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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1975, Section 2, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 26, 1975 Section Two Bowmanville Drama Workshop Now in Rehearsal Physical Fitness, Sports Recreation and Culture To Benefit-from Lottery Physical fitness, sports, rec- reational and cultural pro- grams in Ontario will share the proceeds of a provincial lottery which will be establish- ed this year. Robert Welch, who heads the new Ministry of Culture and Recreation, told the Legislature a lottéry corpora- tion will be established as a Crown agency to run the lottery. BOWMANVILLE DRAMA WORKSHOP presents Lovers And Other Strangers THURS. FRI. SAT. FEBRUARY 27, 28 & MARCH 1 BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL THEATRE For Tickets Call 623-3114 Senior Citizens Admitted Free on Thurs. Night TELEPHONE 983-5536 ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD OF EXCELLENCE LICENCED DINING LOUNGE SPECIALIZING IN Roat fêtt Enners Noone 's Hotel & Restaùrant Hwy. 115 & 35 9 Miles North of 401 R.R. 2 ORONO Your Hosts EILEEN & GERRY NOONE "The net proceeds," he said, "will be used by the govern- ment to support programs for physical fitness, sports, rec- reation and culture in Ontario. The corporation will deter- mine the price of tickets, sales arrangements, size of the prizes and frequency of the draws." Mr. Welch said, "the estab- lishment of the new Ministry of Culture and Recreation reflects the high priority this government assigns to the promotion of physical fitness, sports, recreation and cultural activities of all kinds. The lottery revenues will bc used- to further stimulate these programs above and beyond the considerable expenditure that the government is al- ready making in this field. "On the basis of experience elsewhere we expect that sales could reach $100 million within the next couple of years. After the return of about 40 per cent of that in prizes and the payment of operational expenses and sales commissions of about 20 per cent, we expect between $40 million and $50 million to be available for physical fitness, sports, recreation and cultural ograms." "To achieve these financial objectives and to ensure that we retain as much as possible of the proceeds for public use, we intend, among other things, to keep the corporation small in order to hold down overhead costs, and we antici- pate a distribution and sales operation similar to that employed by the Olympic 1,ottery," the minister con- tinued. "We would not want our lottery to adversely affect the sales of Olympic Lottery tickets in Ontario. We have had extensive discussions about this with Olympic Lot- tery officials and we have been encouraged by them ta mbove ahead with our plans for the Ontario Lottery.' Mr. Welch said, the ques- tion of provincial lotteries has attracted widespread interest in Ontario since federal legis- lation was amended in 1970 to permit them. A provincial lottery was the subject of a thorough debate by Members of the Legislature in Decem- ber." "It was clear from the suppport of participants in that debate and from statistics compiled by the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations that there is wide public support for lotteries in Ontario," the minister con- tinued. Residents of Ontario have already bought more than $40 million worth of tickets for the Olympic Lottery and there are estimates that another $40 million is spent annually on the Irish Sweepstakes and other large provincial and state-rui lotteries. Many social, cultural, re- ligious and charitable organ- izations in Ontario have also made lotteries a source of in the CAPTAIN'S LOUNGE A NEW ENTERTAINMENT POLICY! A CHANGE EVERY WEEK Hear and See These Superb Groups NW Nice & Easy APPEARING FEBRUARY 24TH TO MARCH 1ST NEXT ATTRACTION Mac Duo March 3rd to March 8th FAMILY SUNDAY BRUNCH from 12 Noon to3:00 P.M. Adults - $4.00 Children - $2.00 Heated Indoor Pool Available Free of Charge for Children Accompanied by Parents In addition to these groups playing Saturday night, we also feature our DICK VALLEAU QUARTET with BOB HILL - VOCALIST. Look for our Special Dinner Packages Available Nightly. - Flying Dutchman Pizzas and Burgers untilil :00 p.m. - ilighway 401 at Liberty St. MOTOR INNqI ***********************************,************************ Piper, and Florence Knight was the winner of the Zone Euchre Tournament. Plans for the Smorgasbord and Dance to be held by the Sports Committee on Satur- day, February 22nd, were discussed by 1st Vice-Presi- dent Sheehan. As Bingo Con- venor, she also gave a report, and announced that Comrade Irene Whitney will be the Caller at the Bingos during the next two weeks. Comrade Audrey Bate gave the Birth- day Box report. President Colmer reminded the members that plans havi.-, been completed for their attendance at the Irish Rovers Concert to be held in the Oshawa Civic Auditorium on Friday evening, February 28th. The bus will leave the Legion Hall at 7 p.m. she said. Comrade Lorraine Bruton was the lucky winner of the draw. Following the business meeting a delicious lunch was served, and ai social hour was enjoyed. HAMMOND Organ Studios Everything Goes on ALL *USED The play is entitled Frank, Bea, Richie and Joan and will soon be performed for the publie by members of the Bowmanville Drama Workshop. When Joan and Richie (right) decide to get a divorce it produces similtaneous dialogue among the actors, then dead silence. From right to left, the actors are Joan Hill, John Amesbury, Pat Rundle and Rick Morrison. The play is directed by Jean Sheridan. It's Time to Claim 74 Ontario Tax Credits Once again, it's income tax filing time and for many Ontario residents it's time to claim their 1974 Ontario tax credits. "The Ontario tax credit system is a program designed to contribute greater fairness 1o provincial and municipal taxation," Arthur Meen, Min- ister of Revenue, commented this morning. "OTC, as we call it, relates tax credits to an individual's ability to pay taxes. This year we expect ta return about $375 million dollars to Ontario taxpayers by means of this systei of tax credits, That's about $75 million more than last year," the revenue minister noted. The Ontario tax credit system (OTC) consists of three credits: 1. Property Tax Credit - This credit may be claimed by most homeowners, tenants, roomers, and boarders. 2. Sales Tax Credit - Any Ontario tax filer over age 16 on December 31, 1974, may claim this credit if he or she is not funds for their important work. These will continue under the supervision of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations and Mr. Welch said the govern- ment is satisfied that the provincial lottery will not interfere with their efforts. Research based on exper- ience in other jurisdictions has shown that local lotteries are identifiedwith local activities and have their own special attraction and participation. "A province-wide lottery, therefore, will not compete directly with them. In fact," he continued, "I think the Ontario Lottery could provide a new source of# funds for many non-profit groups who may wish to become sales agents and sell tickets directly to the public on a commission basis. "Additional revenue from this provincial lottery will be used to enhance even further the new impetus this govern- ment intends to give to a whole range of activities which will benefit all the residents of Ontario," he added. claimed as a dependent on the income tax return of any other Ontario resident. 3. Pensioner Tax Credit - Most residents 65 years of age and older can claim this credit which amounts to $110 for a married couple and the same for a single person. In order to claim Ontario tax credits. an Ontario resi- dent must file the federal income tax return, even if the individual has no taxable income. The Ontario tax credit form is attached to a federal income tax return and both forms must be completed and mailed togeter, in the pre-addressed efivelope pro- vided, to the, Federal Govern- ment's taxation date centre in Ottawa. The Ontario tax credit form is simple to complete and the calculations required are not difficult. When a person has determined those credits for which he qualifies, he adds them up and deducts 2 per cent of his taxable income YELVERTON Speedy convalesence to two Yelvertonions who endured surgery this week; to Dale Stinson for corrective surgery for a pinched nerve in his hand at Peterborough Civic. Dale who is also doubly immobil- ized with a pulled ligament in. the opposite leg can't fly on either wing at present and quite painful. Also speedy recovery to an active octogen- arian Mr, Jim Shackleton who spent a couple or three days in Ross Memorial Hospital this week. Sorry to report we have just received word that our father Rae Malcolm has been taken to Etobicoke General Hospital following a heart attack this afternoon Sun. Feb. 16th at their apartment on Islington Ave. N. At last report (Mon. a.m.) he is resting comfort- ably in intensive care there and much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown spent a day or two in Toronto this week when Don under- went his quarterly medical checkup at Toronto General. Legion Ladies Dart Team Wins in Zone Tournament By Beryl Hughes President Nance Colmer presided at the meeting of the Bowmanville Ladies' Auxil- iary to the Royal Canadian from that total to arrive at his net Ontario tax credits. "If people have questions about Ontario tax credits, I urge them to call us. Last year, my sta(f answered over 40,000 inquiries and the same service is available this year," Mr. Meen said. Outside Metropolitan Tor- onto, the fax credit informa- tion certre at the Ministry of Revenue can be reached free-of-charge by dialing "0" and asking the operator for Zenith 8-2000. In the Metropol- itan Toronto local calling area, the number is 965-8470. Letters should be addressed to: Guaranteed Income And Tax Credit Branch Ministry of Revenue Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 2G1 Legion held in the Legion Hall on Monday evening February l7tb. Despife the inclement weather there was a good attendance at the meeting. Two catering convenors were appointed for upcoming banquets. Treasurer Rena Bathgate was appointed cater- ing convenor for the K-40 Banquet on April 26th, and 1st Vice-President Nyhl, Sheehan was named catering convenor for the Ladies' Major Bowling League Banquet on May 12th. 1st Vice-President Sheehan gave her report as Sports Convenor. She informed the auxiliary that a team compos- ed of Comrades Audrey Bate, Irene Whitney, Evelyn Bould, and 2nd Vice-President Marie Bissoniette and Treasurer Bathgate won the Zone Darts Tournament and will there- fore compete in the Regional Darts Tournament. She also told the meeting that another team composed of local auxil- iary members: 1st Vice- President Sheehan, and Com- radep Jessie Lightfoot, Anne Mother's is open from 11:00 a.m. 'till 1:00 a.m. Monday through Thursday from 11:00 a.m. 'till 2:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday, and from 1:00 p.m. 'till 1:00 a.m. Sunday. On pickup orders, allow 15 to 20 minutes for a perfect pizza. Mother's Pizza Parlour and Spaghetti House "More than just a place to eat" 1208 SIMCOE ST. NORTH - OSHAWA 576-4401 272 KING ST. EAST - OSHAWA 576-6601 Rosemary Balley at DURHAM COLLEGE MARCH 7th, 8 P.M. TICKETS - $2.00 per adult $1.00 per child and con be obtained at Hommond Orgon Studios, 16 Simcoe St. N., Oshawo FREE HEADPHONES with the purchase of any New, Used or Demo Organ or Piano. FREE YEARS LESSO for every member of the family with the purchase of any New, Used or Demo Organ or Piano. HAMMOND ORGAN studios 16 SIMCOE ST. N. OPEN: Mon.-Tues.9-6 e Wed.9.1? Thurs. 9-6 • Fri. 9-9 e Sot. 10-6 728-1675 Rosemary Bailey Tickets with the purchase of any New or Used or Demo Organ or Piano. Coro nationRN CO'*RES TA URANT Serving Delicious Chinese Food Take-Out Orders a Specialty Fuil Course Meals In a Home-Like Atmosphere ENJOY A RELAXING MEAL AFTER A DAY OF SHOPPING 9 KINGi ST. W. 623-5412

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