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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1973, p. 17

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Roeal Estate for Sale!The Cana-di:a ttsaBw aeinclude boat, slip, $2ý,400,e 10 /~ down. Fo more foma-, tion caili26)3-268t5 or 7 23-16364.1 inaw, two adi oining lake-front .2f.L±ETATEL UIM4e> lots, 162 ft., 190 ft., each withliiil....... qquared log cottage, both, with Livestock For Saile Auction, Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales ýReal Estate for SalefiyrOac, nelithied wner IVEEKLY - TESAjUNE acrio icue, npc POY,12hnd, iht years Auction sForStuda, un Sev Lpu5,1 .M ol.Ponai3-2 1 ,115pm a aW Po!MODERN 3MACHINERY loPoe6334. 22-1 old Pon 63-26. 212,1:5 .m a Sv~ Po- AUCTIONEER, LIVESOC SALES Auction sale inîlýudin1g Mas- W PIONIES for sale, several 10desWreos nHw.2 ar ae ai Durham County Sales ArenasyFegsn 175L diese rc ofBedey Hueh3 Orono- Every Thurs., 7:30 P.m. tor, ower "leîg ~î~ fAMN George Blyleven __________________- resser, washstand, drwieLVSOKASEl YSellung Horses, Cattie, Swine, power, front wei ghtsý, 2000 hrs., RA SAEUMt ELO ah size. Pdhoe 7.942. su hie s beldes, chromwie 23217Calves, Sheep, etc. Wm. good condition; M-F 135 diesel 1RPhonAE llln e 623-3011 NEW sZealand ite rbs7har,-4942.eks hrme26-11 ?sley, Auclioneer and Pro- tractor, power stceeing, 7d00Poe6350 suits, eds seingmachine, 9f reo.Pne6318 0Sp0t1e 5 _______________22..1* typewriter, tables, chairs, dish- , 9t reo.Poe6348 r hrs.cmleewihGeo. WhileeBwavle Sptl GOLNS ht'Ebe.eglassware, picture framnes -96, Ooo 0 oce c_:ee :room semi dcl. brick homne,1 A.OSninGS, 2W3-888 Em-bden. si, eetia'apla BOB and FRA Kfor 135 tractor, McCo-rmick 13-234 King St. E., Bowmanvill Î11/2 baîhroom, electrie lhent,,- ton. 13-tf new items including ten Irans- STAPLETON Aurtion sale of furnituro run seed and feriflize-r drii, 2339 fenced back yard, tool shed HRE aicubx istor radios, carpels, silver- for the estale of the laIe John (like ncw - isao) M-F 4-ý and othýer exîras. This housel HORES oared bo stlîs wre, glassware, oilî amps, AUCTIONEERS Shackleton, 85 Liberty Street furrow plow, 14' trio bearn, 7 ce rn tem ms ese ob prca- stadin stlîs god ulside and other items 100 numer- Speializinie in ail types of South, Bowmanville, on Sat- New Holland 469 haylbne 9-B'tflpoetyvîhlt dPieda 2,0.-Trs pasur. aî 26-272aferous to mention. Roger Bon- AE n SAE urday, Jane 2: dresser, beds, 2 years (excellent); 51 he fsaelrel ntrrfcKshbgLk:3 ie 5pm.17- nister, Auctioneer. 22-1 Phone Newcastle 987-4767 three buffets, kitchen chairs, rake. M-F No. 12 baler, Ne w ve ad I I REGISTERED hall Arabian ________ Or Newtonville 786-295.3 studio couch, chesterfield and Idea 7' hay mower, bale stook"- rn vyrusemfo eebruh er bh *w nnng thirouigh ii.The 10 oldl, 3b.r.ctaew mare, also black gelding, oh1fcar, extension 'table. TV. or, bale foi-k, ruer tîred wag ro hueisi 3o o- idrn. ta k- gednedayJune6th Phorne,__black and white; fridge, chesl on and rack, 2 hay eeQvalors dtinasae h lre ans ngpifor,00Chil.q gre rk.Poe9355.Sold - Aurtion Sale of Farmciina r h ag an.i ____________ 22-1* Machinery, the property of~ARNOT W.VOTTEN o rwr,îoogn'tos 1'x2',Myahwe The farm is only one mile from __ 2-1 %g;. . MARE, 9 years, 15.3 hands, ex- George W. Craft, LoI 16, Con. pictures, mirrors, gardon bools, sprayor (on wheols - 100 gai.ýOoôo n-uxt1ýurn, - - cllent carinage and dispo- 13, Otonabee Twp., 3 miles LICENSED roto-tiller, many other articles, tank), M-F 160 manure siip-radOroo-o an erxciaellenUü t a hlsRi siio, xtniv taiig a ouhof Pîroog ae A C IN E Terms cash, sale ai 1 p.m. or, snow blower (3 pt. ih)adbspromaey100fI Dsag, xesoivae î hneBarainingin, ml etea offh Pae- TON E Lawrenre Harris, Clerk; CIiff rocks for 3-toii trurk, 8' chuainfrontage. Priced 10 sell at ý PAO SALEWlter Fran1k, reidntof 22-1agehshistlitchainsBrn numeroase estoofheet-$95.000. Termsq -. Cu Charlie .Fan elEsaeLm 623-2644. 22-1 erborough By-Pass): 1971 M.F. R am tn Peîhick, Auctioneer. _ýites. he propeiwryof ANDY Reid. I'E#Fritd i ae 0announce FOURyearoldHackney and 135 diesel Iroclor, power steer- VNKMELt1 n 8 5Ars-Nwate-~ieopiieto hre Aainmare, fairly well îg ev uyfotm, Ai~~GITML Con. 6, Georgina Twvp. (form- flighway Frontage [' n Cali)Ri s salesepe barns rk, rl lndepalley with K manure loader L416-263-2583 AUCTION BARN erl], North Gilmur422Here is aterrfr witriaîv.Cale sawi mnane and lai. Also driving hdalrbokt 96N-. ___ 0-4 NEWTONVILLÉ -miles southwesl of Sutton or2,0f.frtaeo15 n.. koxnprsaltlaDhm harn iess and sde.Telephone M.F. Dealer, P.T.O.; 1969 M.. DYJNil :0 ..2 ie as fBehvn o s H iay.Ltarghome 137 ldAsKirg St, E.,Bo anli 623-2612. 22-1 130 bus. manaire spreader, P.T. IAuction foýr the (es-tato Cf the Hîl 623-7661 Coanty hax îng opcrated theý,i ricle ntoflv 10.; 1965,M.F. No. 32 7' power loto Mr. Bernstein. in the vil- 9pe iigrossiefo w' 8a rw hc a enmd bto AT-STU2D,- A.Q.H.,A.StaÏÏion, mower, 3 pi.; M.H. No. il side loge fPotpopoitr a, chesterfield, copper- go2- ýmiles wet 1on.oatens eeis achne 1ACE,3arsbhwîh rooSlsrnafrmn pifPnyoo nStr ano, ,n'Johen ilsnorth aînd years. Ho i 3s ammh of Whiteoak Vaquero No. 350114, rake, New Hoîîand 404 hay ae9a m Lag rcg oefrosi-free fridge, suîîes,ile -1L buy somre gooddvlp-pn tbiding pormltav CreowhpConiad ROM. Arena. Liver chest- conditioner, 1'.T.O., M.H. 8' kitchen tableanforcir wardrobe, stoves, fridges, s 0fom enisiment property ai on y $00aiai.HuUY -TWNTi nadntHrcsRcn nul, four wiesoýks ad binder, P.T.O.; Dion threshing dining room table, becis, droîs- coffee tables, dishes, glas~'sh.Froc. oe hsper arr-e with termas, Cal LAST. etais.H ilh okn b)laze. 15.2 IH. Foc: $100,00. mnachine 28-48 complote With ors, washstand, oddchis beds, maîtresses, powerdrilli machinery xvasall b)ought new ýCha1.1iORi.etl1ilt.i( ,îi, kn Mare rare $l.00 per day. Port grain îhrower, straw srdedishes, bedding, pots and anrs, aetatr igcbntonthie form nand, bas be)en keptReid. DIUPLEX, in Newcastle, wibh ouI of the Bomanvlofice Hope 416-35-2094. 22-4 100' drive boit; Lincoln electrie loads of other articles. Panso humidifier, exercise bike, 5- in excellent condition. Sale Oron - 10 Acres seporalcencarances and drive-i and %iiI wecom yur cal HOSE oarded, box stolîs, welder, completo; Ford Fergi- 20 ahins, al sizes. Large old iepice,5pe.rc ..sar.Lod lî e're pre is n of ere finet 1mwentwo -bdromaprîiereai62-393oraibi gr-oup or prîvate pastare. son 2-farrow piough, 24' hay harn - ail 10 ho remnoved, in ro sMtaate;Icqe~nagsanW.d.Atinsne, SýýT-,ale cre lareuengowreu o mon s SIG$6~0 eiec 8 94Ooo Breaking- and exerrising avail- elevator, grain auger, 2 roller 30 days from poeî.N machine,.aaes n 22-n1s x-sl nClik wp lcn bealngwagns ilhrocs, osc-ve f r olcit. T sNeno Cs bridge 416-852-3524. 22-1 talins a beauittiful ei bed- Mary Smuith able. Excellent ridiag location b.aint 15gdise combinat ksseed ash fLornce AtîctinneTesBros. shroom Ibrick bungalow with a Newtonviile 796-2288wsladJNar 1h on quiet gron ~d. Al hors- n«15ds obntnse Ch.Ëwnc Harris, Clerk; utoer. Stapleton BrsReal Estate for SCIae alk oui bascm-ent and a Battner Passant - 623-325W onl.Freanrspondeci oelýecome. Come ad see u. cidril, 1971 Fatzssilo anloader' Cliff Pethick, Auciioneer. 22-1 lrge fireplace. This property liSpne62-5q Cal Bob-aiiArlene 786-2959 complote; 3 pi. blade, ful lino 22-2 aîso contains a new barn andEsi pecei63329 ,0, ipla;(t1,fHerrater aflor 6 pm o oeinom-0tahiey aniy f-__ 22Auction sole, clearng îwo îfl73i 11-1ancesremflwngîr---RIY pncr--2-79 riin on 401. Ho later tinaddrcin, 2-*cedar posîs, quaonity of ]unm- SATURDAY, JUNE 9tîî estates, ho ho helci at Stirte-i.Ol n ml rmOon ___2-q onitedie sepl lion oaci directionssrve2e-2i la, good roa. C w er0f _______ be. Tems ash No eseve.Auction sole of househoîd vanî's Aucîbon Hall, 27 Hall ao sgOd o adel . $6,00 erta.Redns vr Sale ai 1:00 p.m. Carl Hick- furaiture ad antiques, the Street, Oshawa, Thursday, Moy 1Tl niu 0sli 600 em.ii.1oaci 22.Tue ine was - Cars-For Sale son, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont., oroporty of Mrs. Mary Eliza- 31, ai 6 p.m. Admirai refrîg - 1C510, rosi 5, inRefiu.t!5 1-705-324-9959. 21-2 beih Smith, will ho held ini erator,' Beach eeîi tv fL i Bowmanville 1972 350 KAWASAKI' in goJn 1 -Acin(ue Sre) rcg, tcah omp lecdnt te 0ro wt as condiion.Coîl 87-478. 2-1 -the village of Prince Albert washing machine, antique Tre year o-Ild fourbd AHIDR&O ar cagln 5 '72 Saturday, Jue 9h ro3omt, bock splitwih2ats CrmeiAvOhx . 92350 KCAWASAKI, 4,000 sale of Farmn Machinery aci antique p)ot-bellie-ci anve O- sectional Chesterfieldi (gooci diinig area, famnily iOçive o ineof 150 mile-s, best offer. 623-3911. Householci Furniture. Thete china cabinet olri buffetcodto) Frigidaire avocado' patio doors. Large fenced 'lot,. (s~ : kLîîî1 i; ' _________ 22~1* property of Austin O'Neill, (curveci glass door), pinebable, elecîrir stove, like new,: tl- 67 King S t. E., Bowmrt-anviliý-sking $37.900. 'Cou Audrey RA SAE&BSNS a.e0 cxigxhl 193DDEdmgoicnnorth fail Lot 18, Con. 10, flot ,bock cuphoard, quaaiity vision, chrome suite, gossipi Suite 2A RElain. hFLUSN' 196 DDG dmp gocico- miy Tp. 6miesnorh f f îsesR Grmaycreara beach-, small tables, electrir Just Reduced! Milibrook Area DEVELOPERS ai~ osrc va 6 diin. Tlphn ethaay Omemee on County Rooci and andisugor, fîritecimillk glass bo,, iuu laeflor oenaatet nti ce,1 or oe ag Cbyra aefr cash sta oi adon- '6 7 FU II2V,1pwe sec-- L4is a WrD1 AlsChamst fds aniquetock s, o rtale oseflooi lamPps, step- century olci stone mansion. building for horsýe br ad NO Commiss ion Ino1ed pec i,\ os. h ing, gnoodtires. Telophone iractor, standard; W.D. Allis- (hall foot), hrass 400 day tabe, crib, high cahirgpic Prest iios latinie cx- riing Acodemy1,ls0. wy. * Direct purchases fromOP..Raig re2) 26C)3 -801)88<. 22-1 Chalmers row rrop tractor with dlock (Big, Ben alarm, nol ister, oileI set, electnic heater, mont oppoctunity! Bill Turainsky. DRihrHal1.Hap maur ladrCoksulo50aorier,6 oo 01 ams.bespeasocason550arsIocifce Fr uik al Grcen6ii ret Ois 0 urhaer tnchrg'd Mo 2d 11970 C"13175 HONDA, goocigos tractor, overbauleci; 1966 cane bottom chairs, 4-pieco colorteleviosionpralchTVr, Sciie o uc ae Gre ll 6 rc ae oprhsr ,iMy2d conitinoskng 37. Ponomi37 haler, PTO; 1970 A-C bedroom suite (4 poster bed), bicycles, recor-ds, power la-wn Duplex showing good reiurn Atatiectaoerînook- Commercial, Induil ows i0f Darlîngton, 987437. 21 No 7 pul ypecobin, reserwit tar ro bodismower, electrical oppliances on large lot in downtolvii Do v-ing Gardea1 Hill pond. perm- Resideatial Properties and îvith operaing a car ae '71 VOLVO 142S, radio, four PTO, hîke aew; 1967 lI. romn- bedroom suite, chilci s rocker, 1(rew), dishes, six-myonth odimanville. Art now while your anent homvclos 10rvn ntro bigwa. Bsîesss esIn'on opesi 6 speeci, black vinyl top, $2 500 bination seeci drill with antique secretary, aIl kiacis of mole opnicot poocile. 1964 investment carnies itself! Govaue ai$6,0.Cl Sevn Onao, uhm plaei,uly.l vii Phone 9_87-5134. 22À_l* brome grass box, lîke new; other antique articles too iAuM- Pontior station wagon, box Sami Aunis - 2-763i]l Turaasky. a;nd Norýthumberi:d nannil on flhe rond lut. side rake, A-C 7V Power eroaIs bo mention. Terms cash. talr 4f.mleiplwo ae oisn -623-79 O4 shawa Area Cute i o olc vr h 19 ýýOCHALLE,;G7,!traile, 14 f.fineed pas Si Jaes cobnson$3,ntla 19~ CHLLEGERRT 383. mower; George White manure Sale at 12 noon sharp. ïThiis r-botwbha35b6moo21-21hu95!tlee *W eaeIrue alofe-efnt100,days H wa 37,00 ile, Ai Oion. spreader, A-C 3-farrow fil will ho an interesling sale. (Gale electric), plus many r T - delling, minutes froM Oh- 0,rsalretaple\1viansv wes10py Phoo 63-244 221 dauic louh,3-1's; Case Reg. and Larry Johnson, Auc- mratis10amerosci . L. î±ooey w, ptiess 9 roomis, doubl down ipayment of the pur- Rnl .GboHR 1969FORD Failanle, goo i mnacor spreadec, 2roerba tionçiers, Pho"(75 ?37370; Mention. This is a large sale. REAL ESTATE garage, massivestefi- che0ftelos2.NvasehrgiA- codiiu l)ine98-52 o 1antoaten. yesKig, AN ÏSVAN' place, patio door openingý to * Fal or part-lime epiilt bth iiulw .983-5765 for further informa PTO; John Deere 14T haler AutEoeeranc Catog, 75- HON 62-724 ci a oay 84,50. aîlPot fee lion. 21-if PO intrsigmcieSpecial Antique Auction 5751. 2- Ilian is r23d-a2eploaci 22-38, M.H. 6 hiade tiller, flx- Saturday, Jane 2 at 12:00 p.m.-1'IN.Odr ero eo foi s874,o500. 23 23 4Iled"galtv thug bi 1971 IHondla CE 350, less thon ible harrows; drag harrows, 2 {2nd Session) - 1Helc i aI "Her- xvif e3Const. Mark-e2che4k- 5,000 mileýs, ueicoya eaa nits, full line ofma- ongate Conr utos Satardaly. Jane 9 - Auctioniframe, covereci wlith Johns- Bowmanville 1ciiinS.(..Bx )c rr okdi onlyl NecasNe 87-677tchner, mplebun bes, saleei4 mlesnorhio.Roge ailofhoue nod ecntetsaadjMnsvllesidaglare lvin Failyhomaigeoo aiaingMNVILEONTRIOLhomer grvelpit TP 22' hse>ecioc wscais îlo llu oc o fa maichiaery, the propertyjroora, dining roorn andcimod- 3 hedroorn brick bungalow Hierm.v)ii22-1lemde1faulkitcfiveeatdayslp. Liquorad 192 .,TO ori rukrdi, upord vwith glass front, toil- 1ha)o iesul fAf pnea h frc icehaeisuni-porch ij fnshe c roc roora with -lpadaea-facws1, rso$,l etd rcksei,,, t, 6 piers iheio f btvle eln Str Spencer's fRoad., i4miles dul aae lotOWclbr raloai iigod ofsaei goc cnito,~eà irs el-bcaolmp ps ateon. cly Jmxle 2 u rn~ de.otws f Býrooklin. Seli-1furnace, venter softlnr eu iîgroa.Akn 3,0.______________ Il o-a,2,1 hone26$26J Hapto (-rik, ov, mny otherbouse- oter, CranbecrryvasCrn îg Msn iscb upigbt tifu ifallo 'ilsvrl1re~iî~ nfyo fe al Sak lAe.Trno 221* holcinoaci anique items. Tr~hrysuar bolsMar Grg-piano, 2 oak sieboards, pn saetrees and foîs i-BilTrak.A 1î66FORDFalcn 2-r. cupecash No esere. Sle a oryglasesl"' hesof drawers pine drop uatedon main street aci close Il Acres - Highwayr *IAcagoiMy thTw- V-8, stanprd Sattnglsa vase ond -. IOf tale, pn shîpboof, Darlinsoppin,,Inltc l V-8 sandrdtrainsmission, :00 p.m. Cari Hickson, Auc- cap-, laftbepiesdorol 1shpng If you are Icok- CommercialI Li. L 42.A, q,$95 ioeeReboo Otai, lSatBoeian Glas, Art-,- iVirtrola record ployer, spool ing fo'r a weillkepî homo in On No. 35 just eorth of': in UMTG;lcis n:biehalg o Lic. LX 43. As s, $35, tineer, Reabro, Otanio glas, BnomranelassFlowREAof 11su5oand 35.e Front-" Phoo 23441.22-1 1-705-324-9959. 22-2 Blue plates, cheese dish, DelfI Cd ahobo hles rmclt dto, cî frto erin f15 ai 5Frn- om. Markle observeci a hin a, t r e s oo i a o -p an o stools, V ictorian couch, erty is price ci to sel. (ci. A sking $82,000, e r s 2 - 4 3c r d i i g e s n 4 1 70MAVERICK,,00 rinad i, aulo-ble, B sefiej, Misego ckbrokepie7ponr.o oponmo. a Ii pop geon2roci.Nîol oo est eo.15 andi.14. The matc,1700 oigialmieaoWednesday, Jane 131h, Auc- elo tspates oltstTfayçaptain's chair, set of 6 chairs, BWAVIL,3bcrolowmanviiie Starter orInvestment Home fii n ws $150, costs $ 3, la A-i condition,. Certifieci. Tele- tion Soie of Livestock, Imple- hanging shade, hang c am hcsierfielci pine blankel box- brick, living roýý iln agodrI or trydy.H pio-n 3-96 .- etsm untr,,ho om, s, enches, mirrors, oioodiigOwners anxious 10 sl Os Lreodelrom2soe dfui 15 das Ho na phn 97496 2- ons sm ariurIlamps, Cobalt I otBadluee. nCin rsetyu '70 FORD Vn 0 rpryof the loto Eorl Inchbcoapealer pggBleframes aci pictures, crocks, ro aiktco.l o-they have purchaseci rger brick home.Pesîtyueigvnhecvek10p. j VanV8,3800 Loprypta1,Cn ,Hp w, id bl a mptigs, bIrsmerciai zone. Suitable for la- home. l112 storey lwith 4 bed- as a -f mily home, comploej GrciRGul,2931j mxcelet niii.'È,(p-oefirst farra oast of Welcome on eigdle l o rget, granin sari'îice office or other small rooas aciedtacheci garage I eaae ha iigi naoiOhwcag ~ Lot 12, Con. 3, Hope Twp., wiîci hoar aung svto wash-o 9foge bngngbusiness. with liv ing quarters on a lovely lot,.oPreferred ~ ieo n ieadrn 623-3893 afler 4 pr.ln 2 2-1 Hwy. NO. 106 or -4 miles norîh grvei gnaîrbl tp amp. collection of i tr ok Aicn 2,o Iohws rc ue, othie oer Pie nghî a of Port Hope: 33 beoc'i of hlgh a h( ak.Ai0i wash- laetaeao aqittepiir rcd ih stands, pino table, pin as-lmps, inclading miniatures, wt cns 19-67 RAMIBLER Amnerican, 6 grade Hereford caille, 20 stands, pine che-sts of drawers, br latrs, tin caddies, Wit trrs.dc enci street, ideal for the $34,900.00. clylacier, automnatir, safety eeodcw ih1 avsPine hake table.,6' harvest buggr wee ,oànaler...............v)uag family. Asking $37,900. anck d ociguoronleedC-.Li. y side, remainder due i ainnehaktbx i-(modeilaOshawva), bhomes., TT onavle 0'x20 apo AEY 650, $595. Phonoe 2-Jae oîti cw4yer rion chairs, harle walnut 1EvER k h Il ft $7,0000 JolassHlsacinchinaearosI iroiano(upkigt),Hwy.teNo.o 2oWestnolocation qa817,500.00.v 441 21due in Jane, Unit breci: M.F'.ano(right)e, pirofrnate ion 08ssnochnsocs qaanîyodasfutrrk,6'x15' Impn 197-LI CHIEVR"OLET 4-dr. Se- 35 gos roctor, Wb Allis-Chal- oac rsspolbre, pi 0frasestoeGE. fricige, McCiary BR usecia rit-ne, nlds 66 6'W apo bed ~polcraile p22 fruit heariag ros. Great 815,250.00 dan, V-8,. autom-atir. power Mer-s standard tcacto, live mr'i iitrefciuo1lcri tvkrsn soe .- Dnteil witti oet 4 acres - Port Perry area- "QUALITY - brkmdac stoeriag, radio, ruas power; lin. 3-farrow trip boom hg hiJnyLaiw creaan,Coo.l scuttles, sawGoc3beio,,om ,ith 1250,0 like nowe, EC l0 $75 Lic.,FegusEYC owr 0l,10.atol$17gs n0iesploagb, Ir- areFeNothgfusonP 7'y L N powerMIED or bet ffr. Ph n 63-48. xo er p.: Foguon c l ock, barometer dlock, <oei ll toin rv gs enieextra rooras for osible(, nr-l7ars-Nob fP r P ry L A , WE L T I M D or es ofer Phne623441. noer 3dockFeguotouliel a ,nci hotrocls, lilis-Chalmers W-C tractor, STARTER HOME mealp Gooi valueai4q,90.aa-813,500.00. 22-1 vator, 3 pi. Cockshutt manure ' blue fîci k scuffler, plow, sd-eieyGo Il 90 r '6 O D G lxe 4d o od preadQr, Feruson side rake, rocks, ble fowered crocks: j ,N w d a 7'h y i ih oay $200.00 do w'n py- C aýli Geraldine Woict. oshawald 1 7 R O > S o top. In excellenit co-ndition I. cliooA-C 5-blad'eaieels el aai-id isesae. exvid,ýtr li-hl priîg5/ ear7' oy ow1,49edrora ewtires, blue seat Coverstiller, ACround haler, LittealesblsMeyrasoai-sd5i,-cibivat copr,ls~Calet yoan c 1;our owa buildiComewcal Ue - 5F., ½ ysli, er oe newrea sping aw rs, Giant 40' boy ,elevator with molcis, coffee milîs, olci botilsmr obncor cal e lt ou oHolvnlonvCommercialUse)sqfI., backsp 2btlt, ,ý a- rad i with rear speakeacuderig, bl ib aioc ay te notn aiqaanbity of boy, strow, oats' eve om f or own Autheaitic Wiliambug - fml or, abo1saIFLY OE ne pag. il erif el- wve bac, rin spchut PTd lunsual ies utoerselectrid hoaters, separators ii smer Pelwl 'ola hs alyCnainbarbeci garage, pavecicrv radone 623-4234 e, 2 - and i . e c omi ni on s ec ii oI : Tie s. A uBo e r 'os ',lb r ow or i n o sm orgages on mna y B a e o e 3,000 sq. fi. of living lot 149' d op. Pls b velv t ST O R E S LIC K P A-C No. 60 pull-type combin e veagTheis ng of ntique andmn te iîsigHomos carnies, for less:ihian soc,5 bedrooras, large studfy.bodoratrahut rmain 198FRDMsan ata-ck T N.w60Hllanpecomb4hi nciCeals oatyuitems. Aactîoaeer's Note: This ms etpget aiofr o wt ter nipn io eeDecoratbeh-utifully f~M C A 198 auOiR aio odanndodiinePO;MH 0 oinUslerms sh. o re- yoauction featuros many pimit- yafuueeqiuiy. OverýaIlTIiTe love aciimagination ue1 Ak1gprcD$9,010. 4l NIIER H tiergai odio, bd nd rpst ;wtoer, PTO; SH 10'mnonal serve. eni Kah.NAon e- aci unasual items. Terras rost 100, is ofien thoultsRncs of la Ibis home con only be lll- moriîgg available. Hurry on' on crom, mchaicaiydx-feeer, Pdrag how lieaSrvcsWity66-18 ash. No ceserve. Farm solci.Edllars less because (if Boa- preciateci by seerng. Askiag Ii oe celleal. Price $1,195. Terras 2' 4" auger, narly aow; M- 2-1 Sale 1:30 pr..Henrv Kahng er atory paediso uilci- .869,500. errooat. TDoe av Alligon - 987-4867 '*~ availab)le 1 'oigb-t party. Tele- êracklin cuiter, full lino of Auctl Ssion Services, W h i89 22-2 chasing power in the building Il Acres -Streamn, Pond Elfriede Jost 263-2032 Z ____________ phono( 623-381729 betwoen 5 ad 6 mo cior a machiaery, walnut SpcarresinAtqe 6-19iaterials iaciastry. So if Kendal Hilîs orea, 2 bcd- Jack CGibbs - 723-1352- p.m. __ 22-4* aity, ivalnul silven chest Aurtion, Thunsday evenbkng, 1HRDX, UE7 p.m. goure foci up wn-uP making roora cottage ivith fireplace MlileDl 6353 desk, matîross, Beadix auto HMay 31 aI 7:0Ep.m.YSaci Sot-repairs 10 gour p4resoiit 0onGaaaraksa iver with lai-golEm matir washec aidcyer, edcc- urday, Jane 2 at 12 noon, atiHhomEeN . JESEYSif ' you're sbo- ond Owaocr tranisferreti.lPam'ela Carr - 728-3734 0ý1gIs tice scwinq machine, vacuuîm, "Eionga',e Country Aurtions" Glenelen Herd Dispersali m-bing for a nexvor homo or Asking only $000 Terms. Peter Clîopee - 725-1846 O 2i-dooe o, app'hroxe . 30.00 ouged H iles ibnil o c ubg 30 Hoistoîns, 2 hg-ave OagrO-wn Fýc Plce100 Acres, Stream, Pond Kathleen Twaiîes -723-2008,, Demo sta -e-- ay--- eritemsRoffgN.e2Hii-iwtay)o il strt. gae;3-rgstrcigur eaig- .mk--u-3mle etroruh.2bei GogeTaie -73-08 'UV> STAFORDbedwthbrss op ril atc îanýillls aea'uch Pulls ýas Kingburst otpo ra-1 acreill fiSutherland .- 62-3102 d gity-- to Iaving OM BRO L D. brass knobs, wicker roker, font, Beeive, A mb r C o î Fýbo. Mal o n do b idng lt f ci goGooi A de-P an - 2 - 5 3 To wa shrjp o0fClarke. Cor- 1D E T RG E NM T qaatitDofdihesnseeri a- ociDaringfrit arssbueriletoe, lenle Sîtb en rocierkngis.80 iîhteris Nom Wthrup- 73-809p-rl80a9,1R*CM.P, sat tqe pieces, carpets, butter flow,ýerc! rrock "Frn r bor rtirn BCAs1 10 ev- C.Pst- dIuiAorised rhuma (barrel type), large vilQe" ldtbottleq, port "cl Vory Gooti. A number Bacotaen 7arso a e --6337 dOcst ae- tt *Dawnwoden butterbol hundretis[j,ý ginger btîecotaeire fresh oacid springina thie excellent re-tro(_at propelýrty, »ne Found- - 623-3965 eu1Ct Ici Const. Scýhultz vlESID For tacoroai îo, ntqu dck gngr otea c octOG 'if sale. This is a fine bord of xith 10 acre loke anti bush. encbecked on HîgBRa loct e t m o n e e t iork, V o are gu la ock, Jer eys a ci replacem ents 50dAskig $15,000 with terrs. D lo es R ss - " 25 44 893PeÏEnc a smDt I Staf rdErthrs buggy, wooden welwgnwool winder aimn lent te relesdraeteKendal area -10 are aceKay Brown b- 23-3150 aO.'O nt fmrijuana ad adbox, 1962 Ford i/ on item,,. Aurîioacnsnaut have alivays doue weîî for akn $14,000 wvitb ens otr-Oooh iews$5,rss$ anci interesîia!g- askig oyOdmtttiorshi.tlu rRA onumnts truck (solti as is, etc.). Po-Nt-i bv iIselling the1ýýir nexv owners. Mn..Bam- Bih Turansky - Oron 93-42 ieaut 5das.Hoy LIM'? E D erty soi. Terrs csh. Sale Th rd y ev-ig-My~ i h'îdt'q ealth does not permnit Alan Rout " 75-0353 Jan O)ushoora 2-4 gvn two wveeks,. HIt i a R oi 133 atI l a.m . T his is a large s l , 7:00 p r. P lan 10 atc nd Ibishi ra to car ry on in t Pe d airy E dw in Jeans- 62 71 2 hy i s M ob e 6 3 7 59J hn D H u , 4 , 0f 2 o m e e a rly . L u n c h a v a ila b le . o e e r s c s . N e o v . 1 î " n ' 5 F r d e r 'i v oi i l e . M c M D n î i - 6 2 3 - 3 9 2 ý y1 qai d à 1c o a c ot 3î - A lc o ra r . , W iîîo w aîe , F o d Xr e 3 18 u d a s S t. E . - W h tb y e g . a ci L a r r y , Jo h n so n . A u - H n y K h A a c i n S r c e . al r t 1 n m . T lo l W i o pl c Dec g u i y'r bl o vin g PhneWhtb, 68858 tioneens, Phono (705) 357-3ý270;868 od9-02 ai .D Akn1, SalWilf Hwe-- 8-24Newtoniville 786- 2970 cosumei lcolo bl 77KN S.W _________________Geralti Graham. Cierk. 22-1 WibI6 12Managers at1utoees x eenMDnli-623-3911iCharlie Reid -Orono 983-501 haiagIbecaneoaicn bridge, 416-852-3524. 22-1 Lloyd Atchison - 705-932-2770 22-1 trol 0f o cor, The charge' nanville, May 0, 1973 17 MULTIPLE LISTING SItiSE Oshawa & District Real Estlate Board EXO TIC FOODS DELICATESSEN -MEATS & CHEESE SELECTION" PRIME RIB OVNFRESH CRUSTY Kaiser Rolis Save 20e :heese g ition 5&p ,ello Plie;, FRESH 45ePINACH 29 Pkg. 180'ýs Save 14e tts 5.5c -- 9-oz. pkg.- Save 1.7c 2 for 49c e72-oz. pkg. - Save 36e 2 Roll Pack - Save 10e 59C 5-1b. Box 24-oz. Loaveq 4 for9Ç BOWMANvILLE q ed April 21st, Township of Daiýngt on, did. d r i v c while having consumed over .08 contrary to sec- tion 236 of the criminal cdplie a de d 'guilty". Const. Markle investigated an accident which was a headi on collision. Bath drivers were admitted to hospital. $.00damage th the \vehicles. Reýadings were .24 and _24. He waE finied $250, 2osts $31,in de- fault 25 days. He was giv- en four weeks to pay. James Braddock, 'of 54, Drew St, Oshawa, paid i $20 fine 'And cosîs for fail- lng to see if the way xvai clear when making a righ, hand turn from King tc Liberty. Jas. Allen Norris, 'î< Driftwood Ave. Downi-s- view, paid a $15 fine and costs for speeding ini a 70- mile zone limit on Highi- way 401, February 2Fth. .Kenneth Eugene jack- son, 47, Orono, charged February 101h, with havý- ing7 care and control of ai car whiJe having conisum- ed contirary to section 26 ctog cunelrKL- Tests eu .12 and.1 and hle -as founnd "ult"as chr .Thie finle xvlos S~~~~~j 15.cot$,indfaUlt 15 dys.Ho as ive,(n two inal S la toio a fo damag t~ atracor traller f 5,10 Cost.Foreman lnvestiate ,lie accident. The ine as $50, costs $1, j !efault six days. MxelJohn Heath, 45 Oshaa Evd.N. Oshawa, reccivd a $2 fine and cost fo driingon High- wa 41.Dceýmber 241h, ~vlota vaid Cdriver's license. Shiane Stephen Geoy 19, 2641 Eglinton Ave., W,, Apt. 5, 'Toronto, hid five charges of break, enter aand theft read out, which 100ok place Augcust 1972 in a lwo day period. He iS presntl 1on probalion.- Cons skeýd that the fiv'e charges be consideredi as o)ne asil was aspel reIManIiedÏ 10t.lune 26th foi, a presetence report. Glen Rowe, 25, Newcas- îl.chred April 7,thinii Newcastle with riin while1avingConsuimed and with esstngarrest, pl(actd 1gi 1t v"«. Const crfor. erratt ivingand thenhad 0 raio forein- foremeîs.Tests were .16ý and .15. Rowe made ýsev-- cral tret what 'he( would do(ihcilhe gotu ,)f thI OP..ofic. ehas had prvosconivictions. Re, reuccved ;a $20 fine and rosis for thle pie chrg, i default 20' days, and for bis atiud 0- ward the police offiCerýs3 days bi all.

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