Five Pageant Judges Ponder Their Important Decis ion Lt was no easy task for these judges to pick the three winners out of the 12 contestants in the Miss Kinsmen Beauty Pageant on Friday night. They are, from left to right, Mrs. Connie Wiseman, District Kinette Co-ordinator; Don Masterson, District Governor; Walter Sweet, Deputy Governor; Mrs. Helen Dunn, K-Ette President, and Arnold Sleep, Vice-President K40 Club. BobroDveometIt is a Real Treat fo Bury Youjr Head in the Strawberry Patch Brings, Out Question -- of Spot Zoning ,q ~5U.~ . NOW STARTED Mon- - Fr. 9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. Sunday l1:a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Pick Your Own RASPBERRIES Tues. &Turs. 9 a. m. to 8 -30 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.rn. NO RESERVE ýffl>OUALITY FARM FR ESH PRODUCE ~tRf28oma2, B O-CMa, o Tel 416)6237252 Anapplicationit'or an arn endment for a change to the Officiai Plan by Geoffrev Stil' Associates, a Division of A. E. LePage Ltd., xxas received in correspondence at Monday's Newcastle councîl meeting. The land between Waverly Road and Martin Road, north of Hwy. 401 is prcscntly dcsignated as industrial and agriculture, and is bcing used a's a trce nursery. The application asks that if be zoned Highway Commercial f0 permit the development of the Bowbrook Shopping Cen- tre. w hile officiai plans and policy were formulated regarding shopping centres. He said the commit tee was worki.ig on the problema and consultant planner John Lay- ng will submit a report on the. matter next Monday. Councillor Ivan~ Hobbs f old the council ".we are in need of commercial industrial enfer- prise in our area, " and relafed thaf 10 f0 12 years ago we would be falling over our- selves to get them. Councillor Lyall replied that it was 'socially more import- ant to Coi homes h,,ilt for ohir The pplcaton i tothepeople. region xxho state thaf if will bc Mayor Garnet Rickard com- considered the end of the mented that the situation inonth. Councilior Key Lyall w asn't as unfair and as bad for statcd bis objection in thaf the town as if might seem. He there was înequalîty on who stated thaf the alternative to could get zonîng changes . He spot zoning was f0 have vast stated "I can'tse gh oet areas set aside for commer- big mîllionaire ouffif a e cial use, u ytetm h the averaonigte gy nf.; developers were ready to use xwhiteth- vrggycn the land -council may have- build himself a home becaus hneitobcivla- of Jack of 7oning." secngNedwifstoetives, lea- Councillor Kirk Entw islee îwng Newcastrlc with poblems hcad of' the Planning Advisor king f0 confr ol dechopmef Cornmil ce f oid council that heIWdbttrtimkchne wasawae o prbles ais-as thcy were neededand get ing from spot zoning changes good development at fhe time. Fresh Farmrl- Produce ODb riîSt,"' Despite the constant of customers xvho xecks have been sfol Freds Fruit Market( 115 just south of Oronc îeady picked straxvbei f0 pick their oxxn. Fre told The Canadian St. tlîat this was only a crop f0 keep things until bis main crop xva 0f the thrce farms, o Mn. Obrist, 52 of the involx'cd, is in orchai Fred is looking forxva excellent ycaî in the applcs, and pcars tr r-oadsidc Fruit and V( Mar-ket. Fred and bis wi ac quired the pîopcî buîilt thciî roadside mn 1966. With their tarm third fine near Bow i aîîd the land behir roadsidc inarket they acres oi orchards and of garden. This yea bought 28 acres of high oî-chaî-d on the fiffh lii former Town ship ofC TIOn TH E KI NSME N CLUBS 0F BOV MANVILLE WISH TO THANI EVERYONE IN BOWMANVILLI AND SURROUNDING AREA WH HELPED AND SUPPORTED OUI RECENT CARNIVAL. 1'7HE HUGE SUCCESS 0F s Specialty Istream In the garderi area, Fred for si x grows early potatoes. aspar- ýpping at agus, sweef corn and jusf on Hwy. about every vegetable imag- o, Io buy inable, but right now the ýrrîcs, or interest is in sfrawberries. d Obrist There are still strawberries ýatesman for at leasf two more weeks, n carly Fred states and adds straw- ;rolling bcrry sales compared with .s rcady. last year have doubled. xxned by The Obrist's seven children 80 acres and seven students hired for rds, and the summer, share the work rd f0 an load at the mnarket and in the sales of fields. As well, many local ,rom his children andi aduits wili be egetable hircd f0 pick much of the fresh produce. Approximateiy 80 fe LilY per cent of what is sold at the rty and mnarket Fred grows himself, arket in not meaning you couldn't but a ti on the bottle of pop or a bag of chips manville if you s0 desired. id their Corne the middle of August, yhad 34 Fred will have another pro- 17 acres ducf thaf cornes from bis ar Fred orchards. A local beekeeper i densitY kceps a couple of yards of bees ne of the in the orchards, which pro- Clarke.xvides poli enation for his bloom and tresh honey, which is a dclîght on strawberries, any- tîme. Mr. and Mrs, Obrist were 1 narried in Toronto and have iived in this area for 22 years. Mrs. Obrist is from Germany, and her husband of Swiss parentage. The Obrisf s are memebers of the fruit growers associ- ation, and in return for their $50 membership fee are in- cluded 'in free adverfising throughout the province. Tender Accepted V_ Newcastle Council has accepted the recommendation of the Public Works Commit- K tee to accept the tender of E Ltd. for the reconstruction of the West Beach Bridgein the o amount of $16=2.60, sbject 0 to approvai b.Ie Ministry of Transportation and Communi- R cations. Upuri receipt of ne- cessary approvals, the Mayor and Clerk were authorized f0 execute contract documents for Confracf 2068. THIS EVENT WILL HELP US SUPPORT COMMUN ITY PROJECTS. The housewif e who wants f0 help ber family's hearts can serve more fish, chicken, veal and furkey, and less of the fattier beef, lamb, pork and ham, the Ontario Heart Foundation says. Fred Obrist shows the fruit of one picker's labor in the strawberry fields behind his roadside stand. For six weeke,, crowds of people have stopped at Fred's Fruit Market to pick their own strawberries. The sign beside the box is what the pickers take with them down the long rows of delicious strawberries, and is erected where they leave off, so that the next pickers will have no trouble in filling their boxes. Tirini ty ChurchPacked for Magnificent Concert by Sonabile Choir Mem bers by Rev. Guy Corx ers Last Friday night, July' 12, Trinity United Church was packed with people who were treated t0 a wondertul concert presented by the Christian Mixed Choir, Sonabile, from Apeldoorn, Holland. It was truly an unforget table evening for the audience, most of xvhom were Dutch immi- Student Tells Rotary About U.N. Seminar Rotary heard Helen Brid- ges, a recent grade 12 gradu- ate of Bowrnanxille High School, give an account of ber trip to the United Nations Serninar in London this year. The theme of the seminar xvas "Canada and the United States toward 2001L" Miss Bridges was sponsored on ber trip by the Bowman- ville Rotary Club, for xxhich she thanked the club and told them that if had been a xorthwhile advcnture. The seminar held at West- ern University concentrated on discussing the common problems the U.S. and Canada face approaching the year 2001. On the question of Arnerican ownership of Cana- dian Resources one of many guest speakers told the group that Canadians had twice as much invested in the States than whaf they did in Canada. Another speaker told the gathering f0 be optimistic about the future and then proceeded f0 paint a dark picture. Miss Bridges told the Rot- ary Club of ber first task af the four day serninar. In a sîrnulated caucus she was f0 convince the group to spend S.'30,000 on the development of ethnie cultures in Canada. She was introduced by Rotarian Fanl Wolff and thanked by Rotarian Knox Henry. AMO Delegates Mayor Garnet Rickard and Coun. Kirk Entwisle were appointed Monday by council as the town's representatives to the annual meeting of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. (AIO) Sirice the town bas been ailofed four possible voting delegates the remlaining two positions xiii be filled by any other councillors who would like f0 attend. grants, as well as for the choir members themselves. The concert began with the, singing of the Canadian and Dutch National' Anthems, sung by choir and audience, and sung with an enthusiasm the like of which is seldom heard. The first part, of the concert consisted mainly of the singing of Christian hyrnns, bof h in Dutch, English and French. The alto soloist j Mrs. Tony Rebel. 'stole' the! hearts of many people as she sang "0J Resf In The Lord", and together with the Choir: "King Ahl Glorious". She is quite a successful professiorial singer in Holland where she t.1ngs weekly over radio and T.V., as well as directing four choirs. The choir director, Mr. Jaap Jan Hunze, is also on radio and T. V. weekly both with choir and as a bass-bani- tone soloist. Accornpanying the choir was a brass quartet Soli Deo Gloria", from Enschede, Holland, as well as pianist Mrs. Greet v.d. Heuvel and organisf Mr. Henk Leen- dertse. The organist was ful of praise for the wonderful organ in Trinit y and he cerf aînly made the organ 't alk'. Affer the intermission, the choir sang quite a number of bcloved old folk songs, many of which were learned by IO-year-old youngsters who are now in their sixties and seventies as immigrants in Canada. Opportunify was therefore given for the audi- ence f0 parficipafe in the singing of these old fax-orites. The entire concert was a great success in Bowrnanvillc. An elderly lady was overbeard saying.."Ive all mx life belonged f0 Trinity but I've nex er heard such singing, neither by a choir, nor by an audience."Another one sair ..;Iished Working On Harbour Areai At the request of Councillor Ken Lyali, Newcastle Councîl a.pproved a motion to send a letter of appreciation to the students working on an Envir- onmental Enhancement Pro- gram, for cleaning upi the Newcastle Village harbor area. Mayor Garniet Riekard in- formed the council thiat the students wouid now begin work on the conservation arca in Orono. PICK VOUR OWN j1uicy 59e IL NWENL LOCAL GROWN' 10 Lb. Bag 1NEW POTATES 99- Large selection of fancy fruits available finest quality APPLES PEACHES NECTARINES PLUMS ,' ETC. ARRIVING THURSDAY MORNING DIRECT FROM NIAGARA Idei orFRESH SWEET Heaping 6qt. Canning or Black BASKETS Freezing CERIS Attractively CHERRIES PRTCED FREE! ! SAMPLES OF FINE QUALITY BISCUITS FRESU PERC COFFEE lOCa Cup or COLD DRINKS ]oc a Cup PHILIPS 60 watt or 100 watt Light Bulbs 2Pkg. OAM c of 28% Save 41c FRESH CUT UP SLICES 0F WATER MELON HERSEY Chocolate Br 8 for99 Save 21c HOLLAND RUSK lic 92pkg.55 MANY MORE ITEMS WTLL BE AVAILABLE ON-OUR RE DUC E DTO CLEAR TABLE Buy Now! !And Save IN THE STORE SPECIALS Maple Leaf COTTAGE ROLLS S9C IL TENDER "Quick" STORE SLICED MAPLE LEAF Minute Steaks BACON $.89 l.99 lb TOAST MASTER White S liced BREAD ' 24 Oz.$1 -Save 38e ULoaves SUMMIT Asst. Fia vours' ICE-CREAM 'Vy12 Gal. DjYKSTRA'S. Food Market 17 King St. W., Bowmanville. Home of Quality FREE! ! PARKING DAIRY BARN STORE Shop f rom Your Car DO YOURS HOPPlING AT THE DAI RY BARN COOL OFF.. WITH YOUR FAVORITE SOFT DRINK NEW! GREAT TASTING yDIII,,1I TheI popI IShoppe ""'iN SALAD DAYS!! Fresh Delicious C OTTAGE CHEES E Open 7 Days a Week 7 a.m. to il p.m. (360 Ozs.) A2.53 PLUS DEPOSIT HI-LO FRENCHFRIEà- 5 LB. FROZEN BAG OnIy $1.15 DUOAIRY. BARN SOE 215 KING ST. EAST 0F LIBERTYý- BOWMANVILLE KEN HOCKIN REAL ESTATE LTD. P IE ALTir QREALTOR ON THE EAST SI DE 0F HWY. 45 AT HWY. 401 OWN YOUR OWN PRIVATE SHANGRA-LA with suni, sand and sea in the Gulf of Mexico. Start your land purchase today with as litt1e as $1,400 down and $115 per month. See our 12 minute film and fly with us f0 warmn wonderful Padre Isies. For more information mail complete coupon to: Ken Hockin Real Estate Limited c-o K. Nicks, Sales Consultant k5 Temperance St., Bowmanville (623-4115 -623-5580 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 17, 1974 15 people where they had stayed (loud enough so that haif the for two nights to the Maraýn audience could hear it) "Boy, atha Chr. Ref. Church from can those Dutchmen ever where they lef t at 8:30 in four sing!" It certafnly was great, Buses for Barrie. It would both for the audience and the have been nice if a T. 'V. choir. The choir performed camera could have taken a superbly and the audience few shots of the departure res ned again and again "ceremony". They had only with loud and enthusiastie been with people here for two applause, which in itself was a nights and they were saying boost and an inspiration for their "Good-bye's" with warmf the choir. embraces, hugs and kisses1, as The choir members, togeth- if they were leaving reIatives er with their wives or hus- and friends they had knowneri bands, and supporters, 186 in for years. We salute th_, ail, were brought by the SONABILE Choir! COME MO-NE ýàCOME. ALL! TO BOWMANLvVILLE'S SIE ALK SZ BC Svveet& BING CHERRIES A