The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 10). 1974 ')ýarlington Soceer Lge. SENIOR STANDING Solina Tyrone Hampton Zion Courtice Salem, In the annual All Star Soccer Garne at Solina on Saturday, the West team won 3-1. The East team took an early lead on a well placed sbot byv Don Smith, The West tied if up before the end of the haîJf wif Randy Allen scoring on a penalty shot. Pick Their Own Strawberries and Saive Money W L T Pts. F A il 0 0 22 34 10 8 2 1 17 20 7 3 7 1 7 16 18 2 5 3 7 il 16 2 8 2 6 16 27 0 6 3 3 8 26 Boyd Knox g ave the West teamn the lea d with a goal early in the second haîf. Ten minutes later Bud Westlake got the insurance marker to clinch the victory for the West. A crowd of about 200 spectators watched the excit- ing garne. NEWTODNVI LLE lielated congratulations to and Mrs. Wallace Boughen, Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Mont- and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony gmry, whose forty-third Ton. wedng annîversary was ob- Mr. and Mrs. D. Vanloo, of served last weekend. Bloomfield Heights, Michi- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Loner- gan, were July 4th. guests, gan are back from their here, with Mr. and Mrs. R. boneymoon, and living here, Osborne, and Mr. and Mrs. J. in their new borne, across Sciuk.. from the Post Office, on Main- Miss June Kimbail, Lake- St. shore, is spending two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Harriy Lane, of at Government Park, Long- Owen Sound, were visitors ford Milis under the Ontario with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane, Recreation Athletic Leader- last week. ship Plan. We understand The severe thunderstorms there are 216 girls there. lasti Tuesday nîght caused Mrs. Percy Burley of Bow- considerable damage locally. manville, was a visitor with At the scbool, the hydro Mrs. Agnes Burley, last week. connections were put out of Mr. Raymondl Bruce attend- commission, and at least three ed a family picnic at McArth- homes in the village were ur's Milîs a week ago. seriously affected, namely, Recent visitors witb Mrs. those of Mrs. Bea Jones, Mr. Iva Farrow and Mr. Reg. ..%AU~ A &W is looking for someone to own and operate one of our drive-in's in the Bowmanville area. The person we are Iooking for wiIl have about $60,000.00 (before mortgages) and a keen desire to be successful. The A & W package is complete: Real estate and construction assistance; Complete initial training program; Customer oriented menus; National and regional advertising; Local promotional materials; Continuons training and assistance as required; and 'most of ail . . . A & W's welI known naine and fine reputation. If you are looking for your own successful business and have access to $60,00.00, why not consider joining the leading fast food Company in Canada? Write or phone today for complete information- DD. M. (Doug) Robbins 'A & W FOOD) SERVICES 0F CANADA LTD. 281 VctoiaPark Read - Suite 113 ( 416 ) 493-5770 sermon Verse 34. 'aeno tbougbt for tbe morrow; for tbe morrow shall take tbougbt for tbe things of itself." Tbe day's own trouble sbould be sufficient. Live for today. We bave rnany futile anxieties and are paralyzed by future worries but we are given abnormal strengtb in time of stress. Our fullest potential and ambitions are reacbed by bonesty and integrity. desus is our basic requirement. Peter said f0 cast ail cares on Him for He cares for you. Miss Gail Malcolm sang "Great is tby Faitbfulness' M APLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans and Leslie visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon at Bobcaygeon on Sunday. Mr. John Pritchard, Mano- tick, is spending a few days witb bis grandmotber, Mrs. L. C. Snowden andl uncle'Bob Snowdon. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Folliott, Sandy, Cove Acres, Stroud, visited witb bis sister and busband Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Noble. Mrs. Roy Topping, Peter- borougb, was an overnigbt guest of ber motber, Mrs. Fred R. Stevens, on dune 27tb. and attended a sbower for ber niece, Dawn. Mrs. Fred R. Stevens acý- companied Mrs. Roy Topping f0 Peterborough and spent the boliday weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Topping and Ted at their cottage at Dickey Lake where tbere were joined by Mr. John Topping and bis fiance Miss dill Fox, Toronto, and ber One of the fastest growing operations in the area has been) doing tremendous business and not worryîng too much about the shrt4eoflab'or. For- the. past several years, Ted- Watson has be-en op a ,tig- 6'pick-themn-yourself' strawberry plantation just east of Maple Grov'e off,, No 2 Highway. Each year he sends out publicity and advertising inviting patrons to visit his strawberry acreage where they can have a good time selecting the fresh bernies they want from his patches at a much lower pnice than they can ipurchase thern in retail outiets. These two photos show just how popular the operation has become. Tkes Beat Oshawa, Cobourg But Lose to Thurlow 12 to0 c C, -l ý-- - ST iARKC Mrs. Gordon Power, Ooo Mrs. Carlos Tlami-blynl, Orono, Miss Norma Hallowell. Bow- manville, Miss Beulah Hallo- well, Bowmanville, Mrs. Llew Hallowell, Mrs. John Layng, Mrs. Edna Dobson and Mrs., Orme Falls were guestis of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark on Thursday. Also Mr. Gordon Power, Mr. Carlos Tamblyn and Mr. and Mrs. Orme Faîl were evening dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sin- clair, Todd and Tara, 'were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood and boys, Newtonville. Mrs. Murray Curtis, Tor- onto, was a Tuesday dinner guest witb Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon mother, Mrs. John Fox, Oak- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cruick- sbank, Ajax, were Saturday guests of bier sister and busband Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Swallow. Miss Grace Barnes bas returned from a tbree week Grand Tour of Britain. Miss Beverley Wright spent Thur§. nigbt and Fri with bier sister Barbara at Guelph University and were weekend guests, of Mr. and Mrs. E. Desmond and Bob at Hamil- ton. Maple Grove welcomes Mr. and Mrs. D. Pen and family wbo are new owners of the former J. D. Steven's home. Sincere syrnpatby is ex- pressed from tbe many friends of this area to the family and relatives of tbe late Mrs. Cecil Found, Ebenezer. Union service of Ebenezer and Maple Grove United Cburcbes will be beld on, Sunday, July 14, -at Maple Grove, at 10.30 arn. witb the Rev. David Harris B.Tb. in charge. Aerobatic Team At Orono Fuir Newcastle council bas given its provisional approval to a request from the Durbam Central Fair f0 bave tbe Carling's Brewery aerobatic team perform at tbe opening of tbe fair in Orono tbis year. Tbe town's approval is conditional on the approval of tbe Ministry of Transport and Communications approval of tbe scbeme. It is dangerous to swim alone--anywhere, anytime. Always swim witb a buddy, and if possible at times wben a lifeguard is on duty. Keep in the swim with Red Cross Water Safety. VI1LL E Kramp, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power, Orono, visited with Mr. and Mrs. dim Stark, Sunday even- ing. Mr. George Moore is visit- ing wîth Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mrs. Harry McDpnald and daugbter Dyana, Cobourg, spent tbe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Layng. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Eric Found and family, Little Britain on Sunday affernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert West- beuser and Allyson attended a get fogether wifb all the Tbick-son farnily af Elizabeth- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Far- row, Newfonville, wifh Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd, Sunday evening. Mrs. Brian Caswell, Mrs. Llew Hallowell, Mrs. Sid Hallowell and Mrs. Bill Reid attended a bridal sbower at tbe borne of Mrs. Wilfred Wood, Newcasfle, Friday evening. Mr. andl Mrs. Elmer Shier were down for a few days with Mr. Lloyd Hallowell., Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls were Safurday evening visif- ors witb Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Avery were Sunday guesfs witb Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Foster and family, Pefrolia were visitors over the week- end wilb Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foster. the no-wax Ihal keeps on shining, long aller tbe honeymon is over. You may flot mind it at first, but scrubbing and waxing fl oors is work. That's why so manyyoung couples choose Armstrong Solarian for their pad. Solarian actualiy does shine without waxing. The speciai MirabondTm wear surface has a gleaming shine of its own. And it keeps its high gloss-without waxing-far longer than 'an ordinary vinyl floor. Poker party spilis, dirt, even black heel marks corne up easily, ending the drudgery of scrubbing and waxing, so you can live happily ever after. ONY144FOR A 9' x 12' FOR ONLY INSTALLATION EXTRA. DESIGNER SOLARIAN SLIGHTLY HIGHER' UJse Your "CHARGEX"I McGregor jcHrdware KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE 623-2542 On Tuesday, July 2nd, the Tykes played their best game of the-ye-ar against Oshawa Legion at Memorial Park. They started witb tbree runs in the first on three walks and bits by Paul Dadson and Brian Hammond. Oshawa picked up one on the second and three in tbe fourtb to go ahead, but Bowmanville came back witb tbree in tbe fiftb to take a 6-4 lead. The go-abead run coming on a squeeze bunt by Randy Henning. In the sixtb, Oshawa took a 7-6 lead and again Bowmanville came back for two in their baîf to make it 8-7. In the seventb, Osbawa push- ed across f ive to make if 12-8, however, this was not enougb since the Tykes scored five on three walks, a single by Rod Plain and then a grand slammer by Paul Dadson f0 take it 13-12. Falls, were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farrow, and Karen, of Gatineau, Québec, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Béignall and Melissa, of Newcastle, Mrs. Stan Page and boys were camping at Marydale Park several days ast week. We were pleased f0 bear from Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones, wbo are having a wonderful holiday, through tbe Western provinces to the coast and we believe, are now headed for home. Rev. and Mrs. Montgornery attended the Induction service for their friends, Rev. and Mrs. Wrn. Kennedy, at Orne- mee, last Friday evening. Mrs. Neil O'Connell and Lynn, of Cobourg, were Satur- day visitors with Mrs. Gertie Rowe. Miss Paf Varma, wifh ber brothers, Ajay and Ashok, of Washington, and parents, Dr. N. 'L. Varma, and wife frorn New Delhi, Ind, paid a flying visit, here, ' urday affer- noon to Mrs. 'gnes Burley with whomn she boarded whiLe teacbing in our local school. Mrs., Bea Jones and Mrs. Mary Vinkle, who visited Miss Varma in Washington, also enjoyed seeing the party, due in Gananoque that evening, and back in Washington, by Monday. Miss Varma expres- sed regret at not having tirne to see other friends, during the short visit. They, had left Washington, Thursday, visif- ed Niagara Falls, Ontario Place , and other points of mnterest la Toronto, before Henry Rozema went ail the way on the mound with some fine fielding pînys from the team. especially Brian Ham- mond and Robbie Hodgson. Defeat Cobourg The boys travelled to Cob- ourg on Thursday, July 4th and came up with their second win of the week, in a high scoring contest 24-16.' This came on 14 bits and 14 walks with Paul Dadson and Henry Rozema baving tbree each, Tobin Rowe, Rod Plain and Brian Hammond two each and singles to Ryan Kearrey and Randy Henning. Paul Dadson started on the mound with Hlenry Rozema taking over in the third and finishing the game. Thuriow Wins On Saturday, July 6th, they went to Thurlow to take on the local boys. There was no scoring until the second wben coming bere, 50 no time had been wasted. We understand that both Dr. and Mrs. Varma were former meînbers ot the Congress Party, ini their native country. Miss Brenda Henderson was in Waterloo over the weekend. Mrs. Winnie Elliott and Mr. R. Bruce were among those enjoying the Orange Parade in Bowmanville, Saturday after- noon, and the Highland Gam- es, in Cobourg, afterward. OJur mînîster's Sunday morning topir was "Interpre- tdby Love". Oui choir inembers took a holiday, so there was no special music. We hope everyone interested will remember that the time of our churcb service is 11:30 a.m., through July. August is holiday time for everyone. MUr. Ernie Morrow, of Van- kleýek Hill, was a visitor, Sunjïday, with Rev. and Mrs. Mýontgomery, and this week, the latter's cousin, Mrs. Jean Cleland, of Glasgow, Scot- )and, is arriving to visit them. M1r. and Mrs. F. Gilmer w,,ere Sunday visîtors with Mr. ai-d Mrs. P. J. Rowe, at Viewlake. Congratulations to Master John Harrison, five years old on Monday, Election Day. Anyone with news phone 786-2272. The Newtonville Roadrun- ners played two games last week. Irene Vogels doubled borne three runs in the fourth inning and Joany Willems and Theresa Hoar nwig cornbined to pitcb a ten bitter to defeat we pusbed across one and followed up with three in the fbird to take-a 4-o lead. Tburlow picked up two in the tbird and six in the fourth f0 go ahead 8-4. Tbe Tykes gof one in the fiftb f0 make it 8-5. However, tbey could do no better than matcb Tburhow witb tbree in the sixtb and one in the seventb f0 have tbe score end 12-9 in favor of the home team. Paul and Henry again split the pitching with Paul starfing and Henry corning on in tbe fourth. Rod Plain was the big gun at tbe plate wh a borner and single while Henry Rozema also bad a borne run. Tbese two tearns return f0 Bowmanville for tbe return match Saturday, duly l3tb at 3:00 p.m. Standing records now show five wins and four losses. Port Hope 18-6 hast Monday. Alida Beckers home run and Joanne Vogels triple bigb- ligbted a sev.en run second irmng. On Tbursday the Roadrun- ners travehhed f0 Garden Hill wbere in the bighest scoring garne of the year tbey defeated the home team 32-20. doany Willems and, Irene Vogels bandhed the pitcbing. Top batters for the Roadrun- ners were Alida Becker, Susan Spry and Christine Milford. The Roadrunners record now stands at four wins againsf no defeafs. Newtonvilles next game is on Thursday duly 16 when they bosf Newcastle. ]ES TLETON Sunday Services Presbyterian In the Presbyterian Church Sunday rnorning Mr. Brian Fraser chose "Reflections on Hurnility" as the theme for bis message. The Junior Choir favored with music. darnes and John, in the tenth chapter of Mark, ask for power and authorify over men. Jesus replies by telling fbern they must be servants. Such bumilify does not pre- vent us from doing things but defines bow we do fhem. We do fhern, as servants of God and men for their sakes, not only ours, United Cburch Reading Mafhew 6:19-34 Reverend Victor Parsons, spoke on "Anxieties or Wor- ries" as the topit for bei HARBOUR THEATRE presents 2 ORIGINAL PLAYS Run Swiftly, Stand Free A DRAMA ABOUT THE CHEYENNE INDIANS JuIy 19, 20, 25, 27, 31, Aug. 2 A Sailor's Tale A COMEDY SET IN AN ENGLISH SEAPORT J uIy 17, 18, 24, 26, Aug. 1, 3 AT THE NEWCASTLE HARBOUR FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION CALL 987-5288 BETWEEN 4-7 P.M. MONDAY thru FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sav- ery returned home Friday evening from a two week holiday down to the East Coast. Sunday's Chiurcb Service was held in the morning. Rev., Montgomery's sermon was "Interpretated by Love". Mrs. Llew Hallowell was organist. A number of visitors attended the service. Next service will be July 2lst. at 10: 15 a.m. A presentation was held ini bonor of Mr., and Mis. Raymond Rypstra on their recent marriage a week ago Saturday. ,Mr. and Mrs. Bert Staple- ton, Bowmanville, were cal- lers on Mr. and Mrs. dI p Stark, last week, )AHvSe EOEACST TH4E FINES T IN T-HE LAND FOR rTHOSE WHOMPA xE NEf THEIRQ -EAT/NG 0/1. MAN J IVIRTUE FUELS TYRONE R. R. 5 - Bowmanvîlle PHONE >263-8431