4The Candian Statesman, B3owmanville, March 19, 1975 MpeGrove The March meeting of the Maple Grove WLI was held in the C.E. Hall on the loth at 8 p.m. Mrs. H. Prescott, Presi- dent,' welcomed the -4-H girls, some 4-H mothers and mem- bers. The ode and Lord's Prayer were repeated in unison. The Roll Cail 'Compare prices of one item now and when you were first a housewife', show- ed quite a wide spread but so are our wages. The 4-H girls stood and each one introduced themselves - A letter was read from our adopted child with thanks for Chrstmas cards from various members. A by-law as regards our W.I. District books was agreed upon. Men- tion was made of the Plowing Match to be held near Brook- lin, the end of September and our help will be asked for the WLI. booth. The Institute Short Courses picked were 1. Interior Design and 2. Choosing and Using Fabrics. The Forum picked was 'More about nutrition and family meals'. Mrs. S. Doyle and Mrs. G. Moffatt are our nominating committee. Mrs. W. Brown reported on Valen- tines sent to sick and shut-ins and get well cards and thanks were given for some. Mrs. J. Hurrie gave the Consumer Report on Depreciation as regards insurance on home and contents and Heating Energy. Mrs. J. Hurrie, Con- venor of Agriculture was in charge of the following pro- gram. The Motto 'Conservation does as much for the soul as it does for the soul' was given by Mrs. A. Vandergaast. She said "this is a world of slogans. Conserve means to keep in good order. God gave us this wourld to keep and manage. Both the world and soil is being mismanaged and we are closing our eyes to what is wrong. In order to have a good crop we have to work for it." Mrs. H. Prescott, a 4-H leadler told of the girl's work ths year and several samples of their Creatîve Stitchery and books were on display. The 4-H1 girls p ut on their skit that is to b e gîven on Achievement Day with Miss Mary Ann Doyle as commen- tator. Mrs W. Laird played a number of Irish songs. The group in charge put on a skit entitf'd 'School Days' with Mrs. H. Bradley as teacher and the pupils were NlIrS. A., 'Vanidergaast; Mrs. J. Hurrie, rs. E. Foley, Mrs. H. Prescott and Mrs. W. Polak. This was very humorous, and not at ail like school is supposed to be. Mrs. H. Bradley thanked all who had take(.n part in the program. NMeeting élosed with repeat- ing 'The Collect' in unison. Dur-ing the social hour the group served pie, tea and coffee. SALEM The Salem unit of St. Paul's U.C.W. met in the church on Wednesday eveming, March the l2th. Unit leader Mrs. Ruby Shackleton ,opened the bus- iness part of týhe meeting with some thoughts on the Lenten season. She then called on Mrs. Audrey Shirk for the minutes of the last meeting, after which several items of business were discussed. Mrs. Iva Twist gave a report on the film shown recently in St. Paul's, about how the money raised in the Bay of 'Quinte Conference is spent. The devotional was taken by the ladies on group three, Mrs. Helen Jacob gave the Bible reading from John 13; verses 2-5 and 16-20. Mrs. Shackleton and Mrs. Twist gave the meditation, which was on the L -en- hme ncuin he thanks, which we all endorsed. A delicious lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. The husbands were invited to this meeting and other guests, number present 27. Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn have returned from a trip to California, were they visited friends and places of interest. Misses Heather, Robyn, and Judy Davies are visiting at their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Shack- leton and Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn were Saturday evening guests at Mr. and Mr-s. Wilbur Blackburn's, Haydoln Mr. nd Mrs. F. Blackburn cal'ledj on Mrs. Hertzberg, Port Hlope, and Mr. and Mrs. Fletc.her, Newtonville on Sun- day afternoon. e o, I s B j a g s k CANADA GRADE "A",,EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VAC PAC ROASTING 5 TO 7-LBS AVERAGE Chiken 169< CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VAC PAC, YOUNG Turkeys 5 TO 9-LBS AVERAGE lb 72 Pork Chops SHOULDER OR BUT: lb8 < CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN, A PAC, YOUNG SELF-BASTING 12 TO 16-LBS AVERAGE LB 840 A&P Turkeys 20-LBS & UP 1lb68 TOWN CLUB, SLICED bide Bacon 1-lb Vac Pac $1 e 3 9 ESSEX BRAND, NIAGARA COIL, STORE PACK PoliRsh Sausage l 8 SHOPSY BRANmL Corne>-d Beef Roil lb $1.9 E. D. SMITH Garden, cocktail PRICED 17c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGOI F ESPORKROASIS Shanls TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS VAc PAc b$10 SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, SLICED, SKINLESS ESSEX BRAND, NIAGARA, Bee Lve 168< Bologna Burns Week at A&P! BY THE PIECE lb 38<p Frozen Meats & Seafood! BURNS, STORE PACK GOLDEN, SKILLET, FROZEN, REAT & SERVE Bef&, ok asages lb 78< Chicken Cutiets lb 79< BURN, PRIDE 0F CANADA 2-LB VAC PAC $1.38) BLUE WATER, THRIFT PACK Wieers1-lb Vac Pac 72 rzn ihS iks32-oz pkg$2 0 BURNSi2 PRIDE0F CNADA SLIED, VARETI Cookd M ats 6-oz Vac BURNSý, PRUDE 0F CANADA, SLICED, CHICKEN LOAF, MACARONI & CHEESE OR Bologna16-oz Vac 3UR'NS, PRIDE 0F CANADA, VAC PAC DinerHam BNELESS l A $r ( ACTION PRICEDI 28- fI-oz bottle 49< REGULAR OR ,GREEN 100-ml tube ACTION PRUCED! Clos- UpToothpaste ~ 0 PUMIPK.FiN, WHITE, YELLOW PKG 0F 2 ROLLS ACTION PRUCEDI Face lle Royale Towels 85< ýý Mo ther Parker ZSTNES ACTION PRICEDU p10 0f(;0(,99 MoreMone-S avers! OR UNSALTED- (SAVE 20c OVER NATIONAL BRANOS) 44< HIGHLUNER, FROZEN, OCEAN ic Pacffq4 Perch Fillets HIGH LINER BRAND c Pac 89< BOSTON BLUEFISH 5 lb. box SCHNEUDER$, FROZEN lb$1Î,8 Beef Steakettes b69< $2e9 19j 1b75< Fresh from the ovens of A&P's Own Bakeryl XX JANE PARKER FULL 8-INCH PIE (SAVE 20c) JANE PARKER, SLUCED (BUY 2 LOAVES - SAVE 11 C) 224-Qi 9Pi79 Bread 2AES79< JANE PARKER (SAVE 1 OC) Peach Pie FULL 8-INCH PIE Ec 9 JANE PARKER (SAVE' 1fOC) JANE PARKER (À GIazed Donuts pkg of8 6 JAJE PARKER. ENICDIftWHITE ACTION Pg N AVE 4c) PIDIl Spanish Bar Cakce 19 oz cake 79/ Sliced Bread 3 16-z loaves $1 .00 JANE PARKER, CRESCENT GOLD OR MARBLE (SAVE 10c) JANE PARKER (BUY 2 PKGS - SAVE 21c) Pound C k 15-oz cake79< Twin RoUis 2 pkgs of 2 8 9 MARVEL BRAND, ENRJCHED, SLICED AC qNPRCD 16O 1.S 0 0 MIEBREA%-D 3LOVS sýI A&P RACKERS1LBBOX8 9 UN TOMATO SAUCE ACTION PRICED! 48-fl-oz tin79 CHEESE PIZZA MIX ACTIONPRICEDI Chef Bo-Ar-Dee 15'/4-oz pkg8i< JET Î N Liud Detergen 4-nl-oz plastic btl$1 .09 SUGAR FREE ACTION PRIEDI Sport Cola 10 $2,39IN REGULAR - FILTER - 20', 251. Belvedere Cigarettes carton$,65-P JUNIOR HizBaby Foods 7Yz2-fl-oz jar30 SALMON ii WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTSI 7 DELICIQUS TOASTEDI JANE PARKER PKG. OF 6 (PKG 0F 12 51.19) BOURBON CRiME, ASSORTED CREME PEEK FREAN 5-01 N lIE ATO BAG '~PRICEDI A el4~ A&P BRAND, FROZEN, FRENCH STYLE 10-0Z, PKG 31R$10 BEANS McCAIN, FROZEN, REGULAR French Fries 2-lb pkg 6 9 McCAIN, FROZEN (REGIJLAR 20-e pie SI-89) ACTION PRICEDI DelUXeP izza 22-O'z pie $ 0 FROZEN, CHIICKEN FRIED RICE em MEAT EGG ROLLS ACTION PRICEDI Wonlg Winlg 12-oz pkg 89< FROZEN, BL1JEBERRY ACTION PRICEDI AutJemima Waffles l-oz pkg 59 Check These Values! STEWS- SHORT GRAIN Dainty Rice KRAFT, PROCESS Cheez Whiz ACTION PRICEDI 24-FL-OZ TIN6 9 2-lb pkg 87< 32-oz jar $2,n2 CANADA, Ne. 1 GRADE, LIQUID ACTION PRICEDI BiIIy Bee Honey 1&oza99< 5 VARIETIES 10-OZ PKGS(PEICD v oortman 9Coo0kies' I1 0 LIGIIT CHUNKS TUNA FISH Chicken of the Sea 61h-oz tin 69 RANCHERO, SLOPPY JOE, HOME STYLE Kraft Chef Surprise 14-z pkg 49< POLY BRAND, PLASTIC ACTION PICEDI D AGs PKG 0FI ID 10BAGS ALL PRICES SHOWN UN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1975. n -il A&P, FANCY QUALITY TO MATOAf JUICE 48-FL-0 SOCKEYETI âm výý IL À 1% iýL- er r ACTION PRICEDI 1 ý