30. G. H-arteinik, kýR. 2, Nuw-motor, good conditýionl, $2;21,ig as -2348 For housekeeping andBRGS Roy Youagmian, youngest son .ioyous event.Adiso:Aut$2chd-ate9844u16sx antique chalirs, excellent 18 kitchený duties. JACK1 of 1Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Young- Ah and Anne Piper. 19-1 FITHAdlainireror o orn p adu2, $1;;e sholer s conitio, $1 eac; cosole'Whriendly people meet Fui or pazt-time. OIL BURNERSFUR E man of Tyroine. Th-e marriage ____________; rlis1e 4,iiti o lace inTyrne -Uited amile w and rlie fo akr emohr Mraet-hopsedunty Broadloom convertible bbry carnaqge, $20i nte n rndýre upcsACW, 2-*C ý-PUB1 HomiBaingSae -T 142 rok s., out 0 40 62-287.NO REASONABLE OFFER Ba i aPHONEHAPN Chunch. 1-" heautiful coloured telovîsion aUaytMay 12, 1967.nerniMy Poo1- euVlaPUBN EAR nglies 171 amMayni te-un REUSED NATHSE 2 91 6-25 presented taeusin honour of Sadîy ied alopn iife' wary .United ChurchtWonen, 19-2 Mail Address: Green, BdE.ou fftethany, Har9ld day, day School room. Stock up an The Lowiest, Prices _Anywýher ainlNK RA SDC Grecri, 1e Ontan ia, ndsary, also aur fiienda andire-g %eknd _aj irnue Se C nDsh ses Mn adMr.Gere aaltiosfr ads~gît adNo longer in auri-lfe aaagomforth on eeed.hyerIntlltin arnte SedCon'7 olkswagn."411" Mdl Dswahr PO ox4 -Bwanil ' tennnouce runRsw i îwea e wouîrd.îketo - u laurhend a aeCoffee alnd dConuta 25C. 1- enifu arehouse sceectia)n 4d.SdnArs uxr 0t Taymouth, Nw aut ayn tre.BwmniheHa-oyso.4tf Good seeciion'e!ecaamîy car, oaly 2,000 FOR KITCHEN D RIG tugh yielding vanietio s miles. BAYr56.DaRd the ft- tnclseil hni aOwe-îsy iomehneduh- Dance May Zth,2St. Jsphs SIMALL QUANTITY From $9.95 per bushel. '72 Bik klak2-r ar-CahetsMAO R camig mrnigo f thir hu-Etcer.ton Winnie and grandd-aughter Aditorrm. Came aid sp drn AlsemnBrisa Ken- Teenie and Per-ce Luxtan. 1f l qtesf op"Fi euipe. BE FR CAFETERIA neth Gog Greocn and Gea-1-__1 Peggy. 1 port the All Onltania jChampi- Oayas Barry Pedwel1 Yý rcB gina Eldora Rosa. Marriage ta My sincore thanka ta fnl-1-in:$ ope;brpîiee.Pioneer Seed Corni NWATL 5.For appînîmthean rcBok tn- take place June 29, 1973, at ends, relatives and nieighborsiJONE--S-In remnemrbrance of alMuaic by. Bowmiaaville's own NEWAST'712 LeMarns 4-dir. Sda.Fui- Fyn ucm n CHINYS&FIELAE 2:30 p.m.ýi at Taymiouth United foi' carda, flowers, fruit, gifts dean father, Ernest Jones,i Daug Luxton. 19-1' WELCOME 753-2281 987-40l78 ly eqiîupped, sold and ser'-ý-iPhn CucT;a ymr a u t h, New and visita received ileaiwho pas-sed sway Ma 9, 1969. 1- viced by i~snenw Motor InnPoe8327 Brunswick. 19-1 patient la Mémorial HospitaIlHis- dean rigtee MONSTER BINGO E. nutnven EBO5 uewe rn n a.4t and since netumnnghoe. ceerul acePATITQNIG ad aov DeahsSpecial thanka to Dr.Wst r e plensanit ta el caî,THUSDAY - 7:415 p.m. 1- heforsBalmbn ad'2Fiez9L--r1Cah 6337 DarthtDr.JohnRundesD.-o Adaovnwrdfr nored MNANT-Enda cf Rails - tubing.Listalled recentiy la 4-speed transmission, lebas ____11 BOBBER DAVIE---OfBngJotha . .R ndie ndlres aD. e achoigwr frSosrdbyRMAT-r-' -gr r Oshawa Minor Softball Mill-ends - Huge Selection - tomponany office. Wil1 ho than 4,000 miles. For reai HELP WANTED FOR 137 ELGINSRE Ine, nH.E unle n nre ad ecAil No. 1 Quality, - Ail 12fotaaial about middle aI eonomy don't miss thisý EXTRA INCOME 'PIlubing etn Thursday, Mayr3dg rs t2 ofia forfr hi ndde elvdbeal JBLE AIlO ie- egh fov fo aJuei al 2-42 rwie n.EFO3 c adwmn n g.crsueeytm Ceila aves ae 1 ors. stffonder lne. , -HeiýAnv de, Chnviatinead1 fam-1ýi inan à'e nyae cec,ýil Dv;s, ge 1 yar. wri are O S Havý, hitn and'm A W A 30-tf 20 foot. Vlues ta $20,00 per ta Advertiser 368, c/o. The î1 Pat orful-time.Hh a Famnyof Moîbalurne, Aus- MrlnWest. -1 i.19-1 yr OrClaaneCSin ttemn OBox 'L70 Volkswagen 2-dr. Staton*a n rn. iifiera-New WorkadReas il.square yrdtOrClarncsandii tt-ising. a.on seePleasant, dgife SrvcanEsits tralia. Dean miothen of Robent Ennîskillen Suaday S'ýchoali1Price 4.95 and 53.95 squaire 10, O, wmaîle.196 4ped or Flexible heours. Per,, Bo)Davies, andc grand- Thefail of the late Mirs. MUAR'ýCHANT - lai laving me- Annivorsary Sunday, May 20,1 yard. Factory BraloÀi- -son, customý radio, a osiý' o e vt osad C moctheror i 7Hoather, Rabyný.,AdcSmith wish ta express 2pm e.W.Wlltiuos 1ecoaomy littiewagon. EB ftfor mon with jthsch obs ancid Cl 2324 andý Juy evc aelditheir sincore thanka ta friends, mary of a dean son, Richard ai2 pm. e. Wmpeaer.elst, btos 81 R57-5hoad7.Street Fuorl haelrCaIxsPetehrborfroamsMachntuwophse Pte2oogh.secalseaer Wst OhwaT56-52. OS ArtA T 48 rn.Trinn povd or o ith'Logan Fri.a Cae, rltvsandneghMay by Sunday School 16.3 -üBuiek LeSabre Estate Wa- informiation write ta Regi'onal Don Broos&co ynt of io e by cre- th ir floral tibutes, donations A i me u f l s znc h r y a choir. Buffet supper, M onday,- A n te n n a s j '70t on , 33-tfor , 20 B l rd re us o. Bul Parry Sound, As theno unfoîds another yoarLEISURE Living - N ew n o.Mamnyotos uevso,10 evd maton.19~* t th Hent und exre~Memnonies keep yau evor nean. May 21at from '4 p.' an.Hur' dlTesaexeçcutive divea. EBF524. St., Oshawa. Give your tele-,Cso ule !Fn oe thos i smpth, ad hor Aula stdets$1.25, Hus ony, T edaphono number, rpleaso __17-1p, aiasi ntno n actas of kahdnea howa -Lovingly nememnbered by Adls$.0 ded 75 Thursday and Friday, 1 p.m.- '19 C lm"2-dr. Hardiap. Exterior RepaisadRmd DE']"- tbermother and ail the f arily. cîdea11n nr 9 da Wedesday, 0 osed ail5SALLEilFuîîy equipped, a alsiRNAeiling. You nm ii w a pital, owan' eon We- ta us during aur rocen o-1-'dy auda,1 ..-5pm rOTOR.'S sportdcompacFor FreULL.soimate Cal nedy My2 17,Mabelevmn Seiltak a___Sunday, 1 p.m - 5 p.m. Camp- UHr-VHF -ClrdAeriaissprt cmpct EF423FU-6r176-TM Dickýinsanwif of the late Rev. Tomr Gracie the Morris THE ortukcmea rc as 1lao r ie 68 Dodge Dant 4-dr. Sedan, Must have own transportation 7367 r6320 Anre E Dvii.Dean me- Funeiral (Chapel,.,,he Martha's, McKEE-In îavi:iî n emlorýof "onr tig rae rîesffhwheels 6cl uoaifo.elCi 68 thon of Carl1 and Helen. Sister ih eoilPr $oi-ada rtherOmaMKe motar homes. Phono 623-4700; RIAR cnm a' istn Beau VillaFRN BRN aieveytMs Rosaý Grant). tlan, and the Ladies Aux,,iliary ,who paased away May, 8, 19146, wiil be playing st the Highway 2, Est of Zoo. 16-5 iWarkmanshiln Guaraateed anc. EBH264.FR N Grandm ather of Waynie, Terry of the Canadian Legion. 19-1 Every day la somo sm-all wvay Alpie oSV o oe 6 odX -r ado.6331 of ousa.Sevic ws held A hearty thanks is due tai way, NEWCASTLE We Discount Ail Chline- Fll euPpef19he-21_______ Fuea family, friénda, neîg-h- Though absent, you are ever MYîh a A 2hPH - Incrueasor - Rodlucor. vnneOin LLL'lgeanîing black with SEPTIAMTAN la thle Mori s MYi thand A 2h . ,Ingrd uktsasra ep ible INSTALLTO B3owmanvile, aon Frniday at 2 boura, Maple Grave W..,Rev cnar, acn 9t . Aliban and Stabilizers. For L HMLTN Mngeiedtckts.t, olIspn 'coc Iterea Dvit'serndDaid- Harrs, îand teStili missed, lovod and 'al- rPoolCliemrical Bargins gt3-f sharp car. AZY538 RR , APO 191f D,'st evrl Bus Staff 263-15 CmtrDeitt's Corners. GodNeîghbour Cl-.ubo for -ways dean. on auir mailing 1isf. WeTwUC't flawers, gifta, calîs, cn. Loigyrernexpbered by The Honourable H ugh beh undenaold. Factory rod SEED GRAINUEDRCK required for summer help. NO SUNDA AL MOOE-t shwaGeneral packa-)ges" and extra attention brot'her-s and sisters. 19-1 Faulkaer, P.C. M.P. Miaiston 10o- Distribuions, 81Ri- TOP Q-UALITY '70 Chev. % -ton fîeiside long Also ______________ HopialanMnd.-y, May 7, besiowed an my f amily while of____aiSiate la the Fedoral Cabi- mond Street WestOw, Beat VanIiety o! o.885B 193,Ela acoo, R.R 1.En: I wsi opti.T r.MCLOUGH - A Mothe'sntwlhohegstpekr5652.1- Oasnd aly '68 GMIC 1-ton, long box, 6 Part time BartenderB 1 L'L ' nisilLea. la hon 76th ' Anfosi n unngim50Day membrance ai a dean aithefoicoig nua yl. standard tranîsmission. mutbavn8. andMIRRORSLTD yan. MriBeuop. otednro theNoay rer A DRWSFer appoinimeat cal623-3373 7 Division St. -Poo6358 Wifo ai ofthe li rhnMoe ii MriBacu" a wife aad nmther-, Jean, whc dinnen of ho Northumbn- AT4RE31. dean mothen of Keith, Sistor Ver dnrseadstf npassedaw-ay IJanuairy 14, 1973 . land-uhmLbrlAsoi-As ihiida UK 40 etweon, 9 am. and 3 p.m. Bowmanvile nal aiGere aso, aaaoo;the aurgical flioOr whiose gooderumthwma tion ta ho held ai the New TV O'ER Seed Corn GMAC Finaaciag' aadigDuc an Sheet ud loa ls for Awa MIC Insuradce available SeadUns StrWiow Ada Psscoe, Port Credit; moeno care enabled mneito bave aadlc aid,< Port Hope Legion can Fnidayaiale uth an aedUit (Ms.Arhe eih) shnvwa; home sooner, aveysncrlOe wha was btter, God May 11, 1973, at 7:30 p.m.FraaaNL kiCOWANMorIn Store' Fronts- in irr Frn ndLtor eeae.thank-you. n OTA-UC Frak nduthrCi eHelen Van Camp. 19 nver made: funtloyinfrmatio.ea 82- -"-"ATFARS-OWMNVLI Resting ai the Marris Funoerail 9-lA wonderful worker, so ayi_45 18-1INTALEDAT AR S PNTACUIK-BW-NVILEand Gain17t One in a million -e, fmriher- andDVrEeLow Rates LTD. Bowmanville - Phone 623-3396 RGSEE n vicean Tursdy ai2 o'ioc. Reeptin Ganet . Rckar sudSonsSaiemea ____________________Ganesud ongtinyMoee **No payments for six months POats623-ar4.e1 Opportunity W ________en___ ote b wre at_______nd________OFPLNTNDMA ýASTUE for 35 bond ai cnt-ý you rnay ho, AAACNO Cal Corn RGSTRDAmreian Sadi- The persan selecied riwil hav7e' bariepnenol WTntd le. Phono 83546. 19-11 But denta aUr mer10ry db Hanse Sale, Saturday, May supervisory position assccri w1ith buildigmre u GAAG oPARTNER Tag yuevr il +. EF- ** 1,1973, i p.m. Promnewill ho responsible forih e plant ùoperationsumaneac retoatan~ saél'y misseli by Davir ndAeaa andLL.1 2 Breocing Stock. GuelphD aasse itot-iosbos Pho-no23-2168. 19,l Lnd. 94 MOSNE TorOSntSraceDeoe (Ankeil & Victoria Salary wijllhoestablishori an basisaiqlfcton Snowmbile WANED: Huse a not laFREE ESTIMATES LruÂa Rd). Sponsoreri by Caniadien sari expenience. Wiihaeotocteies, WAthe ountny, wtint ies TICKNOR-lin îoving rmoxnony QUEBEC CITY adohrfr ed of cowmnv iin 10 ilee c-a enfahr rd wo Frpriulr otc: 983-5206 Orono adohrfr ed. Amrneni c a nSaôdle Han'se Please fonwand resumoe, including educto sdp Phnenors,$10ta$20pe pser aa My 5 165 FoWMANViflLE oronPhono Breeden Assoc. For catalogue viaus expenlencc. to: rnen ontb. Abstainors. Reply ta Too deanly i1oved ever ta be TRELCNE Zenlith 14620 ANSD LEANERS R.R. 2, Seafoth, Ont., Phono 200 Slmcoe Street Barie70-78-14 Avetier37, /oThe Can- forgaýtten. 47 King St. W., Bowmanvillo AND DEALERS.i.1ox-"'a!1 's.Phn 63312- 519-482-7108. Sale 'Day - Ri1v- -Peterborough, Ontario Barrir705728-148 rivetiso 371 c/a24 Hour Service tf986 4331. onview Farma 519-8321-30 10Bowmnvilîe. 19-2 ght AuryShr. 191113ut 18-5 0319-1 nat laten than May 918,1973. FORCLASSIFIEDI Tuesday., 4:30 pm

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