The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, JuIy 3, 1974 ý,7'LASHBACK - 25 Years Ago - On Wednesday, July 6, the Juveniles won their ninth straight win by defeating Cobourg 4-3. It was a pitchers'. duel between Hart of Cobourg, and Falls,' of Bowmanville. The Bowmanviîle bail club team's ro's'ter follows: Wilson If, Heath rf, Crook (4th); Buttonshaw c, Falis p, Creamer ss Levett cf, H~filton 2nd, Masters 3rd, Stutt (5ti) Rice ist, Gallagher (5th). FLASHBACK - 10 Years Ago - The newly formed Junior Men's Hockey League held tixeir banquet last Saturday evening at the Legion Hall. The members of the Local 189 team were presented with individual trophies as winners of the league. They included Brian e3radley, Jim Coyle Jr., Jack Whelan, Stephen '1Birclay, Jon Hancock, Pat Murphy, Bob 1ellam, Tom Wilson, Tully Thompson, Bruce Ogden, Ted Bates and Peter Bothwell. Coaches were Grant Malley and Jim Coyle Sr. NRW COURSE OPENS - Kedron Delis Golf Club opèned for business iast Saturday with a wide variety of holes that promise to be a challenge to all cogners. Kedron Deli Golf Club came into being when Grandview Golf Club was dissolved for development 'Golfers can reach the new taking Ritson Road North to Kedron. The front nine is approximately 3,300 yards long and is a par 36. The back nine of the 18-hole course will be- open to th-ý- public July 6 The clubhouse is under co-ILsruction andis expected to be ready for use Aïugust 1. Memberships are available at the club on or af ter opening day. In the case of a 'former mnember of Grandview in its last year of operation, 1972, a 1974 membership at Kedron Delis will carry a discount in 1974 fees. SOFTBALL - The Men's Town League are pearing the half-way mark of the schedule with Stephen Fuels, coached by Bob Williams, in top spot, followed by Kramp Furniture, coach D3on Bishop, -Frank's Variety, coach Siebe uchies, and Ellis Shoes, coach Greg Adams. luhe team s provide good action, playing double jiaders Tuesday and Tbursday nights startinig àt 6:30. MOTOR CITY CAR CLUB - 4th Annual Rod Run and Lawn Show for 1974, held last weekend,,was a g reat success with 94 Street Rods in attendance from Ontario, Michigan and New York States. Headquarters for the weekend event wasý the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn with awards s ponsored by Molson's. The award, for best Canadian car went to J. Pappert, of Kitchener with a 26T Sedan, best overaîl car, J. Pieknick, Michigan, '34 Ford Sedan, with Ladies Choice going to L. Herman with a '34 Ford Coupe. SOLINA - soccer team won the Carling Cup at the annual soccer tournament held at the mid-way mark of the soccer season, defeating Tyrone 2-4, at Zion Park, Saturday June 22. Solinla, haîf way through the season's schedule, are undefeated. ___ DESPITE - hieav downpour of ramn and very jinclement weather the annual Fred Cole Memorial Bowling Tournament, was held at the Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club on Saturday. A success despite the weather, seven greens competed with Larry Sheridan-, skip, and W. McKague, lead, Lindsay, the winners at 54 + 5. Next big tournament at the club wîll be Sunday, July 14 when players will compete for the Brock trophy. SATURDAYS8 p.m RACING FOR THE CARLING'S POINT AWARDS WESTGATE SPEEDWuAY Sherbrooke St. and Hwy. No. 7, Peterborough LTHIS, WEEK ... Added Attraction.. 10 LAP DEMOLITION RACE (last car moving wins) Traffic Control to Hwy. 7 Now Provided GENERAL ADMISSION Adults, - $2.75 Children (12 and under) - .50 NOTICEâm11 THE FOLLOWING DEALERSHIPS WILL CLOSE THEIR SALES OFFICES AND SHIOWROOMS AlilDay Saturday DURING THE MONTHS 0F JuIy and August TO GIVE 1 THEIR SALES STAFF AN' OPPORTUNITY TO ENJOY THE SUMMER MONTHS., Cowan Pontiac- Buick Cou'nty Chrysler-Dodge MacDonald Ford Roy Nichols Motors STILL OPENINGS - The Oshawa Funda- mental Hockey School has a few openings left, with about 175 boys already enrolled for the sehool which opens July 22 for six weeks, at Harman Park Arena. Instructors confirmed to date are former Oshawa General players Cardwell, Hank Nowak, Bill Yeo, and Steve West if he is fully recovered from knee surgery. the losers. Adams unloaded a bases ioaded triple to save Ellis from total bumniliation. Hamilton added bis first Horner of the season to Ellis' attack. Stephens scored three in the fourtb and added five in the fiftb to give tbem their win Locke's TV Electrons were rained out in their tournament connected with Port llope's big weekend activities, but the Legion Midgets managed to g et their game in with Cobourg after Cec Mutton did some heroic work on the Soper Creek diamond. And they came up with a big win, 8-5. The team includes, front row, lef t to right, B. Henning, T. Buttonshaw, B. Fraser, Batboy M. Buttonshaw,,L. Hearil and T.- Vanstone; back row, Jack Buttonshaw, Asst. Coach, D. 'Rutherford, P. Johnston, G. Morrison, R. Ormiston, J. Leddy and Coach Frank Hooper. Winners of C of C Golf Tournament rThe Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce annual golf tournament that had been postponed one week by ramn, was held on Wednesday, June 26th, at Bowmanvîlle Country Club with about 70, participating in the tournament and the delicious dinner that followed. Winner of the Molson trophy for low gross was Rick James, right, while Joe Mcllroy won the low net award. Fuelers SiiinFrtUlc 2 Poitn t A eadcframps W L T Pts. loss. Neil Frv was Kramps' Keitb Anderson (2-0) went Stephens 8 4 0 16 best at tbe plate with a pair of tbe distance and scattered Kramps 7 50 14 bits. seven bits to lead Franks over iranks 5 6 1 il Ellis 3 8 1 7 Last week's action saw Franks down Ellis, 7-1 and Stepbens edge Kramps 4-3 on Tuesday nigbt. On Wednesday Kramps bombed Ellis 28-5 and Franks downed Stepbens 6-2 and on Tbursday, Stepbens defeated Franks 8-4 and Kramps gained a default win over Ellis. Tbe tbree losses by Ellis left tbem four points bebind Franks for tbe. tbird and final play-off spot. Stepb- ens remained in first place just two points abead of Kramps. Franks exploded fbr six runs in the tbird inning to belp tbem gain tbeir win over Ellis. Terry Baker (2-2) scattered two bits for tbe win. Cbarlie Kilpatrick (0-1) took the loss. Baker drove in tbree runs aîd Keitb Anderson knocked in a pair for tbe winners. Don Lorusso scattered seven bits and added a pair of safeties and two RBI's to pace Stepbens over Krarnps. Lor- usso upped bis record to 3-1, John Dragstra also added two bits. Bill Cocbrane (2-3) scat- tered five bits iii taking the Stepbens. Franks erupted'for tbree runs in tbe fiftb to put tbe game away. Bob Williamns (2-1) took tbe loss. Dave Cryderman, Jim Beam and Cal Bamsey bad two bits eacb for Franks and Don Lorusso and Brian Holroyd bad two eacb for Stepbens. Kramps expioded for 20 bits and were aided by 16 Ellis errors enroute to the biggest slaugbter in recent rnemory of Town League action. Bill Cochrane (3-3) tossed the win wbile Don Hamilt'on (i-2) received very littie bielp frorn bis mates in taking the loss. Cocbrane and Steve Parker eacb bad four bits for tbe winners. Mike Cornell added tbree bits-and Neil Fry, Jirn Coyle, Brian Evans and ik Me Lean added two apiece. Fry scored six times and Corneli added four runs wbile E vans drove in four runs and Cocbrane tbree. Jim Green, Paul Tbiessen and Greg Adamns eacb bhad two bits for over Franks. 'Terry' Baker scattered six hits and fanned nine to pick up his third win against two losses. Terry Baker (2-3) took the loss for Franks. Bill Godfrey, Baker and Ron Etcher, had two bits apiece for Stephens. Steve Burns' two run Homer in the seventb was Franks' biggest hit of the game. Steve Parker added four bits in 10 trips to'the plate last week to raîse bis league Ieading average to .457. Neil Fry of Krarnps scored seven runs in two games to take over tbe league lead with 15. The big offensive s plurge by Kramps against Ellis enabled KJramps to place five players in the top 10. Parker leads the league foliowcd by Brian Blackburn of Stephens and then tbree Kramps players, Neil Fry, Dick McLean and Howie GASSAVER SPECIALS 1973 VEGA STATION WAGON 4 cyl.O.H.C.,85 h.p. engine, automatic, radio. Finished in Burnished Brown with spotless bucket seats. Lic. BNJ852 $2593 1972 FORD CORTINA 2-DR. SEDAN 4 cyl. engine, 4 speed transmission, radial tires, mag wheels, radio. Finished in sharp Chocolate Brown, with spotless matching interior. Lic. ATP797 $1994 1972 RENAULT 4-DR. SE DAN Deluxe 1200 series, 4 cyl. engine, 4 speed transmission, radio, white wall tires, etc. Finished in Canary Yellow with spotless matching interior. Lic. EBC235 57 1971 DODGE COLT 4 cyl. engine, 4 speed transmission, radio, white wall tires, etc. Finished in Sunset Yellow with spotless matching interior. $ &% 4% Lic. AVM755i J 1971 TOYOTA STATION. WAGON 4 cyl. engine, 4 speed transmission, radio, white wall tires. Finished in Arctic White with spotless matching interior. $ fl Lic. DZR906Oa9 1969 VOLVO 9-PASSENGER STATION WAGON 4 speed transmission, radio, and many, many more.options. Finished in Diplomat Blue wîth spotless interior. -Don't miss th 1is one. $1AOO Lie. EVZ816 $ WE HAVE 75 NEW CARS AND TRUCKS, MANY COLOURS, MODELS AND OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM. FÉOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DROP IN AND LOOK AT-OUR LARGE SELECTION. PRESIDENT SALES IEN Tom Cowan Weldon Brown Keli Sherban Cedric Russell SALES MAÎNAGER i. *o ** eStew Preston 166 KING ST. EAST PHONE 623-3396 DAILY RENTALS and LEASING AVAILABLE MEMORIAL PARK - LIBERTY ST. -SOUTH FIDAY and SATURDAY IJ l, 2th and l3týh *,VARIETY OF BOOTHS *RIDES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY FRIDAY- 6:30 p.m. Parade - 7:00 p.m. Beauty Contest Judging SATURDAY -4:'00 p.m. Exhibition Tee Bail SPECIAL DRA WS FRIDAY EVENING DRAW FOR: HIKING EQUIPMENT Tent- Sleeping Bag- Back-Pack SATURDAY NIGHT DRAW FOIR:È KINETTE 8 PCE. PATIO SET BIG DRAW FOR: -Your Choice - 1974 STARCRAFT SLEEPMASTER "'6" TRAILER or - 1974 STARCRAFT 14" HOLIDAY BOAT -MOTOR -TRAILER Tickets Now On Sale......... $.00 EACH PROCEEDS FOR KINSMEN COMMUNITY WORK HARBOUR THEATRE PRESENTS 2 ORIGINAL PLAYS Run Swiftly, Stand Free A1 DRAMA ABOUT THE CHEYENNE INDIANS J uIy 19, 20, 25, 27, 3 1, Aug. 2 A Sailor's Tale A COMEDY SET IN AN ENGLISH SEAPORT iuy 17, 18, 24, 26, Aug. 1, 3 At the NEWCASTLE HARBOU R Tickets Available Soon