10 Te canadian Statesmaii..Bov£manvilie. Mai( OBITUARIES HELEN JANE LeGRESLEY A prominent, ife-long resi- dent of Newcastle -H-elen Jane Le .Gresley, aged 75, passed away ia Oshawa General Hospitai, on Friday, February 28, 1975, foliowing an ilness of six weeks, witb a broken hp, resulting from a fali. Born and educated in New- castle she was the daugbter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Farncomb (nee Hannah Mary Coldwell) and was married September 20, 1924, to Regin- aid Balfour Le Gresley. Mrs.* LeGresley resided for 70 years at Ebor House, in Newcastle Village, the former Farncomb home, presently owned and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Harve Britt on. Loveci and respectea o)y everyone who knew her, she was a wonderful bomemaker, interested in flowers, fruit, animais and people. Mrs. Le- Gresley was a member of St. Georges Anglican Church, Newcastle. Lef t to mourn her passing are ber husband, sons Balfour, of Toronto, Farncomb of Newcastle, and eigbt grand- children. Resting at the Morris Fun- eral Chape' until service on Monday, at St. Georges Angli- can Churcli, Newcastle, with the service conducted by Reverend Robert Hayne, the paîl-bearers were Messrs. Harold Gibson, Alex Hendry, Sidney Lancaster, Victor Pat- ter son, Albert Pearce and Don Stapleton. Flioral tokens in ber mem- ory were received from the Durham Masonic Lodge, Pal- estine Chapter, (Royal Arch Masons), North Shore Radio Club, Neighbours, Pastmast- ers (Masonic), Toronto Dis- trict 7, and the Bowmanville Higli Scbool Science Teachers. Interment was in St. George's CemYetery. GEO)RGE AERON FORSEY A residlent at 169 King St. East, Bowmialvijle, for 38& y;ears, George Aeron F1orsey aged 78, passed away in Memnorial Hosp)ital, Bowman- ville,. on Tuesday, March 4, 1975, foiiowing a two year's illness. Born in Newbury Port, Mass., U.S.A., and educated in Grand Bank, Nfld., he was married in 1924 to Gladys L. Vanstone. He had been employed at the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Ltd. bere, for 37 years, retiring 13 years ago. Mr. Forsey was a member of I.O.O.F. Lodge No. 66, Bowmanville and Osbawa Encampment, Ontario No. il. He served overseas with the Canadian Corps, in the lst Wrld War, from 1914-1918. In 1957 lie was presented with bis Past Grand Jewel, of I.O.0.F. No. 66, and PCP Jewel, of Ontario Oshawa Encampment No. 11, in 1958-1959. He leaves to mourn bis t assing, sons George, and- loyd, daughter (Reta> Mrs. Elwood Fice, and son Sbîrly. The funeral service was, beld at the Morris Funeral Cbapel, on Tbursday, Marcb 6 witb Captain Scott Hewlett officiating. Pail-bearers were six grandsons, Messrs. Brian, Toronto, Larry, Randy, Donald, Stephen and Ricky Forsey, ail of Bowmanville. Beautiful floral offerings were regeived inhis eoy from the Bowmanvil le Salvation Army, Columbia Records, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., I.O.O.F. Lodge No. 66, and tbe Newcastle Fire Dept. Hall No. 1. MRS. MARGARET DANIEL Born in Scotiand, and ed- ucated in Toronto, Margaret Daniel, 49, died suddenly, on Thursday, Marcb 7, 1975, in Scarborougli General Hospi- tal. The former Margaret Mc- Illrovey, was married on February 18, 1950 to Phulip Daniel. She bad resîded in Bowmanvilie for three years, previously residing in Osh- awa, New Brunswick, Ger- many and- Petawawa. A memer fthe rsbtr 20" r Features 3.5-h.p., 4-cycle Tecumseh engine. 20" steel deck is fuliy baffled for vacuum action ejection. Buit to last! ()Extensi*on Lad"ders Corne with A.B.S. Plastic end caps, polypropylefle rope and pulley Patented SAFE-T- BOND rung to rail G'oet intoth swing of spr»ing with Beaver's Spring" Values. We h ý,.ave everything you need tostrth spring gardenin nd cleanup operation at prices that won'tlev you cld Gai',rden traeurdn F EATU RES: Prefab Trusses Prefab Back Panels with siding applied Prefab Front Corners with siding applied, 4 x 81/ 1 Plywood Floor 2 Prefab Doors 2 8" x 6'0î" 2.tone Brown Asphait Shingles Cedar'Fascia and Door Fronts 1/2 " Thick Plywood Roof Shtg. Siding is new Weldwood abraded Douglas Fir with a strongly accented g rai n Autornatic, steel tension safety lock tSwIýS pot